So you think that Reichart will give up his seat in 2008 to run against Gregoire? Interesting…
Daddy Lovespews:
I’m seeing McGavick and Rossi duking it out in a bloody 2008 primary battle for the right to lose to Gregoire in the general.
JCH [PA]spews:
Democrats!! If it is raining you can vote tomorrow!!!!
JCH [PA]spews:
Vote Democrat!!! Sincerely, Osama bin Landin
Dear Democrat Mooooooooooslims, “guvment” employee parasites, union hacks, Daddy Love, GBS, JDB, and welfare losers, If it is raining, you can vote on Wednesday!!! Relax and vote when the weather is better!!!! Illegals CANNOT VOTE!!! Border Patrol will be at EVERY poll to arrest you and bus you ass back to Mexico!!!! Democrat Felons will be arrested at the polls and your drugs and weapons will be taken. Finally, NY Jews “double” voting in NY and Miami will be “boxcarred”!!!! Best regards, JCH
Let us hope and pray that the best the inbred morons on the right have to offer is Davie (I couldn’t catch a high school drop out for 20 years) Reichert for Governor.
whistling past the graveyard goldy? yet again?
if burner wins [which she won’t] it will be by washington state’s “creative” counting techniques. when even the moonbats in arcata think you tools are stupid….you really are.
right stuffspews:
In true Democrat fassion, after Burner loses today she will dissapear, never to be seen again in the political landscape.
Really, she already has an important civic job as president of the Ames Lake Club that her time in the Civil Air Patrol has prepared her for…..
AND i just have to ask this goldy. exactly why would you be promoting and voting for someone with absolutely no qualifications at all? could it be just because she has the big D after her name? this is a classic example of the dhimmicrat mentality. you guys would vote for pinochet if he was a democrat.
meanwhile…down here in beautiful california we are going to re-elect arnold with a double digit margin…that’s my bold call for today.
enjoy the rain…we all know that dhimmicrats don’t like to get wet [or work, or pay their fair share of taxes, or mind their own business…….]
JCH [PA]spews:
All polls must close on time except black Democrat polls which will stay open until the election count is “correct” [see King County]. hehe, JCH
proud leftistspews:
Let’s all wish Dull Davie a pleasant transition to the private sector. I think we’ve had as much of his public “service” as we can bear.
# 2: Perhaps, but I don’t see McGavick settling for Governor. He’s too egotistical for that. Besides, he promised his wife they could move back East.
I don’t even think he would run for the U.S. House of Representatives. With his ego, he’s willing to settle for the Senate, but only as a stepping-stone for the Presidency. He probably planned to serve only two years in the Senate while he campaigned for W’s job in 2008. I guess this year’s election is upsetting his time-table.
I was laughing at McGavick’s ad on TV last night. He criticized Cantwell for being “vague” on Iraq. His solution: “Get in there and defeat the terrorists, partition the country if necessary, and bring home our troops in VICTORY!”
Like, our troops haven’t already been trying to defeaet the terrorists for the past three and 1/2 years? Like they don’t want to come home, they are having so much fun there? Talk about being vague and arrogant. Typical ignorant management type – thinks if he provides enough “inspiration” and “leadership”, and if the minions have enough “willpower”, they can just do anything their leader desires – reality be damned. Reminds me of Hitler moving non-existent divisions around on a map in the spring of 1945, exhorting the German people that they can defeat the Soviets if they just exercise sufficient “will to win”.
And Safeco gave this kind of ignoramous 28+ million dollars? Its beginning to look more like an incentive to get him to leave.
Don Joespews:
When it comes to Reichert, the most appropriate word that comes to mind is “disqualified”.
Don Joespews:
rhp6033, I saw the same ad, and thought, “Dang! He’s sure trying to sound like a Democrat.”
Maf54 [Florida]spews:
Come back and snuggle with me. Ted Haggard is coming over with some good “stuff.” and we can make Atlas Shrug again. [hehe]
To any and all freedom loving Americans who want to see our Democracy protected, if you are in the Tucson AZ area, and want to protect the right of people to vote, take your camera and sidearm and get involved in what’s going on, funded by the right wingers…
JCH: The man that Republicans in the know really fear is Congressman Henry D. Waxman of California. This guy has been poised for many years for a very, very, very thorough audit of companies like Halliburton.
Don’t fly in any small aircraft, Henry!
The Republicans are sure that they will do better than the Democrats tonight. From Klake to JCH to Rush Limbaugh, they seem sure that their voter intimidation campaigns and their control of the voting equipment will guarentee them a win.
So, I’m happy if the Democrats pull off a gain of 2 Senate seats and 12 House seats. Anything more than that, by the Republican’s own logic, would be a major repudiation of Bush and his policies, and a mandate for Democratic rule.
Heck, if the GOP loses Rick “Man/Dog Sex” Santorum and George “Maccaca” Allen, that would have me celebrating all night long. Throw in Tom Delay’s and Bob Ney’s house seat, and this will be a night worth remembering.
Christmasghost – Could you please remind me again what Ahhhnold’s qualifications where when he ran? You’re the tool, fool.
It’s your last day on HA blog.
Time for you to confess your sins:
Lying about your military service.
Your pedophilia problem.
Your meth addiction.
Your racism.
It’s been fun, but you’re done. Please be man enough to honor our bet when you lose so Goldy doesn’t have to ban your IP address.
I know conservatives don’t pay up on thier bets like MTR and Puddybud who still owes me from LAST YEAR, but this one you’re going to have to live by.
See ya.
11 McGavick apparently doesn’t realize that Iraq is already partitioning itself.
Where are you spending your election night?
zedd…. well, he was a successful business man that wasn’t afraid to promote his ideas and he has the charisma to do it. that’s political reality.he already has money so he wouldn’t be tempted, he already has fame so he won’t be an attention whore….and he really is the best man for the job.i realize in washington you couldn’t see his opponent’s ads…but they were hysterical. what i want to know from all you whiney liberals is how could a man [angelides] that is a developer and big time polluter become the the left’s darling? that’s a real puzzle. oh wait! could it be that dhimmicrats are just brainless fools that do what they are told?
versus darcy burner who is a big nobody that would be in the pockets of anyone with M-O-N-E-Y.
Daddy Lovespews:
6 CG
The perfect Republican attitude. “Darcy won’t win. And when she does, it will be because she cheated. Republicans cannot lose because we’re clearly in the majority in Western Washington.”
All I can say is, Wow.
CG @ 23:
Face facts. Arnold was on his way out of office when he threw his propistions on the special elections ballots last year. After each and everyone of the props he backed went down soundly in defeat, Arnold became a liberal.
Global warming, Iraq, Bush, the national debt, he’s not with the hardline right anymore which gives him the edge he needs to win.
No right winger is going to win a state wide office in CA.
Who’s Reagan Dunn?
Daddy Lovespews:
23 CG
I’m flabbergasted.
“well, he was a successful business man that wasn’t afraid to promote his ideas and he has the charisma to do it.”
Darcy Burner was a successful businesswoman whose zeal for public service led her to run against a first-term Republican Representative in a trending Dem district who had the drive and the savvy to build a national top-five campaign. Wow, that IS easy to do!
Some people might say that he stepped into a GOP-orchestrated recall campaign without a primary and had a high enough Q factor to win with a small plurality onm a crowded slate, and who has had to run HARD on traditionally Democratic issues such as environmental protection to resurrect his approval from the mid-30s where it had sunk after his GOP hardball tactics proved amazingly unpopular.
“he already has money so he wouldn’t be tempted, he already has fame so he won’t be an attention whore…”
Have you ever even MET an actor? He’s where he is BECAUSE he’s an “attention whore.”
“and he really is the best man for the job.”
Oh please.
“what i want to know from all you whiney liberals is how could a man [angelides] that is a developer and big time polluter become the the left’s darling?”
You don’t want to know. You already have the answer you want to believe and no one can tell you different. So why don’t YOU just admit that?
BTW, Angelides with 8 years experience in state government has 2.67 times more experience there than Armold.
Daddy Lovespews:
From teh AP:
Reports from around Virginia early Tuesday indicated an extraordinarily high turnout for a midterm election, with perhaps 65 percent of registered voters expected to cast ballots, state elections officials said. That would double the midterm turnout in 2002.
And turnout favors Democrats, because there are more of us. Republicans NEED the leverage that a small turnout gives their dedicated base. Macaca Allen is going down.
Daddy Lovespews:
Crap. Did I screw up subsequent posts?
Had Enough Yet?spews:
Considering this may be his last 24 hours of posting on HA, I honestly expected something more from JCH than what were getting so far.
Not that I was expecting any great flash of imagination or anything. But this stuff isn’t even any more insulting than usual.
Very run-of-the-mill if you ask me.
roger rabbitspews:
Ok, so this mother takes her baby and uses a knife to make cuts all over, puts it in a bag and throws it in a river. Then this fisher guy comes, fishes out the bag and the baby’s leg falls off.
eponymous cowardspews:
OK, in that light:
Christine Gregoire 51.8%, Rob McKenna 46.5%, unnamed L and Greens taking the rest. (Of course, I’m also talking about 2008.)
Goldy – you aren’t being clear. Is this a House race, a Senate race, or a PRESIDENTIAL race? :-)
Mrs. Iselinspews:
will Raymond ShawReagan Dunn be old enough to vote by 2008?
Hey, does anyone know if the minnow is working as a poll worker this year in Kentucky?
Hey, the Republians have found a way that might let them win:
Pretend to be Democrats:
Inaccurate sample ballots describing Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Senate candidate Michael S. Steele as Democrats were handed out to voters in at least four polling sites in Prince George’s County this morning.
The ballots were distributed by people who said they arrived by buses this morning from Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Erik Markle, one of the people handing out literature for Ehrlich, who is seeking reelection, and Steele, the current lieutenant governor who is campaigning to replace retiring Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D), said he was recruited at a homeless shelter in Philadelphia.
Actually, the stock market has always done best with Democrats historically. A good shepard makes a good flock.
With Polls closing, here are my final predictions:
Democrats +5 Senate +25 in the House +6 Governors.
Dems pick up WA 8, but narrowly lose WA 5.
Dems pick up 2 State Senate seats and 6 State House seats.
JDB…the stock market has always done well with democrats? are you serious? just because you say it doesn’t make it true.
i was surprised by the market….it usually does that when they are predicting a GOP win.
and daddy L and GBS……. arnold a liberal??? NOW that’s funny! arnold is a realist….and you might just be surprised at how sick of the far right and far left the average citizen is.
and yes, i know a few actors. my “arnold” point is…he already had more adulation than he was ever going to get in politics….so it wasn’t going to go to his head. he wasn’t on “the way out” as you put it so moronically either. when the VOTERS [ i know…you commies up in who? where?-ville don’t get this but….] told him with their votes they didn’t like his ideas he basically said OK! and moved on. that’s called being an adult. i know it’s a tough concept for you little nothings up there in WHO? WHERE?-ville to grasp but down here in beautiful california…you know that big beautiful state south of no-where-ville…..we actually have a huge economy. not just hot air from guys that can’t hold hobs without union thugs backing them up.
and if i was religious…which i’m not…i would say that god has a message for the queen of who?-ville……..F-L-O-O-D-I-N-G.
what will it be next? locusts?
Christmas Ghost:
If you take the Presidential terms for Democrats during the 20th century, and you invest $10,000.00. You would be up $83,000 during the Democratic terms, but only $33,000.
Sorry, up only $33,000 during the Republican terms.
CNN reports corruption was the number most important issue to voters who responded to exit surveys. ABC News reports severe discontent with the Bush administration.
Early Senate numbers (uncomfirmed and with caveats):
Democrats are leading in Pennsylvania (+15), Ohio (+14), New Jersey (+8), Rhode Island (+7), Virginia (+7), Montana (+9), Missouri (+2), Maryland (+7).
Republicans are leading in Tennessee (+4) and Arizona (+4).
Dipsy-Doodle Darcy- a stale fart blowing in the wind.
Daddy Lovespews:
39 CG
“arnold is a realist”
Duh. But to get re-elected, as I beleive I said, he co-opted traditionally Democratic positions on traditionally Demcratic issues. It will work in California. But the GOP base now sees him a RINO. It hardly matters because he can’t run for president.
“and you might just be surprised at how sick of the far right and far left the average citizen is.”
I doubt that you know. Though I imagine you flatter yourself to be that “average” citizen.
“i know it’s a tough concept for you little nothings up there in WHO? WHERE?-ville to grasp but down here in beautiful california…you know that big beautiful state south of no-where-ville…..we actually have a huge economy.”
Yeah, I used to live there. 10th largest in the world, I think they were saying then. In a Windows Live search just now, I saw 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th all claimed.
“ not just hot air from guys that can’t hold hobs without union thugs backing them up.”
Right, No hot air coming from Califronia at all. But really, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Washington’s economy is primarily aerospace, software, and agriculture, if that is what you’re referring to.
“and if i was religious…which i’m not…i would say that god has a message for the queen of who?-ville……..F-L-O-O-D-I-N-G.”
Actually it’s E-L N-I-N-O (or maybe just R-A-I-N), and we see it every few years. In the middle of winter, it will be pounding the SF Bay area or thereabouts. Yeah, God is all about sending messages when you think he/she/it is, and not sending messages when you don’t think he/she/it is. God waits for you to think it.
So you think that Reichart will give up his seat in 2008 to run against Gregoire? Interesting…
I’m seeing McGavick and Rossi duking it out in a bloody 2008 primary battle for the right to lose to Gregoire in the general.
Democrats!! If it is raining you can vote tomorrow!!!!
Vote Democrat!!! Sincerely, Osama bin Landin
Dear Democrat Mooooooooooslims, “guvment” employee parasites, union hacks, Daddy Love, GBS, JDB, and welfare losers, If it is raining, you can vote on Wednesday!!! Relax and vote when the weather is better!!!! Illegals CANNOT VOTE!!! Border Patrol will be at EVERY poll to arrest you and bus you ass back to Mexico!!!! Democrat Felons will be arrested at the polls and your drugs and weapons will be taken. Finally, NY Jews “double” voting in NY and Miami will be “boxcarred”!!!! Best regards, JCH
Let us hope and pray that the best the inbred morons on the right have to offer is Davie (I couldn’t catch a high school drop out for 20 years) Reichert for Governor.
whistling past the graveyard goldy? yet again?
if burner wins [which she won’t] it will be by washington state’s “creative” counting techniques. when even the moonbats in arcata think you tools are stupid….you really are.
In true Democrat fassion, after Burner loses today she will dissapear, never to be seen again in the political landscape.
Really, she already has an important civic job as president of the Ames Lake Club that her time in the Civil Air Patrol has prepared her for…..
AND i just have to ask this goldy. exactly why would you be promoting and voting for someone with absolutely no qualifications at all? could it be just because she has the big D after her name? this is a classic example of the dhimmicrat mentality. you guys would vote for pinochet if he was a democrat.
meanwhile…down here in beautiful california we are going to re-elect arnold with a double digit margin…that’s my bold call for today.
enjoy the rain…we all know that dhimmicrats don’t like to get wet [or work, or pay their fair share of taxes, or mind their own business…….]
All polls must close on time except black Democrat polls which will stay open until the election count is “correct” [see King County]. hehe, JCH
Let’s all wish Dull Davie a pleasant transition to the private sector. I think we’ve had as much of his public “service” as we can bear.
# 2: Perhaps, but I don’t see McGavick settling for Governor. He’s too egotistical for that. Besides, he promised his wife they could move back East.
I don’t even think he would run for the U.S. House of Representatives. With his ego, he’s willing to settle for the Senate, but only as a stepping-stone for the Presidency. He probably planned to serve only two years in the Senate while he campaigned for W’s job in 2008. I guess this year’s election is upsetting his time-table.
I was laughing at McGavick’s ad on TV last night. He criticized Cantwell for being “vague” on Iraq. His solution: “Get in there and defeat the terrorists, partition the country if necessary, and bring home our troops in VICTORY!”
Like, our troops haven’t already been trying to defeaet the terrorists for the past three and 1/2 years? Like they don’t want to come home, they are having so much fun there? Talk about being vague and arrogant. Typical ignorant management type – thinks if he provides enough “inspiration” and “leadership”, and if the minions have enough “willpower”, they can just do anything their leader desires – reality be damned. Reminds me of Hitler moving non-existent divisions around on a map in the spring of 1945, exhorting the German people that they can defeat the Soviets if they just exercise sufficient “will to win”.
And Safeco gave this kind of ignoramous 28+ million dollars? Its beginning to look more like an incentive to get him to leave.
When it comes to Reichert, the most appropriate word that comes to mind is “disqualified”.
rhp6033, I saw the same ad, and thought, “Dang! He’s sure trying to sound like a Democrat.”
Come back and snuggle with me. Ted Haggard is coming over with some good “stuff.” and we can make Atlas Shrug again. [hehe]
To any and all freedom loving Americans who want to see our Democracy protected, if you are in the Tucson AZ area, and want to protect the right of people to vote, take your camera and sidearm and get involved in what’s going on, funded by the right wingers…
JCH: The man that Republicans in the know really fear is Congressman Henry D. Waxman of California. This guy has been poised for many years for a very, very, very thorough audit of companies like Halliburton.
Don’t fly in any small aircraft, Henry!
The Republicans are sure that they will do better than the Democrats tonight. From Klake to JCH to Rush Limbaugh, they seem sure that their voter intimidation campaigns and their control of the voting equipment will guarentee them a win.
So, I’m happy if the Democrats pull off a gain of 2 Senate seats and 12 House seats. Anything more than that, by the Republican’s own logic, would be a major repudiation of Bush and his policies, and a mandate for Democratic rule.
Heck, if the GOP loses Rick “Man/Dog Sex” Santorum and George “Maccaca” Allen, that would have me celebrating all night long. Throw in Tom Delay’s and Bob Ney’s house seat, and this will be a night worth remembering.
Christmasghost – Could you please remind me again what Ahhhnold’s qualifications where when he ran? You’re the tool, fool.
It’s your last day on HA blog.
Time for you to confess your sins:
Lying about your military service.
Your pedophilia problem.
Your meth addiction.
Your racism.
It’s been fun, but you’re done. Please be man enough to honor our bet when you lose so Goldy doesn’t have to ban your IP address.
I know conservatives don’t pay up on thier bets like MTR and Puddybud who still owes me from LAST YEAR, but this one you’re going to have to live by.
See ya.
11 McGavick apparently doesn’t realize that Iraq is already partitioning itself.
Where are you spending your election night?
zedd…. well, he was a successful business man that wasn’t afraid to promote his ideas and he has the charisma to do it. that’s political reality.he already has money so he wouldn’t be tempted, he already has fame so he won’t be an attention whore….and he really is the best man for the job.i realize in washington you couldn’t see his opponent’s ads…but they were hysterical. what i want to know from all you whiney liberals is how could a man [angelides] that is a developer and big time polluter become the the left’s darling? that’s a real puzzle. oh wait! could it be that dhimmicrats are just brainless fools that do what they are told?
versus darcy burner who is a big nobody that would be in the pockets of anyone with M-O-N-E-Y.
6 CG
The perfect Republican attitude. “Darcy won’t win. And when she does, it will be because she cheated. Republicans cannot lose because we’re clearly in the majority in Western Washington.”
All I can say is, Wow.
CG @ 23:
Face facts. Arnold was on his way out of office when he threw his propistions on the special elections ballots last year. After each and everyone of the props he backed went down soundly in defeat, Arnold became a liberal.
Global warming, Iraq, Bush, the national debt, he’s not with the hardline right anymore which gives him the edge he needs to win.
No right winger is going to win a state wide office in CA.
Who’s Reagan Dunn?
23 CG
I’m flabbergasted.
“well, he was a successful business man that wasn’t afraid to promote his ideas and he has the charisma to do it.”
Darcy Burner was a successful businesswoman whose zeal for public service led her to run against a first-term Republican Representative in a trending Dem district who had the drive and the savvy to build a national top-five campaign. Wow, that IS easy to do!
Some people might say that he stepped into a GOP-orchestrated recall campaign without a primary and had a high enough Q factor to win with a small plurality onm a crowded slate, and who has had to run HARD on traditionally Democratic issues such as environmental protection to resurrect his approval from the mid-30s where it had sunk after his GOP hardball tactics proved amazingly unpopular.
“he already has money so he wouldn’t be tempted, he already has fame so he won’t be an attention whore…”
Have you ever even MET an actor? He’s where he is BECAUSE he’s an “attention whore.”
“and he really is the best man for the job.”
Oh please.
“what i want to know from all you whiney liberals is how could a man [angelides] that is a developer and big time polluter become the the left’s darling?”
You don’t want to know. You already have the answer you want to believe and no one can tell you different. So why don’t YOU just admit that?
BTW, Angelides with 8 years experience in state government has 2.67 times more experience there than Armold.
From teh AP:
Crap. Did I screw up subsequent posts?
Considering this may be his last 24 hours of posting on HA, I honestly expected something more from JCH than what were getting so far.
Not that I was expecting any great flash of imagination or anything. But this stuff isn’t even any more insulting than usual.
Very run-of-the-mill if you ask me.
Ok, so this mother takes her baby and uses a knife to make cuts all over, puts it in a bag and throws it in a river. Then this fisher guy comes, fishes out the bag and the baby’s leg falls off.
OK, in that light:
Christine Gregoire 51.8%, Rob McKenna 46.5%, unnamed L and Greens taking the rest. (Of course, I’m also talking about 2008.)
Goldy – you aren’t being clear. Is this a House race, a Senate race, or a PRESIDENTIAL race? :-)
Raymond ShawReagan Dunn be old enough to vote by 2008?Hey, does anyone know if the minnow is working as a poll worker this year in Kentucky?
Gee, stocks are moving upward today. It seem Wall Street is betting on a Democratic victory.
Hey, the Republians have found a way that might let them win:
Pretend to be Democrats:
Inaccurate sample ballots describing Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Senate candidate Michael S. Steele as Democrats were handed out to voters in at least four polling sites in Prince George’s County this morning.
The ballots were distributed by people who said they arrived by buses this morning from Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Erik Markle, one of the people handing out literature for Ehrlich, who is seeking reelection, and Steele, the current lieutenant governor who is campaigning to replace retiring Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D), said he was recruited at a homeless shelter in Philadelphia. R2006110700740.html
Actually, the stock market has always done best with Democrats historically. A good shepard makes a good flock.
With Polls closing, here are my final predictions:
Democrats +5 Senate +25 in the House +6 Governors.
Dems pick up WA 8, but narrowly lose WA 5.
Dems pick up 2 State Senate seats and 6 State House seats.
JDB…the stock market has always done well with democrats? are you serious? just because you say it doesn’t make it true.
i was surprised by the market….it usually does that when they are predicting a GOP win.
and daddy L and GBS……. arnold a liberal??? NOW that’s funny! arnold is a realist….and you might just be surprised at how sick of the far right and far left the average citizen is.
and yes, i know a few actors. my “arnold” point is…he already had more adulation than he was ever going to get in politics….so it wasn’t going to go to his head. he wasn’t on “the way out” as you put it so moronically either. when the VOTERS [ i know…you commies up in who? where?-ville don’t get this but….] told him with their votes they didn’t like his ideas he basically said OK! and moved on. that’s called being an adult. i know it’s a tough concept for you little nothings up there in WHO? WHERE?-ville to grasp but down here in beautiful california…you know that big beautiful state south of no-where-ville…..we actually have a huge economy. not just hot air from guys that can’t hold hobs without union thugs backing them up.
and if i was religious…which i’m not…i would say that god has a message for the queen of who?-ville……..F-L-O-O-D-I-N-G.
what will it be next? locusts?
Christmas Ghost:
If you take the Presidential terms for Democrats during the 20th century, and you invest $10,000.00. You would be up $83,000 during the Democratic terms, but only $33,000.
Sorry, up only $33,000 during the Republican terms.
CNN reports corruption was the number most important issue to voters who responded to exit surveys. ABC News reports severe discontent with the Bush administration.
Early Senate numbers (uncomfirmed and with caveats):
Democrats are leading in Pennsylvania (+15), Ohio (+14), New Jersey (+8), Rhode Island (+7), Virginia (+7), Montana (+9), Missouri (+2), Maryland (+7).
Republicans are leading in Tennessee (+4) and Arizona (+4).
Lieberman leading by 5 in Connecticut.
Dipsy-Doodle Darcy- a stale fart blowing in the wind.
39 CG
“arnold is a realist”
Duh. But to get re-elected, as I beleive I said, he co-opted traditionally Democratic positions on traditionally Demcratic issues. It will work in California. But the GOP base now sees him a RINO. It hardly matters because he can’t run for president.
“and you might just be surprised at how sick of the far right and far left the average citizen is.”
I doubt that you know. Though I imagine you flatter yourself to be that “average” citizen.
“i know it’s a tough concept for you little nothings up there in WHO? WHERE?-ville to grasp but down here in beautiful california…you know that big beautiful state south of no-where-ville…..we actually have a huge economy.”
Yeah, I used to live there. 10th largest in the world, I think they were saying then. In a Windows Live search just now, I saw 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th all claimed.
“ not just hot air from guys that can’t hold hobs without union thugs backing them up.”
Right, No hot air coming from Califronia at all. But really, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Washington’s economy is primarily aerospace, software, and agriculture, if that is what you’re referring to.
“and if i was religious…which i’m not…i would say that god has a message for the queen of who?-ville……..F-L-O-O-D-I-N-G.”
Actually it’s E-L N-I-N-O (or maybe just R-A-I-N), and we see it every few years. In the middle of winter, it will be pounding the SF Bay area or thereabouts. Yeah, God is all about sending messages when you think he/she/it is, and not sending messages when you don’t think he/she/it is. God waits for you to think it.