…it’s too crowded!
From that Times article on light rail and 520:
With gas and parking costs climbing, bus ridership already exceeds demand, [Ron] Sims said.
At Seattle Transit Blog, commenter “nickb” replies:
Excuse me, but WTF does this mean?
“bus ridership already exceeds demand”Umm.. Wouldn’t the ridership be equal to the demand?
If people don’t want to ride the bus, nobody’s gonna stop ’em.
Get a clue, Will. Obviously it means that more people are riding the bus than really want to. In macroeconomics this is known as an inversely correlated negative utility, an economic feature often compared to a black hole in cosmology.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
I would encourage you at the lower end of the economic scale to get on the bus or train and get the fuck off the roads where The Producers are.
You are burning up valuable space where we need to be, and wasting our valuable time.
The sooner your minivan and 90s vintage sedan is off the road, the quicker I can get to where I need to be in the comfort of my luxury SUV.
I appreciate your willingness to sacrifice your time and convenience for mine.
This is a textbook perfect illustration how free markets alloate scarce resources to their most productive use.
Mark TRNW, you outed yourself — the flaming fool unable to even select the correct entry to comment on.
But then for your brand of hate, no entry would be the “correct” one
See Stupes – this is how your peeps do in 2.
TRV – This is MY FUCKING BLOG. We talk about what I want to talk about. IDGAF which “thread” it is on.
I think this really pissed off goldyschtein which is why he implemented his comments policy. he couldn’t fucking stand it that my topics are better than his.
Pud- ready to denounce MTR?
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
K – Stupes aka PuddyStupid says he doesn’t do our bidding.
When he’s cornered he says he’s willing to denounce ugly right wing louts like MTR but first we have to beg, fetch the stick, roll over and dance the right wing cha-cha-cha and after all that he’ll keep forgetting what the sorry hoop dance was all about.
i.e., he won’t do it.
K, Clueless Idiots and others expect me to out MTR. He’s just repeating a comment – Obama the “Magic Negro”
First let me say to all the HorsesASSholes here, you have no memory.
Second, Clueless Idiot has it correct, I don’t take orders for leftist pinheads (credit:Cynical)
Third – The Magic Negro comment was given to Obama by a libtard leftist MSM LA Times pukehead – David Ehrenstein
This is the reason it’s so hard to debate you HorsesASSHolers. Why does Puddy always have to dig out the PuddyFacts? Why can’t any of you HorsesASSHolers remember anything.
Hannah, now you understand why I claim these pinheads don’t have any memory past 24 hours? Cry me a river leftist HorsesASSHolers.
Oh K & Clueless Idiot, what say you about David Ehrenstein?
Oh I forgot you don’t take orders.
“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”
Nuf said. Good night Mr. Hussein Obama.
Pud- He’s more than quoting others, he’s calling Obama a “fucking racist” You can choose to ignore it if you like. It simply removes your credibility in calling out others. Your choice.
Hey Puddy – Would you belong to a church for 20 years, give them money, get married there, have ’em baptize your chirrens, name the book after a sermon, name pastor as spiritual advisor, but then disavowe any knowledge of what the hate filled racist pastor actually said on Sunday?
Wouldn’t that sorta strain credibility?
And by the way, you hypocrite, Lucy did not invent the term you harped endlessly upon.
Obama is a fucking racist. Read today’s WSJ article on his “bargain”. Even a fucking idiot like Geraldine Jones-Ferraro can see it as surrogate for her hate-filled-power-hungry-do-anything-to-get-elected-racist-boss.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
K – How does it remove my credibility? I have to comment on MTR when most you continue to ignore headless lucy?
Well UP YOURS WITH A CORNCOB SIDEWAYS K. To use a phrase from de perfesser – you are “fucking clueless”.
Please regale me this “fact”?
My family is having some issues with Obama even the deep donkey ones. When you look at yourself in the mirror every morning and you ask do I want to be associated with Dr Wright’s words. There were some special phrases used by Obama we picked up on. Especially the way he threw his grandmother under the bus. Very telling… You NEVER diss you family especially in public!
K, who said lucy invented any term? Lucy is too stupid to invent a term. It was his tone, tenor and continual delivery.
I’ll invent a term. Raciphile. A HorsesASShole leftist who person who likes and agrees with racist rants. Maybe I’ll enter it into Urban Dictionary
Very telling K wants me to speak up but is a disappearing act when it comes to the “Magic Negro” comment.
Where did K disappear to.
I knew Clueless Idiot would flush himself down the toilet.
You know what, my grandparents were clearly racists. We struggle to grow beyond where we have started from. I do not see describing the struggle and paradox as throwing her under the bus.
You set yourself as arbitar of what is right and proper, when it serves your purpose.
You’re comfortable with that, good for you. Just don’t pretend it’s anything else.
And fuck you Pud. I’ve got a life and don’t sit in front of the screen waiting for your wisdom, nor am I intimidated by your “intellect”. Don’t flatter yourself.
K – You can’t measure me. You can’t because the beam is still in your eye.
Do you get it?
Your move K!
Ohhhh K sorry I don’t do male idiots.
Puddy…one think I like and appreciate about you, is the fact you provide links (PuddyFacts as you call ’em) It has helped alot for me in my quest of understanding politics.
Question, who do you support for president and why?
11 – First of all, Ehrenstein is black. He appears offended at Obama defining himself as “beyond” his ethnicity for some reason. It’s a fucked up column. No doubt about it.
However, the origin of the “magic negro” is not with Ehrenstein. Spike Lee actually started talking about it in 2001 but it probably goes farther back.
It’s funny that the Ehrenstein column is not that much different from Shelby Steele’s column in the WSJ. Ehrenstein talks about Obama being the MO and Steele calls Obama a “bargainer”.
Both of these guys seem so fucked up about what white guys see in Obama and what they believe Obama does for white folks. It’s stupid.
Obama is a talented politician certainly better than Hillary – a hell of an improvement over that fucking Chimpanzee we’ve got now. He’ll make a good President and an effective World Leader. He’s got the gravitas thing down – certainly more than that warmonger and short fuse McCain.
That’s why I support him.
@6 “Mark The Redneck-Wonk says: TRV – This is MY FUCKING BLOG. We talk about what I want to talk about. IDGAF which “thread” it is on. I think this really pissed off goldyschtein which is why he implemented his comments policy. he couldn’t fucking stand it that my topics are better than his.”
Maybe you should suffer the same fate as JCH so you understand whose blog this is.
Shelby Steele’s piece in the WSJ is an ugly hit piece dressed in psychobabble.
@11 I take it you’re endorsing MTR’s racist horseshit.
I think I’ll talk about buses. I don’t have much to say. Don’t have to. The commuter buses were standing-room-only 20 years ago. The park-and-ride lots have been full for years. The demand is there, alright.
You didn’t answer the question Clueless Idiot. Do you reject the Magic Negro connotation? He thinks Snoop Dogg is a better black man than Obama. I guess that makes you peachy keen right?
I guess you agree the Magic Negro is there to “assuage white guilt over the role of slavery and segregation in American history.”
Snoop Dogg? Must be the Clueless Idiot’s hero.
Pelletizer@29: I have no comment at all on anything cuz I don’t take orders from an oxygen starved rabid animal.
It’s as silly to think we don’t need buses because people have cars as it is to think light rail will eliminate cars. We need a mix of transportation modes. I do think buses are more suitable for Seattle because of the topography and geology here that makes light rail extremely expensive.
Nothing there to respond to, Pud. Kind of low on content tonight.
But I’ve had enough. I catch an early bus, getting back to the topic, and it’s always full.
@32 Who’s giving you orders? I only made an observation.
Jeez puddy, you flatter yourself too much if you think I want to give you orders. That would make me responsible for you, and trust me brother, that’s the last thing I want.
Yes K you are lightweight.
IT seems Oprah left Wrights church years ago.
31 – Ehrenstein didn’t hold up Snoop Dogg higher than Obama you idiot. That’s a stupid reading if not a lie. And I said it was a fucked up piece.
Did you read why I support Obama? Do you see anything about white guilt or helping out any white protagonist of some narrative?
and hey Snoop Dogg worked at a Lucky’s supermarket in Long Beach back in the day. I did the same – yeah in the mixed white/hispanic neighborhood.
But my Mom worked for a few years at the Lucky’s in South Gate. I suppose you know where that is.
And yeah, Snoop Dogg dealt dope and went to jail and after he got out made music about it, that mostly white young men bought – just like Easy E. And made more money than they ever made on the street.
I would support Obama over McCain if he was for lower taxes, constitutionalist judges and not getting out of Iraq. Same with Hillary. The problem is they both pretty much believe in the same thing. Why was it that you moonbats would support either one… oh that’s right your either a sexist or racist.. nevermind. roof roof.
It is going to be precious hearing all the lilly liberal white ass honkies trying to defend Hilliary when she steals the nomination. November is just the icing on the cake. hehehe
In my experience, demand often exceeds ridership.
In West Seattle at least, several people drive to work because the buses are standing-room only.
Hey, I know! Let’s make our first light rail line a glorified bus route on rails, that won’t get people out of their cars, or reduce congestion. And let’s make it so it actually will actually take MORE time to get from downtown the airport than the route 194. And let’s make it go down MLK, which according to the KIRO traffic reports I listen to, hasn’t been backed up during rush hour EVER. We should also run it through the Rainier Valley because we don’t want to be accused of racism or classism if you put the first line in a white part of the county. So yeah, let’s spend 2.9 billion dollars to get people who are currently taking the bus to switch to taking a light rail train. It will solve nothing, but it will make Seattle seem more cosmopolitan.
39-40 Huckabee fizzled out and McCain is a sad, tired old man with a short fuse.
It’s the Dems in a walk. Eat shit Cur!
Wow, the righties here REALLY groove on saying racist things, over and over again.
It is going to be a long 7 months with these guys in panic mode, frightened of democracy, frightened of the Constitution, frightened of change in the sick fuckin status quo in this country, and so frightened the Arabs are going to take away their toys that they will throw away even the pretense of having principles and values.
I ride the bus home every day, but I’m getting older. I couldn’t take it if I had to stand the whole way. Sometimes I stand part way, but….
Now as subway like BART or a monorail would be a different story.
@39 “Why was it that you moonbats would support either one…”
Because our way of doing things works, and yours doesn’t. Exhibit A: 2001 – 2008.
@44 “Wow, the righties here REALLY groove on saying racist things, over and over again.”
You expected something different from the recycled KKK crowd?
All I know is, I ride the bus over 520 every single day, there and back, and every single day the bus is standing-room only by the time it gets to Montlake (eastbound) or the last stop before Yarrow Point (westbound). I’m just lucky I get on early enough in both directions that I get a seat. I wouldn’t be able to stand all that way.
There is clearly more demand than capacity, on that route at least.
@42 As much as I may criticize the cost, financing scheme, construction schedule, or other aspects of light rail, it’s undeniable that this region needs more commuting capacity and light rail will increase commuting capacity. Your assertion that light rail will only poach existing riders from the bus system is sheer nonsense.
@ 3 would encourage you at the lower end of the economic scale to get on the bus or train and get the fuck off the roads where The Producers are.
MTR is still confusing blowing his paycheck on pulltabs at the local bar as “producing”.
He is also confusing his job as a clerk at the Kwikee Mart as being “at the higher end of the economic scale”.
MTR does this all the time.
MTR also confuses paying $50 in court fees for his divorce from a dead crack addict as “$500,000” in alimony.
MTR is a very confused koolaid drinker.
Sims may not know it, but with one simple statement, he basically just acknowledged the extreme limitations associated with low capacity/high cost/high subsidy/no available road space buses.
Rapidly rising operations costs – in concert with wasted service hours due to road congestion – is taking huge bites out of needed service, right at the same time demand is increasing because of high fuel and parking costs.
It’s like the guy is so out-to-lunch lately, he can’t figure out the basics. Even when it emerges from his own brain and vocal chords!
Even the slowest pathetic Rabbit or right wing rail critic should be able to do the math: one driver carrying 60 people on a diesel-powered bus stuck in traffic is going to cost us taxpayers a lot more than one driver carrying 800 passengers on a hydro-powered light rail train.
Or, is that still too difficult for cave-dwelling trolls to comprehend?
“Mark The Redneck-Wonk says:
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]”
Booooo! I like Mark the Racist Republican! He says what most Repubs and Conservatives are too afraid to say (bottling up their real thoughts makes ’em angry and frustrated, in case you didn’t notice).
Mark the Republican gives us 21st Century humans a little glimpse into the mindset of Red State “values.”
I say let Puddy and MTR continue down the path to moral self-destruction. Their every-waking-hour hatred eats away at them a lot more than it hurts us.
Pelletizer@35&36: I was following the Clueless Idiot train of thought, since it seems y’all trust him to speak for you.
The Guy With No Car says he’s lucky to get a seat.
Sometimes I ride the bus to downtown Seattle. When it fills up I watch who gets up and gives the ladies the seats. They ones who usually do are the ones who get on in the other (Mason?) counties before King. So in other words when the bus fills up and it’s SRO the men from King County DO NOT give their seats to the ladies!
Speaks for itself.
Gary, you give me so much fodder.
#1 Do you live in King County? If so did you vote for Ron Tax to the Max Sims? IF so why? If not, how come you weren’t here to persuade the other HorsesASSHolers against that decision.
#2 Apparently you don’t pay much attention or are new here. Go back and read slowly posts 11 onward. Sit and think what each poster like K is saying. Still haven’t seen him reject headless lucy racism and it’s been here for over 2.5 years.
So Gary if you’ve been watching this blog headless personally racially attacked me and PacMan. When you and the vast majority decide to decry and ask for the removal of headless lucy and his 18 other personalities, you’ll see commentary from me. It ain’t happening anymore. Can you dig it?
So when you remove the beam from your eye you can check my eye for the speck.
Hannah, I am for Obama along with my 8 other siblings. But in our latest family pow-wow, we are having problems with issues we as a black family are learning about him.
Our parents were poor. But we were brought up to respect others. But once you determine they are ignant as dad used to say, then you write them off.
And Hannah, I am for Obama because he is a black man. No matter what Clueless Idiot writes, he being his panic doesn’t know what it is to walk a mile in my shoes vs. even two feet. Even if they are Two Left Feet (Hey Carl how you doin?).
Clueless Idiot separates black conservatives from black liberals. I don’t. They are all blacks seeking higher office. Every time a black breaks a new level we as a people achieve something new. Clueless Idiot wouldn’t comment on the ignorant cartoons of Mike Steele as Sambo, Condi Rice carrying a monkey baby in her womb or having vampire eyes, etc. because they are conservatives. Colin Powell and Condi Rice broke a barrier. And for my people, I should say the linberal ones to say the shit they said about them instead of championing the fact us as a people reached a new height is stupid. This is what I call the crab pot mentality. One achieves reaching the rim and the others pull them back down. What would he do with a conservative his panic and those caricatures? Laugh at them? You know I bet he would. He would rather wait forever to see a his panic rise to the top because he puts politics ahead of his race.
We’ve had black mayors, guvnors, senators, congressmen and SCOTUS. We’ve never had a black VP or Pres. So yes that’s why I support Obama. He breaks the barrier. Clueless Idiot doesn’t get it. If he’s so his panic gun ho he should be cheering on a his panic for higher office, not because of the political persuasion but because they are seeking a new level for all his panics. this is why he’s a Clueless Idiot. Politics before race. If there was a his panic running for President and he was conservative Clueless Idiot would be tearing him or her a new asshole.
See the difference Hannah?
People, light rail is great, but please, do some critical thinking, and if a light rail line looks like it doesn’t make sense to you, have the balls to say so. Just because we are going to have light rail, doesn’t necessarily mean the line is a smart line. It’s a slow, zig-zagging, bus route on rails. It won’t get people out of cars, and it won’t reduce congestion. Wake up, people, it’s a glorified bus route!
59 – This just keeps getting better. At worst you’re voting for Obama for purely selfish reasons, at best for black pride.
Whoever wins has to do what’s best for ALL the people don’t you think?
Whoever wins has to act on a world stage – yes he (or she) has to think of people beyond these borders.
Yes, I’m voting for Obama because he’s better than the competition and that includes being better at inspiring a new generation of progressive black leaders.
Laugh at them? You know I bet he would.
Nothing but a fool mumbling.
And nope black leaders who hold up that chimp and Darth Cheney as role models don’t count for much in my book.
That would make me responsible for you, and trust me brother, that’s the last thing I want.
Roger, Stupes plays the stern, right wing father around here chastising his adopted children. He comes here daily to bark orders. There’s no question to his puny mind that he can hand the “responsibility”.
Of course all the kids laugh at him to his face and behind his back.
Stupes – you really revealed yourself.
politics over race
or in your case
race over politics
For the longest time you’ve been trying to pin Hillary as our “great white hope” here.
You failed! The majority of bloggers and commenters are Obama supporters.
LMAO as always at your silliness!!!
Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot Clueless Idiot:
“You failed! The majority of bloggers and commenters are Obama supporters.”
Funny I remember you were for the Breck Girl – John Edwards.
Funny I remember Pelletizer being for Clinton and wrote a massive mind-numbing treatise on the subject.
Funny I remember Jennie Tlaz for Clinton cause she’s a woman too.
You are still an Idiot.
Clueless Idiot: Unlike you I don’t laugh at your silliness. I shake my head.
I haven’t wavered in my politics in this election. You have. Pelletizer has.
You are the moron. You are silly.
Clueless Idiot: I notice you are mum on my his panic charge against you. You think I’ll skip over your silence over this issue?
You are too stupid to see how silly you are.
Anyone who doesn’t want to see his people climb the social ladder is a moron.
Clueless Idiot the Moron!
Clueless Idiot this is a liberal blog. I provide a counterweight to your BULLSHITTIUM.
Puddyidiot, puddyidiot, puddyidiot.
Actually if you reach back a bit further with that memory you tout I was originally an Obama supporter.
When I looked at Obama’s message more closely, I realized that Edwards was more progressive.
Yes, I believed Edwards was more progressive than Obama and Obama more progressive than Hillary.
So when Edwards dropped away it was only natural that I went with Obama.
So silly…
I notice you are mum on my his panic charge against you.
It’s baseless. There’s nothing there to talk about.
You’re painting yourself into a corner. You think politics is all about identity?
I support the guy or girl who I think will do the best job.
I provide a counterweight
of right wing bullshit.
65 – Yeah to your silly mind, that’s a majority.
Most people on my side of the fence who blog and comment here support Obama. That’s a fact.
Most Dems in WA State support Obama.
Yet that doesn’t stop you from your silly agenda of painting us all as Hillary supporters.
Yeah, it’s all “race over politics” to you. Silly.
And I LMAO at your silliness because you take yourself so freaking seriously.
If there was a his panic running for President and he was conservative Clueless Idiot would be tearing him or her a new asshole.
I don’t care what the guy’s skin color or if his name ends with a vowel – supporting Chimp policies means my kid’s future is bleak to none.
Your ugly party is hopelessly corrupt. Anyone who touts that right wing bullshit gets no support from me – ever.
And what’s with this “his panic”? Are you going HL on me? What a loser you are!
Correctnotbright: Them Dem Voting Facts continue to slap you in the face huh?
Clueless Idiot@74 again demonstrates he has no memory. Go back to the posts on the Nevada Caucuses. I explained what his panic meant there. In fact I coined the term four days before Gerardo Rivera came out with his same wording… which he uses HisPanic.
You are soooooo stupid, in fact you are a Clueless Idiot!
Clueless Idiot: PuddyPrediction – I predicted Heilary would win all states along the Rio Grade. Look it up Clueless Idiot the Moron.
76 – It’s your ugly party that has the brown people haters.
I make no play on words for African Americans. Do what you want, it only confirms your arrogance.
I predicted Heilary would win all states along the Rio Grade.
So fucking what? Who’s ahead in pledged delegates? Did Texas contribute to that tally? Hell yes it did.
Clueless Idiot: You can’t put 2 & 2 together can you?
The PuddyPrediction was around the his panic run to Heilary after Nevada.
Why do your people hate a upwardly mobile black man?
Who won all the hispanic heavy states Clueless Idiot the Moron?
Why do your people hate a upwardly mobile black man?
Clueless Idiot: His panic concepts are lost in “your grasp” of life.
Can’t figger out why his people don’t want Barack to win.
Why do your people hate a upwardly mobile black man?
They don’t hate him. Plenty of hispanics support Obama. The rest maybe don’t know him like they know the Clintons.
Hispanic leadership has mostly lined up behind Hillary. Again, they don’t know Obama or are unsure of his support for their interests.
You use the word “hate” – so typical of you. And you’re imagining a wedge between hispanics and blacks that’s not really there in my opinion – how divisive of you.
Typical member of that ugly, corrupt party.
Your racial politics are so bankrupt PSilly.
Obama won very white Iowa, Maine and many other majority white states.
You say he’s lost Hispanic heavy states but he’s won enough delegates in those states to remain competitive and actually lead. Think of this: if primaries were run like your stupid party runs them – Hillary might have clinched it by now.
Unfortunately for your silliness, the Dems are more Democratic than you authoritarian bozos.
Hillary has to blow out the remaining states to take the lead. She will very likely NOT do that. She is bleeding superdelegates because if Obama comes doesn’t get the prize, African Americans will stay home in November and the Dems lose the White House.
Why is the “candidate of white people” failing in a majority white country or Democratic party for that matter?
Your silly theories don’t work.
Clueless Idiot, I remember watching the Frank Luntz interview of the his panic Nevada people and their nasty reaction to a his panic culinary worker and his support for Obama. I’m sure you can find the youtube video where the guys said we don’t like Obama and you saw hate on his face.
Baghdad’s Green Zone hit by barrage of blasts
23 Mar 2008 04:35:58 GMT
Source: Reuters
(Adds government official, details, background)
BAGHDAD, March 23 (Reuters) – Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses the Iraqi parliament and U.S. embassy, was hit by a sustained barrage of rocket or mortar bomb fire early on Sunday, witnesses and officials said.
It was not immediately clear where most of the missiles landed or if there were any casualties after an apparent attack lasting about 15 minutes, Reuters witnesses said.
The U.S. military has blamed past missile attacks on the Green Zone on rogue elements of anti-U.S. cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army militia. Sadr last month renewed a seven-month old ceasefire for his militia.
A large plume of thick black smoke could be seen rising from one area of central Baghdad’s Green Zone, which houses many government ministries and diplomatic missions. Sirens could be heard warning people to take cover.
At least two U.S. attack helicopters could be seen circling over an area in the Iraqi capital’s northeast soon after the attack.
A U.S. government official, who asked not to be identified, said the Green Zone had come under “indirect fire”, a term commonly used to described mortar or rocket fire.
There was no immediate response from the U.S. military to telephone calls and emails about the attack. The U.S. embassy routinely does not comment on such attacks for security reasons.
The barrage, which started just before 6 a.m., came in three separate volleys and lasted for a total of about 15 minutes.
The 10 sq km (4 sq mile) Green Zone, located on the left bank of the Tigris River that cuts through Baghdad, has often been targeted by mortars and rockets, although the frequency of attacks has diminished with improved security.
Sadr’s ceasefire has helped contribute to a 60 percent fall in attacks across Iraq since last June, the U.S. military says.
But U.S. commanders have also said they will continue to hunt down rogue elements of Sadr’s splintered militia’s, which they describe as “special groups” that are backed by Iran.
Iran denies U.S. charges that it is funding, arming and training militias. It blames the violence in Iraq, in which tens of thousands of Iraqis have died, on the U.S.-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in March 2003.
Another major factor behind falling violence has been the build-up of 30,000 extra U.S. troops, which was completed last June, U.S. and Iraqi leaders say. (Reporting by Paul Tait; Editing by Stephen Weeks)
Opps thought I was in the latest open thread. Will go post it there.