“When mobility, traffic congestion and thousands of local jobs are at stake, we’d hope for stronger leadership.”
I’m packing up my virtual tent, heading home and celebrating a successful end to my vigil. David Irons is now officially on the record opposing Initiative 912, but in the worst possible way: weakly, weasly, and without conviction.
Of course I never expected Irons to directly respond to my queries, but as Cindy Sheehan proved in Crawford, TX, persistence can have its rewards, especially if the MSM takes up the fight. When the Seattle P-I finally forced the issue, Irons was forced to respond, but only dug himself a deeper hole by answering my very simple question with a rambling equivocation. As the P-I correctly observes in a Monday editorial, it was not exactly a display of the kind of strong leadership we need in a county executive.
Gas-tax Politics: Irons in the fire
David Irons, King County councilman and Republican candidate for county executive, seems uncomfortably balanced on the razor’s edge of the gas tax issue, teetering between the interests of the GOP’s traditional business supporters and the passions of the anti-tax elements of his conservative constituent base.
David Goldstein’s horsesass.org blog started the humming with claims that Irons earned the nod from the Alki Foundation by proclaiming opposition to Initiative 912, which would roll back the gas tax increase. Asked to clarify, Iron’s campaign office responded with the following: “In principle, I believe all major tax increases should go to a vote of the people. Personally I am voting no on Initiative 912. This is not the package that I would have put together. I believe it should have done more to reduce congestion. That’s why we need new leadership in King County that will advocate for more congestion relief.”
So, I-912 — essentially a vote of the people on a “major” tax increase — is a good idea, but he’s going to vote against it?
But will Irons, as a council member and executive candidate, actively campaign against I-912 to defend the billions of dollars in new gas tax-funded construction projects headed for Seattle and King County?
Irons — through his campaign office — says that the prepared statement “speaks for itself.”
When mobility, traffic congestion and thousands of local jobs are at stake, we’d hope for stronger leadership.
Sure… Irons’ statement “speaks for itself”… but with a kind of rhetorical aphasia that’s likely to confuse and bewilder audiences out on the hustings. While I suppose his “its a bad package but I oppose repealing it” stance was intended to give him an all-things-to-all-people appeal, I’m guessing it’s likely to leave I-912 supporters and opponents equally unsatisfied. Perhaps Kirby Wilbur and John Carlson will strategically avoid the issue the next time he appears on their shows, for I can’t imagine how Irons can defend his position without either defending the transportation package, or coming across as arbitrary and… well… stupid.
Leaving aside the question of whether the transportation package constitutes a “major” tax increase (it doesn’t) or whether all such increases should be put directly to voters (they shouldn’t), Irons’ statement is clumsy in its misdirection, when not entirely incomprehensible. Irons says that he would not have put together the transportation package in its current form, but then, neither would I… so get over it. The fact is we both recognize that, whatever its flaws, the package is good for the state and good for King County, and that it adequately funds the priorities laid out in the RTID proposal that Irons himself helped put together. That’s why we both oppose I-912… because repealing the gas tax hike would indefinitely delay desperately needed transportation improvements and maintenance.
But the statement’s most utterly ridiculous assertion is that the transportation bill’s shortcomings reflect on the need for “new leadership in King County.” If Irons actually believes this deliberate misrepresentation of the legislative process, then he clearly needs a refresher course in School House Rock.
I can only assume (hope?) that his “prepared statement” wasn’t written by Irons himself. So here’s a tip to the campaign staffer or consultant responsible: if you’re going to refuse to give a coherent explanation, don’t give one at all. I asked a very simple question: “Do you support I-912?”… and you could have simply responded “No.”
Or, you could have shown me the courtesy of responding directly to my queries, and taken advantage of my generous offer to post your complete reply, unedited, here on HA. This would have afforded you the opportunity to fully explain your position, outside the P-I’s editorial prism… while shutting me up in the process. Yeah, I know that according to Irons’ own internal polls, a full two-thirds of his core supporters are reflexively anti-tax… but hell… it’s not like these people are reading my blog anyway.
So if there is any lesson to be learned from the way Irons mishandled my vigil, it is that while some issues can’t help but generate controversy, there is one policy that is always popular with voters: honesty.
Good points, Goldy, but why is the text in the blockquote so big?
I guess you’d prefer actual historical “strong leadership” that Ron Sims gave us in the election; gee, nearly a year later and 1 guy gets moved within the department, nobody else loses a paycheck.
what kind of leadership is that?
At least they waited til post 2 to try and change the topic.
Goldy, as it’s necessary to pro forma disagree with you at least once a year to avoid looking like an ass-kissing sycophant, here goes:
1. How can you say a multi-billion-dollar tax increase isn’t a “major” tax increase? Come on, Goldy, let’s be candid — another dime a gallon sticks it to Jill Minimum Wage.
2. What do you mean the reflexive, knee-jerk, anti-tax-no-matter-what, right wing ranters don’t read your blog? Don’t you ever read your own message board? This blog has more wingnut ranters than Stefan’s board … it has more anti-tax foamers than Mr. Cynical’s kitchen has cockroaches ….
topic is strong leadership/irons. I’d argue comparing him to the incumbent is relevant
Reply to 6
Yes, if you want Irons to lose. Hey, I’m not a Sims fan! But if you guys want to attract Democratic anti-Sims votes you’ll have to offer something better than wet spaghetti.
All the right wing knows how to do is smear Sims — especially when they know their own candidate is a piece of shit that no one has any reason to vote for.
Ivan; we were smearing sims well before we had a candidate. :)
(it didn’t take much creativity to find his flaws)
This Irons guy seems wishy/washy saying anything/everything to be undrestood/misunderstood.
Hey…that’s a politician!
Want to bet that the ss minnow doesn’t post anything on this? Here he has a chance to post something truthful on his board, you would think he would leap at the chance.
Roger Rabbit @ 4
“How can you say a multi-billion-dollar tax increase isn’t a “major” tax increase? Come on, Goldy, let’s be candid – another dime a gallon sticks it to Jill Minimum Wage.”
It is not a major tax increase because:
(1) a chunk of the tax increase will only offset inflation. Since the gas tax is an excise tax, it must be raised periodically or else revenues effectively decline.
On that topic, politicians could make their lives easier if they had the gas tax adjusted to match inflation every year or two. That way they don’t have to pass an unpopular increase periodically.
(2) The tax partially restores other revenue losses—in particular, the repeal of the car tab tax in 1999. Washingtonians have been living under an ill-conceived political windfall (indirectly) because of Eyman’s initiative (I-695). However, getting rid of the car tab tax left transportation funding in a non-sustainable position. Therefore the windfall could only be temproary. The gas tax increase puts us back on track; but, unfortunately with 6 years of underfunding, there is a lot of lost revenue (and project/maintenance/safety improvement) ground to make up for.
Don’t give them ideas, dj!
Speaking of Mr. Cynical, where is he? He hasn’t posted here for a couple of days. Did Mrs. Cynical finally murder him, cut him up like a chicken in the bathtub, and feed him to the sand sharks in Puget Sound?
righton @2,
When you ask voters to replace an incumbent, voters are going to inevitably ask “with whom?” And when your main campaign theme is “we need new leadership in King County”, it behooves the challenger to demonstrate a little leadership of his own. On this count, on this issue, Irons has failed miserably.
Thomas @9,
That Irons is a politician is no excuse. If he’s going to run on “leadership”, he better start providing some.
RR @4,
I don’t enjoy having my ass kissed as much as some of my right-wing colleagues, so I welcome your break from character. But I would argue that this gas tax hike is not a major tax increase, as the typical per household burden is relatively modest, and as it merely brings the tax to historically average levels when adjusted for inflation. Excise taxes must be raised periodically, or inflation eats away at their value. That’s math.
As to reflexive, anti-tax righties reading my blog… there a few, but they are vastly over-represented in my comment threads. And these are mostly the hardcore propagandists who are unlikely to be persuaded by facts. For them, Irons is the GOP candidate, and that on its own will be good enough in the general election, whatever he might write or say. Instead, what Irons has managed to do through his obstinacy is get his wishy-washy stance onto the op/ed page of the P-I, where more than a few of his constituents will read it. Nice going, Dave.
Given who the Rs plan to run, it appears Sims will be re-elected again. (sigh)
Avid readers of the HA comments will recall that last week, after Steffie Baby claimed Dean Logan “violated” the public disclosure law, I called his bullshit. In subsequent posts, I challenged Steffie Baby to tell us whether he’s received a response from KCRE, and what the postmark date on it is.
Dead silence from the minnow.
C’mon, Steffie Baby, we all know you read HA (which isn’t surprising; after all, HA is soooo much more interesting and informative than your lame blog), and I know that you know I’m waiting for your answer. Did KCRE respond to your request, or did they not?
Steffie Baby is scared shitless of a 6-lb. bunny. I’m beginning to wonder if he even mailed it to KCRE in the first place.
Having worked as a public records officer for a public agency, I can tell you from personal experience that a lot of people who use the public disclosure law to request stuff from public agencies could care less about transparency, facts, or what government is doing.
The public disclosure law is a wonderful vehicle for (a) harassing overworked public servants, (b) grandstanding, and (c) scammers.
For the sake of my underpaid, overworked buddies still slaving away in public service, I’m not going to reveal any trade secrets here. Suffice to say the owner/operator of the Brand X Blog clearly falls in categories (a), (b), and (c) — i.e. he doesn’t give a shit about what’s in the records or what KCRE is doing. He’s just trying to (a) harass Dean Logan, (b) make political hay out of pretending that KCRE doesn’t respond to his requests, and (c) hit up the gullible readers of his useless blog for beer money under the pretense of a legal fund.
However, even wingnuts — gullible as they are — are not completely stupid. Steffie Baby hasn’t shown up at Montlake yet, from which I infer his “legal fund” has yet to raise $2.75, which is what a low-end tap beer costs at Montlake. Must be tough making the payments on an $800,000 house. (But I digress.) However, if Steffie Baby’s “legal fund” has raised even 1 thin dime, that’s still 10 cents more than he has recovered in public disclosure law penalties from KCRE so far, where his batting average to date is $0.00.
Steffie will never go to court against KCRE because he’s scared shitless of the 6-lb. bunny.
Goldy ended with “there is one policy that is always popular with voters: honesty. ”
Yeah, except Seattle voters; hardly getting honesty out of Ron or jimmy
testing 1,2,3 (c)
Disregard #19, I’m just playing with on keyboard
So how about it, Stefan, did you get a letter from KCRE yet? What’s the postmark date? They answered within 5 business days, didn’t they? Fess up, you lying chickenshit!!
The lazy oaf hasn’t posted anything on his blog today, either. Stefan must sleep in until noon. How the hell can anybody live in an $800,000 house if they don’t work? Stefan is a good example of what happens to work incentives when you repeal the inheritance tax.
You Sims loyalists… Can you explain in summary form of one paragraph why you think he should be re-elected? I don’t get it. To me, it’s “Anybody But Sims”… I’d even consider somebody like Gary Locke who at least had some respect for the billpayers and set some priorities. But Sims’ arrogant elistist attitude and contempt for The People means he has to go. Nobody could possibly be worse.
would some people mind getting me caught up? I have no idea at all what the problem with sims is at all.
In fact I don’t know anything about him positive or negative, can someone get me some relatively unbiased info on the guy, and why everyone seems to hate him?
(Yes I could just google it, but I’m sure I”m not the only one, and its worth having the info on here to inform the debate)
Windie @ 24 – Here’s a few to get started:
1) Critical Areas Ordinance – King County essentially grabbed huge blocks of land and made them worthless to their owners without compensating them.
2) Failure to run clean elections. Failure to maintain transparency.
3) An arrogant elitist attitude whereby he thinks he’s above the law and not accountable to The People. After passage of tax cutting initiatives by large margins, he continued to collect taxes in clear violation and contempt of the law.
4) His mindless cheerleading support for hopeless boondoggles like Sound Transit.
thanks, mark :p
Now to hear why Roger doesn’t like him, and I’ll get a clear idea of what both sides object to.
Roger @ 20: “Disregard #19, I’m just playing with on keyboard “
Uhhh… Isn’t that pretty much the case with all of your posts? ;)
For Pudster, when ever you show up:
“A Pentagon review has so far found no evidence that a secret intelligence operation identified Mohammad Atta as a member of a US-based Al-Qaeda cell before the September 11, 2001 attacks, a spokesman said.”
BUSTED!!! I’ve been BUSTED!!! (police sirens in background)
Mark LeRedneck, I’m surprised you missed this one: “Ron Sims never met a tax he didn’t like.”
Roger Rabbit @ 13
I think Ms Chickenhawk, aka Mr. Cynical, hasn’t posted here for a few days because he was so ashamed of himself for being called on to the mat to answer for his Yellow Elephant style remarks against Cindy Sheehan and how the right wing nuts killed our soldiers twice by calling their parents “ill” and running down crosses memorializing the fallen.
In addition their, false Gods like Limbaugh, O’Reilly, and the cast of usual suspects calling these good Americans traitors and terrorist sympathizers isn’t playing well. As you could predict they started to mindlessly spew what their Gods told them was “right” and they got called on it.
I suspect he’s being punished for wetting himself profusely in his mothers basement, a place him and his ilk calls home.
Thanks so very much for clearing that up for me. I don’t even live in King County and I will be mailing my contribution to the ELECT DAVID IRONS campaign very shortly.
Boy this is really bugging you, huh, Goldy? Just about as bugged as how the Gates spend THEIR money. Yah, I know you wished you could have all their money to spend because you know so much better how to spend their money.
Typical for Socialists.
From each according to their means,
To each according to their needs.
But it is a crying shame that Socialism has been proven repeatedly not to work.
windie @ 24
Go see: http://www.anotherdaywithron.com/
Admittedly a GOP-owned site, but there are links to mainstream media articles… and I’d presume more will follow.
We have a similar situation over here in the 8th district. Niether of our local legislators, Haler and Hankins, have publicly spoken up about I-912. Not a word. To their credit they sent out their 2005 Legislative Review to residents citing the 9.5 cent increases passage (Rep. Shirley Hankins in on the transportation committee). Not a word on I-912.
I do commend them for voting for the increase. But I gotta say that both of them should be vocal about I-912 regardless of the fact that their district is a Republican stronghold. They should be letting this district know that I-912 is not a R vs. D issue and defend their positions so the voters here understand what is at stake.
I guess I should find out why they are so mum eh?? Well… not with a copycat vigil at least. Perhaps a phone call? If they ignore me I suppose I could direct them to HA. Hopefully they will be more forthcoming and honest than David Irons.
testing 123… my last post appears to have evaporated….
I might not agree with you much Mark, but I like that we can, like, communicate :)
Definitely no dialog going on at that site Mark. Not even a webmaster mail link. Looks like a billboard and tastes like a soundbyte. Pretty lame but what a nice picture of Sims! They should have made him look all sinsister and stuff. har har..
I am going to develop a spell checker for blog comment sections like this. Without google tb, or any tb for that matter you can’t catch those fat fingered moments!! Maybe this weekend we can drink more beer and post. Didn’t seem to matter then huh.
Rabbit @ 30 – Yeah, good catch. “Tax to the Max.” Yes.
Hey moonbats – I’m getting worried about Mr. Wabbit. I think an “intervention” is going to be necessary soon. Lately, he’s been complaining about overtaxation, demanding efficiency and accountability in government and has threatened to vote against tax increases. Now he’s even complaining about Sims’ taxes. And earlier, he admitted to making money from holding oil company stocks. He thinks men get screwed in family court.
So he’s clearly wandered off the moonbat plantation. If yer not careful, he’s gonna turn into another former lib who has seen the light and come over to the correct side. I’m not sure how you want to handle him, but he clearly needs re-programming. Maybe you can start by having him chant “Tax cuts for the rich” a few hundred times…
JCB: Amazingly you left out these two statements:
“But nothing that would seem to corroborate specifically what congressman Weldon and Lieutenant Colonel Shaffer recall, although as you know they don’t have what they said they saw. That makes it a little more difficult,” he said.
Navy Captain Scott Phillpott, whose recollections Shaffer also said he relied on, told a presidential commission investigating the September 11 attacks in July 2004 that he remembered seeing Atta’s name on an Able Danger chart in the spring of 2000.
So just because they can’t find the documents yet, you are saying that two 05+ level officers are lying?
Hey JCB:I would support the Congress swearing in all the Able Danger members and having them testify. This way we can find out from everyone what was discussed.
Puddy, babe:
Why is the Bush DOD covering up the great Clinton blunder, unless there is nothing to cover up. Further, you keep ignoring that, as I pointed out in an earlier thread, that the fact that someone saw the name “Atta” on a list, doesn’t mean it was the Atta that flew into the trade center. In fact, that would explain why the Able Danger people claim Atta was in the US when we know he wasn’t. Their list had a different Atta on it.
Let’s face it, babe, it continues to look bad for you. Not quite the scandal you thought it was. Plus, if you are saying that these guys are right, then you must think that Richard Clark was right too, and that the Bush Adminsistration slept on all the warnings and information that was passed on to them.
There’s more, Mark! The Rabid Rabbit is a gun owner, drives a pickup truck, and flies Old Glory on his house!!! And votes a straight Democratic ticket … har de har har har … so there, eat shit, Republicans!!!
Hard Hat Rabbit, that’s me!!! True Blue American Bunny, and Democrat all the way!!! har har har har
Reply to 26
Too much partisan politics, not enough pragmatic problem solving.
“whose recollections Shaffer also said he relied on”
Hey Putty For Brains, hearsay is no good in court, and it’s no good on HA either.
Clue for the Clueless: The reason you can’t use hearsay in court is because hearsay is unreliable.
There’s no, zero, zip, none, nada corroboration from anywhere for Phillpot’s “recollection” or Shafer’s hearsay.
“I would support the Congress swearing in all the Able Danger members and having them testify.”
So would I, because their testimony will make the wingy blowhards look silly.
Wabbit @ 42 and all moonbats – Yer too late moonbats. Wabbit is inna process of comin’ outta da croset. Wabbit akshually a rot finkin ‘publican inside.
Wabbit, jus ta make shure… what kinda PU? Full size or pussy size? 4WD or pussy 2WD? 3/4 or one ton? Dooleys? If y’all drivin one of dem dere “compac” trucks, yer not really a true PU guy. But dat OK… I kin werk wif ya.
An how miny weapons ya gots? Ya got ’em in a cabinet inna lifin rooom? Ya ever shoot ’em? Rifles or pistols?
Want the license number too? Want me to paint a bullseye on it? I got me an alley gun with beavertail, trigger job, Pachmyer grips, throated and ramped to feed hollowpoints, and ambidextrous safety because I can shoot equally well right or left handed. How you like them apples?
As far as the Atta stuff goes, they may have gotten him confused with Mahmoud Mahmoud Atta, who was also a terrorist.
Snopes covers an urban legend that alleges Clinton or Reagan helped him out of Israeli prison.
All you need to know is: DON’T FUCK WITH THE BUNNY!!
Righton @ 18
“Yeah, except Seattle voters; hardly getting honesty out of Ron or jimmy”
Didn’t you mean U.S. citizens? I mean, hardly getting any honesty out of Shrub, Dick, and Don.
I usta teach gun control to U.S. Army soldiers. Now I’m gonna teach gun control to liberals. Hey libs all you do is point and gently squeeze the trigger when the little red light dot is on the Nazi’s crotch seam …
Wabbit @ 55 – Yer wastin yer time wif the libs. They know that viorence doesn’t solve anyfing.
Onna PU… geez, I’m not tryin to stalk…. jus wunnerin if you drive a pussy truck or a real main’s truck. Musta pushed a button I giss…. you mus drive a pussy truc. Sorry I aksed…
Checking the Brand X Blog, I found this alleged story http://www.uwcr.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1030 which I encourage all of you to read.
Some observations.
1. First of all, since this story was related by a wingnut, it’s probably nothing but a product of an overactive imagination clouded by alcohol and cigaret smoke.
2. Did you notice the story makes no mention of the alleged perpetrators identifying themselves as “leftists?” So how does the alleged victim know they’re “leftists?” How does he know this was “political violence” as opposed to mindless vandalism? Answer, he doesn’t. From the information given, it sounds like the alleged perps are street punks who vandalize cars because they enjoy it and can’t even read. So they wouldn’t know the difference between a Bush bumper sticker and a Kerry bumper sticker.
3. If you park a car with a Bush bumper sticker on Capitol Hill, you get whatever you deserve.
4. http://www.komotv.com/stories/32534.htm
Here’s another item from the Brand X Blog:
“The Seattle Post-Intelligencer now recognizes that competition exists from alternative media …. Is the P-I competing by engaging in more investigative reporting and hard-hitting analysis? Not exactly. The P-I is merely in a struggle to follow in the horseproduct-caked shoes of Seattle’s favorite left-wing fiction blog, hitting hard on a fabricated non-issue that is of interest only to the lunatic fringe.”
Hey Goldy it looks like Stefan has a secret crush on you!!! :D
You know with Mr. Irons on the record as saying he is voting against I-912 I have to revise my previous estimate. I-912 will only win with 59.99998% of the vote instead of 60%. If you adjust for the donk fraudulent vote it is more like 61%.
Have you made out your check to the WSGOP? They’re hurtin’ awful bad for $$ to pay for the excellent case they made before Bridges – so good it was dismissed.
I am not worried about I-912. You can have every dead donk from here to LA and it will still win by a huge margin.
Lot of good the dead voters did before Bridges – obviously helped throw the decision the Democrat’s way.
Maybe dj can chime in with the stats. I’d love to know how many dead people voted in red counties.
I-912 will probably pass and gas still be over $3 dollars/gallon next year. Drive much DOOFUS?
Most of the dead voters in red counties are donks as well. It like the old saying goes: Most democrats are not fraudulent voters but most fraudulent voters are democrats. Come on you dont think that donks change their stripes just because they are voting in a republican county do you.
Ahhh. You forget Doofus those red counties are run by good Republican folk who’d never let a dead person vote or a felon. Only what about those 8 felons who voted in Chelan county? How did that happen? Didn’t the R’s put that good lady who runs elections there on the stand?
It’s like the old saying goes, not all lies are from Republicans, but nearly all Republicans lie.
Strangely enough, of all the dead voters, etc. we know, they have trended to be pro-Rossi voters. Thank goodness Judge Bridges stepped in and did not allow the GOP to steal the election as they tried to do with their distributed vote fraud.
Now, tell me Goldy how many people who read the PiPi would ever consider voting for Irons or I-912?
And speaking of Fraudiore’s new gax tax, you folks in King County have the authroity to raise you OWN taxes for highway improvements. But, after 3 years you have not held the election. What is taking you so long? You fools have plenty of money to WASTE in boondoggles like Sound Transit, SMP and King Ron’s computer fiasco.
Miller’s DVF! What a hoot. He says on his blog that it will cost at least a million dollars to “prove” the theory.
Take up a collection RUFUS the DOOFUS! Have you contributed yet?
I would like David Irons to address the issue of domestic violence. In particular, his position on parental abuse and whether he ever assaulted his mother? This should have been an issue in his last run for the Council. However, in the spirit of family unity his mother didn’t comment. But I have to ask. Do you really want a King County Executive that is known to have attacked his mother?
Great deprivation