President Bush says “the man we need is John McCain.” Hell, I betcha he’d say we need Dave Reichert and Dino Rossi too. Remember that on election day… these are the folks President Bush says we need.
It seems like President Bush may have broken the law by giving his Republican National Convention address from the White House. The Hatch Act prohibits government employees from using government facilities and offices to promote political campaigns. I don’t ever remember seeing a president do a campaign speech from the White House before. Presidents use the White House to promote policies and legislation, not political campaigns.
Doing anything about Bush’s law breaking is off the table.
More like we so don’t need Ditzy, I mean Darcy, and Queen Crissy….
We do need to say a little bit more. As much as people hate Bush, and as much as some people think McCain would be a 3rd Bush term, it’s left to be seen just how many closet racists are out there, and how many people have bought into the Obama the Muslim lie.
So Bush broke the law? That’s no longer news – that’s just common activity for this monkey. How fucking utterly pathetic that the so-called “leader of the free world” is such bad news to his own party that they give him seven minutes on a video screen.
And for goodness sakes can’t these cowardly fucks stop trying to make political hay off the people they let get killed on 9.11? When will they stop playing politics or is that just not possible for republicans?
The “GOP” is a pathetic, lonely, cowardly, criminal and evil party full of traitors. America would be better off without ANY of these people.
By the way it’s come out that Palin is a criminal – she got caught violating Alaska law by not carrying proper ID while fishing. So another “GOP” star who thinks the law is just for everyone else!
Regardless of who wins, I’m looking forward to never again hearing the expression, “thuh lessons of September thee eleventh, two thousand and one.”
Politically Incorrectspews:
All these attacks on Sarah Palin are going to backfire on the perpetrators and actually help McCain’s camp. If these morons were smart, they’d ignore Palin and attack McCain only.
It doesn’t matter to me what the crazies on the left do, but my recommendation is to knock that shit off. As for me, I’m still going to vote for Ron Paul.
“All these attacks on Sarah Palin are going to backfire on the perpetrators and actually help McCain’s camp. If these morons were smart, they’d ignore Palin and attack McCain only.”
Anyone that would vote for Palin simply because her obvious short comings are discussed/debated would probably vote for Bush et. al. twice in eight years anyway. McCain’s plan of nominating her to capture the pissed-off Hillaryites has failed. And righties voting for Paul will help the Dems.
I’ve been reading you for a while now, and I’ve come to the conclusion that you are one angry guy, and I think this blog is just an outlet for you to rant and spew your hatred. You’re a Democrat, right? How come I never read any comments from you where you are positive? Where you are just extolling the virtues of your/our party? I get it. You love venting your hatred for Republicans, but I’m having a hard time differentiating you from them. Republicans are mean, nasty, angry, and intolerant, right? But that sounds exactly like you!
I’d like to challenge you. I’d like to challenge you to try to slip in a few exclusively positive comments from time to time on this blog. You can’t mention or bash Republicans or others on this blog. Just write positive things about you or your party.
Can you do it?
“Yeah, I can do it, but I don’t want to do it! I want to give back to them what they’ve been giving us ….” I’m going to stop you right there. If that’s how you feel, then what’s the difference between you and a Republican? If Democrats are just as hate-filled and intolerant as Republicans, what does it matter who’s in office?
Slingshit barfed: McCain’s plan of nominating her to capture the pissed-off Hillaryites has failed.
With 22% of Hillary’s voters voting for McCain and the nasty attacks of Obama’s MSM friends, I’d venture Donkey polling has shown this woman adds gravitas to the McCain campaign.
So slingshit, tell me where you gleaned this data?
Troll: You are asking the impossible of bybygoober and we all know it. This task is made more difficult because the frontal lobes of bybygoober atrophied over time from lack of use.
He claims to to have family, bragging in August how he augumentally took apart his “brother-in-law” from Yakima. So if he has a sister she must be proud of his treatises here on HA.
My Left Footspews:
Republicans make the charge that Liberals (and I am a card carrying, proud as hell liberal) are inflexible. Lets take a look at that charge:
1. Palin wants to outlaw abortion. Period. Where is the flexibility there.
2. Republicans say that anyone who opposes the war is a traitor, an appeaser and sides with the enemy. Again, the flexibility alludes me.
3. Republicans want abstinence only taught in the schools. Besides having their heads in the sand (Palin’s own child might have benefited from some alternative conception control methods) they are propagating the very welfare system that they want to rein in. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancy in adolescents just overwhelms the assistance programs. Where is the flexibility here? Beyond that, where is the common sense?
4. Republicans want us to forget the theory of evolution and focus on creationism. Forcing their RELIGIOUS beliefs on the rest of us. I sure don’t see the flexibility there. A little thing called the First Amendment seems beyond their comprehension level. Well, why not? They have also tossed the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments.
I for one am tired of being shouted down by the shrill voices on the right. This time I am going to heard. I am going to shove back. I am not going to take any more bullying.
I am the American voting public and I will be fooled no more.
Jerry Lspews:
“I betcha he’d say…”
Now Goldy, just because you “betcha” he’d say something, doesn’t mean he ever said it. In fact, he hasn’t said anything about Dino or Reichert.
Remember that everyday when you’re practicing ethical journalism.
“With 22% of Hillary’s voters voting for McCain”
What the fuck are you huffin’? Or maybe it’s lead poisoning from butt action with your made-in China O’Reilly blow-up doll.
Now slingshit: here is a quote why Hillary people are voting for McCain:
“Hillary supporters voted for her over Obama because
a) she has experience
b) she has political knowledge
c) she is surrounded by politically intelligent people
d) she is aware of what needs to be done to repair the country
e) she has actual plans
f) she didnt make empty promises
Obama possesses NONE of those qualities. McCain on the other hand possesses ALL of those qualities.”
slingshit: Even from Susan Estrich:
Estrich was asked: “Realistically speaking” How many of Hillary Clinton’s voters are in play for John McCain. Her answer: …..”about a third….30 % I would say”.
The punch line is: “Barack Obama and his sycophants are caught in their own irony. They have become exactly what they purported to despise: Threatening, lowlife fascists, misogynists and sexists.”
Weren’t there complaints from the Republicans campaign that Vice President Gore made campaign calls from his office?
They made a very big deal about the fact that he used his office telephone, rather than going outside and using a cell phone.
Now we have a Republican President using the Oval Office as a campaign backdrop.
Well, considering that the Republican VP nominee used the Alaska governor’s office to give a formal address to the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) convention.
By this point, most of us have now heard about the primary mission of the AIP (seceding from the United States), and its founder, Joe Vogler, who said, “the fires of Hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government.”
(Upon his death, Mr. Vogler was buried in Canada, pursuant to his stated desire not to be buried in United States soil.)
There is some dispute as to whether Governor Palin was an active member of the Alaska Independence Party, but there is no dispute about her husband’s membership in the AIP.
And, the video clearly shows that she is at least on friendly terms with a group that advocates Alaskan secession and is actively opposed to the United States government.
Most liberals, when asking why the Republicans “hate the United States”, are just being a bit snarky, and tongue-in-cheek with our comments.
Or, at least I used to think so.
PuddySilly is spewing yet more right wing bullshit and fear-mongering.
pajamas media? Right wing bullshit.
Estrich? Gets a paycheck from Faux Noise – ’nuff said..
Obama has political talent oozing from his pores, his long legislative career has tested him and he’s run a brilliant Presidential campaign. The man is ready TO LEAD. Depending on how the Congress breaks he could be the next Bill Clinton (without the embarassing parts) or even the next FDR.
McSame will be just the same.. More war, more corruption, more wealth flowing into fewer hands – an ugly future with that hollow shell of a man McSameAsBush being manipulated by his puppetmaster – Papa Karl Rove.
yelling loser boy@26, sorry your ignorant rant made no sense. Oozing? Especially from someone who is
to visit right wing sites and anyone who disagrees with you in the media needs to be ignored.
Remember the lefty MSM votes on average 86% DOnkey every four years for president. Google it moron.
27 – You’re wrong Stupes. I have visited many, many right wing sites – never at your stupid orders of course.
It seems like President Bush may have broken the law by giving his Republican National Convention address from the White House. The Hatch Act prohibits government employees from using government facilities and offices to promote political campaigns. I don’t ever remember seeing a president do a campaign speech from the White House before. Presidents use the White House to promote policies and legislation, not political campaigns.
Doing anything about Bush’s law breaking is off the table.
More like we so don’t need Ditzy, I mean Darcy, and Queen Crissy….
More like we so don’t need Ditzy
I agree that Ditzy Dave 401 has got to go.
We do need to say a little bit more. As much as people hate Bush, and as much as some people think McCain would be a 3rd Bush term, it’s left to be seen just how many closet racists are out there, and how many people have bought into the Obama the Muslim lie.
So Bush broke the law? That’s no longer news – that’s just common activity for this monkey. How fucking utterly pathetic that the so-called “leader of the free world” is such bad news to his own party that they give him seven minutes on a video screen.
And for goodness sakes can’t these cowardly fucks stop trying to make political hay off the people they let get killed on 9.11? When will they stop playing politics or is that just not possible for republicans?
The “GOP” is a pathetic, lonely, cowardly, criminal and evil party full of traitors. America would be better off without ANY of these people.
By the way it’s come out that Palin is a criminal – she got caught violating Alaska law by not carrying proper ID while fishing. So another “GOP” star who thinks the law is just for everyone else!
McSame and the Chimp:
The same forever!!!
Regardless of who wins, I’m looking forward to never again hearing the expression, “thuh lessons of September thee eleventh, two thousand and one.”
All these attacks on Sarah Palin are going to backfire on the perpetrators and actually help McCain’s camp. If these morons were smart, they’d ignore Palin and attack McCain only.
It doesn’t matter to me what the crazies on the left do, but my recommendation is to knock that shit off. As for me, I’m still going to vote for Ron Paul.
Goldy – But he has said we need Reichert:
“All these attacks on Sarah Palin are going to backfire on the perpetrators and actually help McCain’s camp. If these morons were smart, they’d ignore Palin and attack McCain only.”
Anyone that would vote for Palin simply because her obvious short comings are discussed/debated would probably vote for Bush et. al. twice in eight years anyway. McCain’s plan of nominating her to capture the pissed-off Hillaryites has failed. And righties voting for Paul will help the Dems.
I’ve been reading you for a while now, and I’ve come to the conclusion that you are one angry guy, and I think this blog is just an outlet for you to rant and spew your hatred. You’re a Democrat, right? How come I never read any comments from you where you are positive? Where you are just extolling the virtues of your/our party? I get it. You love venting your hatred for Republicans, but I’m having a hard time differentiating you from them. Republicans are mean, nasty, angry, and intolerant, right? But that sounds exactly like you!
I’d like to challenge you. I’d like to challenge you to try to slip in a few exclusively positive comments from time to time on this blog. You can’t mention or bash Republicans or others on this blog. Just write positive things about you or your party.
Can you do it?
“Yeah, I can do it, but I don’t want to do it! I want to give back to them what they’ve been giving us ….” I’m going to stop you right there. If that’s how you feel, then what’s the difference between you and a Republican? If Democrats are just as hate-filled and intolerant as Republicans, what does it matter who’s in office?
With 22% of Hillary’s voters voting for McCain and the nasty attacks of Obama’s MSM friends, I’d venture Donkey polling has shown this woman adds gravitas to the McCain campaign.
So slingshit, tell me where you gleaned this data?
Troll: You are asking the impossible of bybygoober and we all know it. This task is made more difficult because the frontal lobes of bybygoober atrophied over time from lack of use.
He claims to to have family, bragging in August how he augumentally took apart his “brother-in-law” from Yakima. So if he has a sister she must be proud of his treatises here on HA.
Republicans make the charge that Liberals (and I am a card carrying, proud as hell liberal) are inflexible. Lets take a look at that charge:
1. Palin wants to outlaw abortion. Period. Where is the flexibility there.
2. Republicans say that anyone who opposes the war is a traitor, an appeaser and sides with the enemy. Again, the flexibility alludes me.
3. Republicans want abstinence only taught in the schools. Besides having their heads in the sand (Palin’s own child might have benefited from some alternative conception control methods) they are propagating the very welfare system that they want to rein in. Unplanned, unwanted pregnancy in adolescents just overwhelms the assistance programs. Where is the flexibility here? Beyond that, where is the common sense?
4. Republicans want us to forget the theory of evolution and focus on creationism. Forcing their RELIGIOUS beliefs on the rest of us. I sure don’t see the flexibility there. A little thing called the First Amendment seems beyond their comprehension level. Well, why not? They have also tossed the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments.
I for one am tired of being shouted down by the shrill voices on the right. This time I am going to heard. I am going to shove back. I am not going to take any more bullying.
I am the American voting public and I will be fooled no more.
“I betcha he’d say…”
Now Goldy, just because you “betcha” he’d say something, doesn’t mean he ever said it. In fact, he hasn’t said anything about Dino or Reichert.
Remember that everyday when you’re practicing ethical journalism.
“With 22% of Hillary’s voters voting for McCain”
What the fuck are you huffin’? Or maybe it’s lead poisoning from butt action with your made-in China O’Reilly blow-up doll.
Yeah, it’s pretty hard to find data.
Yo, Jerry, get thee to this page.
slingshit: Rasmussen? You can’t use Rasmussen. yelling loser boy says Rasmussen is biased toward conservatives.
Sorry your own peeps claim you are ignorant.
I started this back in February and then –
Next slingshit there was this:
Now slingshit: here is a quote why Hillary people are voting for McCain:
“Hillary supporters voted for her over Obama because
a) she has experience
b) she has political knowledge
c) she is surrounded by politically intelligent people
d) she is aware of what needs to be done to repair the country
e) she has actual plans
f) she didnt make empty promises
Obama possesses NONE of those qualities. McCain on the other hand possesses ALL of those qualities.”
slingshit: Even from Susan Estrich:
Estrich was asked: “Realistically speaking” How many of Hillary Clinton’s voters are in play for John McCain. Her answer: …..”about a third….30 % I would say”.
I thought the Donkey liked uppity wimens.
The punch line is: “Barack Obama and his sycophants are caught in their own irony. They have become exactly what they purported to despise: Threatening, lowlife fascists, misogynists and sexists.”
Weren’t there complaints from the Republicans campaign that Vice President Gore made campaign calls from his office?
They made a very big deal about the fact that he used his office telephone, rather than going outside and using a cell phone.
Now we have a Republican President using the Oval Office as a campaign backdrop.
Well, considering that the Republican VP nominee used the Alaska governor’s office to give a formal address to the Alaska Independence Party (AIP) convention.
By this point, most of us have now heard about the primary mission of the AIP (seceding from the United States), and its founder, Joe Vogler, who said, “the fires of Hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government.”
(Upon his death, Mr. Vogler was buried in Canada, pursuant to his stated desire not to be buried in United States soil.)
There is some dispute as to whether Governor Palin was an active member of the Alaska Independence Party, but there is no dispute about her husband’s membership in the AIP.
And, the video clearly shows that she is at least on friendly terms with a group that advocates Alaskan secession and is actively opposed to the United States government.
Most liberals, when asking why the Republicans “hate the United States”, are just being a bit snarky, and tongue-in-cheek with our comments.
Or, at least I used to think so.
PuddySilly is spewing yet more right wing bullshit and fear-mongering.
pajamas media? Right wing bullshit.
Estrich? Gets a paycheck from Faux Noise – ’nuff said..
Obama has political talent oozing from his pores, his long legislative career has tested him and he’s run a brilliant Presidential campaign. The man is ready TO LEAD. Depending on how the Congress breaks he could be the next Bill Clinton (without the embarassing parts) or even the next FDR.
McSame will be just the same.. More war, more corruption, more wealth flowing into fewer hands – an ugly future with that hollow shell of a man McSameAsBush being manipulated by his puppetmaster – Papa Karl Rove.
yelling loser boy@26, sorry your ignorant rant made no sense. Oozing? Especially from someone who is
to visit right wing sites and anyone who disagrees with you in the media needs to be ignored.
Remember the lefty MSM votes on average 86% DOnkey every four years for president. Google it moron.
27 – You’re wrong Stupes. I have visited many, many right wing sites – never at your stupid orders of course.