The latest SurveyUSA poll shows incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) leading Republican nutcase challenger Katherine Harris by a comfortable margin of 53 percent to 38 percent. SurveyUSA concludes that Nelson is well positioned to hold his Senate seat.
By comparison, the most recent SurveyUSA poll of WA’s Senate race shows Democratic incumbent Sen. Maria Cantwell leading Republican challenger Mike?™ McGavick by a 53 percent to 36 percent margin.
Hmm. That means that after more than a year of campaigning and nine months of television ads, McGavick is still drawing a smaller percentage of voters than the controversial and bitterly divisive Harris… a candidate who has become the butt of jokes nationwide.
I’m just saying.
The answer almost hits you in the eye when she is on camera. She has BOOBS! McGavick has….um….well….a drink in his hand?
yeah but her bOObs are fakes ick.
plus she is what 65 or something ack
go watch ch 9 right now
We can speak when you can use my name correctly. I am an original. Please back up your claim otherwise.
You are an irredeemably lecherous malefactor and a narcissistic, orgasm faking unfortunate occurrence of unprotected intercourse.
(Again, google the big words, Mike. You are in over your head, dear. I am just getting warmed up. Words are my vocation).
Commentby Mrs. Left Foot [……..Mike, Can you imagine being
married to this bitch? No wonder Carl is “away for the weekend”.]
I thought Buttnutz was your real name ? Oh whate I forgot it’s B.M. sorry dude
Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people in the world.
Commentby Mrs Left Foot [T, you still have a little cum on your chin! Love, JCH]
Never mind B.M. Teresa he is just light headed from sniffing empty tuna cans all night
McG! will likely dump 4 million more $$$ of his Safeco cash into the race in the next 2 wks and come out with nasty neg TV ads. After all hes got to be getting desperate dontcha think?
T, Looks like you are going down tonight!! Go down, Teresa!!!
“If you want to get somewhere with me, charm and politeness (qualities of which you are completely devoid) work much better”
Teresa [……….Er, T………GET IN THE BOXCAR!!!! NOW!!!!!]
STILLMORE, Georgia (AP) — Trailer parks lie abandoned. The poultry plant is scrambling to replace more than half its workforce. Business has dried up at stores where Mexican laborers once lined up to buy food, beer and cigarettes just weeks ago.This Georgia community of about 1,000 people has become little more than a ghost town since September 1, when federal agents began rounding up illegal immigrants.
In other news, crime has gone down substantially…
So has the Democrat voting base.
yeah but her bOObs are fakes ick. Commentby The Socialist— 9/15/06@ 9:15 pm
“Ick”, indeed.
Finally, we are in agreement on something
Note NO wedding rings on “Mrs. Grossman”. A total con job by Carl!!! And now, “Teresa” is no where to be found!!! She didn’t even last the night!!! Sad…………………
Nowhere to be found? Are you into vodka again, Johnny.
Try to keep up. See the other string. The picture was no con job, the picture was fake. You are the dummy who believed (or wanted to believe) that it was real.
This is too funny. What a fucking nightmare for the righties Mikey has turned out to be. He’s not even as popular as that batshit crazy cunt Harris. And the rethugs through her under the bus a long time ago.
Man the GOP must be wishing they could start over on this one.
Really, rugrat, when you post under a different name you should try to vary your language usage.
Well, let’s try the thread’s theme. Mike! offers nothing. His silly commercial about “civility” is absurd. Is that really the key issue before us? yet that’s the only ad I can recall seeing. What does he have to offer?
Please don’t say “he’s not Maria”. The R’s on a national level proclaim that is no basis for a campaign.
i see the governor had a bid for dinner at the mansion winning bid 4k.with the money going to little old darcy.she has not a prayer but keep sending the money to that loser.but hey its coming from losers.
BREAKING NEWS ! ! ! Algore is full of shit:
Quoting from the gawd of global warming: “Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, have produced long-since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming. Ladies and gentlemen, the warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.”
Unfortunately, the facts don’t support Algore’s ill informed alarmist predictions.
Decade Category 3,4,5 Hurricanes
1941-1950 10
1951-1960 8
1961-1970 6
1971-1980 4
1981-1990 5
1991-2000 5
2001-2004 3
2005 10
2006 (as of 9/1) 0
For you moonbats who know how to use Excel, try this: Take the above data and plot it in chart form. Then apply a second order polynomial trendline to it. Notice the strong downward trend and an R^2 value of 89%. Clearly the number of major hurricanes has been decreasing for 60 years while industrialization and human activity has been accelerating. 2005 is what is known in the adult world as an “anomaly.
If Algore was right, we should have had at least 15 major hurricanes in 2006 by now. How many have we actually had? Umm…. Zero. None. Zip. Nada. So where is the “string of terrible catastrophes”?
Could it be that Algore is full of shit? Could it be that the link between hurricanes and global warming is weak at best? Could it be that there is no fucking “crisis”? Could it be that you koolaid drinkers need to re-examine your position? Nah….
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 21
” Take the above data and plot it in chart form. Then apply a second order polynomial trendline to it.”
You fucking dolt! The bin sizes are unequal. To properly fit a polynomial regression you would have to group the last categories into a similar 10-year category.
But, since you only have 5 years for the last bin, you have a data problem called “right censoring.” One can deal with the right censored data by using a method based on maximum likelihood.
But, given the amateurish statistical errors you make over and over again (e.g. your famous call for an inappropriate chi-squared analysis), I highly doubt you have ever heard of maximum likelihood, let alone have a clue about how to do the analysis correctly
I mean, really, Mark the Thieving Redneck, did you even pass your undergraduate statistics course? Didn’t think so.
Your statistical results are wholly unsound. And I haven’t even gotten to your assumptions. Try again…fucking loser!
Oh…and if you REALLY want to debate the evidence for global warming, pay up on your bet with Goldy. You made a bet, you lost, and the loser (that would be YOU) pay, asshole.
And to think how close we came to him stealing the election. Can you fucking imagine how many people would be dead if he had actually pulled it off? Frightening…
2008 presidential election…
McCain cannot win the GOP nomination. The base will not go for him. We’ve had our fill of RINOs.
The Smartest Woman In The World can easily win nomination, but she is totally unelectable because she’s so hateful and divisive.
That being the case… I’m hoping Newt decides to go for it. It would be great to have a true conservative in the white house.
Do you guys agree that TSWITW is unelectable? If so, who do you think can actually win?
Redneck – We’d to love to trash your sorry butt on the issues of the day but you’re a bet-welsher and therefore beneath the lowest of scum.
Pay your fucking gambling debt to Goldy and then we can have a conversation.
and the fact that I make you look stoopid every time you say something.
Todays Times has an interesting article concerning the Burner fundraiser at the Governors Mansion. Here are two excerpts:
1. The complaint, which will be investigated, could break new ethics ground in Washington. The Executive Ethics Board has never been asked to rule on use of the mansion for political fundraising, said Susan Harris, the board’s executive director.
But Harris and Gregoire’s staff say the mansion does not appear to fall under the law cited in the complaint because the building is also the governor’s home.
“We’d look differently at it if she was not required to live there,” Harris said.
Holly Armstrong, Gregoire’s spokeswoman, said the governor has not held fundraisers at the mansion. When Gregoire holds private dinners, which is how she sees the auctioned-off dinner, she reimburses the state for food and her chef’s time, Armstrong said. THE KEY WORD IS THAT SHE IS “REQUIRED” TO LIVE THERE.
2. Richard Pope, the attorney who filed the complaint, said Gregoire’s auction “looks to me to be illegal and unethical.” Pope lost to Gregoire in 1996 and 2000 for attorney general. He is currently running for King County District Court.
The auction reminded Pope of another questionable use of an executive mansion — one involving former President Clinton: “I’d hate the Governor’s Mansion to be like the Lincoln Bedroom.”
I am sure that proudofherfatass will tell us that the Gov’nor is not allowed to have guests for dinner. I suppose the meal could be moved to a restaurant. While the androgynous proudofherfatass might be in a tizzy over the access to the “mansion”, the value in the dinner is the access to the Gov’nor.
However the head of the ethics board has said that the gov’nor is required to live in the mansion, and is entitled to have any guest she chooses, but must pay for the food that the guest eats and the chef’s time. A minor expense I would imagine. Unless of course the androgynous one is the guest, in which case the food bill might exceed the gov’nor’s weekly paycheck.
MarkTheRedNekkidAsshole @ 24, 26 and others;
It’s just as well you can type, for if you had to speak your mind, you’d be speechless. Is that a conclusion or simply the place where you got tired of thinking? Oh well, at least you only charge what your free advice is worth. How true is Stanislaw J. Lec’s famous remark: “Every now and then you meet someone whose ignorance is encyclopedic.”
Mark the Thieving Redneck @ 26,
“and the fact that I make you look stoopid every time you say something.”
Aaaah…Mark, sorry to have to break this to you, but just about every time you open your mouth around here, you end up looking like a fool.
In fact, you remind me of the character Otto from A Fish Called Wanda
Mark the Redneck…a legend in his own miniscule mind….
And, an idiot to the rest of the world.
Just saw a comparison on CNN of last season’s Atlantic wind patterns with this season’s. It looks like we’re heading into an El Nino pattern which blows hurricanes AWAY from the coninental US.
So your analysis is flawed
A) because the buckets are unequal, as has been pointed out.
B) because it depends completely on hurricanes hitting the US, which depends on the high-level wind patterns.
C) because, as I pointed out after following your link, their data show that although the 70s and 80s were lower than normal in overall hurricane activity, the 90s and 2000s are at the norms.
Have you guys figured out yet that your man Mike! is toast?
And, in other news today, Sheriff Dave, running behind Darcy Burner in the 8th and despreately needing a boost in the polls, has come out today with a statement whining that he woulda cleaned up the KC Sheriff’s office, but the big bad KC Council didn’t give him enough money to make sure his officers stayed clean. Strong play, Dave.
From reading the article in this morning’s paper, it appears the Burner fundraiser wasn’t held at the governor’s mansion–there was an auction in which one of the items bid upon was a private dinner there with Gregoire.
I don’t know if this is legal or not, but Gregoire should have known better–the other side was bound to descend like a pack of jackals screaming “Lincoln bedroom!” I don’t know whether filing the complaint about it is going to do Richard any good or not. Reinforcing his reputation as being Quixotic may not play to what many of the voters see as good character for a judge.
32 Funny thing, Daddy…I don’t seem to recall hearing about the problems in the Sheriff’s Dept. during Reichert’s watch. If he’s saying now that there was stuff going on and he wasn’t talking about it publicly, ya sorta want to go “Hmmmmmm….”
Hey Wingnuts,
Another hard right blather head has left the sinking ship.
“So, I’m saying today, I was wrong to have voted for George W. Bush. In historic terms, I believe George W. Bush is the worst two-term President in the history of the country. Worse than Grant. I also believe a case can be made that he’s the worst President, period. After five years of carefully watching George W. Bush I’ve reached the conclusion he’s either grossly incompetent, or a hand puppet for a gaggle of detached theorists with their own private view of how the world works.”
Here is the Radio Talk Show host’s, from Los Angeles no less, complete mea culpa. It is stunning in both its honesty and completeness.
Thanks to Comment for the Clueless for finding this.
UNITED NATIONS — U.N. humanitarian chief Jan Egeland on Friday called sexual abuse “a cancer in Congolese society” and urged military and civilian authorities to punish those responsible for rapes. […………………………………………………………………………………Mrs. Grossman, No more “quick trips” to the Congo to find 9 inch “Tookie Love”!!!!!]
That comparison is a bit unfair to Mike. He starts out with the structural deficit of the Murray/Nethercutt race. There is no reason to believe he’ll do any better than George in this very blue state. If Mike ends up with 45% or so, he will have done well. No Republican can be elected to the Senate in WA unless the Dems choose to run a totally unappealing candidate (like the current Governor). And even then, it just means it’ll be a close race, nothing more.
Harris, on the other hand, is in a 50/50 state. She really is sucking badly.
Christine Gregoire, like most Attorneys General, was not well-known across the state for hard accomplishments beyond the tobacco suit. As Governor she is impressing, and her positives and approval ratings are rising fast. It won’t be 50-50 with her next time, particularly if you try to run Do-Nothing Dino five years removed from his only noteworthy accomplishment.
I’m guesing Rob McKenna will be the challenger.
Oh, and Mike! won’t be pulling no 45%.
I’m really looking for some information here, and not, primarily, seeking to pile on Mike? Still, if my query results in additional opprobrium for McSafeco, I won’t be saddened.
One Mike?’s many ad (and the bio on his campaign website) puts forward yet another heartwarming tale of life lessons learned by our boy Mike?
This involves a tale of a skateboard accident that resulted in a neighbor’s window being broken and the young hero being required to mow lawns all summer to pay for it.
The first skateboard fad was in 1963, and died in 1965 due to consumer group’s advising parents not to buy them and stores not to sell skateboard’s, for safety considerations. The urethane wheel and kicktail design of 1973 made the boards more controllable, but I don’t think skateboarding was really cool until 1975, when Mike? was seventeen.
So, was Mike? sidewalk surfing when he was five? Was he a holdout during the dark years of the late sixties? Did his parents not give hoot if he killed himself on one of the plywood, steel wheel klunkers?
Or is this just another load of crap from the McGavick campaign?
I don’t recall skateboaring being much of anything, before 1975.
41, that second paragraph should start:
One of Mike?’s many ads…
38 “That comparison is a bit unfair to Mike. He starts out with the structural deficit of the Murray/Nethercutt race. There is no reason to believe he’ll do any better than George in this very blue state.”
Well….maybe. Nethercutt faced an uphill battle west of the Cascades–we “coast liberals” are about as prejudicial against “inland empire conservatives” as they are against us. Furthermore, he was all too well identified as the guy who unseated Tom Foley and contributed to the Gingrich “contract on America” by promising not to squat on his butt for more than three terms, and then did so anyway.
On the other hand, McGavick’s greatest advangage may still be that most people don’t know much about him, and that’s pretty sad less than two months from the election.
Here’s a page fom the Stranger blog comments (I think) that discusses it and links to some stuff. Apparently skateboards have been around since the 1930s.
Now what he was doing that would send his skateboard though a window is another question…
My own comment on that ad is that he spends a lot of time saying things like “we whould come together” and does not EVER tell us what HE would do if elected.
Mike! has virtually no personality, if we are to judge from his ads, and he’s postioning himslef as a “good guy,” which, as we all know, it the fastest way to stay home on Saturday night. Maria, on the other hand, has a reputation as a tough boss, and has stood up to bad ol’ Ted Stevens to the point that a sitting Senator has threatened her, he was so mad. I’d say she wins the “macho man” contest here, and Mike! loses…again.
It’s weird to see the Republican in the race on TV saying in his high-pitched voice that we should all hold hand in Washington and sing Kumbaya, and the Democrat is the tough-as-nails fighter. Refreshing.
McGavick’s skateboarding story carries just a bit of irony, considering the “no skateboarding” signs all around the Safeco building.
He’s somewhat younger that I am, and I certainly remember from my teens Jan & Dean’s “Sidewalk Surfing” blaring from KJR. Y’all remember the background vocal in that? “Bust-yer-buns….bust-bust-yer-buns…..”
I guess I was too old to notice the first skateboard craze. College from 1961 to 1967, marriage, job, first kid in 1969.
In the fifties, we nailed roller skates to a 2X4. Believe me, you could put one of those through a window.
Yep, Mikey! must have been seventeen years old when he tossed the skateboard through the neighbors window and his mom “marched (him) right over there” to admit it. He was arrested in a field test and blew a 2.87, couldnt remember going to jail, and was given a suspended sentence. He then mowed lawns to pay for the random act of violence over a six year period until he was twenty three years old and by then was out of college working for Gorton who was never into skateboarding unless it was during his early career at Gortons of Glouster. End of story
Here’s a question for you.
Why is it relevant that McGavick’s Mom made him pay for a window he accidentally broke while throwing a football when he was a boy?
What does that have to do with the issues?
Is he saying that experience taught him responsibility? Well it obviously didn’t as later in life he got a DUI.
So, here is just more hypocrisy. We are supposed to consider it an important factor in voting for him that his mom made him pay for a broken window as a kid but we are supposed to forget about a personal incident that happened when he was much older.
That hypocrisy isn’t lost on most people.