I meant to post this last night, but have been buried up to my neck in changes to my fantasy football website. Throw out your predictions for the season in the comments below. Will the Seahawks be a .500 team? Can they win the division? Does the old man in Minnesota have another year in him like last year (didn’t look that way last night)? Will McNabb and Shanahan make the Redskins a winner? Can the Cowboys become the first team to play in their home stadium for the Super Bowl? Has the NFL milked the Saints-Katrina storyline enough, or is there still some juice in that raisin?
Glort’s predictions:
Seahawks will be right at .500 and not make the playoffs
Vikings have a good shot…they are my sentimental favorite
Saints will probably go all the way and win superbowl.
Redskins will still be a loser this year.
goldy asks:
Has the NFL milked the Saints-Katrina storyline enough, or is there still some juice in that raisin?
I dont know, as long as the dems keep milking it, not sure why the NFL shouldnt do the same.
That’s Lee, not Goldy.
The hawks have signed six players cut by other teams in the past week? That’s desperation, not a team that’s going to compete for the division. They’ll be lucky to finish at .500.
Pro sports? Sports, period. Meh…
What a waste of time, energy, and money.
I can think of a pile of things more productive to do than sit in front of the TV machine and consume mass quantities of beer and munchies.
The thing that really makes me scratch my head and marvel is how a bunch of supposedly rational progressives buy-in to the corporately driven tribal bullshit. It is total bullshit.
for some of us, it’s just cheap entertainment, a way to forget about the real problems in the world for a couple hours. And yeah, there are too many who take the whole tribalism part way too far.
I’ve loved football since I was a kid, and the NFL is still a showcase of the very best football players in the world competing against each other. There are things about the league I’d change if I were commissioner, but I think overall it does a good job with its relations to the fans and communities. The success of the NFL hasn’t been corporate-driven. It’s been driven by fans like me who’ve enjoyed the product they put out.
division winners: Dolphins, Titans, Ravens, Chargers, Giants, Panthers, Packers, 49ers.
Wild Card; Colts, Bengals, Saints, Falcons.
Ravens over Packers in The Bowl.
that’s it….that IS the list.
re 4
Maybe because it’s, I don’t know….fun?
Maybe hanging out with your boys or your buddies (or better, both) and getting a cheap testosterone high while rooting on the Hawks is a waste of time. So is reading Dean Koontz or PG Wodehouse or watching an old Indiana Jones flick. Fun without other reward can be allowable on occasion, though, don’t you think?
Best throwaway movie moment ever? Indiana Jones in the open air market with the black clad Arab swordsman. Guy wheels the weapon around in a display of swordsmanship, expecting a drawn out fight. Jones gets an exasperated look, pulls a pistol and shoots him. Total guy moment. No complete sentences there, but oh well.
The Seahawks will win 6 games, max and Matt will play his last game ever as a Seahawk sometime in November.
Those are some bold picks there, I like it (but the Giants? they’ll be watching the playoffs on TV).
I wwent over the Seahawk schedule last night because a buddy and I have a running prediction payoff-free “bet” every season. I see them at 6-10.
But I don’t think Matt Hasselbeck is leaving. He’s not the problem.
And I came up with 5-7 for the Huskies. No bowl. Hope I am wrong.
I stand corrected…thanks.
“It is total bullshit.”
I kinda lean that way these days but if pressed, Seahawks 7 – 9 and the Huskies 7 – 5 and playing in a minor bowl game a couple of weeks before Boise State does to Alabama what Utah did to them a couple of years ago.
Hasselboink will retire after getting KTFO’d in Week 3, Whitehurst fails to win a game the rest of the season, and Pete drafts Jake Locker with the #1 pick in April, who then promptly goes to A ball for the spring while holding out and blows his throwing shoulder out. Let’s just say that the Fail is so strong with them, a strike/lockout/whatever next year might be the best thing to happen for the Fleahawks.
That scene originally called for a sword vs whip fight but Harrison was sick that day of shooting and wasn’t up for that much physical action.
This one maybe?
i don’t think them bold at all…but that is why they play the games.
we shall see…
Roger Rabbit just got home from a two-day hospital stay after suffering complications from surgery earlier this week, and will resume straightening out you America-hating unpatriotic trolls after a couple of days of bed rest.
The NFC west is just really poor playing teams across the board. The fact that one team has to beat another in division play will put a win or two in that column, but will not playoffs make. If the Seahawks went 8-8 they could win the division; but it looks like 49ers will probably move on.
20 – Take good care Roger. We need you more than ever but your health is your first priority.
Im surprised the little girly-man YLBleeder had the nuzack to post in this thread.
shouldnt you be playing a computer game or something?
I predict the Seahawks to go 7-9 and still win the division.
@22 I may be going back to the ER or hospital tonight as I’m still having problems.
The good news is I have the results of Wednesday’s biopsy surgery back and there’s no cancer. All I have is bladder stones and an inflamed bladder. It’s VERY inflamed, though. I pissed out about half of my bladder stones a few minutes before surgery. (The urologist washed out most of the rest while I was under, so I should be nearly stone-free at this moment.) The bad news is I bled a lot after the surgery, and blood clots blocked my urinary tract.
Tract blockage and fluid retention in the bladder is a fairly common medical problem in older male rabbits and humans, especially those with enlarged prostates. An enlarged prostate creates a constriction in the urinary tract. This is where stones or blood clots are most likely to lodge and cause a blockage, although you can get plugged up anywhere in the pipe.
A total blockage accompanied by fluid retention in the bladder, this is a medical emergency. It won’t kill you, because your bladder can stretch and therefore won’t rupture from overfilling, but you may wish you were dead because the pain is extreme. This is the kind of pain you can bear only because you have no choice about bearing it.
For that reason, Group Health’s ER prioritizes bladder blockage/retention right behind chest pain. Showing up at the ER with this problem puts high on the ER priority list — the only ER patients ahead of you are people having heart attacks or chest pain. So when I arrived at the ER early yesterday morning in unbearable pain, I got immediate medical attention. By then I’d had a total blockage for around 6 hours. I waited too long; I should have wakened Mrs. Rabbit during the night and had her drive me to the ER as soon as I stopped being able to piss. It takes only a couple of hours for the bladder to fill up once your urinary tract is blocked.
According to the ER nurses, my bladder can hold about 600 ML of fluid without stretching. When they inserted the catheter and it pushed past the obstruction (which was a large blood clot), over 1000 ML of mixed blood and urine gushed out. The pain relief was almost instanteous. That’s the good news; the moment they get the catheter in, you leave Hell and rejoin the living. But for the time when your bladder is stretched beyond normal capacity, the pain is almost indescribable. The ER people see grown men cry all the time.
So, guys, if you can’t piss and it’s starting to hurt or you’re experiencing spasms, DON’T WAIT, get to an ER as fast as you can, because it’s not gonna get better — the pain is going to get much worse and very rapidly. Once your tract is blocked, you have only a couple of hours to get that catheter in. And, of course, don’t drink or eat anything, because you don’t want to add more fluid to the fluid already accumulated in your bladder.
After the ER, they kept me in the hospital about 30 hours before sending me home this afternoon without a catheter. I’m now having painful rapid-fire spasms, but I’m pissing a little, so I know I only have a partial blockage at this moment. I just got off the phone with my urologist and he told me to try medications I already have in my possession. If that doesn’t tame the spasms, I’ll have to return to the ER tonight to get a catheter put back in. It’s possible they’ll toss me back into the hospital.
So, if Roger Rabbit disappears from the comment threads again for a few days, don’t take heart from that, trolls! I’m not dead! I’ll be back! My current medical problems obviously take precedence over you asswipes. In fact, everything takes precedence over you, including wiping my ass, although I don’t need to wipe my ass just now because I’ve been constipated since Tuesday. If I’m not here posting, all it means is I’m saving up my insults and you troll traitors will simply get the much more thrown at you when I return to HA and resume dishing out your just desserts. You trolls WILL go to Hell for voting Republican, and when you get there the eternal punishment you’ll experience will make my medical problems look like child’s play. You can count on it! If you don’t believe me, just ask the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit what’s in store for you. You think my bladder hurts, wait until yours is the size of moon and you can’t piss for 100 million years! Sayonara, trolls! You have nooooo idea what’s gonna happen to youuuuu …
Get healthy Roger. We who think right need some almost real “competition” not some offshoots like @18.
I feel that kinda pain Roger, so I sympathize with you. Passed a kidney stone two Fridays ago while gigging in Shreveport, LA. And the Vicodin they gave me for the pain plugged me up but(t) good, unable to eat solid food for five days and throwing up more in that time than I had in the last five years. I followed that up with being attacked by a pitbull the following Friday. No, seriously. I’m writing about all my adventures at the blog you can link to from my name above.
Get well soon, Roger!
Why is the “religion of peace” ready to destroy Christian artifacts at a moment’s notice while we are to “watch” in wonder and cower in fear?
Why is it libtardos are mum?
Why hasn’t Odumba told the Moslem world to stop burning our flag?
How come Petraeus can got political over the Koran burning and could talk to the press while McChrystal, a DUMMOCRAPT, tells the truth off the record and gets fired?
Since Snooki has said she ain’t going to tanning salons anymore due to Stretch Pelosi and Scary Reid foisting a 10% getting darker tax, isn’t it great white peeps now will have to pay more, get more sun (cancer) or stay pasty whitey now? Is this reverse discrimination?
How many more peeps will Odumba’s merry band of fools put out of work with their useless legislation?
Oh my someone from “flyover” country getting the CMOH Congressional Medal of Honor for acting honorably with courage in the line of file while the libtardo 9 Circus of Appeals said any DUMMOCRAPTIC schmuck like Xavier Alvarez can claim to a CMOH winner and libtardos don’t care. He’s gotta be a DUMMOCRAPT because your kind always lines up to fradulently acquire something of value without working for it. It’s called a handout!
Recently Odumba’s EEOC declared that business owners can’t use your criminal history as a reason to deny someone a job. If John Dillinger was alive today he could demand a job in a bank. Winona Rider can get a job in the store where she stole an expensive purse. And, Puddy sees business being forced must now hire child molesters in jobs that interact with children. Can you say all those fired molesting teachers getting their jobs back?
GBS do you care?
@30 Yeah, isn’t that great? Bush gave CMOHs only to dead people, and only a couple of them. He wanted to save money so he could give tax breaks to billionaires.
Washington carried out an execution early this morning. While I don’t want our state to become a Texas, I support having a death penalty, sparingly used, for exceptionally heinous murderers. This particular subhuman monster offered no words of apology, regret, remorse, or comfort to the victim’s family in his final statement. All he did was complain about being put to death while some other killers get life. Letting the state take a human life isn’t so bad when the life being taken is as worthless and useless as this guy’s. Good riddance.
Another wacky worthless Roger comparison.
I’ll agree that Islam can be appear very alien to us. But those who commit these crimes in the name of Islam are no more representative of their faith than say, Fred Phelps or Avigdor Liebermann are of theirs. The problem is absolute literal interpretation of scriptures that in some cases have very little relevance (if any at all) to the the reality we all live in.
Anyone been to the Crab Pot lately? You do know that according to Leviticus 11:10 that shellfish is taboo, right? On top of that, Verses 7 & 8 proscribe pork. But a lot of God-fearing Christians chow down anyway regardless. We just know that nobody takes Leviticus seriously anymore, unless they want to use it to attack someone with verses from it. Absolute literal interpretation, that’s what makes otherwise rational people do incredibly stupid things. And that’s the problem with all religions, not just the convenient enemy of the moment.
Since Puddy met the Rabbit Puddy knows his name isn’t Xavier, but the Rabbit acts like him.
Hey Broadway Joe, Puddy follows Levitical health laws. Can’t have a cheeseburger if you don’t eat beef. Just ask SeattleJew!
“And, Puddy sees business being forced must now hire child molesters in jobs that interact with children. Can you say all those fired molesting teachers getting their jobs back?”
Good grief! Take your meds, Puddy, and calm down. I don’t know about any molesting teachers but these Republican pervs have always been able to find plenty of work at Fox Nuts and wingnut stink tanks.
It’s like being busted as a perv has become a wingnut badge of honor.
It was back to the ER tonight, because I still can’t piss on my own, but I’m back home in my burrow with a rubber hose up my rabbit dick. No fucking for me this week! A blocked piss tube is the pits.
Can’t answer the big things so he ad hominem attacks on the small things.
Typical so typical.
Did you see Odumba’s merry band of disciples now wants to know what meds you are taking? So Steve you will improve your crappy attitude when you get off your Stupid Solution.
Seems Steve’s Stupid Solution sales are down so you are drinking your profits away. Since March 2010 you’ve been off the wall wacky!
Heh. It’s not against the law to be an idiot.
The right wing proves that every day. Look at all the sheep who went to that Beck BS rally.
Look at Beck for that matter.
The rabbit is a Vietnam combat veteran.
If you have proof he has misrepresented his service, present it.
The improved ylb farted
You’re right. You prove it everyday. Butt it USED to be against the law to claim to be a CMOH recipient. Now the leftist on the 9th Circus have made a fool of themselves.
Don’t like Beck eh? Well he is making libtardos like you see red… like your Commie friends!
So tell my ylb, since daddy love and correctnotright are afraid to answer, why don’t Congressional DUMMOCRAPTS run on their voting record? Why are they running away from OdumbaCare to get reerected this November? Have you noticed your wife’s premiums going up this October due to OdumbaCare mandates? And… you can’t get the benefits until 2014.
@41: Classy…NOT!
You don’t boss Puddy around EVER. You’re our favorite Pavlov idiot! Where did Puddy say Rabbit misrepresented his service moron? You have the database… whip it out!
42 – Limbaugh lies every day. He makes a lot of money from it.
No one has to buy lies. But we all know many do.
At the end of the day, people like Limbaugh and Beck can say it’s “just entertainment”.
And why couldn’t a single right wing politician in 2008 put the world “REPUBLICAN” on their website?
Simple, the polls showed without a doubt that “REPUBLICAN” meant unpopular.
No politician can hide from their voting record. If people want to knee-jerk to the Faux News line only they can catch themselves before they do something stupid and they make things even worse for themselves.
44 – When you compared the Rabbit to Alvarez.
What a fucking hater this asshole is.
Oh my the dumb cinder block rujax appears and no one on the left notices. Another typical appearance for the useless one!
Wow ylb Puddy thought the new and improved version would actually engage the brain he found on the city streets.
Pay attention moron as this is what Puddy said…
Now what did Roger Rabbit say again…
Too bad that used mind you found is no better than the one God originally gave you and you never exercized!
The court said Alvarez has a right to be a lying idiot like Limbaugh. If he’s harmed anyone by lying, there’s criminal and fraud statutes for that.
Alvarez got into “trouble” for misrepresenting his military service. He had none.
If you have evidence that the rabbit has done anything like that, present it.
And I won’t tell you to otherwise “STFU” because harsh reality says there’s no way in the universe to expect that in this forum unless Goldy does to you what he did to Stamn and JCH.
And reality is something you don’t pay much attention to:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~junkshot,body:phrase~stfu -C’
| count |
| 59 |
1 row in set
Shades of Billo..
@49 Puddy is so smart even he can figure out I don’t claim to be non-partisan.
Glad the diagnosis wasn’t cancer. All the best in your recovery.
@50 The military and veterans communities are sensitive to misrepresentation of military service and false claims to have been awarded high military honors. This is referred to as “stolen honor.” When you look at what real heroes did, you realize it’s wrong to let people who did nothing get away with claiming to have earned the same honors.
I had the privilege of serving with one of the Vietnam war’s CMOH recipients. He was 20 years old when he sacrificed his life to save 4 other men, all of whom survived the war and have lived full lives because this individual gave up his life to save theirs. It is hard to comprehend what it means to voluntarily die at the age of 20 until you are old and have lived a full life. He has none of the things the rest of us take for granted. He didn’t get to be married, have children, or enjoy grandchildren. He lost everything before he had a chance to have anything that makes life worth living. That sacrifice is deserving of the highest honor our country can bestow.
Later, when I served in the Army Reserve, I had the privilege of befriending another Vietnam hero. He holds the DSC, the second highest military award. He went to Vietnam as an infantry private. His plane began taking fire before it landed, and he was in combat the moment his boots hit the tarmac. The airfield was under attack. He was in continuous action for four days and nights, without rest, and by the end of the week 90% of his company were casualties, all of the officers and NCOs were dead or wounded, and he took command of the remnants of his company and led the survivors in battle. Probably none of them would have survived without his leadership. He was given a field commission — he was promoted from private to captain in his first week in Vietnam, and continued to serve as an officer and company commander during the rest of his Vietnam tour. He was initially awarded a Silver Star, which ultimately was upgraded to a DSC after his case was reviewed for upgrade to the Congressional Medal of Honor. He is a modest guy who doesn’t wear his medals when he goes on army bases. Virtually all big-time war heroes are like that, they’re almost embarrassed to have these medals, and they’ll tell you they don’t feel they deserve these honors because there’s so many guys who did more than they did who didn’t get the recognition because nobody survived to tell their story or for some other reason. To them, they were just doing their job.
@52 Thank you, lost. I’ve been spared the worst, but I may have a rough recovery road ahead of me. It’s possible I’ll never be able to piss again without a rubber hose stuck up my fuckstick unless I have pipe enlargement surgery. I may find out within a few days.
50 – Roger I honor your service. It really offended me that Puddybud compared you to Alvarez.
I’ll have to read the court’s opinion, take a stab at understanding it but my layman’s perception is that a law prohibiting Walter Mitty types is unconstitutional.
Best wishes. Get well soon.
Oh my the HA database appears from the fingers of the old ylb…
Dumb idiot… Roger has said he wants his government cheeze on this blog for years. Now Roger claims he “worked” for it. Okay he get’s his pension, but not the new stuff Odumba is handing out. It’s called a handout! Search your “wonderful” database and tell all of us how many times Roger has said he wants his too?
Dumb ASS.. Xavier Alvarez’ kind always lines up to fradulently acquire something of value without working for it. It’s called a handout!
What a MORON! Can’t add 1+1. Well ylb is a SEIU robotic moron! Mrs ylb winds him up and we see the result here on HA.
Man ylb you are the stupidest mofo on this planet. More stupid than dumb cinder block rujax and Puddy never thought you’d ever be that low but it’s September 2010 and wonders never cease!
Another ylb turd appeared…
So when did Limbaugh claim to be a CMOH recipient?
Google it fool!
Puddy said Puddy honored Roger’s service long ago. Search the database fool.
Go on Pavlov dares ya!
LOL! You’re in your “SEIU corner” now..
Too funny.. I laugh at you.
Of course ylb cheered the 9th Circus Court of Appeals Alvarez decision. Alvarez is one of his “homies”!
We all laugh at you ylb.
ALL DAY, 24×7.
What of value? Gov benefits? VA Health care? Ok there’s fraud statutes for that.
No need for a Walter Mitty law.
How many voices in your head?
Must be at least a hundred. Must get loud in there.
Still waiting for ylb moron to search his database to display where Puddy claimed to misrepresent Rabbit Vietnam service? You have the database… whip it out!
Pavlov demands it.
Oh you mean when you talk out of your ASS too!
Apparently ylb has issues with the word WE. Try Post #23. His and Puddy’s equals WE idiot!
See ya. Pavlov sez check the database.
It all spills out now. The wife, the SEIU, attacks on my ethnicity.
Doesn’t sound like you have much of argument supporting that Walter Mitty law.
And not much of an excuse for beating Alvarez over the rabbit’s head.
Use teh google to search
Sorry moron@62, can’t change the topic. If you can’t figger out the fradulent value of claiming to be a CMOH, then you are dumber than dirt.
Well it is September 2010 and two wonders in the same day.
Not even a good try! Not even close! Keep that meme up though as you need an intelligence transfusion. Maybe the smarter than you dumb cinder block rujax can help you!
Alvarez is a leftist progressive fool.
You are a leftist progressive fool.
Fool – That’s your ethnicity.
Attacking your wife ylb? Where? When? What did Puddy write above?
Oops… my bad… Puddy forgot you are an idiot with pink hair and really tiny appendages!
Hopefully the more intelligent of the HA libtardos sees that ylb didn’t attack Puddy over his cheering of the 9th Circus decision. He failed in his attack against Puddy equating him and Alvarez as fools because everyone knows ylb is a fool!
Yawwwwnn… Another exchange with Puddybud devolving into a flood of name-calling..
Another thread with ylb failing to make one solitary point. So like the chicken he is he runs…
Still waiting for the HA Libtardo class to tell Puddy why Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRAPTS are not running on their record to get reerected. Thwy are in lying mode, fradulently trying to acquire something they don’t deserve… another 2 or 6 year sting in WA DC!
Oh my ylb is upset Puddy identified his ethnicity – FOOL!
Puddy wonders… has ylb figgered out the fradulent value of claiming to be a CMOH recipient yet?
So you have common cause with a chickenshit who challenged GBS to show at DL putting a grand on the table and then … the chickenshit (at #23 to be perfectly clear) blew it off.
Nice crowd you run with.
And those you would vote for? What would they do?
Hmmmm. Same as the crowd who ran things 1/2001 through 1/2007?
Deserving indeed.
Heh. Puddybud defends a law introduced by a Dem Party legislator, struck down by 2 judges nominated by REPUBLICAN Presidents.
That’s what happens when Dems try to play Republican-lite.
link for last comment:
Heh, Yep Puddy does Ethnic Fool. A good law is a good law, because having military family members taught what valor and honor means. Things not found in the ylb family tree.
Heh, FAIL? – Your buds in the ACLU agree with Xavier Alverez and the two Republican nominated judges ylb. The ACLU said it was a violation of free seppech. The ACLU is still the whackjob organization it always is.
Heh, Since you haven’t said you disagree with the decision even after Puddy gave you another chance in #72, that puts you in agreement with the ACLU again and the two Republican nominated judges and against current public opinion.
Heh, Butt that’s nothing new.
3 judges – two yes, one no.
The two judges said
Now since ylb doesn’t actually read much he doesn’t know who the dissenting judge is…
They voted down the law as unconstitutional. Does Puddy agree with them? NOPE! Just the same way many of you libtardos disagreed with the Kelo Eminent Domain decision of 2006 where the libtardo wing allows cities to take precious land from families where it was in their possession for generations.
Well you see ylb being the dummy you are on the no judge…
Search the nets fool.
Even Chucky Schumer liked ByBee:
You see ethnic fool, there is an undercurrent here. Puddy is glad to see ByBee stick to his pronciples and Puddy disagrees with the other two.
There you go again twisting commentary. We is two or more peeps. And when anyone displays the moronic foolish commentary of ylb, Puddy is always in agreement.
The WE Stands and The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
The defendant is a FOOL!
Puddy sees you received your talking points. Nope you dope the leaderships is different now.
And we have seen what leftist academic theories from Berkeley has done to our economy! The professor had no clue and admitted it in her farewell luncheon. No experience making payroll. No experience creating a budget. No experience hiring or firing. All she did was occupy a tenured position and create useless theories which her leftist colleagues ate up and blessed. Now we are living in the mess.
81 – Such a blizzard of stupid I can’t even begin. That’s your tactic. When in doubt pile on more stupid.
The law was a bad law – period.
The judges’ legal reasoning appears sound.
You’re a documented liar Puddybud.
The judges were protecting YOUR ASS too!
There’s consequences for telling lies Puddybud. There’s no need for the State to become involved.
Now who’s advocating bigger government?
the leaderships is different now.
LMAO!!!! The Orange man in the House and the humorless ghoul in the Senate are SO SO different!
It’s the same old, same old!
Maybe that randroid guy in the House, Ryan, may kick up a notch or two. The guy’s so-called plan sure is one piece of work.
ACLU? Yeah I support freedom and liberty. I support justice.
Just because you get a boil on your ass about something doesn’t mean someone should go to jail for it – no matter how that person offends you.
If someone is hurt – the perp deserves to have the book thrown at them.
If your FEELINGS are hurt – grow up.
Wow look at the senseless bleating of a leftist loser.
Wait a minute… Republican judges delivering sound judgment? Wow that’s shocking. So you’re saying you disagree with Salazar? That means you disagree with the vast majority of Americans. You and Alvarez are Ethnic FOOLS!
Bigger government? Apparently Puddy is spot on again, you have no one with any military history in your straight line family tree. Yep you proved Puddy right again.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Fool and a moron!
Orange man in the white house? Where does ylb come up with thei bullshittium? Daily Kooks?
ACLU supporting Alvarex right to lie about something most in this country hold sacred the CMoH? People who died? People who died protecting your right to be not only an ASSHOLE, but a FOOL and a MORON supporting this idiot?
You are useless!
Nuff SAID Sucka
Puddy’s feeling are not hurt. Puddy is in shock you are as dumb as dirt. Puddy gave you credit for being a dumb brick, just slightly smarter than the dumb cinder block. We proved Puddy wrong.
Just think… every accusation you leveled against Puddy today was smacked down like people do to flies with a fly swatter.
Such a useless moron. Every day in every way. No wonder people laugh at you. You are so far out of the mainstream it’s really said to be the spawn of you!
Lostinaseaofblue, you’re the only person I’ve ever heard of who reads both Dean Koontz and Wodehouse. Odd. Jeeves and Bertie Wooster rule, but Koontz is complete trash– his shit will rot your brain in worse ways than even reality television or kiddy hip-hop. For the sake of your cultural I.Q., toss this shit in the trash, now!
And Seahawks fans: you’re totally fucked. The second-best Pats coach ever, Bill Parcells, once told a reporter he couldn’t stand celebrity quarterbacks. He had no use for them. I think Parcells is wrong, but this anti-celebrity principal makes sense when applied to coaches. Pete Carroll, for instance. You know, that Pete Carroll, the penultimate-worst Pats coach ever (only Rod Rust surpasses Pete Carroll in badness). As the season unfolds, watch as your celebrity coach botches one play call after another. I’ve seen it. I’ve been through it. It’s excruciating. It sucks. It sucks just like Pete Carroll’s drafts. Remember Andy Katzenmoyer? No? That’s probably because he never started a single game (even though he was a highly touted Big 10 linebacker and a first round pick).
Only two years after Bob Kraft sacked Pete Carroll the Pats won SB36. Only four of Carroll’s draft picks– Kevin Faulk, Damien Woody, Tebucky Jones and Antwain Smith– were on that team. The other 49 roster spots were held by players drafted or signed by Belichick or Parcells. Bill Parcells hadn’t been with the team in five years, yet he had twice as many players on the roster as Pete Carroll!
Know fear, Seahawks fans. Know fear.
Oh, and I almost forgot: this blog post was about football, not politics. Goldy should be commended for this. Real human beings are not ALL POLITICAL ALL THE TIME. Shame on all the people, both left and right, who posted politically-oriented comments here. Is American culture so politicized, are the culture wars so out of control and jacked-up to fever pitch, that otherwise sane people will introduce politics into a conversation about sports? C’mon people, even Keith Olbermann knows better.
Salazar. Yeah! He’s playing Republican-lite. Or doing what politicians do to stay politically viable. Thank heavens for the Courts to strike down anger or fear-based, just plain BAD law.
And as for the people – like with Prop 8, like with Jim Crow – many times the majority is just plain WRONG. Can you dig it?
And protecting your right to lie about being MWS and circle jerk with your sock puppet. Protecting Limbaugh to lie everyday. People don’t have to listen to him. I don’t. No one has to hire a fabulist like Alvarez.
Uh, uh.. House OF REPRESENTATIVES. Sheesh.. You jet-lagged or something?
The Orange Man (Boehner for the challenged among us) also happens to be golf addict. Yeah what “new” leadership..
Nahh.. You’re angry and you want to throw people in jail for it.
Got to have a better reason to deny someone else his liberty Puddybud. The offensive words that dribble out of someone’s mouth don’t cut it. If there was a law against being offensive your ass would have been behind bars long ago.
What kind of a “conservative” are you?
And now some right wing bullshit rag you read has you disparaging Republican judges for striking down a law from a Dem politician. Who’d thunk it?
What YOU said was:
In 65. What about “equals” don’t you understand?
Moving the goalposts – again… So typical of the right wing.
Wodehouse wrote some great golf stories. The thought of that woman in the skiff on the water as she prepared to take another whack at the ball exclaiming, “Playing 87!”, still cracks me up. He understood what the game is all about.
It strikes me that Puddy is coming off as being a little bit kazier than usual. In fact, his mental state seems to be such that his head could explode at any minute. Hmm, I’m thinking it’s that meds thing again.
Please feel free to discuss-
Re 91
My first exposure to Koontz was in Italy, a book called The Face. A 600 year old stone house in a half populated village, read by a fire, is the perfect setting for this kind of book.
Koontz is mostly a hack writer putting out a lot of garbage. Not even great authors have 40 books in them of any value. Hugo wrote the sublime Les Miserables and the mediocre Hunchback. Melville was pitch perfect with Moby Dick. But most of his other novels, while readable, aren’t great. Conrads Heart of Darkness is amazing. Nostromo? Not so much. Koontz obviously isn’t remotely in the same league with any of these authors. But when he does it right he is good light entertainment. The Face, the Odd Thomas books and one or two others aren’t great writing. But for light entertainment while on vacation, they aren’t bad.
As for Wodehouse he holds a special place on my bookshelves. No matter the external stresses half an hour with his good hearted persiflage puts any amount of difficulties into perspective. Uncle Fred, Psmith, Blandings, and of course Jeeves and Wooster are some of the most consistently and repeatedly funny characters in the past 200 years of writing.