The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally is meeting a couple hours early tonight to watch the State of the Union address the way God intended: At a bar. The Roanoke Park Place Tavern to be exact. Please join me. Or if you don’t have the civic pride to join me at a bar, then follow my commentary on Twitter—it’s just like watching the SOTU with me in person, only more concise.
Afterwards, fuck the Republican response. Though I’ll probably watch anyway, if only to hurl insults. Rather, I’m looking forward to Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant once again live-streaming her official Socialist response to the president’s speech. Really. Listen in. I wager you’ll be surprised by how much of Sawant’s speech you agree with.
Go Marco, Go! Bob has got your back.
NYPD Union Chief under fire from his own membership. Go man, Go! Bob has got your back.
I’d advise against taking wagers around here.