One thing I’ve noticed this year as I’ve been enjoying my purchase of NFL Sunday Ticket every weekend is that coverage of the NFL has gone in the past few years from being somewhat aware that fantasy football exists to being overwhelmingly about how what’s happening in the game is affecting everyone’s fantasy football match-ups.
As a fantasy football geek, I love it. I’m in two leagues, the younger of which is in its seventh season. But is this radically changing the appeal of the game to some people? To me, baseball was always the sport for stats geeks. Football was the sport where you drank your face off and berated people who were wearing a different colored jersey. Is this changing that? Is football now the domain of stats geeks? Are non-fantasy football geeks turned off by it all?
I’d imagine that going to the games themselves hasn’t changed much. There’s no ticker telling you who’s scoring touchdowns in the other games, no red button on your remote that you can press for instant live stats, and I’m pretty sure people still berate people for wearing a different colored jersey (or in the case of Raiders fans, looking like some combination of Darth Vader and Mad Max). Then, of course, back when I was a Seahawks season ticket holder, I’d often be at my seat during timeouts hoping my phone could connect to the internet to get stats. Sigh…
This may not mean much to Seattlites, but Bill Weld endorses Obama.
I lived in Massachusetts when Mr. Weld was governor. I have more respect for him than any other living republican I can name. He did amazing things for Mass, and he respected the individual like no national republican I know.
I didn’t always agree with Gov. Weld, and was disappointed when he endorsed Mitt Romney in the in primary. But if we get a republican president some time in the future, I hope they look to Mr. Weld for inspiration.
Yeah, Weld is an honorable man. I find it more amazing that one of McCain’s own advisers has endorsed Obama…
Hey, remember when Republicans used to laugh about Howard Dean being chairman of the DNC?
I don’t think they’re laughing now.
‘B Cheek’ Woman Has History Of Pulling Hoaxes
Ashley Todd was kicked out of a Ron Paul group in Texas for posing as a Huckabee supporter to elicit campaign strategy information from the local Republican committee. About a month before that incident, Todd told the group her tires were slashed and Ron Paul campaign materials were stolen from her car.
On her MySpace profile, Todd listed her occupation as “Being a badass” and said “lying is fun.”
(Source: “Political Machine” linked via AOL news page)
Wingnuts! “Vetting” is not a Russian euphemism for incontinence.
Just thought I’d point that out.
Here’s another breakdown of right wing batshit insanity:
The wingnuts have been their own worst enemies: when in doubt they GO FURTHER to the right.
The corporate wing of that disgusting party is too busy cashing in their golden parachutes or shoring up their floundering balance sheets at luxury resorts. They could do a purge but that’d fracture the party even more.
At this point, I’m bracing myself for a very ugly November 5th.
IIRC, Weld was also nominated for the ambassadorship to Mexico by Bill Clinton, but (Fuck You) Jesse Helms blocked the nomination on the behalf of Ed (Porn Patrol) Meese, who Weld had investigated over Iran-Contra when he worked at DoJ.
And for the first time in a very long while, I find myself not really caring all that much about the Seahawks, or the NFL for that matter…….
When do Sounders FC start up again?
The Anchorage Times has endorsed Obama. I’m sure Sarah will find a way to retaliate when she gets back to her governor job. The Wasilla Weekly must be about the only paper to endorse McCain/Palin.
March, I think, for the start of the Sounders exhibition season.
McCain has become a sad small person. He is busy defending all the ethical compromises he has made. Even today on the talk shows, he is saying that Palin is more qualified that Biden or Obama because of her “executive” experience (of which he also has NONE).
Yup – that kind of straight talk will take him right to the losers circle. He has sold his soul and will say anything and kowtow to any right wing interest group.
Maverick my ass. Executive? Nope – he can’t even run a consistent or coherent campaing. Obama has outclassed him, out manoeuvered him, outcampaigned and out fundraised him. This will be a true blowout and only the ignorant, the racist and the willfully deluded will vote for the McCain and Palin demagogues.
OMG!!! Obama wants to take away my guns and ammo!
OMG!!! McCain is a MUSLIM!
This site is about as funny and *ludicrous* as the NRA sponsored hit job you site.. That site is hilarious!
Hey! Go watch this then tell me the difference between Obama economic theory and the Marxist doctrine of, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need…”
Then tell me how it squares with Abraham Lincoln’s thought that, “You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence.”
That’s what socialism and Marxism do: rob human beings of their right and responsibility to exercise initiative and be independent.
And his so-called plan to tax only those making over $250K? Watch that number drop like a rock when the plan fails to generate the revenue to pay for all the unearned booty he plans to distribute to the undeserving, unmotivated, or unwilling to get off their duff and do something about the wretched state of their lives.
The Piper
Nice. I bet you’re one of them christians too…
Let me see, you’re going to pay a few more percentage points on your overall income and that will rob you of your initiative and independence. You’ll just say “screw this, I’m going on welfare and become homeless.” Probably not…
Oh and I like the notion that a tax plan that is actually lower taxes than Clinton’s are “socialist.”
If you’re really worried about taking away a man’s initiative, you’d be for Obama’s tax plan. How do you think so many middle class people in America feel when they see billions in bonuses on wall street and exxon ceo’s getting $450m retirement packages, all the while they’re real income has dropped over the last 8 years. Their wealth, and their productivity have been redistributed upward without any benefit going to them. They’re deeper in debt and more are slipping into poverty every day.
If you’re so concerned for the 1% that might get taxed, why don’t you have any concern for the other 99% that already are???
The thing you need to worry about, more than what happens with that few extra percent is when those lower middle class people start thinking “screw it, crime pays better than this american dream stuff. that scott guy that brings his hummer into the shop looks like a good target.”
Obviously not everyone can make $250k per annum. If everyone did, there wouldn’t be anyone to pick the vegetables or server you coffee.. That said, calling all of those people “undeserving, unmotivated or unwilling” is the extreme of elitism and, to bring it back to the narcissism you displayed, not in your best interest…..