So here’s my schedule for Election Day, 2010.
After I finish writing this post, I plan to head on over to King County Elections’ Tukwila headquarters, check out the mood and the turnout, and then cast my vote in person, just like I always do. (Call me a hopeless romantic.) Then I plan to head home, take my dog on a long, leisurely walk, eat a little lunch, maybe take a nap, have a hot cup of tea and an even hotter shower, then head out to the Montlake Ale House for beer, election returns, and even more beer, depending on how bad (or badder) the results turn out to be. And if I’m not too depressed, I might head over to the Westin for Patty Murray’s victory party.
Somewhere in the midst of all that, I suppose I’ll do a little writing, including some pre-election predictions, return-watching live-blogging, and post election analysis. So stay tuned.
Sounds like a very good day. I’ll be at work until quite late tonight, so my iphone’s gonna get a workout. Gotta remember to bring the charger with me.
I dropped off my ballot the weekend I got it, giving me the pleasure of knowing my votes will be in the first batch counted right at 8pm.
“The rest of the nation’s election day”
The high level of Republican enthusiasm has led to the largest gap in enthusiasm by party of any recent midterm elections, 19 percentage points. The prior highs were nine points in favor of the Democrats in 2006, and nine points in favor of the Republicans in 1994.
Gallup, today.
Where’s the trickle down?
David Stockman (Ronald Reagan’s budget guy and famous supply side economics advocate):
“In 1985, the top five percent of the households, wealthiest five percent, had net worth of $8 trillion, which is a lot. Today, after serial bubble after serial bubble, the top five percent have net worth of $40 trillion,” he explained. “The top five percent have gained more wealth than the whole human race had created prior to 1980.”
Does anyone know where to find a good cheat sheet for tonight’s election? I would like something I can print out to check off races from accross the country as they come in.
I still have Murray by 5.5%.
@ 3
THEY called it “trickle down”.
What it really was, was pissing down our backs while telling us it was raining.
Murray by 5.5 only if kant kounty is kounting
@4 Do you still have your hymen, too?
I voted long ago, and have been pondering the potential outcomes. I don’t think Dino has much of a chance. Down here in the 3rd Congressional, my hope is that empty suit Herrera does not win. This will probably be the last election Olympia and Vantucky are in the same district. I’m afraid it’s going to look awful red down here…
stay in tukwila and tweet voting. give the people what they want!
I voted long ago, and have been pondering the potential outcomes. I don’t think Dino has much of a chance. Down here in the 3rd, my hope is that empty suit Herrera does not win. This will probably be the last election Olympia and Vantucky are in the same district. I’m afraid it’s going to look awful red down here…
To gird myself for the returns, I’m starting my day with Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers. I’ll move to beer for lunch. By the time the returns start coming in, I’ll probably head for the bourbon.
David Horsey has promised a “cartoon marathon” for election day. Beginning at about noon, he will try to post a new cartoon every hour. It will likely be sketches, rather than his usual finished product, but it should be entertaining.
David Horsey’s Cartoon Marathon
According to AOL News, independent voters are fed up with both parties, which they see as controlled by special interests and unresponsive to ordinary citizens.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This article shouldn’t come as a surprise, as it reflects long-standing frustrations of average citizens with a political system in which politicians are dependent on special interest money. Nobody knows how to fix it. The elevation of corporations’ status by the conservative members of SCOTUS isn’t helping.
@7 Do you have more than one brain cell?
I’m working a swing shift 2-10PM and will be trying to ignore the fact that it’s election day.
The rightwing media, especially the Seattle Times, have been brainwashing us to expect a Republican tide. I’m not convinced this election day will be quite as red as the True Believers on editorial boards and copyediting desks are hoping for. But I do expect voters to punish Democrats for not solving economic and unemployment problems that weren’t created by them and can’t be fixed overnight. That’s the nature of the beast — people out there are hurting and want relief. They can’t wrap their minds around the complex realities that (1) the bank bailout was essential and cost taxpayers nothing, (2) the real problem with the stimulus is that it was too small, and (3) attacking government’s ability to deal with problems doesn’t solve the problems, it simply gives a freer hand to the charlatans who created the problems in the first place. I’m not real optimistic about the chances of a frustrated and impatient and emotionally charged electorate acting intelligently and in their own best interests. But, hey, that’s democracy.
You’re voting today? I dropped off my ballot at the elections office at Boeing Field on October 15. I can’t wait til 8 pm to see the end of all those political ads.
@14 I use my brain cells – both of them – to surmise that when I hear of a GOP advantage of anywhere from 4 points (ABC, today, if you believe a 37/27 Dem/GOP poll reflects reality) to 19 points (Gallup, today), Patty Murray won’t carry WA by 5.5% (@4) when the race has been a toss-up for at least two weeks.
I also use my brain cells – both of them – to read through rather than merely regurgitate @16 the DNC/Krugman concept of the stimulus. The stimulus didn’t work because it was poorly targeted and poorly overseen. Hell, even Obama admits that shovel-ready didn’t really exist.
WSJ blogs, just now, has Coons whining about low Dem turnout in areas he thinks are crucial to his victory. I am not saying O’Donnell is going to win but I am saying there is little hope for Dem performance better than everyone and his mother’s poll results are telling you will happen.
Stick to the Axelrod perspective of a Dem victory if the GOP doesn’t run the whole fucking table today. Oh, and good luck sounding like you believe it.
I don’t believe the race is a toss up. King County has been under represented in most polls, other then Elway’s last poll, which had Murray up by a large margin. I will stick with my 5.5%. I don’t see your reference to female genitalia having anything to do with this race, you pathetic sick fuck.
I don’t know anyone who’s voting Republican. But all my friends and coworkers are college graduates.
Here is a smidgeon of good news for Democrats from Rasmussen. Actually, it’s more like not quite as demoralizing as prior months-
When you think about how hard Obama worked campaigning with the media in his pocket every step of the way…this ain’t good news, is it.
Enjoy your afternoon…because your evening may be a bit hard to swallow.
Prepare for the worst…and hope for the best.
Predictions Goldy?
Rossi/Murray–I say Murray by 2-3 points
Initiatives?Income tax fails and State gets out of liquor business
State House???
State Senate???
Fed House—I say R’s 228
Fed Senate—I say Dems with 52
Here is how some of your fellow KLOWNmates predicted Murray’s margin 2 months ago.
Any of you want to stand by those margins and place a late wager??
107. Michael spews:
@105, 106
Murray was a shoe in for the primary. People weren’t very motivated to vote for her, where they were very motivated to vote for Didier. Murray will pull off a win by 8-12% this time around. Personally, I’m still inclined to think she’ll be closer to 12% than 8%.
08/20/2010 at 3:55 pm
108. Rujax! spews:
“thejesus’ownbutthole…mr.cynical” forgets (surprising no one) that Washington voters do not like or trust the slimy real estate speculator the r’s have hitched their horse to.
He just don’t wear well buddy…and Murray’s done too much for too many folks in this state.
No go, joe…I say 12-15%.
08/20/2010 at 4:29 pm
110. Mr. Cynical spews:
Michael Says Murray by 12 points.
Rujax Says Murray by 12-15 points.
I’ll copy your predictions and dredge them up election night.
08/20/2010 at 5:05 pm
120. N in Seattle spews:
Cynical @110:
Copy mine too, schmuck.
There are only two questions in the Murray-Rossi race:
a) is Joel Connelly correct that this will be WA’s closest Senate race since Cantwell ousted Gorton in 2000?
b) will Patty’s margin reach double-figures?
I say yes and yes.
re 20
“But all my friends and coworkers are college graduates.”
That’s hilarious. Good one, Odie.
All of us’m uneddicated hicks who niver lernt how to reed or rite mite just change that there Congress today anyway.
Enjoy the coverage of the election tonight. I’d go to that DL thing if I was you. I’d guess you’ll need the booze.
Get used to these words- Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Ah, how sweet it is.
Here is a good article about things to look for tonite. Watch these races as barometers–
Also, RealClearPolitics has some insights and races to watch.
Lots of good articles at RealClearPolitics to help jack up up for tonight.
There are articles from the Left and Right perspective. Read the one about the Obama/Pelosi failed partnership.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Pelosi and if she stays on as Minority Leader. There will be mainly hardcore Libs on the Dem side after tonite. IF she tries to stay in power as Minority Leader, I expect she will get some competition. Perhaps those who want to dump her and win close races may decide the Democrat party has abandoned them and jump ship.
Do you think any Dems will leave if Pelosi fights to retain a leadership role??
@23 re @20
C’mon, who wouldja rather hang with?
Fellow elites? Or the great unwashed?
I wonder how many of her friends drive a Prius with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker. It’s like drill team, Seattle style.
It will be Murray by 4-6%, but if people had any damn sense it would be murray by 10-12% and playing it safe is boring, so I’m sicking with 8-12%, even though the chances of that happening are slim.
Attaboy…but I take it no wager??
That’s ok.
You strike me as an honest fella…stupid, but honest. Honestly stupid.
just kidding Michael.
Your alright.
Any of you KLOWNS read this HuffPo article a couple weeks ago?
thehill’s blog:
Endangered Democrat: ‘Turnout isn’t where we need it to be’
By Michael O’Brien – 11/02/10 02:08 PM ET
A key endangered Democratic incumbent admitted Tuesday that “turnout isn’t where we need it to be” if he’s to win reelection.
Rep. Steve Kagen’s (D-Wis.) campaign manager e-mailed supporters to warn …
Get used to these words- Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Ah, how sweet it is.
Um… None of us like her either :-)
‘My Election Day’
Must be nice to have all that free time while still being chronically unempoyed after all this time. How long has it been now Goldstein?
Fine example you set for that daughter of yours. Pathetic.
And at 32: Agreed. Nice ring to it, huh?
Make that “unemployed”. Guess the edit function is having issues. :)
Like the orange man will be any less of a joke.