Paul Krugman has yet another great column in the New York Times today, ridiculing the assertion that soon-to-be-former Senator Joe Lieberman is either “centrist” or “sensible.” But it was a somewhat tangential paragraph that particularly stood out to me:
Many of those lamenting Mr. Lieberman’s defeat claim that they fear a takeover of our political parties by extremists. But if political polarization were really their main concern, they’d be as exercised about the primary challenge from the right facing Lincoln Chafee as they are about Mr. Lieberman’s woes. In fact, however, the sound of national commentary on the Rhode Island race is that of crickets chirping.
That’s because the establishment backlash to Lieberman’s defeat has never really been about political polarization… it’s about a political establishment fearful for its own survival. Indeed, the only thing truly radical about Ned Lamont is the grassroots path he took to victory.
I guess my question is, when a majority of Americans oppose the war in Iraq, believe it is being mismanaged, and want our troops home as soon as reasonably possible… is it extremist or centrist to agree with them? When 65 to 70 percent of Americans disapprove of President Bush’s job performance, is it extremist or centrist to chastise White House critics as endangering national security and emboldening terrorists?
If you define the center as where the majority of voters reside (and I’m not really sure how else to define it) then it is Lamont who stands firmly in the middle and Lieberman who has wandered to the fringe. That’s why Lamont won the primary, and that’s why he’s the hands down favorite to be the next Senator from Connecticut: because his positions largely represent those of a majority of CT voters.
It’s not that the punditocracy can’t see this obvious fact. It’s that they won’t.
Stephen Colbert addressed this nicely.
“Ned Lamont may have won the primary but his supporters are not mainstream Democrats. They’re against the Iraq war. A position so extreme that only 86% of Democrats agree with him”
Here’s the direct link to the video (about 6.5 megs):
For the full post:
If the pundits want to go after “extremists,” why aren’t the names of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Frist, Rick Santorum, Dennis Hastert, RubberStampReichert, Mike? Who, and Doc Hastings (among others) being mentioned?
I was listening to The Diane Rehm Show recently, when a caller asked just that. If 60% of the public is opposed to the war, how can being against it be a leftist position? She stated that it would seem to be squarely in the middle.
After much hemming and hawing, the panel allowed how she might have a point.
The Borgen Project has some great info on the cost of the Iraq War compared to the World Banks estimated cost of ending world hunger ( Mind blowing stuff.
“FORT LEWIS, Wash. — An Army sergeant who went AWOL from Fort Bragg out of disgust with the Iraq war says he’ll turn himself in Friday at Fort Lewis. … (Ricky) Clousing (of Sumner) sneaked out of Fort Bragg in June 2005. Beginning last fall, his lawyers … contacted Fort Bragg and later Fort Lewis … (b)ut neither installation claims responsibility for him … Clousing decided to just show up at Fort Lewis.”
This excerpt is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine from the King 5 TV web site; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Roger Rabbit comment: A sergeant goes AWOL, and a year later nobody in the Army knows what base he’s missing from. So I guess we shouldn’t be surprised they can’t tell an unarmed civilian from an insurgent, either.
Maybe this link will work
Hillary Clinton: “Centrist”
Fidel Castro: “Centrist”
Chairman Mao: “Centrist”
Of course, there’s more to Clousing’s story than the Army losing track of what unit he belongs to, and where it’s stationed … much more. Here’s what Clousing says about his experiences in Iraq:
“At an anti-war conference Friday morning at the University of Washington, Clousing … said he witnessed the ‘baseless incarceration’ and the ‘daily physical, psychological and emotional harassment’ of Iraqi citizens.
“He said he also witnessed the killing of an innocent Iraqi man by an American soldier in Mosul, but said when he tried to talk to unit leaders he was treated as an inexperienced soldier who ‘needed to shut up.’
“‘I saw firsthand the abuse of power that goes without accountability,’ said Clousing ….
“Clousing joined the Army in July 2002 and was trained as an interrogator with the 82nd Airborne Division, based at Fort Bragg, N.C. He deployed to Baghdad in December 2004.
“‘We Americans have found ourselves in a pivotal era where we have traded humanity for patriotism,’ Clousing said Friday. ‘We have traded our civil liberties for a sense of security.'”
Uncle Joe Stalin: “Centrist”
Kim Il Jong: “Centrist”
GBS: “Centrist”
Cynthia “BitchSlap” Mckinney: “Centrist”
Clousing will do stockade time. Not for going AWOL, but for criticizing Bush’s war. Since the U.S. invaded Iraq in March 2003, thousands of soldiers have deserted, but the military has quietly discharged most of them. They only prosecute those who “go public” in their criticism of the service, mission, and idiot-in-chief by calling a press conference and describing what they saw in Iraq to news media and/or anti-war groups. Deserting is not an offense, but shooting off your mouth will get you 5 years of hard labor.
Ted “Oldsmobile” Kennedy: “Centrist”
Of course, you don’t have to be in the military to get arrested for criticizing the Commander of Chimps. If you show up at a Bush rally, or even a “town hall” meeting to which the public is invited to discuss Social Security, with a t-shirt, button, or bumper sticker evidencing the slightest bit of disagreement with the dictator, a bunch of burly guys will jump you, throw you to the ground, handcuff you, and drag you out of the building to a paddy wagon. Just like in Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Bulgaria, North Korea, Cuba, and other bastions of representative democracy.
Q: What do Denver and Peking have in common?
A: If you criticize your country’s leaders, you’re arrested and thrown in jail.
Mixine Waters: “Centrist”
Miss “IDF” Goldie: “Centrist”
“Associated Press Writer
“CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) – When school was canceled to accommodate a campaign visit by President Bush, the two 55-year-old teachers reckoned the time was ripe to voice their simmering discontent with the administration’s policies.
“Christine Nelson showed up at the Cedar Rapids rally with a Kerry-Edwards button pinned on her T-shirt; Alice McCabe clutched a small, paper sign stating `No More War.’ What could be more American, they thought, than mixing a little dissent with the bunting and buzz of a get-out-the-vote rally headlined by the president? Their reward: a pair of handcuffs and a strip search at the county jail. …
“`I tell my students all the time about how people came to this country for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, that those rights and others are sacred. And all along I’ve been thinking to myself, ‘not at least during this administration.’
“Their experience is hardly unique. In the months before the 2004 election, dozens of people across the nation were banished from or arrested at Bush political rallies, some … simply for holding signs or wearing clothing that expressed opposition to … administration policies.
“Similar things have happened at official, taxpayer-funded, presidential visits, before and after the election. Some targeted by security have been escorted from events, while others have been arrested and charged with misdemeanors that were later dropped by local prosecutors.
“Now, in federal courthouses from Charleston, W.Va., to Denver, federal officials and state and local authorities are being forced to defend themselves against lawsuits … (that) accuse federal officials of developing security measures to identify, segregate, deny entry or expel dissenters.
“Jeff Rank and his wife, Nicole, filed a lawsuit after being handcuffed and booted from a July 4, 2004, appearance by the president at the West Virginia Capitol in Charleston. The Ranks, who now live in Corpus Christi, Texas, had free tickets to see the president speak, but contend they were arrested and charged with trespassing for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts.
… Leslie Weise says law enforcers are violating citizens’ rights to voice objections within earshot of the president. Last year, in Denver, Weise and two friends were evicted from a Bush town hall meeting on Social Security reform. … After parking Weise’s car, the three, dressed in professional attire and holding tickets obtained from their local congressman, arrived at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. Young cleared security, but Weise and Bauer were briefly detained and told by staff they had been `identified’ and would be arrested if they tried `any funny stuff,’ according to court records.
“After finding their seats, they were approached again by staff and removed before Bush began speaking. Days later, Weise learned from Secret Service in Denver that a bumper sticker on her green Saab hatchback – `No More Blood for Oil’ – caught the attention of security.
“`I had every reason to attend that event, just as anyone else in the room had that day,’ said Weise. `If we raised security to a higher level just because we had an opinion different from the administration, I think that goes far beyond what is appropriate for this country.'”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
I have a question. If Bush speaking events are “private” and security officials (whose salaries are paid by taxpayers) can eject anyone Bush’s handlers don’t want present, then shouldn’t he be paying rent for use of the White House and reimbursing the government for Secret Service salaries?
I was under the impression that was a public office he occupies, and he’s doing the public’s business — but I guess he doesn’t see it that way.
Republicans think the U.S. government is their own private corporation.
Maybe they should count themselves lucky. If GWB could do as he wished, he’d send them to Gitmo.
He’s one mean…
7, 8, 9
John Craig Herman: “Psycho”
I forgot to add “Sociopath”
“He’s one mean…” Commentby Harry Tuttle— 8/11/06@ 5:44 pm
One mean what? Let’s answer it this way. I’ll type “Bush is one mean ______________” and you fill in the blank. Some suggested choices are listed below, but this is not intended to be an exclusive list.
crack addict
I suppose that’ll get me thrown out of his next Seattle speaking engagement. Ya think?!
Not that I go to those things anyway. You need at least $25,000 to get in. Why would I pay 25Gs to hear a guy who won’t talk to anybody who doesn’t give him 25Gs? I thought that was a public office he occupies, and he’s supposed to do the public’s business, but I guess not.
I wonder when the troll apologists for the Coulterbitch are going to show up in this thread?
Damn Roger, For a minute there I thought you were talking about Gov Gregoire and the Washington State Patrol. They are pretty aggressive with their protection stuff too. You have to register to get into one of her “Town Halls.” They won’t let her walk to work – like Locke used to do. They have done a good job of keeping all of the protestors away from her after she started making public appearances again.
Cantwell: no permanent bases in Iraq
by Goldy, 08/04/2006, 3:22 PM
“Last night the Senate passed an amendment introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell and Joe Biden, that prohibits the US Government from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq, and from exercising control over Iraq’s oil resources.”
Great move, Maria. We don’t need bases in the Middle East; nothing important goes on there. We should pull out and let Iran take over the oil.
30, Republican babe: Ann Coulter, Democrat babe: Helen Thomas [Roger which would be YOUR prom date?]
Roger Rabbit comment: A sergeant goes AWOL, and a year later nobody in the Army knows what base he’s missing from. So I guess we shouldn’t be surprised they can’t tell an unarmed civilian from an insurgent, either.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/11/06@ 5:17 pm
Very funny. Tell us again how you enlisted and fought in Vietnam.
“let me take this opportunity to announce I am a gay man, and proud of it. Thank you.”
Comment by Roger rabbit — 4/21/06 @ 11:34 am
Homosexuals weren’t allowed in the military during Vietnam, phoney.
I don’t have any problem getting into Gregoire events. What jurisdiction are you wanted in?
But then, they know my ears on sight.
Q: What do Denver and Peking have in common?
A: If you criticize your country’s leaders, you’re arrested and thrown in jail.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/11/06@ 5:30 pm
When were you last arrested and thrown in jail for trashing Bush,phoney.
LONDON, United Kingdom — Investigators on three continents worked to fill in the full, frightening picture Friday of a plot to blow U.S. jetliners out of the Atlantic skies, tracking the money trail and seizing more alleged conspirators in the teeming towns of eastern Pakistan. One arrested there, a Briton named Rashid Rauf, is believed to have been the operational planner and to have connections with al-Qaida in Afghanistan, Pakistani and U.S. officials said. […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………But, but, but Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are NOT happy with tracking the “money wire transfers”!!!! Harry?? Herry?? Nancy?? Nancy?? Bueller??? Bueller?? Frye?? Anyone???? ……………………………………………….. chirp, chirp, chirp……………..]
Helen’s cute. The Coulterbitch is a biological anomoly — if you touch her, you’ll get warts.
“let me take this opportunity to announce I am a gay man, and proud of it. Thank you.” Comment by Roger rabbit — 4/21/06 @ 11:34 am
I never said that, you fucking liar. But you said it … so, fascistfuck, how long have you been queer? Do you think your, um, preference is of biological origin or a learned behavior?
Are you saying those people in the article cited in #21 are lying? Are you in denial? Do you have your head up your ass?
Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers.
Workers paid by a liberal group to register voters in Franklin County have turned in more than 500 forms with nonexistent addresses and potentially fake signatures, elections officials said yesterday. (SNIP) Elections workers verifying new-voter forms discovered signatures with the same handwriting, addresses that were for vacant lots and incorrect information for voters who already were registered, Damschroder said. One card had the name of an East Side man who’s dead.
I’m SHOCKED, I tell you, just SHOCKED! Democrat cheating? NO!!!!!!!! Roger, are you shocked? Left Turn?? GBS? DR E??
These are perfectly good traditional fake Democrat voters who helped to almost elect Al Gore and John Fucking Kerry. And Ohio is in play!! “Count every vote”!!!!!!!
I think it’s great that Lieberman is now Senator Pariah. The key for democrats to win is to MOVE LEFT. Keep going boys. From VP candidate to outsider. Get more radical. Get more extreme.
Good strategy… keep it up…
The Washington County Sheriffs Department in Ohio has arrested two men for their involvement in what police say could be aiding terrorists, and one man linked to them could have been doing the same in Taylor County.
Last week, the Grafton police pulled over 24-year-old Hashem Sayed for a routine traffic stop. But what they found in his car was far from routine. Patrolman Daniel Laymon recalls the scene, “There were multiple cell phones, roughly 150 to 200 cell phones from multiple retailers,” he said.
Buying that many pre-paid phones is not a crime, but the police say it is unusual.
Less than a week later, the authorities in Marietta, Ohio, arrested 20-year-old Osma Sabhi Abulhassan and 20-year-old Ali Houssaiky. Washington County Sheriffs deputies seized several pre-paid cell phones and thousands of dollars in cash. Because of the incidents, Grafton police believe the events are connected.
“The department feels that there are a lot of similar circumstances and there are a lot of similarities between the activity there and the activity experienced here,” said Patrolman Laymon.
The activity seems to be more than just a coincidence. All three men are from Dearborn, Michigan and all three gave similar reasons for buying the phones. Sayed said he was buying them to ship to California to sell for a profit. But Washington County’s sheriff says that may not be the whole truth. “They are digital for detonating car bombs and they have a particular digital frequency and that’s what they’re using them for,” said Sheriff Larry Mincks.
Mincks says the men also had instructions on how to obtain private flights and airplane passenger information.
“It also had some information concerning airport security and check points.”
He says the two men apprehended in Ohio are linked to another man who is being investigated for possible terrorism. Now, police across the state have a warning for residents.
“Not that it’s a crime,” said Grafton Police Chief, Robert Beltner. “But we can check into it to make sure nothing illegal is going to take place with those phones.” […………………….These fine young Democrat men must be allowed to vote Democrat in OHIO in NOV 06!! ASnd Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are pissed that the police stopped them and INVADED THEIR PRIVACY!!!!!!!!]
Alas, I am not wanted anywhere………..
“Homosexuals weren’t allowed in the military during Vietnam, phoney.”
Commentby americafirst— 8/11/06@ 6:21 pm
Actually they were allowed in the military during the Vietnam war. The most documented cases were during the buildup to the TET offensive. You have to PROVE you were gay to get out of going to Vietnam. There are/were several people who fought to stay in the military for that specific reason.
“let me take this opportunity to announce I am a gay man, and proud of it. Thank you.” Comment by Roger Rabbit {Jesus, RR, I didn’t know. Is GBS gay, too?]
Roger, No more “Tookie Williams” rectum jokes. I promise. I really didn’t know. JCH
Three Middle Eastern Men Found With 1000 Cell Phones, Now Face Charges.
JCH Kennedy,
they needed those 1000 cell phones so they could send electoral info to Goldie so the wascally Republicans could not check on them.
they needed those 1000 cell phones so they could not be tracked when they called their overseas handlers.
they needed those 1000 cell phones so they could launder their money so the ACLU could make a case for them.
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mike Webb Sucks, Perhaps you should consider joining the “Kennedy Band Of Brothers” on HA.ORG by adding the name “Kennedy” to your posting name. Think about it. Us Kennedys rape, murder, drive and drive, and these dumb ass libs vote for us in EVERY election. By adding the name “Kennedy” you will join Rufus, Mark the Redneck, JCH, Pud, and, shit…………who am I missing? Anyway, this drives the commie libs nuts as they know they are dumb ass hypocites who feel that the Kennedys are “just a little more equal” than the rest of Americans. Best regards, JCH “Pat” Kennedy]
MTR@43 Mark Good Buddy! Been waitin’ on ya! About those PE creds you claim. I’ve been having an awful time finding any. I’ve looked under Mark the Retarded, and Mark the A**hole, and can’t find anything.
Ok, good buddy, you’re gonna have to help me out here. . .just what branch of enjinuring are you in?
Markthe Retarded@43 I mean, that is, you did go to enjinuring skool and all, Right? And of course, you can tell me where you sat for your exam. ‘Course, the sticky part here in Washington would be sending in the fee for your PE license. . .we all know you’re a little ‘tight” about paying your debts. . .
Add to your list:
Apparently the Olmert Government has chosen the path of appeasement and your Dear Leader Dubya is totally whipped by Condi.
There’s only two paths to take now: 1) resurrect the Likud and put Netanyahu in charge of Israel and 2) retire Dubya to Crawford and get the much more manly Darth Cheney in the Oval Office.
Then you wingnuts can “git ‘er done” in the “War to Create More Terrorists”.
If you knew that George Bush, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove were working with Osama bin Laden to plan fake terror attacks on the US around election time in order to beef up GOP chances, would you be more or less likely to vote GOP?
Commentby LeftTurn— 8/11/06@ 7:36 pm
40, Left Turn, Perhaps it was Cynthia “BitchSlap” McKinney, William J. “Icebox” Jefferson, and Nancy “Nip/Tuck” Pelosi, DEMOCRATS, that were “working” with Osama Bin Laden?? [You are a total Democrat dumb ass!]
MTR@43 Mark Good Buddy, I’m a little disappointed you have’t answered yet. I mean I’m just lookin’ out for your best interests. . .I wouldn’t want you stamping any construction plans here in good ole ‘warshington’ without the proper PE creds. . .like mebbe that new outhouse yer ‘abildin’?
Residents in Winter Park, Fla., are angered over the city’s response to a squirrel that attacked at least seven people this month, according to a report.
The squirrel attacks happened at Winter Park’s Central Park over the last several days.
A 3-year-old boy was bitten by the animal several times and has a two-inch wound on his leg, according to the report.
Another child was reportedly bitten on his calf and a man sitting on a park bench was attacked by the squirrel. He suffered a bite and scratches on his arm.
The attacks took place between August 1 and August 4.
Some people now say the attacking animal should have been captured sooner.
One citizen said he captured the squirrel under a bucket after it attacked his friend. He said he released the squirrel when county animal-services workers failed to arrive after two hours. [………….Shouldn’t we try to “understand the squirrel? Was it a black or grey squirrel? Was the squirrel “homeless”? Did the squirrel vote Democrat in Broward County in 2004? Sooooooooo many questions!!!]
killatroll/saveablog, Like MTR Kennedy is going to waste time on a piss ant Democrat loser like you.
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iran is pressing Shiite militias here to step up attacks against the American-led forces in retaliation for the Israeli assault on Lebanon, the American ambassador to Iraq said Friday. Iran may foment even more violence as it faces off with the United States and United Nations over its nuclear program in the coming weeks, he added. The Iranian incitement has led to a surge… […………………………………………………………………………………..Why do we take this shit? Take out the Iranian nuke program…………..NOW!!! Fuke the raghead muuuuuuuuuuuslims!!!!]
The great Glenn Greenwald:
When this all started, neoconservatives were in full bloodthirsty glory, salivating over the complete obliteration of Hezbollah and much of Southern Lebanon, as the start of the “great opportunity” — “our war” — in which we would do the same to Syria and Iran. Instead, they got a joint U.S.-French U.N. resolution engineering a cease-fire dependent upon French troops protecting Israel from the Hezbollah militia, and even Israeli hawks lamenting the humiliation suffered at the hands of Hezbollah (assuming Hezbollah, which clearly has the strongest hand here, agrees to all of this).
Watching Fox News right now discussing this is like being at a wake. Paul at Powerline is calling for the downfall of the Bush administration. The neoconservative dream for broader war, at least for the moment, has collapsed on its shattered foundations. Nobody should consider a Hezbollah victory to be anything remotely a cause for celebration; that should go without saying. But the plan the neoconservatives harbor – and thought they were finally able to execute – is as dangerous a threat as anything else in the world, and anything which puts a stop to it, and which drives a wedge between them and their enablers in the Bush administration, is something which, independent of all else, is a constructive development.
I view this war and the end of it as “bizarre” because the war’s ambitions were so grand and sweeping from the start– the amount of brutality and slaughter required to accomplish them were far in excess of what could be tolerated — that it was almost designed to fail from the start. One could say exactly that of the general neoconservative view on all matters (Iraq, transforming the Middle East, regime change in Iran, etc.)
39, it’s on the 4-20-06 Howard Schultz thread. If somebody spoofed your name they’re the liar,rodent. Maybe you’re just a defeatist.
“It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
Cut and run, it’s hopeless. Great morale booster for our troops, rodent.
Aw, Mark the Retardo, you’re really disappointing me here. . .I mean, talk to me Mark. . .could this be like your bet with Goldy? All hat and no cattle? All that spew and vitriol about havin’ the smarts and PE creds and all. Could it be your nuthin’ but a(nother) lyin’ sack of neocon sh*t?
DipStick@60 Pulling four tours and more. . .and being told you’re going home, only to be extended is a great morale booster MORON.
Leave my squirrels alone. They are wonderful animals. If one attacked, it was purely in self defense.
ChickenheartedChickenhawk@61 Yellow Elephant wants you!.
E – I was gone for a while. Any luck figuring out what caused the WTC collapse? Are you working on the airplane theory? I’d sure like to know how your research and analysis is coming. Let us know…
Comment for the Clueless@59 Thank you for the quote and succinct analysis.
As soon as the Israelis abandoned the idea that their campaign could be primarily fought from the air, the end-game was sealed. I believe you pointed this out several days ago.
Unfortunately Hisbollah and the Ayatollahs of Iran have played this administration like a drum. . . We’ve done nothing but strengthened their hand. And in the process destroyed hope for democracy in Lebanon.
Ah, Mark My Good Buddy! Now about those PE creds. What branch are they in?
Markthe Retarded@43 I mean, that is, you did go to enjinuring skool and all, Right? And of course, you can tell me where you sat for your exam. ‘Course, the sticky part here in Washington would be sending in the fee for your PE license. . .we all know you’re a little ‘tight” about paying your debts. . .
MarkandtheRetardedRednecks@65 Ya know, I’m having the same problem with PudWhacker. I can’t find his PE creds, no how. I’ve tried ButtPutty, and PUdWhacker, and even Clocome on guys, help me out here.wnConservative(Darrell)PudWhacker, and still no luck. . .
What am I hearin’ here. . .crickets?
Away for a while? Didja do your homework? If not, ‘swrong wif you, fool? Like I toldja last time, don’t come back until you’ve done your homework. You only had to watch a wee little video. You don’t even need to be literate for that.
I expect a full report in the morning, “Dumass” [sic]*.
*Mark el Retardo has never heard of Alexandre Dumas, but I’ll bet he eats a candy bar or two every now and then.
I’ll bet the rest of you wingnuts are sooooo scared shitless that you’ll gladly give up your bottle of water at the airport.
Heard Greg Palast* on the radio a little while ago, who had a nice take on things: If Richard Reid (aka the “shoe bomber”) had tried to put a bomb in his underpants, they’d be making us take something other than our shoes off at the airport.
*Greg Palast is probably the last actual American investigative journalist in the business.
Add to list:
Pol-Pot worshipper
corporate whore
pathological liar
“see-food” lover*
ignoramus of monumental proportions
anti-democratic traitor
* i.e. chews with his mouth open
You Go,Dr. E!
We should just go ahead and change the name of this country to the Republic of Absurdistan.
I kinda like that solution. . .that way they don’t have’ta “raise taxes”, just do direct rip-off of the American traveller to fund their charities. . . .
You forgot to add “bore”.
ArtFart,check out the Knoppix Forum. I got started with Linux back in approximately 1994.
Before I forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from last week:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Go here: for Jesus’ General’s take on Centrism.
“Great move, Maria. We don’t need bases in the Middle East; nothing important goes on there. We should pull out and let Iran take over the oil.”
What oil? When’s the last time you got a single molecule of Iraqui hydrocarbon in your gas tank, Einstein? Most of what oil they’re pumping there is ending up dribbling on the ground from leaky pipes. The Iraquis themselves can’t buy gas.
Don’t you drones get it, yet? Bush and his Enronesque buddies are gaining control of Middle East oil so they can LIMIT supply, and MAXIMIZE their profits.
For you to try and defend what they’re doing marks you as either stupid, a liar or both. At the very least, a hypocrite–or have you forgotten all the doe-eyed nobility with which our esteemed leaders assured us during the run-up to war that it wasn’t about “blood for oil”?
Last night, I was watching John Dean on one of the cable channels, speaking at a recent appearance here in Seattle. He stated that he considered himself a “Goldwater Republican” 35 years ago, and basically still does. The difference is that the neocons and their media mouthpieces have pulled the scale so far off-center that believing the same things now makes him a liberal. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Barry would have agreed.
Yes, but they need to do more. If these GOP fuckers are really serious about “homeland security” (the actual term is “Heimatssicherheit”, but that’s another story) then they need to do more than take away grandma’s toothpaste. But since they won’t do more than jack up the “be-scairt” alert to code red and take away Uncle Sal’s colostomy bag, we’ve got to demand the following, which I offer as my public service for the day:
Call your Senators, Representative, the director of the TSA, HS Secretary Chertoff, plus the pResident and demand the following:
1. That there be at least one staff member fully qualified in the handling of explosives at all airport security stations at all times to supervise the confiscation of all potentially “hazardous” liquids, gels, etc.
2. That all surrendered items be handed directly to TSA staff who deposit such items in a secure location at a safe distance from all passengers in the security area. (It is NOT acceptable to drop your bottle of water into a box with other bottles — there could be chemical leakage, dangerous admixtures, etc. (I personally don’t want to find out what happens when Preparation H meets Diet Coke, do you?)
3. That all surrendered items be transported in fully armored vehicles, again by individuals fully competent in the handling of explosives. The said items must be transported to a secure location designated for the disposal of hazardous materials. It is NOT acceptable to “throw them in the trash”, as is the case in Atlanta and elsewhere. Alternatively, such potentially “dangerous materials” could be destroyed on-site at the airport, which might make for some light entertainment for the viewing public.
Seems reasonable enough to me.
Wow powerful pictures. The muslims crying are terrible. Must not have knocked off enough jews when their kids blew themselves up.
Yeah Dan. Pigmentation makes them evil.
Yeah Dan. Pigmentation makes them evil.
Commentby patriotboy— 8/11/06@ 11:18 pm
Nay. Nazis come in all different shape and colors these days. They just hide behind a religion (radical Islam) or political ideology (liberalism).
Psychotic@87 !
Dr. E@84
Yes, makes perfect sense. If indeed those items are considered potentially explosive, then they need to be treated as such. Not thrown in the trash, not handed out to the poor and definitely not mixed.
Here’s a librul’s dream…
MarktheRetarded@90 You’re up awful early. . .boning up for that PE exam?
MarktheRetarded@90Mark, good buddy, mebbe you can help me out with another question I have: How can a self profess professional(troll that is) like yourself be such an Ignorant, Racist, Homophobe?
90 – pay your gambling debt, welsher.
Hey, Roger Rabbit, are you really a fag?
“let me take this opportunity to announce I am a gay man, and proud of it. Thank you.”
Comment by Roger rabbit — 4/21/06 @ 11:34 am
Republican babe: Ann Coulter, Democrat babe: Helen Thomas [Roger which would be YOUR prom date?]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/11/06@ 6:19 pm
The answer to your question is neither: Roger’s a fag, and Roger Rabbit wold rather got to the prom with a guy.
“Hey, Roger Rabbit, are you really a fag?” Commentby Yossarian— 8/12/06@ 8:41 am
Not intentionally, but I’m wondering if that’s you in the middle in this sandwich?
Why would anyone care if the rabbit is gay? Are they secretly lusting after him?
Yossarian’s not that good looking. Baggy pants, and saggy chest. . .
95 “Republican babe: Ann Coulter, Democrat babe: Helen Thomas [Roger which would be YOUR prom date?]”
Assuming Roger ISN’T gay, it sure as hell couldn’t be Ann.
Indeed a majority of Americans strongly disagree with Maria Cantwell on the War, so why is it Goldy is still shilling for her? Please tell us where exactly is the daylight between McGavick and Catwell on the war, the patriot act, etc?
#100 What would you rather have?
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