I hope the Seattle Times doesn’t mind too much if I violate their copyright and reprint the following editorial in its entirety.
NEVER, ever expect an apology from the creeps and ghouls who eagerly exploited the life and death of Terri Schiavo for their own political purposes.
Her autopsy report released last week was one final, vulgar invasion of her privacy by a Republican Congress willing to use the Florida woman’s tragic circumstances to pander to a yowling mob. Her death after years in a persistent vegetative state had to be explored for all manner of foul play suspected of her husband
I’m sorry, did they say the autopsy report was the final invasion of her (and her husband’s) privacy? Have they missed Jeb Bush’s most recent insulting intrusion (alleging that 15 years ago her husband waited an hour to call 911, based on the fact that he confuses dates and times)?
“It’s a significant question that during this ordeal was never brought up,” Bush told reporters. Schiavo’s attorney condemned Bush’s ploy as “a baseless claim to perpetuate a controversy that in fact doesn’t exist.”
Makes me sick.
The sheer lunacy of Gov. Bush’s claim makes his media stunt even more disgusting. If Michael Schiavo had indeed waited an hour while Terri’s heart was stopped, she would have ended up extremely dead.
The way the Republican leadership has been acting, you’d think they were collectively campaigning against Michael Schiavo. God, hasn’t the poor man suffered enough already?
The Republicans never even saw Terri Schaivo as a human being. To them, she was a political tool – nothing more.
Is hatred for bush the only thing you guys have for fuel? I know you only have a couple of thoughtful readers…. so maybe its impossible to get traffic if your run an issue that limits out the headless, marilyn crowd.
Peace, war, poverty, 3rd world debt, China taking over our industrialized base, CAO, Monorail, 520/Viaduct.. etc etc
Maybe RIGHTOFF should ask himself the same question? With all the problems in the world, why did you ghouls pick this poor woman to use for political gain. Isn’t there some other third world country like Iraq you could use?
I want to vomit every time I see a republican. Some people are alive only because it is against the law to kill them!
Isn’t this from the Seattle Times, not the PI?
This country is going in the most insane direction I’ve ever seen. I can not believe that any person would have the stupidity and lack of empathy that it takes to see the Schiavo affair for anything but the total travesty that it was and still is. What do these assholes need to do to qualify for impeachment proceedings? This whole thing could end up like Rwanda.
Totally wrong all the time @ 4
Bush: He’s a divider not a uniter.
Thomas @6,
Nice catch. I have fixed my error. That’s what I get for blogging past my bedtime. (I suppose I might have been confused, as the short editorial is a format in which the P-I has been specializing.
Way to beat a dead horse! you go with your bad redundant self.
Yeah… that whole exploiting the dead and the dying didn’t go so well politically for crazy radical evalgelical types in power so lets just forget that ever happened and return to talking about Bush’s Social Security plan. No wait….
All Fools @ 10 “Way to beat a dead horse!”
Bush ain’t dead (or impeached) yet.
Donna; what are you implying? Should we call the Secret Service?
“Michael Schiavo. God, hasn’t the poor man suffered enough already?”
You are right, he has suffered all the way to the bank!
“Bush: He’s a divider not a uniter.”>>>
No You are referring to Gregoire.
Chuck @ 15
Huh? Oh, you must be referring to that bi-partisan transportation bill that the extreme right-wingers are hoping to derail…
Chuck, You are the fool’s fool.
righton @ 13…. were you talking about beating a real Dead Horse? Should we call Animal protection?
Once again Chuckie shows his total ignorance concerning anything of value in the world. He should stay with his ‘fort’ on his little bit of land and protect himself from the ongoing technoligical changes in the world. And also pay his fair share of taxes and not shaft our State of their streams of income.
Chuckie @ 14 “You are right, he has suffered all the way to the bank! ”
I almost hate to ask, because ti will likely just get the same tired lie from you. but… er… in what way has Michael Shiavo monetarily benifited from this tragedy?
I dont make prevailing wage, why should the state be able to piss my taxes away by requiring contractors to pay prevailing wage?
Chuckie @ 21 “I dont make prevailing wage, why should the state be able to piss my taxes away by requiring contractors to pay prevailing wage?”
Uh, so that people like you can make the prevailing wage?
“I want to vomit every time I see a republican. Some people are alive only because it is against the law to kill them! ”
Wow – this is what we have come down to…. This is the level of political discourse in this country?
Does anyone know exactly what law the congress was trying to pass during the Easter weekend? – thanks in advance.
Thomas Trainwinder@16
If you call a bunch of liberals pissing money away because none of them has the balls to require an imediate re-evaluation in the way DOT does buisiness bi-partisan plans, go ahead. If you want to back gregoire when she said in her campaign she wouldnt support an increase and turned right around and signed it (great shades of Spellman) go ahead!
fire_one @ 23 “Wow – this is what we have come down to…. This is the level of political discourse in this country? ”
We learned it from Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and Liddy.
Pretty quick learner’s aye?
Don Sings Liberal theme Song
I could while away the hours,
Conferrin’ with the flowers,
Consultin’ with the rain.
And my head I’d be scratchin’
While my thoughts were busy hatchin’
If I only had a brain.
I’d unravel every riddle
For any individ’le
In trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts you’ll be thinkin’
You could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain.
Oh, I could tell you why
The ocean’s near the shore
I could think of things I never thunk
And then I’d sit — and think some more.
I would not be just a nuffin’
My head all full of stuffin’
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry…
Life would be a ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain!
Gosh, it would be awful pleasin’
To reason out the reason
For things I can’t explain.
Then perhaps I’ll deserve you,
And be even worthy erv you
If I only had a brain.
Donnag – Soooooo…. Two wrongs make a right? I cannot for the life of me figure out how that sort of stuff will help the Democrats regain power in the next election. As for the Senate and House, I kind of like it when they are so nearly balanced. It means they can do almost nothing, which is fine by me (most of the time)
Anyway, Donnag.. do you know what law, resolution, whatever that the house was going for re: Terry Schiavo?
fire_one @ 27 “Two wrongs make a right?” I hope they make a LEFT
“I cannot for the life of me figure out how that sort of stuff will help the Democrats regain power in the next election”
We have tried to be civil and “nice” and we get tramples by the “if it bleeds. it leads” Corporate Media.
No more Nicey Nice. We ARE gonna take back this country, no matter how many people we have to call ASSHoles, to get it back.
Donna; ya’ll had control from 1933 or so till 1996 or so. Give us a chance
The final dismantling of Pudster’s credibility is now complete on the Schiavo Autopsy thread 6/15/05 @ 284 if anyone cares to read it. Hopefully, he’ll stick to “cruising” with Mayor Jim West on the neocon blogs and we’ll never have to read his dribble again.
Tools, Righton, & Mr. Cynical:
I’ve used your names in a little allegory I wrote to make a point. I didn’t commit defamation against your characters, I only used them as names in the story that “Wounded Pride Putty Knees” would know. Sorry for not getting your approval first. I’ve learned from conservatives that it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is permission.
Hell NO, Rightoff, just look at the mess you’ve caused during the few years you’ve stolen control
righton @ 29, you had your chances with nixon (flunked the exam), reagan (made things worse), Bush I (a major screw up) and now Bush II (the most disasterous president in our countries history). How many more damn chances do you want? Zero for four and still getting worse.
GBS@30: thank you. I reread from 230 on. It is disturbing to military families, and anyone who has served, when someone fraudulently implies military service. It isn’t uncommon and most of the time, the individual gets away with it because many of our society, (since there is no longer a draft) are totally out of touch with the military – they’ve never known anyone in the military personally. What disturbs me most is that there so little understanding of the real sacrifice made by those who have served in conflicts. this is a subject for open thread, perhaps. Will bring it up there. Marilyn
32; i’ll trade you LBJ, Carter and 60 years of congressional control…
First, let me apologize to your for having to read so much blather from Pudster. But, as the great Corinthian General Hannibal said “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.” We must know them better than we know our allies. In order to take our country back, we must understand their paths of critical thinking, then exploit them vigorously and without prejudice when we catch them in a lie.
I, too, find Pudsters claims disturbing and I’ll tell you why. People like Pudster romanticize the military kike some John Wayne movie. Combat is neither romantic or fun. In fact, to the intellectual thinker, it’s down right repulsive.
It seems that you have prior military service, or perhaps a loved one in the military now. Maybe both. I’m not sure.
There is the “Talk amongst yourselves.” thread. I’d be happy to hear what you have to say there.
Fireone @ 27
“…do you know what law, resolution, whatever that the house was going for re: Terry Schiavo?”
The so-called “Palm Sunday Compromise” singled out Terry Schaivo as being under the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. It was passed by the Senate when there were only 3 members present, and then by the house.
You may recall that Bush flew back to Washington from his ranch just to sign the bill.
Oh yes GBS I got spanked. When Rummy rescinds my records, then I’ll come a’crying to your doorstep! Until then you keep on dreaming.
why did her husband wait 30-60 minutes to call for help after she collapsed? Would YOU wait that long for a loved one to get help? Or would you run to the nearest phone and get help asap? The latter, I’d say