The John McCain campaign keeps running into trouble finding a theme song, since writing good music requires a soul. McCain has been repeatedly caught using music without the support of the songwriters, most recently when his campaign decided to use a song by the group Heart during the Republican convention in St. Paul.
Tonight HA sources tell us that the McCain campaign has decided to solve this problem by using music already in the public domain.
Guessed that without even having to click the link.
I can haz Bush Boom?
Man, if McCain did happen to win, the economy ought to be the final nail in the zombie coffin (closet) that is the Republican party. It won’t be just a recession, it will be a depression. The entire financial system is collapsing. Kevin Phillips told them it was coming, too. Bastards.
At least the song is contemporary to McCain.
Lehman Bros. gave 3 times more to O-blah-blah than McCain.
The numbers speak for themselves.
Read & weep KLOWNS>
From today’s Rasmussen:
Monday, September 15, 2008
Polling in Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia shows marginal gains for McCain in three states and for Obama in two. McCain has a slight advantage in three of the five states and the other two are tied. However, in only one state does the gap between McCain and Obama exceed three percentage points in polls with a four-and-a-half percentage point margin of sampling error.
The overriding message from these results is that the race remains very close with just over seven weeks to go.
The biggest change is found in Colorado where it’s now McCain 48% and Obama 46%. A week ago, Obama had a three-point edge in this western state. The current results are similar to the Rasmussen Reports Colorado polling conducted in August, just before the Democratic convention was held in Denver.
McCain now holds a 49% to 44% advantage in Florida. Last week the candidates were tied at 48% in the Sunshine State.
In Ohio, McCain continues to have the advantage, 48% to 45%. That’s closer than the results from last week which showed McCain with a 51% to 44% advantage.
Virginia and Pennsylvania are both tied. Last week McCain was up by two in Virginia and Obama was up two in Pennsylvania
Goldy — Why the loss of numbers. I can not imagine a Rossi governorship any more than I can imagine a McCain presidency. We – in Washington – are fucked either way.
What is more amazing is that Obama is only up 5 in NY and 3 in NJ.
@1 Democrats have been the leaders for almost two years, what are they doing? NOTHING. Hell, I’m still waiting to hear John Kerrys’
plans for everything!
Mr.Cynical, Jane’s dog, mark and PU, I just found some atrophied hearts and brains out here on the highway. Do they belong to any of you?
Lehman Bros. gave 3 times more to O-blah-blah than McCain.
When did the corporations ever neglect to curry favor with the next man in charge?
@3 How do you know?
@4 Given the wide disparities between different polls, the margin of error in this year’s polling should be considered to be plus or minus 20%.
@6 What’s wrong with Mad Dog? Although I prefer Chivas. What, you thought only Repubicans drink Chivas? Fuck you, I’m a member of the Capitalist Class now! But hey, if you’re a rabbit, dandelion win is great, too! I love that grassy taste!
McCain, in addition to being a liar, is a fucking thief. He expropriated copyrighted material without permission or payment of royalties. Don’t leave the keys in your car in front of his campaign office or he may drive off in it.
Looks like McCain’s take on Obama’s sex-ed ad may be closer to the truth.
“When I asked Martinez the rationale for changing grade six to kindergarten, she said that groups like Planned Parenthood and the Cook County Department of Health — both major contributors to the bill — “were finding that there were children younger than the sixth grade that were being inappropriately touched or molested.” When I asked about the elimination of references to marriage and the contraception passages, Martinez said that the changes were “based on some of the information we got from Planned Parenthood.”
After we discussed other aspects of the bill, I told Martinez that reading the bill, I just didn’t see it as being exclusively, or even mostly, about inappropriate touching. “I didn’t see it that way, either,” Martinez said. “It’s just more information about a whole variety of things that have to go into a sex education class, the things that are outdated that you want to amend with things that are much more current.”
So, I asked, you didn’t see it specifically as being about inappropriate touching?
“Absolutely not.””
Of course when an Obama spokesperson is speaking lying hot air is the result.
“Foreign policy is important. I can see Russia from my house!” Sarah Palin, BS in Poitical Science
I’d think that Heart’s song “Barracuda” was part of the public domain by now. Hell, that song’s so old that it can damn near file for social security!
And Ann & Nancy Wilson haven’t really been doing very much lately, other than playing venues like The Emerald Queen Casino. So much for a career as a rock-and-roller!
While you lefties are debating a McCain campaign song, how many covers of Newsweek and Time has Obama been on?
Are they screaming the Obama campaign song where they were just singing it before the Donkey Convention? – I think so.
Maybe McCain’s new theme song should be we don’t change like the other guys due to “pressure”.
Remember Matt Damon last week was incorrectly “discussing” how Sarah Palin was banning books? “I want to know if she thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago or if she banned books or tried to ban books.” Matt Jason Bourne Damon.
But when you look up the Bourne movies used to characterize Good Will Hunting… you fins sumtin interesting –
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) did mount a 2-year lobbying campaign that ended on January 26, 2001, against using “Muslim villains”, as the original book version did. Director Phil Alden Robinson is quoted in a letter to CAIR saying “I hope you will be reassured that I have no intention of promoting negative images of Muslims or Arabs, and I wish you the best in your continuing efforts to combat discrimination.”
So did Matt Damon complain. I can’t find anything on the Internet regarding Matt Complaints over Tom Clancy’s book being eviscerated. Google “Matt Damon complains about Sum of all fears script” – nothing appears. I even substituted Tom Clancy in it and came up empty but I did stumble across this:
“3. The Sum of All Fears – Ben Affleck is a terrible actor, but that wasn’t enough to sink this film. Let’s just say Tom Clancy has a much different worldview than the filmmakers.”
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa
Lehman Brothers survived the American Civil War. It survived the financial panics of 1873, 1893, and 1907. It survived WWI, the Great Depression, and WWII. I survived “Black Monday” in 1987.
What it couldn’t survive was the Bush administration.
Then Matt Damon discusses a bad Disney Movie Well a really good Disney Movie that was hacked to a bad Disney Movie due to Donkey pressure was the Path to 9/11.
As Puddy remembers Donkey Congressional complaints – Google “Path to 9/11 Albright complains”
“We write with serious concerns about the planned upcoming broadcast of The Path to 9/11 mini-series on September 10 and 11. Countless reports from experts on 9/11 who have viewed the program indicate numerous and serious inaccuracies that will undoubtedly serve to misinform the American people about the tragic events surrounding the terrible attacks of that day. Furthermore, the manner in which this program has been developed, funded, and advertised suggests a partisan bent unbecoming of a major company like Disney and a major and well respected news organization like ABC. We therefore urge you to cancel this broadcast to cease Disney’s plans to use it as a teaching tool in schools across America through Scholastic. Presenting such deeply flawed and factually inaccurate misinformation to the American public and to children would be a gross miscarriage of your corporate and civic responsibility to the law, to your shareholders, and to the nation.
The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest. Nowhere is this public interest obligation more apparent than in the duty of broadcasters to serve the civic needs of a democracy by promoting an open and accurate discussion of political ideas and events. …
Should Disney allow this programming to proceed as planned, the factual record, millions of viewers, countless schoolchildren, and the reputation of Disney as a corporation worthy of the trust of the American people and the United States Congress will be deeply damaged. We urge you, after full consideration of the facts, to uphold your responsibilities as a respected member of American society and as a beneficiary of the free use of the public airwaves to cancel this factually inaccurate and deeply misguided program. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.”
Yes Matt Damon, Donkey complained and a good Disney Movie was hacked into a bad one. Thanks for reminding me.
@17 McCain’s so old he’s in the public domain …
rhp6033: Again you have 24 hour memory syndrome:
Lehman Brothers $365,922 – Obama
Lehman Brothers $115,800 – McCain
Let me reeducate you rhp6033, since you are blinded with BDS in the Left eye and PDS in the right eye.
That 72% to Donkey since 1989 increased to a higher value in the 21st century.
What? Mcsame and the republicans might have more money to spend than obama?
And of course another of Obama’s advisors had something else to say before:
“And this study shows that measured this way, the mortgage market has become more perfect, not more irresponsible. People tend to make good decisions about their own economic prospects. As Professor Rosen said in an interview, “Our findings suggest that people make sensible housing decisions in that the size of house they buy today relates to their future income, not just their current income and that the innovations in mortgages over 30 years gave many people the opportunity to own a home that they would not have otherwise had, just because they didn’t have enough assets in the bank at the moment they needed the house.””
McSame totally loses it.
@21 “a good Disney Movie was hacked into a bad one”
Even as fiction, it was a bad movie. As history, it’s a fucking joke:
Written and co-produced by a blatant conservative
Criticized by FBI agents as inaccurate
Pre-screenings limited to conservative venues
Public figures portrayed in film denied advance copies
Film’s lead actor publicly criticized script as inaccurate
Scholastic Press pulled film-related ‘educational materials’ as ‘not meeting quality standards’
Criticized as inaccurate by public figures portrayed in film
Republican Bill Bennett publicly criticized film’s falsehoods
Professional historians criticized film’s falsehoods
Criticized as inaccurate by Media Matters
American Airlines threatened to sue for libel
And puddinghead? Our very own addled troll puddinghead extols a film that everyone else calls a fictionalized propaganda hit piece. Well, what can you expect from a fucking Republican liar troll like puddy?
yelling loser boy@26: Waaaa haaaa haaa haaaa haaaa what an idiot you are!
Yeah you and your ilk are grasping for straws. Golly he looked into the camera and called Mika out. She’s a cheerleader for Obama just like most of the MSNBC pukes!
The most ethical congress in history, depending on the definition of the word ethical.
We all know the problem. Ho do you throw a black democrat from harlem under the bus without pissing off a few black voters. And with mcsame polling only a couple small within the margin of error points behind obama in new york can the democrats take the chance?
Be expecting the ad from the mcsame camp pointing out the most ethical congress isn’t all that ethical. Maybe even a cameo appearance by wesley snipes going to jail for tax fraud as charlie rangel gets a free pass.
Pelletizer@27: I see you went to leftist Wikipedia again.
Republican Bill Bennett publicly criticized film’s falsehoods – yeah. I went to Stinky Progressives and Bill was discussing the supposed cabinet member conversations not the content of what the Clinton Admin missed. Good Try.
Scholastic Press pulled film-related ‘educational materials’ as ‘not meeting quality standards’
After they saw the cut and redacted version Pelletizer!
Golly I can use the leftist web sites to shoot down everyone of Pelletizer’s “claims” over Path to 9/11.
Criticized by FBI agents as inaccurate – Really
In particular, he faulted the film’s depiction of former FBI special agent John O’Neill.
Yeah that’s criticizing the inaccuracies of the Clinton Admin lack of action.
yet when the Reagan Miniseries was created and certain dialog was added and was incorrect you all called a pass on it.
So Pelletizer shall I keep going as you went to the lefty web sites and I am 3 for 3?
Of course yelling loser boy forgets the ugliness of the Obama campaign and his stooges in the libtard MSM over the last two weeks when they saw their “messiah” dropping in the polls.
Gosh I forget all the “messiah” or “The One” quotes from Donkey now on the ‘NETS.
How many of you subscribe to Palin Derangement Syndrome – PDS? Looks like Charlie Gibson does.
From current news reports, it appears another disaster response meltdown is happening on the Republicans’ watch. This time it’s Texas’ turn.
@34 “Criticized by FBI agents as inaccurate – Really”
Yes, really.
“yet when the Reagan Miniseries was created”
Trying to change the subject doesn’t change the facts.
“So Pelletizer shall I keep going”
Please do! Making a fool of yourself in public is optional, but if you want to, go right ahead!
Oh, and puddy, is there some reason you didn’t even attempt to refute the rest of my comment that exposes The Path to 911 as lying wingnut propaganda? I mean, when even the actors say it’s fiction … c’mon, puddy, get serious. Really.
@35 It appears puddy is through discussing the lies in The Path to 911 and prefers to lie about a different subject now.
@29 Marvin, you should be in charge of McCains’
campaign. Talk about a blockbuster ad that would be!
Oh puddy … in case you didn’t notice … I just called you a lying piece of shit. Twice … no, three times, … in the last 15 minutes.
@23 Maybe the reason Wall Street tycoons are giving money to Obama is because Republicans are bad for their business.
Wrongo Pelletizer, more conjecture from the legal cretin of HA.
You placed those comments in post#27 from left wing sites and I chose three at random, used left wing moron sites found out what the real complaint was and replayed it.
You on the other hand can fathom the truth as for example Cuyahoga County Democrat Voting Commissioners, Haiti, Marijuana laws and use, and now this 9/11 issue. All the nominal leftist kool-aid sites parroted what you placed here, so I went there starting with Wikipedia.
Yesterday the DJIA tanked over 500 points. Venerable investment banks Lehman Bros. and Merrill Lynch collapsed, Lehman Bros. filing Chapter 11 and Merrill Lynch being sold for a song to Bank of America.
Yesterday the Bush Administration said “no more bailouts”. Overnight they flip-flopped, and agreed to guarantee loans to AIG Group, the insurance behometh which was in danger of failing as it’s credit gets downgraded today. In the process rules enacted during the Great Depression to prevent cascading bank failures caused by lending between institutions have been suspended on AIG’s behalf. Therefore if this doesn’t work, then even more banks and lending institutions will be in deep trouble.
I mentioned before in a previous post that a colleague of mine, arriving in Japan on a business trip, just had his credit card rejected as the hotel wasn’t accepting credit cards from U.S. Banks. It appears that this was a temporary situation, caused by confusion due to Lehman Bros. Chapter 11 filing. The hotel was instructed not to accept any credit cards issued by Lehman Bros., but the manager thought that caution being a virtue, interpreted this to mean all U.S. banks.
In the meantime, Puddy & other wingnuts are trying to distract us with arguments over a bad Disney movie, and who is responsible. ANYTHING but talk about which candidate has the best chance of actually changing the future economy of the U.S. for the better.
rhp6033: How dense are you.
You ignore Lehman Brothers contributions to Obama.
You ignore the Wall Street connections for Obama economic advisors.
You ignore commentary from Obama economic advisors regarding the benefits of sub-prime mortages as late as 2007.
You ignore the banking industry contributions to Obama
And you accuse me of deflecting…
If McSame “wins” the election, this is one way he’ll do it.
Other ways of course include all the old standard tricks of Republican voter suppression and intimidation.
And rhp6033: the thread is McCain campaign theme song. My comments are on the “change” meme of using path to 9/11 “changes” because Donkey were held in bad light!
(Off topic): The Italian prosecutor is going to court today to get an indictment of Washington State resident Amanda Knox and her boyfriend for murder.
Which reminds me of a line from the movie “My Cousin Vinny”:
yelling loser boy@45: Like the issues the Donkey had with electronic voting in 2007 in their Donkey primaries?
As always misery to the American people is a laxative for Donkey campaigns.
Candy Crowley on Anderson Cooper’s 360: “Just as foreclosures were showing up on B-17, or in the real estate section, along comes this horrific headline out of Wall Street…I mean, this is what they wanted.”
Yes, Donkey love misery!
McCain campaign theme song – Obama – Tax and Spend
Extend to more people health insurance $65 Billion a year
Clean energy sources development $15 billion a year
Home foreclosures curbs one time $10 billion cash infusion
Add to the NEA Coffers for “education” $18 billion a year.
I’m the one who’s dense???? Whether Lehman Bro’s gave more money to Democrats than Republican candidates has no bearing upon that fact that the Bush administration had plenty of opportunities to avoid this crisis and didn’t do anything constructive.
Karl Rove has spent more time over the past three days generating the talking points you are regurgitating, trying to deflect blame for the current collapse of the finanical markets due to the lending crisis, than the Bush administration spent during it’s entire seven years and eight months in office in oversight of the financial markets.
The problem started with (1) the FHA (allowing standard lending safegaurds to be ignored) and (2) continued through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and (3) moved on to the financial markets, where the sub-prime mortgages were packaged with other real-estate loans into unregulated securities and (4) sold on U.S. and international markets in such a way as the real nature of the risk was hidden.
Throughout this process, the Bush administration took the position that government oversight and regulation of these securities, or tamping down on the over-heated sub-prime market, would be “unwarrented intervention”.
These were opportunities 1-4 missed by the Bush administration to avoid this crisis through reasonable oversight and regulation.
Then when the market started collapsing last year, the Bush administration responded weakly, taking the position that any forefeitures were primarily the borrower’s fault. (Missed Opportunity # 5). When political pressure began to accumulate, Bush proposed a toll-free number where people could call to get information on the Bush administration’s call to have lenders voluntarily reduce roll-over interest rates on ARMs temporarily, although this only applied to people already in foreclosure, not those who were not actually in foreclosure. The plan was a joke enough in and of itself, made more so when Bush mistakenly gave out the wrong telephone number in his speech – resulting in lots of calls to a religious organization with that number (leading a few jokesters to say that the Bush plan amounted to telling borrowers to resort to prayer). (Missed opportunity # 6).
So over the past year, we’ve had lots of foreclosures for a variety of reasons. Some were investment risks, some were due to unwise borrowing, but for some it’s simply that their property values dropped so much they were “underwater”, and couldn’t re-finance or sell their houses when they needed to. The ironic thing was that people were losing their houses because nobody could buy, but there were buyers willing to buy but couldn’t get financing due to the credit restrictions (talk about closing the door after the cows got out!). Lots of empty houses now, and willing buyers who can’t get loans. (Missed opportunity # 7).
The market has been desperatly trying to find the “floor”, which would provide some certainty. Lots of people warned that unless some government action was taken, the markets would experience cascading failures, bringing down the good companies as well as the bad. Yet the Bush administration did nothing other than try to deflect blame and left it to the Fed to try to handle the crisis through interest rate adjustments (Missed Opportunity # 8).
Finally, as the house of cards begins to collapse completely, the Bush administration responds by throwing taxpayer money at the problem, guaranteeing buyouts of troubled companies (Bear Sterns). Problem is, you do this once, and everybody expects you to do it. So Bush & Co. refuse to bail out Lehman Bros. & Merrill Lynch, causing them to fail (Merrill Lynch was bought for a song by Bank of America). Then a day after pledging ‘No more bailouts”, the Bush administration bails out AIG Group by pledging taxpayer underwriting of loans to that firm. (The lack of a coherent strategy for dealing with the problem is missed opportunity # 9).
Time to throw the bums out, and put the adults back in charge. Perhaps it’s not a good idea to allow a political party which professes to have no faith in government to actually be in charge of government?????
Here is evidence of how well your vicious, sexist attacks on Sarah Palin have worked:
This from Rasmussen:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sarah Palin bests Joseph Biden 47% to 44% in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up for the presidency, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey (see crosstabs).
Just over half of voters view both of the vice presidential candidates at least somewhat favorably, although 35% rate their opinion of Palin as Very Favorable while only 23% feel that way about Biden.
10. YLB spews:
“Lehman Bros. gave 3 times more to O-blah-blah than McCain.
When did the corporations ever neglect to curry favor with the next man in charge.”
a) O-blah-blah took the money
b) Congress makes the laws. We have a Democratic-controlled Congress that has done nothing to protect investors and strengthen controls over Lehman Bros.
Get my drift??
Follow the money. The dems profited at the expense of the country.
Hey, didn’t jamie gorelick profit at the expense of the country too, making something like 4 million $$ a year for a job she wasn’t qualified just because she was a well connected dem?
Oh well, it’s not as if people thought the dem led congress was ethical, not when your approval ratings are below thos of bush.
Was jamie gorelick from washington? If so, is she person that spanned kenny gorelick, aka kenny g?
Republican Mantra:
1. Tear Down Government through underfunding, dismanteling, or neglect.
2. Republicans blame government on the resulting mess.
3. Republicans out-source to private industry do what the government used to do.
4. Public pays several times what they used to pay to government in taxes to private industry to perform less service.
5. Private industry fails, taxpayers bail it out and pay for the consequences of the failure.
6. Democrats step in, re-create a professional government that knows how to do the job right.
7. Republicans complain that taxes are too high.
8. Republicans take office again.
Repeat with step # 1.
49. Puddybud spews:
“As always misery to the American people is a laxative for Donkey campaigns.
Yes, Donkey love misery!”
Puddy, you just succinctly nailed the bottom-line. Anything for power political advantage…including the Leftist Losers who salivated when the body count increased and every horrific terrorist attack.
You know in your heart who you are.
Damn, they have worked! I would have expected much much better numbers for palin.
After all, she’s being compared to biden.
Hmm, the Fed just pumped 70 billion dollars of taxpayer money into the financial markets to try to avert a continued meltdown.
How is this not a Republican tax on the middle class?????
rhp6033: Karl Rove Talking Points. You also have RDS 501 along with BDS 301 and PDS 101.
I have used leftist MSM to make my points whenever possible. I haven’t even seen what Rove “talking” point you are throwing up. I just Googled Rove Talking Points Financial Crisis and uuuuuuunnnnnnnnght, nothing found!
But I did find David Ploffle(?) using Rove half correctly about McCain attack ads. What was funny is David forgot Rove to Obama’s campaign his attack ads were bad too.
Now I haven’t said none of this is Bush Admin fault, but what is lost on you rhp6033 and others are the same people who led this issue are on Obama’s economic team. They are as much culpable. And you call these guys adults. You are delusional.
Who was the Fed Chairman when these sub-prime loans were out? Alan Greenspan. That too is lost on rhp6033. When Warren Buffett warned of the housing market bubble busting way before this who was the Fed Chairman? Alan Greenspan.
And where was the Donkey Congress on this? Remember Chucky Schumer comments earlier this year on one bank and the run it created?
Gov. David Patterson (D-NY) is begging the Fed to bail-out Lehman Bros.
O-blah-blah (D-Ill) takes over 3 times more contributions from Lehman Bros.
Charlie Rangel (D-NY) is a tax cheat.
Is there a pattern forming here?????????
Patterson (D-NY) is also soliciting help from AIG!
Dem sponsored bailouts.
Not too surprisingly, Sarah Palin is refusing to meet with the investigator hired by the Alaska state legislature to investigate “Troopergate”.
She’s basically claiming it’s a democratic witch-hunt. But I thought the Alaska legislature was Republican? the commission in charge of the investigation is manned by three Republicans and two Democrats, one of the Republicans crossed party lines to authorize the subpoena of Todd Palin, Sarah’s husband. The other two Republicans, despite being tasked to investigate the charges, are arguing that the charges shouldn’t be investigated by them at all, and should instead be referred to a personnel panel composted entirely of Palin side-kicks and appointees.
Obviously, Palin is under orders to stonewall this investigation, which I’m sure she would try to do anyway. \
Why is Sarah Palin using the “Straight Talk Express” to hide from investigators in her own state?
Puddy @ 59: You have still failed to address the central point: that the Bush administration and it’s Republican majority in Congress 2000-2006 were in the primary position to prevent this crisis, yet did nothing. You are instead trying to blame the party which was out of power during that period for the Republican’s own failings.
Nice try. But no cigar.
I think you’ve nailed it.
23. Puddybud spews:
“Lehman Brothers $365,922 – Obama
Lehman Brothers $115,800 – McCain”
Puddy, I hate to correct you, but O-blah-blah just picked up another $4602 from the Lehman Bros. crowd vs. $1700 for McCain.
From Reuters:
“Employees of New York-based Lehman, the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank, have been among the most generous donors to both candidates. They have given $370,524 to Obama through July 31, making those workers and their families his 10th biggest source of campaign cash; they were the 15th largest contributors to McCain’s campaign, with $117,500.”
@42 “You placed those comments in post#27 from left wing sites”
Not hardly. But I realize that to a gullible dupe like you, anything more centered than Wingnut Central is a “left wing site.”
Are you still crapping here, puddy? I’ve already moved two threads ahead of this place.
Pelletizer@67: Went to that thread and you were as vacuous as always.
rhp6033: sub-prime mortages were in a roll in 2003-2004. What did John Kerry say? What did Alan Greenspan say?
The prosecution rests!
Streisand to Perform at Hollywood Fundraiser for Obama
by Associated Press
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
DENVER (AP) — How does Barack Obama lure wealthy donors to a big-money fundraiser in Hollywood? Bring in Barbra Streisand as the headline performer.
The Oscar-winning singer and actress was to perform Tuesday night on Obama’s behalf in Beverly Hills. It was to be a two-step evening with a reception and dinner costing $28,500 a person followed by a later event featuring Streisand at $2,500 a ticket.
Babs is a real piece of work. Spends tens of thousands of dollars suing her “littlepeople” neighbors and intimidating them if they dare do anything she disapproves of.
I prefer Kid Rock. Asked about his politics, he said all he does is carefully assess who Hollywood types like Streisand support….and vote the opposite!.
re 17: Something by the ‘Backstreet Boys’ might be more current and apropos.
Especially the whininess.
Pelletizer@66: Each of those “quotes” I found on Stinky Progressives or TPM.
That’s the facts jack.
Roger, on the other thread Pudnut is still in deep denial over the links he posted last week about the guy who got fucked to death by the horse and the other guy who got caught by his wife fucking the family dog. Amazingly, he still insists that they’re Dems from Seattle. The state of denial that goatfuckers like Pud experience must be something fierce.
Well, I’m very happy that the “privatizing Social Security” because the stock market is “always going up” like the prices of houses thing didn’t get passed.
Steve of Steve’s Stupid Solution is still on ignore!
BTW Pelletizer, the Boeing guy who died of a horse derived anal fizzure was from Seattle. Even you checked that one out!
So the Heart song is public domain then, too.