* Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by a substantial margin. If we elected our president, as we should, by a National Popular Vote, there would be no need for all this stupid punditry.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Clinton already leads by 668,000 votes, and California and Washington alone have 4.7 million pending votes, which are expected to break 2-to-1 for Clinton, so these two states alone may swell her popular majority to well over 2 million votes.
Republicans have power, but not a popular mandate. What they have is minority power, gerrymandered by a constitutional system that gives more voting power to less populous, more rural, more conservative states. Your vote counts more if you live in Idaho or Nebraska than if you live in New York or California.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why stop with reforming the Electoral College? Let’s make Senate representation proportional to population, too, and eliminate the gerrymandering of House districts. If our government was truly representative, no Republican would ever get elected to anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Notwithstanding all the de rigeur and pro forma calls for national unity, I think we should treat President Trump with exactly the same degree of respect with which Republicans treated President Obama. For the next four years, we should never let up reminding people that this grotesque man came to power because of a system devised to perpetuate slavery, not by the popular will of the people of this nation.
@2 I focus on reforming the Electoral College because it’s easy. All it takes is a few more states to pass the National Popular Vote compact (pledging to assign all their electors to the winner of the national popular vote once a number of states >= to 270 electoral votes sign on). Gerrymandering should be our next focus. But reproportioning the Senate would require a constitutional amendment that no small state would approve.
The problem with this solution is that it makes cheating everywhere critically important. One good thing about the electoral college is that it is really hard to know, in advance, in which state cheating will make a difference. This minimizes it i suspect.
But, if adding 10K phantom votes to alabama’s totals has as much affect as adding 10K to that cycle’s swing state’s, it will literally be impossible to meaningfully monitor the election.
After watching what the white southern/western party has done to steal state and national elections from, well, 1789 straight through to the present day, i do not trust my fellow americans to run an honest election.
I fear that a straight national vote count will expand the scope of meaningful dishonesty so much that an honest election becomes impossible. And no, i don’t know how to improve things in such circumstances : (
Dear Goldy,
Here is my thoughtful and thorough response:
If Hillary had garnered the popular vote lead she should have, there would be no need for all this stupid excuse-making.
I supported Clinton. She would have made a fine President and she had more chance of being elected than Sanders. But she was a terrible candidate who surrounded herself with incompetent staff. So she lost what she should have easily won and we are all worse off. I don’t say this with malice toward Hillary — I wish her a peaceful and respected retirement. But the Democratic Party needs candidates and campaign managers who can win elections or all of our fine policy prescriptions will come to naught.
I doubt the Electoral College is going away and I think energy put in that direction is energy that would be better directed toward winning more votes in more states. Instead of wasting our energy on this NPV sideshow, our energy should be directed to calling attention to the many immediate failings of Trump and his GOP enablers and offering alternatives that will bring back lost voters.
A good start would be for Democratic leaders to cut the crap about wishing Trump well and promising cooperation. This normalizes the travesty of a Trump administration and blurs contrast with the opposition. Democrats are the opposition party. They need to oppose and offer clear alternatives.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Well, surely.
And in case of a tie the race will be thrown to the studio audience of The View.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Yeah, it seems to me Dems want to stay as far away from a constitutional amendment as they can.
Marc Porter Magee
Democrats now control only 13 state legislatures (26%). If they lose 1 more they fall below the % needed to stop constitutional amendments.
Quite the downballot legacy you’ve left your fellow Dems, President Obama.
Goldy @4,
I want to amplify that the National Popular Vote efforts do absolutely nothing to the Electoral College. Rather, forms a compact among states on how they appoint electors. That it doesn’t mess with the Electoral College process, defined in the Constitution, is very important. Nothing is needed except for a handful of additional states to change state law on Elector selection.
Triggered McSafespacespews:
Grow up, you lost…get over it you whiny SJWs. If the reverse had happened, you crying bed-wetters would be lauding the Electoral College.
Fascist? Yawn. Moldy, you really need to update your Liberal list of incorrectly applied insults with some new material.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 There was little chance the reverse would have happened. Why? Because Republicans get 60 million votes in every election. Period. Their voter base is not growing. All modern elections are determined by how many Democratic-leaning voters vote, and how many stay home. In 2008 and 2012, they turned out. In 2004 and 2016, they didn’t, but the GOP candidate still lost the popular vote in 2016 anyway.
Aligning the electoral vote with the popular vote would have kept two of the worst presidents of the last 150 years from taking office, so NPV seems worth doing.
@12 You don’t like me correctly characterizing Trump and his party for what it is, then get the fuck off my blog. I’ve got no room for fascists.
Triggered McSafespace.spews:
@15- 4 (at least) years of your left wing tears will be quite satisfying. You might want to purchase some butthurt cream.
P.S. Get a dictionary you senile old fuck.
Arrogant Bastardspews:
Hillary lost because she was arrogant.
Trump is arrogant, too, but he didn’t piss off as many as Hillary.
This election was the worst set of choices since 1972 with the Nixon-McGovern shit storm.
Ima Duncespews:
Almost half of eligible voters didn’t bother to vote. Liberals chief among them. That’s the real disgrace. That’s the real shame.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Darryl and/or Goldy:
Assuming this @ 8 information is correct, and with 11 states totalling 165 EVs already having passed laws supporting the Compact (including the largest two blue states, CA and NY), then there are only a couple of additional states currently under Dem control. Maybe as few as two additional. The low-hanging fruit has already been picked.
So NPV proponents are really nowhere near the 270 EVs they need, is that correct? Before NPV has any real chance of success, the downballot losses Dems have suffered since the 2008 election need to be reversed and state legislatures under Dem control need to be rebuilt, presuming that GOP controlled legislatures have little reason to support NPV laws, would that be an accurate statement?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Syndicated columnist David Brooks predicted in a column published today (in the Seattle Times, among other publications) that Trump will resign or be impeached within a year. I don’t think so, but the fact serious people are talking seriously about it is interesting.
The impeaching, of course, would have to be done by Republicans. They have a motive to do it. As Prof. Lichtman says, “They don’t want Trump as president, because they can’t control him. He’s unpredictable. They’d love to have Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican.”
And Trump University could provide them with an excuse, if Trump’s popularity with the voters who put him in office quickly wears off. But I’m not sure how ready I am for President Pence.
Oh look. A brownshirt like Goldstein doesn’t like the results of an election. Tough shit. Don’t like the fact that we live in a Constitutional Republic then move to fucking Syria Goldy. See if they’ll have ya.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@10. I kind of agree with you. It’s the same feeling I had when Republicons at the State level wanted to change how their state allocated electoral votes after the 2008 and 2012 elections, to compensate for the large urban vote, in essence more gerrymandering.
But no Conservative who is speaking up here on HA would have ever said that. In fact I don’t think any have. So easy to be hypocritical dumb fucks.
Which leads to what we have today.
Everyone ready for my missles?
Kim Jun Dungspews:
I’m sure Pence has impeachment of Drump already on his mind. Maybe Drump even will conspire with Puke because he will not Be able to stand the heat in the kitchen.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
Me have missles in less than 4 years.
Hehehehehe. Kaboooom!
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@14 nice missle fired at the fuckface squirt. I bet he wish he had missle like me.
Kim Jun Dungspews:
@12 Moldy? is that the best your Brother P-Touch label maker could do?
Roger@20: Get real. Republicans aren’t going to impeach their own guy. He may be unpredictable, but he’s also easily manipulated. And he’s not going to resign. That would be unbearable humiliation for a guy whose ego is everything. Easier to sit back and let Pence do all the work while he barks out a few orders to make America great again.
Trump (and Clinton) has already delivered more than Republicans could dream of. They can get right to work packing the Supreme Court, and passing some juicy tax cuts while doling out defense spending pork and other corporate welfare. The resulting deficits will provide a good excuse for decimating Medicare and the ACA. They’ll give Trump some good press by pressuring companies to reverse a few smallish but high-profile plant closures in exchange for other goodies. Any part of Trump’s agenda that causes problems for the GOP establishment (like killing profitable trade deals) can be slow-walked.
In the meantime, Dems are going to waste time moaning about the FBI or how unfair this all is to undocumented immigrants. They’ll be right of course, but that’s not going to win back lost voters.
Shanghai Danspews:
“Anyone not willing to accept the results of an election is a danger to democracy”
Yeah…I don’t think so. You are confusing complaints and analysis with “not accepting” in the true sense.
Read a little more carefully, and try to keep up!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 You guys won’t be in power forever, and “tough shit” cuts both ways, Don. When it’s our turn again, we’ll be highly motivated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Which part of “I don’t think so” didn’t you read?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 We weren’t the ones who talked about “Second Amendment solutions” if our candidate lost, fuckface.
Don Wardspews:
@32 Last time I checked, I wasn’t the triggered fuckwad who can’t handle basic a basic Civics 101 understanding of Constitutional government like Goldstein.
Oh, and I was at the Seattle Weekly celebration of Obama’s nomination in 2009 held at the Spitfire. Last time I checked, I wasn’t wailing in the streets like a bunch of fucking two-year olds with shit-filled diapers like your side is doing. Obama was my President then just like Trump will be your President in two months.
Tell your side to grow the fuck up and act like adults. Otherwise get used to losing in 2018 and 2020.
Shanghai Danspews:
Talk is cheap; we’re seeing that your side is actually ACTING it out. Destroying property, assaulting people, causing all kinds of mayhem.
Too bad your leadership REFUSES to try to defuse the situation. I guess that chaos and burning it all down is the best way to move forward!
@22 Okay, so mark you down as in with the fascists, Don. Hope for your sake when this is all over and done with that we opt for a truth and reconciliation commission rather than Nuremberg style war crimes trials.
@ 39
It’s going to end up like Nuremburgh. Not Capetown.
Get ready for it. Because they’ve been preparing for it for more than 70 years.
Shanghai Danspews:
Hillary is your leadership? Silly me – here I thought it was President Obama, not a private citizen without any position (current or the foreseeable future) inside the Government!
No wonder you guys are so worked up – you’re being led by a nobody!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
#CrookedHillary is 69.
Pelosi is 76.
Harry Reid is 76.
The three of them couldn’t combine to blow out a candle.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
No reply so far to @ 19, but for a state to sign on to NPV a law must be passed enabling it. Meaning Democrat-controlled legislatures, since most in the GOP would understandably oppose it. Meaning Democrat legislators.
That being the case, data like this
We tend to focus on the loss of the presidency as the example of Democratic failure. That’s blinkered. Since 2008, by our estimates, the party has shed 870 legislators and leaders at the state and federal levels — and that estimate may be on the low side.
A North Carolina school system has suspended a teacher as it looks into an argument she had with a student over the coming contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney.
Among other things, the teacher said it was illegal to criticize a president.
and now the pendulum begins to swing in the opposite direction.
What the fuck did you expect?
Criticizing the president is racist illegal misogynist patriotic.
That’s kind of a lot for a child to absorb in eight short years.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
11/12, 758p:
Yeah…I don’t think so. You are confusing complaints and analysis with “not accepting” in the true sense. (@ 31)
Well, that didn’t last long at all.
11/13, 826a:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
We must fight at the polls, in court, & in the streets—by legal & extralegal means. We must disobey laws we disavow.
Extralegal street fights aren’t exactly complaints and analysis. In the true sense.
And in a true sense, disobeying laws you don’t like is pretty much non-acceptance.
Maybe you two should get together and talk with each other more often.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 46
“… in the streets. By legal & extralegal means. We must disobey laws we disavow.”
‘Kill the police!’ Anti-Trump protesters chant death threats at cops in Indianapolis, and demonstrators are tear-gassed in Portland as tens of thousands take to the street nationwide for fourth night of violence
It’s still the weekend. Maybe within the next 24 hours there will be an uncomfortably close association between some guy’s tweet and a cop-killing.
I wouldn’t bet against it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Since when is our presidential candidate not our leadership? Go back to your kindergarten before they issue an Amber Alert.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 And here we have a supposedly well-educated graduate of a medical school shilling for the people now spray-painting swastikas on school buildings. Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid have more character in their toenail clippings than you’ll find in the entire Republican Party. Sucks to be you, Boob.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Elections have consequences, after all.”
Yep, they do, and the consequences of this one eventually will come home to roost.
Now let’s hope schools across the country continue taking appropriate action when students and teachers get out of line. It appears that school administrators are going to have plenty of opportunities for “teaching moments” in the days ahead.
This is what our self-loathing black loon voted for – his own lynching.
“Go back to your kindergarten before they issue an Amber Alert.”
We’re probably stuck with the stupid fucker as his kindergarten, (u)SP, is dead and buried.
This is what the self-loathing black loon voted for, and there has not been one word from a single Republican in this nation, and certainly not in these threads, condemning these acts.
University of Pennsylvania investigating racist ‘lynching’ group thread
Univ. of Okla. student suspended for ‘lynching’ hate texts sent to Penn black freshmen
College investigates racist cyber attack
‘Hang a n****r from a tree’: Police take action against sign promoting lynching over ‘equal rights’
GOPer Behind ‘Lynching Time’ Posts Wins House Seat
‘Kill n****rs’: Lynching threat in Florida college classroom leaves students horrified
Villanova investigating after black student allegedly injured by group yelling ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’
Students yelling ‘cotton picker,’ heiling Hitler at this local school
Triggered McSafespace.spews:
@39…War crimes trial? I think you may want to visit a neurologist, at your age you may be starting to experience the onset of dementia.
Trump, as a candidate, crossed the line. Now he wants Clinton and Obama to help him? They should tell him, “You built this.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 He’s predicting the future, dumbass. How much are you willing to bet Trump won’t stumble into some ill-starred military adventure like his idiotic Republican predecessor did?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Welcome to the United Klaverns of Amerikkka.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Yeah, why do we always get stuck with their crappiest trolls? What did we do to deserve these trolls?
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 The electoral college is the system we have. When the Democrats win because of it, then it will be the finest system ever devised. I seriously doubt that Washington state would do something it could do, and hand out the electors proportionally, and support other states in adopting that as the norm. A second thing that could be done is the number of representatives in the house should be increased to match the increase in population since the 1920 census. With the appropriate increases/decreases after every census. These changes might mean Hilliary Clinton would be the President Elect without doing away with the electoral college, and are more possible than changing the constitution. By the time the Democrats are in charge of the congress (unlikely it will happen after the 2018 elections), because unless there are 20 unfaithful electors it’s unlikely the Republican congress will take up the matter. If there are 20 such electors then the House will not accept the results. Guess then they get to choose from the top three vote getters in the Electoral College. I doubt a Republican House of over 330 is going to pick Hilary Clinton.
Since neither candidate got a majority of the popular vote should that situation be resolved by the House of Representatives? Another election?
It’s these close elections where no candidate gets a majority vote that things can get bent. The electoral college does give us a result, with the appearance that the election was not as close as it was.
Of course there is another solution to this and have the House select the President. That was one selection process that was seriously discussed. Probably popular with those who love the parliamentary system of government.
Of course in all the grousing is left out the fact that if we went with the popular vote that would have changed the Candidates strategy and they would have spent much more time in New York, LA, Chicago and other large population centers and Trump might have won the popular vote.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 So you love the Glorious Peoples Party of China? The party has a seat in the Congress for you such a great cheerleader as yourself.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 That would seem to work for large states such as California, but there are small states? How dos that work for Wyoming? There are a lot more small states, than large states. I also doubt you can get a most Republican Texas to go along with Democratic California or New York, and by the time it does flip it’s entirely possible that California could be more Republican. I doubt that you will ever get to the requisite 270 and one or more states would reneg on the promise, and there would be nothing to keep them honest as the compact is little more than an agreement. Rather like that thing with Presidential candidates showing us their Federal tax returns. Without law behind the requirement it’s meaningless, though I would support a law where all candidates for any office at the local, state and Federal are required by law to provide to the voters a copy of their tax returns.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Not to mention that it would mean the Federal government would have to actually do the Presidential election, rather than 50 separate elections done at the state level. This could also Federalize House and Senate elections. So State governments would have no say in Federal elections. The Fed can do it as government is good and efficient. So who is going to run the Federal election office? Would it be a executive position? Under control of Congress? A quasi Congressional/Executive office?
Apologies to those who have strong States Rights beliefs, I’m just pointing out the alternative.
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 It also might not be constitutional this compact between states. Whether states can dictate to electors that they will vote for whatever candidate gets a majority is a question that has never reached the Supreme Court and has never been ruled on. And the penalties are pretty small in most states, and if one doesn’t mind ever being a elector for a particular party again, what the hell why not vote for Jill Stein. Hey seems as likely as Hilary taking the Electoral college. So why not Jill. Or that Republican guy who got 30 percent in Utah,,,,,seems he ought to get a vote in the college just for being such a swell guy.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 Actually the Republicans have some things going for them. You are being parochial for being in Washington state. The east side is pretty Republican. We have had Republican state Senate and House majorities. They control a majority of state legislatures, and governorships. The could figure out the divide between them and Hispanics. Hispanics should find the Republican party attractive. Many Hispanics think family and hold some conservative beliefs. And taking them for granite and talking down to them, and being overly PC is not going to get them to support the Democratic party. So for the 40% of the population that is Republican there is hope, and if they fall apart they will hopefully be replaced or do you just want on party rule here in America. Also those Republican’s in eastern Washington are not going away.
Have some of you actually discovered that immigrating to Canada or Mexico isn’t all that easy. That Americans are not particularly welcomed on a permanent basis. I think borders should be open both ways, but they are not and our immigration policies would be more draconian if we adopted the policies of Canada or Mexico. So maybe it’s time to re-friend Republicans.
Mark Adamsspews:
@15 Ummm who made you my Fuhrer, your post seems like something he would say, but of course he would later mock western governments would not accept those willing and want to leave his beloved Reich.
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 And what will the Democrats do should the Republicans find out that Trump is really a Democrat in Republican clothing. Should they go along with Impeachment or discover the wink wink we got a Democrat in the White HOuse?
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 That is right so we can do something like require registered voters to actually vote. Much easier to do than a change to the constitution. We could also make election day a holiday or move it to the weekend.
Maybe increase the number of Representatives in the House.
Get states to distribute electors proportionally. Of course this is a rigging of the system Democrats and Republicans support.
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 That is right lets see maybe Trump will be our golfer in chief. Lets see how he governs.
And as far as the Supreme Court justice that is on Obama not using the bully pulpit, and not willing to shake things up by calling up a retired Supreme up to the big leagues again. I like President Obama, but the no drama part has been annoying.
Mark Adamsspews:
@34 But why has there been gunfire at a protest in Portland. Seems some folks there must believe in the 2nd Amendment. The Black Panthers do and I would guess they are Democrats.
The whole protest thing is rather odd if the Democratic party goes high when their opponents go low.
I have always been a little puzzled here in Bellingham when President Obama was sworn into office suddenly the local war protests stopped. Except for a couple of old hippies and a couple of Vietnam vets who kept true to the cause the whole war protest thing suddenly vanished, and we do have large college here and high school students who love an excuse to skip class for the big war protest day. All that went away. There was a protest going through Bellingham yesterday and nothing has changed except we have a President elect. We have been at war for the last eight years so where have these people been?
Mark Adamsspews:
@49 IT could be real Nazi’s doing it, though Occam’s razor suggest it is probably one or two 15 year old students at their school who did it to get out of class and should have to clean it up if they are found to be the culprits. And if it was Nazi\s tht did it: BAD NAZIS!!
Mark Adamsspews:
@51 This is an old issue, but it’s a current and will be an ongoing issue as long as the US is a democracy or Republic.
There is no way for a teacher to know whether they got it right in this situation, because it depends on the school board. There are at least two schools of thought on the matter. In some schools the teacher gave the right answer that students should not criticize the President, the Governor, the School Board, Teachers, parents ect or those in authority. School boards and administrators and teachers do have skin in this game. Even though the right answer because students have rights (or do they, the Supreme Court thinks they have some) is that the student can criticize the President, Governor, School board, ect. It’s the basis of liberal thought, and it should not matter if the President in question is a member of your party or not.
The Espionage act is an act that is controversial, and contains a lot that is questionable, maybe overly broad, and may even be unconstitutional. The act itself and how the government has used the act. The courts have had clear issues with both, but have generally sided with the government.
Mark Adamsspews:
@60 Or a Libya or a Syria?
Then again we do want our President to be able to handle Barbary Pirates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Response @64 to @2 deemed irrelevant; “Ignore” button pushed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@678 “That Americans are not particularly welcomed on a permanent basis.”
Yeah, some of us aren’t very nice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 This blog is private property, and all Goldy is doing @15 is asking a trespasser to leave. Unless you’re a fucking communist, you shouldn’t have a problem with that.
Shanghai Danspews:
@54: Just because the Obama Justice Department wanted to rewrite Federal Statutes to not prosecute Ms. Clinton does not mean she did NOT break multiple laws regarding classified information.
No, ignorance of the law is NOT a defense.
Scooter Libby went to jail for lying under oath – Hillary also lied, but nothing?
Sandy Berger was charged, tried, found guilty, and stripped of his clearances for retaining and destroying classifed information – Hillary did the same thing.
But I guess your world-view is that there SHOULD be two sets of rules, one for the little guys and one for our esteemed leaders. So much for justice being blind, eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 They should impeach him, or not, on the same basis that any other president of either party would be impeached; i.e., based on whether he committed “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” I somewhat doubt that having illicit sex under the desk during office hours and then lying about it satisfies this standard, although I personally don’t condone such behavior.
@81 A rather long-winded way of saying that you can’t name a crime. That’s okay, Dan. Neither can anyone else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 “But why has there been gunfire at a protest in Portland. Seems some folks there must believe in the 2nd Amendment.”
Yeah, the motorist whose car was blocked by the protester he shot.
“The Black Panthers do and I would guess they are Democrats.”
I would guess they were not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 I don’t think very many people would have much difficulty with this specific case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 When was she convicted under that statute?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 It takes a Republican to attack the wrong pirates and still be bogged down eight years later. It’s really not that hard to do if you’re a draft dodger with no military experience, which describes a lot of Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 When did Hillary lie under oath? Berger stole documents, Hillary did not, so no double standard there, just different facts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@83 If a vindictive Trump-appointed AG or special prosecutor does charge Hillary under the 1917 Espionage Act, he’s going to have trouble proving the intent element. But don’t put it past Republicans to waste millions of taxpayer dollars on a futile attempt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Add Michael Moore to the growing list of people who believe that Republicans won’t be able to stand their new leader, and he won’t be able to behave himself, for four whole years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My guess is he’s more likely to chuck Wife No. 3 than get impeached, so I’d put my money on Melania leaving the White House before he does.
Shanghai Danspews:
Then I guess you’re in 100% agreement that Scooter Libby should never have been charged with anything. Right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
So here’s a guy who spent his business career as a grifter, ran a racist campaign, called women “fat pigs,” was caught on video talking about groping their genitals and getting away with it because he’s “a big star,” suggested his fans should assassinate his opponent and violently overthrow our democratic system if he didn’t win, and who lost the popular vote by around 1.7 million votes, but is going to be our next president anyway because of a quirky 220-year-old electoral system designed to preserve slavery, and the winners of this screwy election have a problem with the fact that some people want to protest this?
This whole thing reminds me of Tulsa 1921. Some blacks are doing better than whites, so burn down ni**er town. I’m not prepared for the level of derp that is coming in this 4th Bush term. I’m trying to stay off Facebook, but they keep baiting me with stupid. My “Allen West” type friend has decided he’s going to do some “reserch” because he is pretty sure the NRA was originally organized to protect the 2nd Amd rights of blacks during Jim Crow. Dark days ahead. As a white male heterosexual protestant, I should be fine, but my heart and soul are gonna suffer.
And of course, our President lied as well when he claimed (repeatedly) he did not know that Hillary was using a private server – never mind his own STAFF was notified time and again so that HIS e-mail would accept Hillary’s personal e-mails.
But with President Obama in firm control of the Justice Department, I don’t expect anything to move forward until after 1/20/17.
When President Trump starts his first term.
Don Wardspews:
All you little Eichmann’s lost. Now all your little band of Brownshirts can do is wear Diaper Pins like the cunts you are.
The polls may not have been all that far off, after all. By the time all the votes are counted Hillary could have a 2% popular vote margin.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Clinton already leads by 668,000 votes, and California and Washington alone have 4.7 million pending votes, which are expected to break 2-to-1 for Clinton, so these two states alone may swell her popular majority to well over 2 million votes.
Republicans have power, but not a popular mandate. What they have is minority power, gerrymandered by a constitutional system that gives more voting power to less populous, more rural, more conservative states. Your vote counts more if you live in Idaho or Nebraska than if you live in New York or California.
Why stop with reforming the Electoral College? Let’s make Senate representation proportional to population, too, and eliminate the gerrymandering of House districts. If our government was truly representative, no Republican would ever get elected to anything.
Notwithstanding all the de rigeur and pro forma calls for national unity, I think we should treat President Trump with exactly the same degree of respect with which Republicans treated President Obama. For the next four years, we should never let up reminding people that this grotesque man came to power because of a system devised to perpetuate slavery, not by the popular will of the people of this nation.
@2 I focus on reforming the Electoral College because it’s easy. All it takes is a few more states to pass the National Popular Vote compact (pledging to assign all their electors to the winner of the national popular vote once a number of states >= to 270 electoral votes sign on). Gerrymandering should be our next focus. But reproportioning the Senate would require a constitutional amendment that no small state would approve.
The problem with this solution is that it makes cheating everywhere critically important. One good thing about the electoral college is that it is really hard to know, in advance, in which state cheating will make a difference. This minimizes it i suspect.
But, if adding 10K phantom votes to alabama’s totals has as much affect as adding 10K to that cycle’s swing state’s, it will literally be impossible to meaningfully monitor the election.
After watching what the white southern/western party has done to steal state and national elections from, well, 1789 straight through to the present day, i do not trust my fellow americans to run an honest election.
I fear that a straight national vote count will expand the scope of meaningful dishonesty so much that an honest election becomes impossible. And no, i don’t know how to improve things in such circumstances : (
Dear Goldy,
Here is my thoughtful and thorough response:
If Hillary had garnered the popular vote lead she should have, there would be no need for all this stupid excuse-making.
I supported Clinton. She would have made a fine President and she had more chance of being elected than Sanders. But she was a terrible candidate who surrounded herself with incompetent staff. So she lost what she should have easily won and we are all worse off. I don’t say this with malice toward Hillary — I wish her a peaceful and respected retirement. But the Democratic Party needs candidates and campaign managers who can win elections or all of our fine policy prescriptions will come to naught.
I doubt the Electoral College is going away and I think energy put in that direction is energy that would be better directed toward winning more votes in more states. Instead of wasting our energy on this NPV sideshow, our energy should be directed to calling attention to the many immediate failings of Trump and his GOP enablers and offering alternatives that will bring back lost voters.
A good start would be for Democratic leaders to cut the crap about wishing Trump well and promising cooperation. This normalizes the travesty of a Trump administration and blurs contrast with the opposition. Democrats are the opposition party. They need to oppose and offer clear alternatives.
Well, surely.
And in case of a tie the race will be thrown to the studio audience of The View.
Yeah, it seems to me Dems want to stay as far away from a constitutional amendment as they can.
Marc Porter Magee
Democrats now control only 13 state legislatures (26%). If they lose 1 more they fall below the % needed to stop constitutional amendments.
Quite the downballot legacy you’ve left your fellow Dems, President Obama.
Goldy @4,
I want to amplify that the National Popular Vote efforts do absolutely nothing to the Electoral College. Rather, forms a compact among states on how they appoint electors. That it doesn’t mess with the Electoral College process, defined in the Constitution, is very important. Nothing is needed except for a handful of additional states to change state law on Elector selection.
Grow up, you lost…get over it you whiny SJWs. If the reverse had happened, you crying bed-wetters would be lauding the Electoral College.
@10 And go fuck yourself you fucking fascist.
Fascist? Yawn. Moldy, you really need to update your Liberal list of incorrectly applied insults with some new material.
@10 There was little chance the reverse would have happened. Why? Because Republicans get 60 million votes in every election. Period. Their voter base is not growing. All modern elections are determined by how many Democratic-leaning voters vote, and how many stay home. In 2008 and 2012, they turned out. In 2004 and 2016, they didn’t, but the GOP candidate still lost the popular vote in 2016 anyway.
Aligning the electoral vote with the popular vote would have kept two of the worst presidents of the last 150 years from taking office, so NPV seems worth doing.
Fascist Fuck @ 10:
” If the reverse had happened, you crying bed-wetters would be lauding the Electoral College.”
Sorry, Squirt. You are totally wrong. I’ve been pushing the National Popular Vote initiative for a long time. Here is a reading list for you.
Darryl, Jan 2008: The “Wrong Winner” Problem and the National Popular Vote Plan
Darryl, Feb 2008: Washington Senate passes the National Popular Vote Compact bill
Darryl, Apr 2009: Washington set to join the national popular vote Compact
Darryl, Jan 2013: Washington state Republicans are trying to rig the presidential elections
So…I’ve written about it twce before Obama was elected, once just after Obama was inaugurated, and once after Obama’s second inauguration.
And that’s just what I’ve done on this blog.
Hey Squirt…how ’bout you go fuck yourself with a rusty coat hanger.
@12 You don’t like me correctly characterizing Trump and his party for what it is, then get the fuck off my blog. I’ve got no room for fascists.
@15- 4 (at least) years of your left wing tears will be quite satisfying. You might want to purchase some butthurt cream.
P.S. Get a dictionary you senile old fuck.
Hillary lost because she was arrogant.
Trump is arrogant, too, but he didn’t piss off as many as Hillary.
This election was the worst set of choices since 1972 with the Nixon-McGovern shit storm.
Almost half of eligible voters didn’t bother to vote. Liberals chief among them. That’s the real disgrace. That’s the real shame.
Darryl and/or Goldy:
Assuming this @ 8 information is correct, and with 11 states totalling 165 EVs already having passed laws supporting the Compact (including the largest two blue states, CA and NY), then there are only a couple of additional states currently under Dem control. Maybe as few as two additional. The low-hanging fruit has already been picked.
So NPV proponents are really nowhere near the 270 EVs they need, is that correct? Before NPV has any real chance of success, the downballot losses Dems have suffered since the 2008 election need to be reversed and state legislatures under Dem control need to be rebuilt, presuming that GOP controlled legislatures have little reason to support NPV laws, would that be an accurate statement?
Syndicated columnist David Brooks predicted in a column published today (in the Seattle Times, among other publications) that Trump will resign or be impeached within a year. I don’t think so, but the fact serious people are talking seriously about it is interesting.
The impeaching, of course, would have to be done by Republicans. They have a motive to do it. As Prof. Lichtman says, “They don’t want Trump as president, because they can’t control him. He’s unpredictable. They’d love to have Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican.”
And Trump University could provide them with an excuse, if Trump’s popularity with the voters who put him in office quickly wears off. But I’m not sure how ready I am for President Pence.
A national popular vote would mean at least 26 states – “red” and “blue” alike – would likely see more active presidential campaigns from both major parties, rather than the narrow handful of “battleground” states that get all the campaigning these days. Better for voters, better for candidates, better for the nation. https://medium.com/@aaron.p.keating/if-youre-not-in-a-swing-state-your-vote-doesn-t-matter-much-it-doesn-t-have-to-be-that-way-c536a0f52ec9
Oh look. A brownshirt like Goldstein doesn’t like the results of an election. Tough shit. Don’t like the fact that we live in a Constitutional Republic then move to fucking Syria Goldy. See if they’ll have ya.
@10. I kind of agree with you. It’s the same feeling I had when Republicons at the State level wanted to change how their state allocated electoral votes after the 2008 and 2012 elections, to compensate for the large urban vote, in essence more gerrymandering.
But no Conservative who is speaking up here on HA would have ever said that. In fact I don’t think any have. So easy to be hypocritical dumb fucks.
Which leads to what we have today.
Everyone ready for my missles?
I’m sure Pence has impeachment of Drump already on his mind. Maybe Drump even will conspire with Puke because he will not Be able to stand the heat in the kitchen.
Me have missles in less than 4 years.
Hehehehehe. Kaboooom!
@14 nice missle fired at the fuckface squirt. I bet he wish he had missle like me.
@12 Moldy? is that the best your Brother P-Touch label maker could do?
Roger@20: Get real. Republicans aren’t going to impeach their own guy. He may be unpredictable, but he’s also easily manipulated. And he’s not going to resign. That would be unbearable humiliation for a guy whose ego is everything. Easier to sit back and let Pence do all the work while he barks out a few orders to make America great again.
Trump (and Clinton) has already delivered more than Republicans could dream of. They can get right to work packing the Supreme Court, and passing some juicy tax cuts while doling out defense spending pork and other corporate welfare. The resulting deficits will provide a good excuse for decimating Medicare and the ACA. They’ll give Trump some good press by pressuring companies to reverse a few smallish but high-profile plant closures in exchange for other goodies. Any part of Trump’s agenda that causes problems for the GOP establishment (like killing profitable trade deals) can be slow-walked.
In the meantime, Dems are going to waste time moaning about the FBI or how unfair this all is to undocumented immigrants. They’ll be right of course, but that’s not going to win back lost voters.
“Anyone not willing to accept the results of an election is a danger to democracy”
– Hillary Clinton
A lot of dangerous people here…
@29 “the system is rigged”
Donald Drumpf
Shanghai @29,
“A lot of dangerous people here…”
Yeah…I don’t think so. You are confusing complaints and analysis with “not accepting” in the true sense.
Read a little more carefully, and try to keep up!
@22 You guys won’t be in power forever, and “tough shit” cuts both ways, Don. When it’s our turn again, we’ll be highly motivated.
@28 Which part of “I don’t think so” didn’t you read?
@29 We weren’t the ones who talked about “Second Amendment solutions” if our candidate lost, fuckface.
@32 Last time I checked, I wasn’t the triggered fuckwad who can’t handle basic a basic Civics 101 understanding of Constitutional government like Goldstein.
Oh, and I was at the Seattle Weekly celebration of Obama’s nomination in 2009 held at the Spitfire. Last time I checked, I wasn’t wailing in the streets like a bunch of fucking two-year olds with shit-filled diapers like your side is doing. Obama was my President then just like Trump will be your President in two months.
Tell your side to grow the fuck up and act like adults. Otherwise get used to losing in 2018 and 2020.
Talk is cheap; we’re seeing that your side is actually ACTING it out. Destroying property, assaulting people, causing all kinds of mayhem.
Too bad your leadership REFUSES to try to defuse the situation. I guess that chaos and burning it all down is the best way to move forward!
Oh wow, the little always wrong wing babies are getting the vapors about the Oregon anarchists..
No one with a brain supports them, ok? Bundys anyone?
In the meantime do overlook stuff like this…
Nothing to see there?
@36 “Too bad your leadership REFUSES to try to defuse the situation.”
If you read a newspaper once in a while, you might know something, instead of being such a moron.
@22 Okay, so mark you down as in with the fascists, Don. Hope for your sake when this is all over and done with that we opt for a truth and reconciliation commission rather than Nuremberg style war crimes trials.
@ 39
It’s going to end up like Nuremburgh. Not Capetown.
Get ready for it. Because they’ve been preparing for it for more than 70 years.
Hillary is your leadership? Silly me – here I thought it was President Obama, not a private citizen without any position (current or the foreseeable future) inside the Government!
No wonder you guys are so worked up – you’re being led by a nobody!
#CrookedHillary is 69.
Pelosi is 76.
Harry Reid is 76.
The three of them couldn’t combine to blow out a candle.
No reply so far to @ 19, but for a state to sign on to NPV a law must be passed enabling it. Meaning Democrat-controlled legislatures, since most in the GOP would understandably oppose it. Meaning Democrat legislators.
That being the case, data like this
We tend to focus on the loss of the presidency as the example of Democratic failure. That’s blinkered. Since 2008, by our estimates, the party has shed 870 legislators and leaders at the state and federal levels — and that estimate may be on the low side.
suggest that the “few more states” Goldy @ 4 says are needed might not be all that easy to obtain.
Elections have consequences, after all.
Republicans built this.
@ 44
Eight years of shit like this:
A North Carolina school system has suspended a teacher as it looks into an argument she had with a student over the coming contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney.
Among other things, the teacher said it was illegal to criticize a president.
and now the pendulum begins to swing in the opposite direction.
What the fuck did you expect?
Criticizing the president is
racist illegal misogynistpatriotic.That’s kind of a lot for a child to absorb in eight short years.
11/12, 758p:
Yeah…I don’t think so. You are confusing complaints and analysis with “not accepting” in the true sense. (@ 31)
Well, that didn’t last long at all.
11/13, 826a:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
We must fight at the polls, in court, & in the streets—by legal & extralegal means. We must disobey laws we disavow.
Extralegal street fights aren’t exactly complaints and analysis. In the true sense.
And in a true sense, disobeying laws you don’t like is pretty much non-acceptance.
Maybe you two should get together and talk with each other more often.
@ 46
“… in the streets. By legal & extralegal means. We must disobey laws we disavow.”
‘Kill the police!’ Anti-Trump protesters chant death threats at cops in Indianapolis, and demonstrators are tear-gassed in Portland as tens of thousands take to the street nationwide for fourth night of violence
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....z4PuT8uTL2
It’s still the weekend. Maybe within the next 24 hours there will be an uncomfortably close association between some guy’s tweet and a cop-killing.
I wouldn’t bet against it.
@41 Since when is our presidential candidate not our leadership? Go back to your kindergarten before they issue an Amber Alert.
@42 And here we have a supposedly well-educated graduate of a medical school shilling for the people now spray-painting swastikas on school buildings. Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid have more character in their toenail clippings than you’ll find in the entire Republican Party. Sucks to be you, Boob.
@43 “Elections have consequences, after all.”
Yep, they do, and the consequences of this one eventually will come home to roost.
@45 Old news. The school took appropriate action.
Now let’s hope schools across the country continue taking appropriate action when students and teachers get out of line. It appears that school administrators are going to have plenty of opportunities for “teaching moments” in the days ahead.
@47 Gee, I wonder where they got that idea from?
Perhaps they’re following the example set by our new leader?
“Since when is our presidential candidate not our leadership?”
Since she lost on Tuesday.
She’s a private citizen, sitting around sweating that she’s not indicted for crimes she’s committed.
“crimes she’s committed”
And like Bob, you can’t name a single crime she’s ever committed.
Lies and hate – that’s all you’ve got.
‘Hang a n****r from a tree’: Police take action against sign promoting lynching over ‘equal rights’
This is what our self-loathing black loon voted for – his own lynching.
“Go back to your kindergarten before they issue an Amber Alert.”
We’re probably stuck with the stupid fucker as his kindergarten, (u)SP, is dead and buried.
This is what the self-loathing black loon voted for, and there has not been one word from a single Republican in this nation, and certainly not in these threads, condemning these acts.
University of Pennsylvania investigating racist ‘lynching’ group thread
Univ. of Okla. student suspended for ‘lynching’ hate texts sent to Penn black freshmen
College investigates racist cyber attack
‘Hang a n****r from a tree’: Police take action against sign promoting lynching over ‘equal rights’
GOPer Behind ‘Lynching Time’ Posts Wins House Seat
‘Kill n****rs’: Lynching threat in Florida college classroom leaves students horrified
Villanova investigating after black student allegedly injured by group yelling ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’
Students yelling ‘cotton picker,’ heiling Hitler at this local school
@39…War crimes trial? I think you may want to visit a neurologist, at your age you may be starting to experience the onset of dementia.
The one thing Republicans are good at is whining.
Trump, as a candidate, crossed the line. Now he wants Clinton and Obama to help him? They should tell him, “You built this.”
@58 He’s predicting the future, dumbass. How much are you willing to bet Trump won’t stumble into some ill-starred military adventure like his idiotic Republican predecessor did?
@57 Welcome to the United Klaverns of Amerikkka.
@57 Yeah, why do we always get stuck with their crappiest trolls? What did we do to deserve these trolls?
@1 The electoral college is the system we have. When the Democrats win because of it, then it will be the finest system ever devised. I seriously doubt that Washington state would do something it could do, and hand out the electors proportionally, and support other states in adopting that as the norm. A second thing that could be done is the number of representatives in the house should be increased to match the increase in population since the 1920 census. With the appropriate increases/decreases after every census. These changes might mean Hilliary Clinton would be the President Elect without doing away with the electoral college, and are more possible than changing the constitution. By the time the Democrats are in charge of the congress (unlikely it will happen after the 2018 elections), because unless there are 20 unfaithful electors it’s unlikely the Republican congress will take up the matter. If there are 20 such electors then the House will not accept the results. Guess then they get to choose from the top three vote getters in the Electoral College. I doubt a Republican House of over 330 is going to pick Hilary Clinton.
Since neither candidate got a majority of the popular vote should that situation be resolved by the House of Representatives? Another election?
It’s these close elections where no candidate gets a majority vote that things can get bent. The electoral college does give us a result, with the appearance that the election was not as close as it was.
Of course there is another solution to this and have the House select the President. That was one selection process that was seriously discussed. Probably popular with those who love the parliamentary system of government.
Of course in all the grousing is left out the fact that if we went with the popular vote that would have changed the Candidates strategy and they would have spent much more time in New York, LA, Chicago and other large population centers and Trump might have won the popular vote.
@2 So you love the Glorious Peoples Party of China? The party has a seat in the Congress for you such a great cheerleader as yourself.
@4 That would seem to work for large states such as California, but there are small states? How dos that work for Wyoming? There are a lot more small states, than large states. I also doubt you can get a most Republican Texas to go along with Democratic California or New York, and by the time it does flip it’s entirely possible that California could be more Republican. I doubt that you will ever get to the requisite 270 and one or more states would reneg on the promise, and there would be nothing to keep them honest as the compact is little more than an agreement. Rather like that thing with Presidential candidates showing us their Federal tax returns. Without law behind the requirement it’s meaningless, though I would support a law where all candidates for any office at the local, state and Federal are required by law to provide to the voters a copy of their tax returns.
@5 Not to mention that it would mean the Federal government would have to actually do the Presidential election, rather than 50 separate elections done at the state level. This could also Federalize House and Senate elections. So State governments would have no say in Federal elections. The Fed can do it as government is good and efficient. So who is going to run the Federal election office? Would it be a executive position? Under control of Congress? A quasi Congressional/Executive office?
Apologies to those who have strong States Rights beliefs, I’m just pointing out the alternative.
@9 It also might not be constitutional this compact between states. Whether states can dictate to electors that they will vote for whatever candidate gets a majority is a question that has never reached the Supreme Court and has never been ruled on. And the penalties are pretty small in most states, and if one doesn’t mind ever being a elector for a particular party again, what the hell why not vote for Jill Stein. Hey seems as likely as Hilary taking the Electoral college. So why not Jill. Or that Republican guy who got 30 percent in Utah,,,,,seems he ought to get a vote in the college just for being such a swell guy.
@13 Actually the Republicans have some things going for them. You are being parochial for being in Washington state. The east side is pretty Republican. We have had Republican state Senate and House majorities. They control a majority of state legislatures, and governorships. The could figure out the divide between them and Hispanics. Hispanics should find the Republican party attractive. Many Hispanics think family and hold some conservative beliefs. And taking them for granite and talking down to them, and being overly PC is not going to get them to support the Democratic party. So for the 40% of the population that is Republican there is hope, and if they fall apart they will hopefully be replaced or do you just want on party rule here in America. Also those Republican’s in eastern Washington are not going away.
Have some of you actually discovered that immigrating to Canada or Mexico isn’t all that easy. That Americans are not particularly welcomed on a permanent basis. I think borders should be open both ways, but they are not and our immigration policies would be more draconian if we adopted the policies of Canada or Mexico. So maybe it’s time to re-friend Republicans.
@15 Ummm who made you my Fuhrer, your post seems like something he would say, but of course he would later mock western governments would not accept those willing and want to leave his beloved Reich.
@20 And what will the Democrats do should the Republicans find out that Trump is really a Democrat in Republican clothing. Should they go along with Impeachment or discover the wink wink we got a Democrat in the White HOuse?
@18 That is right so we can do something like require registered voters to actually vote. Much easier to do than a change to the constitution. We could also make election day a holiday or move it to the weekend.
Maybe increase the number of Representatives in the House.
Get states to distribute electors proportionally. Of course this is a rigging of the system Democrats and Republicans support.
@28 That is right lets see maybe Trump will be our golfer in chief. Lets see how he governs.
And as far as the Supreme Court justice that is on Obama not using the bully pulpit, and not willing to shake things up by calling up a retired Supreme up to the big leagues again. I like President Obama, but the no drama part has been annoying.
@34 But why has there been gunfire at a protest in Portland. Seems some folks there must believe in the 2nd Amendment. The Black Panthers do and I would guess they are Democrats.
The whole protest thing is rather odd if the Democratic party goes high when their opponents go low.
I have always been a little puzzled here in Bellingham when President Obama was sworn into office suddenly the local war protests stopped. Except for a couple of old hippies and a couple of Vietnam vets who kept true to the cause the whole war protest thing suddenly vanished, and we do have large college here and high school students who love an excuse to skip class for the big war protest day. All that went away. There was a protest going through Bellingham yesterday and nothing has changed except we have a President elect. We have been at war for the last eight years so where have these people been?
@49 IT could be real Nazi’s doing it, though Occam’s razor suggest it is probably one or two 15 year old students at their school who did it to get out of class and should have to clean it up if they are found to be the culprits. And if it was Nazi\s tht did it: BAD NAZIS!!
@51 This is an old issue, but it’s a current and will be an ongoing issue as long as the US is a democracy or Republic.
There is no way for a teacher to know whether they got it right in this situation, because it depends on the school board. There are at least two schools of thought on the matter. In some schools the teacher gave the right answer that students should not criticize the President, the Governor, the School Board, Teachers, parents ect or those in authority. School boards and administrators and teachers do have skin in this game. Even though the right answer because students have rights (or do they, the Supreme Court thinks they have some) is that the student can criticize the President, Governor, School board, ect. It’s the basis of liberal thought, and it should not matter if the President in question is a member of your party or not.
@54 The Espionage Act of 1917
Specifically US Code 18 Section 793
The Espionage act is an act that is controversial, and contains a lot that is questionable, maybe overly broad, and may even be unconstitutional. The act itself and how the government has used the act. The courts have had clear issues with both, but have generally sided with the government.
@60 Or a Libya or a Syria?
Then again we do want our President to be able to handle Barbary Pirates.
Response @64 to @2 deemed irrelevant; “Ignore” button pushed.
@678 “That Americans are not particularly welcomed on a permanent basis.”
Yeah, some of us aren’t very nice.
@69 This blog is private property, and all Goldy is doing @15 is asking a trespasser to leave. Unless you’re a fucking communist, you shouldn’t have a problem with that.
@54: Just because the Obama Justice Department wanted to rewrite Federal Statutes to not prosecute Ms. Clinton does not mean she did NOT break multiple laws regarding classified information.
No, ignorance of the law is NOT a defense.
Scooter Libby went to jail for lying under oath – Hillary also lied, but nothing?
Sandy Berger was charged, tried, found guilty, and stripped of his clearances for retaining and destroying classifed information – Hillary did the same thing.
But I guess your world-view is that there SHOULD be two sets of rules, one for the little guys and one for our esteemed leaders. So much for justice being blind, eh?
@70 They should impeach him, or not, on the same basis that any other president of either party would be impeached; i.e., based on whether he committed “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” I somewhat doubt that having illicit sex under the desk during office hours and then lying about it satisfies this standard, although I personally don’t condone such behavior.
@81 A rather long-winded way of saying that you can’t name a crime. That’s okay, Dan. Neither can anyone else.
@73 “But why has there been gunfire at a protest in Portland. Seems some folks there must believe in the 2nd Amendment.”
Yeah, the motorist whose car was blocked by the protester he shot.
“The Black Panthers do and I would guess they are Democrats.”
I would guess they were not.
@75 I don’t think very many people would have much difficulty with this specific case.
@76 When was she convicted under that statute?
@77 It takes a Republican to attack the wrong pirates and still be bogged down eight years later. It’s really not that hard to do if you’re a draft dodger with no military experience, which describes a lot of Republicans.
@81 When did Hillary lie under oath? Berger stole documents, Hillary did not, so no double standard there, just different facts.
@83 If a vindictive Trump-appointed AG or special prosecutor does charge Hillary under the 1917 Espionage Act, he’s going to have trouble proving the intent element. But don’t put it past Republicans to waste millions of taxpayer dollars on a futile attempt.
Add Michael Moore to the growing list of people who believe that Republicans won’t be able to stand their new leader, and he won’t be able to behave himself, for four whole years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My guess is he’s more likely to chuck Wife No. 3 than get impeached, so I’d put my money on Melania leaving the White House before he does.
Then I guess you’re in 100% agreement that Scooter Libby should never have been charged with anything. Right?
So here’s a guy who spent his business career as a grifter, ran a racist campaign, called women “fat pigs,” was caught on video talking about groping their genitals and getting away with it because he’s “a big star,” suggested his fans should assassinate his opponent and violently overthrow our democratic system if he didn’t win, and who lost the popular vote by around 1.7 million votes, but is going to be our next president anyway because of a quirky 220-year-old electoral system designed to preserve slavery, and the winners of this screwy election have a problem with the fact that some people want to protest this?
This whole thing reminds me of Tulsa 1921. Some blacks are doing better than whites, so burn down ni**er town. I’m not prepared for the level of derp that is coming in this 4th Bush term. I’m trying to stay off Facebook, but they keep baiting me with stupid. My “Allen West” type friend has decided he’s going to do some “reserch” because he is pretty sure the NRA was originally organized to protect the 2nd Amd rights of blacks during Jim Crow. Dark days ahead. As a white male heterosexual protestant, I should be fine, but my heart and soul are gonna suffer.
And of course, our President lied as well when he claimed (repeatedly) he did not know that Hillary was using a private server – never mind his own STAFF was notified time and again so that HIS e-mail would accept Hillary’s personal e-mails.
But with President Obama in firm control of the Justice Department, I don’t expect anything to move forward until after 1/20/17.
When President Trump starts his first term.
All you little Eichmann’s lost. Now all your little band of Brownshirts can do is wear Diaper Pins like the cunts you are.