Historian and author Rick Perlstein will be reading from his new book “Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America,“ tonight at 7:30 PM at Seattle’s Town Hall. Tickets are only $5.00.
Even conservative columnist George Will, reviewing the book for the NY Times, calls Nixonland “compulsively readable.” Should be a fascinating evening.
Bush has accomplished “Mission Impossible”: He’s even slimier and more dishonest than Tricky Dicky.
Rick Perlstein is one of our best. His book on Barry Goldwater is a classic.
Few understand the foundation and underpinnings of the wingnut mentality as well as he does.
Is there a more unreadable writer than George Will?
“jejune incongruities”? “sniffly”? “gaseous juvenophilia”?
He puts the pooper to shame.
Literate phrasing beyond expletives and one syllable grunting does escape you, doesn’t it?
Even so, George Will isn’t my favorite. I’m more a fan of Peggy Noonan and much of what’s written in The New Yorker, though in the latter case more for the style of it than the absence of thought of it.
The Piper
“(Perlstein’s) book on Barry Goldwater is a classic.”
At 12:14 PM on this day, 12 May 2008, YLB for the first time imparted useful information. It’s a variation on the theme of monkeys, typewriters, and Hamlet: given enough words and time, even YLB can thump, with coherent result, a random roster of keyboard keys.
Wasn’t it George Will who said, “Hitler told lies so big people thought they had to be true, whereas Nixon’s lies were so petty you wonder why he stooped to it”?
4 – He responds! Pooper, your blatherings in Crosscut invoke a strong gag reflex in me. Keep up the great work. We need no better exemplar of the intellectual exhaustion of the right wing than you.
Peggy Noonan!! LMAO!! You mean “he’s that guy” Peggy Noonan? Just when I think you can’t top yourself, you find a way.
Yet another scribbler in the right wing canon of gag. You must collect them like pez dispensers.
HNMT @ 5
Sorry if my phrasing was bit baroque. Perhaps I should have said Perlstein wrote a damned good book about Barry Goldwater’s run at the presidency and all the forces that conspired and ultimately failed to put him there.
Those forces gave us the likes of you and the Pooper. Thank goodness this tawdry chapter of our nation’s history may be coming to a close.
Arriving at Whittier College, Nixon, “a serial collector of resentments,”
All the sons and daughters of Nixon are gathered here: the Pooper, the HNMT, Stamm, PuddySilly, My Goldy Itches, Mark, Mark1, Surreal Mark, Xmas Crank and on and on.
All “serial collectors of resentments”.
Your dubious and hateful analysis aside, have you noticed that there are more of “us” all the time.
And we’re here just…to…get…YOU!
The Piper
10 – Come and get me if you can Pooper. You guys are your own worst enemies.
On second thought…you seem to be doing a standup job of getting yourself, so “we” needn’t waste the effort.
The Piper
Jesus, I come back here after a month or so, for a worthwhle topic, a very good book, and there are just so many unworthy comments.