A Hoquiam High School football player has been accused of raping two women. You’ll notice the story isn’t former high school football player, because he’s still on the team.
Two women came forward this summer and accused Smith of rape.
One, a former girlfriend, said Smith forced himself upon her when she was 16 in December 2012.
The second accuser, an 18-year-old girl, was described by prosecutors as an acquaintance from Facebook.
In both cases, the accusers said they told Smith to stop and repeatedly said “no” when he made sexual advances.
According to court documents, Smith admitted one of the women was saying “no,” but the detective said Smith told him he “thought she was saying no for pleasure and not to stop having sex.”
Innocent until proven guilty is an important thing in our laws and in society, and it should be respected. But when two different women say he raped them, and when he admits to going forward after one of them said no, kick him off the football team, at the very least.
“Hoquiam School Superintendent Mike Parker said Tuesday night that the Hoquiam High School football player who was charged with two counts of rape in late September has voluntarily removed himself from the team for the rest of the season.
“He didn’t want to have the charges distract the school, the district, or the team in any way,” Parker said at the school board meeting.”
– See more at: http://thedailyworld.com/news/.....mself-team
What a prince, right? Fucking coaches and superintendent lets him off the team with “honor,” and I’m sure he’s welcome to come back whenever he wants.
Also, Carl, innocent till proven guilty is not an issue here because he doesn’t have a legal right to play on the football team.
Let’s see what happens.
What’s a little couple of rapes to come between football buddies? HO, HO, HO.