Seriously not satire. This isn’t The Onion. They mean it:
“Do you think because they’re blind, they’re gonna start shooting in every direction and kill everyone? Fact is it’s been proven that people who lack vision have an increased awareness of their hearing and spatial surroundings.”
“Yeah,” my daughter astutely noted as I played the video, “but they still can’t fucking see!”
It is remarkable how truly lopsided the gun debate is in America, that the NRA feels free to focus on advocacy like this.
[ HAtip:]
And the movie Daredevil was a documentary.
Well, why not? After all, there’s this:
Ariz. GOPer Tells Reporter At Gun Range: ‘I Often Shoot With My Eyes Closed’
Why’s that not a problem?
“Because chances are if somebody attacks you it’s gonna be in the night,” Jones said.
To play devil’s advocate, have you ever noticed that they have Braille buttons at drive through bank tellers? Maybe the gun nuts are on to something.
It isn’t worse than their consistent advocacy of making it easier for street gangs and perpetrators of domestic violence to get guns.
How are street gangs and perpetrators of domestic violence to get guns unless the blind person ANNOUNCES to the world “Hey I got a gun”? Are gun dealers going to go on national teevee and tell Geraldo, “Guess what man, I just sold a gun to blind man Brown.” Yeah right Carl.
The horse manure from libtards is H I L A R I O U S these days!
“Let’s see Snoop… Ol Man Brown down yonder gots him a gun. He be blind as a bat so let’s steal Ol Man Brown’s gun!”
Seems lately domestic violence perps are more and more meeting warm accelerated flying through the air miniature projectiles.
Anyone who knowingly sells or transfers a firearm to a blind person, and that blind person then hurts someone or himself with the firearm — the seller should be charged with criminal negligence.
I recently had a debate online after showing a video of guy who had concealed 15 guns on himself to show the ignorance of anti open carry movements. It showed how you most likely are in contact with people all the time who are armed but you have no clue. It is a choice to live in fear just like if you live in fear of blacks, gays or a religious group. But more than this, when someone says they will get up and walk out if they saw open carry, it is dishonest for them to say they are afraid. If they were truly afraid they would want to keep a low profile, what they are doing is showing intolerance and expressing disgust.
In response to my posted video, someone commented “I’m also a huge fan of NRA’s guns for the blind initiative : )” and another respond “Shhhhh, that really wasn’t the NRA’s initiative. It has been quietly put to pasture.” Needless to say, we had a debate over their stereotypes, fear and bigotry. Below is a summation of my responses put in a editorial format that I want to share here.
Yes, a blind person should be able to own a gun, please don’t discriminate. There is zero reason to not let a citizen own one because they are blind and guess what? THEY CAN OWN A GUN, yep there is no law against it. Name one place in the US that bans them from owning one solely because they are blind? You cannot, and this once again proves anti-gunners sell ignorance and fear and yet we don’t have blind maniacs dropping people in the streets.
Then the anti-gunners move on to “should a blind person be allowed to drive” Ahhhh, the apples and oranges debate. If you cannot win an argument on it own merits just removing the subject to another debate. The fact is blind people can own a car, just not drive it if they cannot pass a road test. I would also add that even if you banned blind people from owning a car, they still have unfettered access to them and they are not going out mindlessly jumping in to cars and killing people. Peoples preconceived notions of others is more scary than the reality, anti gunners are just living in fear of everyone.
Being that gun ownership is a constitutional right, to take it from them there would need to be due process, and anti-gunners never concern themselves with that do they? I might add that there are varying levels of being legally blind and the idea that anti-gunners are rushing to the judgment that blind people are incapable of making good decisions is as stereotypical as someone who is open carrying being a wing nut killer. There are blind people who carry and to my knowledge there has never been an incident, but according to the fear mongers, the blood should be pouring in to the streets with a middles blind maniac firing in every direction.
The anti-gun community is rife with a bigot mentality, towards poor people, people of color and others that don’t fit in to their elitist world view, I guess we can now add the blind to their intolerant paranoia.
For those that really care about the rights of the blind, I recommend this article on how they believe that they have the rights everyone else does.