I realize we’re like 400 steps away from a hockey team in Seattle, and that a lot of people are upset by the possibility of a stadium. But I enjoyed the conversation about a possible name in this post and the comments. I like the Metropolitans. It evokes a history and I’d get to root for 2 teams named the Mets.*
A good team name is mostly subjective, of course. I like ones that have a connection to the area, and that are plural (sorry Storm). Beyond that, rolling off the tongue probably helps. So what would you name a hockey team if they came to the area?
* I grew up in New York, it was either that or the Yankees. Or not following Baseball, I guess.
Let’s recruit a bunch of players with dark skin. They can play before an overwhelmingly white audience in Seattle and we can call them the
a minstrel show requires not just a self-deprecating black performer (essentially auditioning for what Malcolm X would call a ‘house slave’), but more importantly a racist, white, power-holding audience, the ones who call the tune and enjoy the show.
Seattle Minstrels.
Lib Sci would be first in line for season tickets and his children would be outfitted in all of the finest team garb.
I think Seattle taxpayers should get the naming rights.
@ 2
We’d end up with the Seattle WaMu’s, then.
@3 You’re even more incoherent than usual this morning, Bob. Are you drinking before lunch?
CheapshotBob does seem to be on a tear this morning, I agree, Roger.
He seems to think that if he makes the same dishonest and poorly reasoned, but superficially provocative ‘point’ over and over, along with incessant reference to my children, he’ll score some sort of VICTORY!!! around here. He seems to spend a great deal of time and effort in this pursuit, and your concern about intoxication may be well placed.
A call to his place of work, expressing concern regarding the dread ‘impaired physician’ may bring to bear the help he needs. One can only hope.
I always hope there will someday be a sports team called the Seattle Sasquatches.
@5 Y’know, I really can’t figure out his incoherent remark @3. WTF does WaMu have to do with Seattle citizens? It’s almost as if he thinks the public ran the bank, or the bank was responsive to public opinion. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, WaMu was run into the dirt by a handful of crooked bankers who were only concerned with lining their own pockets. WaMu was headquartered here, but did business nationwide, and Seattle really had nothing to do with WaMu, and WaMu had nothing to do with Seattle, other than Kerry Killinger and his cabal of asslickers had their offices here and lived here (behind the walled enclosures of gated communities where the hoi polloi could not enter). I can’t figure it. WaMu was just another crooked corporation run by corporate crooks. That has nothing to do with the Seattle taxpayers who are forced by our corrupt municipal politicians to further enrich the uber-rich by building sports palaces for them at taxpayer expense. All I said was that since we have to pay for it, we should get to name it.
What’s wrong Lib da moron…
Bob is beating an issue just like you do. You incessantly bring stuff up over and over and over…
Remember everyone it was Lib da moron who decided to label Senator Tim Scott a minstrel after running to Daily Kooks for cover.
Since Lib da moron thinks a Black Republican is a minstrel, Bob is reminding everyone of Lib’s recent thought patterns in another thread.
I am in favor of building the arena, but in deference to those who oppose it,name it the Seattle Swindal.
@ 3
Since when do banks pay taxes?
How about the Seattle Ferries?
@ 11
We have a winner!
@8 Why is it okay when your guys do it, but not okay when our guys do it? At least be consistent!
@10 Oh, that’s what he meant! No wonder I couldn’t figure it out.
@11 I like it! And the amazing thing is, once again, Bob and I agree on something.
Consistent DUMB Wabbit? When did consistency become your daily motive?
I’m with Carl.
The Seattle Metropolitans were the first US-based hockey club to win the Stanley Cup (in 1917).
@16 You’re right, I’m inconsistent. I’m greedy only during stock market hours. I’m normal the rest of the time.
Seattle Swindlers would be appropriate.
Ah great…we have our two leading trolls shitting on their own credibility at the same time.
On a different note…had a conversation with some folks in Vancouver, BC the other day about the degree of interest they’d have in a revival of the Sonics here, and the even greater appeal of dueling NHL teams from here and there. It seemed a no-brainer that if all the moving parts could be aligned to add runs of the Amtrak Cascades to bring our neighbors from the Great Grey North down here for some of our sporting events, they’d be all over that.