Well, sorta. I have a standing offer to freelance for The Stranger, but given the nature of my departure I’d still rather write for free here on HA than give them my byline for cheap.
But when the Yes on Prop 1B folks offered to pay me zero to write their guest op-ed on Slog, I put aside any hard feelings and jumped at the opportunity. You know, for the kids. So click on over to Slog and enjoy a thorough fisking of Sally Soriano’s ridiculous Prop 1A guest op-ed.
And remember, it’s a two-part question: Vote Yes on Prop 1, and then vote for 1B on question two.
You’re a “polarizing” figure, read the comments at slog, most are either praise or scorn for you, only a few actually mention the merits of the issue.
@1 Polarizing is what magnets and sunglasses do.
Sadly, slog is on a downward trajectory. Too much entertainment news , restaurant and concert reviews, not enough muckraking.
If the Stranger is looking for a food writer, Goldy would be a good hire. Don’t know if they’d pay what he is worth, though.
@4 Stranger doesn’t pay anybody what they’re worth. Never did, never could. Didn’t choose to work there for the pay. But that phase in my life is over.
@5 Writers in general don’t get paid what they’re worth. A few popular writers who churn out nonsense (J. K. Rowling, Stephen King, Dan Brown, etc.) make millions — not that what they do is easy, it isn’t, but people who write stuff worth reading often work for less than minimum wage. Even if you get published, the publisher and booksellers take most of the money, because writers have no bargaining power. It’s surprising that something like 400,000 new books are published in the U.S. every year, not counting the countless manuscripts that are rejected, given how poorly writers are paid. You can spend 5 years researching and writing a book and if you’re lucky you might make $7,500 from it. Few writers make living at it; most have day jobs. News reporters? My first (and last) reporting job out of journalism school paid $110.00 a week. Writing, in general, sucks as a way to make a living.
Microsoft layoffs or McKenna’s Gold? I look forward to Goldy’s next posts!
Seems like Mr. Goldstein has found the free market places a value on his opinions of….zero. After all these years. What a shame. And he was so excited when he started writing for The Stranger. It was to be his launching pad into a career to rival Maher and other douchebags.
@8 Don’t get your hopes up. This blog is alive and well. And Goldy has a new and better paying gig. It seems the market is quite willing to pay for his opinions. Meanwhile, Timmeh Lieman’s is stone cold dead and mouldering in a grave. We don’t hear much about Timmeh anymore, now that his sugar daddy has croaked and his money sources have dried up. What sources he still had apparently have decided to quit investing in a perennial loser. Timmeh, it turned out, was a one-trick pony (and even that trick was blown away by the courts). Oh well, Timmeh’s legacy endures in the masthead name of this present blog you’re posting in. And, oh yeah, speaking of blogs let’s not overlook that Stefan’s pathetic little conservative blog is on life support, gasping its last breaths, with a death rattle in its throat. Conservative ideology doesn’t look like a very viable enterprise in these parts nowadays. Can’t read the stickers anymore because its bumpers rusted out.
Of course you are Marxists…everything you spew is dripping with redistribution of wealth you KLOWN as in
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
BTW I am not one of those neocon social darwinists. I support the need for medicare, as my mother and father used it before their deaths. I support the need for social security
@10 I wonder if Mr. Cynical is still alive? Maybe his goats have eaten him by now. Montana is a lonely place with cold winters and deep snow, and if the goats couldn’t dig through it to the ground cover and no one was around to feed them …
Our friend Pud isn’t against socialism that ends up in his or his relations’ pocket.