So what are some of the biggest names of the Republican Party up to, now that the GOP is itself in the dumps? Well, some of them are hitting the circuit as motivational speakers.
Colin Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Steve Forbes have joined up with the “Get Motivated!” seminars run by Peter and Tamara Lowe, and are traveling the country to speak to business groups.
And get this — according to TPM, it would have cost over $2,000 to see Rudy two years ago, but now you can see him for $4.95 (or send your entire office for $19.)
I once knew someone who was sent to a motivational speaker type thing as an office punishment. You’d have to do something pretty bad I guess.
What I don’t understand is what people are being motivated to do. Sell out their principles for expediency? Oh, wait, now I get it.
lol…lol…lol..a liberal talking about selling out principles? lets see, when clinton left the white house he
stole white house memoribalia
pardoned people like marc rich
took money from countries looking for access to us politicians
gets about 50 grand per speech
you are a joke and a product of the sad state of us public education. you deserve what you are going to get, which is enslavement by the control of the central banks
These post political mortem traveling shows seem to me to have more in common with Barnum and Bailey than motivation. At least Billy Graham and his ilk collect after they put on their shows.
seattle jew, billy graham put on a show? well i suppose thats how i look at all those holocaust memorials, shows.
@3 Calling a Holocaust memorial a “show” says everything anyone needs to know about your character. Or should I say, lack of character.
Hey, did you hear that Philip Anschutz bought the Weekly Standard? Wait a bit and they’ll be merged with the Discovery Institute.
ps: manoftruth doesn’t think the Holocaust happened? Yeah, that fits. His name isn’t Kristol, is it?
Funny…..I was expecting a wave of posts on how the President was firing people out of spite and stepping on the constitution….but I guess that was only Bush? Not the crook in chief BO? The IG firings have scandal written all over them.
Please use your indignation and explitives to denouce that. Have some credibility and principles. I believe Jon was stating only some politicians or parties don’t have them? Yeah right.
No problem trying to belittle the opposition if you think you are progressive and thus elite and correct…but when “your” politicians clearly are “shit pies”….say so.
you know roger, i dont give a flying fuck what you think about me, but the point is, why is it ok for sj, who is jewish, to say that what billy graham did was a show? i have nothing but remorse for anyone, jewish or otherwise, who died during ww2. but if sj is going to call grahams evangelism a show, then i can think up ways that poeple today are using the holcaust as a “show” to elicit sympathy.
Digging the hole deeper. Why don’t you just lay down in it and be done with it?
man of truth
The victims of the Holocaust did not die in WWII, WWII happened because the same folks who hated us were mad about conquest and power.
As for “shows” these huge evangelistic meetings are huge money makers as are the mega churches. If it makes you feel better, I would say the same if the Dalia Lam put on such an affair.
I have a lot more respect for moral leaders, Cesar Chavez, ML King, Carter, Gandhi, my rabbi, my friend the pastor, …etc who may evangelize but do not become personally wealthy off of the proceeds … esp. tax free proceeds.
“but if sj is going to call grahams evangelism a show”
What the fuck are you babbling about little boy? Have you ever been to a Billy Graham event? I have (~ 1971, Dane County Coliseum). It most certainly was a show, complete with musical entertainment, sing-alongs, and motivational speeches. And, yeah, there was a ticket price. I don’t think the Rev. Graham would even quibble about referring to such events as “a show.”
One of Billy Graham’s life-long causes was to promote understanding and good will between Christians and Jews. I’m quite sure that the Rev. Graham would be disgusted by your hatefulness and ignorant bigotry.
@6: Dengle (another ignorant trol fool):
Let’s see – one IG was fired becuase of incompetence by BO. Bush fired at least 8 republicans AGs because they were not as partisan as he wanted….is there any comp[arison?
Only a fool would even try.
Thanks for confirming you are a total fool.
I believe colin powel supported your candidate
maybe he has the right to appologize to this country, shame on him.
IG is not a political office, oblahma has no right to fire them for investigating his ilk.
Billy Graham, the greatest peace maker in this country and any other.
The congress is appologizing for slavery,to people that were not slaves, but i hear no appologies for these jews that were imprisoned and murdered for thier beliefs,and some are still alive.Go figure.
These people that speak are just talking heads,
tickling ears, and taking your money for nothing.They are just soaking America.
i hear no appologies for these jews that were imprisoned and murdered for thier beliefs,and some are still alive.Go figure.
Even leaving aside the fact that your sentence construction suggests that some murdered Jews are still alive, you’re an idiot:
I think Giuliani could still make the big bucks by dressing in drag like a gnomish and wizened Bea Arthur.
He’s got the voice down pat. My advice to Rudy: Keep the ‘lithp’; it’s cute as hell!
@12 watchman
Exactly what “peace” did Rev graham help bring about?
As for slavery or any other thing we the poeple have done wrong, is it too un manly of you to apologize?
FWIW, as a Jew, I feel 1000% more at home in Germany, where the apology i open and heartfelt than in other European countries (Austria, France, Holland,) that need to pretend nothing happened.
7 What Dr. Graham did was far more a “show” than anything Fred Phelps does could be called a “ministry”.
And as far as Graham’s work (or Bob Schuller’s, or for heaven’s sake Dennis Swanberg’s) being in some respect a “show”…what’s wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with spreading the “good news” and having a little fun at the same time.
What? Colin Powell was recently used against Republicans and now he’s kicked to the kurb by Jon Devore? From Talking Points Memo nonetheless? OMG! ROTFLMBBAO!
Jon, what a moron you are today!
NutsTorquedTight@11 went there:
Oh really? The IG found fraud, got back $400,000 returned and that’s incompetence? Reading Daily Kurse again NutsTorquedTight? Media Morons again NutsTorquedTight? Or was it Talking Points Memo again NutsTorquedTight?
The AmeriCorps inspector general officials found six specific instances of diversion and misuse of the grant funds. Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson never submitted a single fact to dispute Walpin’s findings. Johnson was one of “the messiah’s” jock straps. Kevin Johnson’s St. Hope Academy, sent 400 grand back but nobody admitted guilt of anything, but that’s incompetence. You don’t interfere with “the messiah’s” disciples.
You are winning the HA leftist moron of the day dude! Puddy thought Pelletizer had it sewn up.
Watchmanonthewall@12: The CBC Congressional Black Caucus is going against this bill. Why, the last two sentences expressly prohibit the use of this bill for slavery reparation benefit lawsuits. Butt, “the messiah” is happy this “historic” bill is being produced in the senate.
Another Total Jerk@13: while you claim watchman is an idiot, where is the American apology for turning back the Jewish refugees on the oceanliner St Louis by preznit Franklin Roosevelt in 1939 Another Total Jerk?
But this apology was interesting.
seattle jew, here’s the point. billy graham was loved and respected by millions, including many invitations by world leaders. you ridiculed him. as a jew, why denegrate christian leaders and continue the perception that some people have that jews are just trying to destroy christianity. i found this site because goldstein went on oreilly to badmouth christmas. why the fuck would he say anything. if gay marriage is not a threat to heteros, then christmas is not a threat to jews. i bet if jews just lived and let live you wouldnt have so many people hating you.
@21 MOT
No, the same could be said of Luis Armstrong AND he certainly was an ambassador of peace and a showman.
WADR. FWIW Graham at best was someone devoted to selling huis brand, hardly an examp0lar of the best of his religion. As a Zuni Chief once said, :If Chrstianity is so goo0d for you, why do nthey want to give it away?”
Happy Horseturds to you, I know what David said and if you think that it is ridicule, riddle me this:
My birthday, Jan 1, is a holy day on the Christian calendar. Look it up. Then tell me what is ridiculous about what David said.
Christmas is not a threat, certain Christian traditions pogroms on Christmas, certainly are.
As for OUR “living and letting live,” ..tell me exactly what has any Jew done that rivals …
Torquemada, Cotton Mather, the KKK, FATHER COUGHLIN, Henry Ford, Pious IX, the Massacre of York, the blood libel, the restricted signs here in Seattle, the slander by Paul vs. the Pharisees, the modern appropriation of Jewish property by Poland and Switzerland??????
Let me hold a mirror up to you … not a Jewish mirror but a MARTIAN mirror ,, a mirror held by any sane person looking at Christianity. You know the religion that glorifies a human sacrifice as being needed to save man? The religion that practices ritual cannibalism (or deophagy) on a regular basis, a religion that sanctified human slavery until the 1860s and fascism until Franco’s death? The religion of Martin Luther’s bigotry?
Now lets turn our Martian’s three best eyes to other religions … Islam, Judaism, Islam, Manitoba, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Atheism, …. tell me how this wise immigrant from the red planet would rank Christianity?
Before you flame yourself to death, I will also tell you of MY heroes from your religion …
Jefferson who gave us the first free country because he saw this as the natural order taught by Jesus
John XXIII for seeing that love was more important to his religion than worship of Jesus
MLK, Cesar Chavez, Father Drinan, Newton, Darwin, Jimmy Carter….
the black church, the Friends, the Bene Noach, the righteous of the Shoah, the Unitarians and United Church of Christ,
THEM folks are impressive to this Jew. They gave me the freedoms I treasure as an American, they ended the slavery other Christians created, they tried to teach love and peace.
and now we have a wonderful, inspiring Christian president!
So, no offense to Mr.Graham, but his message is sort of lost in the blinding light of these saints.
seattle jew
do we still have pogroms on christmas? this country is probably the safest country for jews in history. even israel right now is not as safe. in massachsetts, a middle school principal canceled a trip to “miracle on 34th street” because some people claimed it was offensive to non christians. that in itself promotes hatred. little kids were saying “its the jews that wont let us go”. so, was it better to just let the kids go, or possibly kindle the flames for little eichmans.
@ 21 I cant believe you dislike christians,
Where do you sacrifice now?
The point is Jesus became the sacrifice for sin for allllllllllllll mankind. Whether you recieve the sacrifice or not, doesn’t mean it wasn’t for you or it didn’t happen.
The first five books of the bible,you can correct me if i am wrong, The Torah contains all of the law relevent to a pure jewish lifestyle, so tell me how is your sin covered?
By what blood sacrifice,and please tell me where you do these things now?
I know that there has to be a sacrifice for your sin as well as mine because none of us could ever follow the law.
So back to Billy Graham, he teaches the grace and mercy of God through his love sacrifice for all men, he is great man of peace and he offers through his (SHOWS as you all want to call them)teachings in his understanding of Christ, a way for those that don’t have direction that they can find it through Jesus.
He is old now, but once he was young and he still believes, says something about his faith and character, he must believe what he teaches.
God bless Billy Graham for all the good word he has taught in this and many other countries.
by the way seattle jew, if it was reversed, and a christian was criticizing, say, elie weisel, you would call it antisemitic. and please spare your response that it would depend on what the criticism was, any criticism of anything jewish is called antisemetic. you cant even criticize israels actions as a country, as you would say, of france, without being called antisemetic.
seattle jew, here’s why i think jews are the cause of the worlds problems, and where i’m wrong tell me.
there is a minnow called the california delta smelt. a federal judge has shut off the delta water to the san jaquim valley, which his hundreds of miles long, because environmentalists said the fish was in danger. hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland is now desert. only a judge who was either insane or pressured by very powerful people would do that. the price of food will now sky rocket.
why the jews? because there is no other group that will benefit more by having people spend so much money on food that they will not have money for things like contributing to elections. but people like you will have plenty of money. you want to turn this country into brazil, where you have millionares running everything living near people who cant afford food for their kids.
The judge you referred to is following the rule of law.
“The Jews” didn’t create the ESA and last I checked they couldn’t control the weather.
@23 MOT
“We” don’t, thanks to some pretty wonderful folks who changed things, including my own father and Mother who faced won the American nazis when we invaded their neighborhood. BTW, “we” fo0unded this country. the bigots tried to destroy it.
Sounds as if the your antisemitism is poorly contained. I do hope you are seeing a fine Jewish doctor? Ask her if Prozac might help!
@ 24. WatchmanOnTheWall
I don’t. i dioslike bigots, many of whim around here are Christians.
Since you guys destroyed the Temple … you know the Romans, the Christians whgo banned jews from Jerusalem until Umar drove you bigots out … no Jew has sacrificed.
Thanks, but I abhor human sacrifice.
errr ahhh, “firat five books?” you mean the Torah .. the one that was written by God? That one? Are there some more books? Who wrote them?
or did you mean the collection of rumors collected by the a Pagan Emperor of Rome and codofoed so he could use Christianioty to rule the world?
You need to understand that our civlization is VERY old. In the last 10 mille3nia or so we have learned some things. Try it,. you can learn too!
Yiou havre no idea what “law” means to a Jew. Our word is “mitzvah” .. look it up. It does not mean what you mean by law at all.
I have no big problem with Billy Graham, as long as he does nto hurt anyone. OTOH, I would think bette rof him if he demonstrated a few of the mitzvahs you seem worried about ,, such as showing humility, charity, .. you know the good deeds?
So BG preaches about your God and God blesses him? Seems reasonable. Does God also belss the Pope? Barack Obama?
BTW, where did Mahatma Gandhi and Siddartha Gautama (the Bhudda) go when they died?
@26 MOT ..
You worry me.
If you really are religious you may find that your pastor can recommend someone who can help you deal with your feelings of persecution.
I am fully serious about this.
@29 I am not at war with the jews btw,I
as far as doing good deeds ,I think the samaritans purse ministry founded by God through Billy Graham , is all about good deeds, feeding people, clothing people, making sure that all of those they can help have thier needs met and bringing them the good news, it is hard to teach Gods Love to hungry people seeking shelter.
As far as buddha,ghandi,oblahma, it is God’s
decission who to bless and who goes where.
I believe we serve the same God,
My bible says that the jews are the apple of Gods eye, why becuase Jesus is a jew and i am most assured that he practiced all of the mitzvahs(religious acts),
One sacrifice for all mankind to bridge the gap between man and God, that nothing else could.It was Gods decission, not mine.
SeattleJew asked:
Into the ground, where their bones rest until the Final Judgment by Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour when He comes again in His clouds of glory.
You forget what David said in Psalms and Solomon in Ecclesiastes?
seattle jew,
a few days ago jeremiah wright said “them jews wont let me near him”, refering to obama.
now here’s the question, is wright correct that the jews have surrounded obama like he’s a puppet
did obama not know for 20 years that his spiritual mentor was an antisemite?
Only the people that have done wrong should apologize.
So you think if my grandfather robbed your grandmother, I have no responsibility to you?
So, the Chinese colonists in Tibet, in one genration, wil have no obigations?
#3 Obama’s closest aides do include two prominent, orthodox Jews. What would you call them?
32 Puddy
Neither dsavid nor Solomon had anything to do with those books bit even if they did, neither of these guys was a moral exmplar or claimant to speak for God.
How come you guys think so?
FWIW, the Jesus of your bible not only did not keep the mitvot, he commited one major sin .. blasphemy.
Among mitzvot that Jesus failed to keep :
giving his good to the poor.
SeattleJew: As Mrs Puddy and Puddy told you, if we are wrong about Jesus no harm done. If we are right about Jesus you’ll be in for the literal shock of your life. Only time will tell.
Wow: TSA Issues and the messiah is in the whitey house.
Suit accuses TSA of unreasonable airport detention
It’s from Google, another leftist org.
No. What did YOU do wrong that YOU need to apologize for? If you want to express your sorrow/empathize/etc that’s being human.
If your grandfather robbed my grandmother, would you spend any time in jail for the crime, should you be held financially responsible?
I will say that parents should apologize for the actions of their minor children.
Should YOU apologize for the actions of hitler? I haven’t seen YOU apologize to me for steve and gbs calling me a “faggot.”
Apologizing for others sounds pretty foolish doesn’t it.
It’s no surprise that the goatfucking Marvin hasn’t written a single word condemning his fellow wingnut Mark for calling GLBT’s “homos and degenerates” on the Profile of a Birther thread.
seattle jew, i see you didnt answer @33, i guess there is no answer for that one that you like.
Steve the homophobic bigot is complaining about someone that shares his views?
In a hypocritical way.