Whatever you do, don’t tune in to “The David Goldstein Show” tonight on 710-KIRO… because I won’t be on. However, feel free tune in to KIRO for the Seahawks game and post-game coverage.
It’s a shame really. There is so much to talk about.
by Goldy — ,
Oh the bits we could have done, Goldy, with this Rep. Mark Foley stuff. My Gawd!
Shit……….I’ll just have to listen to RUSH 24/7!!!!!
Bridgeport, Conn. — Democrats in the state’s largest city are so powerful and enmeshed in the local government that they are drawing comparisons to past political machines in Chicago and New York, the Connecticut Post reported Sunday. More than two-thirds of the members of the Democratic Town Committee serve in Bridgeport’s government or draw paychecks from City Hall, and others have a relative who does, according to the newspaper. [………….Democrats at the public trough. Gee, what a fucking surprise!!!!!]
Hey Mooooooooslim terrorists!! JDB is selling ceramic bobblehead dolls of the Prophet Muhammed on EBay! Now, some might consider this to be “disrespectful” of Islam, so you ragheads might consider doing a site check on JDB, and giving him a Mooooooooooooslim “visit”!!! If you do behead JDB, could I buy the “YouTube” video for resale? Best regards, and “BUSH NO GOOD!” JCH
“No depiction of the prophet, even if it is positive, should be made ever – and certainly not one as ridiculous as the bobblehead Muhammed,” said Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, an assistant professor at New York University. “I don’t think it’s about freedom of speech. This is the freedom to insult, which he shouldn’t be doing.” [……………………………………………………..JDB, It probably would be a good idea to lock your doors and windows tonight.]
So Algore says cigarette smoking is a huge threat for global warming. Hmmmm, but he bragged about growing up with his hands in all that tobacco. Houston, we have a problem….
I think it’s appropriate for Foley to step down after sexually explicit emails to a page. He did the right thing. But why didn’t Clinton step down after SEXUALLY EXPLICIT BEHAVIOUR with a girl the age of his own daughter? Is there a double standard at work, here?
Yeah, Reality Check NOT: the same reality that joined Justice William O. Douglas and his 22 year-old wife, Cathleen. You know, once the age consent is reached, it is really nobody else’s business – including yours.
Or do you think we should all snoop in each others sex lives? Wonder what’s going on in yours?
Considering your prudish snoopiness . . .probably nothing.
While a number of blogs have been reporting that the House Republican leadership knew about this months ago, I tended to discount that. I assumed that even they were not so corrupt and dishonest as to let something like this pass unchallenged, and also assumed that if they knew, they would make sure that the immediately disclosed it, heading off the worst of the bad publicity by being publicly open. I also assumed that at least some of the Republican leadership were decent individuals, even if I did disagree with their political positions.
At least, that’s what I assumed. Silly me, I forgot that the House Republican leadership has yet to figure out that they cannot simply flaunt their power, and I also assumed that someone in that group actually possesses something vaguely like a conscience. Looks like I was wrong.
Apparently Speaker Hastert actually has known about this for months, but took no action until the press broke the story.
Let’s see. Speaker of the House of Representatives, second in line for the Presidency, has known for months that the Chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children was sending sexually explicit text messages to an underage House Page, and did nothing about it until the story broke in the mainstream media.
This is so outrageous that I have yet to really grasp this emotionally. The fact that folks on the right are still trying to tie this to President Clinton shows just how disconnected they are from any sort of moral compass.
If the mainstream media was really the lapdog of the left that Republicans claim that it is, this would be the lead, front-page story on every paper in the country for the next month.
In fact, if most of the mainstream media was not in the hip pocket of the Republican party, this would be the lead story on every paper in the country for the next month.
Just to clarify, Speaker Hastert knew about this and took no action, despite the fact that the recipient was an underage House Page, and the sender was the Republican Chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.
Even as I write this, I have a hard time believing it.
At least this will be the last time this season.
Columbus Ohio – An advocacy group that registered about a million voters two years ago is wrestling with new charges of voter fraud and sloppy work weeks before crucial midterm elections. In Philadelphia, the city’s voter registration office has rejected about 3,000 cards submitted by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now since April because of missing information or invalid addresses. [………..This is sooooooooooo racist!! “Count every vote! Bush no good!”]
OffTopic again . . . ASS-Doc. Dodge and duck – avoid and angle – adapt to win . . . keep trying!
When I first heard about the Foley item, and read copies of some of the e-mails, I was surprised that he resigned so quickly. Yes, they were damaging, but in a Republican district where the voters would be likely to WANT to believe him, perhaps he could have finessed it and made a big argument that it was all part of a Democratic slur. After all, that’s worked for the Republicans before, and he only had to make it stick for six weeks until he was re-elected, then he could resign and let the Republicans in Florida choose his successor. Considering the Republican need to keep control of Congress for two more years so they can avoid the investigations which will start next year when the Democrats take control, I had to wonder why they didn’t even try to fight to keep Foley in his seat, at least through the end of the year.
Since Foley quickly resigned, I suspect one or two things were at work. First, the Republican leadership wanted to try to get him off the stage as quickly as possible, hoping to get him out of the news before the election. That argument makes sense, except that other Republican incumbents who are also public embarassements are continuing to try to hold on to their seats.
So I expect that the real reason for his quick exit is that there is a lot more damaging information out there, which the Republicans hope they can avoid being revealed by having Foley quickly dissapear. Perhaps the Republican leadership in the House knows that Foley did more than just send e-mails to pages. Perhaps their cover-up of his problems will endanger a lot more previously-solid Republican seats.
But when faced with a motion to start an investigation of what the Republican leadership knew, and when they knew it (to borrow a phrase from former Sen. Howard Baker, my favorite Republican), they sent it to the House ethics committee. Normally, this would probably be an appropriate committee assingment, one would think on the surface of things. But Doc Hassert, head of the commmittee, has completely avoided any real ethics investigations of Republican House members despite almost unprecedented corruption allegations. Quite frankly, if it weren’t for professionals in the Dept. of Justice who were willing to follow the law, we wouldn’t know a lot about the Abrominoff scandals.
With Congress having recessed until after the Nov. elections, nothing will happen (in Congress) about this call for an investigation until after the election. Convenient for them, I would say.
So I guess its up to us bloggers to find out, and report, the truth.
fuck the sea hacks
You know, I wish this had all hit the fan just before the terror vote . . . maybe, just maybe, a few of these cowardly Dems that voted for it would have had the courage to go the other way.
skagit, it can’t be that you would be okay with George W getting oral sex from an intern in the Whitehouse, could it? It wouldn’t be okay with ME. I think it IS the business of the entire country what sleezoid sexual activities are going on with a married president and somebody who ISN’T his wife. I really don’t believe you agree with the statement you made. I really and truly don’t. I think we have every bit the right to know that our president isn’t DOING young girls in the oval office. I really don’t think that when you voted for John Kerry that you felt he had your permission to “Do” young girls in the oval office? say it ain’t so….I think you’ve got to be better than that.
Because you see, people don’t turn faithfulness off in one area and stay faithful in another. If a president could cheat on his wife, it’s really easy to screw over the citizens in some other way. Everything becomes fair game. If someone is cheating on his wife, he won’t think twice about screwing over some guy in Seattle who he’s never met. You have to know that.
RC at 19: “Because you see, people don’t turn faithfulness off in one area and stay faithful in another. If a president could cheat on his wife, it’s really easy to screw over the citizens in some other way.”
If we follow that argument, then you have to wonder about Bush’s personal life. After all, he’s told us some real humdingers to hide his real agenda. I can’t even begin to imagine how that would translate into his personal life.
When they get into this case I predict they’ll find tons of kiddy porn on this guy’s computer, and tons of letters about gay love with teens directed to JCH and Puddybutt!
21 What’ll y’all bet that if this story has any legs at all, it’s going to turn out that Foley’s only the proverbial tip of the iceberg?
Reality Check at 19
By your reasoning, correct me if I am wrong, consenting adults must be single, must not hold a position of authority and anyone who is otherwise involved should expect to be castigated and shamed for moments of weakness or lust? Perhaps tar and feathering is next? Or maybe we can burn the harlots and gigolos at the stake?
Please, bedroom affairs have nothing to do with job performance. If yOu wish to judge based on sexual activity, that is your right, but how does sexual activity indicate job performance?
They should have called you at halftime and had you do the last couple hours of your show instead… even 3 hours of Goldy interviewing Roger Rabbit would have been more entertaining than that game last night.
Did you notice how clear the air waves were without the additional static of ASSMAN himself? What a refreshing relief to have Sunday night games!
Finally! Something worth tuning in for….