State Sen. Ed Murray will be stopping by Drinking Liberally tonight (8PM onwards at the Montlake Ale House), and I suppose one of the topics of conversation will likely be this:
“While I am deeply concerned for the future of our city and Michael and I are honored to have been approached by so many people and organizations we admire and respect, I am also a realist: write-in campaigns are extremely difficult, and time is short. Also, the recognition yesterday that Referendum 71 will appear on the fall ballot galvanized my decision.
I considered a write in campaign because I was concerned that one candidate wanted to reopen a fight with the state when we need to work together. The other candidate who seeks to become our civic leader has failed to engage in civic activities including on the most basic level, voting, something Americans in the south have died for in our lifetime .
I considered running because I believe Seattle is greater than the selfish conversation in the Mayor’s race. Missing are issues and leadership on social justice. Issues of poverty and civil rights. This campaign to date has been about one bridge and one neighborhood. Issues such as our schools, neighborhoods and diversity are missing from this debate .
I urge the candidates to broaden their messages and address the critical issues facing our city and look forward to working with one of them as our next mayor. “
Ah well. A Murray write-in campaign would have at the very least made the mayoral race a helluva lot more interesting. Now I guess I’ll have to either do the pragmatic thing and get behind one candidate or the other… or, you know, maybe just drop out for a while.
More evidence that Ed is a wise man.
Ask Ed how much all this attention stoked his massive ego??
What a waste of time and energy.
Now to really put a stake in it for the die hards, he should make an endorsement and campaign. This is too important an office to abdicate choosing, even if the choices are not great.
If he does, I bet he picks Mallahan. For all the anti-corporate hate, and the shitty voting record (I have a near perfect voting record but I’m not qualified anyhow), he still strikes me as a bit more earth bound.
Have any of you KLOWNS ever looked at your “Messiah” Ed’s campaign contributions??
Look at the big contributors like WAL-MART and Premera Blue Cross and other evil corporate entities.
Take a look!
Too Damn Funny!
You KLOWNS are praising Ed while he is taking dough from the Evil Corporate Giants like Wal-Mart and Evil Insurance Companies like Premera!!
Ed Murray’s Contributor’s.
Funny stuff
Gee Goldy–
Precisely what Emily Haffter posted at the Times!
I like the comment at the Times site saying not sure how Eddie Murray would be as Seattle’s Mayor…but he was a helluva 1st baseman for the Orioles!
This “pretend I’m gonna run because I care sooooooo much ruse” could come back against Ed.
Gee cyniklown…that sounds like YOU!!!
Anyway, 4 years ain’t that long to wait.
This campaign to date has been about one bridge and one neighborhood.
i thought it was about snowplows and class warfare.
Now that was damnnnnnnnnnn funny!
Well, at least the council should stop either of the inepts from screwing things up too badly until we can find a grown up.
I am seriously going to flip a coin; they’re both equally bad.
He’d have a better chance if he’d, you know, filed as a candidate.
It’s always hard to determine who’s doing the typing — Klown, or one of his goats.
Since when does some asshole Montanan concern himself with Washington State politics?
Your pathetic, fucked-up state isn’t bad enough for you?
And you presume to peddle your bullshit here?
What a sorry specimen. Get a job and you will have something worthwhile to occupy your time.
I figure you can use my help.
The last 2 smoke-and-mirrors Budgets passed by the Democrats are UNSUSTAINABLE without massive tax increases. Hey, what happened to all the Income Tax talk??
And they balanced the Budget by intentionally underfunding the already massively underfunded State Pension Fund. The Fund is underfunded by nearly $15 BILLION…and with the stroke of a pen, the Washington Democrats cut the State Contribution, underfunding it by $500 MILLION more!
X’ad…you folks need help.
Besides, I own property in Washington (Commerical & residential). I pay more taxes than you do dumbass.
Inherited, no doubt.
How else would you get it?
My Dad was a Blue Collar Mechanic.
We lived from paycheck to paycheck.
All of us siblings worked our way thru college with ZERO financial help from our parents. ZERO.
Seems you are envious of those who successfully invest capital, make sacrifices and accumulate wealth. Too bad. Envy & Jealousy can consume a person and before you know it, your life is over and you wasted it coveting what others have.
Our faily has inherited ZERO.
And I’ll be danged if some little PINHEADED LEFTIST is gonna take the fruits of our labor.
Get a job dimwit!
@17 “ZERO.”
No wonder you hate me so. By your own measure of a person I’m better than you – more disadvantaged by poverty at the start and then far more successful in life. Perhaps you need another measure of a person’s life, something not quite so shallow and inspipid.
“Too bad. Envy & Jealousy can consume a person and before you know it, your life is over and you wasted it coveting what others have.”
No shit, Mr. Klynical. You’d be in a much better space if you dropped the envy and jealousy over how well I’ve done and quit coveting my success. Besides, it’s so shallow of you. There’s more to life, Mr. Klynical, than owning property and then measuring one’s self by how much one owns. Perhaps it would help if you found God. No, I don’t mean just spewing out Old Testament scripture like you do here. That means nothing. I mean a real relationship with a loving God.
heh, I’ll sign this one,
Kommodore Steve, the Kountry Klubbing Khristian who makes the Klynical KLOWN so fucking Krazy with jealousy.
Just fucking with you, Klynical. You can go back to the goat barn now and do your thing.
Now I guess I’ll have to either do the pragmatic thing and get behind one candidate or the other… or, you know, maybe just drop out for a while.
You can still write in his name, you would not want the “Mallahan”.
I expect Mallahan to beat McGinn by 8 points, 53-45, 2 other.
This is a bummer. Murray is right on with his critique of the two incredibly weak mayoral candidates we have to choose from.
Mr. Cynical doesn’t want Ed to jump into the race, because he wants to see Seattle fail, and the distant exurbs “thrive.” McGinn / Mallahan are just the men to deliver failure to anarchist cretins Cynical and Puddy.