I didn’t go to DC this week as so many other political obsessives urged me, and I didn’t go out to any inauguration watch parties or breakfasts or gatherings this morning, despite numerous invitations. I just watched from my living room, my dog at my feet, my cat on my lap and a hot mug of green tea in my hands.
But on this day filled with symbolic imagery I did celebrate the historic event by making a personal, symbolic gesture of my own. After more than four years of obstinate protest I finally removed the Kerry/Edwards sign from the front of my house.
10:22 AM PT, January 20, 2009:
10:24 AM PT, January 20, 2009:
I guess after listening to President Obama’s speech, I was just feeling that it’s time for a change.
LOL. I love it! Adios a la Pasada.
BTW, that’s a Northwestern front yard if I’ve ever seen one.
If that Kerry-Edwards sign was up in Goldy’s front yard for the last 4-1/2 years, seems like it held up pretty well. I am surprised that a plastic bag type sign could hold up for so long, without being shredded to bits by the elements.
And shouldn’t the plastic bag portion go into the regular garbage, and the metal wire portion go into the recycling?
Richard @2,
Believe it or not, it isn’t a plastic sign… it’s coated corrugated cardboard. So to survive four and a half years of NW moisture is kinda equivalent to the miracle of Chanukah.
And of course, the second shot was staged. But… can I put the wire frames into recycling?
Dow is down over 200 points. Welcome to change.
re 4: …and it’s a little chilly today, so I guess global warming is bunk in your (very small and simple) book.
# 4: The DJIA was falling all morning due to overnight news that the banking industry is in worse situation than had previously been indicated.
Thanks for that goodbye gift, Mr. Bush!!!!
It’s going to take a long time to clean up the mess left behind by the outgoing Bush administration. So for all the wingnuts who were trying to argue, a few months ago, that all the economic problems could be traced back to Clinton (or even Carter!), your hypocracy is duly noted.
My spreadsheet uses the DJIA opening balance to record the economic progress (or lack thereof) of the modern Presidents. It shows that during the eight years of the Bush administration, we suffered a 21.78% decline in the value of the DJIA. Other indicaters show even more dismal results.
Of course, to be really fair to Obama, I probably should use the DJIA as of noon today. But I didn’t because I wanted to be consistent in my reporting methodology.
Check back with us in four years. If the DJIA has lost more than 20% in value from today’s date at that point, then you can blame Obama. Otherwise, forget it.
On Obama’s opening day as president, the price of oil is below $33 per barrel. What will it be 4 years from now? Here comes the misery index.
In the spirit of bipartisianship on this occassion, let me pledge here and now to show the exact same level of courtesy and respect to the new president, as liberal folk gave to the previous one.
@8 You mean the same level of courtesy that the right gave the Clintons?
Duly noted.
Well I am trying to recall when the right held mock presidential assassinations on the radio as did Rhandi Rhoades on Liberal Air America. Perhaps you can provide us the link. And then there are the liberal street plays libs made entitled “I’m gonna kill the president”. Oh yes and then there is Ted Rall who penned this cartoon calling Condoleeza Rice the “House Nigga.”
Don’t worry though, we won’t preface every mention of the new president with a synonym for intercourse. That’s Goldsteins schtick.
# 10: I’ve heard plenty of harsh comments from both sides, including one guy during the Clinton administration who argued on the radio that somebody would be doing a duty to this nation if they would “take that guy (Clinton) out”. (Nope, I can’t recall the speaker, it was too long ago). It’s gotten pretty bad on the left too, I usually change the channel at that point – I want to hear research and analysis, not ranting.
Time for a new start, guys, on both sides. We agreed to this in my Bible Study group last night. If about fifteen Republicans and one Democrat can agree to pray for our new leader and support him, I think our nation still has a chance.
You right wing puss balls can do anything you want. Hold your breath and stomp your feet ’til you turn blue. Nobody gives a fuck. We’ve had eight years of your flawed characters, and deadly personality disorders. Jump off a bridge…head first.
@8 You are one pathetic sorry excuse for a real person. Yes, people viliifed bush and people vilified Clinton. I was always more disgusted with the bush POLICIES.
Unnecessary war
Largest deficit in history
worst economic performance since Hoover
Lying about torture
Illegal spying on US citizens
Excusing everything illegal with 9/11
Incompetence in the the Justice dept., Katrian, EPA , Agriculture almost everywhere..
Injecting politics into the Justice dept.
Outing a CIA agent
Joking about WMDs that don’t exist
Stopping gas mileage requirements of the states
I did not want Bush dead – I wanted him and his discredited philosophy OUT. And we the people have kicked his sorry party out of the White house.
I would’t throw that sign out quite yet. Kerry/Edwards, with all of their large warts may look pretty good to you after several months of Obama and Michelle.
Gotta love that Joseph Lowery. Knowing who was in the audience he called it correctly…
“when white will embrace what is right.”
Well see if y’all listen to Dr Lowery!
Here is a real horsesass!
Keith The ESPN Reject Olbermann said, “Far be it for me to have been critical of anyone critical of this President, obviously, but, unfortunately, during that demonstration, something of the introduction of Mrs. Obama was lost because people were singing the, they still are, the ‘Hey, hey,’ song from various sporting events over the year, towards the 43rd President.”
Well I guess the libtards in the audience don’t pay attention to the details!
“Outing a CIA agent” – Still honking that canard. Well Donkeycrap Richard Armitage was in the administration.
Right Wing: You missed the obvious – the removal of the letter “W” from every white house keyboard.
Yep, dem Donkey are real winners.
Four weeks ago on this blog I said the libtard MSM will start telling us the economy isn’t that bad.
Now it’s 1-20-09. Let’s see how long it takes.
How the hell did you ever get so full of yourself? On this beautiful day, you are full of your usual partisan nonsense. Get over it, man.