And as Puddy posted earlier, He delivered the smackdown.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Cheney is wasting his time advising the current idiots in D.C. making not making decisions. They’re too ignorant to listen anyway. As for decision making, at least the Bush Administration HAD a foreign policy while this administration sits on its hands waiting for things to develop (like a deer in the headlights) while waging a fucking insane propaganda war against the only domestic news outlet that reports actual news these days.
Obama is Jimmy Carter redux and this is one script I’ve seen before. That’s why we should never send an unqualified individual to the oval office. The learning curve is simply too great.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
“The administration has invited members of the Obama agency review teams to observe some of those so-called tabletop exercises between now and the inauguration, on Jan. 20. The Bush team has also invited Obama transition officials to attend a “national level exercise” set for Jan. 12 and 13 that may play out what would happen if the top leadership of the nation were wiped out in a single stroke, officials said.
At the same time, senior counterterrorism officials plan to hold personal briefings for their counterparts on the biggest threats they see. And the White House has drafted as many as three dozen other long-term policy memorandums outlining various pressing issues that will confront the new team and how Mr. Bush’s aides see the status of each of these issues as his presidency comes to a close.”
Oh don’t tell anyone we had these meetings Bush Administration. We’d like to lie about it when it’s politically expedient. Well it’s October 18, so it’s time to lie this week.
Cheney delivers the SMACKDOWN
Obama Dithers Military Withers.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy and Little Ricky Dumbass,
People like you will never understand foreign policy. You will never understand that thoughtful foreign policy requires, uh, thinking. You will never understand that knee-jerk reactions in the foreign arena end up with boondoggles. Fortunately, people who think like you will never again be in charge of foreign policy in this country. We are entering the 21st century and Dick Cheney and you don’t get to enter with us. Farewell. The world has passed you by.
Sludge Puppyspews:
Cheney needs to be arrested!
The Pupster took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies. Cheney is enemy # 1
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
You will never understand that thoughtful foreign policy requires, uh, thinking. Plowed Leftist
If Obama thought anymore, he’d rival this guy. Obama isn’t a deep thinker afterall, he’s simply overwhelmed by the position- as advertised, his experience is nil in nearly every area for the job. While he’s waging war on Foxnews here at home, our service people are dying back in Afghanistan through his incompetence.
No worries though, the adults will be put back in charge in 2010 and end this administration of idiocy at the halfway point.
proud leftistspews:
Little Ricky
Do you think that George W. Bush entered the presidency with: (a) more experience; and (b) more intelligence than Obama? Just answer yes or no.
I remember your predictions about the 2008 elections. They didn’t quite come true, did they? The adults actually did win in 2008, and the juveniles are left to whimper like the child who felt slighted on the size of his slice of cake.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 7
Obviously a. GW Bush was the Governor of a state. Obama was just a newly minted cog in the U.S. Senate from Illinois.
He has zero experience in executive experience and yet, was elected to be the CEO of our country running on a non existent resume. History will show what a mistake this was, so no worries. In the age of identiy politics, you don’t need qualifications, just be the right color, gender, sex, handicap, etc…
…of course, it helps to have the teleprompter think for you as well…
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Proud Leftist,
You’ll never understand foreign policy.
Russia told Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm there will be no sanctions against Iran. There goes that failure. So much for the open hand getting slapped by a more powerful formidable opponent. We are viewed as weak again, just like Jimmae Cahhhhter.
proud leftistspews:
Ricky @ 8
Your post gives me confidence. Your side just doesn’t get it, doesn’t get it at all. If you don’t recognize Obama’s talents, his gifts, and believe he simply got elected due to–what, exactly? A smart and honest Republican will acknowledge that Obama is smarter than hell, has great political skills, and is going to be a challenge to bring down. Those are the Republicans I fear. You, however, are neither a smart nor honest Republican. Hopefully, you are kind of what’s left of your party.
Let me give you a hint, Little Ricky Dumbass–political differences do not mean someone is stupid or vapid or undeserving. There are plenty of people with whom I disagree politically, but who I admire. You, of course, would not be one of them.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
I’m wondering if plowed leftist understands that making executive decisions are far more important and inherently responsibile (like a governorship of a state) than arriving at conclusions by a collective opinion (like the senate-especially as newbie still wet behind the ears).
My guess is ‘no’. But then again, this is HA, where the average IQ of the usual liberal commenter rivals that of the temperature of the remnants of Goldy’s bowel movement on Frank Blethen’s lawn 1 week later.
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are unindicted war criminals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1, @2 — You two are ridiculously presumptuous! Cheney isn’t fit to give advice to anyone. He should be in counseling.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
If you don’t recognize Obama’s talents, his gifts,
When you’re done sucking his dick for no apparent reason, let me know. Then maybe I’ll ask you for some of these ahem “talents, [and[ gifts”.
Last I checked, being half-black and being able to competently read from a teleprompter is not an inherently gifted or skilled task- especially when you were elected to be the CEO of the United States. Short of that, Obama has zero real accomplishments in 9 months in office except in the deluded brain of today’s regressive. That’s just the facts son.
If you want, we can continue at 5am as that is my wake up time and It’s late. Your call dumbass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Their idea of “foreign policy” is to go into other people’s countries and shoot some of them so the survivors will do what we tell them to, which usually involves handing over natural resources our corporations want.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Obama’s fingernail cuttings are smarter than you.
proud leftistspews:
I’m wondering if Little Ricky Dumbass understands Civics 101, and understands that the governor of Texas really didn’t have any “executive decisions” to make, and certainly none that had anything to do with foreign policy, and that being in the United States Senate, which involves some foreign policy issues, is not simply a job of “arriving at conclusions by a collective opinion.”
Little Ricky, this is a yes or no question, do you believe George W. Bush is smarter than Barack Obama?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Do you think that George W. Bush entered the presidency with: (a) more experience; and (b) more intelligence than Obama? Just answer yes or no.”
Oh, good God, you’re going to make his head explode and then there’ll be a big mess to clean up!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cheney needs to realize that he’s not only out of office, but that he and his party and their ideology were decisively repudiated by voters, and just go home and retire and shut up. He’s not welcome in D.C. anymore. He’s a persona non grata.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “I’m wondering if plowed leftist understands that making executive decisions are far more important and inherently responsibile (like a governorship of a state) than arriving at conclusions by a collective opinion (like the senate-especially as newbie still wet behind the ears).”
So … it has finally dawned on you that BUSH is responsible for his fuck-up invasion of Iraq and the senators who were bamboozled into voting for the authorizing resolution (under which war was supposed to be a last resort) were merely along for the ride in a carriage they didn’t steer? About time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “I’m wondering if Little Ricky Dumbass understands Civics 101”
No, of course not. No Republican does. They don’t even understand what a law is. That’s why they ignore the Constitution and break laws at will every time they’re in power.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
a and b both to GW Bush. Obama is smoke and mirrors and his thin skin proves just how really insecure the lad is. He knows he’s unqualified for the position, but like most sociopath’s won’t admit it. He’s able to fool enough people enough of the time to convince them that he’s a competent leader.
Many saw through this facade early on, the rest of the country is learning a little to late in the game. Buyer’s remorse will be in 2010 when the adults get back the house and senate and ultimately the White house in 2012. Which will have Goldy on the aurora bridge sending text messages…….
proud leftistspews:
When dealing with people like Little Ricky Dumbass (who has run away from that name and now calls himself Empty Suit Obama), what do you think is the appropriate approach? Should we treat them like street people who talk to themselves, so we kind of smile at them and walk by? Should we treat them like rational people and engage them in argument by trying, point by point, to show them the folly of their thinking? Or, should we just bash the fuck out of them because they’re just never going to get it?
I hope you are influential within your party. You claim that George W. Bush is more intelligent than Barack Obama.
Remarkable. Go for it, Ricky. Spread your knowledge. Hey, by the way, have you won the Golden Goat Award yet?
– Who was president and vice president when 911 occurred?
– Which administration officials received a written warning that bin Laden was going to attack the U.S. — with airplanes — and later stated that they misunderstood the memo? MISUNDERSTOOD????
– Who grounded all flights after 911, but flew the bin Laden family back to Saudi Arabia days after 911?
– Didn’t they miss an opportunity to torture the bin Ladens for information?
– Who attacked Iraq because a gaggle of Saudis flew some jets into some buildings?
– What company that the VP was CEO of got no-compete contracts in the Iraq war?
– What ex VP who was installed by the Supremes is hoping for another terrorist attack so they can regain power.
Cheney should spend the rest of his days in a federal prison — if Holder is competent, he will.
“This is very unusual,” said Roger Cressey, a former Clinton White House counterterrorism official who was held over under Mr. Bush. “We certainly did not do that. When the transition happened from Clinton to Bush, remember it was a totally different world. You had some documents given that gave them a flavor of where things were at. But now you’ve got two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a hot war against Al Qaeda.”
Seems he contradicts ol’ Richard Clarke! One Clinton Peep about another Clinton Peep
Richard Clarke flew the Bin laden Family back fool This was covered long ago. Of course headless being a libtardo forgets facts which explode libtardo heads.
You mean Cheney was the VP of Shaw Group that one time libtardo money funneling outfit?
Oh you mean he was the VP of URS? No, Dianne Feinstein’s husband ran that no-bid outfit.
Oh you mean he was the VP of Perini Corp? No, Dianne Feinstein’s husband ran that no-bid outfit too.
So, Richard Clarke countermanded the president’s orders? What kind of fool are you, Lionel?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Puddy don’t remember any VP installed by SCOTUS. Puddy remembers AL Gorebasm trying to stack the deck in Florida and he got caught. Puddy remembers Al Gorebasm losing his home state of Tennessee.
Don’t think that fat-fuck Cheney is going to get away with his lies. If there is another terrorist attack, the first place they’ll look will be Cheney and his cohorts — and they’ll be looking in the right place.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 You trying to insult rabbits?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 I wonder if Cheney was behind that Northwest Airlines flight from San Diego to Minnesota last night. The plane was out of radio contact for over an hour and overshot Minneapolis by 150 miles, still cruising at altitude. They were gonna scramble fighters to go after it. FAA suspects the pilots (both of ’em) FELL ASLEEP but the pilots claim they were “distracted” by “a heated discussion about airline policy.” Yeah, well, I’ve got a feeling these guys won’t have to worry about arline policies anymore. If Bush were still in office I’d suspect Cheney of paying these guys to pull this stunt in order to push the latest GOP scandal off the front page. Another hijacked-airliner attack against a U.S. city would work good to distract the news media from the theft of a few billion more dollars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How would you like to be aboard a commercial airliner that got shot down because the idiots up front fell asleep at the controls and didn’t answer the radio?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Those passengers should all get refunds and a free pass for the return flight — on another airline.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Which administration took responsibility for torture by jailing Lyndi Englund?
And which administration DIDN’T take responsibility for Predator drones killing people in Pakistan?
Which president spent more time vacatioing than any presdent ever did?
Looks like your guy Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm will surpass that mark very quickly. His “date night” in NYC to see a show. At least when Bush went to Crawford he was still president 24×7. Did you forget how Cindy “I’ve Been Discarded by Democrats, Why?” Sheehan would sit outside his compound? Now she’s no longer a Dummocraptic Useful Idiot because she wanted to take on Nancy “I Love Illegal Aliens Working Cheaply on My Vineyards” Pelosi?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Don’t think that fat-fuck Cheney is going to get away with his lies. If there is another terrorist attack, the first place they’ll look will be Cheney and his cohorts — and they’ll be looking in the right place.
Hey Quimface Racist… Roger Cressey Clinton Democratic set the record straight. The team of low gravitas (Puddy used HuffPo so ylb arschloch had no excuse for the source) was briefed and went through many war and homeland attack scenarios. Now they are caught lying about it.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Since Fairfax County went for Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm in 2008 61% to 39% there is a higher chance the naked man was a Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm supporter along with the peeps peeping into his house.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Yes, even posters on HuffPo agrees with Puddy. Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm lets his political money giving company friends skate from the pay CZAR. You can’t tell Puddy this wasn’t political. Look at who was hit and to whom they gave their largess to over the years vs. who skated and will be paying large bonuses.
Of course HA Libtardos close a blind eye to it.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Roger Rabbit,
Those airline pilots were listening to ACORN selected Al Franken’s greatest speeches and fell asleep from the monotony.
“Did ACORN folks pull some fast ones to help get their favorite son Franken elected — a win that handed Democrats the 60-vote, veto-proof majority that they needed to enact their liberal agenda?” – Katherine Kersten, Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
And delirious babbling Joe Biden should have his own comedy routine. He’s a great commercial not to do drugs, as his brain is fried from all those bad acid trips of the 60’s. Cough, hack, dude! says stoner Lee…..
Fortunately, people who think like you will never again be in charge of foreign policy in this country. We are entering the 21st century and Dick Cheney and you don’t get to enter with us. Farewell. The world has passed you by.
Anyone who comes to this conclusion just fell out of a barn door.
@10: PL, Nicely put
Little Ricky is a negative nabob – an unthinking, partisan, dumb, critical dimwit who won’t acknowledge how his party and the fools and crooks he supported (think Bush/Cheney/)ruined the econ0omy and made a laughingstock of this country in the eyes of the world.
I respect some conservatives who actually have a viewpoint, can present a logical argument (instead of just screaming socialism) and can admit when some of their party screw up (such as Bush/Cheney).
Little Ricky Empty Suit is not one of those people. Puddy has lost most of hios credibility too and has resorted to name calling.
@54: Gee, Sue such a reasoned argument.
Cheney is a failure – even Bush stopped listening to him because his policies were counterproductive.
Name one succesful foreign policy of Cheney?
Iran: Total failure. They got closer to nuclear weapons, elected a more radical leader and beame a force for terrorism on the Cheney watch.
Iraq: Unnnecessary war that cost over 1 trillion and produced a country closely allied with Iran. We also lost our precious soldiers lives and the respect of the world – total failure!
Afghanistan: Comnplete and utter failure. Instead of finishing the job with the coalition we had, Bush/Cheney pulled out too soon and sentthe troops to Iraq. In the meantime, Afghnistan got much worse as we ignored it – giving a base back to the Taliban and al qaida (the group that actually attacked us – not Iraq).
North Korea: total failure again – North Korea got more nuclear. Now we are finally starting to see some progress in negotiations and have China, Russia and Japan lined up with us.
Russia: Bush looked into Putin’s eyes and was mesmerized. In the meantime, Russia has trampled over human rights. Only now are we on better footing without the stupid missile screen that would have done nothing to protect anyone.
Our popularity in the world: Under Bush/Cheney we were not just unpopular – we were ridiculed. People all over the world lost repect for us.
The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world, reflecting global confidence in Barack Obama. In many countries opinions of the United States are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office. Improvements in the U.S. image have been most pronounced in Western Europe, where favorable ratings for both the nation and the American people have soared. But opinions of America have also become more positive in key countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, as well.
Signs of improvement in views of America are seen even in some predominantly Muslim countries that held overwhelmingly negative views of the United States in the Bush years.
@51 – Once again Puddy is incredibly naiive or just palin stupid (hard to tell which one sometimes).
Of course, what Puddy won’t tell you is that his republican friends oppose any pay caps on the same executives who are taking public money.
And Puddy claimes it is political, but again has not done his homework and offers no proof (except misinterpreting a Huffpo article from a source he claims is biased but only uses to try and prove a point that he d=oesn’t understand anyways).
Hello, the government cannot enforce pay caps on companies that have paid back the money to government. Period.
So much for idiot Puddy’s “political” argument. do your homework next time Puddy and quit being intellectually lazy and stoopid!
Learn to actually read and think before your verbal diarrhea comes out. Posting more than anyone else does not make you smarter – it only emphasizes that quantity is not quality. And your posts lack quality – or even rational thought.
@56 Gee, Sue such a reasoned argument.
And what does any of your history lesson have to do with my point, you dope, which had absolutely nothing to do with the last administration’s record?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Bush & Cheney spent 8 years goofing around in Afghanistan and Iraq without winning the damn things. Key-Ryst! If you’re going to get involved in a war, get the damn thing over as quickly as possible. Don’t let it drag on and on and on…
All prolonging the wars do is erode the military and waste the treasury.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
And Puddy claimes it is political, but again has not done his homework and offers no proof (except misinterpreting a Huffpo article from a source he claims is biased but only uses to try and prove a point that he d=oesn’t understand anyways).
Offers no proof? You are a fool of the primary order. Puddy offered proof in many threads moron.
Look up how much Goldman Sucks has for bonuses this year. Try $16 billion.
Who gets Goldman Sucks largess? Dummocratps. Who was Goldman Sucks CEO? Jon Corzine.
Who was campaigning for Corzine while American Troops die in Afghanistan? Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Hear the crickets chirping out of your ASS (or is that your mouth)?
The regressive stand seems to be a mix of racism, esp. on thwe part of Puddy and MOT, with an utter lack of patriotism, care for others, or reality.
To summarize a lot of what we read above ..
Obama is a failure because he has not nuked Iran, put useless pretend missiles in Poland, allowed the economy to fail, ended global warming, or fixed the health care debacle … yet.
Nixin, Raygun, Bush !, Bush II, and Prez Chaney are successes because … they nuked the soviets, prevented China from emerging as a fascist super power, protected the constitution, launched the space program, melted the ice caps, and created an impenitrible missle shield over Texas.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
What the HA Libtardos forget is their calls for political correctness during wars. Colin Powell said it correctly. Use all the necessary force to win. Yet Dick Turbin Durbin and other dummocrapts have been nattering nabobs all the time.
Mrs Puddy asked me “What happened to the daily death counts on the nightly news broadcasts for Iraq and Afghanistan?” Puddy replied, “Not politically correct now to damage Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm since these networks are the approved voices for Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples.” Mrs Puddy cracked up saying “How True”.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Calling Puddy a racist is like calling you a racist! Comprende? Why do you hate America?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Per Roger Rabbit mindset of abject stupidity…
When Iran develops a nuke on Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm watch, it will be his fault.
the numbers on Bush for vacation:
The planned three-day stay, during which the president is being joined by family and former and current aides, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.
Yes, that’s 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there.
By March 2008, Bush had spent all or part of 879 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch or at Camp David, surpassing Reagan’s mark of 866. By the time he left office, George W. Bush had made 149 trips to and spent 487 days at Camp David, with another 77 getaways to (and 490 days at) Crawford. Toss in 11 visits and 43 days at his folks’ compound in Kennebunkport, Maine and President Bush spent 1020 days – 35% of his presidency – getting away from the White House.
Over 1/3 of Bush’s Presidency was spent on vacation….Obama is not even coming close to that. Poor Puddy has no facts once again. Bush broke the record of the other slacker President (Reagan)…both republican rich guys.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Of course, what Puddy won’t tell you is that his republican friends oppose any pay caps on the same executives who are taking public money.
Did you listen to Charles Krauthammer fool? Nope? Well Puddy knows why… He is too smart for your to understand. If you accepted TARP money you are now beholden to the US Government. Puddy agrees. Soooooooooo Goldman Sucks accepted $10 Billion. Why do they skate?
Puddy has told correctnotright we laugh at your stupidity. It’s no longer laughter. It’s shaking of the head in shame.
1. Science is wrong.
2. God so hated his son that he crucified him and then blamed the Jews so Rome could rule the3 world w/o guilt.
3. The best defense against nuclear war is nuclear war.
4. Black folks are, well, good as pets. but not quite the equal of real people.
5. Asians aree all alike, fine if they are christian and do not get to uppity because they are smarter than us.
5. Government is bad.
6. Taxes is bad.
7. The Constitution is bad except where is says we should follow Jesus, carry guns, and leave wealthy people alone.
8. Jefferson was a Christina just like Glen Beck.
9. Muslim Jihad Bad, Christina Crusade Good.
10. The NY Times, Disney, and Ted Turner are commies; Murdock, Rev. Moon,and Sean Hannity are patriots.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Once again correctnotright doesn’t get vacations.
1) the president is always the president 24×7
2) GWB didn’t spend vacations at ritzy places having to take a coterie of peeps with him. They called his ranch the other white house.
3) So the Copenhagen trip wasn’t a short vacation going to the UN with your wife and Oprah?
4) That April multi-city European tour wasn’t a vacation?
You are a moron. A plain and simpleton moron!
Poor Puddy – Maybe you need to learn how to formulate an argument…throwing out useless information does not make an argument.
You claimed that the Czar’s decisions on pay cpas was political and I pointed out that the government has no control or leverage on companies like Goldman Sachs who have paid back their money….
so your points:
Look up how much Goldman Sucks has for bonuses this year. Try $16 billion.
Who gets Goldman Sucks largess? Dummocratps. Who was Goldman Sucks CEO? Jon Corzine.
1. Are moot
2. Don’t prove any political quid pro quo
3. Show that you have no argument, as usual
re 68: Note this, WWaxx: We’ve got you on the defensive now.
George Bush = Vacation Boy
Puddwaxx = Duped Douchebag
I’ll bet when you go to a party with your ‘peeps’, everyone says, “Stay away from that nitwit. He’s a complete douchebag.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
SeattleJew’s blog pollution today…
1. Science is wrong. – When it’s used for poltical purposes.
2. God so hated his son that he crucified him and then blamed the Jews so Rome could rule the3 world w/o guilt. God loved His Son. God allowed His Son to die for man so man could someday come back to God when sin is finally eradicated. The Rome thing is your thing dude.
3. The best defense against nuclear war is nuclear war. The best defense is to be prepared for it. Puddy asked ylb arschloch how many times the US military went into another country over the years. Being fully historically stupid ylb arschloch couldn’t ansr the question. So SeattleJew, being an erudite professor of learning… How many times?
4. Black folks are, well, good as pets. but not quite the equal of real people. That’s the way you peeps in the Democrat Party treat my peeps. Did you miss Warren Ballentine telling Juan Williams to go back to the Porch because Warren was getting his ASS kicked in the debate? Look up the YouTube!
5. Asians aree all alike, fine if they are christian and do not get to uppity because they are smarter than us. Where did Puddy say this? Did you determine this from your UW classes?
5. Government is bad. When used to put draconian laws on the backs of peeps.
6. Taxes is bad. Taxes are bad when they are used as draconian control methods.
7. The Constitution is bad except where is says we should follow Jesus, carry guns, and leave wealthy people alone. Can you show Puddy this in the US Constitution sport?
8. Jefferson was a Christina just like Glen Beck. And your irrelevant point is?
9. Muslim Jihad Bad, Christina Crusade Good. Oh you mean Roman Catholic Jesuit led crusades. Talk to the Catholics here. Puddy not one so Puddy can’t discuss their historical actions. Butt Jon Foxes Book of Martyrs is a great source of pain for all to read.
10. The NY Times, Disney, and Ted Turner are commies; Murdock, Rev. Moon,and Sean Hannity are patriots. You finally got one right!
Why do you hate America SeattleJew? Why do you hang with people who hate the military and tell our communist enemies the US doesn’t want to lead anymore?
@68: Once again, Puddy can’t formulate an argument:
You said:
Looks like your guy Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm will surpass that mark very quickly
No, false, wrong. As usual. Not even close.
Now you try and weasel out of it….Presidents are on the job all the time…..
Bush did not go to ritzy places….oh, you mean like the “Crawford ranch” or Kennebunkport (exclusive ritzy places he or his ultra-rich family OWNED!)
Once again, you have no facts and nothing but name calling.
I feel sorry for you. You insist on calling people morons because you are so insecure about your own intelligence.
Obviously, you never learned to actually formulate an argument despite all of your “education”.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
To the dunce AKA as correctnotright,
Goldman Sucks needed the TARP funds to get back on their feet. Without them they would have been in big trouble. Once you accept the TARP funds you are accountable to the government in that year you fool. The TARP funds allowed Goldman Sucks to make big bucks.
Why do they skate? Politics.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Once again, you have no facts and nothing but name calling.
Ohhh Puddy produced the facts. You can’t handle the truth because you head exploded. Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm traveled to Europe within 90 days of being preznit and hopskotched all over the big cities making “speeches” telling everyone how sorry he was for America being the world leader. Puddy placed all the comments from world papers laughing at the US.
Crawford and Kennebunktport ritzy places? Man what a libtardo!
Puddy writes:
Science is wrong. – When it’s used for poltical purposes
The world according to Puddy:
We should not use science to inform us of the right course to take in pulic policy …. instead, it should be some tool in the shed that is never used or consulted.
What a stupid thing to say!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Glenn Beck Day A $$$ Loser For Mount Vernon Taxpayers
Mount Vernon GOP Mayor Bud Norris’ lone-ranger stunt involving Glenn Beck cost the city $18,000, much of it for police and staff overtime, but personnel taking comp time will reduce the city’s cash outlay to about $12,000, the fishwrapper reported this morning.
That doesn’t count expenditures by the State Patrol and neighboring police departments that Mount Vernon won’t have to reimburse.
GOP Mayor Norris hoped the event would raise $10,000 for a local historic preservation project, but it netted only $5,000.
GOP Mayor Norris said he has “no regrets” and plans to run for reelection in two years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As an abused taxpayer, I’m outraged that Mount Vernon wasted tax money like this, even though I don’t live in that city or pay these taxes! M.V. residents do, and I feel their pain. There’s too much waste, fraud, and abuse in M.V. city government, and city voters will have an opportunity to fix that in a couple years. I hope they do.
@74: Count the vacations days….not even close to Bush.
Once again….you love your own words but fail on the facts. You are certainly a legend in your own mind.
And we laugh at you for that.
Do you enjoy being wrong? I know, the facts have a liberal bent. Sorry about that.
Chris Stefanspews:
Dick Cheney should be sitting in a cell in the Netherlands awaiting his war crimes trial at the Hague.
@73: I know the factsa re hard for you to comprehend or accept. But GS paid back the TARP funds – so they are no longer legally liable for the salary caps that your party (republicans) oppose.
How does it feel to keep making thse same stoopid point and failing to understand the obvvious?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Puddy gotta get back to work. See you leftist pinheads later today!
Run away wittle Puddy…..come back when you learn how to make an argument.
@63 Puddy I figured the “r” word would get your attention.
I have no problem with a Black guy who says those genes are irrelevant. It is quite a different matter when you use your skin to defend your right to act like a racist.
You remind me of some librul Jews who crap on Israel and say that this is OK because a Yid can not be an antisemite. You remind me of Medved or Rabbi Lapin.
You want examples …read your posts.
You denigrate Obama by playing games with his middle name and playing on the use of the sound Black kids used in their song about him.
This would be the equivalent of my referring Michael Moshe Medved or Lapin the Cheredi.
Why for you do this???
What issues of equlaity do you take on?
You never take on the cause of equality whether that is pushing for the much needed better schools or criticizing the Reprican party for this persistent racism.
You play not the not so subtle racist attacks on ACORN.
You give Rev Wright no respect while tolerating Bachman, Beck, and Bush.
Just ONCE, I would like to see the same sense of offense on your part about show Blacks like Steele and Thomas that I have with Medved or
the Capo’s who work with the Christian right.
This is really not a right vs. left issue … both sides have theior own forms of racism. Condescending toward the c0rrupt Black government of Detroit is as bad as pretending Bush’s policies were not a Christian failure.
Let me use some Jewish history to make my point. In our Passover story we celebrate the liberation from slavery but not OUR liberation alone. As Jews we are taught that the lesson of Egypt, the lesson of Spain, the lesson of the Shoah should gbe a lesson for all people.
Does this mean all Jews must be liberal? Does it make Goldwater or Marx bad because they were converts? No. But when a Jew uses OUR heritage to defned herself against charges of bigotry, then the stakes must go up.
Same for Black people. SJ admires Obama not because he is Black but because he uses his heritage to help all people. I get a great thrill when I see all American kids celebrating Dr. King, do you get such a thrill?
Defending your sock puppet by putting on blackface is a cheap trick.
You two are funny.
Cheney is a discredited disgrace and he’s the only one on your side willing to go on TV.
Re 67
Refutation by point-
1) Science isn’t wrong, but it isn’t always right either. It is inherently a work in progress which should be able to replace a theory with a better when one comes along. This is rarely done in the psuedo religion of science as practiced by most universities and all governments. Governments particularly twist science to support whatever crackbrained theory is going. See Global Warming. Oh forgot, they’ve started calling it Climate Change because the earth isn’t actually warming.
2) I get that you hate Christianity. So what?
3) Hate to tell you, but the best defense is always a strong offense. Would you have preferred leaving nuclear hegemony in the hands of that paragon of leftist pride, Stalin?
4) This is silly. To oppose Obama is not rascism. It can be, but is vastly more often legitimate concern about his policies and far left ideology. We can disagree on those and recognize that the other guy just sincerely disagrees. Or we can throw scurilous and false allegations around. Your choice.
5) See 4
6) Taxes take from a potentially productive economy the money required to run government. They are therefore inherently bad, yes. But they’re a necessary evil for us to provide the basic services of government. Conservatives simply think most government functions, including health care, can be better and more efficiently provided by the private sector. Again, we can have a civil disagreement or you can throw childish insults around.
7 & 8) No true conservative believes this, so no argument is necessary.
9) Sorry, when was the last Christian Crusade? Oh yeah, 600 years ago. Jihad is now, and while it represents a tiny minority of Islamic thought, it’s important and of real concern.
10) To paraphrase the left; The NY Times, Ted Turner and Disney all twist the news to support Democrats, so they’re good. Murdock and Fox say stuff with which I disagree so they’re just stupid and wrong. Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh are evil because they’re enormously successful at what they do, and I’m jealous that Americans don’t see that MSNBC the same way. That about get it? As for Reverend Moon, that’s just odd.
One other quick note. On Marketplace last night (you know, the economic arm of the NPR propaganda machine for the Democrat party) the reporter was talking about US Treasury bonds being downgraded in rating due to trillion dollar deficits and the uncertain future of the dollar. Score one for the Obama team! Must be a cunning plan to destroy the economy so all those poor guys can finally get the rich bastards stuff.
re 84: “…the best defense is always a strong offense.”
Identifying the actual enemy is helpful prior to the strong offense.
Iraq…Iraq…Iraq…Iraq…Taliban Taliban Taliban
al Quaida … al Quaida…al Quaida…. the enemy.
Good point, but the Taliban did protect Bin Laden, and refused to lift that protection. That’s why the Afganistan war wasn’t wildly controversial in rational circles until recently. Iraq was a mistake, pulling out before stabilizing the place would be a worse one.
And what does all this have to do with nuclear deterrent?
re 84: It would take a far more clever and informed apologist for the neo-cons than you to justify what they’ve done to the country — starting with Nixon in my lifetime.
Every point you’ve rehashed here has been refuted time and again on HA — yet some fool will always bring them up again.
This time it’s you. If you don’t like living in a rea of blue, move to the south.
It’s people like George Will who are the surrender monkeys on Afghanistan.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Puddy back for a few…
You denigrate Obama by playing games with his middle name and playing on the use of the sound Black kids used in their song about him.
Huh? It was an interracial class who sang the song. Puddy been using every liberal iconic description to describe the person taking us to deeper debt, a potential drop of Moody’s AAA bond rating, and financial ruin. Who called him “the messiah”? Your peeps.
This would be the equivalent of my referring Michael Moshe Medved or Lapin the Cheredi.
Oh really? And all these JINOs who populate this blog who claim it’s OKAY for the Palestinians to attack Jews with car bombs, bus bombs and rocket attacks. Yep that really makes sense.
Why for you do this???
What issues of equlaity do you take on?
Puddy takes on all of the Democratics who take my peeps and uses them for political fodder. For instance the Idaho Planned Parenthood call where the caller gets the PP lady to agree to the need to have as many black abortions as necessary because PP needs to get rid of black baby peeps. Or the fact blacks abort at a much higher rate. Or the fact black inner city issues continue to get worse and worse and worse. WHO’S VOICE HAS BEEN THE LOUDEST HERE?
How dare you question my love for my peeps? I take on the black charlatans Sharpton (Tawana Brawley) and Jackson (Corporation Shakedown for his personal gain then drop lawsuit, Duke 3, Jena 6, Karen Stanford, HymieTown) all the time oh HA. They want Democrats to kiss their ASSes but what does that do for the inner city peeps? ABSOLUTELY Nuthin. When Jackson took Clinton on in 1999 for the FEMA Carolina Hurricane Disaster and the absolutely slow response, Puddy was reminding you HA Libtardos the fecklessness of FEMA and James Watt when you all were attacking Mike Brown.
You never take on the cause of equality whether that is pushing for the much needed better schools or criticizing the Reprican party for this persistent racism.
That’s abosolute BULLSHITTIUM. While you claim Republican racism, Puddy has idintified on this blog over the years the real racism of Howard Dean – no blacks in his presidential campaign, John Kerry – one black in his presidential campaign which Hymietown Jackson finally caught up with Puddy two months later, and all the subtle acts done by your party.
You play not the not so subtle racist attacks on ACORN.
More BULLSHITTIUM. ACORN is made of and controlled by white people. Bertha Lewis appeared in the last year. The little people at ACORN are blacks but you forget the Rathke brothers and their ties to the white run SEIU Union. How many blacks are in high positions? Ask HAs arschloch ylb arschloch… he can tell you cuz his wife is a card carrying SEIU member.
You give Rev Wright no respect while tolerating Bachman, Beck, and Bush.
When you and others denounce Wright, Puddy will denounce Bachmann. Regarding Beck, he’s cleaning up WA DC. Where do you find MAO lovers? On Obama’s team. Where do you find communist lovers? On Obama’s team. Where do you find capitalist haters? On Obama’s team. Well if you hang with them doesn’t that mean they make you feel comfortable to be around? Regarding Bush, I feel safer when Puddy traveled overseas because peeps knew if an American was attacked “The Cowboy” TOOK NO PRISONERS.
Just ONCE, I would like to see the same sense of offense on your part about show Blacks like Steele and Thomas that I have with Medved or the Capo’s who work with the Christian right.
Isn’t this a free country? Why do peeps like yourself wanna stifle free speech? Puddy knows ylb arschloch and rujax are big ASSholes but they can spew their crap to the high heavens. Blacks like Sharpton, Jackson, John Lewis, Alcee Hastings, maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, are REPREHENSIBLE to Puddy. Why? They are card carrying RACISTS whom you jock strap and you attack PUDDY as a racist! Puddy has placed on HA comment after comment here form all of them.
Check with the HA arschloch ylb arschloch. Ask him to use tctmgr and post the Puddy comments over the years. Puddy puts out the challenge but no one will ask the arschloch. Why? Because your see the comments and REMEMBER what Puddy has said over the last 5 years here.
Same for Black people. SJ admires Obama not because he is Black but because he uses his heritage to help all people.
Oh really? The man who said he was gonna put politics aside because we ALL are AMERICANS? Well that lasted a nanosecond eh? He uses himself to put his hate America ideas forth. Who went on the World Apology tour? Who has Russia saying nyet to Iran sanctions? When will China say no to more North Korea sanctions? Did you notice China and Russia just signed a multi-billion $$$ technology exchange last week? Hmmm… looks like they are becoming buds again.
There is a very recognizable and creepy slant to the right wing mind that enables you to look at people and events in a slightly skewed fashion that twists all things to fit your simplistic ideology.
I can see the log in your eye as you go about trying to remove the mote from mine. You would need to experience an epiphany of the magnitude of David Brock’s to see what you’ve done to yourself by investing your mind and soul in your failed economic and poitical ideology.
I think many conservatives were just unpopular youths who have found a socially acceptable way to express their hatred of normal, liberal folks by being obdurate mental douchebags.
Re 92
On the contrary, I see why progressives and liberals believe the way they do. The simplistic nature of your ideology in a comlex world is what makes me reject it.
Sure it would be great if no-one were poor or hungry or had difficulty paying their doctors bills. It would be terrific if company directors voluntarily gave up personal gain to help the larger society. It would be simply wonderful if we could all just get along.
But human nature doesn’t allow for that. Speaking of failed economic theories, Toothy, how does the USSR grab you? It’s the mental furniture to most progressives’ sense of economic justice, but is a marked and massive failure itself. How do you think the smart and productive folks who do well will react to the massive taxation people like you want to impose on them? They’ll pass it on to you in higher costs at their businesses, that’s how.
You see, I’d rather have workable reality than wishful thinking in the long run.
“I think many conservatives were just unpopular youths who have found a socially acceptable way to express their hatred of normal, liberal folks by being obdurate mental douchebags.”
Is this meant to be ironic, or are you just being obtuse?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
There is a very recognizable and creepy slant to the right wing mind that enables you to look at people and events in a slightly skewed fashion that twists all things to fit your simplistic ideology
Reworded correctly
There is a very recognizable and correct view to the world that enables you to look at people and events in a objective fashion that allows things to fit an objective ideology.
Now for the headless view
There is a very recognizable and creepy slant to the racist mind that enables you call people Rochester or willis or house n^@@*# or field n^@@*# and look at people and events in a very skewed fashion that twists all things to fit your racist ideology
See ya!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
headless the difference between me and you is Puddy spends his own money to help those downtrodden while you ask the government to spend tax dollars to help the same people.
One is giving from the heart while the other is giving away someone else’s work!
As a first step, lets go through and correct any misstatements:
It was an interracial class who sang the song.
What the eff is “interacial?” President Obama is “interacial.” So the eff are you. The song, the setting were in the BLACK idiom and I have ZERO doubt that your message is missed by MOT or any other bigot here.
This would be the equivalent of my referring Michael Moshe Medved or Lapin the Cheredi.
Oh really? And all these JINOs who populate this blog who claim it’s OKAY for the Palestinians to attack Jews with car bombs, bus bombs and rocket attacks. Yep that really makes sense.
What is a JINO .. you mean a KIKE? Or do you mean a memebr of the Tobetan/Burmese minority in China? I feat thge forer.
What issues of equlaity do you take on?
Puddy takes on all of the Democratics who take my peeps and uses them for political fodder.
All you do is diss racism in white libruls. So what? You NEVER come out for an action that PROMOTES equality, even when there are others (myself included) who have strong positions on conservative ideas .. charter schools, master teachers …factual teaching of history!
Dissing libruls is easy.
Obviously not Puddy since he is unabel to cite a single cause he has spoken out on other than dissing libruls.
As for you last comment, I assume it is meant to be racist unless you are actually so biased as a Christian not to understand why that is an insult.
How dare you question my love for my peeps?
I have not done that at all. I know you pretty well and am aware that you are very proud of being Black. I have no doubt that Medved and Lapin are proud of being Jews too. Like you, and Like me, they proudly wear their identities.
What I question is your willingness to use your identity as a weapon. In that way you are a lot like Sharpton. I am sure he loves his peeps too.
I take on the black charlatans Sharpton and Jackson all the time oh HA.
Sure you do. SO DO I. But when do you take on Steele or Clarence Thomas?
You never take on the cause of equality whether that is pushing for the much needed better schools or criticizing the Reprican party for this persistent racism.
That’s abosolute BULLSHITTIUM. While you claim Republican racism, Puddy has idintified on this blog over the years the real racism of Howard Dean – no blacks in his presidential campaign, John Kerry – one black in his presidential campaign which Hymietown Jackson finally caught up with Puddy two months later, and all the subtle acts done by your party.
Same old same old. Tell me how hard YOU have worked to get AA to come to HA? Tell me about tour stand against the R. Party’s supporters in Idaho?
Do you really care about Black issues or just .. SHARPTON-LIKE — use your skin as a rhetorical tool for other purposes.
Let me give YOU credit .. you don’t make money out of it. You don’t use race to make a living, but you condone the blatant racism that creates Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas just as Medved and his ilk condone evangelical antisemitism.
More BULLSHITTIUM. ACORN is made of and controlled by white people. Bertha Lewis appeared in the last year. The little people at ACORN are blacks but you forget the Rathke brothers and their ties to the white run SEIU Union. How many blacks are in high positions? Ask HAs arschloch ylb arschloch… he can tell you cuz his wife is a card carrying SEIU member.
Really …
errr ahhhh
did you notice ANY Fox videos on white folks in ACORN? Do you suppose that the skin color in these “exposes” is an accident?
You give Rev Wright no respect while tolerating Bachman, Beck, and Bush.
When you and others denounce Wright, Puddy will denounce Bachmann.
Same old, same old.
First, I have no interest in denouncing Rev Wright. I disagree with hinm BUT he is not a major figure in the Dem Party, not elected to anything, and .. taking away the quotes out of context, most of the crap about him on Fox dismissed very real issues.
If you want to read ME dissing libruls , you can read lots here about my comments on McDermitt, my accusations vs Gregoire for her racsim, my comments of the segregation of HA …
and you????
Isn’t this a free country? Why do peeps like yourself wanna stifle free speech?
I will trade cred anytiome with you on that matter. Riddler .. tell me this, give me any erxample where I have opposed free speech?
Blacks like Sharpton, Jackson, John Lewis, Alcee Hastings, maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, are REPREHENSIBLE to Puddy. Why? They are card carrying RACISTS whom you jock strap and you attack PUDDY as a racist! Puddy has placed on HA comment after comment here form all of them.
Same old, same old. You and I would agree on a lot of these. So? I would add to your list .. How the hell does that justify your supporting step and fetchits like Steele or overt racists like the Sanator who just refused comment on the mixed marriage schtick in LA?
Same for Black people. SJ admires Obama not because he is Black but because he uses his heritage to help all people.
Oh really? The man who said he was gonna put politics aside because we ALL are AMERICANS? Well that lasted a nanosecond eh? He uses himself to put his hate America ideas forth. Who went on the World Apology tour? Who has Russia saying nyet to Iran sanctions? When will China say no to more North Korea sanctions? Did you notice China and Russia just signed a multi-billion $$$ technology exchange last week? Hmmm… looks like they are becoming buds again.
WTF does your response have to do with my post? Is there something racist about Obama promoting peace or American ideals as opposed to American/Tacism and Imperialism? Do you REALLY think ANYONE outside the US thinks America has not been racist? Do YOU really believe that??
BTW, if you shovel around int he cat box you may find that China and Russia are BOTH now far tight fascist governments. Seems like a triumph for capitalism?
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
More on Puddy …
Regarding Beck, he’s cleaning up WA DC.
Naad an example of this is?????
Where do you find MAO lovers? On Obama’s team.
I hope we do have givernment folks who have read Mao. What is wrong with that?
May I remind you that YOU worship a Bible written for the express purpose ofm oppressing people under Roman Rule. Does that mean you are a Roman?
Where do you find communist lovers? On Obama’s team.
Name one.
Where do you find capitalist haters? On Obama’s team.
Name one.
I feel safer when Puddy traveled overseas because peeps knew if an American was attacked “The Cowboy” TOOK NO PRISONERS.
Tell that to Osama ben Laden.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl’s Dad.
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
Oh really? The man who said he was gonna put politics aside because we ALL are AMERICANS? Well that lasted a nanosecond eh?
Lessee ..
Robert Gates and Paul Volcker and Warren Buffet are …..?
re 97: “There is a very recognizable and correct view to the world that enables you to look at people and events in a objective fashion that allows things to fit an objective ideology.”
No matter how you slice it, Waxxed One, your ideology is simplistic nonsense. That’s why it was so popular for so long — even someone who sends large contributions to TV evangelists while their own children starve can grasp it.
With respect to posts 103 and 104, you really shouldn’t make assumptions without any information.
I’ve frequently posted that the banks AND the homeowners who took on more debt than they could afford should have been allowed to fail. I don’t know what you mean by “corporate welfare,” but I can guess. This is a liberal floating term that means anything pro-business is automatically anti-American. Sorry, but I think that is simple nonsense. Where do you think jobs come from for goodness sake? Unions? Don’t make me laugh.
As far as “helping real people” socialism does exactly the opposite, if you mean advancing the interests of those people. Socialism assumes that the fault and fiscal responsibility for the 4 kids a McDonalds clerk has are societies. The house they live in, the food they eat and the medical care they are provided aren’t the responsibility of the parents. No sir, they are mine, because I made good choices and did better financially.
Socialism and its’ weaker baby brother progressivism, are social engineering to produce a wastrel and useless society. Thanks, but no thanks.
And my culpability, fellow citizen, is for me and mine. It isn’t for you and every other lazy fool who won’t take care of himself.
By the way, Toothy, here’s a multiple choice question. Of the two countries, the USSR and the USA which is still in existence?
B) The USA (until Obama destroys it)
C) Other fictional workers paradise
(Hint for liberals who are generally weak on facts-choose B.)
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
@107. lostinaseaofblue spews:
By the way, lib, here’s a multiple choice question. Of the following countries, including the PRC and the USA which is more likely to grow in power in this century?
A) The People’s Republic of China
B) The USA (if ti can recoup the damage done by Republicans)
C) Socialist Brazil
D) Socialist Canada
E) Whatever State is still trying to live by capitalism (Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Russia?).
By the way, lib, here’s another multiple choice question. Of the following countries, which is best described as capitalist?
A. The USA (under Bush)
B. Norway
C. the Vatican
D. Qatar
E. Columbia
Ah, SJ is back, and still hasn’t answered a single point from my refutation at 84. Welcome back.
I’m sorry that you’re bigoted about Christianity, SJ, but that isn’t so much an argument as a character flaw in you.
As far as capitalism goes some form of regulation is necessary. The early part of the last century did that in the US, and subsequent liberal regulation has weakened the position the US holds in the world. China will almost certainly eclipse us in the coming century for reasons that would take up a book rather than a blog posting. And frankly this is an area of study in which I’m an amateur. Plenty of good scholarship has been done explaining Chinese ascendency better than I could or would attempt.
Empires fade, and for my money I’m okay with a faded but free country. What I’m not okay with is the continuing encroachment of my civil rights from the far right and the far left trying to control how and where I spend my hard earned money.
To avoid charges of being a wealthy elite who looks down on the poor because I don’t know better-
When I bought an investment property last year I did the numbers on it every night a few times for 3 weeks before signing papers. What if I lose my job, or the renter moves out, or the property needs maintanance unexpectedly, I asked myself. What if I need medical care? Can I pay my bills on my first house and this second one of all of this happens? After all this I had my attorney and my accountant look over the contract and my numbers.
Planning pays off. I was in fact laid off and due to my employment status as a self employed contractor can’t collect unemployment (though your liberal nonsence means I can and did pay it in taxes). The renter did move out, and the well needed a new pump 6 months after I bought it. I had an unexpected minor surgery which cost me significant out of pocket expenses.
This is where personal responsibility pays off, liberals. I didn’t lose the property, or whine about the lay-off, or complain about the tenant or not receive health care. I did spend my savings starting a business that is paying off well, in construction which most of you would consider impossible in this economy. My former business associates have sent projects my way that pay better than my former job. They don’t do this as favors, but because I did and do quality work planning their jobs. I rent the cabin occasionally to vacation renters and get to spend time out there myself, which didn’t happen when it had a tenant. I had the cash to pay the well drilling outfit and the surgical costs. In fact, after what most liberals would consider destructive life events requiring government help I’m better off personally and financially. Without any government aid of any kind.
Some of this is luck. Most of it is what anyone can do in this country. Most of it is hard work and due diligence. I do not have a college degree, or rich friends I rely on for favors. I don’t ask anyone to pay my bills or help me find my way in life.
So don’t tell me I don’t understand the little guy. Don’t tell me I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have no sympathy for those who start with less. It is ALL a matter of personal choice and personal responsibility for that choice.
I feel no obligation to those who won’t do the same. None at all.
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
84. lostinaseaofblue call this a “refutation”:
Re 67
1) Science isn’t wrong, but it isn’t always right
the psuedo religion of science as practiced by most universities and all governments. Governments particularly twist science to support whatever crackbrained theory is going.
gosh, lets no t vaccinate anybody or use quantum entanglement to make chips.
2) I get that you hate Christianity. So what?
Nope. I no more “hate” Christianity than I “hate” capitalism or marxism. I do hate the excesses of an ism and Christianity has an awful big share of these.
3) Hate to tell you, but the best defense is always a strong offense. Would you have preferred leaving nuclear hegemony in the hands of that paragon of leftist pride, Stalin?
what does this refute?
4) This is silly. To oppose Obama is not rascism.
who said it is? Birthers, kluxers, ACORN hunters .. them guys is the racists.
Or we can throw scurilous and false allegations around. Your choice.
6) Taxes … are therefore inherently bad, yes. … Conservatives simply think most government functions, including health care, can be better and more efficiently provided by the private sector. Again, we can have a civil disagreement or you can throw childish insults around.
Gee, if you wanna refute me. tell me what “childish insults” I done made
7 No true Conservative believes (The Constitution is bad except where is says we should follow Jesus, carry guns, and leave wealthy people alone)
really??? hmmmm. so tell me where you stand on Madison? You know Freedom from Religion? Freedom OF Speech?
8. No true conservative believes (Jefferson was a Christina just like Glen Beck.)
9) Sorry, when was the last Christian Crusade? Oh yeah, 600 years ago.
Unless you include the general (not just the dim wit President) who told the iraqui troops to bring baptismal pooles of the Air Force cadets told to bomb in the name of Jeezus or the Americna Indians forced to convert or the Ohio Musli8m girl abducted by Christians a few weeks ago or the witch hunts now underway in Nigeria and Kenya (the latter under Palin’s hero) or …………
Jihad is now, and while it represents a tiny minority of Islamic thought, it’s important and of real concern.
Yep, I have said this many times. I thought this was a refutation:
10) To paraphrase the left; The NY Times, Ted Turner and Disney all twist the news to support Democrats, so they’re good. Murdock and Fox say stuff with which I disagree so they’re just stupid and wrong. Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh are evil because they’re enormously successful at what they do, and I’m jealous that Americans don’t see that MSNBC the same way.
First of all Ted Turner currently controls NO media. Second, the idea that Disney, historically a republican dominated firm BTW, is far left librul is funnier than Scrooge McDuck.
As for comparing the level of inquiry and balance in the NYT with Fox??? Heil Hitler to you too!
As for Reverend Moon, that’s just odd.
No. It is typical. The right is perfectly comfortable with Moon, Murdock, and Reilly. Nay of these easily compete with Rcv Wright for outrageousness but somehow the libruls don’t have any media willign to push such brown material.
One other quick note. On Marketplace last night (you know, the economic arm of the NPR propaganda machine for the Democrat party) the reporter was talking about US Treasury bonds being downgraded in rating due to trillion dollar deficits and the uncertain future of the dollar. Score one for the Obama team! Must be a cunning plan to destroy the economy so all those poor guys can finally get the rich bastards stuff.
And how Mr. Hoover would you deal with the near depression your predecessor left you?
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
Don’t tell me I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth
You weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
Unless some very odd sex act happened, I don’t think any of us were.
OTOH, some of us were born with a lot more wealth than others.
Some have genomes that cause cancer.
Some get hit by card driven by drunk drivers.
Some win the lottery.
Some get screwed by fraudualent companies.
Some get screwed by believing in crazy religions.
Some inherit money form their Daddies and then becum President.
OK?, now what?
As regards 112:
“Ok, now what?”
Now liberals and progressives stop complaining about bad luck and how we need government to ameliorate the lot of the unlucky. Now we suck up the realities of our lives, deal with them like adults, and stop begging others to pick up the slack. Especially others who didn’t screw up and shouldn’t have to pay the price.
See, my point was that I’m no-one special. I’m not smarter than most of my fellow citizens. I’m not born more wealthy. I don’t have great connections. I’m not more lucky. I was just taught to take care of my own problems. I was taught to accept and embrace the consequences of my actions and learn from them, bad or good. This is my fundamental difficulty with liberal thought. It takes all the richness of this kind of experience from its’ victims, the recipients of the welfare state. Those who push this type of government steal from the citizens something essential to basic humanity, independence and self reliance.
As for what I’d do instead of spending in a way drunken sailors would whistle in sheer admiration at the nature of? How about fiscal responsibility? How about not spending the incomes of my kids, their kids and the next generation too? Yes it would be painful, but so will the results of Obama’s insane spending spree. And before you say it, yes the last president started it with his stimulus packages. More shame to someone who should have known better, but it doesn’t make Obama stupidity smart.
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
@113 lib
Maybe you ought to stop drinking that brown stuff, turn Mr. Beck to the wall, and READ?
Most or ALL of what you are saying IS what we call Obamism.
He has pushed for a lot of want you want …
equal opportunity …
healthcare w/o solving the US healthcare dilemma this can not be. During the campaign, those to the left of BHO criticized HIS healthcare for putting too much emphasis on individual responsibility.
Unless you wanna see the US go bankrupt?
education we are falling behindour competitors. We are the ONLY industrialized nation that burdens its best students with huge loan debts.
Unless you think we should compete with the former Soviet Union where they have dumped universal education?
charter schools The effin Union OPPOSES BHO on this.
Howsa about you? You think poah kids ought not to have the same opportunity to learn as rich kids? Or maybe you think we ought to make education MORE expensive by subsidizing private schools (aka vouchers).
As for the debt, what would you have him do about the monstrous economy he inherited? CONSERVATIVE economists have criticized him for not doing more to rescue the US.
GWB mortgaged us up to the gazoo fighting a war without direction. So now we gotta pay the piper .. or do you think the US should welsh on its debts?
The saddest thing about today’s crop of conservatives is that they are not that at all. They can not tell a highly disciplined, responsible administration from one led by a semi literate cowboy. They think the label “democrat” is more important than the label “American,”
Frankly, as a patriot, I am disgusted with the Trolls here.
Recently I visited Detroit. You remember Detroit? It looks more like Afghanistan than it does like Windsor, its “socialist” counterpart across the river.
NO American kid ought to be sentenced to growing up in a cess pool like that.
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
@113 get off of the toilet, turn of Beck and READ.
Most of what you say about responsibility and opportunity describes the programs of Barack Obama.
No one likes the deficit, but he needs to deal not only with the debts he inherited form the cowboys, but .. even more importantly, the massive structural deficits they created for long into the future.
You don’t like the stimulus, neither do I. So? You think we should just let Hoover fix it? You know some educated person who supports Beck’s views of economics .. you know some professor or literate type?
Be more than just a Troll. A LOT of what Obama is doing IS TRUE patriotism ans true conservatism. Where the hell is the “right” when ti comes to issue like our impending bakruptcy form healthcare, the decline in our infrastructure vis a vis that of Europe or China, our lack of allies in trying to keep world peace?
re 107: Haven’t you heard? It’s a global ecobomy and countries don’t matter anymore. It’s just a race to the bottom for cheap labor and then you are going to sell all those widgets to who?
Toothy, try reading instead of just reacting.
Luck is a minor character in the play. Hard work, saving, planning and general conservative values like them are what I was talking about. With these luck becomes the wild card it is, and you just deal with it. Without them you become a liberal who can’t tie his own shoelaces without a government program costing 114 billion to show him how.
Yes, it is a global economy. Congratulations for catching up. And this has to do with the demise of the socialist USSR how? This has to do with Obama sinking this country under a mountain of debt how?
To Seattle Jew, who is reasonable if in opposition, you’re right. Obama inherited a mess from the prior administration. I’m unclear on how digging our national hole deeper is helpful, though. I’m positive that instituting societal expectations of a cradle to grave nanny state is not going to reduce government debt or expenditure in the long, short or medium terms though.
Chris Stefanspews:
For some strange reason conservatives seem to have a vision of social welfare firmly rooted in Dickensian London.
On the other hand they really can’t seem to see that some of the best places in the world to live for the least to the greatest citizens are the industrialized socialist democracies. Places like Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, etc.
Yes, Chris, the best places to live if you aren’t successful, ambitious or capable are socialist democracies. What you fail to point out is that these countries ride the innovation made possible only by truly free (or once free) countries like ours. They wait for us to invent a new drug, or ipod or whatever, steal the concept and mass produce it. When folks on the far left have succeeded in destroying incentive for hard work and innovation here where do you think it will come from, Chris?
Out of curiousity have you ever actually lived in these paradisical places. Tried to pay taxes in one? Tried to see a doctor or get work done on your home or car in one? Yeah, thought not.
SJ trollpatrolspews:
119 lib
Personally I prefer full socialism. Most of then “innovation” in the US yu seem to extol came from socialist programs (space, NIH,radi, satellites, internet, etc).
As for Obama, what “instituting societal expectations of a cradle to grave nanny state is not going to reduce government debt or expenditure in the long, short or medium terms though” is this about?
If you mean his healthcare proposal, the proposal’s main intent is to break up the inefficient monopolies that now obstruct any free market. The stimulus package is hardly Obama’s choice, it was begun under the Cowboy because his conservative advisers told hum he had eff’d up so much there was now no other choice. His chools program promotes choice. This is anything BUT a nanny state.
BTW, by almost any measure life is better even for the middle class in Canada, Germany, Sweden, etc. What I think you miss is that our society socializes a lot of benefits for the wealthy. Where Swedes and Germans have full or nearly full equal opportunities for school, healthcare, and basic housing, we have huge disparities in all these that hobble the very entrepreneurial drive yu extol.
Anyhow, it mystifies me … as osmeone to Obama’s left, hw any rational person can criticize him for fostering a welfare society.
re 119: “Hard work, saving, planning and general conservative values like them are what I was talking about.”
Those are not conservative values. They are liberal values. A conservative value is canceling the above described liberal workers’ health insurance on a technicality so you can keep up profits for the short term or the credit card industry taking the time they have from now until the new rules take effect in 2010 to raise their interest rates to outlandish heights — even for the people who have not abused their credit.
No. Conservatives take advantage of people who follow the precepts you’ve described and then rape them economically.
Declaring the health insurance industry to be free from anti-trust laws is the kind of conservative values your side espouses in the real world.
Take off those green sunglasses and look behind the screen.
SJ Troll Patrolspews:
I agree with 123. But beyond that, I consider the essence of America to be opportunity.
@119: Lost says:
I’m unclear on how digging our national hole deeper is helpful, though
Let me help you on that one….we just got through the worst recession since the great depression….and we are not out of the woods yet. We needed the government to spend on public works to pick up an economy in a death spiral.
We ran up a huge debt during WW2 at the end of the great depression….and we ended up in the longest sustained economic recovery and paid down much of the debt.
Sometimes government needs to step in when private industry is just cutting jobs.
@121 Been to France, Canada, England and Germany – they do plenty of innovation and they have better health care and healthier people than the US.
German engineering….as good or better than the US. French doctors and research … equivalent to the US. Most of our research comes form government funded programs and universities anyways…so what is your weak point?
Are you as provincial or stupid as you sound?
We spend almost double what the next closest country spends on health care….and we get health care that is equal to Slovenia (37th place).
Insurance companies have over 20% overhead plus profit – Medicare has 3%.
The current system stinks – the prices keep going up and we pay more for the same drugs than any other country on the planet.
Health care is a monopoly…yet the conservative republicans support the anti-trust exemption that limits competition.
And your point is what? Anmd your argument….simplistic and weak. Go back to school to actually learn things rather than mouthing platitudes that are wrong.
@122: Nice answer
coddling the rich is the republican party at it’s core….and all the excuses the Lost or Puddy make can’t cover that up.
Dow and the Democrats LIEDspews:
@122….then why dont you move to a full socialist country?
Your opinion is not suprising given the fact that you are on the public dole…and I say that with all due respect – but I think your view of things is a wee bit skewed.
And as Puddy posted earlier, He delivered the smackdown.
Cheney is wasting his time advising the current idiots in D.C.
makingnot making decisions. They’re too ignorant to listen anyway. As for decision making, at least the Bush Administration HAD a foreign policy while this administration sits on its hands waiting for things to develop (like a deer in the headlights) while waging a fucking insane propaganda war against the only domestic news outlet that reports actual news these days.Obama is Jimmy Carter redux and this is one script I’ve seen before. That’s why we should never send an unqualified individual to the oval office. The learning curve is simply too great.
“The administration has invited members of the Obama agency review teams to observe some of those so-called tabletop exercises between now and the inauguration, on Jan. 20. The Bush team has also invited Obama transition officials to attend a “national level exercise” set for Jan. 12 and 13 that may play out what would happen if the top leadership of the nation were wiped out in a single stroke, officials said.
At the same time, senior counterterrorism officials plan to hold personal briefings for their counterparts on the biggest threats they see. And the White House has drafted as many as three dozen other long-term policy memorandums outlining various pressing issues that will confront the new team and how Mr. Bush’s aides see the status of each of these issues as his presidency comes to a close.”
Oh don’t tell anyone we had these meetings Bush Administration. We’d like to lie about it when it’s politically expedient. Well it’s October 18, so it’s time to lie this week.
Cheney delivers the SMACKDOWN
Obama Dithers Military Withers.
Puddy and Little Ricky Dumbass,
People like you will never understand foreign policy. You will never understand that thoughtful foreign policy requires, uh, thinking. You will never understand that knee-jerk reactions in the foreign arena end up with boondoggles. Fortunately, people who think like you will never again be in charge of foreign policy in this country. We are entering the 21st century and Dick Cheney and you don’t get to enter with us. Farewell. The world has passed you by.
Cheney needs to be arrested!
The Pupster took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies. Cheney is enemy # 1
If Obama thought anymore, he’d rival this guy. Obama isn’t a deep thinker afterall, he’s simply overwhelmed by the position- as advertised, his experience is nil in nearly every area for the job. While he’s waging war on Foxnews here at home, our service people are dying back in Afghanistan through his incompetence.
No worries though, the adults will be put back in charge in 2010 and end this administration of idiocy at the halfway point.
Little Ricky
Do you think that George W. Bush entered the presidency with: (a) more experience; and (b) more intelligence than Obama? Just answer yes or no.
I remember your predictions about the 2008 elections. They didn’t quite come true, did they? The adults actually did win in 2008, and the juveniles are left to whimper like the child who felt slighted on the size of his slice of cake.
@ 7
Obviously a. GW Bush was the Governor of a state. Obama was just a newly minted cog in the U.S. Senate from Illinois.
He has zero experience in executive experience and yet, was elected to be the CEO of our country running on a non existent resume. History will show what a mistake this was, so no worries. In the age of identiy politics, you don’t need qualifications, just be the right color, gender, sex, handicap, etc…
…of course, it helps to have the teleprompter think for you as well…
Proud Leftist,
You’ll never understand foreign policy.
Russia told Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm there will be no sanctions against Iran. There goes that failure. So much for the open hand getting slapped by a more powerful formidable opponent. We are viewed as weak again, just like Jimmae Cahhhhter.
Ricky @ 8
Your post gives me confidence. Your side just doesn’t get it, doesn’t get it at all. If you don’t recognize Obama’s talents, his gifts, and believe he simply got elected due to–what, exactly? A smart and honest Republican will acknowledge that Obama is smarter than hell, has great political skills, and is going to be a challenge to bring down. Those are the Republicans I fear. You, however, are neither a smart nor honest Republican. Hopefully, you are kind of what’s left of your party.
Let me give you a hint, Little Ricky Dumbass–political differences do not mean someone is stupid or vapid or undeserving. There are plenty of people with whom I disagree politically, but who I admire. You, of course, would not be one of them.
I’m wondering if plowed leftist understands that making executive decisions are far more important and inherently responsibile (like a governorship of a state) than arriving at conclusions by a collective opinion (like the senate-especially as newbie still wet behind the ears).
My guess is ‘no’. But then again, this is HA, where the average IQ of the usual liberal commenter rivals that of the temperature of the remnants of Goldy’s bowel movement on Frank Blethen’s lawn 1 week later.
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are unindicted war criminals.
@1, @2 — You two are ridiculously presumptuous! Cheney isn’t fit to give advice to anyone. He should be in counseling.
When you’re done sucking his dick for no apparent reason, let me know. Then maybe I’ll ask you for some of these ahem “talents, [and[ gifts”.
Last I checked, being half-black and being able to competently read from a teleprompter is not an inherently gifted or skilled task- especially when you were elected to be the CEO of the United States. Short of that, Obama has zero real accomplishments in 9 months in office except in the deluded brain of today’s regressive. That’s just the facts son.
If you want, we can continue at 5am as that is my wake up time and It’s late. Your call dumbass.
@4 Their idea of “foreign policy” is to go into other people’s countries and shoot some of them so the survivors will do what we tell them to, which usually involves handing over natural resources our corporations want.
@6 Obama’s fingernail cuttings are smarter than you.
I’m wondering if Little Ricky Dumbass understands Civics 101, and understands that the governor of Texas really didn’t have any “executive decisions” to make, and certainly none that had anything to do with foreign policy, and that being in the United States Senate, which involves some foreign policy issues, is not simply a job of “arriving at conclusions by a collective opinion.”
Little Ricky, this is a yes or no question, do you believe George W. Bush is smarter than Barack Obama?
@7 “Do you think that George W. Bush entered the presidency with: (a) more experience; and (b) more intelligence than Obama? Just answer yes or no.”
Oh, good God, you’re going to make his head explode and then there’ll be a big mess to clean up!
Cheney needs to realize that he’s not only out of office, but that he and his party and their ideology were decisively repudiated by voters, and just go home and retire and shut up. He’s not welcome in D.C. anymore. He’s a persona non grata.
@11 “I’m wondering if plowed leftist understands that making executive decisions are far more important and inherently responsibile (like a governorship of a state) than arriving at conclusions by a collective opinion (like the senate-especially as newbie still wet behind the ears).”
So … it has finally dawned on you that BUSH is responsible for his fuck-up invasion of Iraq and the senators who were bamboozled into voting for the authorizing resolution (under which war was supposed to be a last resort) were merely along for the ride in a carriage they didn’t steer? About time.
@17 “I’m wondering if Little Ricky Dumbass understands Civics 101”
No, of course not. No Republican does. They don’t even understand what a law is. That’s why they ignore the Constitution and break laws at will every time they’re in power.
a and b both to GW Bush. Obama is smoke and mirrors and his thin skin proves just how really insecure the lad is. He knows he’s unqualified for the position, but like most sociopath’s won’t admit it. He’s able to fool enough people enough of the time to convince them that he’s a competent leader.
Many saw through this facade early on, the rest of the country is learning a little to late in the game. Buyer’s remorse will be in 2010 when the adults get back the house and senate and ultimately the White house in 2012. Which will have Goldy on the aurora bridge sending text messages…….
When dealing with people like Little Ricky Dumbass (who has run away from that name and now calls himself Empty Suit Obama), what do you think is the appropriate approach? Should we treat them like street people who talk to themselves, so we kind of smile at them and walk by? Should we treat them like rational people and engage them in argument by trying, point by point, to show them the folly of their thinking? Or, should we just bash the fuck out of them because they’re just never going to get it?
This is the problem with fools like proud leftist and roger dumb bunny. They are blind. See how the enemies view the preznit?
I hope you are influential within your party. You claim that George W. Bush is more intelligent than Barack Obama.
Remarkable. Go for it, Ricky. Spread your knowledge. Hey, by the way, have you won the Golden Goat Award yet?
Your links never help you. Here’s an ad on the front page of your “authoritative” link concerning how our “enemies” see us:
Shit, Pud, do you ever try to see past your own shit?
Proud, Puddy didn’t go there, you did. Puddy went to see how they wrote about the preznit.
You are the venturing into non-Puddy territory. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Notice Puddy went first person to directly deliver this point.
“Non-Puddy” territory is where sane people live.
Thought you were all K’Blammo’d and suckasuckasucka’d out dawg…
Glad you looked at the “fashion report” rujax. About your “speed” dumb cinder block! Is your left hand a blur right now?
Pud, you will know a publication by its advertisers. I thought you knew that. Must we teach you everything here at
Go for it Proud. That’s why some peeps complained to Goldy about right wing adverts here a while back?
re Cheney’s blather:
– Who was president and vice president when 911 occurred?
– Which administration officials received a written warning that bin Laden was going to attack the U.S. — with airplanes — and later stated that they misunderstood the memo? MISUNDERSTOOD????
– Who grounded all flights after 911, but flew the bin Laden family back to Saudi Arabia days after 911?
– Didn’t they miss an opportunity to torture the bin Ladens for information?
– Who attacked Iraq because a gaggle of Saudis flew some jets into some buildings?
– What company that the VP was CEO of got no-compete contracts in the Iraq war?
– What ex VP who was installed by the Supremes is hoping for another terrorist attack so they can regain power.
Cheney should spend the rest of his days in a federal prison — if Holder is competent, he will.
re 32: Please stop saying ‘peeps’, Brer’ Rabbit.
Peeps headless peeps
“This is very unusual,” said Roger Cressey, a former Clinton White House counterterrorism official who was held over under Mr. Bush. “We certainly did not do that. When the transition happened from Clinton to Bush, remember it was a totally different world. You had some documents given that gave them a flavor of where things were at. But now you’ve got two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a hot war against Al Qaeda.”
Seems he contradicts ol’ Richard Clarke! One Clinton Peep about another Clinton Peep
Richard Clarke flew the Bin laden Family back fool This was covered long ago. Of course headless being a libtardo forgets facts which explode libtardo heads.
You mean Cheney was the VP of Shaw Group that one time libtardo money funneling outfit?
Oh you mean he was the VP of URS? No, Dianne Feinstein’s husband ran that no-bid outfit.
Oh you mean he was the VP of Perini Corp? No, Dianne Feinstein’s husband ran that no-bid outfit too.
Rumsfeld was against sending more troops to Afghanistan or Iraq.
He preferred to see the extreme Mohammadan Musselmen regain the upper hand.
So, Richard Clarke countermanded the president’s orders? What kind of fool are you, Lionel?
Puddy don’t remember any VP installed by SCOTUS. Puddy remembers AL Gorebasm trying to stack the deck in Florida and he got caught. Puddy remembers Al Gorebasm losing his home state of Tennessee.
Which administration refused to provide their troops with adequate armor?
headless with missing tooths,
You didn’t read Richard Clarke’s book when Puddy told you too.
Stay stupid. It goes good with your 24×7 racism.
Quimface worked better for you. At least you were eating at the “Y”. Now you only eating left-wing crap.
Going to bed fool!
Which company (sub of Halliburton) has killed 47 U.S. soldiers with their faulty wiring?
Which administration took responsibility for torture by jailing Lyndi Englund?
Which president spent more time vacatioing than any presdent ever did?
I could go on all day. You guys were and are a disaster for this country.
A mighty tub-o’-stoopid – with cheese and bacon!
Don’t think that fat-fuck Cheney is going to get away with his lies. If there is another terrorist attack, the first place they’ll look will be Cheney and his cohorts — and they’ll be looking in the right place.
@34 You trying to insult rabbits?
@43 I wonder if Cheney was behind that Northwest Airlines flight from San Diego to Minnesota last night. The plane was out of radio contact for over an hour and overshot Minneapolis by 150 miles, still cruising at altitude. They were gonna scramble fighters to go after it. FAA suspects the pilots (both of ’em) FELL ASLEEP but the pilots claim they were “distracted” by “a heated discussion about airline policy.” Yeah, well, I’ve got a feeling these guys won’t have to worry about arline policies anymore. If Bush were still in office I’d suspect Cheney of paying these guys to pull this stunt in order to push the latest GOP scandal off the front page. Another hijacked-airliner attack against a U.S. city would work good to distract the news media from the theft of a few billion more dollars.
How would you like to be aboard a commercial airliner that got shot down because the idiots up front fell asleep at the controls and didn’t answer the radio?
Those passengers should all get refunds and a free pass for the return flight — on another airline.
And which administration DIDN’T take responsibility for Predator drones killing people in Pakistan?
Looks like your guy Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm will surpass that mark very quickly. His “date night” in NYC to see a show. At least when Bush went to Crawford he was still president 24×7. Did you forget how Cindy “I’ve Been Discarded by Democrats, Why?” Sheehan would sit outside his compound? Now she’s no longer a Dummocraptic Useful Idiot because she wanted to take on Nancy “I Love Illegal Aliens Working Cheaply on My Vineyards” Pelosi?
Hey Quimface Racist… Roger Cressey Clinton Democratic set the record straight. The team of low gravitas (Puddy used HuffPo so ylb arschloch had no excuse for the source) was briefed and went through many war and homeland attack scenarios. Now they are caught lying about it.
Since Fairfax County went for Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm in 2008 61% to 39% there is a higher chance the naked man was a Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm supporter along with the peeps peeping into his house.
Yes, even posters on HuffPo agrees with Puddy. Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm lets his political money giving company friends skate from the pay CZAR. You can’t tell Puddy this wasn’t political. Look at who was hit and to whom they gave their largess to over the years vs. who skated and will be paying large bonuses.
Of course HA Libtardos close a blind eye to it.
Roger Rabbit,
Those airline pilots were listening to ACORN selected Al Franken’s greatest speeches and fell asleep from the monotony.
“Did ACORN folks pull some fast ones to help get their favorite son Franken elected — a win that handed Democrats the 60-vote, veto-proof majority that they needed to enact their liberal agenda?” – Katherine Kersten, Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
And delirious babbling Joe Biden should have his own comedy routine. He’s a great commercial not to do drugs, as his brain is fried from all those bad acid trips of the 60’s. Cough, hack, dude! says stoner Lee…..
Fortunately, people who think like you will never again be in charge of foreign policy in this country. We are entering the 21st century and Dick Cheney and you don’t get to enter with us. Farewell. The world has passed you by.
Anyone who comes to this conclusion just fell out of a barn door.
@10: PL, Nicely put
Little Ricky is a negative nabob – an unthinking, partisan, dumb, critical dimwit who won’t acknowledge how his party and the fools and crooks he supported (think Bush/Cheney/)ruined the econ0omy and made a laughingstock of this country in the eyes of the world.
I respect some conservatives who actually have a viewpoint, can present a logical argument (instead of just screaming socialism) and can admit when some of their party screw up (such as Bush/Cheney).
Little Ricky Empty Suit is not one of those people. Puddy has lost most of hios credibility too and has resorted to name calling.
@54: Gee, Sue such a reasoned argument.
Cheney is a failure – even Bush stopped listening to him because his policies were counterproductive.
Name one succesful foreign policy of Cheney?
Iran: Total failure. They got closer to nuclear weapons, elected a more radical leader and beame a force for terrorism on the Cheney watch.
Iraq: Unnnecessary war that cost over 1 trillion and produced a country closely allied with Iran. We also lost our precious soldiers lives and the respect of the world – total failure!
Afghanistan: Comnplete and utter failure. Instead of finishing the job with the coalition we had, Bush/Cheney pulled out too soon and sentthe troops to Iraq. In the meantime, Afghnistan got much worse as we ignored it – giving a base back to the Taliban and al qaida (the group that actually attacked us – not Iraq).
North Korea: total failure again – North Korea got more nuclear. Now we are finally starting to see some progress in negotiations and have China, Russia and Japan lined up with us.
Russia: Bush looked into Putin’s eyes and was mesmerized. In the meantime, Russia has trampled over human rights. Only now are we on better footing without the stupid missile screen that would have done nothing to protect anyone.
Our popularity in the world: Under Bush/Cheney we were not just unpopular – we were ridiculed. People all over the world lost repect for us.
@51 – Once again Puddy is incredibly naiive or just palin stupid (hard to tell which one sometimes).
Of course, what Puddy won’t tell you is that his republican friends oppose any pay caps on the same executives who are taking public money.
And Puddy claimes it is political, but again has not done his homework and offers no proof (except misinterpreting a Huffpo article from a source he claims is biased but only uses to try and prove a point that he d=oesn’t understand anyways).
Hello, the government cannot enforce pay caps on companies that have paid back the money to government. Period.
So much for idiot Puddy’s “political” argument. do your homework next time Puddy and quit being intellectually lazy and stoopid!
Learn to actually read and think before your verbal diarrhea comes out. Posting more than anyone else does not make you smarter – it only emphasizes that quantity is not quality. And your posts lack quality – or even rational thought.
@56 Gee, Sue such a reasoned argument.
And what does any of your history lesson have to do with my point, you dope, which had absolutely nothing to do with the last administration’s record?
Bush & Cheney spent 8 years goofing around in Afghanistan and Iraq without winning the damn things. Key-Ryst! If you’re going to get involved in a war, get the damn thing over as quickly as possible. Don’t let it drag on and on and on…
All prolonging the wars do is erode the military and waste the treasury.
Offers no proof? You are a fool of the primary order. Puddy offered proof in many threads moron.
Look up how much Goldman Sucks has for bonuses this year. Try $16 billion.
Who gets Goldman Sucks largess? Dummocratps. Who was Goldman Sucks CEO? Jon Corzine.
Who was campaigning for Corzine while American Troops die in Afghanistan? Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Hear the crickets chirping out of your ASS (or is that your mouth)?
New Words …
If the HA crew are Progressives
Our trollsmust be the Regressives
The regressive stand seems to be a mix of racism, esp. on thwe part of Puddy and MOT, with an utter lack of patriotism, care for others, or reality.
To summarize a lot of what we read above ..
What the HA Libtardos forget is their calls for political correctness during wars. Colin Powell said it correctly. Use all the necessary force to win. Yet Dick Turbin Durbin and other dummocrapts have been nattering nabobs all the time.
Mrs Puddy asked me “What happened to the daily death counts on the nightly news broadcasts for Iraq and Afghanistan?” Puddy replied, “Not politically correct now to damage Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm since these networks are the approved voices for Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples.” Mrs Puddy cracked up saying “How True”.
Calling Puddy a racist is like calling you a racist! Comprende? Why do you hate America?
Per Roger Rabbit mindset of abject stupidity…
When Iran develops a nuke on Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm watch, it will be his fault.
the numbers on Bush for vacation:
Over 1/3 of Bush’s Presidency was spent on vacation….Obama is not even coming close to that. Poor Puddy has no facts once again. Bush broke the record of the other slacker President (Reagan)…both republican rich guys.
Did you listen to Charles Krauthammer fool? Nope? Well Puddy knows why… He is too smart for your to understand. If you accepted TARP money you are now beholden to the US Government. Puddy agrees. Soooooooooo Goldman Sucks accepted $10 Billion. Why do they skate?
Puddy has told correctnotright we laugh at your stupidity. It’s no longer laughter. It’s shaking of the head in shame.
1. Science is wrong.
2. God so hated his son that he crucified him and then blamed the Jews so Rome could rule the3 world w/o guilt.
3. The best defense against nuclear war is nuclear war.
4. Black folks are, well, good as pets. but not quite the equal of real people.
5. Asians aree all alike, fine if they are christian and do not get to uppity because they are smarter than us.
5. Government is bad.
6. Taxes is bad.
7. The Constitution is bad except where is says we should follow Jesus, carry guns, and leave wealthy people alone.
8. Jefferson was a Christina just like Glen Beck.
9. Muslim Jihad Bad, Christina Crusade Good.
10. The NY Times, Disney, and Ted Turner are commies; Murdock, Rev. Moon,and Sean Hannity are patriots.
Once again correctnotright doesn’t get vacations.
1) the president is always the president 24×7
2) GWB didn’t spend vacations at ritzy places having to take a coterie of peeps with him. They called his ranch the other white house.
3) So the Copenhagen trip wasn’t a short vacation going to the UN with your wife and Oprah?
4) That April multi-city European tour wasn’t a vacation?
You are a moron. A plain and simpleton moron!
Poor Puddy – Maybe you need to learn how to formulate an argument…throwing out useless information does not make an argument.
You claimed that the Czar’s decisions on pay cpas was political and I pointed out that the government has no control or leverage on companies like Goldman Sachs who have paid back their money….
so your points:
1. Are moot
2. Don’t prove any political quid pro quo
3. Show that you have no argument, as usual
Grow up and get a real job.
re 68: Note this, WWaxx: We’ve got you on the defensive now.
George Bush = Vacation Boy
Puddwaxx = Duped Douchebag
I’ll bet when you go to a party with your ‘peeps’, everyone says, “Stay away from that nitwit. He’s a complete douchebag.
SeattleJew’s blog pollution today…
1. Science is wrong. – When it’s used for poltical purposes.
2. God so hated his son that he crucified him and then blamed the Jews so Rome could rule the3 world w/o guilt. God loved His Son. God allowed His Son to die for man so man could someday come back to God when sin is finally eradicated. The Rome thing is your thing dude.
3. The best defense against nuclear war is nuclear war. The best defense is to be prepared for it. Puddy asked ylb arschloch how many times the US military went into another country over the years. Being fully historically stupid ylb arschloch couldn’t ansr the question. So SeattleJew, being an erudite professor of learning… How many times?
4. Black folks are, well, good as pets. but not quite the equal of real people. That’s the way you peeps in the Democrat Party treat my peeps. Did you miss Warren Ballentine telling Juan Williams to go back to the Porch because Warren was getting his ASS kicked in the debate? Look up the YouTube!
5. Asians aree all alike, fine if they are christian and do not get to uppity because they are smarter than us. Where did Puddy say this? Did you determine this from your UW classes?
5. Government is bad. When used to put draconian laws on the backs of peeps.
6. Taxes is bad. Taxes are bad when they are used as draconian control methods.
7. The Constitution is bad except where is says we should follow Jesus, carry guns, and leave wealthy people alone. Can you show Puddy this in the US Constitution sport?
8. Jefferson was a Christina just like Glen Beck. And your irrelevant point is?
9. Muslim Jihad Bad, Christina Crusade Good. Oh you mean Roman Catholic Jesuit led crusades. Talk to the Catholics here. Puddy not one so Puddy can’t discuss their historical actions. Butt Jon Foxes Book of Martyrs is a great source of pain for all to read.
10. The NY Times, Disney, and Ted Turner are commies; Murdock, Rev. Moon,and Sean Hannity are patriots. You finally got one right!
Why do you hate America SeattleJew? Why do you hang with people who hate the military and tell our communist enemies the US doesn’t want to lead anymore?
@68: Once again, Puddy can’t formulate an argument:
You said:
No, false, wrong. As usual. Not even close.
Now you try and weasel out of it….Presidents are on the job all the time…..
Bush did not go to ritzy places….oh, you mean like the “Crawford ranch” or Kennebunkport (exclusive ritzy places he or his ultra-rich family OWNED!)
Once again, you have no facts and nothing but name calling.
I feel sorry for you. You insist on calling people morons because you are so insecure about your own intelligence.
Obviously, you never learned to actually formulate an argument despite all of your “education”.
To the dunce AKA as correctnotright,
Goldman Sucks needed the TARP funds to get back on their feet. Without them they would have been in big trouble. Once you accept the TARP funds you are accountable to the government in that year you fool. The TARP funds allowed Goldman Sucks to make big bucks.
Why do they skate? Politics.
Ohhh Puddy produced the facts. You can’t handle the truth because you head exploded. Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm traveled to Europe within 90 days of being preznit and hopskotched all over the big cities making “speeches” telling everyone how sorry he was for America being the world leader. Puddy placed all the comments from world papers laughing at the US.
Crawford and Kennebunktport ritzy places? Man what a libtardo!
Puddy writes:
The world according to Puddy:
We should not use science to inform us of the right course to take in pulic policy …. instead, it should be some tool in the shed that is never used or consulted.
What a stupid thing to say!
Glenn Beck Day A $$$ Loser For Mount Vernon Taxpayers
Mount Vernon GOP Mayor Bud Norris’ lone-ranger stunt involving Glenn Beck cost the city $18,000, much of it for police and staff overtime, but personnel taking comp time will reduce the city’s cash outlay to about $12,000, the fishwrapper reported this morning.
That doesn’t count expenditures by the State Patrol and neighboring police departments that Mount Vernon won’t have to reimburse.
GOP Mayor Norris hoped the event would raise $10,000 for a local historic preservation project, but it netted only $5,000.
GOP Mayor Norris said he has “no regrets” and plans to run for reelection in two years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As an abused taxpayer, I’m outraged that Mount Vernon wasted tax money like this, even though I don’t live in that city or pay these taxes! M.V. residents do, and I feel their pain. There’s too much waste, fraud, and abuse in M.V. city government, and city voters will have an opportunity to fix that in a couple years. I hope they do.
@74: Count the vacations days….not even close to Bush.
Once again….you love your own words but fail on the facts. You are certainly a legend in your own mind.
And we laugh at you for that.
Do you enjoy being wrong? I know, the facts have a liberal bent. Sorry about that.
Dick Cheney should be sitting in a cell in the Netherlands awaiting his war crimes trial at the Hague.
@73: I know the factsa re hard for you to comprehend or accept. But GS paid back the TARP funds – so they are no longer legally liable for the salary caps that your party (republicans) oppose.
How does it feel to keep making thse same stoopid point and failing to understand the obvvious?
Puddy gotta get back to work. See you leftist pinheads later today!
Run away wittle Puddy…..come back when you learn how to make an argument.
@63 Puddy I figured the “r” word would get your attention.
I have no problem with a Black guy who says those genes are irrelevant. It is quite a different matter when you use your skin to defend your right to act like a racist.
You remind me of some librul Jews who crap on Israel and say that this is OK because a Yid can not be an antisemite. You remind me of Medved or Rabbi Lapin.
You want examples …read your posts.
You denigrate Obama by playing games with his middle name and playing on the use of the sound Black kids used in their song about him.
This would be the equivalent of my referring Michael Moshe Medved or Lapin the Cheredi.
Why for you do this???
What issues of equlaity do you take on?
You never take on the cause of equality whether that is pushing for the much needed better schools or criticizing the Reprican party for this persistent racism.
You play not the not so subtle racist attacks on ACORN.
You give Rev Wright no respect while tolerating Bachman, Beck, and Bush.
Just ONCE, I would like to see the same sense of offense on your part about show Blacks like Steele and Thomas that I have with Medved or
the Capo’s who work with the Christian right.
This is really not a right vs. left issue … both sides have theior own forms of racism. Condescending toward the c0rrupt Black government of Detroit is as bad as pretending Bush’s policies were not a Christian failure.
Let me use some Jewish history to make my point. In our Passover story we celebrate the liberation from slavery but not OUR liberation alone. As Jews we are taught that the lesson of Egypt, the lesson of Spain, the lesson of the Shoah should gbe a lesson for all people.
Does this mean all Jews must be liberal? Does it make Goldwater or Marx bad because they were converts? No. But when a Jew uses OUR heritage to defned herself against charges of bigotry, then the stakes must go up.
Same for Black people. SJ admires Obama not because he is Black but because he uses his heritage to help all people. I get a great thrill when I see all American kids celebrating Dr. King, do you get such a thrill?
You two are funny.
Cheney is a discredited disgrace and he’s the only one on your side willing to go on TV.
Re 67
Refutation by point-
1) Science isn’t wrong, but it isn’t always right either. It is inherently a work in progress which should be able to replace a theory with a better when one comes along. This is rarely done in the psuedo religion of science as practiced by most universities and all governments. Governments particularly twist science to support whatever crackbrained theory is going. See Global Warming. Oh forgot, they’ve started calling it Climate Change because the earth isn’t actually warming.
2) I get that you hate Christianity. So what?
3) Hate to tell you, but the best defense is always a strong offense. Would you have preferred leaving nuclear hegemony in the hands of that paragon of leftist pride, Stalin?
4) This is silly. To oppose Obama is not rascism. It can be, but is vastly more often legitimate concern about his policies and far left ideology. We can disagree on those and recognize that the other guy just sincerely disagrees. Or we can throw scurilous and false allegations around. Your choice.
5) See 4
6) Taxes take from a potentially productive economy the money required to run government. They are therefore inherently bad, yes. But they’re a necessary evil for us to provide the basic services of government. Conservatives simply think most government functions, including health care, can be better and more efficiently provided by the private sector. Again, we can have a civil disagreement or you can throw childish insults around.
7 & 8) No true conservative believes this, so no argument is necessary.
9) Sorry, when was the last Christian Crusade? Oh yeah, 600 years ago. Jihad is now, and while it represents a tiny minority of Islamic thought, it’s important and of real concern.
10) To paraphrase the left; The NY Times, Ted Turner and Disney all twist the news to support Democrats, so they’re good. Murdock and Fox say stuff with which I disagree so they’re just stupid and wrong. Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh are evil because they’re enormously successful at what they do, and I’m jealous that Americans don’t see that MSNBC the same way. That about get it? As for Reverend Moon, that’s just odd.
One other quick note. On Marketplace last night (you know, the economic arm of the NPR propaganda machine for the Democrat party) the reporter was talking about US Treasury bonds being downgraded in rating due to trillion dollar deficits and the uncertain future of the dollar. Score one for the Obama team! Must be a cunning plan to destroy the economy so all those poor guys can finally get the rich bastards stuff.
re 84: “…the best defense is always a strong offense.”
Identifying the actual enemy is helpful prior to the strong offense.
Iraq…Iraq…Iraq…Iraq…Taliban Taliban Taliban
al Quaida … al Quaida…al Quaida…. the enemy.
Good point, but the Taliban did protect Bin Laden, and refused to lift that protection. That’s why the Afganistan war wasn’t wildly controversial in rational circles until recently. Iraq was a mistake, pulling out before stabilizing the place would be a worse one.
And what does all this have to do with nuclear deterrent?
Iraq…Iraq…Iraq…Iraq…Taliban Taliban Taliban I meant to identify these as being NOT the actual enemy.
We did not go into Afghanistan to topple the Taliban and rebuild that country. We went their to catch bin Laden and destroy al Quaida.
What we have done there would be akin to bombing Chicago to get rid of Al Capone, and then letting him go, anyway.
These wars were only to enrich Cheney/Bush and their cronies. You are a chump.
re 86: “And what does all this have to do with nuclear deterrent?”
Pakistan is a nuclear power.
re 84: It would take a far more clever and informed apologist for the neo-cons than you to justify what they’ve done to the country — starting with Nixon in my lifetime.
Every point you’ve rehashed here has been refuted time and again on HA — yet some fool will always bring them up again.
This time it’s you. If you don’t like living in a rea of blue, move to the south.
It’s people like George Will who are the surrender monkeys on Afghanistan.
Puddy back for a few…
Huh? It was an interracial class who sang the song. Puddy been using every liberal iconic description to describe the person taking us to deeper debt, a potential drop of Moody’s AAA bond rating, and financial ruin. Who called him “the messiah”? Your peeps.
Oh really? And all these JINOs who populate this blog who claim it’s OKAY for the Palestinians to attack Jews with car bombs, bus bombs and rocket attacks. Yep that really makes sense.
Puddy takes on all of the Democratics who take my peeps and uses them for political fodder. For instance the Idaho Planned Parenthood call where the caller gets the PP lady to agree to the need to have as many black abortions as necessary because PP needs to get rid of black baby peeps. Or the fact blacks abort at a much higher rate. Or the fact black inner city issues continue to get worse and worse and worse. WHO’S VOICE HAS BEEN THE LOUDEST HERE?
How dare you question my love for my peeps? I take on the black charlatans Sharpton (Tawana Brawley) and Jackson (Corporation Shakedown for his personal gain then drop lawsuit, Duke 3, Jena 6, Karen Stanford, HymieTown) all the time oh HA. They want Democrats to kiss their ASSes but what does that do for the inner city peeps? ABSOLUTELY Nuthin. When Jackson took Clinton on in 1999 for the FEMA Carolina Hurricane Disaster and the absolutely slow response, Puddy was reminding you HA Libtardos the fecklessness of FEMA and James Watt when you all were attacking Mike Brown.
That’s abosolute BULLSHITTIUM. While you claim Republican racism, Puddy has idintified on this blog over the years the real racism of Howard Dean – no blacks in his presidential campaign, John Kerry – one black in his presidential campaign which Hymietown Jackson finally caught up with Puddy two months later, and all the subtle acts done by your party.
More BULLSHITTIUM. ACORN is made of and controlled by white people. Bertha Lewis appeared in the last year. The little people at ACORN are blacks but you forget the Rathke brothers and their ties to the white run SEIU Union. How many blacks are in high positions? Ask HAs arschloch ylb arschloch… he can tell you cuz his wife is a card carrying SEIU member.
When you and others denounce Wright, Puddy will denounce Bachmann. Regarding Beck, he’s cleaning up WA DC. Where do you find MAO lovers? On Obama’s team. Where do you find communist lovers? On Obama’s team. Where do you find capitalist haters? On Obama’s team. Well if you hang with them doesn’t that mean they make you feel comfortable to be around? Regarding Bush, I feel safer when Puddy traveled overseas because peeps knew if an American was attacked “The Cowboy” TOOK NO PRISONERS.
Isn’t this a free country? Why do peeps like yourself wanna stifle free speech? Puddy knows ylb arschloch and rujax are big ASSholes but they can spew their crap to the high heavens. Blacks like Sharpton, Jackson, John Lewis, Alcee Hastings, maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, are REPREHENSIBLE to Puddy. Why? They are card carrying RACISTS whom you jock strap and you attack PUDDY as a racist! Puddy has placed on HA comment after comment here form all of them.
Check with the HA arschloch ylb arschloch. Ask him to use tctmgr and post the Puddy comments over the years. Puddy puts out the challenge but no one will ask the arschloch. Why? Because your see the comments and REMEMBER what Puddy has said over the last 5 years here.
Oh really? The man who said he was gonna put politics aside because we ALL are AMERICANS? Well that lasted a nanosecond eh? He uses himself to put his hate America ideas forth. Who went on the World Apology tour? Who has Russia saying nyet to Iran sanctions? When will China say no to more North Korea sanctions? Did you notice China and Russia just signed a multi-billion $$$ technology exchange last week? Hmmm… looks like they are becoming buds again.
There is a very recognizable and creepy slant to the right wing mind that enables you to look at people and events in a slightly skewed fashion that twists all things to fit your simplistic ideology.
I can see the log in your eye as you go about trying to remove the mote from mine. You would need to experience an epiphany of the magnitude of David Brock’s to see what you’ve done to yourself by investing your mind and soul in your failed economic and poitical ideology.
Looks like Reid is going to introduce a Public Option in the senate bill.
What are you guys going to do now? Raid the mental institutions and set the inmates free with crazy signs in thair hands?
Oh, I forgot. Reagan already did that. Next time a bum asks you for some spare change, think about that.
I think many conservatives were just unpopular youths who have found a socially acceptable way to express their hatred of normal, liberal folks by being obdurate mental douchebags.
Re 92
On the contrary, I see why progressives and liberals believe the way they do. The simplistic nature of your ideology in a comlex world is what makes me reject it.
Sure it would be great if no-one were poor or hungry or had difficulty paying their doctors bills. It would be terrific if company directors voluntarily gave up personal gain to help the larger society. It would be simply wonderful if we could all just get along.
But human nature doesn’t allow for that. Speaking of failed economic theories, Toothy, how does the USSR grab you? It’s the mental furniture to most progressives’ sense of economic justice, but is a marked and massive failure itself. How do you think the smart and productive folks who do well will react to the massive taxation people like you want to impose on them? They’ll pass it on to you in higher costs at their businesses, that’s how.
You see, I’d rather have workable reality than wishful thinking in the long run.
“I think many conservatives were just unpopular youths who have found a socially acceptable way to express their hatred of normal, liberal folks by being obdurate mental douchebags.”
Is this meant to be ironic, or are you just being obtuse?
Reworded correctly
Now for the headless view
See ya!
headless the difference between me and you is Puddy spends his own money to help those downtrodden while you ask the government to spend tax dollars to help the same people.
One is giving from the heart while the other is giving away someone else’s work!
At @1:
Puddydummy’s smackdowns lack smack.
91. Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rock spews:
Looks like I touched a nerve.
As a first step, lets go through and correct any misstatements:
What the eff is “interacial?” President Obama is “interacial.” So the eff are you. The song, the setting were in the BLACK idiom and I have ZERO doubt that your message is missed by MOT or any other bigot here.
What is a JINO .. you mean a KIKE? Or do you mean a memebr of the Tobetan/Burmese minority in China? I feat thge forer.
All you do is diss racism in white libruls. So what? You NEVER come out for an action that PROMOTES equality, even when there are others (myself included) who have strong positions on conservative ideas .. charter schools, master teachers …factual teaching of history!
Dissing libruls is easy.
Obviously not Puddy since he is unabel to cite a single cause he has spoken out on other than dissing libruls.
As for you last comment, I assume it is meant to be racist unless you are actually so biased as a Christian not to understand why that is an insult.
I have not done that at all. I know you pretty well and am aware that you are very proud of being Black. I have no doubt that Medved and Lapin are proud of being Jews too. Like you, and Like me, they proudly wear their identities.
What I question is your willingness to use your identity as a weapon. In that way you are a lot like Sharpton. I am sure he loves his peeps too.
Sure you do. SO DO I. But when do you take on Steele or Clarence Thomas?
Same old same old. Tell me how hard YOU have worked to get AA to come to HA? Tell me about tour stand against the R. Party’s supporters in Idaho?
Do you really care about Black issues or just .. SHARPTON-LIKE — use your skin as a rhetorical tool for other purposes.
Let me give YOU credit .. you don’t make money out of it. You don’t use race to make a living, but you condone the blatant racism that creates Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas just as Medved and his ilk condone evangelical antisemitism.
Really …
errr ahhhh
did you notice ANY Fox videos on white folks in ACORN? Do you suppose that the skin color in these “exposes” is an accident?
Same old, same old.
First, I have no interest in denouncing Rev Wright. I disagree with hinm BUT he is not a major figure in the Dem Party, not elected to anything, and .. taking away the quotes out of context, most of the crap about him on Fox dismissed very real issues.
If you want to read ME dissing libruls , you can read lots here about my comments on McDermitt, my accusations vs Gregoire for her racsim, my comments of the segregation of HA …
and you????
I will trade cred anytiome with you on that matter. Riddler .. tell me this, give me any erxample where I have opposed free speech?
Same old, same old. You and I would agree on a lot of these. So? I would add to your list .. How the hell does that justify your supporting step and fetchits like Steele or overt racists like the Sanator who just refused comment on the mixed marriage schtick in LA?
WTF does your response have to do with my post? Is there something racist about Obama promoting peace or American ideals as opposed to American/Tacism and Imperialism? Do you REALLY think ANYONE outside the US thinks America has not been racist? Do YOU really believe that??
BTW, if you shovel around int he cat box you may find that China and Russia are BOTH now far tight fascist governments. Seems like a triumph for capitalism?
More on Puddy …
Naad an example of this is?????
I hope we do have givernment folks who have read Mao. What is wrong with that?
May I remind you that YOU worship a Bible written for the express purpose ofm oppressing people under Roman Rule. Does that mean you are a Roman?
Name one.
Name one.
Tell that to Osama ben Laden.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl’s Dad.
Lessee ..
Robert Gates and Paul Volcker and Warren Buffet are …..?
re 98: Bullshit. You are all in favor of corporate socialism as opposed to helping real people.
re 95: “Speaking of failed economic theories, Toothy, how does the USSR grab you?”
How does the U.S. grab you? I mean as far as failed economic systems go….
It’s not me asking for a bailout. It’s not my business asking protection from antitrust laws — like the insurance industry.
You need to look at your own culpability — loser.
re 97: “There is a very recognizable and correct view to the world that enables you to look at people and events in a objective fashion that allows things to fit an objective ideology.”
No matter how you slice it, Waxxed One, your ideology is simplistic nonsense. That’s why it was so popular for so long — even someone who sends large contributions to TV evangelists while their own children starve can grasp it.
With respect to posts 103 and 104, you really shouldn’t make assumptions without any information.
I’ve frequently posted that the banks AND the homeowners who took on more debt than they could afford should have been allowed to fail. I don’t know what you mean by “corporate welfare,” but I can guess. This is a liberal floating term that means anything pro-business is automatically anti-American. Sorry, but I think that is simple nonsense. Where do you think jobs come from for goodness sake? Unions? Don’t make me laugh.
As far as “helping real people” socialism does exactly the opposite, if you mean advancing the interests of those people. Socialism assumes that the fault and fiscal responsibility for the 4 kids a McDonalds clerk has are societies. The house they live in, the food they eat and the medical care they are provided aren’t the responsibility of the parents. No sir, they are mine, because I made good choices and did better financially.
Socialism and its’ weaker baby brother progressivism, are social engineering to produce a wastrel and useless society. Thanks, but no thanks.
And my culpability, fellow citizen, is for me and mine. It isn’t for you and every other lazy fool who won’t take care of himself.
By the way, Toothy, here’s a multiple choice question. Of the two countries, the USSR and the USA which is still in existence?
B) The USA (until Obama destroys it)
C) Other fictional workers paradise
(Hint for liberals who are generally weak on facts-choose B.)
@107. lostinaseaofblue spews:
By the way, lib, here’s a multiple choice question. Of the following countries, including the PRC and the USA which is more likely to grow in power in this century?
A) The People’s Republic of China
B) The USA (if ti can recoup the damage done by Republicans)
C) Socialist Brazil
D) Socialist Canada
E) Whatever State is still trying to live by capitalism (Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Russia?).
By the way, lib, here’s another multiple choice question. Of the following countries, which is best described as capitalist?
A. The USA (under Bush)
B. Norway
C. the Vatican
D. Qatar
E. Columbia
Ah, SJ is back, and still hasn’t answered a single point from my refutation at 84. Welcome back.
I’m sorry that you’re bigoted about Christianity, SJ, but that isn’t so much an argument as a character flaw in you.
As far as capitalism goes some form of regulation is necessary. The early part of the last century did that in the US, and subsequent liberal regulation has weakened the position the US holds in the world. China will almost certainly eclipse us in the coming century for reasons that would take up a book rather than a blog posting. And frankly this is an area of study in which I’m an amateur. Plenty of good scholarship has been done explaining Chinese ascendency better than I could or would attempt.
Empires fade, and for my money I’m okay with a faded but free country. What I’m not okay with is the continuing encroachment of my civil rights from the far right and the far left trying to control how and where I spend my hard earned money.
To avoid charges of being a wealthy elite who looks down on the poor because I don’t know better-
When I bought an investment property last year I did the numbers on it every night a few times for 3 weeks before signing papers. What if I lose my job, or the renter moves out, or the property needs maintanance unexpectedly, I asked myself. What if I need medical care? Can I pay my bills on my first house and this second one of all of this happens? After all this I had my attorney and my accountant look over the contract and my numbers.
Planning pays off. I was in fact laid off and due to my employment status as a self employed contractor can’t collect unemployment (though your liberal nonsence means I can and did pay it in taxes). The renter did move out, and the well needed a new pump 6 months after I bought it. I had an unexpected minor surgery which cost me significant out of pocket expenses.
This is where personal responsibility pays off, liberals. I didn’t lose the property, or whine about the lay-off, or complain about the tenant or not receive health care. I did spend my savings starting a business that is paying off well, in construction which most of you would consider impossible in this economy. My former business associates have sent projects my way that pay better than my former job. They don’t do this as favors, but because I did and do quality work planning their jobs. I rent the cabin occasionally to vacation renters and get to spend time out there myself, which didn’t happen when it had a tenant. I had the cash to pay the well drilling outfit and the surgical costs. In fact, after what most liberals would consider destructive life events requiring government help I’m better off personally and financially. Without any government aid of any kind.
Some of this is luck. Most of it is what anyone can do in this country. Most of it is hard work and due diligence. I do not have a college degree, or rich friends I rely on for favors. I don’t ask anyone to pay my bills or help me find my way in life.
So don’t tell me I don’t understand the little guy. Don’t tell me I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have no sympathy for those who start with less. It is ALL a matter of personal choice and personal responsibility for that choice.
I feel no obligation to those who won’t do the same. None at all.
84. lostinaseaofblue call this a “refutation”:
Re 67
gosh, lets no t vaccinate anybody or use quantum entanglement to make chips.
Nope. I no more “hate” Christianity than I “hate” capitalism or marxism. I do hate the excesses of an ism and Christianity has an awful big share of these.
what does this refute?
who said it is? Birthers, kluxers, ACORN hunters .. them guys is the racists.
Gee, if you wanna refute me. tell me what “childish insults” I done made
really??? hmmmm. so tell me where you stand on Madison? You know Freedom from Religion? Freedom OF Speech?
Unless you include the general (not just the dim wit President) who told the iraqui troops to bring baptismal pooles of the Air Force cadets told to bomb in the name of Jeezus or the Americna Indians forced to convert or the Ohio Musli8m girl abducted by Christians a few weeks ago or the witch hunts now underway in Nigeria and Kenya (the latter under Palin’s hero) or …………
Yep, I have said this many times. I thought this was a refutation:
First of all Ted Turner currently controls NO media. Second, the idea that Disney, historically a republican dominated firm BTW, is far left librul is funnier than Scrooge McDuck.
As for comparing the level of inquiry and balance in the NYT with Fox??? Heil Hitler to you too!
No. It is typical. The right is perfectly comfortable with Moon, Murdock, and Reilly. Nay of these easily compete with Rcv Wright for outrageousness but somehow the libruls don’t have any media willign to push such brown material.
And how Mr. Hoover would you deal with the near depression your predecessor left you?
You weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
Unless some very odd sex act happened, I don’t think any of us were.
OTOH, some of us were born with a lot more wealth than others.
Some have genomes that cause cancer.
Some get hit by card driven by drunk drivers.
Some win the lottery.
Some get screwed by fraudualent companies.
Some get screwed by believing in crazy religions.
Some inherit money form their Daddies and then becum President.
OK?, now what?
As regards 112:
“Ok, now what?”
Now liberals and progressives stop complaining about bad luck and how we need government to ameliorate the lot of the unlucky. Now we suck up the realities of our lives, deal with them like adults, and stop begging others to pick up the slack. Especially others who didn’t screw up and shouldn’t have to pay the price.
See, my point was that I’m no-one special. I’m not smarter than most of my fellow citizens. I’m not born more wealthy. I don’t have great connections. I’m not more lucky. I was just taught to take care of my own problems. I was taught to accept and embrace the consequences of my actions and learn from them, bad or good. This is my fundamental difficulty with liberal thought. It takes all the richness of this kind of experience from its’ victims, the recipients of the welfare state. Those who push this type of government steal from the citizens something essential to basic humanity, independence and self reliance.
As for what I’d do instead of spending in a way drunken sailors would whistle in sheer admiration at the nature of? How about fiscal responsibility? How about not spending the incomes of my kids, their kids and the next generation too? Yes it would be painful, but so will the results of Obama’s insane spending spree. And before you say it, yes the last president started it with his stimulus packages. More shame to someone who should have known better, but it doesn’t make Obama stupidity smart.
@113 lib
Maybe you ought to stop drinking that brown stuff, turn Mr. Beck to the wall, and READ?
Most or ALL of what you are saying IS what we call Obamism.
He has pushed for a lot of want you want …
equal opportunity …
healthcare w/o solving the US healthcare dilemma this can not be. During the campaign, those to the left of BHO criticized HIS healthcare for putting too much emphasis on individual responsibility.
Unless you wanna see the US go bankrupt?
education we are falling behindour competitors. We are the ONLY industrialized nation that burdens its best students with huge loan debts.
Unless you think we should compete with the former Soviet Union where they have dumped universal education?
charter schools The effin Union OPPOSES BHO on this.
Howsa about you? You think poah kids ought not to have the same opportunity to learn as rich kids? Or maybe you think we ought to make education MORE expensive by subsidizing private schools (aka vouchers).
As for the debt, what would you have him do about the monstrous economy he inherited? CONSERVATIVE economists have criticized him for not doing more to rescue the US.
GWB mortgaged us up to the gazoo fighting a war without direction. So now we gotta pay the piper .. or do you think the US should welsh on its debts?
The saddest thing about today’s crop of conservatives is that they are not that at all. They can not tell a highly disciplined, responsible administration from one led by a semi literate cowboy. They think the label “democrat” is more important than the label “American,”
Frankly, as a patriot, I am disgusted with the Trolls here.
Recently I visited Detroit. You remember Detroit? It looks more like Afghanistan than it does like Windsor, its “socialist” counterpart across the river.
NO American kid ought to be sentenced to growing up in a cess pool like that.
@113 get off of the toilet, turn of Beck and READ.
Most of what you say about responsibility and opportunity describes the programs of Barack Obama.
No one likes the deficit, but he needs to deal not only with the debts he inherited form the cowboys, but .. even more importantly, the massive structural deficits they created for long into the future.
You don’t like the stimulus, neither do I. So? You think we should just let Hoover fix it? You know some educated person who supports Beck’s views of economics .. you know some professor or literate type?
Be more than just a Troll. A LOT of what Obama is doing IS TRUE patriotism ans true conservatism. Where the hell is the “right” when ti comes to issue like our impending bakruptcy form healthcare, the decline in our infrastructure vis a vis that of Europe or China, our lack of allies in trying to keep world peace?
re 114: Thanks for staying on the job and not letting the rightards get in the last word.
re 113: “Now liberals and progressives stop complaining about bad luck and how we need government to ameliorate the lot of the unlucky. ”
I thought you wanted them to take personal responsibility? So, you admit that some are merely unlucky?
Or, do you even really care what you are saying as long as you are getting your rocks off being oppositional to the ‘libruls’?
re 107: Haven’t you heard? It’s a global ecobomy and countries don’t matter anymore. It’s just a race to the bottom for cheap labor and then you are going to sell all those widgets to who?
Toothy, try reading instead of just reacting.
Luck is a minor character in the play. Hard work, saving, planning and general conservative values like them are what I was talking about. With these luck becomes the wild card it is, and you just deal with it. Without them you become a liberal who can’t tie his own shoelaces without a government program costing 114 billion to show him how.
Yes, it is a global economy. Congratulations for catching up. And this has to do with the demise of the socialist USSR how? This has to do with Obama sinking this country under a mountain of debt how?
To Seattle Jew, who is reasonable if in opposition, you’re right. Obama inherited a mess from the prior administration. I’m unclear on how digging our national hole deeper is helpful, though. I’m positive that instituting societal expectations of a cradle to grave nanny state is not going to reduce government debt or expenditure in the long, short or medium terms though.
For some strange reason conservatives seem to have a vision of social welfare firmly rooted in Dickensian London.
On the other hand they really can’t seem to see that some of the best places in the world to live for the least to the greatest citizens are the industrialized socialist democracies. Places like Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, etc.
Yes, Chris, the best places to live if you aren’t successful, ambitious or capable are socialist democracies. What you fail to point out is that these countries ride the innovation made possible only by truly free (or once free) countries like ours. They wait for us to invent a new drug, or ipod or whatever, steal the concept and mass produce it. When folks on the far left have succeeded in destroying incentive for hard work and innovation here where do you think it will come from, Chris?
Out of curiousity have you ever actually lived in these paradisical places. Tried to pay taxes in one? Tried to see a doctor or get work done on your home or car in one? Yeah, thought not.
119 lib
Personally I prefer full socialism. Most of then “innovation” in the US yu seem to extol came from socialist programs (space, NIH,radi, satellites, internet, etc).
As for Obama, what “instituting societal expectations of a cradle to grave nanny state is not going to reduce government debt or expenditure in the long, short or medium terms though” is this about?
If you mean his healthcare proposal, the proposal’s main intent is to break up the inefficient monopolies that now obstruct any free market. The stimulus package is hardly Obama’s choice, it was begun under the Cowboy because his conservative advisers told hum he had eff’d up so much there was now no other choice. His chools program promotes choice. This is anything BUT a nanny state.
BTW, by almost any measure life is better even for the middle class in Canada, Germany, Sweden, etc. What I think you miss is that our society socializes a lot of benefits for the wealthy. Where Swedes and Germans have full or nearly full equal opportunities for school, healthcare, and basic housing, we have huge disparities in all these that hobble the very entrepreneurial drive yu extol.
Anyhow, it mystifies me … as osmeone to Obama’s left, hw any rational person can criticize him for fostering a welfare society.
re 119: “Hard work, saving, planning and general conservative values like them are what I was talking about.”
Those are not conservative values. They are liberal values. A conservative value is canceling the above described liberal workers’ health insurance on a technicality so you can keep up profits for the short term or the credit card industry taking the time they have from now until the new rules take effect in 2010 to raise their interest rates to outlandish heights — even for the people who have not abused their credit.
No. Conservatives take advantage of people who follow the precepts you’ve described and then rape them economically.
Declaring the health insurance industry to be free from anti-trust laws is the kind of conservative values your side espouses in the real world.
Take off those green sunglasses and look behind the screen.
I agree with 123. But beyond that, I consider the essence of America to be opportunity.
@119: Lost says:
Let me help you on that one….we just got through the worst recession since the great depression….and we are not out of the woods yet. We needed the government to spend on public works to pick up an economy in a death spiral.
We ran up a huge debt during WW2 at the end of the great depression….and we ended up in the longest sustained economic recovery and paid down much of the debt.
Sometimes government needs to step in when private industry is just cutting jobs.
@121 Been to France, Canada, England and Germany – they do plenty of innovation and they have better health care and healthier people than the US.
German engineering….as good or better than the US. French doctors and research … equivalent to the US. Most of our research comes form government funded programs and universities anyways…so what is your weak point?
Are you as provincial or stupid as you sound?
We spend almost double what the next closest country spends on health care….and we get health care that is equal to Slovenia (37th place).
Insurance companies have over 20% overhead plus profit – Medicare has 3%.
The current system stinks – the prices keep going up and we pay more for the same drugs than any other country on the planet.
Health care is a monopoly…yet the conservative republicans support the anti-trust exemption that limits competition.
And your point is what? Anmd your argument….simplistic and weak. Go back to school to actually learn things rather than mouthing platitudes that are wrong.
@122: Nice answer
coddling the rich is the republican party at it’s core….and all the excuses the Lost or Puddy make can’t cover that up.
@122….then why dont you move to a full socialist country?
Your opinion is not suprising given the fact that you are on the public dole…and I say that with all due respect – but I think your view of things is a wee bit skewed.