Exactly how I like games that I’m not personally attending:
A winter storm from the Midwest could dump as much as eight-inches of snow at the Meadowlands, site of Sunday’s Eagles-New York Giants NFL playoff game.
The forecast calls for the snow to fall throughout much of Saturday to be followed on Sunday by sub-freezing temperatures accompanied by a gusty wind.
For everyone here affected by the floods, I hope you find a way to stay warm and dry this weekend.
Playoff football in the Northeast. Gotta love it.
Just when you thought Michael The Mooron would fade away… Well he is kinda big…
Yes, it’s acknowledged WeBentOverTheGOP AKA Byebyegoober, y’all won. Now everyone is watching how your leftist pinhead friends in the Donkey party destroy people of character when they don’t goosestep in the correct jackboots. We’ve taken notice on the boots you wear.
After 1/20/09 there will be two years of remembered comedy for use in 2010 and four years in 2012.
Hey Hamas supporting leftist pinheads of HA, I know you remember your departed Hamas hero Nizar Rayyan. I wonder if he’s enjoying his 70 virgins now.
When was asked if he could envision a hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel for the next 50 years he said: “The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don’t need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel. There is no chance that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God.” And you all gnashed your teefes over this fool.
Hey Hamas supporting leftist pinheads of HA, I know you remember your departed Hamas hero Nizar Rayyan. I wonder if he’s enjoying his 70 virgins now.
When was asked if he could envision a hudna (or cease-fire) with Israel for the next 50 years he said: “The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don’t need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel. There is no chance that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God.” And you all gnashed your teefes over this fool.
Sorry for the double post. System locked and came back blank so I clicked again.
More bias proved in libtard MSM. Breitbart has this story: Madrid airport closed as Europe seized by frigid weather
“Germany is experiencing one of its coldest winters of the past 100 years, with the mercury dropping as low as minus 34.6 degrees Celsius (minus 30.3 degrees Fahrenheit) in the mountains in the south.”
Yet when you search American web sites nuthin is found. Why? It is anti-global warming…
The Arctic ice cap is returning to 1970s levels. It is anti-global warming…
Democrat crook #410-965723481-20090109
“She also is accused of using as much as $3,400 in gift cards, some donated to her office for distribution to “needy families,” to purchase Best Buy electronics and other items for herself and her staff.”
Well she probably got the idea from those Nawlins peeps in 2006 using their $2000 gift cards to buy Gucci handbags
It’s amazing how most police crime against minorities occurs in cities run by Donkey. You don’t remember Oakland Mayor Ron The Socialist Dellums? Mr Anti-Military?
Mad rush to Wikipedia and Google to look up Dellums.
As a black man, this black woman needs jail time. She is an abhorrent human being.
Puddy, should I just rename this thread “Puddybud’s Therapy Session”?
Dude, they’re doing wonderful things with psychiatry today. Check it out.
Lee, why haven’t you posted about the BART shooting? I’d like to hear your opinions on that.
I’ve been way too busy this week to look through all the news on it. If I get the rest of my dry wall put up today, I might look into it. I’m obviously curious about what happened, but I frankly haven’t even watched the YouTube video yet.
Prepare to become outraged. Looks like the cop actually executed the guy.
I obviously wouldn’t be too surprised if that’s the case, but as I said, I really haven’t been paying attention to it.
I also caught a little bit of this story, and hope to catch up on the latest there as well…
@10 I’ve long recommended that Pudz go through some form of intensive abreactive therapy. He really needs to connect with whatever happened to him in early childhood. Something clearly happened back then that resulted in the deepest imaginable neurosis, a tumble into the dark abyss. He may fear catharsis but he desperately needs to experience it. We all have our issues, but boy, I’m really glad I’m not him.
@9 I don’t think of you as so much being black but rather just an America-hating, commie-fascist freak. And as I explained to your sockpuppet Hannah some time back, my ass is blacker than yours any day of the week. I have more soul than I can control. You? Not so much.
And with the Seahawks sucking harder than a five-dollar whore this season, who gives a fuck about the NFL any more? Bring on Sounders FC, goddammit!
15 – LMAO!!! Indeed it so sucks to be that right wing bullshit-addicted fool!
I was going to write about the Seahawks’ potential draft choices in this thread, but yeah, looking forward to 3/19.
@18 I want that stupid goatfucker to bust through the screen in an attempt to reach my throat, all while you’re laughing your ass off at him. I’m not quite there yet but I’ll keep on posting until I do get there. It is quite rewarding to know that you get a kick out of it.
Hey, cut the pud some slack. He had a date last night.
@21 Hmm, it looks to me like Cynical is forced to sell off the ranch. Geez, I told him that buying bank stocks during a financial meltdown wasn’t a very bright idea. Sigh! He just wouldn’t listen and now look where it’s brought him. Goatless in Montana. Poor sap.
@3 Pudknocker sez, “your departed Hamas hero”
Speaking of heroes, which of these Republicans do you admire most?
I’m betting that it’s Bob Allen, the state representative from Florida who was busted for offering a black cop $20 if he could blow him in a public park toilet stall.
I can’t help but wonder how many twenty dollar bills you’ve collected from your Republican friends, Pudz.
slingshit, you don’t know diddly. Butt everyone knew that.
Troll, I posted the BART article. Looks like the cop executed the guy and resigned.
Steve, I had a great childhood.
I see you met goats early in your life. Did your parents introduce them to fill a void?
Wow you didn’t say anything worthwhile again. Keep up the 0-fer!
@25 Pathetic
@26 Weak
@27 Speaking of zero
You’re not too good at the come-back thing, are you Pudz?
I was talking wit yo mama last night (that thing she does with two cantelopes and a watermelon still amazes me) about dat childhood thang o yours, Pudz. She believes that your psychological problems originated with the relationship you had with your two older brothers. Want to talk about it?
Well, hopefully the Seahawks will get someone reasonably good with the #5 pick. Here’s what Todd McShay suggests in his mock draft at ESPN.com:
The Seahawks should just change their name for a couple years. Either the Pond Pidgeons or the Slew Seagulls would fit.
@30 A few more sports years like this last and we might consider sending the rest of our teams to OKC.
Moron@28: I knew you were strange with your goat acts. Now we can see your satanistic qualities. Momma been dead for a long time stupid.
Channeling them crystals again? You got your Ouija board working for you again? Talking to the spirits? Surely, Shirley McClain would be proud of you.
Everyday you prove me right. Most of your mental DNA material was left in the wet spot when you were conceived.
Steve, a couple of your cousins are meeting their 72 virgins now…
Once again Nancy Stretch Pelosi is a liar.
A quote in today’s Seattle Times about the sale of the P-I …
“Don’t count on bloggers or talk radio to fill the gap, said former state Supreme Court Justice Phil Talmadge, another committee leader: They mostly talk about what’s in the newspapers.”
David Gregory got something right: “Hamas, which is a terrorist organization bent on the destruction of Israel…”
I know it must pizz off the libtards to know the George H.W. Bush is only the second aircraft carrier after Ronald Reagan, to be named after a living former President. They give the big boats to the big men in US history.
What would they name for Bill Clinton? I know of the USS Jimmy Carter a submarine. I bet it would have to be cigar shaped. USS Flavored Cigar?
Over on the “Bush’s War on Terror” thread Pudz has come up with a new wing-nut battle cry, “Death to liberal blastocyst Americans!!” I kid you not, dear friends. Read to believe. It becomes increasingly clear to me that any hope of mine that Pudz would one day exhibit some evidence of brain cell activity was a hopeless expectation on my part.
Nine daze before Barack is the 44th US Preznit and the Boston Globe and PMSNBC are still orgasming over Sarah Palin. She scares the pizz out of the leftist pinheads.
Tell me, doesn’t David Shuster look like one of those thumbs with a painted face working over a phone keyboard?
Of course, we can all see from Puddy’s posts that he prays for bad things to happen to America so that his Republican party might realize some gains in 2010 and 2012. Party before Country! But we already knew that.
Moron@38: I only analyzed you from the insipid comments around my dead mother in your worthless post@28. You are a champion for the leftist pinheads of HA.
F O O L!
Turdstool@40: Who said: “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
It wasn’t one of us you fascist progressive libtard commie goat loving small minded jackbooted goosetepping fool! There. I think I finally perceived Steve correctly.
@39 “Palin. She scares the pizz”
Sure thing, Pudz. That explains why we hope she captures the wing-nut nomination in 2012.
Wasn’t it David Shuster who accused the Clintons’ of “pimping out” Chelsea?
@41 Oh, you mean yo mama? “Thar she blows!”
Steve, I finally found that forced marriage article you had with your goat. I remembered something but I just couldn’t place it until now.
@42 “goat”
You really do appear to have some issues with that. The doctor is in. Put a nickel on the table and pour your heart out.
Steve, when I read your comments it reminds me of a T-Shirt I once saw. It has you nailed:
“I [Steve] bring nothing to the table”
@46 “goat”
Curious. There it is again. Got issues?
@48 Goats and projection. I’m going to have to charge you double for therapy if you keep that up. The doctor is in. Care to open up about this?
@49-50: Nope. I decided to go with your “flow”, except I’m not performing the touch test as you have. As you know Steve, as HAs preeminent goat herder and goatbutt tightness evaluator, you can’t change your premiere subject matter topic now.
When did you first realize that you hated liberal blastocyst Americans?
So Steve, I saw you only paid a $50 dowry for the goat. How is she today?
@52: Steve, that’s you and your ilk. Just because your mental acumen was left in the wet spot doesn’t mean I don’t pity you. Au contraire. I realize you bring nothing to the HA table except your love of goats so I’ll play along now.
I don’t support abortions except where donkoinfanticide comes into play. Then your kind can cull their herd until Jesus returns.
And Steve I realize you are not an accurate representation of the librul human race so I’ll overlook your special fetishes.
@53 “goat”
There it is again. Hmm…
The life of Steve. Click on the numbers.
@54 “goats”
That does it. This therapy session’s gonna cost you a quarter. And given your rate of deterioration, I want payment up front.
So Steve, “How deep is your love”?
We’ll know when you have made progress when you can openly discuss this…
…but you’re clearly not there yet.
Sorry about posting the link. I should have realized that it would cause you to flip out again. So let’s go back to this hatred you spew towards liberal blastocyst Americans.
Excuse me for moment, Pudz, but my presence is required in Ward 4. It appears that Cynical is placing imaginary stock orders again. Talk about being unresponsive to treatment…
I found Cynical rambling on about how he made $18,000 trading Wells Fargo this morning. Not bad for a Sunday with the markets closed. We doubled the dosage, what with heavy sedation being good for what ails him.
Now, back to Pudz, goats and this recent development of his in regards to hating liberal blastocyst Americans…
Oops, I’m called off to Ward 4 again, where RickyD resides with Cynical.
Well, that was nasty. A visitor arrived with a dog in tow and all hell broke loose. Apparenty RickyD wasn’t sedated enough. Poor dog… Oh well, shit happens.
Now, back to you, Pudz…
Now, Pudz, about these liberal blastocyst Americans…
I fuckin’ hate Fox Network. I feel stupid and a little slutty even watching football on that tripe pump. I wonder how they’ll collude with the ass-pimple, drug addict to smear McNabb as a product of alternative action now that he’s slain the giant (with his slingshot).
Speaking of blasocysts and whatnot, I blew my nose last week and damn if it didn’t look just like a little aborted Jesus fetus. Mounted on black velvet, it sold on Ebay within minutes. Six bidders were from Georgia, the winning bid came from Washington state – some guy with the Ebay screen name of Buttpuddy or something like that. Fucker wrote a bad check. Anybody here know him?
Psych Ward 4 Update:
RickyD’s meds wore off and he’s now holding that little dick of his, barking like a dog. Marvin? He was last seen on all fours, running around Ward 4 bleating, “Baaaa”. Pudz was searching for him but neither one of them has been seen for quite some time now. I’ve got the orderlies looking for them.