DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has turned her attention away from acts of Islamic jihad on American soil (which she now refers to as “man-caused disasters”). Instead, her department is sounding the alarm over an un-quantified “resurgence” in “rightwing extremism activity.”
– Michelle Malkin
* Going to tea parties
* Supporting the Supremes’ Heller decision
* Favoring enforcement of immigration laws
* Clinging bitterly to Bibles
* Opposing “so-called” partial-birth “so-called” infanticide
* Listening to unfiltered AM radio
* Resenting Don Joe, who called me ‘homophonic’
If this is another of Don Joe’s feeble attempts at irony, it’s too inscrutably cruel to be ironic. I mean, how could he teach me anything after he drop kicked me out of remedial con law and preremedial (premedial) torts? I mean, what’s a little Ipecac(ackackack) between friends? In your merlot? Or a lot of Dulcolax in your Chardonnay? You are tragically humor impaired, DJ, and you’re so mean you must be a closeted Republican.
(Questions: Do ‘drop kicked’ and ‘humor impaired’ need hyphens? Is one of us — the Ipecacer or the mean-spirited Ipecacee – a tortfeasor?)
** Meanwhile, back at the Bar: Everyone knows that the United States is in terminal decline because we breed too many lawyers and not enough engineers. The Japanese, despite being inscrutable, have their priorities straight and their lawyers properly suppressed. Alas, no. Joel Best, in his excellent little book, Damned Lies and Statistics, shows that everyone is wrong. Japan, like us, breeds entirely too many lawyers, but fewer than two percent of Japan’s law grads pass the bengoshi exam that lets them become free-lance practitioners. The others are comparitively uncounted drudges and drones working as legal servants indentured to big corporations and big government. Japan, in other words, is fucked like us.
** Nisqually Glacier just keeps growing, which is further evidence of global warming. Well, no. Robert Felix is at least as persuasive about impending catastrophic global cooling as Gore and Moore are about their catastrophes du jour.
** Actual Tax Facts: MIT’s Taxing Ourselves, 4th edition, is written by two Goldycrats who laugh at Laffer and Reagan, and who can surely be counted on to prop Goldstein’s income-tax mania. Sort of … except that their discussion of the federal income tax raises flags for doing one here.
At the fed level, the costs of compliance and preparation, as of 20 years ago and with many fewer forms and pages of code, were almost $100 billion/year. Our best guess for the cost of income-tax evasion is over $300 billion/year, with only a small fraction recoverable. The primary problem with the income tax is that “income” defies definition, or defies definitions easy enough for tax “experts” to understand.
As for the surge, the sudden alleged popularity of the income tax, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center has the key. Their chart, reproduced on page 83 of Taxing Ourselves, shows that the lower quintiles of taxpayers are not payers; they are gainers. The lowest quintile is taxed at -7.6%, thanks mostly to Reagan and the Gingriches who stole Christmas.
Nisqually Coolingspews:
Ice Ages recycle. Little Ice Ages come around every few hundred years; big ice ages every 11,000; large economy ice ages about every 100,000 years. We’re on the cusp of all three.
over 300K! Try to spin that lib-tards. Oh and there’s WAY more where that came from. I haven’t attended any tea party, and neither has anyone I know and we’re ALL going to the next one!
Waterboard me before I pee tea againspews:
Very good, Crusader @5. That’s why it’s a crusade … but without the gouts of blood running thru the streets.
@5 Nice try. The “over 300K” is a NRO reporter’s quesstimate. That’s more the level of a “Puddyfactoid”.
Three hundred thousand. What’s that, less than 2% of wingnut radio listeners? It looks to me like Rush and Hannity didn’t light much of a fire under their supporters. It’s more like only 2% of the most rabid wingnut listeners bothered to show up.
Three hundred thousand. And not one person of color. Well, maybe Puddy made an appearance somewhere. Couldn’t you even rent a few minorities for show? There should be more than a few million people of color out of work and avialable, now that the Republican-caused economic disaster has unfolded.
High Noonspews:
Peggy Noonan: “Wall Street, or what remains of it, has dealt a catastrophic blow to its reputation in the past eight months of bonuses, bailouts and bankruptcies. … At stake is the standing of a free-market system that has flourished since America’s founding and made it the wealthiest nation in the history of man.”
Noonan’s right, as usual, and Rush (who says it’s all the fault of Carter, Clinton, and their Community Reinvestment Acts) is wrong.
Person of Colorspews:
Gotta love 8. Steve’s like the MSM blonde babes who used to scan Republican conventions from afar, and who sorrowfully pronounced them monochrome as Mayberry.
Perhaps Steve hasn’t noticed that the only thing more difficult than being an Asian American in the NBA is being an African American in the Republican Party. That’s because modern Democrats are as efficient at the high-tech lynching of black conservatives as pre-modern Democrats were efficient at doing lynchings the old-fashioned way.
@10 That’s because modern Democrats are as efficient at the high-tech lynching of black conservatives as pre-modern Democrats were efficient at doing lynchings the old-fashioned way.
Are you kidding? Democrats barely even told Michael Steele where he could buy rope. That man went out of his way to hang himself.
De-Lee-te Leespews:
Run along. You’re on the wrong thread or on the wrong bong.
Here’s something useful for your next class-action action: “Try starting every meal with either half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice.”
That’s from a site called Yahoo Food that should be sued back to the Stone Age. Shills from Big Grapefruit are pushing death on the unwary. Their product and their testimonials should come with hazardous-2-your-health labels because grapefruit and grapefruit juice do bad things to the beta blockers to which HA visitors are accustomed and conjoined.
Oooopsie ...spews:
Oh Gawd. Got caught dissing my good friend Steve, again. Did not mean to imply that you’re a plutocrat Democrat, unless there’s something vile in your broken link @11.
De-Lee-te Leespews:
Zappa McNewbie? New job in 2008? You mean you actually, like, work?
Big Grapefruit and Death with Dignityspews:
Grapefruit … unsafe at any speed. My daughter the molecular biologist says this is just the proverbial iceberg’s tip.
@14 That drawing of me is spot on. I even dress that way on the course, although the jacket does restrict my backswing somewhat. I glady give up a little distance off the tee to be looking so good.
Uh, yeah, I work. I’m the lead of a test automation team for a company in Bellevue. What do you do other than leave stupid comments on the internet?
As a lifelong Bruins fan, I am happy and I hate the Habs. In that order. I hate the Habs more than I hate the Yankees. Yes, that much. The bear was right to smack him down, but not just because the Habs are in the division, but because they are the Habs.
I wore one of my Bruins hats when I performed before 5,000 people at the Tea Party in Olympia yesterday.
The Penguins suck because the stole the Bruins’ colors years ago. Forever cursed.
pudge is a dumbass when it comes to hockey too. I wonder whether he was even born yet when the Bruins last won the Stanley Cup way back in 1972, the days of Orr and Espo.
Every sentient being knows why the Pens wear black and gold.
I’m with Nathan @1, backing the 1991 and 1992 Cup winners…
PS. Ulfie’s hit on Neely was nothing in particular. Why all the fuss?
Come on conservatives, let’s TEABAG the liberals!
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 21: 10 million protested the Iraq war. And that was just one of the protests.
300,000 out of over 300 million!! One 1/1000 of a % of the population.
I’m quaking in my boots. If these septuagenarians get their sguirrel guns and aluminum walkers and start creaking this country toward revolution, it’s all over!!!
Wow- some protest. Santelli, rich people in Lexuses, stupid people, idiot republicans like Pudgie boy….and no black people.
Is this all they have? Guess so….yawn.
Where is the lawn chair and the beer?
proud leftistspews:
As I read posts from the right, I realize how dumb those fuckers are. That realization helps me sleep at night. We have no serious opposition. Damn, they just don’t get it, but I guess that ain’t my problem.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 24: The only way to make peace with the Republican base is to realize that they can not be reasoned with, they can only only be manipulated through their twin passions of fear and resentment.
They can not be brought to the table via the power of sweet reason.
The right has always known this.
proud leftistspews:
I have spent my life pursuing whatever product reason might produce. I, now approaching a certain age, no longer have such patience. I now just want to bash dumbshits on the right. You can’t reason with them, so it’s best to pursue the cathartic–simply bash the fuck out of them. Hey, Puddy, how ya doin’? Cynny, ya hangin’ in there? Little Ricky Dumbass, how are you doin’?
No spin necessary. With 300,000 teabaggers, it earns the moniker: “0.3 Million Man Munch”!
Broadway Joespews:
Junior Troll Crusader is just so worked up about his 0.1% of the population (sorry, Winky) showing us all their teabags. Funny, the immigration rallies from a few years back, you know, the ones the morons were comparing themselves to, were ten times larger. And while they were mostly Latino (natch), there were plenty of people of all colors and creeds there to join in. Meanwhile, Puddy and Michael Steele were some lonely-ass undercover brothers in the gigantic circle-jerk of hate.
Oh, by the way Junior Troll Crusader, you do know that the planned drop of teabags on Capitol Hill in DC got squashed because they failed to get a permit, right? How they had to decamp to some anonymous righty think-tank to vent their spleens? Oh, the shame! Oh, the horror! Oh, the stupidity!
I’m going to enjoy watching your descent into irrelevance.
Broadway Joespews:
And before I hit the rack, GO CANUCKS! And here’s hoping Fredy and Sounders FC feast on Goats on Saturday!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m a lifelong Blackhawks Fan…and that takes some serious dedication.
More importantly, Obama is stuck in this range:
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 35% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-two percent (32%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +3
Obama burned thru his political capital quickly. You see a strong Conservative Base growing for 2010.
You 14%ers aka Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat’s still don’t get it…but Obama is starting to. He can read the polls.
Class Warfare is your last weapon…filled with potholes as you let your ideology get in the way of understanding the undesirable consequences.
One thing I’ve learned about you KLOWNS…you cannot be reasoned with.
So go ahead & put your l’il PINHEADS on the fire. I can tell you it’s mighty hot…but then again you don’t want to know.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here’s a list of 14 cringe-worthy “Bidenisms” made during the vice president’s more recent political career.
— On March 13, 2009, Biden addressed a former Senate colleague by saying, “An hour late, oh give me a f**king break,” after he arrived on Amtrak at Union Station in Washington, D.C. The vice president’s expletive was caught on a live microphone.
— During a Feb. 25, 2009, interview on CBS’ “Early Show,” Biden encouraged viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending. When asked for the site’s web address, Biden could not remember the site’s “number.”
“You know, I’m embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number?” he asked an aide standing out of view. “I should have it in front of me and I don’t. I’m actually embarrassed.”
— At a Jan. 30, 2009, swearing-in ceremony of senior White House staff, Biden mocked Chief Justice John Roberts for his presidential oath blunder on Inauguration Day.
“Am I doing this again?” Biden said, after Obama asked him to administer the oath. When Biden was told the swearing-in was for senior staff — and not cabinet members — the vice president quipped, “My memory is not as good as Justice Roberts,” prompting a stern nudge from Obama.
— On Inauguration Day, Jan. 20 2009, Biden misspoke when he told a cheering crowd of supporters, “Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart.” Justice John Paul Stevens — not Stewart — swore Biden in as vice president.
— When criticizing former GOP nominee John McCain in Athens, Ohio, on Oct. 15, 2008, Biden said, “Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs.”
— In a Sept. 22, 2008, CBS interview, Biden misspoke when he said Franklin D. Roosevelt was president when the stock market crashed in 1929.
“When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened,” he said. Herbert Hoover — not Roosevelt — was president in 1929, and television had not yet been invented in 1929.
— During a Sept. 12, 2008, speech in Columbia, Mo., Biden called for Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, who is wheelchair-bound, to “stand up.”
“Oh, God love ya,” Biden said, after realizing his mistake. “What am I talking about?”
— At a Sept. 10, 2008, town hall meeting in Nashua, N.H., Biden said, “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me.”
— Biden mistakenly referred to Alaska governor Sarah Palin as the “lieutenant governor” of her state during a town hall meeting on Sept. 4, 2008 at George Mason University in Manassas, Va.
“I heard a very, by the way I mean this sincerely, a very strong and a very good political speech from a lieutenant governor of Alaska who I think is going to be very formidable, very formidable not only in the campaign but in the debate,” Biden said.
— Biden said he was running for president — not vice president — during a Sept. 1, 2008, roundtable discussion in Scranton, Pa.
“Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what’s happening down there,” Biden said.
— Biden referred to John McCain as “George” during his vice presidential acceptance speech on Aug. 27, 2008, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Co. “Freudian slip, folks, Freudian slip,” he explained.
— Biden confused army brigades with battalions when speaking about Obama’s plan for sending troops to Afghanistan.
“Or should we trust Barack Obama, who more than a year ago called for sending two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan?”
— During his first campaign rally with Obama as his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 23, 2008, Biden introduced Obama by saying, “A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!”
— On Jan. 31, 2007 — the day Biden announced his presidential bid — the Delaware Senator was roundly criticized for calling Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Rick D.spews:
@31 Mr. Cynical:
Let’s not forget how charitable Chairman Maobama and the gaffe-prone sot Biden are when it comes to OUR money but not with theirs. 2008 tax returns show the Obama’s gave a semi-respectable (though hardly representative of their body of work over time) 6.5% of their income to charities. By comparison, the Bush’s donated 23% of their income to charities in the year 2007.
A historically cheap bastard Biden and his wife Jill averaged a peasantly $369 in giving over the last 10 years, while in one year alone, the evil demonized VP Cheney donated a whopping $6,000,000 (or 75%) of their income to charities.
This years Biden donations to charities were .7% of the Biden’s income. Apparently, those botox shots aren’t cheap.
Once again, Liberals talk about charity and charitable giving, but rarely peronally follow through on their lofty expectations of others.
Read the book “who really cares” and find out that liberals talk the talk, but hardly walk the walk. http://www.amazon.com/Who-Real.....0465008216
@31,32 The bitter ramblings of those who lost power and aren’t likely to see it regained in their lifetimes.
300,000 teabaggers. Less than 1 1/2% of Limbaugh’s listening audience.
A compilation of Bushisms? It is no misunderestimation to say that it would be the longest post in HA history.
The talk versus the walk – just one reason why Republicans will wait a generation to regain power, if ever. That is, if there still is a Republican party. Seems doubtful at this point in time.
@32: Hmmm. maybe we should look at the total income (net worth) and number of dependent kids before we listen to an idiot like Klinical try to make a vapid point…..
Total income for Dick (Haliburton) Cheney:
In 2000 Cheney reported 36 million dollars per year and has a net worth of 50-100 million.
Biden (supposedly cheap): Net worth: 150,000
Geee, I wonder why Cheney can give so much more to charity? Maybe becuase of his cushy job with Halliburton and the no-bid contracts they got.
Klynical – you are so damn stupid and so damn biased you can’t even see the forest through the damn trees.
Is that why you are making excuses for the rich elitists like bush and Cheny who wasted our taxpayer money?
Mr. Cynical – keep telling it how it is! Obama has just about burned through all his political capital and there is nothing Goldy and his moonbat troops can do about it.
@33 Steve – you can cite 0.1% for now, but we’re just getting started. You see people like me never protested in their life and when I start to consider it then it’s going to be far bigger numbers then your antiwar protesters! Just give it another year.
De-Lee-te Leespews:
Uh, yeah, I work. I’m the lead of a test automation team for a company in Bellevue. What do you do other than leave stupid comments on the internet?
Babysitting you is a full-time job, Lee. Waiting patiently for Goldstein to enroll me in his group medical plan.
(Whose urine did you have to steal to get your job in Bellevue?)
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
The Honorable Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Phone (202) 224 3254
Washington DC , 20510
Dear Senator Harkin,
As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.
My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill’s provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I’m excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005.
Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year.
Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as ‘in-state’ tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.
Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver’s license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.
If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.
Your Loyal Constituent, (hoping to reach ‘illegal alien’ status rather than just a bonafide citizen of the USA ),
Donald Ruppert
Burlington , IA
Puddy has no idea if this is real, but it makes an interesting point.
Mr. C @ 31:
You enter a 21 “Bidenisms” and the moron you voted for twice had entire books written about his stupid mouth.
Grow up. Stop being such a loyalist and start being a patriot to America, again.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, conservatives like you, Gov. Rick Perry, and Sarah Palin’s husband don’t want to be Americans any more.
What say you, Puddy? Are you with the hate-America we want to leave it crowd?
America hating conservatives are giving new meaning to “Union busting.”
Just because Americans rejected your radical, right wing, and generally failed political ideology you want to separate from America?
Hmmmm . . . I guess conservative colors do run. Yellow always did, though.
Puddybud, Have You Said Thank You Today...spews:
GBS, Puddy remembers all the same comments from the HollyWeird crowd in 2000 and 2004. You weren’t insulted then.
Broadway Joespews:
Cyn, you’re a Blackhawks fan? You’re braver than I thought. Ain’t these games on the teevee great? Thank God Bill Wirtz finally kicked the bucket. When it comes to cheap Chicago owners, he’d have given old Charlie Comiskey a run for his money.
Eventhough I dislike the Bruins, that commercial was awesome. The other one with the Bruin (No tuck in you shirt) was also good. I am rooting for the Rangers but doubt they will advance much past the first round.
LETS GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– Michelle Malkin
* Going to tea parties
* Supporting the Supremes’ Heller decision
* Favoring enforcement of immigration laws
* Clinging bitterly to Bibles
* Opposing “so-called” partial-birth “so-called” infanticide
* Listening to unfiltered AM radio
* Resenting Don Joe, who called me ‘homophonic’
Still Country Clubbing (with) Steve edition …
If this is another of Don Joe’s feeble attempts at irony, it’s too inscrutably cruel to be ironic. I mean, how could he teach me anything after he drop kicked me out of remedial con law and preremedial (premedial) torts? I mean, what’s a little Ipecac(ackackack) between friends? In your merlot? Or a lot of Dulcolax in your Chardonnay? You are tragically humor impaired, DJ, and you’re so mean you must be a closeted Republican.
(Questions: Do ‘drop kicked’ and ‘humor impaired’ need hyphens? Is one of us — the Ipecacer or the mean-spirited Ipecacee – a tortfeasor?)
** Meanwhile, back at the Bar: Everyone knows that the United States is in terminal decline because we breed too many lawyers and not enough engineers. The Japanese, despite being inscrutable, have their priorities straight and their lawyers properly suppressed. Alas, no. Joel Best, in his excellent little book, Damned Lies and Statistics, shows that everyone is wrong. Japan, like us, breeds entirely too many lawyers, but fewer than two percent of Japan’s law grads pass the bengoshi exam that lets them become free-lance practitioners. The others are comparitively uncounted drudges and drones working as legal servants indentured to big corporations and big government. Japan, in other words, is fucked like us.
** Nisqually Glacier just keeps growing, which is further evidence of global warming. Well, no. Robert Felix is at least as persuasive about impending catastrophic global cooling as Gore and Moore are about their catastrophes du jour.
** Actual Tax Facts: MIT’s Taxing Ourselves, 4th edition, is written by two Goldycrats who laugh at Laffer and Reagan, and who can surely be counted on to prop Goldstein’s income-tax mania. Sort of … except that their discussion of the federal income tax raises flags for doing one here.
At the fed level, the costs of compliance and preparation, as of 20 years ago and with many fewer forms and pages of code, were almost $100 billion/year. Our best guess for the cost of income-tax evasion is over $300 billion/year, with only a small fraction recoverable. The primary problem with the income tax is that “income” defies definition, or defies definitions easy enough for tax “experts” to understand.
As for the surge, the sudden alleged popularity of the income tax, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center has the key. Their chart, reproduced on page 83 of Taxing Ourselves, shows that the lower quintiles of taxpayers are not payers; they are gainers. The lowest quintile is taxed at -7.6%, thanks mostly to Reagan and the Gingriches who stole Christmas.
Ice Ages recycle. Little Ice Ages come around every few hundred years; big ice ages every 11,000; large economy ice ages about every 100,000 years. We’re on the cusp of all three.
Tea party attendance was huge:
over 300K! Try to spin that lib-tards. Oh and there’s WAY more where that came from. I haven’t attended any tea party, and neither has anyone I know and we’re ALL going to the next one!
Very good, Crusader @5. That’s why it’s a crusade … but without the gouts of blood running thru the streets.
Doing the chug.
@5 Nice try. The “over 300K” is a NRO reporter’s quesstimate. That’s more the level of a “Puddyfactoid”.
Three hundred thousand. What’s that, less than 2% of wingnut radio listeners? It looks to me like Rush and Hannity didn’t light much of a fire under their supporters. It’s more like only 2% of the most rabid wingnut listeners bothered to show up.
Three hundred thousand. And not one person of color. Well, maybe Puddy made an appearance somewhere. Couldn’t you even rent a few minorities for show? There should be more than a few million people of color out of work and avialable, now that the Republican-caused economic disaster has unfolded.
Peggy Noonan: “Wall Street, or what remains of it, has dealt a catastrophic blow to its reputation in the past eight months of bonuses, bailouts and bankruptcies. … At stake is the standing of a free-market system that has flourished since America’s founding and made it the wealthiest nation in the history of man.”
Noonan’s right, as usual, and Rush (who says it’s all the fault of Carter, Clinton, and their Community Reinvestment Acts) is wrong.
Gotta love 8. Steve’s like the MSM blonde babes who used to scan Republican conventions from afar, and who sorrowfully pronounced them monochrome as Mayberry.
Perhaps Steve hasn’t noticed that the only thing more difficult than being an Asian American in the NBA is being an African American in the Republican Party. That’s because modern Democrats are as efficient at the high-tech lynching of black conservatives as pre-modern Democrats were efficient at doing lynchings the old-fashioned way.
@10 Just for appearances sake. Know what I mean?
That’s because modern Democrats are as efficient at the high-tech lynching of black conservatives as pre-modern Democrats were efficient at doing lynchings the old-fashioned way.
Are you kidding? Democrats barely even told Michael Steele where he could buy rope. That man went out of his way to hang himself.
Run along. You’re on the wrong thread or on the wrong bong.
Here’s something useful for your next class-action action: “Try starting every meal with either half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice.”
That’s from a site called Yahoo Food that should be sued back to the Stone Age. Shills from Big Grapefruit are pushing death on the unwary. Their product and their testimonials should come with hazardous-2-your-health labels because grapefruit and grapefruit juice do bad things to the beta blockers to which HA visitors are accustomed and conjoined.
Oh Gawd. Got caught dissing my good friend Steve, again. Did not mean to imply that you’re a plutocrat Democrat, unless there’s something vile in your broken link @11.
Zappa McNewbie? New job in 2008? You mean you actually, like, work?
Grapefruit … unsafe at any speed. My daughter the molecular biologist says this is just the proverbial iceberg’s tip.
@14 That drawing of me is spot on. I even dress that way on the course, although the jacket does restrict my backswing somewhat. I glady give up a little distance off the tee to be looking so good.
Uh, yeah, I work. I’m the lead of a test automation team for a company in Bellevue. What do you do other than leave stupid comments on the internet?
As a lifelong Bruins fan, I am happy and I hate the Habs. In that order. I hate the Habs more than I hate the Yankees. Yes, that much. The bear was right to smack him down, but not just because the Habs are in the division, but because they are the Habs.
I wore one of my Bruins hats when I performed before 5,000 people at the Tea Party in Olympia yesterday.
The Penguins suck because the stole the Bruins’ colors years ago. Forever cursed.
pudge is a dumbass when it comes to hockey too. I wonder whether he was even born yet when the Bruins last won the Stanley Cup way back in 1972, the days of Orr and Espo.
Every sentient being knows why the Pens wear black and gold.
I’m with Nathan @1, backing the 1991 and 1992 Cup winners…
PS. Ulfie’s hit on Neely was nothing in particular. Why all the fuss?
Come on conservatives, let’s TEABAG the liberals!
re 21: 10 million protested the Iraq war. And that was just one of the protests.
300,000 out of over 300 million!! One 1/1000 of a % of the population.
I’m quaking in my boots. If these septuagenarians get their sguirrel guns and aluminum walkers and start creaking this country toward revolution, it’s all over!!!
Wow- some protest. Santelli, rich people in Lexuses, stupid people, idiot republicans like Pudgie boy….and no black people.
Is this all they have? Guess so….yawn.
Where is the lawn chair and the beer?
As I read posts from the right, I realize how dumb those fuckers are. That realization helps me sleep at night. We have no serious opposition. Damn, they just don’t get it, but I guess that ain’t my problem.
re 24: The only way to make peace with the Republican base is to realize that they can not be reasoned with, they can only only be manipulated through their twin passions of fear and resentment.
They can not be brought to the table via the power of sweet reason.
The right has always known this.
I have spent my life pursuing whatever product reason might produce. I, now approaching a certain age, no longer have such patience. I now just want to bash dumbshits on the right. You can’t reason with them, so it’s best to pursue the cathartic–simply bash the fuck out of them. Hey, Puddy, how ya doin’? Cynny, ya hangin’ in there? Little Ricky Dumbass, how are you doin’?
Crusader @ 5
“over 300K! Try to spin that lib-tards.”
No spin necessary. With 300,000 teabaggers, it earns the moniker: “0.3 Million Man Munch”!
Junior Troll Crusader is just so worked up about his 0.1% of the population (sorry, Winky) showing us all their teabags. Funny, the immigration rallies from a few years back, you know, the ones the morons were comparing themselves to, were ten times larger. And while they were mostly Latino (natch), there were plenty of people of all colors and creeds there to join in. Meanwhile, Puddy and Michael Steele were some lonely-ass undercover brothers in the gigantic circle-jerk of hate.
Oh, by the way Junior Troll Crusader, you do know that the planned drop of teabags on Capitol Hill in DC got squashed because they failed to get a permit, right? How they had to decamp to some anonymous righty think-tank to vent their spleens? Oh, the shame! Oh, the horror! Oh, the stupidity!
I’m going to enjoy watching your descent into irrelevance.
And before I hit the rack, GO CANUCKS! And here’s hoping Fredy and Sounders FC feast on Goats on Saturday!
I’m a lifelong Blackhawks Fan…and that takes some serious dedication.
More importantly, Obama is stuck in this range:
Friday, April 17, 2009
Obama burned thru his political capital quickly. You see a strong Conservative Base growing for 2010.
You 14%ers aka Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat’s still don’t get it…but Obama is starting to. He can read the polls.
Class Warfare is your last weapon…filled with potholes as you let your ideology get in the way of understanding the undesirable consequences.
One thing I’ve learned about you KLOWNS…you cannot be reasoned with.
So go ahead & put your l’il PINHEADS on the fire. I can tell you it’s mighty hot…but then again you don’t want to know.
Here’s a list of 14 cringe-worthy “Bidenisms” made during the vice president’s more recent political career.
@31 Mr. Cynical:
Let’s not forget how charitable Chairman Maobama and the gaffe-prone sot Biden are when it comes to OUR money but not with theirs. 2008 tax returns show the Obama’s gave a semi-respectable (though hardly representative of their body of work over time) 6.5% of their income to charities. By comparison, the Bush’s donated 23% of their income to charities in the year 2007.
A historically cheap bastard Biden and his wife Jill averaged a peasantly $369 in giving over the last 10 years, while in one year alone, the evil demonized VP Cheney donated a whopping $6,000,000 (or 75%) of their income to charities.
This years Biden donations to charities were .7% of the Biden’s income. Apparently, those botox shots aren’t cheap.
Once again, Liberals talk about charity and charitable giving, but rarely peronally follow through on their lofty expectations of others.
Read the book “who really cares” and find out that liberals talk the talk, but hardly walk the walk.
@31,32 The bitter ramblings of those who lost power and aren’t likely to see it regained in their lifetimes.
300,000 teabaggers. Less than 1 1/2% of Limbaugh’s listening audience.
A compilation of Bushisms? It is no misunderestimation to say that it would be the longest post in HA history.
The talk versus the walk – just one reason why Republicans will wait a generation to regain power, if ever. That is, if there still is a Republican party. Seems doubtful at this point in time.
@32: Hmmm. maybe we should look at the total income (net worth) and number of dependent kids before we listen to an idiot like Klinical try to make a vapid point…..
Total income for Dick (Haliburton) Cheney:
In 2000 Cheney reported 36 million dollars per year and has a net worth of 50-100 million.
Biden (supposedly cheap): Net worth: 150,000
Geee, I wonder why Cheney can give so much more to charity? Maybe becuase of his cushy job with Halliburton and the no-bid contracts they got.
Klynical – you are so damn stupid and so damn biased you can’t even see the forest through the damn trees.
Is that why you are making excuses for the rich elitists like bush and Cheny who wasted our taxpayer money?
Let’s go Devils!
Mr. Cynical – keep telling it how it is! Obama has just about burned through all his political capital and there is nothing Goldy and his moonbat troops can do about it.
@33 Steve – you can cite 0.1% for now, but we’re just getting started. You see people like me never protested in their life and when I start to consider it then it’s going to be far bigger numbers then your antiwar protesters! Just give it another year.
Babysitting you is a full-time job, Lee. Waiting patiently for Goldstein to enroll me in his group medical plan.
(Whose urine did you have to steal to get your job in Bellevue?)
The Honorable Tom Harkin
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Phone (202) 224 3254
Washington DC , 20510
Dear Senator Harkin,
As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.
My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill’s provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out.
Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I’m excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005.
Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year.
Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as ‘in-state’ tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son.
Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver’s license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car.
If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.
Your Loyal Constituent, (hoping to reach ‘illegal alien’ status rather than just a bonafide citizen of the USA ),
Donald Ruppert
Burlington , IA
Puddy has no idea if this is real, but it makes an interesting point.
Mr. C @ 31:
You enter a 21 “Bidenisms” and the moron you voted for twice had entire books written about his stupid mouth.
Grow up. Stop being such a loyalist and start being a patriot to America, again.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, conservatives like you, Gov. Rick Perry, and Sarah Palin’s husband don’t want to be Americans any more.
What say you, Puddy? Are you with the hate-America we want to leave it crowd?
America hating conservatives are giving new meaning to “Union busting.”
Just because Americans rejected your radical, right wing, and generally failed political ideology you want to separate from America?
Hmmmm . . . I guess conservative colors do run. Yellow always did, though.
GBS, Puddy remembers all the same comments from the HollyWeird crowd in 2000 and 2004. You weren’t insulted then.
Cyn, you’re a Blackhawks fan? You’re braver than I thought. Ain’t these games on the teevee great? Thank God Bill Wirtz finally kicked the bucket. When it comes to cheap Chicago owners, he’d have given old Charlie Comiskey a run for his money.
Eventhough I dislike the Bruins, that commercial was awesome. The other one with the Bruin (No tuck in you shirt) was also good. I am rooting for the Rangers but doubt they will advance much past the first round.