Reliable sources tell me that a poll commissioned by EMILY’s List will show the race between Rep. Dave Reichert and Republican challenger Darcy Burner at 44% to 43%. They didn’t tell me who got the 44 and who got the 43, but it doesn’t really matter, as either way it’s a statistical dead heat.
The poll will be released tomorrow, and was reportedly conducted by a widely respected polling firm.
Sound unlikely? Well keep in mind that this comes on the heels of a widely pooh-poohed poll two weeks ago that showed Burner leading 49% to 46%. Assuming my sources are correct, we now have two independent polls, two weeks apart, that peg this race within the margin of error. That’s not a good place for an incumbent to be six weeks before the election.
Oops. Looks like Lynn at Evergreen Politics beat me to it… and with independent confirmation straight from EMILY’s list. She says it’ll be in the P-I tomorrow morning, which means it will likely be up online within the hour.
Got the details. Here’s the polling memo from EMILY’s List.
Goldy watch out!!!!! Whew that was close. You dems need to watch out for falling gas prices. hehehe
Man this is devistating news for the righties. They should win the 8th by a mile. Darcy Burner wasn’t given half a chance in the beginning. Now RubberStampReichert’s ties to the failed Bush regime and his record as the fool who couldn’t catch the high school drop out killer and the man who ran the most corrupt sheriff’s office in America has caught up to him. I can just hear the inbred morons on the right screaming bloody murder. HE HE!
Darcy didn’t seem to find the time to vote her local school levies. She must have been busy preparing for the “Ames Lake Home Owners Assoc” Meetings. Priorities are important. I am glad she got her’s straight.
Glad she doesn’t represent my district. I think the Seniors on the left need to hear about her priorities. Those older folks really take their RIGHT TO VOTE seriously….
Wow, that’s the worst thing you can come up with about her? That’s it? This successful businesswoman and mother who’s pulled herself up by the bootstraps has nothing worse you can say about her?
Oh man, Burner’s going to win by a mile.
Final thought: Carl’s animals do not like him. Most posters on HA.ORG don’t like him. I don’t like him, and Teresa spends as much time away from Carl as possible. Question: Who or what likes Carl Grossman, Proud Jew Democrat? Please post immediately!!!!!!
The shooting of a Houston police officer has sparked a new battle over immigration. Juan Leonardo Quintero, an illegal immigrant, has been charged with killing a Houston police officer last week after a routine traffic stop. Police Chief Harold Hurtt blamed the federal government for failing to secure U.S. borders. Quintero allegedly shot Officer Rodney Johnson four times in the head while in handcuffs in the back seat of his patrol car. […….It’s OK for illegal alien Mexicans to kill cops as long as they vote Democrat. 20 million illegals: lots of Democrat votes. Too bad for the cop.]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/25/06@ 1:31 pm
Cantwell (D-Mexico) on illegal aliens: It’s racist to build a fence on the Mexican border, and the cop was racist. America-Bad, Racist; Mexico-Diverse, Good.
“You are a little bitch.”
Commentby My Left Foot […….OK……Is there any doubt Carl was a little dork in high school?]
#6, americafirst……Thanks. Have a great evening. JCH
Final thought: Carl’s animals do not like him. Most posters on HA.ORG don’t like him. I don’t like him, and Teresa spends as much time away from Carl as possible. Question: Who or what likes Carl Grossman, Proud Jew Democrat? Please post immediately!!!!!!
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/25/06@ 10:33 pm
Carl Grossman, Democrat Jew Buffoon-
Where are your pearls of wisdom when we need a laugh? Can’t you do a nice piece on the meaning of liberalism?
#6, americafirst……Thanks. Have a great evening. JCH
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/25/06@ 10:36 pm
Thanks, you too.
So correct me if I have this wrong…
darcy, who was NOT aborted BUT adopted into the family she uses and publicizes ad nauseum, is HAPPILY supported by and does support a well known baby killing group, aka, Emily’s List.
What an ungrateful bitch.
Shame on you darcy.
These “Newsweek covers” tell the whole whiny story on the right. Stoooopid people!
Here is my belated comment on the “electing judges” thread:
“We need to create some sort of nonpartisan commission to interview and nominate slates of candidates from which the Governor is free to make appointments. And we need to institute regular retention votes, through which voters can remove sitting judges based on their performance on the bench, rather than in a name-familiarity contest.”
I have two questions for you, Goldy:
1. Do you really want Gov. Dino Rossi appointing all of our state’s judges?
2. Do you really want judicial elections in which only one name appears on the ballot?
As for the Pope-Ottinger contest, I would like to see a “well qualified” write-in candidate step forward. Perhaps the King County Bar Association could recruit someone.
A few years ago, a Republican candidate for state senator in Tennessee named Low Tax Looper figured if his opponent was dead, he would be the only name on the ballot, and a shoo-in for election. So Looper murdered his opponent. But Looper figured wrong; the victim’s widow ran as a write-in candidate, and won 96% of the vote!!! And Looper won free room and board at a state penal institution for the rest of his miserable, failed, Republican life!
Wow! I go out of town for a few days (to attend the Spokane Valley Garden Fair – YUMMY!!!) … and come back to find that:
1) A bunch of generals criticized Rumsfeld as an incompetent bungler who mismanged the Iraq war, and
2) An intelligence assessment says Bush’s Iraq adventure has made Americans less safe.
The right-wing fantasy world is crumbling under the weight of reality! After an endless stream of failures and fiascos, a growing number of Americans are figuring out they’ve been lied to! The wingnuts’ goose is just about cooked. Stay tuned, the treason trials will begin soon!
If Chris Vance thinks Richard Pope is an embarrassment, he should be thankful he didn’t get stuck with Low Tax Looper!
You Republicans need to watch out for the sky — it’s falling on you!!!
Hey Goldy,
With all the commmentary on the Burner/Reichert matchup, I haven’t seen anything at all about what seems to me one of the most surprising results of last week’s primary — Pam Roach being outpolled by Democratic challenger Yvonne Ward in the 31st District Senate race. The latest results show Ward with almost a 350 vote margin.
Baby Danny Roach, the dumbest stump in the entire legislature, is trailing his challenger by 39 votes.
Any comments? It would be too wonderful if Pam “WHO MOVED MY ROSES!” Roach were to finally get booted from the Senate.
It would be too wonderful if Pam “WHO MOVED MY ROSES!” Roach were to finally get booted from the Senate.
Could we really be that lucky ?
Maybe this IS the year the roof falls in on the fascists…
JCH at 5,
Three things.
1. How can you have a final thought, when you have never had one in the first place.
2. If post 5 was your final thought, what is post 7?
3. I have listened to you (or read you) long enough. My response follows.
JCH at 46,
You know, JCH, you are personally responsible for 25% of the posts here at HA. Of those posts, hundreds really, you mention my husband in 95% of them. What is your fascination with him? How he must invade and control your thoughts. Just like with proudass.
You come here bragging about Doctor JCH, Lt. JCH, rich man JCH, driving a Vette JCH. (penis compensation car, by the way)
I think it is time you understood just a little about the man you are trying to aggravate, intimidate, denigrate harass and annoy, both personally and professionally.
The first thing you need to know is that you don’t succeed at any of the above. This mans character is absolutely unshakable. He considers this blog entertainment. His favorite part of this entertainment is using swear words and then sitting back waiting for the folks on your side of the political isle to go nuts. You never disappoint. You and proudass in particular focus on the cursing. Something he rarely does and never, ever in front of me. Always a gentleman in public and private. Some see him as a formidable adversary. You and others on this blog fit the latter category.
This man I married is humble, strong and honor bound. His character is unassailable. All of these qualities you seem to be, judging by your posts, missing.
Professionally he is/was a soldier. I come from what some would call privilege. My husband did not. Yet, in this marriage, I am the one who married up. College graduate, MBA, Army Ranger and Navy Seal team training. There is more training that he does not talk about. All of this as an officer, JCH. He volunteered for all of his assignments, never once did he refuse a request from his country. Never once did he beg off or back down from a challenge. Did you know that the Seal Team patch is the only insignia that can be worn cross-branch in the military?
He saw, what he calls combat theater and what I call killing, in Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq. Multiple times, JCH. He did not throw-up in his mask and quit. I see the scars on his legs, arms, back and chest. I see the man you don’t. The one you are not fit to stand next to. The one who would like to meet you, not to hurt you as you clearly fear, but in an effort to understand you, with open discussion and exchange. I see a man torn by not being with his men. I see a man who wants to change the world, still. He never thinks he has given enough or done enough. I love him more than life, JCH. You have a singular ability to traduce a lone sentence of a post. Have at it, JCH. Make fun of my devotion to him. Make fun of his swearing. Make fun of his animals. Make fun of what you don’t know, JCH. when you do this, you are only making fun of yourself, showing everyone here the truly depraved, tortured. addled soul with which you are blighted.
You can mock us all you want, JCH. It is just petty jealousy. We live a fairy tale life. We are thankful for it. We give back, but it is always in the back of my mind that my husband has given enough for two lifetimes. I have made it my mission to convince his son to leave the military, this family has given enough. He is so much like his father. He calls me ma’am and mom. This man that I met when he was 18 and already in the Army, calls me mom. And you scoff at my defense of my husband. You are foolish, JCH.
The next time you want to attack his politics, try leaving the personal attacks out of it. You have no canon with which to base your attacks. You have no right to speak to anyone the way you do, let alone to one of this country’s heroes, indeed, my hero.
I am so happy and fortunate to have met my husband at that baseball game. My only regret is that I had not met my husband years sooner, to have even more time with him. I hope he feels the same.
So you see, JCH, no matter what you say here one thing never changes. No matter how much we wish it would, JCH, the truth never changes.
Enjoy your evening.
Wife, Friend, Partner and Proud
Emily’s List…real unbiased source there. The “Rush Limbaugh” poll says Reichert by 27.
clap, clap, clap, teresa… you make me gag.
he may be a gentleman in front of you but I doubt it because he’s a such pig here.
it’s awfully darn hard to compartmentalize that particularly nasty brand of piggery as you claim he does and I would go so far to say that his behavior anonymously is a fairly good measure of his behavior publicly.
Until you can reconcile his words that you so courageously defend and blythely dismiss as “entertainment”, you have little room to condem someone as a “depraved, tortured. addled soul”.
“Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother let me pull the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast first the beam out of thine own eye, and then chalt thou see clearly to pull the mote that is in thy brother’s eye.” Luke 6:42
The next time you want to attack his politics, try leaving the personal attacks out of it.
live what you preach lady:
You come here bragging about Doctor JCH, Lt. JCH, rich man JCH, driving a Vette JCH. (penis compensation car, by the way)
Do you honestly think that nasty man you call a husband is the only person here that’s loved?
Do you honestly believe that the people he attacks and that YOU attack have no honorable history behind them, or children, wives, husbands, parents that equally adore them? Do you not think those that love them aren’t even the tiniest bit hurt or offended by the words he’s used?
You need to grow up lady. And carl needs to get a thicker skin and stop sending you to carry his water.
Today’s P-I has been online for some time now, and no mention of this earth-shattering poll from EMILY… Maybe it isn’t thought to be so newsworthy outside the liberal echo chamber…
Didn’t make the Times, either…
Seems like Jim Street’s concession is more important.
Well, wait another half hour, maybe the News Tribune will carry this so-very-important news…
22, From what I can find here, you are proudass.
A person who makes empty threats. A person who now quotes the Bible. This same person who tried to cast my husband as a child molester. (Again, this is road you do not want to go down with me). The same person who accused him of threatening her children. The same person who claimed to never have used the term “anything untoward”. The same person who just ignores the proof that you did use the term “anything untoward” and drops the subject when caught.
You are as full of sanctimony as anyone I have ever had the misfortune to interact with. In addition, you missed the entire point of my post. Your logic is flawed too.
Online, people can be anyone or anyway they want. It can be an extension of their true personality, or, it can be an alternative personality, wholly made up for your benefit and their enjoyment. You are fond of researching on the internet, maybe you could look up some of the psychological studies that address this subject. I assure you that the latter is case with my husband. I am educated, confident, self-aware and I would have nothing to do with a man who treated me as “less than”. I have the opposite difficulty with my husband. I find it unsettling to be upon the pedestal he has placed me.
I made no such allegation that others here are not loved. I merely expressed my love for my husband. I am tired of the way people on this blog constantly degrade each other, so I spoke up.(I know my husband has toned his posts down). If you are in a relationship where your partner is not able or willing to express publicly their love for you, that is your disappointment. Making it not my cross to carry.
JCH has no history, honorable or otherwise, behind him. You don’t know him anymore than you know my husband. You choose to defend him because his politics mimic yours.
I know that my husband called you some names. I would suggest he is not the one with the thin skin. Do you know the proverb about those living in glass houses should probably not cast stones? As for his skin, he did not ask me to answer for him, I am up late working and decided on my own to post. When he reads it in the morning he will be perturbed with me and my well known stubborn streak, but he will just shake his head and mutter “that’s Teresa”.
As for you having my name, employer, address, etc. etc… Please, do not make yourself giddy. You have incorrectly deduced, from limited and wrong information, a conclusion that you wanted to find. You did not allow the information to take you to a conclusion regardless of the outcome. Researchers need to be dispassionate, neutral seekers. You certainly don’t qualify.
As my husband said, you can’t play cards you don’t have.
By the way, how about posting the WSBA number you have for “me”. It would be pleasure to let the attorney, whose info you published, know that you have done so and exactly where to find it.
Rabbit @ 13, 14 & 16
Chris Vance hand-picked Will Baker — the closest thing you can get to Low Tax Looper in this state to be State Auditor nominee in 2004 when no Republican would file for this office. Baker had been arrested 19 times for disrupting public meetings. Vance pulled off this fiasco in August 2004, four months after calling me a “fiasco”.
I certainly don’t think I was a “fiasco” at all when I was running as a Republican. In the September 2003 primary for King County Assessor, 37.70% of the voters chose me and 62.30% chose Democrat incumbent Scott Noble. But in the September 2004 primary, only 30.23% of King County voters chose a Republican primary ballot (versus 68.59% Democrat and 1.18% Libertarian). In November 2004, only 33.69% of King County voters chose George W Bush and 32.68% chose George Nethercutt.
How can Chris Vance call me a “fiasco” as a Republican candidate, when I was far more popular than his political party or its leading nominees for the federal offices?
Rabbit @ 13
It might not end up being a Pope-Ottinger contest after all. Ottinger is leading LaSalata for second place by only 70 votes out of 67,276. It is very much looking like a mandatory recount, possibly by hand recounting:
Elections Results as of 6:30 p.m. Monday, September 25, 2006:
King County
Northeast Electoral District Judge Position No. 2
Richard Pope NP 22848 35.17%
Mary Ann Ottinger NP 20922 32.20%
Frank V. LaSalata NP 21069 32.43%
Write-in 130 0.20%
Total 64969
Snohomish County
Northeast Electoral District Judge Position No. 2
Richard Pope 939 40.70%
Mary Ann Ottinger 787 34.11%
Frank V. LaSalata 570 24.71%
Write-In 11 0.48%
Total 2307 100.00%
Totals for Entire District
Richard Pope NP 23787 35.36%
Mary Ann Ottinger NP 21709 32.27%
Frank V. LaSalata NP 21639 32.16%
Write-In 141 0.21%
Total 67276
JCH @ 5:
Generally, I think Carl Grossman is all right.
Generally I think you are a raging idiot.
I will go back to ignoring your ass now. Have fun with five acres in Hawai’i and nothing better to do than posting here over, and over, and over.
Jamie ran a brillant campaign, and the homo block vote/queer dollars pushed him to Olympia.
All you fag haters, cringe in fear. He is smart as a whip, charming amd a very mainstream queer, who came from local Puyallup family. Now a partner in Perston Gates – big money stuff for attorneys.
Go get ’em Jamie. Happy homo boy scout type, mommies and grannies and smart voters love you.
Watch this one. Ambition galore.
#9, Last I saw, Carl’s ‘pearls of wisdom were dripping out of your mouth
Moonbats ask Darcy about this:
Or how about this statement, which–in part–reflects the impact of increased pressure on the terrorists: “A large body of reporting indicates that people identifying themselves as jihadists is increasing…however, they are largely decentralized, lack a coherent strategy and are becoming more diffuse.” Hmm…doesn’t sound much like Al Qaida’s pre-9-11 game plan.
The report also notes the importance of the War in Iraq as a make or break point for the terrorists: “Should jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves to have failed, we judge that fewer will carry on the fight.” It’s called a ripple effect.
More support for the defeating the enemy on his home turf: “Threats to the U.S. are intrinsically linked to U.S. success or failure in Iraq.” President Bush and senior administration officials have made this argument many times–and it’s been consistently dismissed by the “experts” at the WaPo and Times.
And, some indication that the “growing” jihad may be pursuing the wrong course: “There is evidence that violent tactics are backfiring…their greatest vulnerability is that their ultimate political solution (shar’a law) is unpopular with the vast majority of Muslims.” Seems to contradict MSM accounts of a jihadist tsunami with ever-increasing support in the global Islamic community..
The estimate also affirms the wisdom of sowing democracy in the Middle East: “Progress toward pluralism and more responsive political systems in the Muslim world will eliminate many of the grievances jihadists exploit.” As I recall, this the core of our strategy in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Wow. Damaging. Why don’t you ask Dave Reichert about these issues, and see if you can understand his answer.
The ultimate irony would be if Burner loses by 1 vote…….
And it turns out she and her hubby failed to vote as they often do.
Also MWS
I have my own interpteation:
“U.S.-led efforts have ‘seriously damaged Al Qaida leadership and disrupted its operations.’ ”
Wjhat I am hearing is, “other countries have ben making headway using the intelligence sharng and police methods that the US rejectged in favor of major military operations that left al Qaeda leadership intact.”
“A large body of reporting indicates that people identifying themselves as jihadists is increasing…however, they are largely decentralized, lack a coherent strategy and are becoming more diffuse.”
Another way of saying that al Qaeda has effectively “franchised” terrorism, allowing ops to proceed without central direction, making them harder to detect and track.
“Should jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves to have failed, we judge that fewer will carry on the fight.”
So if we “win,” we won’t “lose.” This requires considerably more exansion on what a jihadist would regard ass sucess or failure, but it’s not beyond imagination to think that a jihadist who kills dozens of US troops and several hundred Iraqi police/security forces might consider that “success.” And, of course, this ignores the fact the US troops in Iraq are now just standing in the middle of a sectarian civil war, and on the side of the guys with the death squads, no less. Part of the argument fro redeployment is that “victory,” whatever that is, is not attianable given our current idiotic “plan.”
“Threats to the U.S. are intrinsically linked to U.S. success or failure in Iraq.”
I hve no argument with that. Our failure in Iraq is creating more terrorism. Period. So would “victory.” The statement is true, but not in the way you think.
“There is evidence that violent tactics are backfiring…their greatest vulnerability is that their ultimate political solution (shar’a law) is unpopular with the vast majority of Muslims.”
This is a gross misconstructon of the violence in Iraq qith global terrosist acts. Iraq is incredibly violent, and the “kill them all and let Allah sort them out” tactics of al Zaerqawi did indeed turn a lot of people off. But Iraqi violence now is aimed at achieving domestic political goals for the various factions struggling for domestic power, and have little or nothing to do with gloal terrorism. Terrorist acts violence agaisnt Western targets is just as popular on the Muslim street as ever.
“Progress toward pluralism and more responsive political systems in the Muslim world will eliminate many of the grievances jihadists exploit.”
Yet aother sttatement of “if this were happening it would be a good thing.” Yeah, welll, it’s not. And US actions are not movign anyone in this direction. Afghanistan is slowly falling back under Taliban control. Iraq is out-of-control secarian mayhem. Saudi Arabia has reformd not a whit. Egypt is under a dictator,and his son and heir now wants nuclerar weapons. Hell, the US is toruring secret prisoners in secret prisons worldwide. Freedom’s not exactly on the march, pal. More like totalitariansim.
Yeah, Riechert’s seding out his hit pieces on Dacry. I got the “she doesn’t vote” whine. And I just received the “SHE WANTS TO RAISE TAXES” idiocy. Like Darcy will write our SS policy.
Q: How many people here make over $90K per year?
If not, no tax discussed in this piece will affect you in any way.
And for thsoe of you who do, it is approximately a 6% withholding on gross incmce OVER the $90K mark. What it means is that your witholding would be steady all year instead of dropping at some point by 6%.
So the well-off who make over $90K would have every dollar of their wages subject to SS withholding just like everyone else. Should I call the Waaah-mbulance?
Bellevue-based lawyer Richard Pope filed the ethics complaint Sept. 15 in a letter to Attorney General Rob McKenna and the state Executive Ethics Board. But he no longer has a beef with Gregoire on the matter.
“If she’s not going to have the dinner in the Governor’s Mansion, I don’t think there is any reason to investigate the matter,” Pope said in a telephone interview. “I certainly think it’s a wise decision on the governor’s part.”
“Even if she disagrees with my complaint, it’s very good to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Even if it were legal, it doesn’t look good. It seems sort of tacky …” Pope added.
The campaign declined to identify the two donors. The amount offered by the two bidders was $3,500 each, Burner’s communications director, Jaime Smith, said. The event raised about $30,000 for Burner, a former Microsoft employee running against first-term Republican U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert.
Gee, what I meant to say was:
“So the well-off who make over $90K would have every dollar of their wages subject to SS withholding just like the other 95% of Americans. Should I call the Waaah-mbulance?”
Yeah, I worry about them (I mean, US) all the time. Talk about having it rough…
Kevin Drum sums up:
“Stephen Bainbridge is unhappy over Democratic opposition to voter ID requirements:
But guess what? Outside of Westwood lots of people don’t do these things! And they overwhelmingly tend to be poor, non-white, elderly, and disabled. It’s funny that a Republican-backed bill in the closing days of an election would just happen to target these groups, isn’t it?
Now, as near as I can tell, the evidence is pretty overwhelming that requiring photo ID to vote would stop a very, very tiny amount of actual fraud, but would disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of poor, non-white, elderly, and disabled citizens. So: no actual serious problem solved, but lots of Democratic-leaning voters kept at home. Hard to believe that Democrats oppose this, isn’t it?
Kevin Drum sums up:
Daddy Love @ 38
What is this proposal regarding social security taxes? No more income ceiling on the 6.2% (actually 12.4% with 6.2% employer matching share) social security tax? Just like it is unlimited with the 1.45%/1.45% Medicare tax?
By the way, whose proposal is this? (I am not following it very closely!)
Would these taxes apply to stock options and other cleverly packaged forms of compensation? Often, the vast majority of these seven and eight figure compensation of top corporate executives is not in the form of wages or salary, but instead stock options, stock grants, no interest home loans, and whatever else clever lawyers can think of. Would a top corporate executive be able to cash in $20 million or $30 million in a single year, and avoid paying a dime in Medicare taxes under current law, or a dime in social security taxes under whatever this proposal is?
# 39 should now address Daddy Love @ 34. Looks like Goldy is up now, getting rid of the spam postings. Good morning Goldy :)
Actually, you can get a job without photo ID. The I-9 form allows a voter registration card to be used as proof of identity:
This is ironic, for at least two reasons. First, many states do not require a photo ID or other PROOF of identity in order to register to vote. Second, the I-9 form does not allow a voter registration card to be used as proof of citizenship — even though every state requires U.S. citizenship in order to be eligible to vote (not every state requires PROOF of this citizenship, of course).
Looks like righties everywhere are getting caught.
By the way, Dickey, in addition to looking like a child rapist, in addition to proving he’s a freak, in addition to being a hypocrite, today, is misrepresenting the case about Vance “hand picking” Will Baker. According to several republican sources, Vance didn’t even want Baker in the race.
But hey, what do facts matter to a freak like Pope?
I think I am going to start a researc fund. Maybe Goldy can administer it. I will pay people to poor through all of the public records on Pope and his political activities and his activities as an attorney. Since this is the sort of thing he likes to do, let’s return the favor. There has to be a treasure trove of informaion there we can alert the public to before the vote in Nov. We should also collect some of his better gems here at HA. If the voters knew the kind of crazy shit he writes here, they’d vote against him in a heartbeat.
Jim King @23,
Well, Lynn at Evergreen Politics heard the results directly from EMILY’s List, so the poll exists. Groups like EMILY’s List conduct polling like this to determine where they are going to spend their money… and apparently they’ve decided to spend some cash in WA-08 based on the results.
So you can dismiss it if you want, but two independent polls now show this race within the margin of error. Meanwhile, neither the Reichert campaign or the NRCC have leaked their internal polling. At some point the local R’s are going to have let go of their “Darcy isn’t a credible challenger” meme and start waging this campaign on Reichert’s record and the issues.
I’m just sayin’
It is nice to see that you have a really good buddy like “RightEqualsStupid”. Back when you were being accused of whatever it was regarding children, you were extremely offensive and outraged. But when your buddy “RightEqualsStupid” posts even more disgusting stuff about myself, where is your outrage?
And by the way, I don’t think you should be allowing all those personal attacks against Carl Grossman either. Carl seems like a really nice guy, but even if he weren’t, he doesn’t deserve the kind of abuse he has been taking lately.
If you are going to allow this kind of outrageous garbage to be posted, you should also publicize the identity of people who are making such disgusting personal attacks against others.
In the “For What It Is Worth” department, Will Baker was hand-picked by Chris Vance to run for State Auditor. No Republican filed during filing week. State law allows a political party to appoint someone to fill a vacancy in filing on its ticket during the week after filing closes. So Vance signed the necessary paperwork to file Will Baker as the GOP candidate for State Auditor. Vance very quickly regretted his decision, but it was Vance’s decision and action in any event.
Who the hell is Carl Grossman, and why is he taking up so much cyberspace?
Carl Grossman is the most important man in washington
Sheesh go read a paper or something yeah mook
Libertarian @ 48
Carl Grossman seems to be one of the few reasonable lefty posters on this blog. He uses the name “My Left Foot”, but regularly identifies himself by his real name. Carl is a retired career military officer — Army I believe. He is married to a nice lady named Teresa, who is an established attorney. Apparently, he has a son from his first marriage who is presently serving in the military. Seems like a very nice fellow, and whether you agree with his politics or not, he doesn’t deserve all the abuse that is being dished up at him.
How completely fucking disiungenuous can you be Pope? I mean I understand it’s your nature and all being a republican but come on. Signing off on the form and “hand picking the candidate” are hardly the same thing. Talk around Tacoma was that Vance didn’t even know who Baker was when he signed the form and that’s one of the reasons republicans wanted him ousted. You’re a fucking liar or an idiot or both.
Now why don’t you COME CLEAN and admit that your statement was pure fucking hyperbole. Show us that famous integrity you righties are supposed to have.
Vance no more “hand picked” Baker than he did you!
I attack you becuase you’re a hypocrite. You deserve it.
And for the record I didn’t say you were a child rapist Dickey. I didn’t call DHS on you and report you like they did Goldy. I said you LOOKED like one. I don’t for a minute believe you ARE one. Then again, using republican standards of proof, I should say I have no evidence that you are NOT one either.
But all that aside, you are a doufass looking SOB! And as usual, you’re trying to tie apples to oranges just because they like you, are fruit!
Your own article Dickey proves Vance had no ties to Baker. God you righties are fucking incredible.
Keith Olbermann is at it again. Taking FOX News, “Mike” Wallace JR, and the POTUS out behind the woodshed and beating them senseless.
KO is fast becoming the voice of reason for America.
Enjoy, Wingnuts, the end is near.
“At some point the local R’s are going to have let go of their “Darcy isn’t a credible challenger” meme and start waging this campaign on Reichert’s record and the issues.”
Not a chance. They’ve decided to campaign solely on raising Darcy’s negatives. They might get away with it. She’s got to do both, I think. Give voters a reason to vote FOR her, and tar and feather Reichert.
Richard Pope @ 39
“What is this proposal regarding social security taxes? No more income ceiling on the 6.2% (actually 12.4% with 6.2% employer matching share) social security tax?Would a top corporate executive be able to cash in $20 million or $30 million in a single year, and avoid paying a dime in Medicare taxes under current law, or a dime in social security taxes under whatever this proposal is? ”
To the extent that such compensation is in the form of wages, which would include the proceeds from the exercise of stock options and the purchase value of stock grants, they WOULD be taxed under the Demcratic proposal.
What happened? This is better…
Richard Pope @ 39
“What is this proposal regarding social security taxes? No more income ceiling on the 6.2% (actually 12.4% with 6.2% employer matching share) social security tax?”
You are correct. This is the very reasonable Democratic proposal put forward last year as an alternative while the president was touring the country trying to gin up support for removing the SS safety net and adding an additional $1 trillion to our national debt. Just tax ALL wages w/SS withholding. The local R’s are trying to pin it on Darcy, and mislead voters into thinking that their taxes will be raised, instead of those of only the top 5% of taxpayers.
As for your other comments, I agree that it is a travesty that wage income is the only income taxed for SS.
Stock options are a funny thing, in that the option is really a right to purchase, and not a cash-value commodity. Typically, stock options are exercised by buying then then selling the stock in a single transaction. The difference between the buying and selling price is taxable as wage income, though CEO-sized option grants are generally above the $90K limit. This wage income WOULD end up being taxed under the Democratic proposal.
Outright stock grants result in ordinary (wage) income to employees. The income is computed as the stock grant vests based on the fair market value on the vesting dates. In other words, the value of the stock at the time it is “purchased” (even if purchased in a vestign plan) is wage income, and any increase in the stock value subsequent to purchase is a capital gain.
I don’t think no-interest home loans, or any loans, are considered to be wage income.
So to address: “Would a top corporate executive be able to cash in $20 million or $30 million in a single year, and avoid paying a dime in Medicare taxes under current law, or a dime in social security taxes under whatever this proposal is? ”
To the extent that such compensation is in the form of wages, which would include the proceeds from the exercise of stock options and the purchase value of stock grants, they WOULD be taxed under the Demcratic proposal.
Sorry, mrs sweetcheeks, I’m well known as a Catholic and Catholics are well known for knowing Catholicism rather than the studying the Bible. From what I can find here, you are proudass A person who makes empty threats. A person who now quotes the Bible.
Your proof poofed, sweetcheeks.
Nice try.
Is it really so hard to imagine there are more than a few that consider your husband a vile ass?
It shouldn’t be.
Well, I certainly hope Ottinger gets knocked out in the primary, but in a LaSalata-Pope race, I will have to vote for LaSalata. Sorry, Richard, but that’s the way it goes. Bar Ass’n ratings do matter.
If Carl Grossman is a “pig” what does that make you?
Global competitiveness…
I would think we were doing pretty well in that area, but from 2005 to 2006 we fell from first to sixth. Why?
The problem? High standards. Damn them anyway. We’re being dinged because of our absurdly high trade imbalances and our also absurdly high annual budget deficits and ballooning public debt.
“Disorderly adjustment” is a polite way of saying things like massive recessions, unemployment, currency devaluations, high inflation…stuff like that. Economic shocks. Like Katrina, perfectly natural, and you can sure as hell see ’em coming. Equally devastating.
Thank your local Republican Member of Congress.
Carl Grossman seems to be one of the few reasonable lefty posters on this blog. He uses the name “My Left Foot”, but regularly identifies himself by his real name. Carl is a retired career military officer – Army I believe. He is married to a nice lady named Teresa, who is an established attorney. Apparently, he has a son from his first marriage who is presently serving in the military. Seems like a very nice fellow, and whether you agree with his politics or not, he doesn’t deserve all the abuse that is being dished up at him. -Commentby Richard Pope— 9/26/06@ 9:00 am/I>
Sorry Richard but you are starting to sound like a Clinton liberal excuse-maker and apologist…
Carl may well have BEEN all those things, however he is judged NOW on the HERE and NOW.
He is the single most vicious, vile, foul mouthed ASS here at the ass and then he runs for cover under the skirt of “nice lady named Teresa”.
In the real world, you don’t get to be a vicious, vile, foul mouthed ASS then attempt to fall back on the nice guy you used to be/might have been yesterday.
HERE AND NOW he has chosen vicious, vile and foul.
He has defined himself, routinely exhibited himself and openly bragged about vicious, vile and foul mouthed defining him and he is NOW rightly judged on it.
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change
it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou
I might add, Maya, don’t whine and allow your wife to complain either.
damn it…
Carl Grossman seems to be one of the few reasonable lefty posters on this blog. He uses the name “My Left Foot”, but regularly identifies himself by his real name. Carl is a retired career military officer – Army I believe. He is married to a nice lady named Teresa, who is an established attorney. Apparently, he has a son from his first marriage who is presently serving in the military. Seems like a very nice fellow, and whether you agree with his politics or not, he doesn’t deserve all the abuse that is being dished up at him. -Commentby Richard Pope— 9/26/06@ 9:00 am
Sorry Richard but you are starting to sound like a Clinton liberal excuse-maker and apologist…
Carl may well have BEEN all those things, however he is judged NOW on the HERE and NOW.
He is the single most vicious, vile, foul mouthed ASS here at the ass and then he runs for cover under the skirt of “nice lady named Teresa”.
In the real world, you don’t get to be a vicious, vile, foul mouthed ASS then attempt to fall back on the nice guy you used to be/might have been yesterday.
HERE AND NOW he has chosen vicious, vile and foul.
He has defined himself, routinely exhibited himself and openly bragged about vicious, vile and foul mouthed defining him and he is NOW rightly judged on it.
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change
it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou
I might add, Maya, don’t whine and allow your wife to complain either.
Hey, wow. Besides the NIE that the NY Times reported on this weekend, it appers there’s a second embarassing intelligence document in Iaaq currently being sat on by the administration.
What the fuck? MTR just told me freedom was on the march.
You see, Richard Pope, if you point out a lack of civility, it’s not that the subject of your criticism is at fault in any conceivable way, oh no. It’s just that you’re a ‘Clinton liberal excuse-maker and apologist.’
Daddy Love @ 57
How does the Medicare tax apply to Mike McGavick and Safeco? McGavick made $28 million from selling stock options/rights whatever, and maybe $17,000 or so for two months of his $100,000 year salary. Does McGavick have to pay the 1.45% Medicare tax on the $28 million? And how does Safeco pay its 1.45% matching share, if this is the case?
Civility is a 2 way street, sweetcheeks.
You can’t be vicious, vile and foul-mouthed then cry UNCIVIL when you are called on it.
Do you even understand the concept of hypocrisy?
Then again, there are those who will never be the bigger person. I see one.
Richard Pope
I don’t know what McGavick made from an execise of stock options. But whatever it was, it is taxable as wage income. I am not conversant with the law on Medicare tax, but if it is as you say, then yes, he has to pay the 1.45% on all wage income received.
Safeco is informed by the brokerage house who handles the stock option exercise whenever an exercise occurs, and it then files the correct forms and pays what it is supposed to. Presumably.
Good morning, Teresa! Now get in the kitchen and start breakfast!!!!
ROTFLMAO!!! What a great thread!!!!!!!!
ROTFLMAO!!! What a great thread!!!!!!!!
“Online, people can be anyone or anyway they want. It can be an extension of their true personality” [Teresa “Paris Hilton” Grossman]
OK……….HA.OEG’s Question Of The Day: How many posters on HA.ORG need to have their wives post to “protect” them from evil “baddies”?
“If Carl Grossman is a “pig” what does that make you?”
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………………Would that make Teresa “Mrs. Pig”?]
63 Proudofherlyingthreateningass
“In the real world, you don’t get to be a vicious, vile, foul mouthed ASS then attempt to fall back on the nice guy you used to be/might have been yesterday.”
Comment by howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS — 9/26/06 @ 10:08 am
OK. lets use your standard, Sparky. You constantly lie, make up “facts” to suit you, toss outlandish false charges around as if there were no tomorrow, and so on.
So let us stand in judgement of you today. You are a vicious, mean spirited, morally corrupt and intellectually bankrupt individual.
Now lets take your sentence at face value, specifically “In the real world…” Baby doll, this is NOT the real world. This is fantasy land. A venue where fools come to have a life, to live out a fantasy of being clever. What you have not learned is that a clever tongue, particularly in your case, is not indicative of a sharp mind.
Now as much as you refuse to admit it, Mrs Left Foot, to paraphrase my favorite TV dad, Red Forman, “put her foot in your ass” so deep it will take surgical intervention to remove it. You have failed to address any of the issues in any of the posts between you, me and Teresa.
In addition, miss proudofyourlyingthreateningass, you are defending JCH. This hypocrisy is beyond excuse or rationalization. As Teresa pointed out, you should probably not throw stones, due to the glass construction of your house.
I appreciate Richard Pope calling what goes on here abuse. It is. On all sides. I admit it. I also admit to always knowing that the person on the other end could be a 17 year old high school kid who is getting his rocks off living this version of As The HorsesAss Turns.
To answer you honestly, miss proudofyourlyingthreateningass, my feelings have never been hurt here. I know that, similar to going to a movie, that I am suspending reality during the time I am here. I believe it is amerikafirst that I am going to meet at Danny’s on Friday. Perhaps you will “believe” him (another person you don’t know) when he reports in regarding our conversation. It will never dawn on you that he could be totally lying, you will hang on each word, as if Jesus Christ himself, were speaking the gospel. The folly of it all is that an anonymous person you “respect” (due to his political views) will be reporting back about yet another anonymous person you dislike (again, due to his political views). Kind of gives new meaning to Fair and Balanced, doesn’t it?
Now you can understand why I say your pretend “family business”, your pretend “children”, your latest pretend “automobile”, etc etc… Until you prove to me that you are who you say you are, you are nothing more than an electronically generated fart. The noise is funny and the effect passes quickly.
Teresa is right about one thing. I spend far too much time here, bantering with mindless RightWingNuts, rather than focusing on the issues which brought me here in the first place. You are all too foolish to see your rights being taken away, You can’t see (refuse to see) the constant, unrelenting attack upon our Constitution by this administration, by the worst President since Harding, and in my view, ever.
Let me focus on an issue that I have a personal stake in. Torture of “enemy combatants”. When the other side of any conflict uses our policy against our soldiers (my son included) the vocal outrage will be deafening. The folks on the right will shriek in horror about the barbaric treatment of our soldiers. A cry will rise up to destroy the enemy for this egregious act of inhuman, primitive behavior. It will never dawn on them, not once, that the decision of this country to allow torture, to redefine Article 3 of the Geneva convention, is the sole and root cause of their outrage. The one thing that really hits home with me, is that the people making this decision, will never have to face its consequences. Ironic, isn’t it?
So proudofherlyingthreateningass, how about addressing an issue facing this country today? Any issue that affects you one way or the other. The only “rule” is don’t use talking points. You must use your own words to express your own feelings.
What does this sentence mean? It looks like it was constructed during a fit of simultaneous rage and sanctimonious orgasm.
“He has defined himself, routinely exhibited himself and openly bragged about vicious, vile and foul mouthed defining him and he is NOW rightly judged on it.”
Comment by howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS — 9/26/06 @ 10:08 am
I would respond but the sentence seems to be a collection of unrelated words. Who is this Vicious person and when did I brag about them?
Just because you don’t use “foul language” does not place you above others. Your posts are laced with passive/aggressive language designed to incite. Only problem is, it does not work. Perhaps you should try a fuck, asshole, bitch or skankasswhore. Then you might hurt somebody’s feelings. A loved might read those words and be hurt too. (The preceeding sentences are an example of MOCKING) (snicker)
I do see how the nice Catholic girl never learned that only God may judge.
I have nothing to prove to you, Mr Pot…
Llamas and dogs (and goats, oh my!)
Cali with the kids
Lawyer wife
Military background
Island living
Square footage and acreage… proof? I thought not.
… and I would never give a vile vicious foul-mouthed pig like you the particulars of my children, my business or even my gender.
I believe your vile, vicious attitude is an absolutely true and honest reflection of your personality (despite the protestations of your convenient alter-ego and/or apologist wife) and I consider you a threat to my children. You are hateful.
The issues of today?
*America has not been attacked since 9/11.
*Clinton wanted to prosecute terorists, Bush wants to destroy them.
*Another terrorist is dead today!
*The Geneva Convention is in tact.
*Monitoring terrorists is what prevented the London threat last month.
*Your liberals have loads and load of really great one-liners. The sad news is they have no plan to back it up. Nancy crows about creating jobs. Ok Nancy, I agree jobs are great. So, how are you going to do it? Are you going to create more GOVERNMENT jobs, because frankly nancy, that’s the only jobs you can create.
*The price of gas is down, down, down and the stock market edging new highs.
*Unemployment is lower than Clinton years, Bush 1 years and Reagan years. Hard to argue with that, but you will, I’m sure.
*Consumer confidence is up.
*American woman are finally realizing abortion is not a good thing and yong women are turning away from murdering their children.
Just because you don’t use “foul language” does not place you above others. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 11:36 am
Actually it does.
Just because you don’t use “foul language” does not place you above others. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 11:36 am
Actually, it does.
29 #9, Last I saw, Carl’s ‘pearls of wisdom were dripping out of your mouth
Comment by AmericaWas1stB4Chimpy — 9/26/06 @ 5:12 am
Thank you. Great comeback. Wish I would have “cum” up with that.
Gee carl, if you do have a son, if he is in the military, why don’t you ask him which he considers torture..
loud music in a cold, damp room?
beheading, burning and being dragged behind a vehicle?
Why is it you are so quick to condemn your own government but turn a blind eye to the atrocities performed on your fellow citizens.
Oh, of course: hate Bush.
Got it.
I sure don’t remember deafening vocal outage OR any retaliation for the atrocities in Mogadishu (sp?)… imagine that.
Proudofherfatlyingass is once againg lost in the breeze.
You made specific charges about where I live. I challenged you to prove it. You failed. You made specific charges about me threatening your “children”. I challenged you to prove it. You failed. You made specific charges about Teresa’s work and phone, again, I challenged you to prove it. You failed.
You are a failure, missy.
I asked you about issues, You give me a laundry list of talking points, none of which are valid.
What you really are is a religious right wing zealot who can not mask her contempt for anything that violates what her religion teaches or her political party supports. Give it a rest. Everyone here knows exactly what kind of whore you are.
Nope, noipe, and noipe
*America has not been attacked since 9/11.
Amercia was attacvked wiht anthrax after 9/11. WHop did it? We’d all like to know. Maybe some day Bush will catch the culprit. Yeah, right…
*Clinton wanted to prosecute terorists, Bush wants to destroy them.
Bush tells us a lot about what he wants to do. He talks like a real tough guy. But Osama bin Laden isa living a peaceful life in Pakistan. Bill Clinton DID prosecurte and convist terrorists. Bush let Osama go.
*The Geneva Convention is in tact.
We have been ignoring and violating the Geneva COnventions for eyars now. And the currecnt Senate bill gives the president the power to decide to follow them or not, and strips from the accused the right to challenge their detention, their condtions, and their prosecution. I wouldn’t call that “intact.”
*Monitoring terrorists is what prevented the London threat last month.
If only it had been the US that did it. And the UK police got warrants, which is what our guys DON’T do.
*Your liberals have loads and load of really great one-liners. The sad news is they have no plan to back it up. Nancy crows about creating jobs. Ok Nancy, I agree jobs are great. So, how are you going to do it? Are you going to create more GOVERNMENT jobs, because frankly nancy, that’s the only jobs you can create.
Hey, speaking of great one-liners, did you hear the one about the Clinton presidency creating more than 22.5 million jobs—the most jobs ever created under a single administration, and more than were created in the previous 12 years, and 92 percent of which were in the private sector? It’s a knee slapper.
*Unemployment is lower than Clinton years, Bush 1 years and Reagan years. Hard to argue with that, but you will, I’m sure.
Only because it’s not true that unemployment is lower that it EVER was under Clinton. It fell from 6.9 percent in 1993 to just 4.0 percent in January 2001. The unemployment rate was below 5 percent for 40 consecutive months. Unemployment for African Americans fell from 14.2 percent in 1992 to 7.3 percent in 2000, the lowest rate on record. Unemployment for Hispanics fell from 11.8 percent in October 1992 to 5.0 percent in 2000, also the lowest rate on record.
But Bush is good, Clinton bad.
82 and 83
Of course it was not her fatlyingthreatening ass on that Black Hawk. It was not your children. No!
It was my men, my brothers, my team, my country riding in that chopper. Your only connection is that you watched it all from the safety of your living room, passing judgment about what you know nothing. Those men were doing the bidding of their country, protecting your fatlyingthreateningass. They knew the risks. They knew death was a possibility. A soldier knows that it matters not how death finds you. You are still just as dead. You will never understand the meaning of war. You will never understand what it takes to kill another human being. You only see it from your protected little house on your TV screen, while you eat dinner.
I am sickened by the right wings appetite for war and death. Lets nuke ’em all. Lets send in a few bombs. Lets just take them over. The problem is that you never feel the death. You are not there to see it. This administration will not allow pictures of flag draped coffins to be published. Why do you think that is? You are the dumbest, fucking moron on this blog. You have not one God damn right to pass judgment or to demand the death of another human being. You have never worn the uniform, sworn to protect this country, uphold the constitution. You have never faced a death that results from our own inhumanity. You have never knocked on the door of your soldiers parents home and, without saying a word, told them that their child is dead. Gone. Forever. I have done this. More times than I care to remember. It is true, they know as soon as they see the car park and you get out in your Dress Uniform. Often, you don’t even get to the door. They meet you outside. Some, realizing the pain of this awful duty, try to comfort you. How is that for irony?
You want to argue that the other side started this. What exactly did Saddam start? There are 100s of senior military officers who have resigned their commissions over this “war” on terror. Are they traitors? Are they appeasers?
Hell the fuck no!
They are men of principle, men of conscience who refused to continue to participate in the killing of innocents, ours and theirs, in the name of a war that simply should not be. I swore to uphold the constitution and protect this country. I also swore to serve the President. The first two promises trump the last. Rather than refuse a direct order, or to give an order that was clearly not in line with the first two vows, I left the service when my last reenlistment came up.
I possess the ability to kill. I also possess the ability to reason. That makes me different from you and the rest of the animals in the jungle.
You come to me when you have faced the absolute horror of death. You come to me when you have held the mother of a slain soldier for hours, until she stopped crying long enough to call someone to be with her. You call me when you have stood at the grave site of a soldier as they lay him in the ground. You come to me with your sanctimonious, simple solutions for the worlds troubles when you have done these things. When your child has faced these things. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. You don’t know what you are talking about. You only know you are getting attention.
You will get very little from me from now on.
May God Bless America. (even you)
Rangers Lead The WAY!!!
Carl Grossman
Soldier, Brother, Father. Son, Liberal, Democrat, Patriotic American and Proud!
Now, proudasss, go fuck yourself silly with your Winger friends, while real men (boys really) are dying doing the bidding of our mindless President.
Oh, and yes, absolutely I am filled with righteous indignation. Do not mistake it for anger at you. It is indignation aimed at our government and its foolhardy policy of preemptive striking. The military is a defense. The military is not an offensive weapon. Why do you think they call it the Department of Defense? Why isn’t it the Department of Offensive Killing?
Everyone here knows exactly what kind of whore you are. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 11:52 am
Vile, vicious, foul-mouthed pig. Thanks for proving my point.
Your alter-ego/wife tried to trumpet what a ‘gentleman’ you are toward ‘her’.
Big deal.
You’re expected to treat those you presumably love well.. It’s a persons attitude toward strangers that speaks volumes about them and your’s is still and always predictably HATEFUL.
I pity your alter-ego/wife the time when the bloom fades from the rose of new love and she runs head on to your vile, vicious side. Enjoy the honeymoon Tesesa… but keep the number for the womans shelter on speed dial.
Those may have been ‘your’ men in riding in that chopper (sure on the TV in your den maybe) but I STILL see no outrage against the pig in power at the time that tucked tail and ran.
“ The point of citing Somalia in the run up to 9-11 is that bin Laden told Fortune Magazine in a 1999 interview that the precipitous American pullout after Black Hawk Down convinced him that Americans would not stand up to armed resistance. “
“ Clinton said conservatives “were all trying to get me to withdraw from Somalia in 1993 the next day” after the attack which killed American soldiers. But the real question was whether Clinton would honor the military’s request to be allowed to stay and avenge the attack, a request he denied. The debate was not between immediate withdrawal and a six-month delay. (Then-first lady, now-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) favored the first option, by the way). The fight was over whether to attack or pull out eventually without any major offensive operations. “
Whistling out your ass again, eh?
You really do enjoy that high horse, don’t cha? Problem is you fell off about the time you tried to make me out to be a child molester. Right about the time you called me a lying bastard. Right about the time you attempted to terrorize Teresa with outing her.
You are a Republican whore. You will shill for any point they come up with. True or otherwise.
This is a liberal country, Get used to it.
(you seem sensitive to that. Wonder why? Hmmmmmm…)
By the way, I don’t hate you. I despise you. I loathe you. But I don’t hate. That would just not be very Christian of me.
Just think of me at the liberal JCH. Only I can think. I can form a cognitive thought and I can spew bullshit even better than I can. Hey, how come you don’t chastise JCH?
spew bullshit better than JCH can. Damn fingers.
“But the real question was whether Clinton would honor the military’s request to be allowed to stay and avenge the attack, a request he denied. ”
And that’s why we have civilian control over the military. Damn right he didn’t “honor the miltary’s request” (Though I have not yet taken the time to find our if your sources are lying. Again.) The president decides, not the generals. They have a narrow view, the president a wider one. If I were the president I would look pretty questioningly at any officer who put a request to me in those terms. “Uh, sir, this isn’t to advance our strategic objectives or protect a vital national interest. We’re just miffed and want to go in for revenge. Should I consider that approved, sir?” Fuck no.
DAddy Love:
At last, someone who gets it. I can tell you that most voices in the military were calling for restraint. We were all outraged, we all wanted revenge, but revenge is not the province of the military, as most officers understand.
I wouldn’t fault anyone for wanting revenge. It’s the most natural thing in the world. But the US military is not a general’s toy.
A Rethug is lecturing liberals on “civility”?!
“It’s a persons attitude toward strangers that speaks volumes about them” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/26/06@ 1:02 pm
Indeed. Care to share with us your opinion of Ann Coulter?
Check out this new postcard mailer from the Reichert campaign:
MWS Wow. Damaging. Why don’t you ask Dave Reichert about these issues, and see if you can understand his answer. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/26/06@ 6:43 am
Don’t need to Daddy Love: The question is for Darcy I have No Plan for Terrorism Burner. The Republican’s plan for terrorism is known.
Carl: It was my men, my brothers, my team, my country riding in that chopper. Your only connection is that you watched it all from the safety of your living room, passing judgment about what you know nothing. Those men were doing the bidding of their country, protecting your fatlyingthreateningass. They knew the risks. They knew death was a possibility. A soldier knows that it matters not how death finds you. You are still just as dead. You will never understand the meaning of war. You will never understand what it takes to kill another human being. You only see it from your protected little house on your TV screen, while you eat dinner.
I met someone who was in that unit Carl. I am going to email the person in San Jose and ask if he knows a Carl Grossman.
Stand by. I’ll see if he’s in…
Call went out Carl. Last chance to tell the truth!
“It’s a persons attitude toward strangers that speaks volumes about them” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/26/06@ 1:02 pm
Indeed. Care to share with us your opinion of Ann Coulter?-Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/26/06@ 2:32 pm
She is a PUBLIC figure making her fortune commentiong on OTHER PUBLIC FIGURES. Their political and/or personal foibles are fair game… as are hers… and the pig Michael Moores, lefty heroes Franken, Olberman, Maher, Garafolo…
By the way, I don’t hate you. I despise you. I loathe you. But I don’t hate. That would just not be very Christian of me.
-Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:28 pm
So now you’re a Christian? Tough keeping your stories straight eh? Maybe Teresa can help you out.
You hate me/you don’t hate me, you loathe me/you don’t loathe me, you despise me/you don’t despise… pick and choose, sweetcheeks because, (pay very close attention now) YOUR OPINION IS INCONSEQUENTIAL TO ME.
You and that twit that was stupid enough to marry you, a vile, vicious, hate-filled, foul-mouthed punk, seem to think if you pound out well written “stories” about your oh so glorious and pity poor me painful past in the “military” that somehow that gives anything you say credence and weight.
News flash: it doesn’t.
I don’t give a far rats ass if you lick Teresa’s boots when she walks in from where ever the hell it is she goes when she leaves you home alone, I don’t care if you wore a uniform, I don’t care if you didn’t. I don’t care about the scars on your belly or your non-existant soul.
One thing I did catch though, sweetcheeks, is that your tantrum trumped your “honor”..
I swore to uphold the constitution and protect this country. I also swore to serve the President. The first two promises trump the last. Rather than refuse a direct order, or to give an order that was clearly not in line with the first two vows, I left the service when my last reenlistment came up. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 12:41 pm
Now, gee, why doesn’t that surprise me?
You did get one thing right though, sweetcheeks:
I can spew bullshit even better than JCH can. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:30 pm
You will get very little from me from now on. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 12:41 pm
And yet, here you are:
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:27 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:28 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:30 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:31 pm
No reponse yet Carl, but I’ll soon find out if Carl Grossman was a member of the Black Hawk down squad.
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