Constituent Dynamics just released a new round of polls in 48 of the most competitive House contests around the nation, and they show the Democrats currently ahead in the race for control of the House by a 224 to 205 seat margin. Of course, it’s only a poll, and the election is still almost 4 weeks away… but I’d rather be a Democrat right now than a Republican.
Here in WA-08 the poll shows Dave Reichert leading challenger Darcy Burner, 48% to 45% — well within the poll’s 3.09% margin of error. Six weeks ago Constituent Dynamics shocked local race watchers by reporting Burner leading Reichert, 49% to 46% — also within the margin of error. But since then the results have been corroborated by a number of public and private polls, all of which show the race within the margin.
There can be no doubt now that WA-08 is a dead heat; the candidate who does the better job of getting their message out over the next few weeks, wins. Of course, Reichert still has a cash-on-hand advantage, so if you want to give Burner the resources she needs to take this seat, please give now.
Darcy Burner is telling lies…AGAIN!
The first winter storm of the season brought record snowfall to parts of Michigan today and the earliest snowfall in Chicago since record-keeping began in 1871, according to the National Weather Service. /break/ The sudden polar air mass prompted freeze warnings and frost advisories from eastern Colorado to western Pennsylvania. Wintry weather was expected to hit New York City on Friday. /break/ it has potential to set up a harder winter because it is dumping heavily on Canada, where the Arctic air originated. [……..Congratulations to President Bush for solving the “problem” of global warming!!!! hehe, JCH]
“Eyes don’t need no mofo ID. I vote Democrat at every poll in Detroit, Broward County, and Gary! I gets da smokes from da Democrat bitch who drives da bus on ‘lection day! I gets KFC with ma food stamps. I gets King Cobra. I gets Black Velvet, and I gots a mother fucking 42 SONY after Katrina from Best Buy after eyes fucked up da security window!! You white modda fuckas trying to steal the ‘lection by only lettin me vote once! Then you mofos will stop ma Democrat guvment check!!! White devil mofos!!!” [Rujax!]
re 2: Gotten any thank you notes from Reichert’s campaign for your measured and inteligent support? Why not fax them a sample of your prose — or, better yet, I will!!!
JCH, I suggest you read up on what happens if the North Atlantic Current (aka the “Gulf Steam”) fails due to freshwater melt off the coast of Greenland due to global warming.
It’s perfectly possible for global temperatures to increase while local temperatures in certain places decrease- just like you can win money at a craps table on a short series of rolls even though odds over time will show the game has a net expectation that you will lose.
Last night, my son and I sat through the CNN rebroadcast of Bush’s press conference. I then read an article about it in this morning’s PI, and was struck with the cavalier freedom with which the mainstream press reworks Smirky’s stumbling, incoherent gibberish into complete sentences that almost appear to make sense.
My other observation is that what JCH posts here is consistently even dumber than our make-believe president speaking off the cuff. How much more proof does anyone need that severe brain damage is the principal qualification to be an apologist for neoconservatism?
I just wonder how people can bring themselves to support any Republicans these days. Estimated 650,000 innocent victims killed in Iraq. N. Korea going nuclear. Iran openly defying us, and the world, and not much we can do about it. Record defecit. Population growth outgrowing job creation, and only low paying service jobs being created. The constitution being destroyed. Worst terrorist attack allowed by ignoring dozens of in your face warnings.
The list of Bush, and the Republican’s failures is longer than the Nile. And they want us to keep them in power. You would have to hate America to vote for a Republican.
W: Nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular nucular.
The State should establish a lottery based on how many times per day somebody can make Chicken George say his favorite word.
Sales would be in the millions!
It would take a miracle for Darcy to win. But the good news is that she caused the traitors on the right to have to move money and attention to a race they should have won in a landslide. That took resources away from other races. You can bet that even if she doesn’t win, she will have hurt the GOP. And that’s all you can ask for from any red-blooded patriot.
Did you see how much Reichert looked like Bush last nite? My god it was horrifying…..
Every fall and/or winter some idiot observes that because it is cold outside there is no global warming. Really adds to the debate.
Of course, there is an El Niño event this year which should make it generally warmer and wetter in the SW and SE US, and generally warmer and drier in the Pacific NW. There are many climate scientists who believe that we are heading to a more or less permanent El Niño condition, due to anthropocentric global climate change.
Oh, and here’s another one:
That’s a report done for the Pentagon, that bastion of liberals.
When she started, I would agree with you that it could have been said to “take a miracle” to win. But now, with the race as close as this, it may just take some hard work, money, and a decent GOTV strategy.
#3 sounds like the typical Bush voter: probably from the South, counts the number of black players on each football team, then roots for the whitest team, “knows” the Bible verse that tells slaves to be loyal to their masters, mastered 8th-grade shop, can’t locate Canada on the map, doesn’t have the guts to talk this way in public, loves Rush. Well representative of Bush’s base.
My distant in-laws are from (and still reside in) the South and this is how they are. Good Bush voters!
My own personal rule is when I respond to these semi-humans either via bulletin board or live, I also send a check to a Democratic candidate. (This is a good thing.)
It would take a miracle for Darcy to win.
Why would it take a miracle for Darcy Burner to win a district that John Kerry and Al Gore won during the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, and where many of the component state legislative districts (41, 45, 47, 48) regularly elect Democratic legislators?
Now, Goldmark in the WA 5th CD, is a LOT more of a Hail Mary pass. Goldy likes his chances, but unless McMorris is caught with a live girl or dead boy, that district is a very tough place for a D right now- even a national swing against Rs that moves numbers 10 points takes it from 60/40 (what McMorris/Barbieri ran last year) to 55/45 (a closer loss, but still a loss).
Democratic landslide!! Let the words fall trippingly off the tongue. Taste them. Savor them.
Bush is a dangerous idiot, and we can waste no opportunity to remind voters of that fact. Nothing will change until we change who runs things back there. Voting for Mike! won’t do it. Voting for Reichert sure as hell won’t do it. He can’t even change his own underwear.
Is Darcy Burner running for President? She keeps mentioning George Bush. HINT: Darcy honey, the presidential race is over. It has been over for 2 years dear.
Coward @15,
I’d say Peter Goldmark’s chance are considerably better now than Darcy Burner’s chances were back in January when I decided to embrace her campaign and put my credibility on the line. Yes, Goldmark is a longer shot, no doubt. But I wouldn’t be asking people to give their money if I thought they were throwing it away.
The Republicans did not enter this calendar year expecting to have to make much of a defense of either WA-08 or WA-05, and now Burner has made her race one of the most competitive in the nation. This is sucking in GOP resources that they could be spending elsewhere. The 50-state strategy is putting the R’s on the defensive nationwide, and we’re seeing it pay off big time in places like NY and PA.
I believe Darcy will win, and that Peter could too, but even if they both lose, they will have helped Democrats win elsewhere, and thus will have contributed greatly towards the Dems retaking the House. Politics is a team sport.
I think I’ll donate a dollar to both Darcy Burner and Peter Goldmark for every racist post JCH posts here between now and the election. Start posting, you pathetic piece of shit. I’m sure you’ll take comfort in knowing your racist rantings have a positive impact on Democratic fundraising.
Republican scandal number 2,332,536,136,268
Quote all the dems you want, MW Sucko. The one thing that differentiates them is their ability to learn, something absolutely NO republican has ever mastered.
how many standard deviations is JCH off the “normal” scale?
Democrats like Studds(D-Child Molester)don’t send emails, they take pages to Europe and molest them; then they say they’ve done nothing wrong, then they get re-elected by Dems, then Dems make them Chairman of House Committees:
Michael M. Bates
October 3, 2006
Excerpts from the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct report are enough to turn your stomach.
“The page testified that . . . (the Congressman) invited him to travel abroad during the August recess. The page agreed, and the two took a 2 1/2 week trip together abroad. According to the page’s testimony, they engaged in sexual activity every two or three days during this trip.
“The page was 17 years old during the time he testified that he had a sexual relationship with (the Congressman); the relationship may have begun when the page was 16. . .
“Two other former pages, both male, have stated under oath that (the Congressman) made sexual advances to them . . . while they were serving as House pages. One was 16 or 17 years old at the time of the alleged incident; the other was 17. . . .
Moreover, two former supervisors of the pages in the House admitted to investigators that, years earlier, they’d been warned about the Congressman’s conduct. One claimed he hadn’t pursued the matter because he “wasn’t sure whether or not he (the page) had mistaken a friendly gesture for an advance or not.”
According to the other supervisor, he did nothing “because I didn’t feel I had any means of doing anything more, either through the chain of command that I worked for or through any other set of circumstances, and that the best thing was that everyone be warned of it and stay clear.”
There were suspicions that the cover-up possibly went all the way to the Speaker of the House’s office. A year before action was taken, a Congresswoman had called for an independent investigator to look into allegations of drug and sex abuse by House members. The Speaker declined, saying that “If the Congress cannot conduct an honest and comprehensive probe of these charges and punish those found guilty of these illegal acts, then the Congress has no right to make the laws that govern this nation.”
The Congressman who took the young male page overseas wasn’t the reprehensible Mark Foley. It was the reprehensible Gerry Studds, a Massachusetts Democrat who was censured by the House of Representatives in 1983 for his sexual misconduct. The Speaker of the House back then was Tip O’Neill, another Massachusetts Democrat.
Studds should have been removed by Congress and referred for criminal prosecution. He wasn’t.
On the day Studds was censured so too was Illinois Republican Dan Crane, who’d had sex with a 17-year-old female page. Saying that we pay for our sins in life, Crane very emotionally apologized for his transgression.
Censure requires that the Congressman come to the well of the House while the Speaker reads the censuring resolution aloud. Crane faced his colleagues; Studds stood with his back to them.
Studds was defiant in other ways. He “regretted” what happened, but showed little remorse. After being shoved out of the closet, he announced he was a gay American. The Democrat garnered support from homosexual activists, some of who were angry that his “private life” was being exposed.
How private is one’s life when 17- and possibly 16-year-olds are involved? They’re not adults. Except possibly in the mind of Studds, who said on the House floor:
“I repeat that in my judgment the mutually voluntary, private relationship between adults, which occurred 10 years ago, should not by any conceivable standard of fairness, rationality, rule or law warrant the attention or action of the House of Representatives of the United States.”
Unlike Foley, Studds didn’t resign. When asked if he would continue in Congress, he laughed, “Of course.” He was greeted with standing ovations when he returned to his district.
Studds did have to give up a subcommittee chairmanship. Still, California Congresswoman (now Senator) Barbara Boxer declared that she continued to look to him as the unofficial chairman of the subcommittee.
He was re-elected six times after his censure. When he decided to call it quits, President Clinton personally called him and asked him to reconsider.
In some jurisdictions, Studds would have gone to jail for statutory rape. In Washington it’s a little different. He went on to collect his more than $90,000 first-year pension.
I’m not suggesting that Mark Foley should have toughed it out like Studds did. Sure, at least at this point it doesn’t appear that his offenses came close to matching those of Gallivantin’ Gerry. Nevertheless, Foley should have resigned and so should anyone else — Republican or Democrat — who was aware of his sordid instant messages to children and did nothing to protect them.
Quite clearly, this isn’t the first time such a scandal has erupted in Congress. Maybe it’ll be handled better this time.
Democrats, including the senior insufferable windbag from Illinois, Dick Durbin, are doing their best to make the Foley scandal a major election issue, suggesting that they’ve suddenly become the party of morality. Not many people will fall for that twaddle.
This Michael M. Bates column appeared in the October 5, 2006 Reporter Newspapers.Source:
20 ‘“One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line.”
– President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998’
Guess what, Einstein? That’s what Clinton did. Your heeeeeeero King George the Turd has since spent hundreds of billions of dollars, nearly 3000 American lives, the ability of Iraq to be a viable country for maybe 100 years, and most of America’s credibility with the rest of the world BURYING THE SAME DEAD HORSE.
Nancy Pelosi on child sex abuse; she marches with child molesters, as long as they’re Democrats. To a Democrat, child molesting is just an alternate lifestyle to be celebrated in parades:
Harry Hay was a fierce advocate of man/boy love. While The Chronicle simply ignored Harry’s views, the North American Man/Boy Love Association was only too delighted to put up a collection of Harry’s views on the need for young boys to have older men as sexual partners. Here’s just a sample taken from a talk at a New York University forum sponsored by a campus gay group in 1983.
Said Harry: “Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.”
In short, San Francisco’s beloved Harry Hay was a vigorous and well-known advocate of older men having sex with young boys. He was a fearless and quite famous advocate for Congressman Mark Foley’s behavior.
Which makes one curious about the presence of marcher number 34 in the 2001 Pride Parade. Marching a mere three spots away from the famous Harry Hay, no doubt waving and smiling to the crowd, was, as the Chronicle logged her in the Official Guide and Program Parade Lineup: “U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi.”
That would be now Democratic leader of the U.S. Congress and the candidate of the Democratic Party to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, the official third in line to be President of the United States.Source:By Jeffrey Lord
I’d say Peter Goldmark’s chance are considerably better now than Darcy Burner’s chances were back in January when I decided to embrace her campaign and put my credibility on the line.
I disagree.
(This is going to be a bit of a wonkish digression into inside baseball political stuff.)
Again, look at who some of the voters in LDs in the 8th have sent in elections to Olympia recently:
41- Brian Weinstein, Judy Clibborn
45- Laura Ruderman (until she lost the Secretary of State race), Larry Springer
47- Geoff Simpson, Pat Sullivan
48- Ross Hunter
Those districts are the core of the 8th CD (go look at a map)- and HALF the delegation of 12 legislators (4 Senators, 8 Reps) is D.
The 5th (Dino Rossi’s old LD) and the 31st (Pam and Dan Roach, ugh- but Chris Hurst won an election there a while back) are tougher nuts to crack, but even the 2nd sends Marilyn Rassmussen back every year- add those 2 LDs in and you pretty much cover ALL the territory the 8th CD covers (plus some- the 2nd is split between the 8th and 9th)- and we get 7 Democratic legislators out of 18. Nine would be a 50-50 split.
And you know what, Goldy? 10 years ago that number would have been maybe 2 or 3- and 2006 might actually have the MAJORITY of those 5 districts elect Ds (and nobody ran a campaign in the 5th, which means the Rs start out with 3 legislators handed to them on a platter). I think out of Jarrett, Nixon, Esser and the Roaches at least two of them are going down, more if it’s a strong D year.
I don’t see how a good, solid Democrat is ANYTHING resembling a longshot in the 8th (excluding a complete moonbat or a scandal-prone D). In a district that voted for Gore and Kerry, and regularly elects D’s? Come on… What’s happening in Bellevue and the suburban Puget Sound now is what happened in Seattle in the 1970’s and 1980’s- the legislators are flopping from D to R, and the same thing is happening in the Congressional districts- it wasn’t that long ago where there was an R in the 1st and 9th CDs, just like the 8th today. Hard to believe, but Slade Gorton and Dan Evans used to be legislators representing Seattle…which hasn’t elected anyone who isn’t a D in aeons.
And that’s the difference between the 8th and the 5th CDs in WA- if I was seeing anyone but Bill Grant win dryside legislative district elections, I might be sold. In my opinion, you need to start small, before you can expect to win big in Eastern Washington- places like Okanogan County and an LD or two. We need to have voters who are used to voting for Ds as county commissioners and legislators before we can expect to win Congressional districts consistently, IMO. Otherwise, we’re swimming against the tide.
Why can’t we negotiate with North Korea?
They’re no threat. All they have are one failed long-range missile launch and one failed nuclear test to their name. All they want is a piece of paper that says the Korean War is over, and maybe a little trade. In return I think they would they give up or lock up their nukes and allow IAEA inspectors.
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/10/06@ 2:17 pm
Clinton and the Moonbats on NK nukes; just be nice to them and they’ll be nice to us. As pointed out by McCain:
Clash of the Titans: McCain vs. Clinton
For anyone who thinks it’s too early to talk about the next presidential election cycle, we give you Tuesday’s back and forth between 2008 frontrunners John McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Sen. Hillary Clinton smiles with attorney general candidate Andrew Cuomo, right, and gubernatorial candidate Eliot Spitzer during Monday’s Columbus Day parade in New York (Reuters).Reacting to news that North Korea had allegedly tested a nuclear weapon, McCain called out Clinton by name for her suggestion that the Bush administration alone was to blame for the burgeoning threat posed by Kim Jong Il’s regime.
“I would remind Senator Clinton and other Democrats critical of Bush administration policies that the framework agreement her husband’s administration negotiated was a failure,” said McCain. “The Koreans received millions in energy assistance. They diverted millions in food assistance to their military. And what did they do? They secretly enriched uranium.”
“Bush is a racist, he won’t give me a billion dollars for my worthless promise not to build nukes like that nice Bill Clinton did; Hillary in ’08!” Kim Jong Il, (D-Korea).
Oops, my bad- make that 7 out of 21 (forgot a district). Still, that’s not bad, and I think that number will be more like 10 or 11 in 2006.
I don’t see any real pickups for the Rs in the near future similar to what the Ds can get in the 31st/41st/45th/47th/48th region- and there are pickups for the Ds elsewhere, too (Whatcom County, Kitsap). Maybe the Rs knock off Grant in Walla Walla (wouldn’t be surprised to see it), but that’s about all they’ve got in terms of easy targets. They’re pretty much playing defense on their side of the field in the Legislature and in the congressional delegation, and aside from maybe Rob McKenna doing a Dino Rossi style “I’m a huggable, warm and friendly moderate, ignore my paleolithic past while I fudge my record”, they don’t have a lot of prospects at the state level, either, outside of Crazy Lying Tim’s or similar moonbat initiatives (No, Rossi’s not making a comeback. I don’t think a second act is going to play better than the first, and I think McKenna’s a pretty slick operator). Too bad, so sad for them.
MSNBC is reporting that the Republicans are cancelling their national ad buys in House races where they had hoped to challenge “vulnerable” Democratic seats. Instead, they will use that money to try to hang on just enough current Republican seats to keep them in a majority for the next two years. They are in the process of identifying which races in which they should concentrate that money, and then hit with a huge ad buy.
Not discussed was how the Republican challengers are reacting to this news, as many had been solicited to run based upon promises of a huge influx of national party cash to give them a fighting chance of winning. Also not discussed is that a lot of incumbents are going to be left out of the ad buy, because the Republican national party feels they have to concentrate their cash on only a few races they have a chance of winning.
You have to wonder – how does Rove and Safeco feel about all that money wasted on McGavick so far?
29 AF
“They secretly enriched uranium.””
Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. In 2002, they said they had been, but out intelligence agencies have still not confirmed it.
But guess what? THAT DON’T MEAN SHIT.
Doyou know what that bomb they exploded used as fuel? Plutonum. An where and more relevant, WHEN did they get plutonium. Well it was NOT during the 1994-2002 period that thelinton Agreed Framework was in force. Most of it was reprocessed from sepent fuel rods AFTER our Deal Leader Bush abrogated the Agreed Framework and left the Koreans with no oil and no reactors. Our intelligene agencies estimate they have created enough plutonium for about 13 bombs since 2002. On Bush’s watch. The icompetent boobs in Bushworld have been UNABLE (or unwilling) to come a deal that would stop them.
McCain’s a fucking liar. The Agreed Framework SUCCEEDED at what it was supposed to do, which was stop NK from reprocessing plutonium. This one is all on Bush, baby.
Fuunyt hat you guys can only try (unsuccessfully) to point at Clinton and say “he failed” and you never even try to tell us all about Bush’s great successes with NK. Come on, name them.
Didn’t edit that one well. Apologies.
EP brings up an interesting point. With all the emphasis on the national races (House and Senate Seats), there hasn’t been much attention to the state seats this year. Will Washington state voters tend to vote a straight ticket this year, or will they make a distinction between Congressional and Legislature candidates?
I love that Gerry Studds is enjoying such a revival, thirty years after he had a perfectly legal affair that was not even against House rules, twenty years after the entire Congress voted to censure him. And again, no mention of Republican Rep. Crane fucking a 17-year-old female page.
Gee, the only thing missing is an account of how the House leadership covred it all up. Oh, that’s right–THEy DIDN’T. But Hastert/Shimkus/Boehner/Reynolds/Alexander/Kolbe did cover up. For years. For years even though the House had mechanisms in place to protect the pages in the aftermath of the Studds and Crane scandals, which the House GOP bypassed to treat it instead as a political secret.
Fry ’em up. They’re done.
Will Washington state voters tend to vote a straight ticket this year, or will they make a distinction between Congressional and Legislature candidates?
Well, you have my take on it: I think the Ds add to their legislative majorities in the House and Senate, Tim Sheldon (D-Antediluvian) no longer gets to be a swing vote in the Senate, and the Republican speedbump in the Legislature gets even smaller. The Republicans are losing way too many districts in the central Puget Sound as locks, and there really isn’t anything comparable anywhere else in the state- they had THEIR big breakthrough in 1994, when a lot of D dryside and suburban legislators got creamed, and it’s pretty much been downhill from that highwater point. Had they nominated serious Republicans for governor in 1996 and 2000 instead of moonbats (Craswell) and pompous windbag talk show hosts (Carlson), they MIGHT have even had all three branches for a few years. Instead, they blew it, and this state is D and a tough nut for an R to crack- and the Legislature is VERY D.
I’m open to hearing well-founded arguments otherwise, though.
Doyou know what that bomb they exploded used as fuel? Plutonum. An where and more relevant, WHEN did they get plutonium. Well it was NOT during the 1994-2002 period that thelinton Agreed Framework was in force. Most of it was reprocessed from sepent fuel rods AFTER our Deal Leader Bush abrogated the Agreed Framework and left the Koreans with no oil and no reactors. Our intelligene agencies estimate they have created enough plutonium for about 13 bombs since 2002. On Bush’s watch. The icompetent boobs in Bushworld have been UNABLE (or unwilling) to come a deal that would stop them.
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/12/06@ 3:02 pm
DL,I don’t suppose you will tell us just how you know that it was a plutonium bomb will you?
DeadHeadLucy: I wonder if… Puddy sent headless lucy’s wonderful September 2005 prose to Darcy? I’m sure Darcy would be enlightened to view her supporters in action!
38 AF
Well, one way is that they could not possibly have enriched enough uranium by this time. The linked article in Foreign Affairs states that in 2002 “the intelligence community believed that North Korea still [would have] confronted daunting obstacles had it decided to build an enriched uranium weapon, or even to acquire the production capabilities that might ultimately permit such an option. Most officials recognized that the path to a meaningful enrichment capability remained a distant and very uncertain possibility.”
Here’s a funny site:
38 AF
The second is, we know they have plutonium (to the best of our knowledge). Plus plutonium is the fuel of choice for modern atomic bombs.
The Atlantic
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
41 MWS
Ummm, really? You think they were funny? And you mean in the traditional sense of meaning something humorous?
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/12/06@ 3:02 pm
Aww poor Daddy Love, the Appeaser of HorsesAss.
Aww poor Daddy Love, the white rag on a stick waver of HorsesAss.
Aww poor daddy Love, the John Dingell Supporter. John Dingell? He said he wouldn’t condemn Hezbollah. Just like Daddy Love!
Daddy Love: if they weren’t building the other reactor behind Clinton’s back they could not use the plutonium fuel rods from the reactors we gave them
I love it when JOHN McCAIN dispenses with the crap of Daddy Love!
I think I’d trust a VWVPOW over Daddy Love Horseshit any day of the week!
Landslide Goldie:
Charlie Rangel – None of the Bush tax cuts will survive
John Dingell – I like Hezbollah
Ted Kennedy – Illegals? I don’t see no stinking illegals
Nancy Pelosi – Hello San Franfreako politics – Can you say Castro Street in DC?
When Karl Rove unleashes the increases in taxes on TV people will have like the Investors Business Daily article you moonbats like to ignore, people will reawaken to the politics of personal destruction.
I love it when JCH, MWS, MtR, and AmeriKKKa first start coming unglued.
That means we’re getting somewhere.
Special report with Brit Hume just did a segment on the McMorris/Goldmark contest… and I have to say it seems ol’ Goldmark says the “right” things…
the reporter spoke with voters in that area and the one comment that cracked me up was this fellow that said ‘Goldmark may be a new democrat, but he’s still a democrat. There may be better democrats and there may be worse democrats, but they are still democrats.’
And there’s your problem!
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 10/12/06@ 4:41 pm
You seem to start posting about the time school gets out. By the tone of your posts, I’m guessing you’re a sophomore in high school. Am I close? M’lad, you should not converse with adults on serious subjects until you’ve had enough experience and education to have an informed opinion. In the meantime, I’d suggest you just listen instead of making a fool of yourself.
Hey! Ho! howcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH-
Howzit feel to know you and Janet S. andthe rest of y’all’s pious types got PLAYED by the Bushistas’.
I said I told ya so once…and I’ll say it again!
mws: how old ru? if ur 18 or less plz visit me in fl.
Maf54 @ 53
I’m guessing MWS isn’t a hot, young stud like you prefer. I’ll bet he’s eating a bowl of Doritos and slurping down Mountain Dew right now. You might seek a picture first, though he might just send you a picture of some guy he’s got a crush on. On the other hand, he might well enjoy an online encounter with you, maybe while you’re in one of your rehab lectures.
Pat Robertson believes in global warming now because he observed that it was uncomfortably hot in his backyard this summer as he was attempting to barbeque.
In his own primitive way Pat was using the scientific method by comparing somatic memory data with what was happening this summer and positing the Theory (It’s just a theory, mind you)that the globe is getting warmer. Congratulations Pat on your first little baby step on the path to secular humanism!
” the reporter spoke with voters in that area and the one comment that cracked me up was this fellow that said ‘Goldmark may be a new democrat, but he’s still a democrat. There may be better democrats and there may be worse democrats, but they are still democrats.’
And there’s your problem!
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 10/12/06@ 4:41 pm
No it is America’s problem. These voters (sic) ignore the crimes, lies, hypocracy, incompetence, and damage to America the current crop of Republican sleazebags, and still vote party ticket for the scumbags.
These “Republicans” are not Americans, they are NAZIS!!!!
Oh by the way, 650,000 innocent victims killed in Iraq all brought to you by GEORGE BUSH, and his lap dog congress.
650,000 people murdered.
Just because our retarded cowboy had grudge, and needed to get the retards out to vote…..
If you vote for any Republican, their blood is on your hands.
Saddam was no threat. Period. That makes it MURDER!!!
Hey Cheney, I am still waiting to see the flowers, and candy we were supposed to be greeted with…..
Oh you meant IUD’s, and flag draped coffins…..
Hell Bush didn’t even know the difference between Sunnis, and Shiites.
Supporting Republicans means you are less intelligent than they are. How do you find your way home?
Global warming is soooooo real that land values in Hawaii are falling because the ocean will rise and the it will be too hot to live here!! NOT!!!! You fucking dumb ass libs are idiots!!!!!
Now we have a REPUBLICAN testifying UNDER OATH today that the GOP knew FOLEY was going down on pages SIX YEARS AGO. Someone’s in BIG fucking trouble on the right!
RightEqualsStupid, Foley should have just taken the Page for a ride in his Oldsmobile and killed him. The Dems have noooooooo problem with that!!!
MWS You seem to start posting about the time school gets out. By the tone of your posts, I’m guessing you’re a sophomore in high school. Am I close? M’lad, you should not converse with adults on serious subjects until you’ve had enough experience and education to have an informed opinion. In the meantime, I’d suggest you just listen instead of making a fool of yourself. Commentby proud leftist— 10/12/06@ 4:51 pm
Nope you dope. My company does not allow posting on this site because it is not considered one to be blogging during work times. So for those whom at work are blogging here, what does that say for wasting time?
Rujax‼ Unglued? What an idiot
I don’t read or post regularly so I was pretty shocked to read some of the comments made by people about a poll story. Umm, Doctor JCH Esquire or whatever, are you mean or just merely stupid? Your bizarre racist ramblings which are communicated for for shock value only do nothing other than give Republicans a bad name.
Your ignorance is embarassing if that is what it is, and if you are just mean, you are on a fast train to hell my friend.
Joanne…..bend over, baby! I know you want it Democrat “Tookie Williams” style!
Hmmm, your juvenile rantings with sexual overtones might be amusing if you were in high school, and while I suspect you are not, that makes them just stupid and lame. You make a valiant effort to distract from the real issue at hand however which is, the republicans are currently the ones being bent over democrat style on a national level. What do you say we wager on the outcome of the house? With the Presidents job approval in the 30’s all over the country and your party’s inability to maintain any ethical or moral values, I am guessing the Democrats pick up somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-18 seats in the house, including Darcy Burner.
62 MWS
It means we can walk and chew gum at the same time.
45 MWS
“they weren’t building the other reactor behind Clinton’s back they could not use the plutonium fuel rods from the reactors we gave them ”
You’re an idiot.
1. Uranium enrichment (which we still don’t even know they were doing) takes uranium hexafluoride gas and uses very large centrifuge casacades (on the order of thousands of centrifuges) to extract very small quantities of slightly enriched uranium, which is then re-cascaded until the enrichment is where you want it to be. No reactor involved, dipshit.
2. There WAS a reactor: The Yongbyon reactor was producing plutonium during Bush I’s term. Clinton got them to shut it down in 1994 and put their plutomium fuel rods under IAEA seal. They grabbed the rods and started Yongbyon up again in 2002 because Bush II is an asshole and an idiot.
3. We never delivered the two light-water reactors we promised in the Agreed Framework because of Republican opposition (ge, was it US who violated the deal?), and those can’t be used to produce plutonium anyway.
You should stick to areas you know, like climate science and economics. Oh, wait…
Speaking of polling, Josh Marshall at has a story of the new Gallup numbers that show that “white frequent churchgoers” are breaking 50-50 for Democrats.
Daddy @ 70
Well 20 years ago that might have meant something, BUT with all the illegal’s flooding here to live and VOTE and get SS under their belt for retirement, those numbers aren’t really very reflective.
71 CG
White churchgoers have been a bastion of the Republican voting bloc; they’re a big part of why the GOP is in power in all branches fo federal government right now. The table that was included with the article I read showed that as recently as June 2006 this group favored Republicans by 21 percentage points. So why you think “20 years ago that might ahve meant something” and not realizing that it means quite a bit right now has me stumped.
Second, regarding “all the illegals flooding here to live and VOTE and get SS under their belt for retirement,” bullshit. You cannot support that claim. I would love to see you try, though. But here’s a logic question: If illegal aliens are “flooding” here, AND voting in signficant numbers, why do the Republicans hold power?
But here’s a tidbit:
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (created in 2002 as part of the Help America Vote Act), recently commissioned a study of voter fraud:
As a wise man once said, reality has a well-known liberal bias. So if you want to combat voter fraud, you should put your biggest effort in the place where most fraud occurs, right? And that would be absentee voting. But of course, there’s another consideration: putting restrictions on voting in polling places primarily reduces voter turnout among Democrats. Conversely, restrictions on voting by absentee ballot primarily reduces voter turnout among Republicans.
Are you interested in ACTUAL voter fraud, or just against Democrats voting?
Missed the emphasis I wanted to place:
BTW, while illegal aliens can contribute to SS by means of the “payroll tax,” they cannot collect SS retirement benefits. What the are really doing is funding payouts to today’s retirees.
At least eight of the 19 hijackers who attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were actually able to register to vote in either Virginia or Florida while they made their deadly preparations for 9/11. All registered Democrat. [……..Gee, what a fucking surprise!!!!!]
I am more surprised that they let you vote…
Daddy Love: You are a simpleton. Do you understand the Hanford Nuclear project and it’s Plutonium production as a byproduct of Uranium? Go back and look at history STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID moron.
Since you claim to be such a magnanimous history buff, I suggest you take some time and READ the history of NK and their nukes!
I get my information from reliable sources:
You acquire yours from the NYT or Kos or YouTube!
Oct. 13 1999: House International Relations Committee Chairman Gilman issued a press release, which said North Korea may still be pursuing a nuclear weapons program based on highly enriched uranium. Gilman stated in the release: “I am concerned our policies towards North Korea have failed and our aid is sustaining a brutal regime. I also fear that the Clinton administration has conditioned North Korea to believe that brinkmanship brings benefits.’ “Gilman: North Korea May Still be Pursuing a Nuclear Program,” House International Relations Committee press release, October 13, 1999.
Plutonium is a byproduct of uranium production. But being the STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID moron you are but wait… you are a rocket scientist in global warming right? And… you tell him Senator McCain!
I’ll take Senator Imhofe’s research on Global Warming over Daddy Love’s any day of the week. Remember CNN HAD TO BACK DOWN when Senator Imhofe called Miles O’Brien on his lies on global warming. Where was Al Gore? Why didn’t he come to CNN’s rescue? Al’s your hero Daddy Love. Daddly Love, the big appeaser of HorsesAss; the white flag waver of HorsesAss; the HorsesAss of HorsesAss!
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