The conventional wisdom in political circles is that incumbents like Dave Reichert should become more secure the longer they hold office, but it’s beginning to look like the third-term Republican is becoming even more of a DCCC target than he was the previous two elections. Reichert already has a challenger in the form of a female, ex-Microsoft executive (and no, her name isn’t Darcy Burner), and now finds himself one of only five Republican incumbents being targeted with radio ads for his vote against President Obama’s economic recovery package.
[audio:]The ad is paid for by Americans United for Change, a labor group, and it asks whether Reichert will continue to embrace Rush Limbaugh and his partisan divisiveness, or whether he’ll work with President Obama to enact real change. (My guess is, the majority of his constituents would prefer the latter.)
Thanks in part to the complicity and/or laziness of our local media, Reichert has done a good job in recent years portraying himself as a “moderate” (whatever that means) while continuing to vote the Republican party line whenever his vote really counts. A relentless campaign over the next two years to educate voters about the real Reichert could pay off handsomely in 2010.
Additional questions about Reichert’s main claim to fame (‘finding’ the Green River Killer)need to be brought up until the average voter is also wondering why it took 20 years to catch him.
Rumor has it that State Sen. Rodney Tom may make a run against Reichert as well.
Sheriff Hairspray’ll have a great time defending his vote against the stimulus package!
How “independent” of him.
Why do you continue to hate Unions? Reichert will get the backing of every major First Responder Union in the area, because he is a true friend of ours. And yes, we do have that little AFL-CIO on our Union cards. Tell me, did you EVER have a union card with those letters on them?
Hope that Non-Union made auto of your is doing well. You have helped do your part in destroying the UAW union members jobs!
surely dems can field a better candidate than she who was not named in goldy’s post.
How long before the puddybiotch starts crapping all over this thread…
…pool anyone?
I say…1:16 PM
Ah, I see Goldy has found another woman to pull his pud over and stalk. How nice. I guess we all need a hobby. Then again, since a real job continues to elude little Davey, I guess it just fills up his days.
Needless to say, I hope Reichert fails.
Speaking of the kind of media that accepts the consensus view without question, this article on HP asks how it can be that Jon Stewart, on a relatively low budget comedy show, can say in one 8-minute segment what high-powered newsrooms full of trained journalists can’t:
Big Hair ought to be easy to pick off this time. But as much as I like Darcy, she’s not the one to do it. FIrst things first tho….I don’t think PRESIDENT OBAMA should give one thin dime to that district. They made their bed – let them sleep in it.
Looks like 1.11, not counting #4.
Yes, the Red portion of the “Blue Wall” endorses Reichert. Not a surprise at all. They stick together.
4 Hey, IAFF Fireman…long time no see.
I know it’s a bit off topic, but since you’re apparently in attendance, I’ve been wondering what your thoughts are about Obama’s selection to head up FEMA.
How about limiting it to Pierce County, where the incorrectly voting non-autodidacts live.
Err….Reichert “embracing” Limbaugh. Now, that’s a piece of imagery I could have done without.
Another ex-microsoftee? Ha ha ah. You stupid liberal never learn do ya?
President Pussy Obama’s getting his ass kicked by the Chicoms. They are scaring his navy in international waters. Someone better change lil O-Baby’s diapers he crapped his pants.
16 I understand the crew of one of the Chinese vessels stripped to their skivvies. Has anyone else ever heard of flashing the enemy as a naval battle tactic?
El Rushbo writes as incoherently as manoftruth. Do we have some sock puppetry going on here?
With Obama tanking, he is sure to take other DEMS with him.
Obama’s Strong Approval over Strong Disapproval was at +32 2 days after Inauguration. It is now at it’s lowest level ever…+6
Monday, March 09, 2009
Your obsession with poll numbers suggests a number of clinical disorders. If you honestly think polls now matter a whit, then you are even more delusional than I thought. Moreover, do you think Obama gives a rat’s ass if opposition to him from Republicans has doubled since Inauguration Day? Gees, man, go find a life.
Senator Franken….. Sounds good to me.
Couple of facts you should know….
PRESIDENT OBAMA has a HIGHER approval rating than he did when he took office. The GOP cowards have a LOWER rating than they did when PRESIDENT OBAMA took office.
And every single week, PRESIDENT OBAMA bitch-slaps the right wing ass-eaters. This week it’s on stem cells and AWOL Bush’s bullshit signing statements. What turd will he slap out of the GOP’s mouth next week? I can hardly wait to find out.
18 More like putting on a blindfold and saying “Now you can’t see me!”
20. proud leftist spews:
Frankly pl, I don’t give a shit what you think.
The truth hurts. Obama is in a death spiral.
That’s what happens when you elect a guy with ZERO decision-making experience under pressure.
Community Organizer is obviously not helping him much here. Obama is in waaaaay over his head. And rather than have his staff FOCUS on the problems of the Nation, his Right-hand Man Emmanuel is scheming up political dirty tricks to attack R’s with the Rush thing. That sure back-fired AND even worse, it brings to the surface the question of where are the heads of this Administration?? Into game-playing obviously. How does that help America??
Obama is tanking BECAUSE OF HIS ACTIONS.
The novelty has worn off.
The Honeymoon last about 1 month…now a lot of Americans want a divorce! Or an annulment.
Obama sucks pl.
Hard for you to face that even Democrats are tired of his bullshit.
Cite your sources idiot.
You are the Queen of making things up.
I challenge you to cite your sources.
Run away Goober.
You gutless, mindless prick.
Art @ 23
After winning the Golden Goat, I would think manoftruth would be out there strutting his stuff, not hiding behind a new moniker.
Cynical: “Frankly pl, I don’t give a shit what you think.”
You know, that hurts my feelings when people say that to me.
“The truth hurts. Obama is in a death spiral.
That’s what happens when you elect a guy with ZERO decision-making experience under pressure.”
I think you’ve gone off the deep end. I don’t know a single person, including Republicans, who are not impressed with the leadership Obama has demonstrated so far. The only people critical of him are Republican politicians, wingnuts, and the rightwing spin machine. He is succeeding on every level. The task before him is hopelessly onerous, given the monumental fuck-ups of the Bush Administration, but Obama is up to that task. Lord, it’s great to have adults back in charge.
One of the many sterling attributes of the chimp the trolls voted for twice.
MORE bad news for the religious nutjobs. America continues to reject your bullshit. Fuck you!
Hey Cynical if you’d take that big black dildo out of your ass for two seconds and read a poll not owned by Faux News you might learn something other than how to rape babies.
Eat shit and die traitor – you have been REJECTED!
When you read past the “Headline” you’ll find…
“Three out of four Americans call themselves Christian, according to the American Religious Identification Survey from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1990, the figure was closer to nine out of 10 — 86 percent.”
A decline? yes. still 75% of all Americans call themselves Christian. That doesn’t take into account all other religious affiliations.
75% identify themselves as Christians in this country. Really puts into perspective how effective the anti-God in government crowd has become…
BBG @ 29
Attacking people of faith is probably not a winning political strategy.
go Rodney Tom!
We need a moderate candidate in WA-08.
I am enthralled by the idiocy of Mr. C., manoflies, The Lies, Marvin the martian et. al, and their ability to ignore the obvious facts. They have drank the kool aid so fully that they actually believe that if they say some lie over and over again (Obama is unpopular, in a downward spiral, is raising taxes for everyone, and other nonsense) that it will magically become true!
Keep believing that you numb nuts! It is hilarious!
@ 31
Not as effective as the anti-flying spaghetti monster crowd is, true.
@32 I don’t give a fuck if attacking the religious nutjobs, fruitcakes and cowards is a winning strategy or not. They’re bad for America and I am SO glad to see we are starting to see a decline in their success. If heaven is full of asswipes like self-professed Christians Cynical and Puffybutt – I’d MUCH rather spend eternity in Hell!
@31 lying sacks of shit like you call yourself a Christian and it doesn’t mean one fucking thing about what you really believe. Your world is crumbling around you. Your political party has gotten its ass kicked. Now your precious church is on the decline. You might as well make America a better place and just fucking off yourself and get it over with.
1) Suzan DelBene and Rodney Tom are not exactly the strongest of candidates.
2) A redistricting will likely take place after the 2010 election, that will lop off the Republican stronghold in the south and move the 8th district geographically north, making it very difficult for Republicans to win an open seat in the 8th.
3) Republicans are facing a leadership void and are desperately seeking the second coming of President Reagan.
If the Republicans are smart, they would find something useful for Reichert to do…some offer he couldn’t refuse, and run Reagan Dunn in 2010.
Reagan would be an instant celebrity on the national stage, being the son of Jennifer Dunn, named after Reagan, and heir apparent to his mother’s (RIP) seat.
If Reagan got a hold of the 8th District seat, it would be very difficult to wrestle it away from him. And 2010 is his best opportunity.
If he got the 8th district seat, he could make his mark there, then run for an open Senate seat when it comes about, or, eventually, Governor. Either way would be a viable path to the presidency, and the Republicans could literally have another president Reagan.
You know, some of us on the left are Christians. Some of us, in fact, are on the left because we are Christians. Like Stephen Stills said, “Jesus Christ was the first nonviolent revolutionary.” Jesus Christ never said a word about tax cuts, abortion, or gay marriage. He said a whole lot about forgiving the sins of others, taking care of the less fortunate, and not going to war. His message has been perverted by the religious right in this country, just like the Taliban has perverted Islam in Afghanistan. Fundamentalists are, first of all, political beasts, not religious. They take on religion after committing themselves to political beliefs. Blaming Christ for Cynical’s political beliefs has things backwards.
Art Fart @12,
His choice to head FEMA was disappointing. I would have preferred to see Paulison stay. He was a career firefighter and knew the ins and outs of the First Responder business. The current pick, Fugate, while has worked well with the First Responders, there is no substitute for actually performing the job. I know the IAFF has issued a statement in support, but privately there has been rumors that Schaitberger was disappointed that teh President didn’t pick someone from the actual firefighting ranks. Fugate is a pencil pusher. Paulison went into burning buildings for a living.
The Fugate choice, for firefighters anyway, is like Goldy’s newest microsoftie. Goldy just don’t realize what it takes to be a first responder. That’s why we endorse so many republicans. Whether Goldy likes it or not, Reichert is ROCK SOLID on our issues (including the Labor ones)and has stood by us, while facing criticism from his own party. How many Dems are standing up to their party leadership?
sarge @ 37
Are you serious? The problem with Reagan Dunn is that he’s an empty suit. The only thing he has in abundance is ambition. Certainly, a politician needs that, but a little intelligence, judgment, and insight would be helpful, too. And, Dim Davey stepping aside in 2010 for Dunn? Yeah, that’s going to happen.
Obama is not in a “death spiral.” He’s got two, maybe three years to get his mojo working or he won’t get re-elected.
He’s a likeable guy, but that could turn to shit in a heartbeat.
@40…if only I had a nickel for every time I heard Obama characterized as an “empty suit!”
In fact, having had one-on-one conversations with Reagan, I think maybe the reverse is true. He’s a thoughtful guy, and maybe even a genuinely nice guy, which would of course doom him. He strikes me as not overly ambitious, and even (and this is perhaps what is most likable about him) a bit cynical.
Trust me on this, Reagan’s “suit” has a lot more in it than Reicherts’s.
There is a long time between now and 2010.
If the economy hasn’t turned with all the Tarp-Stimulus-Bailout-spending by the White house, enacted by Democrats, I’d say Reichert is safe.
But by all means, run another unknown Democrat.
Some things to consider however..
1) Really a former executive (not imaginary)
2) Really has an economics degree (not imaginary)
3) Has at least done more than preside over HOA newsletters
4) Isn’t left of Castro
BBG, your trashing of Christianity goes too far for this political blog. I suggest that you back off and let the Christians on the left deal with Cynical in regards to his perversion of Christianity. Trust me on this, BBG, when Cynical calls us Christians “Godless heathens”, all while spewing yet another Wells Fargo “buy” recommendation, we soon enough give him what’s coming to him. We also know that he’ll eventually have to deal with God’s own judgement. Our trashing of his acts on this earth will soon pale when the Big Guy deals with him. Cynical will likely have an eternity to give thought to his own life’s failings, especially his abusing scripture to spew hate towards his fellow man.
Hmm, I see that Wells Fargo bounced back today. It’s now down only 30% since Cynical’s latest “buy” recommendation of last week. It’s now down 70% since his initial “buy” recommendation of last year. So it’s certainly faring better than his other recommendations to buy JRCC, NOV and BOOM.
You all know how Cynical is with projection. We can also throw in his narcissistic personality disorder for consideration. So when Cynical runs on about how others here ride their stocks down to oblivion, do we learn what others have done or do we gain insight into Cynical’s own failings? What does all this tell us about Cynical? Does anybody really believe that a narcissist like Cynical could ever admit a bad stock investment, even to himself? Especially to himself? Of course not. Is it probable that Cynical rode Wells Fargo down from $30 to $8? Is it probable that Cynical rode JRCC from $70 to $4? Of course it is. Think about it and you’ll understand why Cynical has become increasingly bitter and angry these past few months. It clearly has more to do with a worthless portfolio and his personal failures in that arena than any political failure, although he suffers that in abundance as well.
Cynical is an epic failure in this life who will soon know God’s wrath. Poor sap. He’s a total loser in every respect.
@24: Poor cynical, he is so out of touch with reality and so invested in Obama failing that he has not noticed the much bigger trend.
Obama and the democrats are gaining in populatiry and the do-noting idea-less negative (hope for failure republicans – just like poor stupid cynical) are losing support.
Even Reagan would be embarassed by the negative, small minded, hope for failure party.
cynical is the clasic example of an intellectually bankrupt party. He fails to put out anything that:
1. Is not Negative
2. Does not excuse the republicans and Bush from:
– any responsibility for ruining the economy and creating the largest deficit in history.
– Failing to catch bin laden
– Lying about Iraq
– Torturing illegally
– wiretapping illegally
Do you ever see cynical post anything positive? Nope, it is always tear down the other side. It is always the Dow Jones is down, obama is bad or it is cold global warming does not exist.
It is all simplistic thinking – grade school stuff where the world is in black and white. Cynical is unable to process information at a higher level. He is so partisan and so close minded that all lessons learned (in grade school) are all he/she needs to know.
This is not cynicism, this is deliberate stupidity.
44 and 45
Two different condemnations of Cynical, each spot-on. His blend of hypocrisy, arrogance, and willful blindness paints a fair caricature of today’s GOP. By the way, where is he? He doesn’t seem to have posted for awhile. Is it just coincidence, or does he make himself disappear whenever he catches a little flack?
@39 IAFF Fireman:
On Reichert’s “outstanding record”: How many bills has he sponsored that have passed to help firefighters or police since elected in 2004? Or how many bills period that he has sponsored have passed?
Here, I will help you on the “outstanding” record of Dave Reichert: None, Zero, Nada, Zilch.
Oh, and Reichert’s voting record: Straight republican on most issues (and decpetive as he votes for some things after voting against them).
For instance Reichert voted against collective bargaining (Unions) and against the Head Start program (recognized as one of the most cost effective programs in government).
So much for being pro-fireman and pro-police….Reichert votes anit-union with the the republicans. Anything for his rich contributors. Remember bush has come out to campaign for Riechert in the past.
Oh, and the 63K from big oil and the 341K from the real estate industry and the 81K from the telecomm industry (he voted for telecomm immunity) tell you where Reichert gets his money (all campaign contributions to Reichert) and where he votes.
Yup – Reichert is really for the little man…if by little man you mean a CEO of one of those big companies. so tell me again why Reichert is good? He isn’t very intelligent, never graduated from a four year school (and fudged that on his web site), gets lots of money from corporate interests and votes their way. so why is he good? Oh yeah, he is rated one of the least effective in congress too – that must be why.
re 37: Except:_____ Reagan Dunn is a dunce.
“Retain Reagan Dunn!”
That is a really disgusting slogan. But very apropos.
’28. YLB spews:
ZERO decision-making experience under pressure.
One of the many sterling attributes of the chimp the trolls voted for twice.’
YLB, you still have it to learn that people like yourself that have been unemployed by choice for so long now and continue not to pay taxes, have no applicable voice in politics, and are totally irrelevant (even more so than Goldy). Keep saying “I’m between jobs” to the many females that continue to turn you down, and be a good-boy and run back to Momma’s basement where you belong. Dungeons and Dragons will surely get you through….
The people of WA-08 will continue to be un/under-represented as long as Ditzy Dave 401 is their congressman. But they elected him, so they’re getting the representation they deserve.
@49 Mark1 (a complete illiterate) says:
From this quote alone, we can understand that Mark1:
1. Is poorly educated or stopped school at about the third grade level. Still “have it to learn”??? no applicable voice”?
2. Excessive ego: Mark1 can barely string two coherent sentences together. Yet he/she is lecturing to us about politics.
Hey, why should anyone listen to an ignorant fool who cannot even use the English language properly?
3. Vindictive: Notice the name-calling and insults below.
4. Lack of substance: Where is there anytrhing of actual substance in Mark1’s post? Are there any new ideas or is there anything positive to say? Are there any actual facts that are cited?
No. And that is indicative of the republicans and the rightwing trolls in general. No new ideas and nothing positive to say. Just insults, tearing things down and excuses for the Bush failures.
Thanks for confirming all that is rotten in the rightwingnut “philosophy” Mark1. You are the perfect spokeswoman for the failed republican party (except of course for the complete fool Michael Steele or the racist Rush Limbaugh). What a pathetic party of fools, racists and the simple-minded.
CNR – Mark1 brags that he was popular in high school. Yeah I believe it.
The losing idiot is so mean-spirited I feel no pity for him. Not one bit.
On days like this this Cynical finds himself conflicted. He desparately needs the market to rally so that he can recoup his losses and yet, on the other hand, he sees a market rally as benefiting President Obama and the Dem congress. What to do? My bet is that he’ll eventually show up posting scripture and calling us all Godless heathens.
I predict Reichert and the Seattle Times will both be gone when January 3011 rolls around.
@52 “Mark1 brags that he was popular in high school. Yeah I believe it.”
Of course he was! Think about it. They still have a photo of his butt taped up in the boys’ locker room.
“re 37: Except:_____ Reagan Dunn is a dunce.”
Unlike, Sarah Palin, or eric Cantor, for example?
I’m not sure George Bush is noted for his brilliance.
This is the Republican party we are talking about. Reagan Dunn would have them eating out of his hand with almost no effort.
And he isn’t a “dunce”. He graduated from UW law school, worked for the Justice Dept., was assistant US attorney, etc…
He’s no idiot. Underestimate him at your own peril.
28. YLB spews:
Bush was the Governor of Texas you moron.
Obama was a Community Organizer.
32. proud leftist spews:
Trying to reason with the nutjobs on your Far-Left Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS is probably a waste of time pl.
ByeByeGoober spews:
Something tells me your wish will likely be granted…unless you REPENT!
Good luck with your hatred campaign Goober.
But it will surely get you where you want to go!
45. correctnotright spews:
Cite your sources to back up that claim cnr.
Rasmussen (one of the most accurate pollsters) shows a much different story.
Obama has begun the polarization of America.
His Strong Approval is at 38%…but his Strong Disapproval has grown dramatically to 32%.
That’s +6 according to Rasmussen…which had Obama at +32 2 days after inauguration.
Republicans obviously gave Obama the benefit of the doubt.
BY OBAMA’S ACTIONS over the past 2 months, he has polarized American and burned up his political capital at a record-setting rate.
What a KLOWN!
You make my day with your rants.
When you have nothing of substance to say which is everyday you go off on an educational rant.
No one on ha team makes a bigger ass of oneself then you.
Hey Mark1,
When he goes off like this you must of posted something in the past that made him reach for his Prozac bottle.
He’s a funny little guy.
correctnotright ,
Can’t backup his post as they come from his fantasy the night before.
He can’t provide links for his Rush Limbaugh attacks.
He’s like obama good talker with no substance.
57 – Wow, how lame was that?
The Gov of Texas is pretty much a ceremonial position with powers limited by the Texas State Constitution. Ask anyone with any familiarity with Texas politics. The Gov is just a good old boy or girl who shows up to ribbon cutting ceremonies, executions and shows his face on the tv when there’s a natural disaster.
True, Obama was a community organizer. Very valuable experience trying to lift poor people up. He was also a State Senator in a state with big city machines clashing with rural conservatism. Very good experience as well navigating legislation through that.
Obama is wiping the floor with hapless bankrupt right wingers whose ideological rigidity and know-nothing attitude led to this economic free-fall.
ylb, what a tool
Bart Simpson speaks out.
After the election in Nov.2008 President Bush kept obama in the loop and gave obama the opportunity to say yes or no before Bush did anything. Obama is re-writing history.
Obama makes Oval Office call to reporters
President Obama was so concerned that he had appeared to dismiss a question from New York Times reporters about whether he was a socialist that he called the newspaper from the Oval Office to clarify his policies.
“It was hard for me to believe that you were entirely serious about that socialist question,” he told reporters, who had interviewed the president aboard Air Force One on Friday.
Opening the unusual presidential call to reporters by saying that there was “just one thing I was thinking about as I was getting on the copter,” he said it wasn’t he who started the federal government’s intervention into the nation’s financial system.
“I did think it might be useful to point out that it wasn’t under me that we started buying a bunch of shares of banks. It wasn’t on my watch. And it wasn’t on my watch that we passed a massive new entitlement -– the prescription drug plan — without a source of funding. And so I think it’s important just to note when you start hearing folks throw these words around that we’ve actually been operating in a way that has been entirely consistent with free-market principles and that some of the same folks who are throwing the word ‘socialist’ around can’t say the same.”
• Democrats try to brand earmarks as good
• GOP says some banks may have to fail
• Obama taps Big Easy for U.S. blueprint
The New York Times asked, “So whose watch are we talking about here?” but Obama wouldn’t name names.
“Well, I just think it’s clear by the time we got here, there already had been an enormous infusion of taxpayer money into the financial system. And the thing I constantly try to emphasize to people if that coming in, the market was doing fine, nobody would be happier than me to stay out of it. I have more than enough to do without having to worry the financial system. The fact that we’ve had to take these extraordinary measures and intervene is not an indication of my ideological preference, but an indication of the degree to which lax regulation and extravagant risk taking has precipitated a crisis.”
He concluded the brief call by saying, “I think that covers it.”
The phone call came after the president was asked aboard his plane: “Are you a socialist as some people have suggested?”
He was clear in his first answer: “You know, let’s take a look at the budget – the answer would be no.”
“Is there anything wrong with saying, ‘Yes’?” a Times reporter pressed.
“Let’s just take a look at what we’ve done,” Obama said, ticking off efforts his administration has made to stabilize the economy. But he acknowledged that, as he told Joe the Plumber, he plans to try to spread the wealth around.
“If you look on the revenue side what we’re proposing, what we’re looking at is essentially to go back to the tax rates that existed during the 1990s when, as I recall, rich people were doing very well. In fact everybody was doing very well. . . . We said that we’d give a tax cut to 95 percent of working Americans. That’s exactly what we have done.”
— Joseph Curl, senior political correspondent, The Washington Times
Next time, do just a little research.
The IAFF worked closely with Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), and Representatives Peter King (R-NY), Bennie Thompson (D-MS), Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) to craft the FEMA reform proposal.
The press conference highlighted the anguish caused by the DOJ’s lack of action in granting the surviving families federally mandated benefits. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Representatives Bob Etheridge (D-NC), Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Spencer Bachus (R-AL) urged Congress to examine the implementation of this important DOJ program.
Added to that;
“Washington State’s fire fighters are lucky to have Dave Reichert speaking
for us in Washington D.C. He knows from experience what being on the front line
means and he takes the time to listen to our concerns. Reichert even sought advice from
first responders when drafting his recent House Bill to reorganize FEMA.”
I know the facts are hard for you libs to understand, so I will keep this at a 3rd grade level. REICHERT IS ROCK SOLID ON OUR ISSUES! SO SAYS THE IAFF (International Association of FireFighters), the WSCFF (Washington State Council of FireFighters), SEATTLE FIREFIGHTERS UNION. How many First responder Unions endorsed Marcy? Let me help YOU with that one. None, ZIP, Zero, NADDA. How may I correct you further?
The HA moron speaks again.
Didya miss the NY Times article where they told everyone David Axelrod runs daily polls for Obama’s team? Of course you did proud leftist because you are a moron. Search this week’s archives fool. Puddy posted it. Even the NY Times wonders why Obama needs teleprompters for every speech. Did you hear the NY Times audio of Obama speaking extemporaneously to the reporter who asked is he a socialist?
stillbentovertakingitfromrujax dropped:
This has been proven wrong so many times his mantra is laughable.
Goldy, your pet chimps provide great theatre.
From stillbentovertakingitfromrujax’s link
“Overall, 58 percent of Americans surveyed approve of the job Obama is doing, while 26 percent disapprove and one in six (16 percent) has no opinion. Although his approval ratings are down from levels seen a few weeks ago in other polls” 58+26+16 =’s what stillbentovertakingitfromrujax? Wait a minute… simple math escapes you.
Yes now what was the last line of stillbentovertakingitfromrujax’s rant?
The funniest entry in the blog:
HA’s moronic one is telling HA’s stupid one about winning strategies.
Look in the mirror fool then go back to your Limbaugh.
@66: Poor ignorant little fireperson who was kicked out of his own union position (says somethin’ doesn’t it, even his own people don’t like him).
The facts are that Reichert is what – 549th in effectiveness? The facts are that he has sponsored ZERO legislation that has been passed.
Do you dispute those facts?
Quoting sound politics is hardly a “factual”, way to argue though, hahaha.
I will keep this at a second grasde level for you – you disproved NONE of the facts that I cited. Reichert is an ineffective fool. All your blabbering can’t change that. You may like him because he pretends to be for firemen – but in reality, he was a major part of the Bush failure and he voted with Bush most of the time (90% or more if you count his “real” votes). So if you like the Bush economy, the trillion spent on the unnecessary war in Iraq and the lack of regulation on the banks that led to this fiscal disaster, then by all means, support the idiot Reichert.
Here is an anaylsis of Reichert’s voting record:
So Reichert is not only NOT a moderate – he is deliberately manipulating his voting record to appear moderate. What a freakin’ hypocrite.
NutRight went there again…
When you rant on the Iraq War and the incorrect arguments used by Bush, when Puddy reminds you of the words spoken by CIA Chief Leon Panetta, you drop the rant in that thread and restart it in another.
You are still doing it NutRight. Can’t drop that mantra. Exploding head will occur!
NUFF Said NutRight
NotRight tries to skuul IAFF Fireman.
Like your use of Daily Kurse kook-aid to make a point?
@75: As if something Leon Panetta said could change the fact that Bush and Cheney lied about wmd’s and nukes in Iraq?
Hahhahaha – you got nothin’ as usual.
And IAFF fireman – he is literally defenseless with his BS – no facts and trying to quotye a quote from soundpolitics – as if the complete fools over there have any real facts….
I sure do miss that bumbling fool Pudge though, it is not often I get to lance someone completely and show they are lying and worng on thier own website…and then they close the thread because they are too embarassed at how eveone realizes they are completely wrong (of course, it was only after the slow witted Pudgie boy called me a liar – something he does constantly when confronted by actual facts).
The last refuge of the fool is the undocumented “belief system” that most rightwingnuts fall back on.
@71: Poor Puddy the poll numbers show that:
Congress has gone from 19 to 39% approval rating in the last few months (a 20 point jump).
Congressional democrats are up to a new high of 57% approval – the highest since just after 9/11 in 2002.
Yup – the groundswell is away from republicans and towards democrats and only the ignorant and the biased cannot see that. Only the do-nothing republicans are mired at the bottom.
Facts lost on NutRight. Now he’s trying to act stupid about Panetta agreeing with Bush twice in 2003. Wait a minute… it’s not an act. Bush didn’t lie because Leon agreed with him about Saddam. Go back and find the links NutRight.
You forgot what CIA Chief Leon Panetta said during his confirmation NutRight.
First proud leftist complains about Cynical using polls.
Puddy shows once again what a tool proud leftist is. David Axelrod runs a poll just about everyday, like the Clinton war room.
So NutRight says “hmmm… gotta show a different poll, gotta change the discussion”.
Since people get their news from libtard locations all they hear is how bad Republicans are. Well Limbaugh’s are increasing.
8 polls 4 have him in the 50s. He was at 76% per CNN. Puddy delivered that fact too.
Poor Puddy fool – read your own polls moron.
The disapproval rating for Obama averages 25-26% (except for the one obvious outlier, Rasmussen), What was Bush’s disapproval rating?
Freakin’ idiot – the republican polls summary you cite proves you are WRONG.
How stupid can you get?
You can’t even interpret your own citation and come to the wrong conclusions.
Wow, I may need to pay for your reading course of “hooked on phonics” – maybe that will help.
I haven’t forgotten anything – you forgot all the citations I previously gave that showed that:
1. bush knew Saddam did not have nukes
2. bush and Cheney deliberately doctored the evidence
3. bush lied when he claimed Saddam was trying to buy uranium (and he admitted he lied).
You have no facts – just republican talking points.
Disprove those…and then we can talk.
Hey Correct,
Pull your head your Hoo HAW and look at the sounpolitics link. It is a Press release from the REICHERT CAMP, QUOTING WSCFF PRESIDENT KELLY FOX (Not exactly know for being a friend to the Republicans by the way). And if he isn’t a friend, then why does he consistently get support from firefighter UNIONS, the WSCFF and The IAFF? You remember the IAFF right? They were the ones credited with helping to bring Kerry into the limelight. They endorsed him early, and campaigned hard for him. Say what you want about Reichert, but the facts have been proven over the last 2 election cycles. Firefighters and Police UNIONS support him because he is there on our issue. Tell you what, call the WSCFF yourself. Or the IAFF or the Seattle Firefighters Union. They will tell you the same thing. And it will be coming from a UNION official.
Hey Correct,
Speaking of the Iraq war, Nice job on trying to make injured vets pay for their injuries on the heels of their private insurance, instead of the VA!
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance.
And you wonder why President Obama has such a crappy rating with the troops