April 19, 2001, Washington DC – Wanted terrorist Timothy McVeigh released another video today from his hideout in the wilderness of northern Canada. The video promised more attacks from Christian Identity terror cells throughout the United States. In the six years since 4/19, there have been no attacks like the original bombing in Oklahoma City, but Clinton Administration officials warned Americans once again to be vigilant. But people have grown increasingly skeptical of the once popular president, ever since the threats that postponed the 2000 Election are believed by many to have been just a political stunt to maintain power.
Clinton’s approval ratings reached another record low recently as he continues to defend his record. He’s touted success in fighting the militias in Montana and Michigan, and claims that his landmark Secular Conformity Act, enacted in 1996 to give him more powers to spy on Americans without oversight, is working. “These tools were necessary in order to prevent another 4/19. Next time it could be a mushroom cloud in downtown Chicago,” the President said in recent remarks to a convention of atheists.
The stress on the President has been enormous as he feels the nation simply doesn’t understand the kind of unique threat the United States faces from domestic terrorism. In the wake of 4/19, President Clinton declared the threat from Christian Identity followers to be a “unique threat, one that America has never had to deal with before.” During the 1996 election, he derided those who disagreed with his “war on terror” as irresponsible apologists for the militias. Since his re-election, the National Guard has rounded up thousands of “enemy combatants” in 12 different states, most of whom are held indefinitely without access to an attorney, one of the powers given to the President at the beginning of his second term. Hundreds of church groups have had their assets frozen for having links to Christian Identity members.
In eastern Montana, however, Christian Identity militias have taken over many towns and the violence in Billings has reached record levels as the National Guard struggles to keep the peace. President Clinton sees all of this as success in the overall war. His main Homeland Security official will be testifying in Congress this week about how former anti-government militia members in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are now starting to turn against the more radical fundamentalists.
The opposition in Congress has been too weak and ineffective for most Republican voters. The main voices speaking out, Congressmen Bob Barr (R-GA) and Ron Paul (R-TX), feel that America has been fooled by the President into believing the threat from McVeigh and his Christian Identity followers is worse than it really was, and that his decision to send in the National Guard to forcibly disarm them is just expanding their ranks. The President’s strongest supporters, such as California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, dismiss that as the rantings of unhinged and unpatriotic lunatics. Anchors on Hound News have been referring to Barr as “Billings Bob,” and plan to have another interview with the head General in charge of defeating the Christian extremists right after his Congressional testimony. The General has come under intense fire from conservative groups for his methodology in concluding that the violence is down from last year.
The main question being asked today is how it’s been 6 years since the bombing and yet McVeigh still remains free to make videos to send to his followers. Blaming his accidental release after a traffic stop in 1996 on “bad communication with the FBI”, Clinton later seemed disinterested about whether McVeigh would ever be caught. He claims to be working with Canadian authorities to locate McVeigh, but no one seems to know where he’s at. The new ‘4/19 Truth’ movement, led by transsexual author Ann Coulter, now has millions of followers nationwide who believe that Clinton himself planned and carried out the attacks.
Democrats seemed eager to use the latest tape as proof that the nation was still facing an existential threat from terrorism and once again accused groups like the ACLU and the NRA of helping the terrorists. The President’s supporters on talk radio also sought to defend the President. Host James Carville noted how similar McVeigh’s message was to those of Clinton’s main critics, especially his strong defense of the right to bear arms and his opposition to abortion.
Meanwhile, a number of retired CIA and State Department officials warned that this focus on homegrown militias was distracting us from even more dangerous threats from overseas. Former Clinton Administration official Richard Clarke, who was pushed out after strong disagreements with the White House in early 1996, said, “How are we ever going to defeat international terrorist groups like Al Qaeda if we can’t even defeat these kinds of groups here? We’ve continually expressed to Clinton’s folks that defeating terrorism is a matter of law enforcement and not a war. They just don’t listen. God help us if we try to do this in the Middle East.”
Good one!
In the meantime take a look at the recent post by the Shark. He reports a scandal!!! Mor people are dying today tha used to DESPITE the rising life span! In fact, so many more people are dying that we will soon have no people at all!
Where did he take stats?
I wish to announce that the reconstruction of the Karl Rove Memorial Troll in Fremont is now complete. /2007/09/kark-rove-memorial-in-fremont-wa.html
A deication cermenony, using live doves and presided over by the Rev Ken Hutchinson will occur at midnight Saturday evening.
Happy New Year
L shana tova tikku savu to all folks here, it is now 5768.
As Goldy says ..who woulda thunk!
This reinvigorated threat against our domestic tranquility calls for a troop surge! But no tax increase to pay the troops! We just won’t pay them! Or we’ll print more paper money! It’s not real money anyway because the Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional!
I see in the news that Bush “supports” Gen. Patreaus’s plan to withdraw 30,000 troops from Iraq by next summer.
What this means, of course, is that a 30,000-soldier “surge” that was supposed to last 6 months will last 12 to 15 months, and is a failure because it will not permit any drawdown of the troop levels existing before the surge.
So … the surge is taking twice as long as advertised, and will be followed by no reduction in pre-surge troop levels, and Bush is now selling that to us as a partial troop withdrawal.
If this is the best Patreaus can do, maybe he should be demoted to commanding a guardhouse on Wake Island.
As mentioned above, in Wingnutland, torture is constitutional but paper currency isn’t. Only GOLD is money! Of course, there’s not nearly enough gold to replace all the paper money in circulation, so going back on the gold standard will cause a run on gold reserves and send gold prices sky-high! This is fine with the survivalists who, for forty years, have been hoarding Kruggerands under their mattress and earning a .000001% return on the money they traded away for this inedible, non-interest, non-dividening producing, um, asset. If I were them, I’d want the government to take action to drive up the price of gold, too — which currently is worth about 80% of what Bunker Wingnuts paid for it in 1979, when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.
Well, there’s nothing like fighting a major war and cutting taxes at the same time to make GOLD more valuable! (Actually, the gold isn’t more valuable; the unconstitutional paper currency you trade for it is simply less valuable due to a phenomenon known as MONETARY INFLATION a/k/a “running the printing press,” which is what Dubya has been doing for the last 6 1/2 years. He sure hasn’t cut government spending! Nope, all he’s doing is printing more paper currency. That’s why gold now costs $650 an ounce instead of $325 an ounce — because a dollar is now worth only 50 cents.
Meanwhile, to increase the supply of GOLD, mining interests want to dig up the world’s most important salmon spawning grounds:
“Gigantic mine proposal tests values of Alaskans
“By Margot Roosevelt
“Los Angeles Times
“NONDALTON, Alaska — Fly overhead in a bush plane … and see eight giant rivers braiding across hundreds of miles of wetlands, carving ribbons through snow-coned mountains before emptying into Bristol Bay.
“For more than 100 years, the wealth of this southwest Alaska watershed has sprung from the salmon nurtured by those wild rivers. Bank-to-bank, gill-to-gill, tens of millions of the silvery fish thrash upstream to spawn each year, unrestrained by dams, untainted by pollution. It is the largest sockeye run in the world, accounting for more than one-quarter of wild salmon harvested in the United States, feeding millions at a time fisheries are dwindling around the world.
But … straddling the headwaters of two of the watershed’s most productive rivers, a Canadian company has discovered North America’s biggest deposits of gold and copper, worth about $300 billion in today’s soaring commodities markets. … Opponents say … [the] mine would destroy one of the planet’s last sustainable fisheries. … What is clear is that the mine … would entail a staggering scale of industrialization.”
Here’s what the miners want to do:
— Build 5 dams, 2 of them bigger than China’s Three Gorges Dam.
— Foul water on which one of the world’s largest brown bear populations, a 45,000-head caribou herd, and other wildlife depend.
— Fill two valleys with 2.5 billion tons of tailings and toxic residue, where it will be stored in perpetuity.
— Cut a 104 mile long road through virgin forests and wetlands, skirting Alaska’s largest freshwater lake.
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info, see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ine12.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The mine, of course, will be on public land. But that doesn’t mean the public will get any of the wealth the mine will produce. Under America’s antiquated mining laws, valuable minerals on public lands are essentially free for the taking. So, this GOLD won’t even go into the Treasury to pay for the GOP’s next Military Adventure.
I was living in Spokane during the militia craze of the mid 90’s and spent a bunch of time in north-east Washington and Northern Idaho. Your post is way closer to being true than you know.
The public gets a lot of the wealth currently produced by the watersheds that empty into Bristol Bay. The mine will destroy that wealth forever.
My dad and a bunch of our neighbors fished up there when I was a kid.
Bristol Bay pics on Flickr:
P.S., The 30,000 troops don’t get to come home to their families! Oh, no, we can’t waste valuable military manpower on wives and children! They’ll redeploy to Iran.
Republicans are sick twisted fucks.
@6 No it isn’t. I know exactly how true it is.
@7 I’m sooooo glad you mentioned CHINA, Bereford! Here’s what Monkeyface has done to sell us down the river to the Peking Comrades:
— Borrow trillions of dollars to give tax cuts to the super-wealthy, who already get to pay the capital gains rate on their multi-billion-dollar salaries.
— Sell the debt to China.
— Encourage companies like Wal-Mart to import over 90% of what they sell from China.
— Send as many good, high-paying, U.S. manufacturing jobs to China as possible.
— Gut regulatory agencies so China can defraud U.S. consumers with tainted food and dangerous consumer goods.
— Do absolutely nothing to stop Chinese companies from pirating and counterfeiting American goods and intellectual property.
Here’s how the GOP’s China policy is going to play out. Republicans will keep putting us farther in debt to pay for their wars and tax cuts. To send even more American money overseas, they will keep selling us Chinese goods, the more defective the better! (Because that means more profit for their corporate sponsors and rich donors.) In order to keep pesky consumers from boycotting fraudulent and dangerous Chinese-origin goods, Republicans will block efforts to strengthen and enforce product-labeling laws. For example, they will let companies label a loaf of bread as “Made In U.S.A.” if only 98% of its content came from China. The Chinese will selling us shoddy products and buying our debt to get a stranglehold on the U.S. economy.
Then, we will hear their Non-Negotiable Demands:
“We will take all the oil we want, and you get what’s left.”
“You will look the other way when we invade Taiwan.”
“We need Lebensraum for our burgeoning population; therefore, you will deed Alaska to us.”
And so on. Waytago Wingnuts! Not content to merely fuck up America, you’re also selling millions of Taiwanese into slavery.
And you’re bitching about Hillary returning $850,000 of campaign donations because the guy who collected them is a crook …
Waytago Wingnutz …
You just know this Hsu thing has got legs in wingnut-o land when my wingnut bro YO shows up.
“Oh, and one more thing, all those ‘Free Tibet’ bumper stickers have to go …”
And we have to let them extradite the Dalai Lama …
Waytago Wingfucks! Nothing’s changed since your moms mailed your lunch money to the school because they couldn’t trust you with it.
I was referring to the militia’s run amok and the hatred towards the government in NE WA, and northern Idaho, btw.
@13 “Yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in trailer park yahoos) and is properly spelled Y’o. Like most wingfucks, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name right.
If the threat was from the Christian Right and the domestic neo-nazis then I think you would be pushing for suspension of Habeus Corpus like Lincoln did to “get” the culprits undermining our domestic tranquility but since our enemy hates Bush as much as you do it is all right for them to act in a manner that is totally contrary the values of a free society. No individual expression, no gays allowed unless dead, women must be beaten regularly to make sure they are submissive and the local Mullah (Pastor) tells you what to think. By equating one with another in order to discredit those actions which by a person (Bush) which you detetst (Bush) you supported the behavior you are denoucncing and will only serve to limit freedom. In your world freedom only belongs to those who agree with you.
13 mouth spewings out of 18 from our angry little bunny Roger Rodent so far. They must’ve reduced his gov’t cheese benes today or something….
It will probably be too late in a few years to stop the trend toward a worldwide monied elite that grinds its iron boot of corporatist greed in the face of humanity.
#20: And your face will be one of them.
#19 — What are you trying to say? Your description of the Muslims sounds just like what right wing radio is prescribing as the solution to America’s problems.
Your talking point about Lincoln keeps coming back like a poisoned weed with a very deep root. So, what are you trying to say? If Lincoln tried to suspend habeus corpus, then its OK for Bush to do it?
You are a dangerous traitor.
There was never a dimes’ difference between Jerry Falwell and the Ayatolah Khomeini.
They even believe in the same god (who was a figment of their fevered and twisted imaginations). That fat bastard Falwell blamed 9/11 on patriotic Liberal Americans, fanning the flames of hatred and revenge in our less mentally gifted brethren.
He was a despicable rat and there was dancing in the streets when he choked on his own bloated omentum.
My point is that I am not justifying suspension of Habeus Corpos but to point out that my personal opinion is you would support the suspension of Habeus Corpus if the threat was directly attributable to domestic terrorism by the Christian Right for the same reason that Lincoln did ‘to presrve the domestic tranquility”. In other words you onlyhave your principles becauser you hate Bush but if the cause suied your agenda then I think you would support revocation of constitutional rights if it suited your agenda.
Sorry to be so inarticulate about my strategery.
Roger Rabbit says:
This reinvigorated threat against our domestic tranquility calls for a troop surge! But no tax increase to pay the troops! We just won’t pay them! Or we’ll print more paper money! It’s not real money anyway because the Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional!
Why not. We will never reduce spending on useless social handouts with you donks in charge of our curren (14% approval rating) congress. May as well grab as much money for the military as we can.
Well, there’s nothing like fighting a major war and cutting taxes at the same time to make GOLD more valuable! (Actually, the gold isn’t more valuable; the unconstitutional paper currency you trade for it is simply less valuable due to a phenomenon known as MONETARY INFLATION a/k/a “running the printing press,” which is what Dubya has been doing for the last 6 1/2 years.
Wow… sounds like economic disaster is eminent. Where is Jimmy Carter when you need him? Heehe
Roger Rabbit says:
Waytago Wingfucks! Nothing’s changed since your moms mailed your lunch money to the school because they couldn’t trust you with it.
09/12/2007 at 6:17 pm
No. It wasn’t a public school was it? What a waste. Democrats run our current public schools which can’t even give away free education. They should have sent them to private schools.
#27 – Just to prove I have no life I am setting here talking to you guys. However let’s not blame inflation on Jimmy Carter. It was Nixon’s fault. He insitigated wage and price and controls which were only served to lay the ground work for the follwing inflationary period. Arthur Burns the Fed Chairman at the time of Nixon further exscerbated the situation by holding interst rates artificially low during Nixon’s presidency because to alow rates to go to their natural level would have undone the wage and price scheme, which it eventually did. Forad only alloed the situation to fester. Ford’s slogan WIN (Whip Infaltion Now) should have been ISF (Infaltion is Fun) particularly if you owe money. Carter appointed Paul Volker and he instead of focusing on interest rates focused on the money supply. The result was that mortgage rates topped out at 18%. Regan being the great coomunicator put the balme on Carter but knew he had a golden opportunity to break inflation and allowed Volker to continue with his policies.
I didn’t like Carter as a President and I think his foreign ploicy laid the seeds for many of our problems today but I think he did the right thing regarding mentary policy and infaltion.
By the way I am still working on my Ingilsh and Strategerey.
My point is that I am not justifying suspension of Habeus Corpos but to point out that my personal opinion is you would support the suspension of Habeus Corpus if the threat was directly attributable to domestic terrorism by the Christian Right for the same reason that Lincoln did ‘to presrve the domestic tranquility”.
Kinda of like how dems are all of a sudden concerned about corruption when they turned a blind eye on the most corrupt president ever just over 6 years ago. I hear you.
I think the french have it figured out.
Just surrender. And socialism. Good strategy. Worked well for them.
Keep at it moonbats. Surefire winning strategy
Karl Rove Memorial to Join Lenin in Seattle.
(Fremont, WA SJ-News April 1 2008)
The Fremont neighborhood in left leaning Seattle has called itself the center of the world and celebrated that status by housing a statue of Lenin in the town square. Today, the good citizens of Fremont have evened the score,.dedicating an enormous sculpture of Karl Rove, sometimes called “Bush’s Brain,” just a few blocks from the Lenin statue. The sculptor, Alice Capp, expressed her thanks to the Discovery Institute for supporting this highly intelligent design.
A photograph of the new memorial may be seen at
The new Karl Rove Memorial features the rolly polly adviser to GW Bush, reaching forward in a friendly way grasping what appears to be a hippy beattle car from the sixties. We could not tell if the hippies are being crushed inside.
The outstretched hands are at a convenient height to invite children and maybe their parents to sit for pictures before the great man.
The official dedication will be next Sunday. Pastor Ken Hutcherson , of the pro family Antioch Bible Church, and Rabbit Daniel Lapin, of the pro-christian Jewish group, Toward Tradition, will hold the first annual White Dove Festival. 100 white doves will be shot as they are relased from cages behind the sculpture in honor of the traditional Texas values epitomized by Mr. Rove. The first 100 doves are being provided free by the Discovery Institute but you must bring your own shotgun. No one under 7 will be allowed to shoot the doves.
Mr. Rove may visit the memorial next Sunday when he is here for the funeral of Jennifer Dunn. At home, things are quieting down as the great man begins his exit from the administration. Asked waht Mr. Rove’s immediate plans were, “He loves to go dove hunting,” White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
Doves may be pre-ordered at the online store for Pastor Hutcherson’s store.
The Discovery Institute will offer free DVSs on Intelligent Design at their website.
Roger rabbit
are you related to the Rabbit being featured at the new Fremont Karl Rove memorial?
I understand they are having a dedication ceremoney and dove hunt next Sunday with a Rabbot from mercer Island officiating. I also heard a rumor at DL that someone from the White House will be in Seattle Sunday … could this be Rove attending the unveiling of his memorial? . .
This is the biggest bunch of bullshit gobblydygook I’ve read in a long time. The ramblings of the Unibomber manifesto is more coherent.
Then go back to your wingnut conspiracy enablers, traitor!
To #33 – You have no idea what te ramblings of the Unibomber Manifesto were. By the wya I am working on my Ingish and Manifesto should be capitalized.
@33 Mark
Are you aware that it is customary to provide an antecedent when using the article, “this?” Or dis you mean t say your own post was BS?
Please let me know what I need to do to communicate better. Your suggestions are appreciated. What is an “antecedant”?
antecedent is generally the noun or noun phrase to which an anaphor refers in a coreference, however an antecedent also can be a clause, especially when the anaphor is a demonstrative.
What is an “anaphor”? I am not ready for clauses yet let’s go slow.
try wiki
Thank you for your patience. I will work on this. You are better than most since you did not swear at me but this is tough stuff.
#26 — If you said that to my face, I’d punch yours.
George W. Bush is without a doubt the worst president this country has ever had.
The absolute worst.
I have no respect for any supporter of this administration. May your horny teenage daughters get nothing but abstinence training
“S-Choir” where do you want me to meet you so you can punch me in the face? I will allow two swings. I am serious, if it makes you fell better and I promise I will not retaliate. I think a punch in the face is much better than a discussion.
What is your domestic agenda? is driven by the person in office or your principles?
Well, “George”, you’d be wrong in my case. The rule of law is the rule of law and the constitution is the constitution no matter who is in power and who is the enemy.
See, I’m all about “not becoming like your enemy”. That to me is the only way they’ll beat us.
But hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your fantasies.
That is the point they have no respect for the rule of law only for their own agenda. They have shown they are willing to suspend the rule of law in order to promote their agenda.
If you’re saying that that’s the point of this post, you could not possibly be more wrong. A big part of the satire here is that none of it actually happened.
Lee ..
I just re-read this. It is great. A tip of the hat for the satire. I have a hunch the ARS crowd would accept this as history if you posted it at Sharkland.
Isn’t this what happened?
It leads in fascinating directions! How did this affect US relations with the new conservative Pope? Is it yrue that the vatican has been secretly making nukes?
You think locals are incensed about iraq, check this op-ed from the Asia Times…
Read the rest at http://www.atimes.com/atimes/M.....4Ak04.html
Here’s one for Mark:
In Iraq, the three really relevant, internal wars will be in Baghdad (between Sunnis and Shi’ites), in Basra (between Shi’ite militias, to see who gets to control the oil) and in Kirkuk (between Kurds and Arabs/Turkomans, for the same reason).
Given this situation “on the ground,” how does the US military “win?” How does the Iraqi government reconcile? How long to we stay, doing what, that will do ANYTHING to resolve these conflicts?
We need to get out and let Iraqis determine their own future. Once upon a time, around the end of WWII, the US declared it was for “self-determination” for all nations. Since then, we have been for anything but.
It’s funny, but I don’t see that walking away from a fight that a lot of other people are having with each other is “surrender.” In fact, the concept is ignorant and ludicrous. Oh, hi Mark…
#46: Where do you want to meet me so that you can tell me to my face that you think I would want to suspend habeus corpus if there were Christian terrorists in the U.S.? I would give you two chances to take your statement back, but I think that you are lying about giving me two free shots.
Only a sucker would offer that to an opponent. And I think you are lying about it.
General Betrayus admits that the the drawdown of surge troops to the status quo ante is the result of the fact the military is overstretched; that the 30,000-ish troops were coming home anyway. “Yes, the surge forces were scheduled to go home between April and mid-July, that is absolutely right,” he said.
Watch it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88rHeMNXyeY
Why does our president lie to us?
Why does our president lie to us?
Because he knows he can get away with it.
ABC News/Washington Post poll
Sept. 4-7, 2007. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Fieldwork by TNS
“Do you support or oppose legislation that would set a deadline for withdrawing U.S. combat forces from Iraq by next spring?”
Support 55%
Oppose 41%
Unsure 4%
The winning political strategy here in the USA is get us the fuck out of Iraq. The Iraqis kinda want us to, as well.
Blah. Blah. And blah.
As my man T.S. Eliot told Ezra Pound, when Pound attempted a parody of Alexander Pope (Richard Pope?), parody and satire fail if they’re not at least half as good as what’s being parodied or satirized.
About McVeigh: Did anyone here complain about the unseemly haste with which he went from death sentence to death? I know that each and every one of you progressive geeks and freaks want to spare final consequences or inconveniences to each and every serial killer, so you surely howled when we put down mad dog McVeigh. Like Daddy, you want to reserve plug pulling for the real enemies of the state, Terri Schiavo and pre-born babies.
About Montana: When the revolution blows out from Billings, you Goldycrats will be the first gimps we put up against the wall.
RE57: Do any of these “liberals” you inveigh against have names — or are they just archetypes that you’ve absorbed from wingnut propaganda?
#53 S- I offered two free shots and you get them. No bats, no cuffs, no rings; bare hands only above the waist. If you wish you can have my hands tied behind my back so you can be assured I will not retaliate. Two is all you get. You must stand arms length away no running punches or kicks. We each can bring an observer and each observer can take pictures or videos. The place needs not be public since if it was in public you could potentially be arrested for assault and my intent was to fulfill my offer. I am out of town until Monday but am available after that time.
Please name the time and place or if you wish notify me where or how I should contact you. Once the committment has been made I would respectfully request that this not be a public event but reamain private.
Seattle Jew and those who think his opinions brings value to this website click the link above and voice your own point of view.
I, too, took Jung 101, so I’ve got lib myths and archetypes covered.
“… these “liberals” you inveigh against …” I inveigh against McVeigh. Oy veigh.