For all you Seahawks die-hards already focused on the NFL Draft, new coach Jim Mora, and the 2009 season, here’s who they’ll be playing next year:
San Francisco
St. Louis
Tampa Bay
San Francisco
St. Louis
Green Bay
Cute. Lee posted this at 4:20 AM.
Ironic, ain’t it?
On to better news, how about Sounders FC’s pick of Steve Zakuani in MLS SuperDraft? Good, bad, indifferent? But it was weird seeing ol’ Tony Ventrella covering the draft for the club. Between him and Calabro, do Sounders FC have anyone with a clue towards the game on the broadcasting side of things? Kinda reminds me of……
If they are good 12-4 or 11-5. Go Eagles!
Now for some real news. Eric Send Elian Gonzalez Home at Gun Point Holder, Att’y Gen’l designate supports the part of the Patriot Act that allows for the FBI to seek records from businesses, libraries and bookstores as the policing agency investigates suspects in this country and would renew it.
Golly I thought this was anathema to the HA libtard Moonbat!s.
I thought the HA faithful would be upset at George Orwell II (Eric Holder).
I guess the ACLU has nuthing to say.
I guess Chris Tingling Leg Matthews has nuthin to say.
I guess Keith I Sucked At ESPN Olbermann has nuthin to say.
I guess re-run’s favrit sites Daily Kurse and HuffBlowJob have nuthin to say.
I guess Frank Rich has nuthin to say.
I guess Maureen Dowd has nuthin to say.
I guess Newsweek has nuthin to say.
I guess Media Morons have nuthin to say.
I guess TPM has nuthin to say.
I guess the NY Times front page has nuthin to say.
I guess he gets a pass.
As I said before and will continue to say
The libtard MSM by liberals for liberals
Wait for it… re-run will call the San Francisco Chronicle right-wing bullshit. Every truth posted here is right-wing bullshit.
In case you missed it, re-run (ylb) getting some action.
CNN Yesterday Wolfie Blitzer:
“But we’ve been going through a number of years now where people were starting to lose faith in the country. They were starting to lose faith in the future. They thought our best days were behind us. That’s very, very — that’s a big break from our tradition. We’ve always been optimistic people. Well people are starting to lose confidence. And he has come along and rekindled that confidence.
I think that airplane that went down, the US Air flight and the pilot — and Soledad and I were talking about this earlier and she was saying metaphorically in some ways, the pilot of that airplane is very much like Barack Obama — that he got the plane down safely, but everybody else had to join together to get out of the plane and pull together to get through that adversity. I thought that was an interesting metaphor.”
Well Wolfie what does that really mean metaphorically? Obama is now the pilot of the US? Ummm Wolfie – Obama is just a senator citizen right now! He ain’t preznit yet.
Well Wolfie why not ask Chesley Sullenberger if he supports Obama?
The libtard MSM for liberals by liberals
Donkey Bernie Madoff, the gift that’s still giving.
As usual, Puddindick has nothing to say…that is original.
Arthur Nadel New York University Law School graduate, protege of Bernie Madoff? See it on Bloomberg since Goldy’s filter killed the link.
You know this guy is Donkey too. Otherwise it would have Republican all over it.
These stories will appear more frequently now the libtard MSM has to fill their paper with other news.
The libtard MSM for liberals by liberals
Moron@8: Yes, truth to a liberal like you is nothing. You would rather live on lies.
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Puddingdick writes the same thing over and over, and expects people to read it in its’ entirety.
You say tomato, I say tom-ah-toe.
Hey, isn’t this illegal? Well NJ is a Donkey led state so fascism is okay.
So when steve and re-run use the Republican sex link forty-two times here on HA is a pass from you? Bernie Madoff ripped of charities that supported childrens’ causes. You don’t care about children cuz you’ve never spoken out for them. You are an idiot.
What a moron.
Linking to new stories of Republicans being busted for whatever is a bit different than linking to Santorum-on-dog videos. I’d think that you’d realize the difference, Puddy.
Ehh… Nothing to see here but a stupes wank-fest.
Moron @ 13
Pervy sex is only a part of what’s documented on this website.
The other part is thievery, corruption, greed. You believed in that party fool. Still do. In other times you would have voted for any of those guys because they mouthed the right wing bullshit.
Ah yeah, re-run just posted it for the 43rd time.
So I guess this works too… BTW he is Donkey.
Yeah, I’ll keep posting libtard MSM hypocrisy each time I see it. Goes to prove what Pelletizer said: “It’s okay because they are our crooks”.
Steve, that wasn’t Santorum, it was your bud re-run@16 drunk on his morning jizz fill of Daily Kurse.
“It doesn’t matter if the state of Maryland is broke as long as Barack Obama is President of the United States – this is great!” – Maryland State Senator Lisa Gladden Donkey
I’d think that you’d realize the difference, Puddy.
Be careful, it’s very easy to overestimate Puddy’s intelligence. In fact, look how often he does it.
Is there a point to posting things like this? Has anybody here (poster or commenter) ever said that Democrats don’t say or do dumb things?
I get the sense that you think you’re making a point by coming here and posting a bunch of links. I’m going to take the same risk as Steve above and assume that you’re not really that retarded. But it’s not entirely clear.
Do you really think that when you post things like that, the people here go “oh, a Democrat did that, I could’ve never imagined?” Is your head really that deeply wedged up your own ass, Puddy?
Seriously, man, get some help. Watching you humiliate yourself in these comment threads every week is just sad. It’s like watching a old, frail dog get stuck in a well. Get a life and move on. Everyone here knows you’re a moron. You can’t possibly still think that something you say is going to influence another commenter or change their perspective. You’re just an occasional source of amusement for people like me. Don’t you have enough self-respect to recognize how stupid it is to keep doing this?
I’ll keep posting stupes’ “solution” to his dis-satisfaction:
What’s the new tally up to now fool?
Thanks Lee for the comment. So poorly worded and so poorly thought out.
Has anybody here (poster or commenter) ever said that Democrats don’t say or do dumb things?
Haven’t read Pelletizer lately have you?
Influence a HA leftist pinhead? Why would I ever think that? You are all jackbooted goosestepping and frog marching to the same tune.
Humiliate myself? Lee let me turn on the light bulb for ya. I realize only re-run has the “Porn In Here Flashing in his #22 eye. I’ve received PuddyMail from lefties and righties saying:
1) Where do I find my stuff
2) You are pretty funny
3) While I don’t agree with you I can see some of your points
4) Stop being so stridently right and see our view
5) Keep giving it to the ‘tards
6) When can we meet
And that’s not even from SeattleJew Lee. So while you live in Lee’s Druggie World, maybe you need to take a bigger toke or get a larger roach clip cuz the drugs are wearing off.
Nuff SAID!
What’s most sad about it is that he hasn’t posted a single instance of actual hypocrisy. I’m not sure he really knows what that word means.
I guess Lee gives a pass to Andrew Weiner and Jim McDermott complaining about Bush’s 2005 inaugural while not saying jack-shit about Obama’s 2009 spend-o-rama?
Of course that’s not hypocrisy in Lee’s Druggie World!
Haven’t read Pelletizer lately have you?
No, link to where he said that.
Influence a HA leftist pinhead? Why would I ever think that? You are all jackbooted goosestepping and frog marching to the same tune.
No, dummy, you’re the one goosestepping. We’re the ones laughing our asses off at you. Again, do you have any self-respect? Do you have any pride? Speaking of “So poorly worded and so poorly thought out.” what exactly is “jackbooted goosestepping and frog marching” supposed to mean, shit-for-brains?
Humiliate myself? Lee let me turn on the light bulb on for ya. I realize only re-run has the “Porn In Here Flashing in his #22 eye. I’ve received PuddyMail from lefties and righties saying:
1) Where do I find my stuff
2) You are pretty funny
3) While I don’t agree with you I can see some of your points
4) Stop being so stridently right and see our view
5) Keep giving it to the ‘tards
6) When can we meet
How do they get your email, dumbfuck?!?!? You don’t list an email. I have to go into the admin page to see it (and I’m not even sure that one’s a real address). In fact, you refused to even send me an email during the whole hilarious IQ saga, which I assumed was because you wanted to keep your address private. My god, you’re an idiot of epic proportions.
And that’s not even from SeattleJew Lee.
Do you really think that I’m impressed that SeattleJew sends you nice emails? I think SeattleJew is arguably the biggest moron (left or right) in the Seattle blogosphere. And he’s a gigantic asshole to boot.
So while you live in Lee’s Druggie World, maybe you need to take a bigger toke or get a larger roach clip cuz the drugs are wearing off.
Believe me, I don’t need drugs to laugh my ass off at you. As entertaining as you’ve been, this has reached a point of pathetic that I never thought I’d see. You’re the saddest human being I think I’ve ever encountered in my life.
Seriously dude, get some help. Get a life.
So I guess Lee gives a pass to Eric Holder because Eric supports the FBI to seek records from businesses, libraries and bookstores as the policing agency investigates suspects in this country and would renew it. Hmmm… isn’t that what you and your ilk were crying about when the Patriot Act was renewed
Of course that’s not hypocrisy in Lee’s Druggie World!
I guess Lee gives a pass to Andrew Weiner and Jim McDermott complaining about Bush’s 2005 inaugural while not saying jack-shit about Obama’s 2009 spend-o-rama?
No, I don’t!!
I’ve never said a word about any of that, yet you assume you know exactly how I think.
Again, Puddy, how retarded are you?
So I guess Lee gives a pass to Eric Holder because Eric supports the FBI to seek records from businesses, libraries and bookstores as the policing agency investigates suspects in this country and would renew it. Hmmm… isn’t that what you and your ilk were crying about when the Patriot Act was renewed
No, I don’t!!
Again, how retarded are you??
Dude, please fucking get your ass to a psychiatrist. All you’re doing is finding instances where a person like me might be a hypocrite, and just assuming that we are. Then, when you’re challenged on it, you just accuse us all of goosestepping, based on nothing more than your own imagination.
How fucking pathetic is that?
Get a goddamn life, you pathetic moron!
Lee, last comment before I go out and enjoy life.
I posted my email address on HA four times. If you can’t remember when I guess that drug euphoria is working well. Just like re-run saved and reposts my link about his children others have contacted me. So shove that up you ass and smoke it fool.
I don’t have to link shit for your viewing. If Pelletizer decides to admit his folly he will. And he’s also said it many times: “I like our crooks over your crooks”.
I’m glad you think I’m sad. Keep that thought. It’ll get you through your sad days ahead.
Well Lee@29 you tell me above I haven’t posted any examples of hypocrisy and then when I do you left turn over some other rant. I posted both of those over the last few days along with many others.
You can’t even get your story straight.
Have a great day watching feetball. I’m gonna.
So Lee @29, where is the thread heading calling for Eric Holder to withdraw his name?
I posted my email address on HA four times. If you can’t remember when I guess that drug euphoria is working well.
I don’t read every comment thread here, you buffoon!
I don’t have to link shit for your viewing. If Pelletizer decides to admit his folly he will. He’s said it many times: “I like our crooks over your crooks”.
That’s different than what you’re implying. A fucking child knows that. What you’re saying that RR doesn’t believe that there are crooks among Democrats in the first place. My god, you can’t even get the low-hanging fruit that he gives you…
I’m glad you think I’m sad. Keep that thought. It’ll get you through your sad days ahead.
Yeah, I’m a happily married man with a kid on the way and a high-paying job that I love. I’ve got some real sad days ahead…LOL…moron.
Well Lee@29 you tell me above I haven’t posted any examples of hypocrisy and then when I do you left turn over some other rant.
You were accusing me of being a hypocrite, dumbshit! You haven’t posted any hypocrisy either, just areas where someone on the left could potentially be a hypocrite. For something to be hypocrisy, someone actually has to say something hypocritical. You don’t have any links to that at all. You’re just assuming that there’s hypocrisy there. That’s why I’m making fun of you.
Have a great day watching feetball. I’m gonna.
I certainly will. In the meantime, work on that whole “getting a life” thing. It’ll be appreciated.
So Lee @29, where is the thread heading calling for Eric Holder to withdraw his name?
I’m not happy with him as the AG selection, but as I can have a five-year-old explain to you, I don’t have time to write about everything I’m thinking about.
Golly Lee you take things so personal.
You said I didn’t post anything hypocritical. Yet I posted the words of Weiner and McDermott. I can’t seem to find them now. Hypocritical.
And since no HA pinhead except you have addressed it, it’s tacit approval. Most leftist pinheads accused me of this with manoftruth. If I don’t comment on something he says I must agree with it. Yet your lace panties get in a wad when I turn the argument back at the likes of you and your ilk.
That’s what makes this blog so funny. Then you come off as being so “noble”.
Oh Lee, congrats on spawning. Children are great. I hope your child doesn’t grow up with your world view mentality.
Sick… Sick… Sick… man. or homunculus or whatever the freak he is…
I won’t wish him good health or get help or anything like that.. been there, done that.
Even knocking the fool over the head with the club of overwhelming reality makes not a spit of difference.. The worst trolls: proudass, doofus, surreal mark.. have blown this pop stand. Their delusions collapsed in on them.
We’re left with the absolute bottom of the barrel: mark, little ricky dumbass and stupes.
a breed apart – total, absolute right wing lunacy. Pure, distilled products of the age of Dumbya.
Hmmmm.. Holder also said waterboarding is torture.
Huge improvement over the Dumbya regime. I’ll take the improvement any day of the week and work on removing the warts as needed.
But of course our resident village idiot disagrees. Gonna catch 24 tonight fool?
rerun@38: Yeah, you’re a real mental genius.
U brought nuthin. EVER
Smegma coated schmuck@39:
You are HA’s clueless idiot not me. Clueless is your name, you chose it.
Don’t watch 24.
I have a very sophisticated spam filter that I use on this board. There are certain posters that, when I see their name attached to a post, I continue right on without reading the post. Saves me a ton of time and irritation.
Sometimes I see their degradation of the S/N ratio when someone quotes it, but that’s the price you pay, I guess.
Hey, whatever happened to the Redneck? Did his head implode on November 4th or something?
Figures that a team that Puddy would be rooting for would be losing their ass….Can they make a comeback?
“Can they make a comeback.”
Nope. The Eagle has squatted*.
*to crouch down or cower, as an animal.
Stupes! a little touchy aren’t you?
You gotta admit you liked my turn of phrase: pure, distilled products of the age of Dumbya.
I’ll use that to refer to your crew: little rickie dumbass, mark the racist, manoffoolishness, you know, the ones you call out to, to share a little right wing love.
I don’t know why you don’t tune in to 24. You or MWS on many an occasion said torture was effective and justified. That’s practically the whole freaking point of the show.
And it’s a Murdoch product. We all know you love those.
Guess you must be lying like you did about MWS.
42 – It imploded a while before that. IIRC, he had no enthusiasm for McSame. He’d come here with his lame “Stalinism, socialism and surrender” line during the primaries. Then after a while the worthless schmuck saw the writing on the wall.
Stupes could only dream of seeing that clearly beyond the fog of right wing gas that surrounds his empty head.
Well the Eagles did make a valiant effort, and almost made it. It was kind of like the bounce McCain received after selecting Palin as his running mate.
Fuck Goldy and the rest of the East Coast assholes that have moved to the NW and filled what was a pretty mellow community with divisiveness.
It was great watching Arizona win and knowing that somewhere Goldy was wallowing in a pool of shit.
TommyMoron: The Eagles went farther that the Sleazehawks
re-run@45: You’ll always be clueless. Not me naming you, you named yourself.
Here is Mrs Clueless in action…
@48 – What you going to do if Pittsburgh wins the Superbowl? Are you going to eat your shorts?
Pud @ 51- you have way too much time on your hands to dig up stuff like that.
50, 51 – Awwww. Poor loser. He must be mad at me because I pointed out that Holder is willing to tell the truth: waterboarding IS torture.
Unlike the shitheads he worships..
A little over a day away and the long national nightmare will end.
Now there’s just the waking up and nursing the hangover.
K – No it’s just a quick search. Looking for “clueless” people is an easy find…
#42, Did your sophisticated filter work on post #51?
Wow #54, you are an idiot.
I only worship Jesus Christ, the True Son of God. I’m sure His angels have written down your sentence above where you call Him your brain composition. Great job moron.
Now our existing president has kept us (read The US) safe since 9/11. But Joe Biden thinks sumtin impooootently negative will happen within the first six months of preznut Obama.
“safe since 9/11”
A more accurate way to look at it is that Bush failed to keep us safe on 9/11. Also more accurate, he also failed to keep us safe from an anthrax terrorist attack following 9/11. It all happened on his watch.