Over at Daily Kos, Washington state’s most famous blogger reports that Senator Patty Murray raised another million dollars in the previous quarter — not an astounding number in a U.S. Senate race, but not too shabby considering she still isn’t facing a serious challenger. Murray now has $5.9 million cash on hand… which is about $5.8 million more than her closest opponent.
Meanwhile, two-time loser Dino Rossi continues to spark more interest in the other Washington than he does in this one:
[I]n an interview this week with Roll Call, Rossi said he was completely undecided about the race. He said that he will run if he determines he has more than a 50 percent chance of winning, and he will make a decision on his own timetable before the June filing deadline.
He’ll only run if he determines he has a better than 50 percent chance of winning? Yup, that’s the kinda bold leadership Washington voters are looking for… which perhaps explains why both the Washington Association of Realtors and former Rossi advisor Tony Williams have both recently endorsed Murray.
Considering that there is no evidence that Rossi is reassembling his former campaign staff, and that Rossi clearly doesn’t stand a better than 50-50 chance of knocking off a popular three-term incumbent with a $5.9 million head start in a comfortably Democratic state, I’d say the chances of him running come nowhere close to 50-50.
How many bites at the apple does one get? Not 3 in this state, for that office, in my long memory. Dino is simply the best they got, and that ain’t much. There is no bench in the state GOP. McKenna is a better candidate, but he doesn’t seem to want to take the chance of running against Murray… especially so close to his base-pandering but general-election chilling decision to help sue Obama’s health care reform bill.
It’s sad, but true–Dino is the best the GOP has in this state. It’s really not healthy for democracy when the minority opposition is as unhealthy and pathetic as is our state’s GOP. Actually, looking at the national GOP “leadership,” we see that this sad phenomenon is hardly limited to our state.
I hope he runs. It would be good for Democrats.
A Rossi Senate run would drain resources from the Republicans, and get the vote out for the Dems. Murray supporters would not take the race for granted and would get out the vote. Meanwhile, he’s just credible enough to get the Republican Senatorial committee to commit big money, and he would get a share of local $’s that might otherwise go to Reichert or McKenna.
Run, Dino!
Yep, a Rossi run (heck, an ANYBODY run) at Patty Murray will cost Republicans MILLIONS and still not gain them the seat. But that was just me being distracted. Next post will be what I came here to say.
How many folks remember who ran against Sen. Murray last time?
– – –
Wow, the RNC is so desperate they’re running ads here!
So Dino will run only if he has a better than 50 percent chance of winning?
So which is he:
1. A strong leader who takes a firm stand and does the right thing regardless of the shifting whims of a fickle and sometimes misinformed populace?
2. A dedicated public servant who cares only about carrying out the will of the people.
Then again, perhaps he is:
3. A fascist-stle dictator who rides roughshod over the legitimate and overriding concerns of the people to whom he is responsible in order to deliver on his corrupt back-room deals with powerful interests.
4. A weak-kneed, lily-livered pushover without principles who refuses to take a position until he finds out what the polls tell him that the ignorant and biased masses want today.
Needless to say, all Democrats are either 1 or 2, and all Republicans are either 3 or 4.
Happy Easter.
Guns & Clowns Dep’t
The Murray Re-Election is shaping up as a yawner, so let’s talk about something more exciting:
“Police say a man accidentally shot his neighbor in the head … the suspect pointed the rifle down with the barrel resting on the floor as he attached the sling …. Then he pulled the trigger, according to police, without realizing the gun was loaded.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns obviously are dangerous instrumentalities, but Republicans insist any damn fool be allowed to have them without training or competency testing, and the Wingnut Court agrees with them, so if you live in an apartment ou’d better get one of these: http://tinyurl.com/yhqx94e
Glad I don’t live in an apartment! All I want is for the idiots to take a safety class so they know to work on guns WITH THE CHAMBER OPEN!
Hell, I think gun safety and marksmanship should be taught in 8th grade PE right after sex ed.
good idea, in fact we need to make sure every gun owner has an approved gun safety class.
mr. clynical, lostinthehead and puddybuddy, please report to reeducation camp no. 304303034034 so you can start your gun safety training. Yes, bring your guns!
Oh and if you have any NRA member lists, bring those too.
[heh heh heh …..just think, gulags here we come, all beause ofa little $595 penalty …about the same as driving without insurance! this step by step introduction of marxist leninist stalinist maoist 100% control will be sooooooo much easier than the old fashioned violent revolution!]
Someone’s off their meds again…
The ‘favors GOP’ types will write off the Senate race and let a real tea-bagger have at it and get destroyed by Murray.
The real effort will go to keeping Sheriff hair spray in office and getting Robbie into the governor’s chair since the assumption is Gregoire probably won’t run…so it’s a new race.
Just my guess. But then all my March Madness brackets collapsed ignominiously into an embarrassing heap of utter failure after the 2nd round.
Butler! Butler! Jayzus ‘effing christ. From here on out, I’ll forgo the agony of filling out the brackets and just donate the $20 to the eventual winner with a request for them to buy me a beer. I’ll be money ahead, easy.
maybe ditzie darcie the liar can run against dave r. again…hahhhahahhah
that way the next election cycle will be a pure masturbation fest for goldy, seeing as how he constantly has a boner for the ditzie darcie..
Come back and try again when one of your people wins against Murray.
Hairspray is one of the least effective congressmen around and he costs the RNC a ton of money to keep in office. We like those kind of Republicans!
#11’s got it right.
@14…LMFAO @ “your people”…hahahahha
wtf makes you think reichert is one of “my people”..whatever the fuck that means.
@16 Yes, we understand you’re one of those freaks who thinks the GOP is too leftist.
What I said:
What you said:
It means exactly what it says: when some you like can actually win an election then come back and crow. Until then you don’t have much to crow about do you?
By the numbers: Four large banks (BofA, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, and Citi) hold $423 billion of home equity loans, of which $151 billion is “either underwater or close to it.”
So about 35% of their loans are flat out no good. Nice!
Glad I do all my banking with a regional credit union.
Oops: someone you like.
@11: I think you have it exactly right.
re 13: Sounds like you have a man-crush on the stalwart sheriff.
Why don’t you ask him out? You may get an answer in 20 years or so.
go coke beat pepsi in 2010!
you forgot this one:
5. A willing pawn whose only role is to steer Dem money into a safe and irrelevant contest and thus away from battleground districts in the mid-terms.
Much as I wish it were otherwise, I’m afraid that we’ve probably seen the last of Dino, at least in terms of any real candidacy. But he’s sure to hang around and serve as a place holder for Rob McKenna until the time is right.
After Rob is run through the mill, it isn’t clear at all where the RNC will look in WA for another fake moderate with statewide cred. The remaining crop of young “Prefers” with a well practiced look of earnest professionalism have all blown their covers, falling for one Palinesque dog-whistle or another.
According to the Everett Herald Rossi hasn’t made up his mind whether to run for Senate or not.
patty pathetic gets a walk, whoopee.
While I find people like Baucus & Ben Nelson & LIEberman & Stupak & Hoyer despicable sell outs, AT LEAST they deliver for the rich scum they represent.
WHAT do we get outta patty pathetic? So, she isn’t some completely corrupt & venal raygun-bush-cheney-eyeman … yawn.
She’s also seriously worthless playing hardball, and, she’s in the hardball league, not the nicey nice league… why do we care about her?
At least with Dino or Rob you get a bon-a-fide lying, stealing cheating fascist toady.
# 27: Rossi thought he could get get away with doing everything to run for governor (his second try) except issue the formal announcement, and thereby avoid some reporting/contributions regulations. He thought as long as he claimed he hadn’t “subjectively” decided to run, which miraculously occured just hours before the formal announcement, then nobody could question what was in his own head.
Rossi found out differently when he was called on it, because as far as the law is concerned intent can be inferred both by statements and by objective actions. Although the lawsuit became a moot point after Rossi lost the his second gubenatorial tilt at the windmill, he did learn a little something in the meantime. So expect that his campaign organizing/fundraising will be significantly quieter this time around, right up to the official announcement.
Of course, he could simply announce his candidacy and be subject to the reporting & contribution requirements (like most candidates do), but as a Republican that pretty much would eliminate any pretense at being a “moderate” as his true backers became a matter of public record.
# 7: Dang, the first thing my Dad taught me is that “There is no such thing as an unloaded gun”. My guess is this guy forgot to check for the round in the chamber.
My Dad also threatened to beat me over the backside with my own rifle if he ever found it loaded inside the house. As a consequence, I never kept a loaded firearm in the house, I would only load it when I was on the target range.
And not being in an apartment isn’t that great a protection – bullets don’t have much trouble traveling through windows, siding, drywall, etc. I find myself laughing at movies when the hero takes cover behind the interior wall of a house, exchanging shots through a doorway with a “bad guy” in another room. Either one of them could just empty the clip into the wall beside the door, and every one of those bullets would pass right on through. Remember: “concealment” and “cover” are two entirely different things.