When I get back to Seattle the first thing I’m gonna do is get me a handgun, and a license to carry it, and then I plan to start showing up at health care reform town halls. Armed. You know, just in case.
After all, it is my constitutional right to protect myself, my family and my property, even if it means taking another person’s life in the process. So I invite all of you to show up armed at your next neighborhood town hall meeting and join me in teaching those pussies on the right what it’s like to be a real American.
I’m just sayin’….
Nice Satire Goldy!
You going to DL tonight? I might show up after my firearms training, kickboxing and karate classes.
The point is that the rightwing crazies are more maleable and violent and actually will DO what the rightwing agitators (like Beck) are encouraging. All you need to dois to tell them the “commies” are coming, and they have been trained to get their guns and shoot.
Hell, “take back OUR country” started just weeks after the lection.
The birthers, the death panel people, the militias, the white supremacists, the anti-immigrant border jokers and the KKK all are having a field day with stirring up resentment against the “black” President.
cnr, I seriously doubt Goldy will be at DL tonight, seeing as how he’s still on the east coast.
1. correctnotright spews:
How do you know it’s satire??
Sounds like a challenge to me.
Lots of folks on the Right already have concealed weapons permits. I’m sure they will start taking your advice Goldy and pack heat LEGALLY at future meetings.
I hope Goldy gets his. You should too!
The RIGHT to Free Speech, the RIGHT to Free Assembly, the RIGHT to bear arms..
Notice how none of these RIGHTS cost another person a nickel to exercise???
You KLOWNS are calling Health Care a RIGHT??
WTF??!! It’s not a RIGHT. You want others to pay for it for you. It’s called an entitlement or WELFARE…but not a RIGHT as in Constitutional Right.
Typical KLOWN wordgames.
I don’t need to pack heat. I can deal with the likes of the fools like Klynical easily.
Someone as gullible as Klynical, who is so easily tricked by the rightwing noise machine would be easy to disarm.
I would thank them for bringing their gun for me to use.
Oh, and as long as you are part of a well organized militia….guess that leaves out the screaming rightwing idiots….
I recommend a Glock 9mm.
re 3: “You KLOWNS are calling Health Care a RIGHT??
WTF??!! It’s not a RIGHT.”
Fine. It’s not a right. But it is our right to go after it, get it, and muzzle the insurance industry in the process.
If I go to a political rally and feel that some clown with a holstered gun is trying to intimidate people, if I can get within 10′ of the person, I can disarm them with my bare hands.
Don’t think so? Try me.
Am I within my rights to stand next to the gun bearer with a well trained attack dog and a very sharp knife?
Dear God…are they putting something in the water? Everybody’s going bat shit crazy.
“Am I within my rights to stand next to the gun bearer with a well trained attack dog and a very sharp knife?”
I’d say “yes,” but then again, I don’t go to any rallies of any kind.
5. Politically Incorrect spews:
Got a Glock 10mm.
They weigh next to nothing and make bigger holes.
Good point – I just have a preference for the 9mm.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Goldy started this, didn’t he.
The escalation plays right into the hands of the NRA!!
You KLOWNS should ignore it…but you can’t.
Waaay back in the hippie days, The Panthers in California took to going about in public openly armed with shotguns and such for self defense purposes.
Well, you can just imagine how devoted to the 2nd Amendment conservatives like Ronald Reagan were under those circumstances.
I think maybe a modern day equivalent might be small bands of swarthy, bearded gents in flowing desert robes wearing keffiyeh marching around carrying long arms outside the next GOP state convention.
Who’s up for it?
Just in case anybody takes this too seriously…
Remember that if you conceal your weapon, you need a concealed weapons carry permit. But openly displaying it is usually okay.
Exceptions to the rule depend upon where the Town Hall meeting is located. Lots of public meetings take place in school facilities, where no guns are allowed, even if you have a carry permit. Same with bars (ruling out “Drinking Liberally”.
And if you keep your firearm in your trunk, make sure it’s unloaded until after you remove it from the trunk. For that matter, there’s no good reason to load a firearm until right before you need to use it.
Carrying a weapon for intidmidation’s sake just causes more problems than it solves – there’s always somebody out there who wants to get the upper hand.
Actually, The Panthers often threaten others with their guns. Plus, California had it’s own Gun Laws.
You need to put it in perspective.
rhp spews:
I have to disagree with that general statement.
I have a lockbox for my handguns…they are loaded. I also have a loaded 12-gauge shotgun in a locked case. The rest are unloaded.
I don’t personally carry a weapon on my person in the public. Seems like it may be time to reconsider with Goldy’s challenge though.
The Panthers peacefully carried unloaded long arms openly, in full compliance with local regulations.
Saint Ronnie responded with an effort to restrict the 2nd Amendment right of the citizens who elected him. Patriots loyal to the Constitution eventually defeated his efforts.
Clynical’s illustration of the principles of Christianity, of which he is happy to tell you he is an avid proponent, is certainly interesting.
Since God has told him to talk this way we may conclude that this is what is REALLY meant in the Bible.
What are YOU going to do for humanity Cynical? Where do YOU donate your time?
I guess that CONSERVATIVE Christians are exempt from good works and brotherly love, right?
You are representative of the TRUE religion and all can clearly see what that religion means by reading your prose?
Serving as witness to YOUR faith should make all desirous of becoming Christians, right?
re 9: Unless it’s in your hand and the safety is off, you may as well be carrying a tampon in your holster.
re 13: For some reason, Republicans are allowed to arrest people wearing t-shirts that they don’t like, but we’re supposed to allow armed ‘tards who think that they are patriots (how many could recite the preamble — none would be my guess)stand threateningly at ours.
“Carrying a weapon for intidmidation’s sake just causes more problems than it solves – there’s always somebody out there who wants to get the upper hand.”
Very true. Anyone who is carrying to intimidate is destined for trouble. Of course there are the few bad apples that spoil the bunch.
Careful, Goldy. You can’t take someone’s life just to protect your property. Not in this state. You gotta be in Texas or some other wingnut haven to get away with that.
@3 So if we carry guns to defend ourselves against you creeps that’s a “challenge”?
I’ve said this before but it bears repeating:
Really. The Republicans are seriously nuts. And they not only have guns, now they’re talking about using them. On us.
Hitler told the world exactly what he was going to do in Mein Kampf. Too bad nobody believed him. In retrospect, he should have been taken seriously.
But it’s still not too late to take the crazy gun-waving Republicans who talk about killing liberals seriously.
No two ways about it.
@12 “Goldy started this, didn’t he.”
You’re a real comedian, Klown. You should be on TV.
@14 “Carrying a weapon for intidmidation’s sake” is against the law in all circumstances and will land you in District Court.
@16 and the rest of the ‘off topic’ crowd
These issues have nothing to do with each other. Let’s get to the REAL issue. There’s a BUNCH of bills floating around, from 600 pages to 1,000. Can we debate ACTUAL stuff, things in those bills, and not “make up” shit like death panels and other insurance company garbage. There’s lots of real honest factual things to debate.
FYI…I’m a gun owner (S&W 686 with 4″ barrel, S&W 640-1, and QFI .380), but I also want gay marriage and a public health insurance option. There’s no contradiction there. Maybe one party supports some of those more than others, but they have nothing to do with each other.
Yes carrying the guns openly to a debate that wasn’t ABOUT guns was a childish kind of intimidation. It’s pathetic and weak minded, but legal. Just like carrying a gun openly to a debate over the Seattle ‘bag tax’. You’re not making any point other than “I’m scary, I’m a big boy, look out”. I agree and defend that mans RIGHT to do it. But just because you have a RIGHT to do it, doesn’t mean you’re not being a DICK for doing it. I have the RIGHT to call someone a dickless idiot…but that doesn’t mean it’s cool or I should.
@27 Which raises an interesting point. If protesters brandish guns for the purpose of intimidating other people they can be arrested and charged with harassment, intimidation, or assault. Just because the healthbaggers can get away with this in Arizona doesn’t make it legal in Washington.
@9 I’m not gonna tell you what I’ve got.
@21 What’s new about Republican hypocrisy? Merely the fact they take hypocrisy to a whole new level, that’s all.
@28 Absolutely no one has a right to wave a gun in public for the purpose of intimidating others. That’s an arrestable offense, and if anyone does it in our fair city, I’ll expect Seattle’s finest and prosecutor Satterberg to do their duty.
Mr. Cynical @ 3,
“How do you know it’s satire??
Sounds like a challenge to me.”
Umm…it sounds that way to you because you’re a moron.
@32 He’s too stupid to realize he’s a moron.
Roger Rabbit @ 34,
“He’s too stupid to realize he’s a moron.”
Exactly…I was just providing assistance to him.
18. X’ad spews:
Are you saying God doesn’t want us to protect ourselves??
26. Roger Rabbit spews:
Gee, I guess Goldy’s thread didn’t start the comments. My mistake Rog.
BTW…are you still angry about your failed AMWAY Distributorship??
Gosh, you need to let that go.
You were incapable of making it without a government check…and it irritates you to no end.
Let it go Rog…Let it go.
How have you been feeling?
29. Roger Rabbit spews:
I can only hope the Lunatic Left continues down the 2nd Amendment path like it appears they are doing. The NRA is absolutely LOVING this! They are patiently waiting for all the Leftist anti-gun ranting & raving to drool out…and then, let’s have the NRA debate!
33. Darryl spews:
08/18/2009 at 1:11 pm
34. Roger Rabbit spews:
35. Darryl spews:
Darryl & Rog have once again displayed the typical Leftist response when they cannot make a legitimate argument.
You KLOWNS are hysterical.
Next you will try to be SWAMI’s attempting to sense that someone carrying a gun is somehow threatening.
Keep up the futile argument.
Guns are a part of American History.
The 2nd Amendment was drafted for a reason…over-reaching government.
Cynical: “Darryl & Rog have once again displayed the typical Leftist response when they cannot make a legitimate argument.”
Do you consider your postings to contain “legitimate” argument? In my humble opinion, you can’t distinguish substance from namecalling and platitudes.
I’m beginning to wonder what would happen if most of the left actually joined the NRA. We could vote out the current slate of officers, then vote to disband the organization and distribute it’s assets to a suitable 501(c)(3) charity (like one devoted to the victims of gun violence).
40. proud leftist spews:
I have repeatedly addressed the Health Care dilemma with specifics like Tort Reform, Fraud minimization, Intrastate Competition among insurers and other things pointed out in the 2008 PWC study.
Just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean they aren’t legitimate, debatable issues.
I’m chastizing the KLOWNS for an entire lack of substance….and the ultimate name-calling when they get frustrated that their Messiah is baling on them.
The next election cycle 2010 starts about now.
Cynical, don’t make fun of Amway. Thats an 8 billion dollar company, privately owned by some of the finest Americans that ever lived. Not a penny of debt either. Their distributor force is made up of conservative, family oriented individuals that believe in free enterprise, personal responsibility. I could see how these values would conflict with a government trough licker like Roger though so I’ll leave it at that.
Puddy went back to 2004 and placed three separate studies which said intrastate/interstate insurance competition, reduced interstate regulations and stipulations for insurance competition would be a great start. The Cato Institute studied the issue at length.
The standard HA Libtardo reaction appeared.
Goldy, I’m so proud your going to start packing. Welcome to being self sufficient because when you need a gun, those police are just a 1/2 hour away!
Mark@43: Damn that last sentence was funny!
@46 “Mark@43: Damn that last sentence was funny!”
Glad to see that you don’t hold a grudge against Mark for his “jigaboos” rant the other day.
Yeah, funny maybe to those who blow up frogs for kicks. Anyway, the sentences preceding it were fucking delusional. Rescuing someone from the clutches of Amway is very little different than rescuing someone from a cult. Been there and done that.
Hey, I’ve known some nice people who have been in Amway before. The problem is, everyone I’ve known who has been in Amway was in it BEFORE. I don’t know anybody who’s been in it that’s made enough money to break even, much less get a return on their time, and they all eventually quit. Now they don’t even attempt to pretend to sell to customers, they simply insist that their distributors buy everything from their catalog, and make their money off of home-office tax deductions.
@48 The truly whack Amway folks are the Worldwide Dreambuilders.
The lowly distributers are just victims, not much different than those poor folks being fleeced by televangelists. Or Republicans.
1&4 How did you get to be so badass? You’re scaring me. My dog is scared too! (Of Steve)
Obama is talking again, gotta go throw up. You tards still getting tingles in your legs?
Mark @ 51,
“still getting tingles in your legs?”
No…but the thought of you throwing up brought a brief smile to my face.
Lay off the sauce, kiddo.
Just a note to the right wing whackos who believe carrying a sidearm to a political function is appropriate:
1. They carry firearms to political functions in Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and Libya to name a few.
2. Bringing the sidearm is last step before finding a “reason” to actually pull the trigger.
Fair warning: Should I see the sidearm in your hand and you give me enough time to count to 3, the sidearm, by the time I get to three, will be my property and you will laying on the ground wondering what the fuck just happened while trying to figure out if you still have all your fingers and eyesight. (NOTE: Fingers will be broken, usually your index finger and pinkie, but they will still be attached. Eyesight will be blurry for a while but that was just my fingers in your eye to cause you some distraction while your fingers were being abused).
Any moron who chooses to carry a weapon in a crowd is inviting another moron with a larger weapon to challenge him. There is no good that can come from that.
I have to agree with you. Especially when we’re talking about a rally with the POTUS. I think it’s safe to say that of any place where security may be an issue..around the POTUS is not one of them. No need to feel like there isn’t ample security. IMO these folks have terrible SA. I don’t go around wetting my finger and sticking it in a light socket…Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.