Michael Hood at blatherWatch has been blathering about the need for Seattle’s Air America affiliate, KPTK-1090 to hire some local hosts to challenge the reigning righties, like KVI’s Kirby Wilbur and John Carlson. He offers some nominees to play the role of local, liberal “blabberjockey,” and I’m quite intrigued with the name at the top of the list.
We’ ve already had some nominees for the new blabberjockeys. The irrepressible, brilliant and blognacious Goldy (really David Goldstein) of Horsesass.org has been nominated and already agreed to take the 6-9a shift.
Um… actually, I’d much prefer afternoon drive time (I’m not much of a morning person,) but I doubt 1090 would want to mess with their popular afternoon schedule. Besides, beggars can’t be choosers, and I’d jump at the chance to audition my chops on talk-radio, whatever the time slot. I like to talk. Occasionally, I even listen.
But regardless of who eventually gets on the air, I agree 100 percent with Michael that we need to start developing some local liberal talent to compete with the right-wing howlers. I love and respect Dave Ross, but we need more than just his “common sense” approach to balance the calculated propaganda propagated by John Carlson. We don’t need another journalist like Dave… we need a political partisan like John.
We also need liberal hosts who are willing to shamelessly promote the Northwest liberal blogosphere the way Air America’s Majority Report has done for national bloggers (and the way KVI and KTTH have done for (un)Sound Politics.)
So I’d be curious to hear your nominees for liberal blabberjockey (please… pick me, pick me!) And if you think I’m totally deluded in imagining myself in the role… well… okay, I suppose I should welcome some constructive criticism too.
Well I have heard you on the Radio, right wing Radio but radio non the less. Your voice is good, and quoting George W. “you have a face for radio”. You seem to hold your own with these guys. I agree that we need someone who is not afraid to speak out, even against our new “centrist Democrats”. I think by reading your Blogs over the past few months that you could be that person…..just don’t forget the goal to be partisan and not centrist (that should be our new swear word)
Good luck
PS. you have the Hairline for Radio as well. Damn, I think you were made for radio..or Blogging.
I don’t care who does it — so long as they make a greater effort than Ross, Carlson, etc., to learn some facts before they shoot off their mouths.
I am very much in favor of you having your own radio show, preferably for several hours a day during primetime. I’m sure you can figure out why.
I hope you maintain the same tone and standards on the radio that you do on this website.
What’s wrong with centrist Democrats? Somebody has to worry about winning elections. I nominate David Krafchick, another tireless and unfunded promotor of liberal ideas.
Goldy, I think you would make an excellent talk radio host. You should be careful about a 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. slot. That is a bit early, and you seem more like a night person.
I am especially worried, since you haven’t set your clock ahead an hour yet. :) Horsesass.org seems to still be on Pacific STANDARD time. :o
I can hear it now, “And now it is the Goldy Lickass Show, and here is Goldy!” That is what it would turn out like, the local Tom Leykis show…
I like to say; we don’t need Liberal radio, as much as we need Moderate radio. Rightwing radio pundits are extreme partisans -offensively, even maliciously alienating to Lefty listeners, so completely repulsed that listening sickens. Should Lefty radio pundits lose would-be Righty listeners with similarly partisan rhetoric? How will rank-n-file republicans hear more complete and truthful perspectives, if Left rhetoric likewise repels?
I’m not sure Air America Radio format is set up for local talk shows, but the idea sounds good. I’m outraged by right wing lies and liars, deceit, crooks, malevolence, Orwellian and satanic hypocricy, but if given the chance to host a radio talk show, my persona model would not be Mike Malloy.
Dubyasux @ 5,
Nothing is wrong with centrist Democrats. The country would be in better hands if real grownups were watching it. There are two problems.
First, Air America is a partisan radio station. If you want balance, there are plenty of news outlets that strive for that. AAR’s job is to “rally the base” as they say.
Second, what passes for the center of the Democratic party today (the DLC), has been poisonous for winning elections. The DLC was fine at the start. It convinced Wall Street and large corporations that the Democratic Party wasn’t going to nationalize them or tax them to the sky. This is good.
We’ve had a huge message problem, and I lay the blame squarely at their feet. The Republicans have promised (and delivered to some extent), lower taxes and more “opportunity” (i.e. a more business-friendly environment). Unfortunately, neither of these have much more than marginal benefit for people who don’t have stratospheric incomes. Frankly, I know several people who have very high incomes, in the 300-400k range, and even they’re not breaking out in cheers at the tax cuts. Never mind the rest of us plebes scraping by on less than that. The message still works, because everyone thinks they’ll hit the jackpot one day.
The DLC line is exactly the opposite of that. “Well, you know, we’d like to give you something that might help you. You know, decent health care, better funded schools, career training, etc. only there isn’t any money that would actually pay for that, because we’re financially responsible, and even if we were to raise taxes, which we won’t commit to doing, we wouldn’t ever raise them enough to actually fund any of these things.”
With a message like that, we will lose, and we deserve to lose.
Cutting taxes is easy. Balancing the budget on these cut taxes is much harder (looks wistfully towards the other Washington for this fiscal restraint we were promised under “conservative” government. I’m sure they can blame the Democrats for their prolifigacy somehow).
The entire country needs an economics lesson. Here are some things people want (better schools, better military, more roads, clean air, more forestland, etc.), Here is what it will cost to actually deliver those things. Here are some options for paying for this. All of those things cost something. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you a bill of goods, anyone who believes otherwise should call me for some excellent real estate propositions which are sure winners in our rising market.
I for one nominate Mr. Cynical. He would add some balance to 1090.
DRKAFC @ 10:
Just curious, when you ask for “balance” on 1090, do you mean you want a real conservative on a station which exists to provide lefties a little cheer in our otherwise dreary lives, or should Cynical be like Alan Colmes on FOX, or the Washington Generals vs the Globetrotters, namely a loveable loser whose sole job it is to act as a punching bag to the other side?
p.s. November was a long time ago. It’s April now. I find it as hard to believe as anybody, but your side won.
jsa @ 9
I’m not aligning myself with the DLC. I try to align myself with what works for the vast majority of people. I’m a pragmatist who believes in using government to improve people’s lives, but understands the limitations of government and that taxes and regulation must have limits.
Just what we need more ‘fair’ and ‘balanced’… And for what it is worth I absolutely think that we need local talent on local issues.
As for the tone, I would mostly like to see something between Dave Ross’ overt pragmatism -which is much more a triangulated middle ground then it is left- and Randi Rhodes’ fire breathing.
Dubyasux @ 12:
I understand. I also consider myself a pragmatist.
Maybe I should have saved a bunch of words and just said:
Centrist politics matters, but the Democratic party needs a new center. The current one is killing us.
jsa @ 14
I don’t have a problem with most of what the Democratic Party stands for, but we need to do a better job of communicating to voters what it stands for.
so you will go on the radio each day to broadcast new tax proposals, new budget gimmicks like not funding state pensions, more memebers of Gregoire’s family put on the state payroll, more abortions performed and more 2004 ballots found? that will surely create fear in republicans.
So I’d be curious to hear your nominees for liberal blabberjockey (please… pick me, pick me!) And
Hey you might as well as Stefan got on KVI.
You guys could take your blogging to the air.
The middle and left needs some advocates that stop trying to be so politically correct and will call the right wingers on the blather they put out as fact.
They also need someone that isn’t driven by some ultra narrow position like PETA.
You mean taxes, money giveaways, surcharges, tolls and more tax? I believe your party has succesfully got that across to the American voter (as well as the Washington voter)
I nominate Democrat Tony Ventrella. Hmmm. Wait a sec. He’s already got a radio show and he trys to keep closeted that he’s a Democrat.
Skip Berger from Seattle Weekly is very good on the radio. He’d do well for sure. And good pols for the gig might be former SecState candidate Laura Ruderman, former state Rep. Jeri Costa, Dow Constantine of KC Council, and former Seattle mayor Norm Rice.
Other choices that I think would otherwise be overlooked are UW philosophy grad Kim Thayil (formerly of Soundgarden and his deejay days at KEXP) and Art Alexakis of the rock band Everclear (excerpted news release pasted below). He’s a radio vet and could cover Portland and Seattle media markets.
Business Wire, July 22, 2004
Rockstar Delegate Attends Democratic National Convention.
HOLLYWOOD — Art Alexakis, lead singer and main member of the rock group Everclear, is one of the few, if not only, rock stars ever to be elected by voters as a delegate to the Democratic National Committee. Earning his credentials by emphasizing outreach to youth voters and remaining politically active and outspoken, Alexakis is known as an advocate of parental financial support and testified before congress to lobby for a “deadbeat dad” bill. Art has maintained an active fan base of not only his music, but his politics as well.
As an elected delegate from Oregon’s 3rd congressional district (Portland), Alexakis will be traveling with other delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Boston to nominate John Kerry and to adopt a national party platform.
Because of the unique cultural appeal Alexakis has as a rock star delegate (and as host of Portland, OR radio show, “Blackjack Radio”), he is a magnet for media aimed at the youth & young adult market. “This is such a great opportunity for me to connect with young people to get involved, educate themselves with the issues, register and vote,” says Alexakis. “It’s time to put ideas into action. It’s up to each of us to take back the American Dream, we need to get up off our asses and do whatever we can to fight hypocrisy, lies and double-talk.”
Journalist like Dave? You’re joking right?
Rush @ 16, Chuck @ 18
Why don’t you two clowns offer some solutions instead of just criticizing? Or is that too taxing on your pea brains?
hey smartypants 21: I just do like the democrats in DC. criticizing is the one thing democrats are good at.
but if you would like some “solutions”: Logan resigns, Judge Bridges orders a new election that is won by Rossi (after democrats join republicans in criticizing Gregoire for fattening the family paycheck by putting her husband on the payroll again) , the CAO is significantly amended, the state budget is made real (full payments are made to the state pension fund), Sims loses in november and King County becomes a two party county.
just a small start here in WA.
It is all about ratings! What are the current ratings of AAR? I listen on occasion and it is painful. Redundant, much like Howard Stern. Another trait of AAR is the host name calling the callers, that is really attractive and sure to boost ratings.
I have heard Goldy on KVI and he sure has the perfect voice to attract all the Seattle extreme left wing radicals, shrill.
I’ve not had the opportunity to hear you on the radio, but I would definitely tune into your show. My other nomination (a second to the nomination above) is for Knute Berger.
I have heard him on radio…as I said it sounds like the Goldy Lickass show…all flame and little fact, however entertaining!
White whine;
The Painful voices you hear on Air America are those of O’Reily and the Fat Drug addict on Frankens show. Almost every day he replays the lies told the day before by these two, plus Hannitty, Fox and this administration and gets the true facts to prove them. How many lies does it take for you to question someone who is doing the supposed fair and balance news to distrust them? You blew off Dan Rather with one. These shows are here to show you that your GOP has been Hijacked. They are asking you if this is worse than lieing about a Blowjob.
Whiney this post is not meant for you, because you are one of the terrorist hijackers of that great old party of Fiscal sanity and less government intervention. You Bitching and complaining about local issues mean nothing compared to the fascists you blindly support in Washington.
PS the Local Air America has a listening audience of about 85K and growing I am told.
To the rest of you;
Who don’t think Goldy would be a great talk show host.
YOUR NOT THE TARGET AUDIENCE….If he wanted to preach to Sheep he’d go to your holier than thou churchs or Montana. We’ll Leave Montana and the Sheep to JCH, cause of his experiece. Goldy I hope to hear you on the Radio.
Judging from the libs on this page…the lock step libs, I would have to say that the majority of shhep are right here….
DanW and Goldy,
I’m not the target audience, but believe Goldy would vastly improve the listenability of Air America. IF he avoids the name calling and childish whining the national hosts seem to gravitate towards.
Goldy, a few words of advice: if you take this gig, get your pay up front. This network is not going to be solvent for a long time (if ever) based on the pathetic shows they offer the listening public. They are preaching to the base all right. The problem is the base is tiny and is not a “target demographic” for most advertisers.
chuckie pretzel @ 29 Wow, Shep is here, Where is MOE. Because you obviously are CURLY of the Three Stooges
Chuckie Pretzel boy @ 29 I really do believe that you need to study history and current events. The (RIP) Pope has done more for world peace than all of the others put together. It is a shame that you do not take the time to study events and only continue throwing out ‘jibberish’. If and when you do take the time, perhaps you can be a decent force in the formation of future generations. But I Truly Doubt IT. once a pretzel, always a pretzel
32: you are off point. but if you wish to talk about foreign policy successes: Reagan’s ending of communist domination of many countries and Bush’s receptive push for democracies in the Middle East rank extremely high. Carter and Clinton pale by comparison.
Rush @ 23
To keep this manageable, let’s split it into pieces, for example “the state budget is made real (full payments are made to the state pension fund” …
Fine. Where do you propose to get the money to do that?
Rush @ 33
“Reagan’s ending of communist domination of many countries”
I realize righties believe this, but you should understand liberals don’t buy this nonsense. The Soviet Union collapsed from internal weakness, assisted by hard shoves from the Afghans who humiliated the Red Army and Poland’s Solidarity movement, which got its moral courage from the Pope. The guy who really ended Soviet domination was Gorbachev, who decided to let the system fall rather than fight to keep it. The USSR would have fallen without Reagan, but it would not have fallen peacefully without Gorbachev, and it might not have fallen at all without Pope John Paul. Reagan-worship is a phenomenon confined to the irrational and self-propagandizing right.
You dont honestly believe that Koombiya bullshit do you?
Sorry Righties, AM talk radio is not your private playground anymore. Like it or not the more the average person gets to hear another side of ANY religious Republican promoted issue…the more the “right” side will fall into disfavor. Flame me all you want boys. You all have had your way for the last 15-18 years.
The record is not kind to your side.
We (MY side, snark, snark) just needs a TV news network…a real news network, please…and a local 1090 radio host. Maybe someone in the annoying Mike Malloy’s slot. Then let’s have “fair and balanced”. Or can’t your side take it?
Goldy, I don’t think it is all that narcissistic of you to promote yourself for a talk radio job… you deserve it as much as anybody else. Also, I’ve heard you on the radio, and I think you do a great job. I’m no liberal, and usually find myself to the right of you on most issues, but for all your partisanship I find this blog to be one of the most honest poltiical blogs out there. You’re like a magician revealing his tricks. You occasionally go over the top, but it wouldn’t be called Horse’s Ass.org if you didn’t. I often find myself laughing even when I disagree with you.
Forget about Air America though, it’s KIRO that needs to put you on the air. Other than Dave Ross, I’d listen to you over any of their other weekday hosts. Maybe they should even team you up with an angry conservative? That would be good radio.
AAR is actually doing quite well. They’re up to something like 51 markets now, and they are adding more. Clearchannel is leading the way, ironically, changing over several of their stations to the AAR format. I know in Portland they’re the 3rd biggest station overall among the 25-54, so the idea that they’re not drawing listeners is utter bullshit.
I nominate myself for late night local muckraker at KPOJ. I’ve got several years of radio experience, plus I stay up late nights. :)
Cheesy Chuckie @ 36
Yeah, I do. Do you really believe your bullshit?
yes, Dubyasux, I realize you pacificists think the U.S. can lay down its arms and all the countries that oppose us will, too. it is a wonderful but fleeting thought.
the rest of us then got advanced to first grade. and ultimately took history. were you around when the Iranians made Carter look helpless? when we were run out of Somalia during Clinton? I slept better under Reagan. and I do under Bush.
your party will keep losing presidential elections that could have been won if you choose to nominate weak foreign policy candidates. please do so. the South will definitely stay republican if you do.
AAR is in 51 markets? Wow that is an impressively small audience in comparrison to even the controversial Michael Savage who is in 350 markets at #3. Rush is #1 and has been for over a decade. #2 is…another conservative. We’ll compare ratings if AAR ever gets there, wishful thinking on your part tho.
As far as getting a liberal TV news station, are you kidding? ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS all extremely left. And we still kick your ass in elections. It’s the message not the messenger.
Ratings for cable are as follows, #1 FOX-O Reilly, #2 FOX-Greta then CNN Larry King. look it up.
Again the question is how many lies does Bull O’Reily have to tell you before you question the message? Like you did with Dan Rather…and for you to accept his Sexual harrasment when you have such a hard on for Clinton can we say religous zealot Hypocrite?
As for the Air America…it is only a year old..give it time. We may be slow to learn how to fight back, but the message will be heard.
Personally, I think Seattle needs to get someone into the market that’s liberal AND is experienced in radio.
I’ve never heard you…you might be great. :) But you’d probably do yourself no favors having a radio show if you’ve never done radio extensively before. It might be good for you to sign on with a partner (like Franken did with Lamphere) and gain experience that way.
I personally love Dave Ross. He’s absolutely wonderful. If he could be convinced to go more partisan I think he would be brilliant.
Why do you guys think that conservatives own the airwaves? NPR is the ultimate in liberal propaganda and they’ve been going at it unashamedly and unchallenged for years! Ross is the blatantly biased me-too story of the local liberal media behind NPR.
Goldy, you’d be a sad, me-three story following NPR and Dave Ross.
Carla @44
Who knows… maybe I’d suck. But I’m a quick study, and come from a performing background… and, well… it’s just something I think I’d be good at.
All I can tell you is that when I do the right-wing talk radio shows, the lines fill up pretty damn quick.
Hmmm… perhaps that’s the trick… I should get myself a show on KVI or KTTH!
IRS @45,
Trust me… I’m no NPR or Dave Ross. It’s not what I have to say… it’s how I’ll say it.
I think what we need is more people pointing out that Dave Ross is a professional journalist actually analyzing the topics and providing insight for and against. Hardball’s fine for some things, but I think the most disgusting thing about the last election – across the board – was the inaccuracies that were taken at face value and allowed to stand and the truths which were buried in the avalanche.
Anyone angry about the pork transportation bill our “esteemed” members of Congress passed and our equally “esteemed” Prez signed into law yesterday?
I just realized that the last post on this blog was in April! Did everyone fade away?