Whenever I attempt to highlight the growing danger of the far right’s increasingly violent rhetoric by provocatively pondering the potential impact of liberals openly carrying arms, my friend at the local Newsmax-wannabe site Orbusmax excitedly throws up an above the fold headline, warning about my dangerous, violent rhetoric. Some people just don’t get nuance.
So I wonder if The Orb is equally frightened by the column that appeared yesterday in his beloved Newsmax, which longingly mulled over the “gaining possibility” of a military coup to “resolve the Obama problem”…?
There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic.
[…] Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.
Military intervention is what Obama’s exponentially accelerating agenda for “fundamental change” toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama’s radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.
Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don’t shrug and say, “We can always worry about that later.”
A military coup in defense of the Constitution? Uh-huh.
Still waiting to see that alarmist, above-the-fold headline, Orb.
The Constitution was restored when Bush left the White House and the people elected Obama to replace him.
Well, yes, Obama was the first President in 16 years to be elected to his first term in office. All is right with the Constitution.
See there, a strained stat, a jab at the 2000 election, and assumed Obama to be a two-term President. All in 23 words.
Remember what I taught you people. When Goldy is telling you “Look over here! Look over here!,” he’s trying to take your attention from something else. The Democrats are in control from top to bottom, but you wouldn’t know it from reading HA. He’s always ranting about the Republicans. That’s a red flag in my book. They aren’t even in power.
Goldy is a crafty one. Don’t look at the deficit and debt numbers, look over here at what Glenn Beck is doing. Pay no attention that our Obama might be sending tens of thousands of more troops to war, look over here at what the Seattle Times or Tim Eyman said.
You people are sheep. Gullible sheep.
Stupid conservatives. That shit is totally about race. Asshats.
@2 You’re off by 8 years.
@3 Some careless mother left her playpen unattended again.
This is wingnut fantasizing of the most extreme sort. Any member of the military who participated in a coup attempt would not be subject to dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pension, but would be guilty of treason and potentially subject to the death penalty.
Clinton and Bush had first terms, Bush was apponted
Obama will finish his 4 years of disservice and then be unceremoniously dumped on his unqualified ass back in Chitown by the American voters who naively thought he was up to handling an executive postion.
Obama is little more than Jimmy “the jew hater” Carter Deux and will not serve a second term because of incompetence and not a “military coup” that Goldy and the other Obamabots assert.
Smell that? that’s called desperation from the left. That happens when this failed president is unable to convince a majority of Americans that he is competent in his job position and thus the failing support for his foolhardy and reckeless decisions only 9+ months into his “transparent” (hold laughter) administration.
let’s just hope there is still an America left when the bumbling, stumbling Mr. Mago-obama’s first and final term has ended and this country can go back to its roots of a freedom loving nation.
Apparently this is too batshit-crazy even for the wingnuts at NewsMax:
“Statement from Newsmax Regarding Blogger
“In a blog posting to Newsmax, John Perry wrote about a coup scenario involving the U.S. military. … It was removed after a short period after being posted. Newsmax … would never advocate … an activity that would undermine our … democratic institutions.”
So empty suit who is your “great white hope”? Which repuke will lead your guys back to the promised land?
@9 And who exactly do you think the GOPOers have for 2012? Bailin’ Palin?
[raucous rabbit laughter in background]
President Mitt Romney
Democrats are going to get destroyed in 2010. DESTROYED. I could never imagine a bigger group of absolute fucking retarded subhumans could be in charge. 1.7 million at the D.C. teaparty. If we use the Million man African American March (Although none of them were from africa) as the standard of what a million men look like than there were 3 million at the tea party. Go Glenn Beck! HAHAHAH
Rep. Bachmann and Gov. Sanford will “hike the Appalachan trail” together.
@ 13 ~ Yup.
Mitt was the only qualified person on either side of the political divide to run in 2008. Unfortunately, we live in a “cult of personality” culture these days. It doesn’t matter that the president is qualified to make executive decisions, it’s more important that he/she’s “cool” to the brain dead 20 somethings too ignorant of politics to know what the job entails. For the sane amongst us, we prefer experience, but hey sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to learn a life lesson.
@9, 13, 14…
…Ok you three, put down the crack pipe…put DOWN thee crack pipe!
Oh that’s goooodddddd…..
A mormon. Yeah, that’ll work. Wait till the fundies get their panties twisted over THAT one.
Did Romney name one of his sons “Brick” or something? What’s with the weird names, anyway?
In spite of the GOPtards mastuabatory fantasies 2010 isn’t going to be like 1994. For one you need to stop putting the batshit crazies and racists front and center. For another you really need someone like Newt to lead the charge.
haha…hmmm yes, Barack is a perfectly normal name isn’t it? Romney also can claim 3 of his 5 sons (including tagg) graduated form Harvard business school.
I Wonder if Rujax!’ offspring with normal names can claim that achievement? Somehow, I doubt it.
I can’t believe this country could elect a phony-baloney motor mouth like Romney.
But then I couldn’t believe this country could allow Dumbya and Rove to steal the White House twice like they did.
Heh. Yeah. Let them put up Romney. When Romney starts running his mouth like a culvert from a manure lagoon, the people will really warm up to that.
And Barack Obama will have 4 more years.
@13 He’s probably the best you’ve got … but then, so was McCain last year …
@13 (continued) … and, of course, Romney won’t be the nominee in 2012 for the same reason he wasn’t in 2008: He isn’t far-right enough for the party’s base …
@14 Like we did in ’06 and ’08, eh?
After your superheated summer of gun-totin’ racism, do you retards really think the voters who rejected you last year will embrace you next year?
Do you think a sick voter whose insurance claim was rejected is going to vote for anti-reform yahoos flashing AR-15s in public squares?
Do you think the millions of unemployed will vote for the party of no minimum wage, no jobs, and “no” votes on unemployment benefits extensions?
@16 “It doesn’t matter that the president is qualified to make executive decisions”
Yours sure wasn’t.
I think Obama will be reelected, but I’m not sure the GOP can hang onto the congressional representation it still has.
Seems to have worked for Obama.
That said, at least no one can question that Romney actually has executive experience- both in public and private service and is a proven executive (as opposed to a -hold laughter now- a “community organizer”(or is that community organ grinder?).
OJT for the TIC (teleprompter in chief) is not the optimal way to govern for this nation as we are quickly finding out.
2012 will change that just as it did in 1980.
29. Empty Suit Obama spews:
He’s still a moron…uhhhhhh…Mormon. Mr. Sanctimonious Shithead. The fundies don’t roll with Mormons and your margins would be so thin you’d really have to have the fundies “all in”. Ain’t gonna happen.
Mitt Romney had one term as Massachusetts governor. That’s it for elected experience, I think. Nothing by way of foreign policy experience (don’t talk about the SLC Olympics). Yet, you criticize Obama for lack of experience. Experience in finance just doesn’t count. Obama is far smarter than the Mitt. Judgment counts far more than does experience. I trust Obama’s judgment. Mitt does have a very nice smile. I am so pleased that our opposition is so dense.
@ 30
Nothing like the smell of bigotry from the HA faithful.
Not if you look at history as it is and not how you’d like it to be. Obama is a deer in the headlights while Romney is an executive. The difference to those with any sort of business acumen is astounding. Also, you may want to read up on Romney’s bio plowed leftist. Obama is essentially stumbling around in the dark trying to find his way…..not quite the executive leadership we need in the whitehouse at the moment in this current climate.
Luckily, his expiration date of service is early 2013 when the electorate send him packing back to that shithole southside chicago cesspool from where he emerged from.
Oh. My. God… you trolls are amazing. Talk about projection.
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 32: “Obama is a deer in the headlights while Romney is an executive. The difference to those with any sort of business acumen is astounding.”
“Executive.” “Business acumen.” Indeed, Ricky, we’ve seen where those skills have led us, haven’t we? Good God, do you people pick up anything from what is actually happening?
Yeah, after 4 years in the White house getting the country back on its feet after the Bush debacle, that argument about Obama having not enough experience will really resonate…..with dimbulbs still recovering from the Obama victory by the largest popular vote margin in history by a non-incumbent.
Oh and just to drive home the point:
Approval of republicans in congress: 12%
Approval of Obama: 55%
Keep dreamin’ Empty suit (head) – you got nothin’ as usual
Wow…how bad to Conservatives hate a black President? I never heard this kind of talk during Carter, or the first 6 months of Bill Clinton’s administration.
Man, Republicans just HATE black people. NO? Ok, just THIS ONE black person then I guess. The guys not an anti-gun freak. Not exactly jumping on every gay rights cause out of the box. He’s given billions and billions (and billions) of money directly to private corporations. Yeah, he’s a real socialist (sigh). He’s obviously SO much more evil than Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton…ahem. Whatever. Just embrace your KKK buddies, yes, who USED to be Democrats in the 1940’s, but are they’re yours now baby! In 2009 they’re ALL yours! Enjoy the crazy, you wanted it. You used to be the smart MBA party, now you’re the Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michele Bachmann power stupid party. Have FUN!
Treason? Advocating a third-world military coup? Oh, but it would be “bloodless”.
What freakin’ idiots would shill for a wingnut military coup…to protect the constitution?
Obviously, these are people who want to “take their country” back…..to the stone age.
And have no idea what the constitution is actually about. These are the same whiners who kept saying to respect the presidency….when the idiot Bush was screwing up the country.
correctnotright, thanks for getting this thread back on topic. The trolls will do anything to avoid talking about the real issue.
In case you’ve all forgotten, in 1933 a bunch of rich industrialists tried to foment a military coup against FDR. They attempted to recruit retired Marine Corps General Smedley Butler to lead it.
To his credit, Butler refused and blew the whistle to Congress. Congress investigated and determined that his claim was true. However, rather predictably, Congress let it drop there, rather than bring the bastards up on treason and sedition charges.
The threat of a military coup by right-wing Fascists doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s not the first time and it looks like it won’t be the last.
Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC!
This is what happens when we allow torture:
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....05227.html
Remember, all of the republicans who supported Bush on torture and ignored our own constitution are the people who enabled these types of obscene and illegal actions in our name. They ruined the reputation of our country and put us on par with outcast states like Iran.
Facebook ‘Mystery’ Solved
I see in the news that the Secret Service found the person who posted the “Obama assassination poll” on Facebook. Because it’s a juvenile, no charges will be filed.
Hell, that’s no mystery — we’ve always known rightwing ranters are juveniles, regardless of their biological age.
Nothing like a visit from the Secret Service to get parents’ attention! I’ll bet that kid’s computer privileges are suspended. Meanwhile, maybe the parents should be more careful about what they say around the children.
@32 “Obama is a deer in the headlights while Romney is an executive.”
Somebody must have knocked you on the head, boy. Far from being a “deer in the headlights,” Obama is one of the most activist presidents of the last 100 years. He has more pressing issues on his plate than any president since FDR, and he’s tackling all of them. He inherited a multiplicity of crises from his incompetent predecessor, and instead of concentrating on one or two pressing issues, he’s working to solve them all. Obama is the most energetic national leader our country has seen since JFK.
Posting comments like this makes you look like a fool, boy. Even a partisan propagandist like Goebbels or O’Reilly starts with a grain of truth and builds his message on top of it. You’re totally divorced from reality.
You have no credibility at all, boy. You’re simply a kid playing with one of those whirlygig toys that makes random noise.
@33 Apparently you’ve been too busy to read the comment threads of your own blog, Goldy. This shit goes on every day here.
@34 “Good God, do you people pick up anything from what is actually happening?”
The answer to your rhetorical question is “no.”
::Stifling gut wrenching laughter::
You can’t possibly be that ignorant can you? Obama has exactly zero executive experience which is why he’s stumbling along aimlessly not quite sure what to do. Is he an activist president? Sure, but activism doesn’t isn’t always positive. This Magoobot Obama is killing our national debt and he hasn’t even been in for a full year now. Keep telling yourself that he’s experienced and doing a good job. Reality will set in in late 2011 when you’re mouth is agape that dunderhead doesn’t get his second term.
Oh, and an update: Travel all that way leaving a huge carbon footprint and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. Chicago’s the first one out of the running.
@39 “Remember, all of the republicans who supported Bush on torture and ignored our own constitution are the people who enabled these types of obscene and illegal actions in our name. They ruined the reputation of our country and put us on par with outcast states like Iran.”
Republicans continue to make feeble but unproven claims that their clandestine torture of innocent people produced “actionable intelligence” that “prevented terrorist attacks.” It should come as no surprise that some of them are now spouting off about military coups, assassination, and other crimes and treasons. What can you expect from a criminal political party?
We lawyers have a solution for things like this. It’s simple. Let the innocent victims of the Republican torture horrors SUE the bastards who did it to them! That has the triple advantage of compensating the victims, depriving Republicans of economic resources they otherwise would use to oppress the working class, and keeping honest hard-working tort lawyers employed. Personally, I think everyone who voted for Bush and Cheney, or shilled for them, or aided and abetted them in any way, should be held liable as joint and several co-tortfeasors. And, of course, it goes without saying that the Main Perpetrators, Bush and Cheney themselves, should be relieved of all their assets in order to compensate the people whose lives were shattered by their tortious actions.
Once detainees gain access to U.S. courts to challenge their detention, which is coming, the courthouse doors will be flung open to the filing of the civil lawsuits which inevitably will follow. And then the Republican perpetrators of torture will get hit where they hurt the most — in their pocketbooks.
@43, which is probably why HA is so irritating to frequent (and donate to).
@45 “stumbling along aimlessly not quite sure what to do”
You should read a newspaper once in a while so you won’t make yourself look like such a fucking idiot.
In his first 8 months in office, Obama has saved the world from another Great Depression, and now he’s about to pass health care reform legislation that has eluded every president of the last 45 years. On the diplomatic front, he’s rebuilding the alliances that Bush shattered, and has already done much to restore the world’s respect for America. He’s revamping Bush’s failed military strategy in Afghanistan and pushing the Iranians into nuclear inspections. Bush? He spent half of his first 8 months cutting brush on his Texas ranch, and the result was 9/11.
As a political propagandist, you’re a miserable failure, Ricky Dumbass! I’ve met first-graders who do it better than you. You personify the phrase “lameass.” Maybe you should get out of this business and try something you’re better suited for, like sweeping leaves off sidewalks or unplugging toilets.
@47 Well, Goldy believes in free speech, and I believe it’s smart politics to give wingnut shills a forum in which to discredit themselves. I’m for letting these fools bury themselves and their party in so deep a hole they’ll never rise again.
What are you doing associating with 1st graders, Rog? You ask them if they want to see a puppy in your panel van or do you go with the “want some candy” line? Maybe you say “wanna see my rabbits foot?”. yikes. Which line works best on the kiddies for the ol’ bunny rabbit, you sick pervert.
Obama will be rejected at the polls in 2011 just like he was rejected by the IOC today. No Sale!!
@40 I think the Secret Service should get the IP addresses of the people who voted “yes” in that kid’s “Obama assassination poll” and investigate each and every one of them. And yank their federal machine gun licenses, if they have one.
@50 Geez, Ricky, that’s the most fascinating and colorful propaganda piece you’ve ever posted. Who wrote it for you? One of my elementary-school friends?
But since you asked, the reason I know some first-graders is because I’m a volunteer in the schools’ traveling petting zoo program. I love getting my ears scratched and toes tickled! And the kids love me because I’m warm, soft, and cuddly.
You and Dave Reichert, being animal-hating Republicans, have no idea what it’s like to hug and pet a rabbit. Hell, you don’t even know how to hug a rabbit! Something any first-grader can figure out in five seconds. But then, you guys are Republicans, and first-graders are smarter than you.
Why don’t you and Dave ring up Darcy Burner and ask her to show you how to hug a rabbit? Darcy’s an expert rabbit-hugger! Maybe she’ll give the two of you a group rate.
re 9: There are enough gullible fools to swing a close election, but not enough win them with such a tarnished Republican brand.
Read Brooks’ editorial in the NY Times today. This is a conservative who has the cojones to call the right wing radio talkers the ‘spittle-flecked’ fools that they are.
The thread was catnip to little Ricky Dumbass.
A military coup against Obama and the installation of a far-right nut-job fascist that will institutionalize a kleptocracy that will insure the transformation of this country into a third-rate banana republic..
That’s the wingnut dream and any decent American’s nightmare.
Sigh! When wingnuts lose control of projection they oftentimes reveal quite a bit more detail than I care to know about the dumb fucks.
Ricky, you’re a wingnut freak so we already know you’re some kind of perv. Just leave it at that and spare us the details. You know, like the playground lines, panda costumes and shit like that.
Mitt “went right” with his campaign rhetoric (no doubt at the urging of the extremists running his party) and then started losing primaries. McCain got arm-twisted into doing the same thing (or at least allowing his idiot running mate to do so) and lost the election.
Anyone (and that includes Romney or McCain) who chooses to try to run for President as a Republican in 2012 will face the same dilemma.
re 32: Dream on, asshat. Romney can’t hold a position long enough to comb his Great Gatsby-Retro hairdo.
Again with the funny stuff.
The right-wingers who can’t win an honest election and the southern Republicans who are freaking out about a northern black Harvard grad being elected president are now intimating through NewsMax that there should be a military coup to remove the president.
And they’re telling us that the left is desperate? We’re not desperate. We won!
Heck, the stench of right-wing desperation is so thick you can cut it with a miltary coup.
But wait until you smell it after health insurance reform, cap and trade, and EFCA all pass…
During the Democratic primaries I was slow to warm to Obama because he didn’t have executive experience. As a public administrator, I think that matters.
So far Obama has been a much better executive than Bush. A key reason why is that, unlike Bush, his appointments have reflected a focus on competence over blind loyalty to a rigid ideology. At heart Obama is a pragmatist rather than a liberal, which — of course — infuriates the left and the right.
The left gets mad because they projected too many of their lofty dreams upon a fairly centrist politician. The right gets mad because, deep down, they know that Americans prefer pragmatic centrists. Game, set, match. That’s why Clinton maintained his popularity during the impeachment battle.
Comparing Obama to Romney seems rather strange. Sure, Romney has private-sector executive experience. But look how badly he did as governor or Mass. He didn’t run for a second term because his poll numbers were horrible. He would have lost!
Why? Romney didn’t have a feel for the give and take of the legislative process. That’s the big difference between a private- and public-sector exec: In the private sector you can act like a king and get away with it. In the public sector you must navigate very complex and fast-changing political dynamics. Romney was not good at the latter.
Given Romney’s dismal track record at the state level, why on earth would you trust him to run the largest, most complicated government in the world? That’s nuts.
I’ll take waterboarding if I don’t have to take
obama for 4 yrs.