A newly released poll conducted by Lake Research Partners shows incumbent Republican Cathy McMorris leading Democratic challenger Peter Goldmark by a 7 point margin, 45% to 38%, in Washington’s 5th Congressional District. This is actually incredibly encouraging news for Goldmark, especially when you consider the survey was conducted way back in mid-September… and man, things have changed since then. 350 likely voters were surveyed, with a sampling error of +/- 5.2%.
Despite her incumbency and name recognition advantage McMorris remains mired well below 50%, and her job performance rating comes in at a 13 point negative, 37% to 50%. That’s not a place an incumbent wants to be. The pollsters conclude:
With enough resources to communicate Goldmark’s strong messages, inform voters about McMorris’ voting record, and drive home the potent contrast between Goldmark’s priorities and Cathy McMorris’ special interest agenda, this seat is winnable.
“Resources”… that means money. And Goldmark needs whatever you can afford to send him. The campaign has raised $750,000 as of September 30, $80,000 ahead of their target. But they still need another $300,000 between now and election day to keep Goldmark’s ads on the air and give him a chance to win.
So… if you haven’t already given to Peter, please give now. 124 HA readers have already given over $5,800 via my Act Blue page. Let’s see if we can push that up over $7,000 by the end of the weekend. (And while you’re there, please feel free to throw some money to Darcy Burner as well.)
Thanks Goldy.. this is hopeful news that inspires all to visualize a Democratic Congress after November 7th.
Mr. Irrelevant has risen from the dead (must be Oct) over at (U)sp.
So I just sent him a quick note to see if he had a pair.
Poor Irrelevant;
Unable to make his point over at HA, so he come back and posts for the sheeple. He did pick up some of the bad habits you are all so offended by though.
Speaking of Irellevant;
How’d that BIAW siphoned tax money do for you on GROAN purchase plan?
BIAW spending it on I-933 now?
I’d love to move in next to you and that Guvment employee wife of yours, but I’d have to be slumming it moving into a doublewide. But what a perfect place to have you pay me not to put in a stripclub. Does your wife need to earn a little extra income? There are still some non-pedophile Republicans out there into that Jabba the Hut type woman. (No Lap dances though, it could be premeditated murder)
How about your buddy O’leily showing Foley as a Democrat? Now there’s no agenda on what you call news there.
Read John Warners Statement about Iraq today?
It involves reading, cause I am sure Faux news didn’t show it.
Please use your internet for something other than picking the winner of the cutest Page for Foley contest.
Anything else from you? See you over at HA if Mrs. Hut has left you a pair.
GBS, I figured out your problem. You so much wanted to be an officer. Instead, you are a busted E-3 loser. The officers got the babes, and you took orders, said “Yes Sir!”, and served time in the brig. Sad, GBS. Very sad.
“Officer And A Gentleman”………….No, GBS, the movie was not titled “Busted E-3 Loser GBS”……….Sorry, JCH, LT, USN [77-84]
Donate to Goldmark! Blows against the Empire!!
I don’t mean that in a Folean sense.
Just watched “Judge Judy”, and there was GBS. Borrowing someone else’s car, driving with a license or insurance, getting into a fight, causing a wreak, and blaming someone else. GBS: typical Democrat.
Headless Lucy, If the Speaker of the House has not resigned by COB Friday of next week, you own me 20 bucks. If he resigned by COB Friday, I’ll “visa” Goldy twenty to give to you. YOU ARE COVERED, “guvment” union hack.
Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Harold Ford Jr. referred to himself as a lawyer earlier this week, but the congressman has not passed the bar exam. Michael Powell, senior adviser to the Ford campaign, said U.S. Rep. Ford took the Tennessee bar exam in February 1997 and failed. He said that was the only time Rep. Ford has taken the test. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….In honor of REP Harold “MoFo” Ford, DEMOCRAT, [ESQ?], I am adding ESQ to my post name. hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ]
“I make mistakes…”
Commentby GBS […….Yes, You do, GBS. That is why you are an E-3.]
The ESQ is a valid as the Dr in the moniker of JCH.
My DR is every bit as valid as Democrat poster “Dr E’s”. And, it seems like my “ESQ” is as valid as REP Harold Ford’s, DEMOCRAT, TN. You do understand the joke is on the Democrats?
Hey! Does anyone remember GARY CONDIT, DEMOCRAT, CA? hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ
Your whole fucking problem is you think politics is a big fucking joke! I’ve always taken politics seriously because it affects things that ARE serious — war and peace, life and death, the economy, health care, education, etc. JCH, you are nothing but a cartoon; a sad shadow of a once-intelligent man.
re 6: I move faster than the speed of light. I have a new occupation this year. With a Master’s Degree a lot of doors open if you’re plucky and have a good personality. Sorry, didn’t want to rub the personality thing in your odious face. But there you go. That’s why people like me always win out over people like you. You are so , well, “unlikeable”. Kind of like the kid in 6th grade with the smelly feet who picked his pimples and ate them.
I’m still in the union though. Cheaper and better auto and home insurance. Power in numbers. That sort of thing.
Why don’t youjust go to your Kazinsky shack in the woods and forget to come back?
Just who is this junior high punk JCH Kennedy ?
Nothing but more “mis-direction” from JCH. Bush is stuck well below 40’s appoval ratings through the November election. Even twenty-five year “Reagan Republican” voters are deserting the party in droves.
Rove will probably pull out his “October Surprise” out of his hat in the next two weeks, and everyone will spit on it. Even Republicans believe the recent drop in the price of gas has been manipulated to help Bush out.
Six months ago if you told me that a Democrat could be elected to Congress in Eastern Washington, I would have laughed at you. Now a political novice is within striking distance of unseating a Republican incumbent.
Hey! Does anyone remember REP GARY CONDIT, DEMOCRAT, CA? hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ
Your whole fucking problem is you think politics is a big fucking joke! I’ve always taken politics seriously because it affects things that ARE serious – war and peace, life and death, the economy, health care, education, etc. JCH, you are nothing but a cartoon; a sad shadow of a once-intelligent man.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [……….”Francis, LIGHTEN UP!”]
Just who is this junior high punk JCH Kennedy ?
Commentby ManofTruth [………..I am JCH Kennedy. I do as I wish. I rape, kill, drink and drive, drink some more, pass laws for everyone else but not for my family, and you dumb ass liberal Democrats vote for me in EVERY FUCKING ELECTION!!! Manof Truth, Are we straight now?]
The nation’s unemployment rate fell to 4.6 percent last month, down from 4.7 in August, and average wages rose by 4 percent over the previous year — the best performance for both measures in five years…………..Congrats to President Bush!!! A job well done!!!!!!!
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean yesterday said that Maryland’s Democratic ticket should have had a black or other minority at the top, but added that the national party isn’t to blame for the lack of diversity. […………………………Maxine? Cynthia “BitchSlap The MoFo!” McKinney? Hillary “Fucking Jew Bastard” Clinton? [If her husband was the first black President……….?] Sheala Jackson “Mars Rover” Lee? hehe, JCH]
JCH – It’s better than that:
1) Stock market at all time high
2) Unemployment near historical lows
3) Interest rates near historical lows
4) Home ownership at all time high
5) Global warming solved (no hurricanes)
6) No attacks since 9/11
Since they lose the argument based on peace and prosperity, all they can do is slather over nasty IMs. Pretty pathetic…
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY, Do you remember REP Gary Condit, DEMOCRAT, CA? hehe, JCH
U.S. Senate hopeful Harold Ford Jr. referred to himself as a lawyer earlier this week, but the congressman has not passed the bar exam. Michael Powell, senior adviser to the Ford campaign, said U.S. Rep. Ford took the Tennessee bar exam in February 1997 and failed. He said that was the only time Rep. Ford has taken the test. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….In honor of REP Harold “MoFo” Ford, DEMOCRAT, [ESQ?], I am adding ESQ to my post name. hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ…………………………….A message to all my HA,ORG Kennedy brothers…..Rufus, MTRK, PUD……….Please add “ESQ” to your posts name in “honor” of REP Harold “ESQ” Ford, DEMOCRAT, TN]
Here is some more bad news for our WingNut friends. From Saturdays Washington Post:
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 7, 2006; Page A01
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert’s chief of staff confronted then-Rep. Mark Foley about his inappropriate social contact with male pages well before the speaker said aides in his office took any action, a current congressional staff member with personal knowledge of Foley and his behavior with pages said yesterday.
The staff member said Hastert’s chief of staff, Scott Palmer, met with the Florida Republican at the Capitol to discuss complaints about Foley’s behavior toward pages. The alleged meeting occurred long before Hastert says aides in his office dispatched Rep. John M. Shimkus (R-Ill.) and the clerk of the House in November 2005 to confront Foley about troubling e-mails he had sent to a Louisiana boy.
The staff member’s account buttresses the position of Foley’s onetime chief of staff, Kirk Fordham, who said earlier this week that he had appealed to Palmer in 2003 or earlier to intervene, after Fordham’s own efforts to stop Foley’s behavior had failed. Fordham said Foley and Palmer, one of the most powerful figures in the House of Representatives, met within days to discuss the allegations.
The entire article (front page) is here:
You all have fun trying to dodge this. Hastert, Bush and Rove made a huge mistake in not having the Speaker step down. He may now have to resign not only the Speakership, but his House seat as well.
Funny how that works.
One more tidbit, it is almost comical now, from the Washington Post:
Rove Aide Linked To Abramoff Resigns
Scandal Claims Its First West Wing Job
By Peter Baker and James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, October 7, 2006; Page A01
A top aide to White House strategist Karl Rove resigned yesterday after disclosures that she accepted gifts from and passed information to now-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, becoming the first official in the West Wing to lose a job in the influence-peddling scandal.
Susan B. Ralston submitted her resignation to avoid causing political damage to President Bush a month before the midterm elections, officials said. “She did not want to be a distraction to the White House at this important time,” said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.
Full text can be found here:
I can’t stop laughing, yet this is so sad. But I want to thank the Republican party for making the November elections fun for us liberal Democrats. Both houses of Congress will flip. Your president, who did not have any to begin with, will have what passes for his nuts, cut off for two years.
Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
Funny how that works.
No matter how it shakes out – we’re kicking you righties in the teeth over your ped pal Foley. Already it’s hurt you bigtime. Fund raising down 139% for GOP candidates this week from last! HE HE!
Oops – I suppose this lifelong republican is part of the vast left wing conspiracy?
We must not be reading the same newspaper, because the news I read this week was that job creation was anemic — again.
Which makes me suspect the Bushies are lying about the unemployment rate. Why wouldn’t they? They lie about everything else.
Democrats now outdistance Republicans on every single issue that could decide voters’ choices come Nov. 7. In addition to winning–for the first time in the NEWSWEEK poll–on the question of which party is more trusted to fight the war on terror (44 to 37 percent) and moral values (42 percent to 36 percent), the Democrats now inspire more trust than the GOP on handling Iraq (47 to 34); the economy (53 to 31); health care (57 to 24); federal spending and the deficit (53 to 29); gas and oil prices (56 to 23); and immigration (43 to 34).
And even if the Republicans manage to bail out their ship before the midterms, they’ll have a hard time matching their one-time strengths to voters’ priorities. A third of registered voters, 33 percent, say the single most important issue that will decide their vote will be Iraq; compare to 20 percent who say the economy and only 12 percent who say terrorism, which ties with health care.
Not looking too good for the wingnuts.
New Newsweek poll:
Bush’s approval rating at all time low in Newsweek poll: 33%
Democrats edged out Republicans for the 1st time in moral values and defense.
The bread and butter issues now belong to the Democrats with 4 weeks to ago.
Thanks Foley, we couldn’t have done it without you!
A group of illegal immigrants who worked for Wendy’s International Inc. is suing the restaurant chain because the company fired them after discovering it had missed a deadline for joining a federal program that would have helped them attain legal status. The lawsuit is a companion to a similar class-action suit filed last month against Wendy’s, its subsidiary Cafe Express and the Houston-based business law firm Boyar & Miller. […………………………………………………………………………………..25 million illegals voting Democrat plus Jew lawyers equals the death of America.]
Statement Regarding al Qaeda Threats
October 5, 2006
Astonishingly, five years post 9/11 the public is made aware about an urgent July 10, 2001 meeting that took place between former CIA Director George Tenet and then, National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. This information comes from Bob Woodward’s newly released book, “State of Denial”?.
Despite this Administration’s rhetoric that they had “no warnings”? leading up to 9/11, it has become abundantly clear, that key Administration officials were made aware of the vast array of Al Qaeda threats and warnings that existed in years prior, and more importantly, in the weeks leading up to September 11, 2001.
When we add the July 10, 2001 meeting to the plethora of other clear warnings that our government had, a very concise view of the al Qaeda threat emerges. Those other warnings include, but are not limited to:
Warnings from leaders of other nations and foreign intelligence apparatus’ of terrorist threats
June 30, 2001 Senior Executive Intelligence Briefing (SEIB) entitled “bin Laden Threats Are Real”
The threat of President Bush’s assassination at the G-8 Summit by al Qaeda in July of 2001 – using aircraft to dive bomb the summit building
July 2001 Phoenix memo, which told of potential terrorists taking flight lessons
52 FAA warnings – five of which mentioned al Qaeda’s training for hijacking
August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief entitled “bin Laden Determined to Strike in US”
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)entitled “Islamist Extremists Learn to Fly”?
Intelligence agency heads describing themselves with their “hair on fire”? to characterize the imminent nature of the threats they were intercepting from Al Qaeda and their sense of urgency in relating them to the Bush Administration
The arrest of Zacharias Moussaoui in August of 2001
FBI Agent Harry Samit’s 70 unsuccessful attempts to get a FISA Warrant to examine Moussaoui’s belongings
Aside from scheduling a National Security Council meeting on September 4, 2001, two months after the July 10 “connect the dots”? briefing from CIA director, George Tenet, the abundance of post 9/11 reports and commissions found no evidence of any action taken by appropriate officials. The 9/11 Commission itself concluded that in spite of an unprecedented attack threat in the months before 9/11, US “domestic agencies never mobilized in response to the threat. They did not have direction, and did not have a plan to institute. The borders were not hardened. Transportation systems were not fortified. Electronic surveillance was not targeted against a domestic threat. State and local law enforcement were not marshaled to augment the FBI’s efforts. The public was not warned.”
While certain members of the 9/11 Commission recalled a January 28, 2004 closed session meeting with former CIA Director, George Tenet, where this urgent July 10, 2001 meeting was discussed, this meeting was not referenced in the Commission’s final report.
In the transcript testimony, the former CIA Director described the non-routine meeting that he and Cofer Black called for with then National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice as one of the “starkest warnings”? ever given by the CIA to the White House on Al Qaeda.
To our continued dismay, both the Bush Administration and the 9/11 Commission have consistently failed to give a complete and honest accounting to the American public with regard to their actions and inactions leading up to the devastation of September 11, 2001.
The inexcusable result of this less than truthful accounting has resulted in America making important national security decisions and passing legislation using the 9/11 Commission’s conclusions and recommendations. Chillingly, these decisions appear to be based upon an unclear combination of partial truths mixed with distortions and omissions of important facts.
Incredibly, five years post 9/11 we have come full circle. In spite of all the clear warnings that our government received, why did those in power fail to invoke any defensive measures to protect our nation from the attacks of September 11, 2001?
We demand the immediate declassification and release of these latest documents and transcripts. The American public has the right to know what their government did or did not do to protect us from terrorist actions.
Finally, instead of reorganizing an entire intelligence community because they “weren’t sharing information”?, and rather than telling us that “9/11 was a failure of imagination”?, what we needed was for the 9/11 Commission to state the truth and hold those responsible to account. The most effective change for America would be to have a National Security Council that understands that it is their job to translate vital information into action.
+/- 5.2 % error means they only poole about 400 people. Hard to take the results quite as seriously as I would a larger poll. Why wouldn’t it be relatively cheap to poll way out there?
Yeah, only 51K net jobs in September. Dismal, but on the mark for the slowest recovery ever.
re 20: The unemployment rate was 3.7% when Bush took office. It was 9% when Clinton inherited it from Bush#41 and went down to 4% BEFORE 1994. Many of the educated people who were among the ranks of the unemployed are now “employed” at jobs like security guard and carpet cleaner. Many are still unemployed but have given up looking and so do not show up in the numbers.
As always, numbers don’t lie but liars use numbers — and that would be you — the traitorous Republican liar.
Think about this: If there were a country somewhere where the real military had been weakened by pointless and draining wars, but the monied elite had built up a private army and engineered some “event” as an excuse to declare martial law, would it be illegal to shoot a mercenary soldier that the monied elite had hired to suppress the citizenry?
Just wondering?
Hey it must be true you inbred morons, your Gods at Faux News Channel said so!
re 35; Any ability that you have to persuade people is negated by your final remark. You may think you are being darkly humorous, but you are not. A drug addled sanctimonious conservative radio host who goes to third world countries known for child prostitution with a suitcase full of illegal Viagra. Now that’s either darkly funny or enough to make you cry.
My prediction on the level of discussion we’ll get from the righties the day after the Nov election.
Fidel Castro has terminal cancer and will not return to power as Cuba’s leader, anonymous U.S. officials tell TIME magazine. However, the officials said the intelligence reports on the ailing, 80-year-old Cuban president are not definitive. [….BGS, Daddy Love, Carl, Goldy, I’m soooooo sorry. Would any of you be available for any organ donations for “Transplants For Communism”?]
Faux News can be a wealth of information, if you read the stories carefully. For example:
“Rep. Doc Hastings of Washington, who runs the House ethics committee, offered his unabashed support during a briefing on ethics panel activities.”
Once again, we have the head of the ethics committee commenting on one of the people he is supposed to be investigating, after having refused to bring in an outside investigator.
Even Faux News is saying that “By nearly a 2-1 ratio, voters say Democrats are better at combating corruption.”
Additionally, Faux News is reporting that “The GOP source told FOX News that the internal data had not been widely shared among Republican leaders, but as awareness of it spreads calculations about Hastert’s tenure may change. The source described the pollster who did the survey as “authoritative,” and said once the numbers are presented, it “could change the focus” on whether the speaker remains in power.”
and one last little tidbit from that story that might interest everyone:
“The same pollster who provided the gloomy news on Hastert’s effect on GOP candidates nationwide did send out an advisory on Tuesday to rank-and-file Republicans that they might consider canceling appearances with Hastert in their districts. Hours later, Rep. Ron Lewis of Kentucky announced he was canceling a fundraiser scheduled for next week where Hastert was supposed to be the headliner.”
Makes me wish I’d gotten a bet into that pool about how long Speaker Hastert would last. I’m sure there are lots of pictures of Ms. McMorris and Mr. Reichert doing the “grip and grin” routine with Speaker Hastert. Anyone wanting to preserve those images should probably download them now. I think that another round of web page scrubbing is about to commence.
This JCH guy is hilarious! At first I thought – ban the bum. But then, I realized, he just needs a little more rope and not only will he be a joker, but he can do a little dance, too! Gack! Wretch! Kick-Kick.
BTW, Millions of people are either out the other end of Unemployment Benefits, like me, and not in the statistical base for the UnEmp %, OR, they have shit Wal-Mart style jobs – it’s called underemployment. You have to look closer to understand the jobs non-market. But, JCH, that would take effort, much harder than being a mimic. Even parrots can repeat what their masters say.
RichRandal, From your post, you are probably over employed. Try picking up cans for more income.
Fidel Castro has terminal cancer and will not return to power as Cuba’s leader, anonymous U.S. officials tell TIME magazine. However, the officials said the intelligence reports on the ailing, 80-year-old Cuban president are not definitive. [….BGS, Daddy Love, Carl, Goldy, I’m soooooo sorry. Would any of you be available for any organ donations for “Transplants For Communism”?] …………………………………………….RichRandal, Try selling a kidney to Fidel. Anything but your brain.
re 44: When Cuba opens up their biggest export will be ’55 Chevies in mint condition. Because of all the US embargoes against them they have developed a totally self-sufficient and organic farming system. We have much to learn from these people.
50….ROTFLMAO!!! Yes, that is why all the blacks, welfare hacks, and poor in the USA are swimming for Cuba to have a better way of life!!!! Typical comment from a “guvment” union NEA hack.
ST. PAUL, Minn. — It may seem like a distant memory now, but Democrats not so long ago dominated the battle between the parties to get their voters to the polls. Over the past half-dozen years, Republicans reinvented the system, using sophisticated computer modeling and vast amounts of consumer data. In 2002 and 2004, they demonstrated their newfound superiority — to the dismay of Democratic Party officials and their allies. […..How to get Democrats to the polls? Food stamps, KFC, cocaine, cases of Marlboros, and Black Velvet.]
OK, let’s start.
A > 5% MOE is kind of a shaky poll. What this poll is saying is there’s a 95% confidence that Goldmark polls between 33-43%, and McMorris polls between 40-50%. So, yeah, it IS possible this race could be tied, or Goldmark could have s slight lead.
But let’s look at that money paragraph…
“With enough resources to communicate Goldmark’s strong messages, inform voters about McMorris’ voting record, and drive home the potent contrast between Goldmark’s priorities and Cathy McMorris’ special interest agenda, this seat is winnable.”
Um… doesn’t look like a nonpartisan poll here. And guess what? Lake Research is a Democratic polling firm.
So… a Democratic polling firm that was likely hired by the Goldmark campaign, or state/national Ds, finds their candidate might have a shot to win the race! What a surprise!
This is like asking Exxon to commission a poll on public attitudes on global warming- there’s a bit of a vested interest in the answer, don’t you think?
Goldy, like I’ve said: show me INDEPENDENT polling (not partisan) putting Goldmark in reach, and I’ll buy it. Until then, no sale. Citing partisan polls that were nearly certainly leaked by the campaign, that don’t even show a lead? That’s drinking Kool-Aid, not being realistic. Show me the NRCC dumpsing some cash in McMorris’s account, and I’ll sit up and take notice. Otherwise, this is spin.
Winter car care: Winter car care
When a “pollster” refers to a candidates “special interest agenda” it’s not credible, or objective.
But you’re smarter than everyone else, so you already knew that.
McMorris wins….easily.