If you want to help out Oklahoma, here are some things:
– People on Twitter are saying if you text “REDCROSS” to 90999 it’s a $10 donation.
– If you’re looking for someone in the region, you can see who has registered as safe and well.
– Much of this came from the White House page.
If you have any other resources, feel free to leave them in the comments.
A note of caution. At least in past instances, the American Red Cross has become notorious for making a profit off of these situations. I do nto know if that is till the case but I usually look for other ways to help.
Outside the uS that is usually Medecin sans Frontiers
In the US, I would likely look for some food bank or low income health clinic. Places like that usually get devastated by these sorts of things.
Excellent gesture from Carl of HA to support flyover country in this very sad disaster. One of the guys I am working with this week has family in that area and spent part of yesterday on the phone. Puddy sends PuddyMonies to Adventist Disaster Relief.
@ 2
So you’d rather buy a pastor another gold-plated shitter than actually help anyone?
Salvation Army is a good relief agency but regardless, please contribute money. Donations of goods often require the receiving agency to expend time and money inspecting, packing and distributing. In addition much of the donated material is not useable….poor condition, past the pull date, inappropriate, etc. Money allows for the direct purchase of necessary goods delivered directly on site and puts local folks to work. Also please don’t leap in your car and rush down to help. There are plenty of people already there who are trained in what to do. Taking a trunk full of knitted baby hats makes for good media but, for the most part, you’re just in the way.
There are many ways to give to the Norman Regional Health Foundation. Your generosity supports the life saving mission of our hospitals.
Monthly Gifts
Guardian Angel
Planned Gifts
Typical ASShole response you dipshit. Do you know how ADRA gets its funds and how they are spent? Do you know ADRA is State Department approved all over the world.
Of course not. You are a libtard ASSHole posting on HA!
ADRA is one of the first responders in most disasters. Stay stupid… you are doing an excellent job!
Puddy noticed the dearth of libtard comments. Of course libtards don’t open their wallets.
I’m sure they are, handing out bibles and little plastic jesus figurines to all the people whose houses were just destroyed.
Once again you confuse religions OWS Fraggy. Jesus figurines are Catholic idols.
So stupid, all the time.
The sad thing is that a good person like Puddy convinces himself that donating to his church is a good deed. Same idea that Romney had when he served in South Frnace rather than Vietnam.
I guess we Jews are different … we distinguish between supporting OUR thing through Jewish organizations vs. “Tikkun Olem” … heal the world through giving to causes not contained within any “church.”
I think Puddy confuses evangelism with charity . Personally, I think ALL evangelical efforts ought to be taxed…………
It’s not donating to the church. You are sadly mistaken. It’s donating DIRECTLY to ADRA. You can send your money through the church or you can send it directly to ADRA. All church funds designated on the tithe envelope directly go to ADRA. All you needed to do is ask SJ, instead you conflate church donations with disaster relief donations!
From TPM, quoting a Coburn spokesperson:
However, the other half of the pair of inbred motherfuckers who represent Oklahoma in the Senate, Inhofe, just wants to be sure that ONLY OKLAHOMA gets any money, but seems to not give a fuck about offsets, as long as the money is going to his state and not New York:
Puddybigot, of course, is running interference for Coburn on the Drinking Liberally tread, braying bullshit damage control from The Examiner, that paragon of journalism.
Same old, same old. Doesn’t your Jesus cry when you lie, puddybigot?
SCHMUCKO running to a left wrong site, proudly spouting off their usual hatred and spin.
Truth hurts the eyes of SCHMUCKO!