Via TPM:
Two men were arrested when police found a pipe bomb, two shotguns, bomb-making materials, ammunition, a can of propane and SWAT costumes in their car Tuesday night in New Haven, Conn.
So far the police don’t have a clear sense of what the pair were planning to do, New Haven Police spokesman Officer Joe Avery told TPM.
Nope… no idea at all of what the pair were planning to do.
So let’s be clear. Brown-skinned guys with backpacks and cell phones… obvious terrorist bombing plot. White-skinned guys with actual bomb… um… gee… who the hell knows?
Hmm, I thought I saw this one on a TV show a while back. I think it was “The Closer”. Some nuts put explosives together with propane tanks at a shopping mall, with plans to shoot the people as they ran out of the mall.
Either that, or they are awfully early for Halloween.
Umm, gee, hmmm … (scratches head) … uh, rob a fucking bank?
S.C. Taxpayers Left Holding Empty Bag
Four years ago, South Carolina gave Dell Computers $318 million of tax breaks and subsidies for a plant that was supposed to employ 1,500 workers for 20 years.
“Public agencies paid to prepare the Dell site for construction, widen roads leading to the plant, and equip community colleges to train company workers before the plant opened,” according to the Associated Press.
Dell announced today it’s closing the plant and laying off all the workers.
“The … company said it was part of an effort to simplify operations and improve efficiency …. The company … announced a drive to save $4 billion a year by 2011. Dell previously sold its Lebanon, Tenn., remanufacturing plant …,” AP said.
Dell announced last month it will spend $3.9 billion to acquire Perot Systems Corp.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds like they should have bypassed the middleman and given the $318 million directly to the workers.
It ended up costing S.C. taxpayers about $90,000 a year for each job while the plant was in operation.
And while THIS is going on the cops are worried about a couple guys fixin’ to merely rob a bank?
As I see it, the only not-clear parts of their plan are:
a) what they wanted to bomb
b) when they wanted to do it
c) which neo-Nazi organizations(s) they belong to
Just two good boys, never meaning no harm…
We know they are GOP-sympathizers and that they hate our president. I’m confident about that. They also believe that their activity is protected under the 2d Amendment.
The comments at TPM are classic.
There’s also a link to a story about one suspects previous arrest for bomb making.
Apparently one of the suspects is a baptist, not bomb thrower.
It all depends on WHY you want to bring the government down.
If it’s for Islamic religious jihad…bad.
If it’s for right wing Christian jihad (complete with bank-robbin’, gun runnin’, compound holin’ up in, 12 yo impregnatin’)….well, that’s just a red blooded patriotic tea party movement!
Christianist jihad good. Islamic jihad bad.
Or brown people riding ferry boats and taking pictures, RFBWB
What Goldy “forgot” to mention is that the mayor of New Haven, John DeStefano, Jr., is a Democrat.
So what do a couple of guys with apparent criminal intent have to do with the mayor’s party affiliation?
I’ve heard some say troll is really pulling them out of….., well you know where.
Why am I not surprised by the apologia for Islamofascist terrorism expressed by this article and comments.
Racial profiling when looking for Jihadis is effective. The TSA searching some arthritic Scandinavian-looking grandmother is just an annoying waste of time and money. If the long-bearded, brown skinned men wearing the funny clothes get pissed at being screened, maybe they should have a word with their co-religionists.
Racial profiling flies against what we are as a nation. What would you say if I said I think shorthaired, small-dicked, white males, like you, should get more scrutiny. After all, they tend to hate the government and know how to build bombs. Do you think that would be fair?
@17 If your type (the wee-Willy lefties) had been shown again and again to be plotting to commit acts against this country. YES. Certainly.
Islamic fascists have declared war on our country and attacked us, what more justification is required?
Stop thinking we deserved 9/11 and start fighting back. Act like men.
AP just released that the two were Acorn employees. HAHAHAHAHAHAHH
@16 “Racial profiling when looking for Jihadis is effective.”
White, male, age 22 to 64, buzz cut, clean-shaven, has NRA member card in wallet, and wears Dino Rossi campaign button.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
We didn’t deserve 9/11. Obama is fighting back in a manner that will produce positive results. I’ve always acted like a man. I’m completely comfortable in my own skin. How about you? Think you need to act macho to overcome some personal doubt that you have? Why do you feel a need to accuse those who differ from you politically of being something other than “men”?
@22 Ha! Obama makes Chamberlain look resolute and forceful.
You people don’t understand. It’d be best if you did not comment at all, but, as usual, those with the least to say, say it the loudest. Remember when you folks all were claiming that we’d face a 9/11-type attack within the first 6 months of Obama’s presidency, Cynical leading the charge? That didn’t happen, did it? Diplomacy can pay far more dividends than can blindly lashing out. I don’t expect your sort will ever understand that, however.
So did Gordon Kahl, an elderly white guy. He killed a few federal Marshals.
So did Tim Mcveigh & Terry Nichols…
We’re not apologizing for islamic terrorism, we’re placing white terrorism on the same plane as it. Going ape-shit about brown people will do nothing to stop white people with similar plans.
Kahl, Mcveigh & Terry Nichols are all white, Christainist, army vets. If we’re going to profile folks why don’t we add that profile to the list?
Michael, here’s a long list of world-wide Islamic terrorist attacks that took place during the first 6 months of this year:
Please show me your list of individual terrorist attacks carried out by white people during the same 6 months. And I don’t want an argument from you, I want an actual list of individual terrorist attacks by white people from Jan. through June of 2009.
I’m waiting.
From those lefty freaks @ Rand.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
hmmm, goldstien. it’s easy to find racsism. just ask maureen dowd. “i can name that racism in two words”
An interesting side note that for the decade of the 90’s there were 8 terrorist attacks in America while so far on the 00’s there have been 24.
For a list of terrorist attacks by country go here:
I’m sure you’ll see that most terrorist attacks are carried out by the majority ethnic group.
lol mike. i thought we didnt talk about ethnic groups?
I didn’t read anything about “brown skinned guys with backpacks'” anywhere but this ignorant post by you…
Why must you lie just to push your agenda and encourage racial strife? Then whine when you’re not taken seriously in the blogging world.
Time to self editorialize, Goldy.
Proud Leftist BULLSHITTIUM ALERT Proud Leftist BULLSHITTIUM ALERT Star Trex Klaxon horn sounds.
JOE BIDEN: Mark my words, within the next
Man you old legalistic lawyer historical revisionist.
This is NOT a Joke ….
Goldy’s post should raise another issue.
ALL of the non Muslim terrorism in this country has been done by one group .. devout Christians!
I think we need to profile these people. Next time you are on a plane, look around for the tell tale signs:
Delbert @ 16 said:
The 9/11 hijackers were all clean-shaven and could pass for being from any number of countries or races. Training materials (uncovered in the subsequent investigations) specifically gave them permission (from some Iman) to drink alchohol, and carry alchohol and pornography with them, in order to avert suspicion. It might have been hard for them to adopt some American regional accent which could past muster here in the U.S., but it would not have been hard for them to be trained to adopt some other accent which would make them appear to not be of middle-east descent.
In other words, once you begin profiling based upon appearance, you end up searching all the brown-skinned guys with beards and women in burkas who are innocent, while the real terrorists are clean-shaven, ordered a drink at the bar before boarding, were carrying a copy of Playboy with them, and reading the London Financial Times. If anyone asks him, he will say his family was originally from India, but he and his parents grew up in London.
By the way, one of my co-workers, a Japanese, was targeted for “enhanced security inspection” at the airport. His skin tended to be on the dark side, and sometimes he was confused for being Hispanic or Arabic. They insisted it was a randam inspection, but I doubt it. It shows you how ineffective racial profiling can be.
And how would racial profiling have helped to prevent Timothy McVeigh from bombing the Oklahoma City federal building?
While it gives me a bile taste in my mouth Puddy has to agree with rhp6033@37. The 9/11 dudes changed their appearance and if you look at the latest captures in Germany and England they shave their beard.
When Puddy travels to the southwest Puddy is frequently identified as Hispanic and the people will start in Mexican Spanish asking me for directions or where is Puddy from. So people profile others all the time.
Regarding SeattleJew’s Christian Profiling, it sickens Puddy that he would suggest something such as this even if it is tongue-in-cheek!
It’s Michael, not Mike. Yes we do talk about ethnic groups. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
Heh. Here’s a “terraist plot” sort of.
Bill Ayers PUNKS the right wing.
Another article at calls this “X-Files Conservatism”.
The insane right wing fools “want to believe”.
Of course that includes the moron-in-chief of the comment threads:
@37, 38
Back in the day I was pulled over a few times in “timber towns”… Kid in his 20’s, longish hair, environmental bumper stickers on the back of his car… I loved it when I got to tell them that “what I was doing” in “their town” was visiting MY relatives. My well known and rather conservative relatives.
Ah… To be in my 20’s and still have hair…
Which is what you’ll be when you turn Forty…
No one said he wrote the whole book fool. Ghost writers assist the primary author. They help draft and edit an author’s autobiography.
This is why you are a moron and a dumb brick. You drink anyone’s whackamole kook-aid.
And this fool calls me “Stupes”.
ALL of the non Muslim terrorism in this country has been done by one group .. devout Christians!
actually troll, all terrorism is done by zionist jews, eager to make the world hate muslims and cover up their holocaust of the palestinians….this is not a joke
@43: so zionist Jews destroyed the world trade centers?
woman of Truth… a conspiracy theorist, in addition to being an ignorant fool and a racist SOB.
@18 “Stop thinking we deserved 9/11”
No one thinks “we deserved 9/11,” asswipe. Some of us, however, think our country’s behavior could be better at certain times and places, i.e., we disapprove of rightwing warmongering, rightwing kidnapping and torture, rightwing support for murderous rightwing dictators, and such acts as the Reagan administration’s illegal and unconstitutional arming of the Central American death squads that murdered, among others, half a dozen American nuns.
And if you want to talk about 9/11, it was Clinton who tried to warn Rice et al. about Al Qaeda, and it was you rightwing braindead clusterfucks who ignored the warnings and were sleeping on the job when we were attacked. Few things in life are as irritating as self-righteous, officious, lying bastards who blame their own outrageous incompetence on others.
Damn you rightwingers to hell. All of you.
@43 So the terrorists who blow up abortion clinics and murder health care workers are zionist Jews? Is that what you’re saying?
LOL, you people grow more insane daily.
@30 Puddy ..
Why would it sicken you?
Profiling people because they belong to groups KNOWN to have a major problem with terrorism is a rational thing to do. Obviously, and fairly, in this country we have good reason to be concerned by devout Muslims … more than we do about devout Christians. But, as Goldy says, devout Christians surely have a horrid record here too.
Simply saying this is a problem with all religions does not hold water. Airline security would have no reason at all to pay any particular attention to an orange robed monk, tzetze swinging Charedi Jew, Sikh (even with his dagger), or befeathered Hopi shaman because none of these groups have terrorism as part of their activities. For that matter, to the best of my knowledge, no robed nuns or collared priests have yet committed acts of terrorism.
Devout Christians??? The history is dreadful and the present is not reassuring. In the past we lived through the IRA and the KKK. Here in Seattle we have had the Birchers and the Aryans. There are openly radical militant Christians in Congress. The air force academy was reprimanded for teaching its cadets to bomb in the name of Jesus! As a non Christian I certainly hope the airlines ARE paying attention to both devout muslims and devout christians.
What offends me is the ability of Christians to deny responsibility for the faith’s bad deeds. Somehow saying “I am sorry” is not Jesus-like!
43 in support of man of tooth
The IRA is well known to have been a Zionist organization as was the KKK. My fellow yidden also burned eacgh other at the stake here as witches and destroyed the cultures of Africa and the Americas.
We do this by PRETENDING to be Christians. Never trust a Christin who looks Jewish .. you know anyone who looks like Paul Newman, Madonna, or Madeline Albright.
Nice one Feral Dumb Bunny,
After he dithered in July 2006 at Wimbledon when Sandy Berger asked for authorization to take out Bin Laden when the military had him in their cross-hairs. After the Sudanese (which Clinton admitted to while on Long Island in 2002) offered Bin Laden and he rejected taking him. Yep he ‘warns Rice’: “He’s a bad-ass but I didn’t want to take him out so look out for Bin Laden.”
You are a crock of useless dumb bunny pellets.
The conservative movement is a plot by rightwing terrorists to replace American democracy with a banana republic and American capitalism with sweatshop slavery ala Bangladesh.
Conservative U.K. Mag Rips Beck, Malkin
“Some … critics of … government are … hysterical. Glenn Beck, a talk-show host, foments panic and then urges listeners to buy gold from a company he endorses. Michelle Malkin, a blogger, has written a bestselling book about the Obama administration called ‘Culture of Corruption’. This is silly ….” — quoted from the conservative British-based weekly The Economist
Weren’t you one of those who was screaming over the “Jewish stereotype” given to your people over the pretended attack of Mel Gibson in his “Passion of the Christ” movie?
@49 Ah yes. Armchair quarterbacking from the Addled One. Delicious.
You forget, Muddled One, that Clinton decided not to authorize the covert murder of a foreign national — which is against U.S. law — many years before 9/11, at a time when bin Laden wasn’t much more than background noise. You also forget that bin Laden was a U.S. ally against the Russians in Afghanistan, circa Saint Ronnie.
But then Al Qaeda stepped up its activities, and Clinton tried to warn the incoming Bush43 administration that bin Laden was an “existential threat,” but his warning fell on deaf ears:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
In other words, Confused One, your buddy Bush squandered the lives of thousands of innocent Americans because he thought partisanship was more important than national security. Let’s see, what’s his public approval rating now, about 20% You’re one of the last holdouts.
Ah, but Puddy is nonplussed — he always has “it’s Clinton’s fault!” to fall back on!!
Hear the X-Files soundtrack in the background?
It’s a conspiracy.
And of course the Moron-in-Chief of the comment board believes.
are you people morons? i took a racist comment about christians and changed it to read jews to see if you’d attack a jewsish comment and not a christian comment. and i was right.
@52 Ah yes, now poodle is defending the Scripturally accurate film by the upstanding Hollywood citizen who laughed at you Christian pretenders on his way to deposit your money in his bank account.
Puddy is a little bit like Robert E. Lee, in that he puts up a hell of a fight defending the wrong cause. You’re tempted to admire his loyalty and tenacity but you have to shake your head at his judgment.
Disclaimer: All comparisons with Gen. Lee end with the period (“.”) after the word “judgment”.
@55 Christians aren’t a “race,” idiot.
so what does that mean, idiot? its ok to hate christians?
@52 Puddy
not screaming but yes Gibson’s movie is part and parcel of 1700 years of your people spewing hatred and killing my people. The movie is disgusting and any humane Christian should apologize both for Gibson and for the long told gate stories that Christianity has used as a basis for killing Jews.
What relevance does that have to my (and I assume your) wanting the security types to use all rational information in deciding who is and is not dangerous? Are you really NOT conerned with islamo-terrorism? And assuming you are concerned, why would you not also be concerned about the Aryan nation?
BTW, while you could certainly pass for a Muslim, I do not think you would be accepted as a member of the Aryan nation.
@55 MOT …
Neither Christians NOR Jews are a “race.”
What is worse though is your inability to accept responsibility .
ylb arschloch,
Puddy will repeat himself because it takes many times for truth to penetrate a dumb brick……
Feral Dumb Bunny, again as Proud Leftist likes to do is perform revisionist history. Here are two books which Puddy has read as given direct quotes from. Ask your nephew ylb arschloch for the original year links. Isn’t he your son from one of your “bunny” conquests? Puddy will take that back as he’s even too stupid to have come from your “bunny dick”.
The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security by Lt Col Robert Patterson – Puddy has given quote after quote on how Clinton allowed Al Qaeda to grow.
Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror by Richard Miniter
You forget what Clinton said in 2002 about Bin Laden.
You forget Bin Laden attacked American in 1993 at the first WTC attacks. Butt then with a small feral dumb bunny mind and getting old you tend to forget many things!!!!!
See ya feral dumb bunny!!!!!
59: (sigh…) now pay attention class, while we go over this one more time.
1. A person can be of the Jewish (Hebrew) race because his heritage is tracked back to being a descendent of Abraham’s second son (I think it follows maternal lines). A person can be of the Jewish religion because he practices the religion of Judaism, either as a member of the Jewish race or as a convert from other religions (or non-religions). A person who is a Jew by race may, or may not, be a practitioner of the Jewish religion.
2. A Gentile is a term used to describe anyone who is not a Jew (racially). There are other terms also, including Yiddish ones, but let’s not get into that. A Gentile might be a Christian (by religion), but they can also be an athiest, a muslim, a Wiccan, a Buddist, etc., etc.
3. A Christian is one who identifies as being of the Christian religion. I would say a “follower of Christ”, but in general usage it is used much broader than that. They may be of any race under the sun – including Jewish (The 12 disciples were all Jews, as well as the apostle Paul. It was during Paul’s ministries that Christianity spread to the Gentiles).
Got it straight now? There is race, and there is religion. Sometimes the coincide pretty well, but often they are very different classifications.
Puddy brings that up as a silly comment people would be saying today about Jews killing Jesus as the Christians are the Taliban or Christians are terrorists.
Puddy submits your good friends the ALF ELF and the WTO anarchists that appear at every summit are terrorists. Yep they terrorize businesses when they appear in their bandannas and masks.
For the record the Aryan Nation scares the Roger Rabbit out of Puddy. Rhymes with sit but is a four letter word close to sit in sound!
Roger at 57: Well, equating him with R.E. Lee might be too much of a stretch, even for the limited purposes you specify. Lee wasn’t just an ardent and spirited fighter, he was very effective for over four years, a brilliant strategist, and a natural leader of men.
I think the more apt comparison would be with Edmund Ruffin:
@65 .. Puddy
MY good friends?? So are you goof friends with the KKK and Minutemen?
As for whether we killed Jesus, as you know that only concerns me because it has been imbedded in Christianity (and still is). Jews are STILL being killed because of that story. It seems to me that anyone who really asks “WWJD?” would join me in condemning Gibson.
I share your opinion of the AN, but would also suggest that the willingness of the GOP to support them is disgusting.
Please follow the standard that X’ad set last night and refer to it as “bunny marvie.”
59: rhp …YOU should pay attention class, while we go over this one more time.
Judaism is not now and never has been either a race or a religion. The great majority of Israelis, for example, are not relgious but they are Jews ..whether their genes say they ar African, Asian, or Indian.
We, are really a tribe or a people. The descent you describe is how we determine hereditary membership.
As for religion, there is a Jewish religion but one can choose to follow that without becoming a Jew. A few folks, eg in Holland, do just that.
The Yiddish term is “goy” and that means people or other people. Being a goy is NOT a negative. We even talk about the “righteous goy.” Again, the term is not racial, any human can choose to join our people.
This is more difficult since you folks do not agree even amongst yourselves, but lets at least get the history straight. Neither the apostles nor most fo the other earlier followers of Jesus considered themselves to be “Christians.” That term arises much later .. probably as result of Paul creating his new religion. The Nazarenes were declared heretics and AFIK no longer exist. However, like the followers of many other messiahs, they wold have considered themselves Jews who were followers of a (likely not divine) messiah.
Race is a difficult term but if it means something to do with descent, it really makes no more sense applied to us than the term “American Race” would make sense.
BTW, orthodox Hindus come closer to your terms as they claim only someone descended from Hindus can be a Hindu .. they reject Sonia Ghandi!
I would add one more level to this exercise … religion itself is hard to define. Certainly,m as usually used, religion can nto be about God since nekther Buddhism nor Confuscianism is based ona God and the big God of the Abrhamic faiths bears little resemblance to the panapoly of godlets in Shinto or Hinduism.
As one example, I think Goldy and I both regard ourselves as ethically Jewish. That is, while he and I are both atheists, we to different degrees see the source of our ethics as the Jewish tradition rather than the Christian tradition.
It may also shock you to know that I have known Orthodox rabbis who were atheists. Judaism does not demand belief in God .. though some Jews do consider this central. For example, when asked what it meant to be a Jew, R. Hillel responded with the golden rule and then told the questioner that this was all but he should go and learn more.
rhp6033: You compare Puddy to:
Edmund Ruffin (January 5, 1794 – June 17, 1865) was a farmer and slaveholder, a Confederate soldier, and an 1850s political activist. He advocated states’ rights, secession, and slavery and was described by opponents as one of the Fire-Eaters.
Puddy owned slaves? Puddy advocating secession? Puddy is a fire breather, not eater!
Well you do seem to have many similar thoughts to
All this after Puddy agreed with you @38.
You gotta love cnn.
A couple days ago they decided they were the fact checkers for saturday night live.
Now they have kids on singing praise to obama and his free government healthcare plan.
Imagine if fox news had kids on singing praise to bush and his policies.
Good thing liberals believe in double standards or cnn would be getting a lot of heat for being so partisan.
The enquirer is reporting about the missing chapter in the teddy kennedy autobiography book.
Of course, after that fake story about john edwards cheating on his cancer stricken wife blowing up in their face who can take them serious, but still, it’s funny as hell and is consistent with the rumors.
Ted Kennedy slept with more than a thousand women – and spent at least $10 million in hush money over the years to keep his skirt-chasing a secret!
“While dictating his memoirs into a tape recorder, Ted decided to tell the whole truth about his life – including his love life. He said that his first lover was an Irish nanny. She was about 19, and Ted was only 13,” the source divulged.
Kennedy even admitted that he planned to seduce Mary Jo Kopechne on the night his car plunged off the road in Chappaquiddick, said the source.
…but went on to admit that he’d seduced the wives of some of his closest friends and even his brothers’ girlfriends.”
Mary Jo was unavailable for comment.
Exactly why are the trolls here so obsessed with sex???
Watch the body language of pelosi when harry reid touches her. And she does that eye rolling thing she does when she disagrees with people.
The rumor is, she doesn’t like being touched by anyone. She’s scared of the botox being pushed in a way that doesn’t flatter her.
Because we are still young enough to do it.
Don’t you remember when you were young enough?
And what makes you think us trolls are more obsessed than your fellow left-wingnuts. If you had a dollar for every time steve fantasized about goats, how rich would you be?
Gee ..
I don’t think I ever had your sort of fascination. I guess I missed those sessions in the High School locker room.
@72 Ted Kennedy was a personally flawed man who also was one of our nation’s greatest public servants. Of course, a simple mind like yours can’t handle ambiguities, contradictions, and shades of gray; it’s capable of seeing the world only in black-and-white hues, and either-or terms.
Foolish Feral Fronting Wabbit@77,
What? If a conservative had 1% (10 women) out-of-wedlock your side would go nutzo.
Another of those hypocritical comments from the feral dumb bunny
And so shall I…
The moron-in-chief of the comments wants to believe.
in right wing buuuuuuuuuuuulllshiiiitt.
@78 I don’t see what’s “hypocritical” about my disapproving of adultery on both sides of the political aisle. It appears you haven’t a clue what the word means …
Gosh ..
I am mystified. Why should I care AT ALL what folks do with their genitalia????
So you never voiced an HA opinion of Larry Craig, David Vitter, Newt Gingrich, Mark Foley? If you didn’t then you are the only HA Liberal who didn’t. After all they were “just using their genitalia!”
Feral Dumb Bunny,
You said “shades of gray“.
Then you later said “I don’t see what’s “hypocritical” about my disapproving of adultery on both sides of the political aisle.”
Somehow disapproving adultery isn’t a shade of gray unless, of course, that is another of those legalese mumbo jumbo screeds of “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is?”
ylb arschloch,
Nice commentary of Goldy. As the chief arschloch of HA, you’ve definitely lost your mind now!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA bwaaaaa haaaaa hoooooo haaaaaa heeeee HAHAHAHAHAHA
Such a desperate moron ylb arschloch! What a douchebag!
@75 “If you had a dollar”
heh- Lost in denial. That loser Stamn is such an obvious goatfucker.
Not familiar with AIM or the Jewish Defense League?
Those fun loving pyro’s from ELF & ALF look a lot like suburban white kids. Because they are suburban white kids!
It’s behaviors that count, not how someone looks or what group you think they might belong too. Like when that suburban white kid buys a gallon of gas, in a can, with cash, while wearing a hoodie on a warm night, at 2.00 AM, right down the street from a new development and then rides off on mountain bike….
The police rolled up on Bob Dylan a while back, someone thought he looked like a burglar…
How the fuck do you profile for Armenian’s?
Puddybuddy clearly never got beyond “I know you are but what am I.”
That seems to be his current debate strategy.
@84 Puddy pulls from his ass: “Marvin @74: Priceless!”
Priceless? heh- This is priceless,
Your little buddy Marvin admitted to fucking goats. Says it dumbed him down. Fucking hilarious! Say, aren’t you wingnuts into guilt by association? And you willingly associate with a goatfucker?? LMFAO!!!
@82. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Of course I did not comment on what they did with their privates. BORING. BUT .. what ois NOT BORING is their hypocrisy. In that regards I did criticize John Edwards long bvefore his penis flopped out of its hidey hole.
BTW, coming back to Teddy, I assume you are aware of his first wife’s severe mental illness and that he and his sons have taken care of this poor lady ever since? Or … is it that acts of kindness dom not matter to you?
BTW, yolu never answered my WWJD question. Here is another, if YOUR Jesus were on this blog, tell us what his attitude would be on matters of sex.
@87 First I have no idea why you thinbk I should take responsibility for AIM. Are you aware of some liberal or Jewish group that supports them? BTW .. ujr kind do not support Farrakhan either.
As for the JDL, bubbelah, I am glad they bother you but tell me what they have done against you guys? There was one episode in LA against Muslims, roundly condem,ned by liberals and Jews. Their Israeli arm is outlawed there.
@85 Goldy’s a stand up guy. He doesn’t believe in right wing bullshit.
Unlike the moron-in-chief of these comment threads.
(aka Stupes).
Ahhh arschloch@93… Now you try and clean up the crap you previously posted above.
Puddy …
Really, adultery is “black and white?”
Riddle me this:
rank the following:
King David
Joseph Smith
John Edwards
Jimmy Carter
Tom Jefferson
Sally Hemmings
Queen Esther
have fun …
Maybe I misunderstood your post @ 47. I thought you were saying that Native American’s and Jewish folks didn’t engage in terrorist activities. I was pointing to cases where they did (and so do suburban white kids).
JDL, also, set off a few bombs in NYC. Personally, I don’t like it when people blow shit up and shoot cops regardless of their political leanings.
94 – It was fine to begin with.
As usual you can’t freaking comprehend to save your miserable life.
Such a losing idiot…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Wanna try belittling me again?
It was an epic fail the first time.
After all, what kind of a person goes out of his way to make sure someone knows they are being called a “faggot” to be belittled. Well, besides a bigot like you. Hell, even manotruth didn’t go as far as you did.
Your own words proved your mother failed her job. Sucks to be her.
The point is that as a security measure, there are almost certainly MORE dangerous right wing Jesus-nuts in the US then there any other group.
That certainly does not mean they, any more than Muslims, should lose any rights but it is rational that Muslims and Christians receive attention as potential security risks.
Be realistic. If you same some turquoise, pigtailed slant eyes Navajo mumbling his prayers, a Jewish guy putting on his phylacteries, MONK counting beads or turning his wheel, … would this be any reason to wonder about your safety? Is there some tribal are around here that you would not enter? Would you feel self conscious swimming at the JCC pool?
For my part, when I go to photograph in a fundie community, my adrenalin is always high.
Stamm stammers ..
quotinf steve
pretty dumb but try tanslating this … seems illogical.
1. I don’t think “faggot” applies to lesbians and male gays do not come with vaginas.
2. From what I have heard the folks most given to intercourse with farm animals are straight white farmer guys.
3. While I too find fecal matter distasteful. the idea that some gay guy with a cunt would fuck a male goat with a piece of petrified feces is rather clumsy even as a form of hyperbole.
Why even take such poorly worded opprobrium serioulsy? Sticks and stones, man.
SJ @ 100
Nice, very nice. I doubt, however, that Marvie will stop with his repetitive nonsense.
Proud Leftist proudly proclaimed
Yet, you have no comment for any lefty who continually repeats themselves.
Once again hypocritical.