A crew from a highly respected national TV news program will be in Seattle on Monday, filming a segment on youth gambling. They are looking for teenage gamblers to interview.
If you know of any teenager who is a frequent gambler, or has experienced symptoms of problem gambling, who is willing to talk on camera, please contact me, so I can forward the information.
I don’t know if Dino and the recount crew are considered youth. Vance is definitely childish and Dino and they both seem to be gambling away their futures in politics. Maybe they should be interviewed for the report.
I know two that just took me for $20.00. Is it a problem if you beat your dad all the time?
I don�t know if Dino and the recount crew are considered youth. Vance is definitely childish and Dino and they both seem to be gambling away their futures in politics. Maybe they should be interviewed for the report.
That’s funny.
jpgee @ 1
Dean Logan has a few counting ballots… (still)
maybe they will force a new gambling topic in the sex-ed classes for the the teens. roll it all into one sin prevention along with how to put condoms on cucumbers. in fact extend it to grade school children huh? the liberal way to educate the villagers for the social-ist life you are preparing them for.
Well it’s been 4 hours… this one seems to be a snooze, Goldy.
You don’t mind if I shake things up a bit with an email I received, do you?
We Filed!!!
Today, we filed our initiative to repeal the gas tax hike.
We must now wait for the Secretary of State and the Attorney General’s office to review our draft, assign a ballot number and approve the measure. We plan to print petitions and mail them out the same day we receive approval.
Our time to qualify for the ballot is short. Once petitions are printed we will need your help to get them out, get them signed and get them returned as quickly as possible.
If you can help with a contribution to cover the costs of printing and mailing, please visit our website and help with a donation: http://www.nonewgastax.com
We’ve taken a giant step forward to stop the new gas tax hike. With your help and committed support, we WILL qualify for the ballot.
Thank you!
Paid for by No New Gas Tax * 218 Main Street, #412 * Kirkland, WA 98033
awesome, crissy is ineffective.
Caterwauling @ 6
If this initiative passes, voters will deserve the gridlock they’ll get when the viaduct and 520 bridge are closed for safety reason. These two corridors carry over 1/3 of Seattle’s commuter traffic. You can look forward to spending over 2 hours to get from Seattle to Bellevue, or 4 hours to get from Tacoma to Everett. Do you think Boeing will put up with that, or will they leave the state, as they’ve threatened to do if nothing is done about our outmoded transportation system? People living elsewhere in the state may think voting down the gas tax increase won’t affect them, but they’re wrong; their communities will lose freight mobility projects important to their local economies. Like I said, the people who vote for this initiative will deserve what they get.
I personally don’t drive on the viaduct or over the 520 bridge. So PLEASE tell me how I am going to be affected by Gridlock. Tell the people in Ellensburg how the gridlock on 520 is going to affect them.
Most of the people in this state do not drive over either of these roads. those same people are having a hard time trying to figure out why they need to pay for it.
In eastern washington this is not a right/left issue. My friends on both sides (left and right) seem to be against this. of course we don’t live in King county.
Stop making sense @ 6
Hoorah for infrastructure Decay!!!
Hoorah for SUVs!
Hoorah for Climate change!
Hoorah for obscene Oil Company profits!
Hooray for Cockroaches being the dominant species on the planet!
Hoorah for the descent of man.
reggie complains, “I personally don’t drive on the viaduct or over the 520 bridge. So PLEASE tell me how I am going to be affected by Gridlock.”
Well, let’s see…
The goods you buy may travel those roads
The people you do business with may drive on those routes
The companies who drive our economy may need employees to use them
When people can’t drive on the viaduct or 520 bridge, they’ll use the roads you drive on instead. Ergo gridlock affects you directly. Even if you live far away, gridlock will slow down our economy and raise the prices you pay for goods and services. Ergo gridlock affects you indirectly, too.
Of course, reggie, the premise you’re working from is selfish and fundamentally flawed. I don’t drive most of the highways in this state, especially the long, empty stretches of road that connect the cities and towns of eastern Washington. By your self-centered logic, we shouldn’t have to pay for any road projects over there, because they aren’t running straight to our front door. Grow up and learn something about living in a larger community.
As a footnote, the gas tax hike will also pay for lots of projects where you probably do drive, so be careful what you wish for.
When I was much younger, I knew some boys who liked to play a special brand of poker. They called “Strip Poker.” Does that count?
Brenda, it only counts if you are a Mayor of Washington’s Red Cities
to #11; Ok, what about the gold plated versions of these roads that the Seattle libs want, vs plain old functional ones that would meet the needs of truck drivers delivering Wal Mart goodies to Wenatchee.
Problem is, architects and latte drinkers in seattle want some beautiful viaduct, and a soaring beautiful 520, both being perfectly ecologically correct, not damaging rumored INdian graves, etc, etc. Probably both have public art requirements embedded in the billions
Gas prices are high, so……….Let’s raise the gas tax!!! [hehe….Atlas has Shrugged!]
And this on the next $10bb faux transit people want http://www.kingcountyjournal.c.....tml/206885
righton, @ 14 you ask “what about the gold plated versions of these roads that the Seattle libs want, vs plain old functional ones”
Simple. If there’s not money to pay for the ideal version, we won’t get it. That’s more an issue with the viaduct than the 520, of course; differing estimates for a replacement 520 bridge are based mostly on how much capacity the road will have. With the viaduct, a tunnel of equal capacity would cost more than straight replacement of the elevated structure. But if you’ve ever been to, e.g., the Embarcadero in San Francisco, you might get a feeling for the benefits of not having a double-decker highway on the tourist waterfront.
Hopefully the WSDOT can figure out a way to lower the tunnel costs (perhaps by stacking the lanes vertically instead of side-by-side) so we can afford it, and maybe our Congressional delegation can bring home some of that “pork” in the Transportation budget before the current structure falls down.
Does driving the viaduct repeatedly count as problem gambling?
righton, re: “the next $10bb faux transit people want”,
Yikes. I sincerely doubt they will be able to raise those 5 to 10 (well, let’s just say 10) billion dollars, even though people do want a wider transit network. It seems especially unlikely in the face of other unfunded transportation needs, like $11 billion to widen I-405 (according to the WSDOT website). It all makes the billion or two for replacing the viaduct sound downright reasonable!
“A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.” (attributed to Sen. Everett Dirksen)
I think Sound Transit’s LINK light rail project and the Seattle Monorail Project are both bad bargains (although between them, the Monorail seems to be the better value). What I really want to see is the next generation of public transportation: Personal Rapid Transit (PRT).
the Alaskan Way viaduct is a luxury to allow people who live in West Seattle and work in Pike Place to get home 10 minutes sooner. The rich folk of West Seattle can pay for their own waterfront highway if they want it. How about we just tear it down and not put anything there? All you who think you are “progressives” need to look at what Portland did.
Oh, and why don’t all you “progressives” use mass transit anyway?
Yeah Monorail to me looks less bad; might actually like it if the folks running it weren’t so slippery w/ the facts.
Embarcadero; sure I know it, who cares? I wish it still had the roadway; this isn’t 1972 with abundant money for function, beauty, esthetics, blah…lets just build it fast and cheap.