I don’t know how I’d even look this up, but this has gotta be the first time that all four road teams in a playoff round are favored in Vegas. Weird season.
Against my better judgment, I think I’ll throw out some predictions.
Saturday 1:30pm: Atlanta over Arizona – 38-28
Saturday 5:00pm: Indianapolis over San Diego – 24-21
Sunday 10:00am: Miami over Baltimore – 13-10
Sunday 1:30pm: Philadelphia over Minnesota – 22-6
Great Article and Show Tonite about the Son of Hamas Leader/Founder. Very insightful as to the ideology & mentality of these terrorists
PS–He was also a leader in the Youth Movement until he saw the Light.
Mr. Cynical, you should also take some time to learn about the Israeli settlers and what they’ve been doing:
Otherwise, get yourself a life and enjoy some football this weekend.
I never watch football, but I love to serve Treats to the viewers!
I’ll bet Cyn. serves treats, as well!
Oh, well! Cheerio! Off to Macy’s!
Go Chargers! The only thing missing from my carne asada spread along with the homemade beans and rice is the nice So Cal weather…although my dad says its raining in San Diego today, so we’ll just have to let shots of Tres Generaciones tequila warm us up.
San-D-E-Go-Super Chargers!!!
Got one wrong already…off to a good start.
Here is something fascinating and it’s on the leftist kook-aid HuffPo.
“Concurrent with the switchover of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation to its cool phase the Sun has entered a period of deep slumber. The number of sunspots for 2008 was the second lowest of any year since 1901. That matters less because of fluctuations in the amount of heat generated by the massive star in our near proximity (although there are some fluctuations that may have some measurable effect on global temperatures) and more because of a process best described by the Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark in his complex, but elegant, work The Chilling Stars. In the book, the modern Galileo, for he is nothing less, establishes that cosmic rays from deep space seed clouds over Earth’s oceans. Regulating the number of cosmic rays reaching Earth’s atmosphere is the solar wind; when it is strong, we get fewer cosmic rays. When it is weak, we get more. As NASA has corroborated, the number of cosmic rays passing through our atmosphere is at the maximum level since measurements have been taken, and show no signs of diminishing. The result: the seeding of what some have taken to calling “Svensmark clouds,” low dense clouds, principally over the oceans, that reflect sunlight back to space before it can have its warming effect on whatever is below.”
In other words, it’s the Sun, Al…
yelling loser boy’s head is exploding…
Let’s for the sake of arguement, pud, postulate that the temperture changes are the result of natural cycyle. Mind you I do not accept this, let’s just take that and go. What about the issue of the shifting carbonate/bicarbonate balance in the ocean. Significant areas of the world’s coral reefs are at risk of extinction due to changes in the pH leels of the ocean. Can you explain how sunspots have changed CO2 leels in the ocean?
And you missed my follow up to you in the powerless thread.
Looks like Scary Harry Reid stepped in it.
Now how does Scary Harry know what Illinois peeps are thinking for future elections?
Jesse Jackson Jr. – Nuthin more to say about this dude.
Danny Davis – He is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Progressive Caucus, and Democratic Socialists of America.
Emil Jones is the Illinois Senate president and is the political godfather of President-elect Barack Obama.
So Scary Harry, none of these blacks are electable in Illinois? Isn’t that a blatant thing to say?
Puddy told you this guy is scary. Yet you leftist meatheads eat his shit up.
Go back and see what I wrote about global warming. Check the archives for the personal comments from Puddy…
I do this for recreation, not work, pud. I do not look back.
And I argue vigorously that global climate change is a real danger.
And I am far away on a painfully slow wireless connection, so I will be done for now.
If you have time, look into the carbonate-pH issue.
Stupes @ 6
LMAO!! Occasionally the HuffPo allows a nut to rant there for the entertainment value.
No scientific credentials. Aims his rant at Gore – typical right wing bullshit.
Call me back with the words of a credible scientist – moron..
yelling loser boy,
You make my job too easy. You show all the world how S T U P I D, you are every time you post. You are a blessing to the Donkey. They cringe when they see a yelling loser boy post. Harold gave to Barack Obama. Took me 3 seconds on the HuffPo. Typical, soooooo typical.
A F O O L and he brain are soon departed. In your case your brain departed before you started posting here.
Of course yelling loser boy or K has no comment on post#8.
Looks like Chucky Rangel is being investigated.
I remember the stories of Mt Kilimanjaro and it’s glacier disappearing.
But UDub’s Philip Mote & University of Innsbruck’s Georg Kaser in Austria concluded Kilimanjaro’s ice cap shrinkage is not directly due to rising temperature but rather to decreased precipitation. Now looks like some snow came this year. http://allafrica.com/stories/200805260817.html. What do you know – it ain’t right wing nut jobs.
Studies haven’t started on what caused yelling loser boy’s brain shrinkage….
BTW Kili is a beautiful mountain!
BTW K, Discovery Channel discussed the reef issues. It was a well done story. I enjoyed it immensely. Fascinating.
I watch a lot of the Discovery Channel since all that left-wing BULLSHITTIUM news bias is parroted everyday by the left-wing MSM.
Where’s the HA post and banner headline with ensuing accusatory thread over the withdrawal of New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson from consideration for US Commerce Secretary?
I have a journalist pal in New Mexico who is fond of saying, “A poor politician is a poor politician.” He always follows that with a recitation of the New Mexico politicos now doing time in sundry jails and prisons in the firmly Democrat Land of Enchantment.
When shall we hear Goldy, et al, decry the ethical decay that is New Mexico along with comparisons of Bill Richardson to Boss Tweed or Bernie Madoff?
We’re waiting?
The Piper
Where’s the HA post and banner headline with ensuing accusatory thread over the withdrawal of New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson from consideration for US Commerce Secretary?
I have a journalist pal in New Mexico who is fond of saying, “A poor politician is a poor politician.” He always follows that with a recitation of the New Mexico politicos now doing time in sundry jails and prisons in the firmly Democrat Land of Enchantment.
When shall we hear Goldy, et al, decry the ethical decay that is New Mexico along with comparisons of Bill Richardson to Boss Tweed or Bernie Madoff?
We’re waiting…
The Piper
13 – Where’s the credible scientist? You have no answer to that…
You haven’t answered K’s assertion about the acidity of the oceans and declining coral reefs.
You’re an idiot..
In other news, Al Franken is going to beat your neo-con bullshit hero Norm Coleman.
Everywhere you look your bullshit is losing. Your silly ass excuse for a head is exploding..
Sure sucks to be you fool.
19 – Where’s your ass pooper given you couldn’t even find it with a flashlight?
No way we’d even think for a second of holding our breath for that one.
Harold gave to Barack Obama. Took me 3 seconds on the HuffPo. Typical, soooooo typical.
LMAO!!! I bet that’s known in the right wing bullshit world as a “fig leaf” so stupid shit-headed aspiring bullshit artists like you can use them.
I didn’t bother looking up the “foundation” that writer works for. Given his bullshit style it’s probably right wing whacko. Doesn’t matter either way. The guy’s full of that right wing shoot the messenger bullshit style.
My point exactly.
When it comes to Dem scandals or investigations of impropriety, you are as dumb as a post, which really is the story of your life.
Proof positive that you are a partisan hack who will rationalize anything done by a Dem – intellectual dishonesty on the highest level.
Your mother must be ashamed.
The Piper
@23 How many times have you posted here admitting to the shortcomings of your own or your party’s representatives? You see, Piper, you seem the kind of person who readily finds fault in others but moves quickly into a state of denial when the fault is your own. Of course, it occurs to me that if you’d do that with politics, then you’d do this in other spheres of your life. So do you do this at work, at home and in your church and faith? What would cause somebody like you to pay so much attention to the speck in another’s eye but seemingly give no thought to the beam in your own? What would cause someone like you to be so judgemental of others but not so much so towards yourself? What would cause someone like you to puff up your chest in self-admiration and then turn around and denigrate others? How about you shedding some light on this for us? Tell us what makes you tick, Piper.
How many times? Plenty. Take Ted Stevens – PLEASE!
Don’t try to sidestep the issue with your attempt at a guilt trip. Believe me, I’ve been guilt-tripped by experts, and yours just don’t cut it.
What you don’t do is address the issue raised. BTW…you can read more about Gov. Richardso’s imbroglio here.
No one can say it’s been a good couple months for Dem governors – first Blago, now Bill.
The Piper
25 – Partisan hack???? Sheesh… I’m done with you loser.
Maybe you’ve got a prayer in the right wing bullshit biz because there’s a sucker born every second and you’re starting at the bottom.
But the bottom could yet fall out. And there you would go with it.
Enjoy the ride down.
@25: And the grandaddy of them all (no, not the Rose Bowl) – the Abramoff scandal. Still going on because the Bush “Justice” dept. has not fully investigated it. All the other small fries pale before this concerted attempt to run all lobbying though republicans and to influence the government to:
permit child labor
forced abortions
forced labor
Indian gambling
Russian oii tycoons
Republicans with any sense of decency or moral rectitude should be denouncing any and all persons associated with Abramoff. Instead, all we heard was…silence or claims that they did not know Abramoff (like Bush) that turn out to be lies. Also, people tried to hide all the meetings (like Rove).
so far we have:
Pleaded Guilty
Jack Abramoff
John Albaugh
Robert Coughlin
Italia Federici
J. Steven Griles
Will Heaton
Adam Kidan
Bob Ney
Tony Rudy
Michael Scanlon
Roger Stillwell
Neil Volz
Mark Zachares
David Safavian
Under Investigation
John Doolittle
Tom Feeney
Named, Not Charged
Ed Buckham
Also involved:
Tom Delay
Karl Rove
Grover Norquist (money laundering)
Ralph Reed (money laundering)
@6: Nope – you got it wrong again Puddy. the sun is not increasing CO2 levels – it’s the humans. And yes, sunspots and other effects do contribute – but as the overwhelming number of scientists who ACTUALLY study climate change report – it is clearly HUMAN activities driving the unprecedented warming. Anyone who says otherwise is either nitpicking around the edges or is a science denier (maybe they also believe the earth is flat).
Check out one of the top atmospheric science departments in the world – the UW and what they have to say about anthropomorphic global warming.
Link: http://www.atmos.washington.ed.....imate.html
yelling loser boy@26:
You say I’m done with you loser yet you never answer anything so you can be done.
That’s why you are becoming the least stupid denominator of HA’s corral of leftist pinheads. You Poor Thing. Your single celled brain never engaged.
Studies haven’t started on what caused yelling loser boy’s brain shrinkage….
OH MY GOODNESS, nevercorrectstillnotbright struck out again @27.
I said global warming is due to the sun. Where do cosmic rays come from nevercorrectstillnotbright? When the sun ain’t warming the earth as much the earth cools.
Please read dude.
Piper, every day Steve throws up his single canard and wants us on the right to acknowledge it every day.
Sorry Steve, we’ve commented on your favrit link already. No need to run down that road again. But you can continue to put it up here and we’ll leave you to your funk.
Of course yelling loser boy or K or nevercorrectnottobright have no comment on post#8.
Maybe Scary Harry Reid thinks Burris is 3/5 qualified to be a Illinois senator…
Moron @ 28
I wasn’t talking to you fool. The pooper is so hapless, he’s not worth bothering with anymore.
YOU on the other hand merit a few more pokes of the stick.
Jan 20 is coming. Tell me what good came of all the right wing bullshit you dragged in here?
You can’t. NOTHING came of it. You’re a tool and a fool.
Whasamatta? Can’t/won’t debate me on the facts – in this case, Bill Richardson staying one step ahead of the sheriff by opting out of Obama’s cabinet – so all you have is cliched name calling.
Enjoy your time in the limelight – every fool should have his day before the cold, hard truth of reality utterly destroys him.
So…again…Blago and Bill…matched set?
The Piper
yelling loser boy, we’ll see how well Obama does. Regarding my comments and use of left wing puke sites to make my salient points, I guess the truth does hurt.
So HAs clueless idiot, why won’t you comment on post #8? Reid makes y’all look stupid… He’s telling the world your IQ.
34 – Ignored. So stupid it’s pathetic.
35 – Keep it up fool. You use whatever at the direction of right wing bullshit and you know it. Or maybe you don’t. Probably the latter. No one will ever go broke overestimating your brainlessness.
You’re a broken record with that moronic question.
What happened to that vaunted “memory” of yours? It’s just bullshit like everything else from you.
@25 Look at your post I referenced. What issue? You “sidestep” by spewing a baseless accusation of sidestepping. You are a hypocrite and a fool. You mention Ted Stevens. Do you always wait until a Republican is actually convicted of something to take exception to their behavior? Of course. And hypocrite that you are, and speaking of guilt trips, you have the nerve to whine about unconvicted Democrat behavior and whimper about where the left’s own outrage might be? Yes, you are a indeed a hypocrite. You Republicans have fucked up this country and led your own party to the backwaters of American politics. But that’s OK. Your guys bragged alot about their ability to creat reality. So be it. Life is but a dream. Wish it all away while singing “Barack the Magic Negro”, and enjoy you and your party’s ride towards an utterly complete irrelavancy.
@30 What link? What’d I say? Hmm, it increasing appears to me that you’ve got something on the brain there, Pudz. I post something unrelated to what ails you and you go all Pavlovian on me. Something about goats, is it? You did mention in passing once that you possess some deep-seated issues with beastiality. Are you ready to talk about that yet? Please do let me know when you’re ready to open up and spill your guts out. I’ll be there for you, Pudz. I promise.
@34 “Blago and Bill…match set?”
The pedo Foley and the diaper-wearing Vitter. Just two of hundreds of unrepenting Republican pervs. Need a link? Hell, the delusional Pudz will see one even if I don’t post one.
I hope you enjoyed you time in the limelight. You’ll never see it again. And it’s a good thing you guys can create your own reality as things obviously would really suck for you if you couldn’t.
Search the archives, and you’ll find where I called for Vitter to resign.
When you are as sridently righteously indignent over the treacle and out and out filth posted here by the likes of BentOver, Rabbit, YLB, Goldy, Lee, DeVore, and yourself on more than one occasion, then maybe I’ll lend credence to your entreaties.
But you are very one-sided in your denunciations. And you skip over reasoned argument and evidence when they’re inconvenient to you.
It’s routine for the HA Happy Hooligans to crucify conservatives or Republicans (not always the same thing) for doing way less than what’s coming out now about New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. I notice you were mute about what’s being said about him.
Now…go calm down, take a cold shower (it reduces fever in the blood), and come back with a more balanced perspective.
The Piper
Too bad the Cardinals lost, this was their first Home Playoff Game in 60 years. They were still playing in Chicago at the time, Comiskey Park to be exact. Goes to show the long way the NFL has come since then. 50 years ago there were teams playing in Baseball stadiums, and more of just something to fill the stands in the fall. College Football was more popular at the time.
In the case of Minnnesota, the last time they went to the Super Bowl, wasn’t Tarkington their QB?
yelling loser boy@37: Who’s giving you orders moronic one? As everyone can see when the going gets tough yelling loser boy enters echo chamber mode. I am so glad you think Harry Reid spouts bullshit! Thanks for the clarification.
Very telling… Truth hurts his small single celled mind.
BTW yelling loser boy Harry has a message for you. One you can sit upon!
Steve, you call me delusional? We’ve moved on. You are still marching in place.
Try looking in the mirror once you get the animal feces off of it.
@41 Oh, you called for one Republican to resign? I see he didn’t. Didn’t he hear you? Perhaps you should focus more on him and the other freaks in your party than some Democrat. When you own house is rid of filth, then come back and trash a Democrat – the speck in one eye, the beam in another. You know the drill.
I saw the treacle and filth begin on your side a long time ago. Shall I recite just the book titles? You probably know them by heart. Your side has long fire-breathed broad-brush accusations of Godlessness, treason, terrorism and hate. Show me where you have ever once denounced such behavior. Until you do, you have no cause to whine when it gets flung back your way. Whining is the way of cowards. I thought you should know.
Of course I’m one sided in my denunciations. When I encounter a bully I don’t beat the crap out of his victim. I go for the bully. That being you and your freakish troll friends.
We’ll take care of Blago, Richardson or anybody else who fails us. Even if we falter, we’ll still eventually show you how it’s done. So shall we now discuss Vitter’s continued presence in the Senate and your weak, ineffective, denuciation, if any? (Note to self, why are these fools so self-possessed as to think we’d search for their comments?) Why no 24/7 outrage? Why have you never denounced the rampant Republican pedophilia problem? How many convictions do you need shoved in your face before you get it? Or is it that you’ll support anybody who wants to bust a union or lower your taxes? Christ, why do you support a pol that would just as soon fuck your kid as look at him? I doubt you guys will ever be able to explain that one. But I’ll tell you what’s going on. You’re fucking touched in the head or something. Your mind just ain’t right.
You can talk about calming down, blood fever, cold showers and more balanced perspectives if that’s all you got. Go ahead. Put it in a book title for all I care. We’ve long known that you fools can’t quit projecting. Only the Lord knows why, but you just can’t stop.
@45 I’ve called you a whole lot worse things than delusional, Pudz. I figure the worst of it is true. Why else would you overreact so much? So revealing, you know? Speaking of such, are you ready to discuss your beastiality issues with us? I’m sure all of us here would like to see you work through this. Maybe we can help. The shrink is in, as they say.
Hey Steve. Stupes must have posted a link to that Harry Reid jpg file a dozen times. I haven’t clicked on it once.
It sure must burn that tool’s silly little ass that I refuse to follow his orders.
It’s every right winger’s dream to bark orders and have the gullible ask meekly “how high, your majesty?”.
@48 “bark orders”
There a right-wing pecking order. Sadly for Pudz, he’s at the bottom. Oh, yuk, just got a visual.
49 – LOL!