Doc Hastings, the laconic Republican congressman from Pasco, has spent much of the past three days trying to avoid being sucked into the vortex of ethics complaints swirling around House Majority leader Tom DeLay of Texas.
News reports earlier this week linked Hastings to GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who is under investigation for his lobbying on behalf of Indian tribes and is a key figure in the DeLay ethics dispute. The reports also tied Hastings to Seattle’s largest law and lobbying firm, Preston Gates Ellis, where Abramoff used to work.
Apart from the Times’ surprising use of the SAT word “laconic” in the lead sentence, should anyone be particularly shocked by this news? There’s a reason why DeLay named Hastings — possibly the nation’s least accomplished five-term congressman — to chair the Ethics Committee… he’s a DeLay toady, cynically installed to impede the committee’s investigations of his boss. And thus it should be no surprise to find Hastings linked to some of the same shady characters at the center of DeLay’s ever-expanding ethical scandals.
Abramoff has strong ties to the Pacific Northwest, including every right-wing Evangelical Christian’s favorite Rabbi, Mercer Island’s own Daniel Lapin. As chair of the House Ethics Committe, it’s only fair that the typically low-profile Hastings be subjected to extra scrutiny himself. I’m guessing that after a little more digging into his own finances, he’ll probably wish he had remained laconic.
Brilliant work Goldy!!!
Yet another vast Right-wing conspiracy uncovered by YOU!!!
I have no problem with full public disclosure by ALL elected officials of financial relationships. It is a cornerstone to our form of government….open & transparent.
But it seems like the LEFTIST PINHEADS tend to glue these maps together with the intent of trying to destroy a good man’s credibility. You LEFTIST PINHEADS are the Party of the angry, paranoid, build power thru fear-mongering and the politics of personal destruction. Without high drama, often manufactured, you have NOTHING!! People burn out on this after awhile. Why do you actually focus on accomplishing something positive for a change (and a 9-1/2 cent/gallon gas tax isn’t it!). Frankly, you LEFTIST PINHEADS are not capable of accomplishing anything of value in a cost-effective timely manner. You are the PARTY of costly process that chews up tax dollars…mistaking MOTION for ACTION.
Keep up the good work Sherlock!
Uh oh, a Christian connection; wooohhh you guys are working hard to invent scary threats.
Mr. Irrelevant-You Got That Right @ 1
Looks like another case of projection. Say, speaking of Christian connections, how do you know whether you belong to a redneck church? Try these simple tests.
1. The finance committee wouldn’t approve funds for a chandelier because no one knows how to play one.
2. When the pastor tells the story of how Jesus fed the multitude with two fish, the parishioners ask him after the service if the fish were bass or catfish, and what Jesus used for bait.
3. When the pastor says, “I’d like to ask Bubba to help collect the offering,” 5 men and 2 women get up from the pews.
4. Opening day of deer season is as a church holiday.
5. A member leaves a will specifying he is to be buried in his 4WD truck because, “It ain’t never been in no hole it couldn’t get out of.”
6. The choir is nicknamed “the OK Chorale.”
7. Although the congregation has 500 members, there are only 7 last names in the church directory.
8. Baptism is referred to as “branding.”
9. The baptismal fount is a #2 galvanized washtub.
10. The members think “rapture” is what you get from lifting something too heavy.
11. The choir robes were donated by, and embroidered with the logo of, Billy Bob’s Barbecue Shack.
12. The collection plates are hub caps off a ’58 Chevy.
13. The steeple doesn’t have a bell, but broadcasts a duck call over a loudspeaker every Sunday morning at 11 a.m.
14. The pastor and his wife drive matching pickup trucks.
15. The communion wine is Boone’s Farm Tickled Pink.
16. The benediction concludes with, “Y’all come back now!! Ya hear?”
Priscilla @ 3, #6:
No, no, the OK Chorale is a barbershop chorus.
You LEFTIST PINHEADS are the Party of the angry, paranoid, build power thru fear-mongering and the politics of personal destruction.
Hmmm…. I thought that honor was reserved for the Right…
truthfully mr irrelevant should look in the mirror to understand what an irrelevant idiot really is. no brained, conceited, hate mongering toad stool is probably a better monicker for that creature
Off topic:
Goldy, Jesus’ General mentioned your memo to the RGA yesterday. Just in case you missed it…
Another TJ @7,
Off topic as it is… I saw the mention, and I must say that I was honored.
Bye bye Papa Doc!
Apparently unethical behavior isn’t unethical if it benefits one of Mr. C/I’s friends. IOKIYAR. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Those are good uns!!!!
I have a cousin in S.C. who will appreciate this!
To the rest of you fucking losers I like to call LEFTIST PINHEADS when I’m in a charitable mood and only have 1 last thing to tell you pathetic dungheaps and that is:
irrelevant @ 11:
I have only two words for you: “Governor Gregoire.”
“Har, har, har! But lemme tellya………yada yada yAda …… LIBERAL PINHEAD! ” What’s the fuckin’ point? I am neither offended nor amused. Go away ,kid, ya bother me!
HL @ 13 Amen, sister. Amen.
And Jim McDermott has ties to Saddam. I’m sure if we dig deep enough we’ll also find out that McDermott had ties to Hitler. They both have the same regard for the law.
btw McDermott would have to qualify as the least accomplished congressman in the nation. Unless you count his movie credits or his violations of the law
Give me a “smoking gun” and then I’ll call for Hastings’ head. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Reply to 11
You get what you pay for, sucker!
Reply to 15
According to my aunt, who does genealogy as a hobby, you are correct in that Saddam, Hitler, and McDermott have a common ancestor way the hell back in Genesis times. She says you’re related to McDermott too, but you have to go quite a bit farther back to find the link between your species and his.
reggie @ 15 “shut the fuck up”
And why are all of the rooms in a redneck Parsonages beige? That is the only color that they can all agree on.
So where is the mainstream media in reporting that the House Ethics Committeee has basically folded its tent-yet again? God forbid that they would actually report something relevant such as Hastings’ obvious conflict of interest in the Delay case.
Did anyone see the fiasco at the House Judiciary Committee hearings today? Sensenbrenner took on the role of Goebbels in pronouncing the witnesses, testimony, and commentary as “irrelevant” and “irresponsible”
Check it out
I BOTHER you???
You LEFTIST PINHEADS may be a little more concerned about your Party’s all-time record $187,500 PDC Fine for trying to hide contributions and expenditures. EVIL!!!!! AND GUILTY!!!!!
I suppose it’s ok though, isn’t it PINHEADS!!
Mr. Irrelevant,
The Nationals used to be the Expos.
I’ll save you the trouble: LEFTIST PINHEAD.
Hey, do a google search on “leftist pinhead”. Mr. Irrelevant is suddenly relevant in that context!
How do you say
Goldy: Is rabbi Lapin a fake Jew or do you have dumbass Jews like the rest of us are afflicted with these horrors. Is it OK for a non-Jew to call a jew an overreaching son-of a bitch who’s no better than Pat Robertson or Rev.Hutchinson?
Pope promotes abstinence to fight aids.
where in the hell is the open thread for friday?
TOM DELAY AGAIN???? oh brother.
everytime the PINHEADS attack a Republican it only means that that Republican is a threat to them.
why do you PINHEADS insist on making us bring up barney fag and his escort service, the page boy he raped or teddy and his buick? ETHICS violations are all over the Democratic party (hillary), why do you think Baghdad Jum McD was scrambling to cook his books? And could someone please tell me there is no ethics violation in the Queen (not you don) of WA having her husband and daughter on the state payroll? Oh she has it hid very well, have any of you found it yet in the OFM?
Yes. You bother me. You are a boring , useless, humorless asshole who hasn’t a prayer in hell of ever understanding in his life time the simplest things about human decency. But we will care for you in your dottage just as if you were as good as we are.
is it OK for a governor to have her daughter and husband on the state payroll? go look, you can find it. sheesh, talk about ethics.
Brney Frank was accused of what again? Something about a page boy.
How can Lucy post after 5pm; state worker can’t be working late tonight
Dirty Harry Mormon Reid was passing legislation that benefitted his entire family back home in nevada. Now thats what I call PORKING. LOL come on, you queens know full well the dems are only launching another smear campaign on a Republican that is a threat to your weak party. get back in the basement where you belong.
re 23: How about referring to him as BITTER FRUIT. That will drive him nuts with its dual meaning!
she’s a janitor. toilets obviously get cleaned after hours. another union hack, over paid, wasting taxpayers money. And the SSD cant figure out why they are broke. LOL
re 31:REsurrecting that wine-soaked whore. Have you no shame?
I recall at some point in the recent past you claimed misogyny was the reason so many people revile you; a declaration at odds with what is the actual reason for such vilification. People say and do dumb things at times. It is a naturally occurring event, given our human nature. I don’t mind it when people write something ignorant, especially if they have posted intriguing, substantive, and/or comedic items in the past. I may not call them on their inanity, based on the weight of such previous experiences.
Not so with you. Your problem is that you have mastered the art of ignorance. My main issue with you is your penchant to be so uniformly obtuse with no evidence of any attempt by you to take action against or otherwise remedy your ignorance.
In other words, the people who scoff at your posts have recognized the vacuity that is HL and his reputation for doltishness. Face it, mon frere sans tête, you are an idiot.
Since I am on the subject, what are you babbling about chardonnay?
Anyway, the R’s have been well aware of the planned attack on DOC and are prepared for it. Tom Delay is still standing.
Kerry seeking out every spot light opportunity possible. Sore loser=Gore loser. LOL
34, why do you call harry a whore? and soaked in wine? Lucy, put down the bong. FYI, the tar has 50% higher carcinogens than tobacco. speaking of tobacco, I heard the BIG HUGE CRISSY TOBACCO SETTLEMENT was reduced to next to nothing. This state will never see a dime. scratch that one off crissy’s resume. have you no shame? Taking credit for something that never was!!! God! Just like Al Gore taking credit for the internet. Do you guys just make this stuff up as you go?
I gotta go get some exercise. Christine Gregoire is still Gov. Even after Rossi took a celebratory (but sadly) premature trip to Hawaii. Really! I felt bad for the schmo. Tell me how bad you are Mr Unintelligent as you live in WA state under the generous and liberal reign of Democratic Governor Christine Gregoire. Oh yeah! You bad!
35, nice analogy of HL. But please take it easy on him/her/it as it is obvious that an hourly custodian is a lonely job. Many thankless days and nights sweeping long hallways, scrubbing low hanging urinals, gazing at elementary art on the walls. Remembering those days when he/she/it played alone, friendless-HEY-
alot like algore and don/alan/cybil. lol
Pie Jesu Domine,
dona gens requiem.
I’m sooo tired…
Oh good..bittergrape is back!
I THOUGHT the discourse around here was getting too reasonable.
Now there’s somebody besides C/I to bring it down.
Slow down CheapWhine… all that wine is getting to you. Sleep it off.
wino @ 37
Dearest, you are misinformed again. Bush & Co. are writing off the feds’ lawsuit against B.T. This has NOTHING to do with B.T.’s settlement with the states. (God — how does one person manage to be so ignorant?)
P.S. your celebration may seem inappropriate to some of the taxpayers who have to eat the $120 billion windfall just handed to one of the GOP’s favorite campaign contributors.
RE 40 one –two —one ,two tres cuatro…. watchout!!!! hey dog hey dog! watch out ! She’s comin’ to getcha! Hadji told Ali, about a fancy etc etc etc…..
You have your culture, I have mine…..
Let me get this straight, these ethically challenged GOP bigots have ties to the law firm of your tax policy hero Mr. Gates Senior? Say it ain’t so! Perhaps this is part of the Dominionist plot to rule the hemisphere that Goldy has exposed time and time again.
Goldy, now that Mr. Gates Senior is linked to “some of the same shady characters at the center of DeLay’s ever-expanding ethical scandals”, how about you stop quoting his biased tax policy recommendations?
ZIP— Why don’t you read some Walt Whitman!
45, what is this, guilt by association? Gates Sr. is a Democrat. Don’t blame this administration’s corruption on him.
Pris @ 49 “Gates Sr. is a Democrat. Don’t blame this administration’s corruption on him.”
So you finally admit that Gregoire’s administration is corrupt?
Good burn on old dried out Prissy!!
Been chompin’ on them Urinal Biscuits mighty early this AM…you I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S!!!
Observation Concerning 50 and 51
Huh? You 2 dolts are too stupid to figure out I was referring to the Bush administration. So let me spell it out for you:
Should I remind MR. INCOHERENT IDIOT that his last “burn” was the B-I-G B-I-N-D-E-R ? Naw … let it pass, let it pass …
Hey #38…. Didn’t we already spend the tobacco settlement?
But ya gotta admit, it’s grand to see the red side of Washington continue to uphold the core neocon values… Like corrupt, stupid politicians… And their illegal immigrant population is the envy of every farm state!
Get a clue. They’re all corrupt. We need a revolution.
For more information about the GOP’s latest smelly scandal, i.e. their sellout of taxpayers to Big Tobacco, see
Say there, Mr Irrelevant at the head of the line:
If you will just lie down and take an enema, all that stuff you’re expressing will come out faster and in a more natural fashion…
great to have the stale, cross dressing chardonnay back from here extended trip to San Francisco, now she can work with mr irrelevent on his impotence problem. he does like big repuglickins
U2 are a fool.
How productive was your post#57???
You chronically complain about unprodcutive posts.
How productive is that???
U2 is caught in the vortex of making irrelevant unproductive comments about irrelevant unproductive comments.
U2 is just like the rare bird called the darkinere. U2 just flies in smaller and smaller circles at an accelerating rate of speed until WHAPPPPPP! The inevitable happens.
U2 flies up his own ass….as he has done right here.
Looks like you’re getting to him, U2. Keep up the good work! :D
Mr. Illiterate has been denying he works for BIAW, so it must be true.
HMMM… “Unproductive post”… Isn’t that a fleecy white cloud?
But your last, my dear irrelevant, is one more demonstration of how bad you need to take my advice. You seem positively fixated on the anal realm!
That’s because it’s been 6 weeks since he’s been able to shit and his pipes are backed up to the top of his furry eyeballs.
Why not call him (Mr Irrelevant) what he is:
Prove that you don’t work for the BIAW, Mr. Proteinreceptacle. If you can’t , then you must. It’s a fact.
Is it really hard for you to understand that the mere sight of your name and your mindless words brings visions of an ANUS???
You need to focus on the issues that are important to the future of our children. Why can’t we all just get along??
Oh and Looney—prove you don’t work for the School District cleaning toilets. If you can’t then you must. It’s a fact!
Reply to 66
“Is it really hard for you to understand that the mere sight of your name and your mindless words brings visions of an ANUS???”
Only for you. Hmmm … what does that say about you???
The mere mention of Mr. Illiterate’s name brings visions of a stooped little cartoon man, bald as a bowling bowl, muttering to himself and angrily thumping the air with his cane and cursing at lamp posts as he shuffles down the street.
Priscilla @67… it basically says that mr irrelevant is very upset because Mayor West never made a second pass at him. keep your faith mr irrelevant, maybe you can go to the peep shows and get lucky, if you carry enough money for the ‘boys’
If anyone reads any posts from that dispicable, lying, piece of shit Pudster “Wounded Knee” tell him I’ve responded to his post on the Shiavo Autopsy thread @ 269.