I’m a bit surprised that the National Organization for Marriage hasn’t come through (first point) with their promise of a huge pile of money to people who primary Republicans who voted for the marriage equality bill. They both advance, but having lost almost 2-1 in the primary, it’s tough to make the case that the general will be anything different. Maybe NOM wanted to spend the money in the general election so it’s a force multiplier for their opposition to R-74.
The National Organization for Marriage, the D.C.-based anti-gay marriage group, pledged to donate $250,000 to any Republican primary candidate that stepped up to run against a Republican in Washington State who “crosses the party platform and votes for gay marriage.”
Litzow does not have a Republican challenger, but Walsh does—staunch gay-marriage opponent Mary Edwards. While Walsh has raised $62,000, including big donations from gay rights advocates such as Lambda Legal board member Eric Nilson ($900) from Cleveland, Ohio, Edwards has raised $3,633—and no check from NOM.
Obviously a primary challenge means something different in Washington than elsewhere, and their goal was to unseat Walsh not to make a show of it in August. But by starting so late (if they start at all) they’ve made that difficult.
Not that I’m complaining. I’d rather the seat go to a Democrat, but if there are intramural fights between the Republicans, I’d rather it go to ones who are at least decent people in this one area.
Who would’ve thought a rightwing hate group would promise a lot of money — and then renege? Even rightwingers can’t trust their fellow rightwingers!
I’ve noticed recently that pledges just don’t seem to mean what they used to mean.
Next thing you know Barack Obama might even break his pledge to close Gitmo.
Good News for Rob McKenna, supporter of “traditional” inequality!
@2 Serially Engaged,
Do you support Obama’s initiative to close Gitmo?
Suprise. Any research at all behind anything that Serial “Ridicule the looks of an African American girl but I’m not a racist” Conservative posts involving the President, comes back to an obstructionist congress being one of the issues.
Or this perspective
@2 bush promised to privatize social security. Please post links where you criticized him because he didn’t keep his promises?
@7 Bush’s legislative strategy was the same as Putin’s — arrest anyone who opposes you.
And he’s not the only Republican who employs Putin tactics to keep opponents from asking questions he doesn’t want to hear.