With the news media’s credibility at an all time low, either the press needs to do a better job of reporting, or it needs a little PR of its own:
Just 29 percent of the 1,506 adults surveyed by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press between July 22-26 said news organizations generally get the facts straight.
Sixty-three percent said news stories are often inaccurate, up from 34 percent in a 1985 study, Pew said.
Whatever the reason for this growing credibility gap, I’m guessing the best solution isn’t to cut back newsrooms even further. But then, I’m just some dumb blogger, so what do I know?
If anyone here is interested, I am supposed to be interviewed on KIRO today by Monson. The interview is at 11 ..so I am not sure when it will run.
Topic: Beck and Guns.
It’s A Slobbering Love Affair… but you won’t admit it. Real Americans are getting sick of the slobber!
Just this past week with the ACORN Baltimore Pimping expose issue, CNN immediately tried to cover ACORN’s wide ASS through their reportage. People are awake to the liberal MSM but the liberal MSM is still asleep to the people.
Now we have NYC. This is just
Perhaps the low credibility is partly due to things like under-reporting Cindy Sheehan protesting Obama.
It appears to be a direct inverse relationship; the more viewership Faux Noise has, the lower the overall credibility of the news media.
“Faux News – We Distort; You Deride!”
On any given night, Fox News has liberal and conservativres available for quote or commentary. NBC and it’s MSNBC Olbermannequin does not and will not. Saturday’s Tea Party protest in D.C. had crowd estimates of 300-400 thousand. Hardly a twitch from the MSM. Once the Watchguards, the MSM is now the Palace Guard.
You mean that famous, deep thinking communist Alan Holmes?
Or do you mean that “indpendent, non partisan” O’Reilly?
Or could you, mayhap, mean Pat Caddell and Dick Morris, two very well cr4edentialled “libruls”
Gosh .. I must have messed up. …..
A big part of our troubles is that there are no credible conservatives felt after the decimation of the era of Atwater-Rove-Gingrich-Limbaugh.
Anyone who reads the Economist gets to learn a lot about real conservative issues. Obama along with a large number of moderate Dems would be a lot more at home in the pages of the Economist than any major figure in Republican Remnant.
Saturday’s Tea Party protest in D.C. had crowd estimates of 300-400 thousand.
The crowd was actually estimated at 50,000-70,000 – or about the same as a Redskins game. John must have read one of those inaccurate news reports I’ve been hearing so much about.
Congratulations on the notoriety points. Hope you had fun playing with Dorey’s head.
Yeah Another TJ just like there are 47 million uninsured “Americans”. When liberals estimate liberal crowds is an immense value. When liberals estimate conservative crowds its a puny value.
http://www.toonpool.com/user/4.....242785.jpg says it all!
@ 10,
Orly! So good to hear from you! Sorry you couldn’t craft a thoughtful reply, but I don’t hold it against you. You *are* rather ill-equipped on that front.
Sorry to read your brain isn’t engaged again. Let all of us know on HA when you find it and plug it back in. Maybe your friends can find it for you. They can create a search party looking for Another TJ’s brain. It’ll be a media circus.
Did you get your crowd estimate from Josh Marshall? Did you get your morning kook-aid from TPM? Remember the thread is media credibility Another TJ.
Here is the C-SPAN feed for the “Tea Party” in DC. http://www.c-spanarchives.org/.....owVid=true
Josh Marshall (TPM) said The DC Fire Department has issued an unofficial estimate of 60,000 to 70,000 people in attendance, which is smallish by big DC protest/event standards but definitely respectable.
But the Politico said: “Police officials declined to release a crowd estimate, but the number of protesters along the route appeared to number well into the tens of thousands.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s.....z0R71rdNU6
But then the NY Times said: “Many came on their own and were not part of an organization or group. But the magnitude of the rally took the authorities by surprise, with throngs of people streaming from the White House to Capitol Hill for more than three hours.”
Puddy trust nuthin from Another TJ, the one who calls old Jewish People protesting “acting like Brownshirts”.
@ 14
Orly! Thanks for the unfocused reply! Sorry your attempt at humor fell so flat, but you’re still feeling the sting of my bon mot, so you’re a little emotional (again).
And to answer your questions: No and no.
So you did get the estimates from the MSM. Figgers. Unfocused reply. Direct to the problem. Missing brain, needs someone else to think for himself.
Here is the picture of the plaza. Here is how the DC Park Service estimates crowds and Another TJ is wrong as usual… There is more than 100,000 people there. But don’t tell Another TJ or his media friends the truth… At least the NY Times hinted at the real number.
It aired in the 12 o’clock hour and you sounded more unhinged than you come off in here.
@ 17
Orly! Thanks for the already debunked picture! Perhaps you could try again.
It was a puny crowd of teabaggers fiend. They were given nice, home-made looking signs by the astroturf groups. Told to stand further apart so pictures could make the crowd look bigger – again another astroturf outfit command. Finally trash cans were provided to throw the signs away.
Another scam directed and financed by the big money bunch you worship.
Here’s a more reality based video. Very interesting.
Debunked by left-wing sites Another TJ? So Puddy da money. Of course the HA Hemorrhoid Another TJ didn’t dare discuss the C-SPAN video which at 00:00:00/02:50:38 shows the reverse view looking up towards the monument at the beginning.
More debunked lies of “the messiah’s” health care speech not fact checked by the liberal MSM!
Remember “the messiah’s call of Alabama only having one insurer?
“In fact, the Birmingham News reported immediately following the speech that the state’s largest health insurer, the nonprofit Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, has about a 75% market share. A representative of the company indicated that its “profit” averaged only 0.6% of premiums the past decade, and that its administrative expense ratio is 7% of premiums, the fourth lowest among 39 Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans nationwide.”
“In addition to these consumer friendly numbers, a survey in Consumer Reports this month reported that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama ranked second nationally in customer satisfaction among 41 preferred provider organization health plans.”
Just 29 percent of the 1,506 adults surveyed by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press between July 22-26 said news organizations generally get the facts straight.
Amusing, there are a certain number of people who are willfully ignorant.
Puddy buddy fits the bill. Hey, there ain’t no dang “liberal” press, period. All “news” outlets that have over 25 thousand readers, listeners or viewer are owned, shock for you, puddy buddy, by by rich people.
No, puddy buddy, there is no liberal press.
I’m not going to argue with you, I’ve wasted too much of my life getting the ownership of record of certain “news”papers and then some of the “liberal” TV stations, enough already. The rich control all of the news 24/7.
Now drink your Kool aid and go turn on the richs’ court jesters, Beck and Limbaugh.
Well what do you expect from the liberal MSM? Here are three things the HA liberals should remember about the messiah and his broken promises.
Using the St Petersburg Times which cnr called a right-wing rag (summarily debunked),
1) During the campaign didn’t “the messiah” call for using only public campaign financing?
2) During the campaign didn’t “the messiah” promise to use the White House’s website to post all bills at least five days before votes so the peeps could view and comment on them?
3) Earlier this year didn’t “the messiah” promise to broadcast all congressional health care bill negotiations on CSPAN rather than conducting them behind closed doors?
4) Didn’t “the messiah” claim to measure him by the people he surrounds himself with?
The liberal MSM haven’t called “the messiah” on these lies and you HA liberals continue to believe him?
Very evil person@22: Where is the URL link?
Keep that thought. Since over 85% have voted liberal in every presidential election since 1980. Puddy already placed the percentages on this blog. Contact ylb arschloch for the URLs.
Orly! Thanks for the 404 Error @ 21! Perhaps you could try again.
Link works just fine for Puddy. Here’s remedial help…
Still waiting for the picture being debunked. Link fool?
Good point.
Everyone knows there are no rich liberals.
Oh course on MSNBC, with their lousy ratings played this…
Guess the network will try anything to get out of the gutter. They need “credibility”!
Orly! Thanks for finally getting the photo right! I knew you could do it… eventually. Now, how many people do you see in that photo? Do you have *anything* that contradicts what I wrote in @ 8?
After the linked video, what is one of the two recommended videos?
Margaret Sanger Interview On The Topic Of Infidelity / Video
I wonder if she means infidelity to a mate or to the white race.
Here is more info for the ignorant MSM…
AP: WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases.The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
The Johanns Amendment #2355 to H.R. 3288 passed by a margin of 83 to 7.
The seven “NAYs”:
Burris (D-IL)
Casey (D-PA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Leahy (D-VT)
Sanders (I-VT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Look at the loons who voted NO!
Another TJ, C-SPAN video proves you and the MSM wrong. They purposely underestimated the crowd. Keep the kook-aid faith.
Now Puddy knows it’s not a million but it’s way more than 70,000.
And what is AP? Conservative?
33 – The DC Fire Department estimated 60-70 thousand.
That debunked picture showed 5 blocks. How many people can you fit into a block? 5000?
Now YOU know it’s not a million? Now?
You were definitely there in spirit – on the Million Moron March.
Orly! Thanks for proving me correct. From your C-SPAN link:
FreedomWorks held a rally on the west front of the U.S. Capitol to protest health care reform legislation, tax policy, and other economic concerns. Several members of Congress, representatives from various interest groups, and activists spoke to a crowd in the tens of thousands on the National Mall.
Is that all you’ve got? No proof, just your wishes (and hurt feeling)s?
Also, my apologies. I was wrong about the photo having been debunked. It was a different photo I was thinking of.
Yep Another TJ it was a different photo, the one with the missing museum on the right side. Yep you immediately went to the kook-aid sites and started on your standard attacks.
ylb arschloch, the fire department representative was “unauthorized” to speak or give estimates. Do you get what “unauthorized” means being an arschloch?
ylb arschloch,
The answer is above fool. Recheck the thread ylb arschloch moron! Oh BTW Another TJ admitted the picture was not debunked so much for doing your own DD.
What an arschloch!
Orly! Thanks for the deranged and inaccurate reply! Do you have anything that contradicts what I wrote @ 8? Last chance.
Are you asking for one with the liberal MSM imprimatur or one from a person there?
From your favrit site TPM:
And that’s what the ABC and others ran with. And you call my reply inaccurate. Man you are a loon. No wonder Puddy loves taking you on. You run with the first thing you read (TPM) of course!
Yeah here is one from your side…
“Official estimates tend to be low, so if the teabaggers claimed 100,000 (which is very respectable, although not spectacular) I wouldn’t argue with them.” Just what Puddy said fool! Too bad you live on the junk sites getting junk information from unauthorized people.
Butt, since you are an incoherent kook-aid drinking moron enjoy…
“The real number was probably something between 350,000 and 400,000.” Ain’t this guy one of yours Another TJ? From WikiPedia
Ya see Puddy reads varied materials while you stay on the kook-aid.
The Prosecution Rests. Puddy realizes the truth to a libtardo such as you is incoherent communication. It has to enter the TPM spin cycle for you to understand it. In fact it explodes the libtardo mind!
Puddy thought you read 538.com, butt alas Puddy was mistaken. Puddy admits you are a moron!
[impersonating ylb]
I don’t need to go to some right-wingnut hate site. The picture is only going to show some redneck racist teabagger (giggle giggle at the gay reference) that hates PRESIDENT OBAMA because he’s a black man.
[/ impersonating ylb]
Will the liberal MSM report this tonight?
It’s in the Washington Examiner… and we know from ylb arschloch this is more “right-wing” bullshit!
Marvin, the person holding the sign is a black man! That’s why Puddy placed the picture here.
Marvin, remember this faux pas by the liberal MSM when Fox and others identified “the messiah’s” campaign giving ACORN buds about $850,000?
That’s what gives my ylb impersonation a ring of truth.
From your link…
the U.S. Census cut its ties with ACORN, and yesterday the Senate voted 83-7 to cut off housing funds for the organization.
I wonder how many of those 7 are democrats/liberals/socialists?
Why do those 7 support an organization that privately endorses pimping very young girls into prostitution. A lot of other democrats know it’s wrong, or at least they understood they have to pretend it’s wrong so they will get re-elected.
Another tell all book about bush from an insider. No doubt the book will tell us how right-wing bush was, how hard he worked to get those evil right-wing principles into mainstream america.
Or maybe not.
Questions about Bush’s conservative principles
How many times during the last eight years did you hear that George W. Bush was a dangerous right-wing extremist?
The conference is the event of the year for conservative activists; Republican politicians are required to appear and offer their praise of the conservative movement.
Latimer got the assignment to write Bush’s speech. Draft in hand, he and a few other writers met with the president in the Oval Office. Bush was decidedly unenthusiastic.
“What is this movement you keep talking about in the speech?” the president asked Latimer.
Latimer explained that he meant the conservative movement — the movement that gave rise to groups like CPAC.
Bush seemed perplexed. Latimer elaborated a bit more. Then Bush leaned forward, with a point to make.
“Let me tell you something,” the president said. “I whupped Gary Bauer’s ass in 2000. So take out all this movement stuff. There is no movement.”
Some on the conservative side said it was the lack of bush being a right-winger that caused them to lose trust in republicans and not vote in the last election. This tell all book kinda backs that theory up.
Marvin remembering when Van was thrown under the bus… The New York Times admitted it should have covered the Van Jones story earlier…Yet on Morning Joe this morning Chuck Todd parroted the standard NBC line, “All Positive Obama All The Time”
This is why the news media’s credibility sucks big time.
Now we have exhibit 4,220,402,239 Charles Gibson of ABC News…
“Case in point … Charlie Gibson and ACORN
While listening to Don Wade and Roma this morning on WLS AM Chicago, they had Charlie Gibson on as their usual Tuesday morning guest. Don asked Charlie, why, after the senate last night voted to halt funding to ACORN and after three of those video tapes of ACORN employees helping the pimp and prostitute set up shop, there was no mention of it anywhere on the network news. Charlie gave out a most uncomfortable laugh and said that that was the first he heard of it! (Jacks says: You lie!)”
This is why the news media’s credibility sucks big time.
Now back to Chuck Todd,
Here is why the news media’s credibility sucks big time.
Here are the PuddyExhibits…
1) Valerie Jarrett said she was watching Van Jones while he was in Oakland. She helped hand pick him. Need to see the Valerie Jarrett video again?
2) Van signed-on-the-dotted-line Truther document. Later claimed he didn’t know what he was signing. Need to see the 9/11 Truther documents again? headless lucy is one of the HA truthers.
3) Admittly a self-described “Communist” in the 90s after the Rodney King Riots. Need to see WikiPedia again?
4) Van was a leading member of “STORM”. Need to see theie Marxist manifesto again?
5) Called Republicans assholes. Need to see the video again?
Butt, that don’t matter to the leftist NBC!
That’s true for a lot of them. Probably most of them. Especially you in particular. What’s wrong with expressing that truth?
Did you know this book sold a million copies so far?
Did you see Diane Sawyer of ABC interview the author?
How about Matt Lauer of NBC?
Missed it on Harry Smith and CBS?
Well no one interviewed the author yet it’s a NY Times Best Seller and the NY Times didn’t do a book review either.
Amazing this liberal MSM!!!
ylb arschloch@53.
Thanks for playing the idiot again. You make Goldy very proud you are on his side.
55 – Try looking in the mirror sometime. There be a true Republican “arschloch”..
Van Jones couldn’t have nailed it finer.
Too funny.
And always, in spirit, in body, in any way imaginable, a member of the “Million Moron March”..
off a freaking cliff!
It might be a little over your head, but… anytime you bunch people together it shows very black and white thinking.
Just like troll yesterday saying he doesn’t admire black people. Reality says, there are black people to admire and black people not to admire and everything in between.
Or like headless saying black people are hard t be around 24/7. Yes, there are black people that are hard to be around and there are black people that are easy to be around and everything in between.
So when you generalize about all republicans, you are doing the same as troll/headless, the difference being it’s not racist to lump all republicans together. But the thought/feeling you exhibit is the same.
Was it you that talked about being raised catholic and your parents were republicans? Do you lump them in with all the other republicans on your favorite link?
@ 41
And now today’s edition of “Why Can’t Orly Read?”:
Quoting Nate Silver, Orly claims of the teabaggers’ Saturday hatefest, “The real number was probably something between 350,000 and 400,000.” That would be an important source, except for one tiny detail. Nate wasn’t refering to Saturday, but to the April 15 hatefests.
You seem to think that wishing something to be true makes it so. I’m afraid that’s just not the case in the real world.
Also, if you’re going to claim to read a variety of sources, at least try not to make it so obvious that you haven’t actually read them. It makes you look illiterate or dishonest or both. Of course, you’ve already admitted that you are intentionally dishonest here at HA, so the only question left is how much of your lies you actually believe. I suspect it’s quite a bit.
Anyway, thanks for playing. I’m sorry you had to make a fool of yourself again, and so publicly. Maybe you can blame that on “the liberal media” too.
Puddy said above it was around 100,000 or so in post#17. Butt as always Another TJ is disingenuous over what Puddy said on 09/14/2009 at 1:19 pm 100,000 or more. Then Puddy places mahablog in post #41 and Another TJ skips over that because
1) It agrees with what Puddy said of 100,000 poeple
2) It tells everyone the 70,000 number is an unofficial number.
This is why Puddy will always attack the one who calls Elderly Jewish People complaining to Nancy Pelosi “Acting Like Brownshirts” and then babblin all over this blog trying to cover his ASS when caught in the wringer by his short short hairs. And since the video doesn’t lie butt that’s another incovenient truth Another TJ skipped right over he did catch me skipping over the April comment.
See ya fool!
Quick question for the thinking people here: How can the DCPD estimate be both official and unofficial at the same time?
(No, I don’t expect certain readers to understand the question.)
Max Blumenthal strikes again!
Covering the “Million Moron March”.
Ya see Another TJ forgot this from a link Puddy gave…
“The park service stopped releasing crowd estimates in 1996, when Congress stripped its budget of money to do so following a controversy over the estimate for the 1994 Million Man March.”
But Puddy will give Another TJ a chance to read again…
“In fact, after the Million Man March in 1995, Congress restricted the National Park Service from even making estimates — a restriction that was maintained for 14 years and then quietly rescinded this January for the Obama inauguration.”
“The Park Service method, filling just the Capitol end of the Mall, is 250,000, but we have many reports of much overflow, and we also can figure that they wouldn’t have marched past for three full hours if there were only that many.” – Another TJ the NY Times said they marched over 3 hours too, post#15.
Butt don’t let facts stop you Another TJ. The kook-aid will get warm.
As I said, I didn’t expect certain people to understand the question. I was correct. Again.
Hey Another TJ Here is Moderate in the Middle’s take. They too refer to Pajamas Media’s estimate. http://moderateinthemiddle.wor.....-patriots/ Butt don’t facts slap you silly.
“Update: Media Matters neglects to come after us here at MiM directly! Why? Is it because we are 22 and 24 yr DEMOCRATS? Yeah we don’t fit the ‘righty blog’ label they like to use eh? Bring it on MediaMatters. Next will be the race card. My dad is laughing at me in heaven. He knows I voted for Dinkins when we lived in NYC and used to use Media Matters to ‘debunk’ what I thought was right wing spin. Sorry GOP, I was ill informed.”
“The police monitoring the event refused to release a crowd size estimate.” Of couse Another TJ was looking for them to estimate it…
Fool Puddy knows you wanted to use the Police. Puddy debunked the Police estimate long ago with previous posts. So the only one left was Parks Department and we know that was debunked above. So what’s left… Putrid Dummies…AKA ATJ?
Did ya notice the MSNBC screen cap?
Hey Another TJ:
“If 1 million VOTERS descended on DC to be heard and no MSM reported it would it make a sound? DAMN STRAIGHT BABY, 2010 will be a wipeout for the DEMS at the polls and for any Critter who continues to ignore the people…woohoo!”
Great line!
Best sign of the march…
The meltdown is on! I knew it wouldn’t take much… :-)
Yeah, your “facts” melted! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Still waiting for those “official DC Police values.
Quick question for the thinking readers: why on Earth would anyone be waiting for figures that everyone (but a certain someone, evidently) knows don’t exist?
Hey Van@70
Ooooo, trying to look intelligent because Puddy knew the Redskin comment in #8 came from a leftist blog. Those leftist blogs are where you continually live and get your Brownshirt calling marching orders. Since you asked
Apparently no HA readers understand Van speak. So apparently your next question in #70 are empty pixels in space, like your “mind”. Oh yes Puddy will see some silly retort coming from Van. Maybe that’s why Sue said
Keep dope alive fool! Must suck to know no one on your side cares what you think!
Oh dear. Orly’s still waiting for those official figures. Should we tell him they don’t exist?
Van@72, you still mumbling…Remember Puddy called it earlier today
You once again proved Puddy right! It’s Van who still is polling HA peeps for help not Puddy.
BTW Puddy is not a birther. So your Orly comment is worthless like much of your commentary here.
Uh oh. Now Orly’s have a conversation with himself. Quoting himself to himself. So sad.
But I guess it passes the time while waiting for those official crowd estimates to suddenly appear.
Van, Staying stupid Puddy sees. Too bad your peeps ignore your silliness. You are a laugh a minute. Not only is there nothing there but you were caught on left wing whackamole sites again.
So what were today’s marching orders?
Oh no. Orly doesn’t recognize a rhetorical device for ridiculing someone without directly addressing them. If he knew how to read, it would probably help.
Okay, maybe not, but learning to read is a good thing, and he should do it anyway.
Oh Van, who are you ridiculing fool? You made the numbers post. You made the reference to Redskins like the whackamole post from the libtardo web site. Still smarting over nobody cummin to your party? Awwww poor poor baby. How’s them commie friends Van? Keep the Truther spirit.
Must be tough to suck as much as you. Stay Stupid. Sue agrees. Get after it Van. You still have someone who loves you. Yourself!
Keep calling me Orly. Proves the vacuousness of Van’s original argument.
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa
I’m reminded of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
“All right. We’ll call it a draw.”
As I leave him with no arms and no legs. lol
Van just keeps coming back.
Van was standing on the railing of a high bridge getting ready to jump off, when he happened to look down and see a little man with no arms dancing all around on the river bank. He thought to himself, ‘life isn’t so bad after all’, and got off the railing.
He then walked down to the river bank to thank the little man for saving his life. “Thank you,” he said. “I was going to jump off that bridge and kill myself, but when I saw you dancing even though you have no arms, I changed my mind.”
“I am not dancing,” the armless man replied bitterly. “My asshole itches, and I can’t scratch it!” Guess who the armless man is Van? It’s not Puddy fool! Be sure to scratch his arschloch Van!
Still no one came to your ASSisstance. Sad so sad!
Uh oh. Looks like the other Orly is having as bad a week as ours. She not just “have bad expedience on CNN.” (sic for the whole sentence)
Dat’s gotta hoyt.