My latest Mutinyblogging post is up. It’s about the recent experiment by BBC reporter Nicky Taylor to get stoned every night for a month and why it turned into such an utter disaster for her.
Previous posts in the Mutinyblogging series can be found here:
Mutinyblogging Pours the First Drink
Seattle vs. Jakarta: The Monorail Challenge – Part 11
The Mutiny
Rising Up Against Captain Santa Claus
That must explain the wave of mass murders in the world. Reefer.
Next up on BBC we give a reporter two gallons of wine to drink a day, and see what happens.
… and music sounds better, too!! Pass the dip and ‘Screamin’ Yellow Zonkers’!!!
Is that BBC report supposed to be a joke? I’ve read a lot of strange things on the web but that ranks right up there.
I wonder what the practical effect that that experiment is actually going to have on her children? When she tells them “this is what happened to me when I smoked pot,” will that dissuade them from wanting to try it themselves, or make them even more curious about trying it? When they tell their friends “our mom said it made her paranoid,” but they tell them smoking pot makes them feel good, her children are going to want to see for themselves who is right.
Already done:
The reporter sounds really uptight. She should smoke a bowl and chill a bit.
I smoked pot back in college, but only when I was on a sidewalk in the middle of the block.
Because, you see, they kept telling me that heroin was right around the corner.