The first poll in Washington’s 2010 US Senate race has been released, and it looks good for incumbent Democrat Patty Murray.
The Daily Kos/Research 2000 survey polled head-to-head matchups between Sen. Murray and both Dave Reichert and Rob McKenna, both of whom Murray led by double-digit margins. Sen. Murray scored a respectable 55% favorable rating, whereas Reichert and McKenna registered 38% and 34% favorable respectively.
Not surprising really, though apart from Murray’s strength I think the survey also reveals the inherent weakness of the Republican bench here in Washington state. Indeed, that DKos/R2K would even bother to poll head-to-head with Reichert and McKenna is telling, considering that neither is likely to challenge Murray in 2010.
Reichert is a political lightweight with demonstrated shallow support even within his own district. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that a Reichert Senate run would end up any differently than 2004, when an equally politically diminutive George Nethercutt got his ass whipped by the physically diminutive Murray. Reichert might be stupid enough to give it go, but I doubt his handlers are.
Meanwhile, only 63% of respondents even had an opinion of McKenna, despite him being the highest ranking Republican official statewide, and arguably the most talented politician in the WSRP. McKenna is widely considered to be biding his time in preparation for a 2012 gubernatorial run, a race for which, four years out, many political insiders rank him the frontrunner, despite his obvious handicap (ie, his Republicanism). McKenna would have to be absolutely crazy to risk his gubernatorial bid on a quixotic challenge of Murray. And McKenna is not crazy.
Of course, if DKos/R2K was going to run a poll, they had to do a head to head with somebody, and for the life of me I don’t have any better suggestions. Dino Rossi? Cathy McMorris-Rodgers? Mike!™ McGavick? I don’t expect any of them to run, and I wouldn’t expect them to win if they did. But who else does the WSRP have?
Just goes to show you how weak the Republican bench is in Washington state these days.
I guess after taking a break from the last elections, the pollsters have to have something to do. But it’s way to early to have any meaning to most of us. The only ones interested at this point are the potential candidates who have to decide whether to start their preliminary organization/fundraising in advance of their announcement, and in the hopes that the results will discourage their competition.
But as we all know, subsequent events tend to make these early polls rather meaningless.
And of course, there’s always the possibility that Rossi could come out to get yet another beating……
How weak is the Republican bench?
Two words:
Jim McDermott.
Is this the same dailypus that time magazine called one of the 5 most overrated blogs on the internet?
Kos’s blog has lost its mission, and its increasingly rudderless posts read like talking points from the Democratic National Committee.
When a left wing magazine points out that dailypus is like reading talking points from the DNC you know kos have jumped the shark.
How far left of center is washington?
Two words:
Jim McDermott.
Reichert is a political lightweight with demonstrated shallow support even within his own district.
Well, I’m sure this will all work to Darcy Burner’s advantage, eh?
And this has what to do with the poll they commissioned?
If they are so wrong name a single republican with a snowballs chance in hell of defeating Murray.
Rodney Tom is going to eat Reichert for lunch in 2010.
And it just BUUUURNS you up inside, doesn’t it, that the city that elected Dan Evans, Ralph Munro and Slade Gorton to the Washington Legislature would never vote for anyone after an R after their name, after the last 30 years of incompetence and blowhard right-wing douchebaggery, huh?
I don’t see Cathy McMorris Rodgers giving up a fairly safe House seat to go after Murray (and Reichert’s only chance is to hang on for dear life in the 8th- I think his stimulus vote and being part of the Republican Lemming Parade of this Congress is his doom- he’s hung on a couple of cycles like Heather Wilson did, but the right candidate is going to knock him out). If Linda Smith couldn’t take her out when Washington was a somewhat redder state in 1998, with a political base IN Western Washington (granted, Vancouver isn’t the major population center of Puget Sound, but it’s not insubstantial, either), and against a first-term incumbent in Murray (when they are at their weakest, typically) it ain’t happening now. Rossi is a case of trying to make a souffle rise THREE times.
I would actually guess the WSRP will draft a reasonable facsimile of a candidate that they know will lose with 95% certainty, ala John Carlson/Gary Locke in 2000. Basically, someone who is available as a stand-in in case of death or major scandal lightning striking, but isn’t a COMPLETE joke- they don’t want to completely punt the seat by fielding a joke. I’d suggest Doug Sutherland, except he kind of has a Brock Adams/Mike Lowry/Bob Packwood problem.
I suppose they could run John Stanton if they wanted to be serious, except I suspect that in this economy, having someone fund their own campaign isn’t as feasible as it used to be. I suppose someone like Reagan Dunn could try tilting at this windmill, ala Ron Sims in 1994 (and Ron was able to parlay himself into better things after getting crushed after that one).
I believe the term used for someone like Patty Murray is “Senator for life”. She’s going to end her career either as Chair of the Appropriations Committee or as Majority Leader.
McKenna would probably be an interesting challenger, but as posted above he’s most likely biding his time for the governor’s race in 2012. i don’t think Reichert or Luke Esser would have a prayer of winning.
there always could be an unknown (like Rossi in 2004) who makes a surprising run, but Murray is obviously much more established than Gregoire was then.
the republican besides McKenna who could be viable is Sam Reed. He’s not very popular among Republicans, but they’d get behind him for a race against Murray, and he might be able to do well among the independents.
If the Republicans put up a moderate instead of nutcases from the base they’d stand a chance. Lambs to the slaughter like Craswell/Carlson may be good for the entertainment value but are a waste of money.
My guess is that the potential Republican challengers are going to sit back and see what the economy is doing, around mid-2009. If the economy continues to deteriorate into mid-2009, they figure they’ve got a chance by arguing that Obama and the Democrats made it worse. But that could come back to haunt them, if the economy does a turn-around by mid-2010.
Just a thought – what about John McKay? Since he was fired by the Bush administration, he could arguably pick up some independent votes by arguing that he’s an “independent” Republican.
Reed isn’t viable because his career is oriented towards being involved as an elections official- first Thurston County Auditor, now Secretary of State, plus the Republicans would primary his ass in a nanosecond after what happened to Rossi.
Possibly, but the closest they have is Reichert and McKenna, and they are both pretty dim longshots.
Goldy: You underestimate all of them.
If McKenna is the frontrunner for Gov, he isn’t a lightweight. Reichert is a 3 term incumbent, and a very well known and reasonably popular politician.
Sen. Murray is an awesome senator. It is her strength, more than the Republican weakness that is responsible for the results of that poll.
Yeah, Reichert beat Burner, but I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure out who we can run to beat either Reichert or, if he doesn’t run, Reagan Dunn in 2010.
Please, Goldy, tell me who that candidate is, because I want to send him/her some money!
And who are we going to run against McKenna?
The fact is, the Dem’s are pretty thin, too.
Patty Murray is one extremely formidable opponent. Yeah, she is short, but pound for pound, she packs more power than just about anyone I can think of.
And the poll bears that out.
McKenna is a prick because he allows state agency HR departments to use the Attorney General office to attack state worker rights.
I can’t wait until the next election. We’ll have 65 seats in the Senate. WOW will THAT be fun!
McKenna’s other problem is that he looks like a Caspar Milquetoast. Even Gregoire looks like she could physically whip his ass.
State Sen. Rodney Tom is quite likely to throw his hat in the ring vs. Reichart in 2010.
Barring a major scandal there isn’t a single GOP candidate who is a credible challenge to Sen. Murray. She’s incredibly popular and a real fighter.
As for trying to defeat McKenna the best bet is probably Seattle City Attorney Tom Carr or former City Attorney Mark Sidran. Though who knows there might be someone out there like Gregoire who is a relative unknown at the moment (Gregiore defeated the much better known Norm Maleng in her first run for AG).
Check out this link:
It shows precisely what the Euro-LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS have created for themselves and why. What a bunch of fools. It shows the ultimate consequences of their LEFTIST Kool-Aid gulping.
McDimWit is the first to scream about government denying folks Civil Rights and the first to use ILLEGALLY OBTAINED anti-Civil Rights taped conversations.
He’s a piece of shit.
I can’t see anyone on the radar that would be a credible challenger to Murray either.
I’m not a fan of the congressman/senator for life gig. Murray’s done a fantastic job for our state, but she’s been there long enough. I’d like to see her step down and endorse a good replacement, Jay Inslee and Adam Smith come to mind.
This Republican is headed to the slammer.
Michael Steele’s buddy. A fraud and a tax cheat. I’m sure Cynical would have told you about him except that would have exposed Cynical’s lies about how only Democrats cheat on taxes. Come on, Cynical, give us a laugh. Tell us how this crook’s shit smells like roses to you.
“In a sentencing that spanned two days, it was as if two different people were before U.S. District Judge Catherine C. Blake. To his wife, his attorneys and the dozens of tearful supporters who filled the courtroom, Fabian was a beloved father and husband, a devoted Christian and a man of good works. To the federal prosecutors and agents who pieced together Fabian’s frauds, he was, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Biran told the court, a man “totally lacking in moral character.” ”
Just like Cynical. So near to God and yet he’s a man “totally lacking in moral character”.
Maybe the state GOP will give Pam Roach another shot at “upward failure”.
“A major part of the immigration into Denmark over the past 15-20 years, particularly at the beginning of the period, has come from less developed countries and has consisted of people with a low participation in the labor market causing a relatively large drag on public welfare expenditures. This has lead to a deterioration of the public finances, i.e. it has aggravated the problem of sustainability.”
Sounds like California.
Steve@23: October 2008?
We’re discussing Jan/Feb 2009.
Hey Steve got an answer for you “Here’s your sign #45”
25. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Precisely. These KLOWNS have ideologue blinders on. They cannot open their beady little eyes enough to see what is happening in the world around them. These KLOWNS believe Denmark is an ideal country. Hopeless.
26. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
We are also discussing Obama CABINET APPOINTEES…not just some businessman.
Steve is an idiot.
Sean Hannity recommends buying gold from billion dollar criminal Allen Stanford!
Listen as the Republican shyster shills for yet another Texas crook.
wow! just like when cantwell ran, our guru of conventional wisdom goldy is going to bat for someone who isn’t a completely corrupt fascist,
BUT, who is pretty much incompetent against the fascists,
SO, VOILA! Patty is Good.
Whatever Goldy.
There are 3 reasons we’re in the mess we’re in:
1. the fascists want it this way.
2. the sell outs / chickenshits who’ve been elected to beat the fascists are chickenshits, sell outs, or a mix of both,
3. US! for working for and supporting sell outs and chickenshits!
(well, there are also the dummies who think that the fascists give a shit about the dummies for more than ass wipes, doormats, boot lickers, servants and cannon fodder … oh well)
Patty is formidable cuz there aren’t 15,000 with a spare 10 million kicking around to challenge her, cuz, if there were, 75 out of ANY 100 could give her a run for her seat.
Listen as the Republican shyster shills for yet another Texas crook.
You must mean THIS Texas crook:
“The federal investigation, however, did not stop Sir Allen from using corporate money to become a big man at last year’s Democratic convention in Denver.
“A video posted on the firm’s website shows Sir Allen, now sought by US Marshals, being hugged by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and praised by former President Bill Clinton for helping to finance a convention-related forum and party put on by the National Democratic Institute. ”
This is the right crook . . . right?
And montell williams was all over teev selling 50 cent coins with an obama sticker on them.
There will always be suckers.
Unfortunately, this is another example where a rich liberal (montell) is taking advantage of poor blacks wanting a coin set to celebrate the election.
It just takes steve a little longer to catch up.
Toby Nixon ’10!
4 MS
Yeah, here’s what kos said about it:
Yeah, it was DailyKos who jumped the shark and not Time. Riiiiiight.
Liberals are so predictable…
While bush was prsident it was 24/7 about how he’s not doing enough for the poor blacks screwed katrina.
Now with a black president things will be different.
Hope and Change.
Hope better fix things because the biggest payday-advance loan in the history of mankind forgot about all those poor black people waiting for help.
Of course, the very same liberals that hated bush for not helping are now quiet as church mice.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The economic stimulus signed by President Barack Obama will spread billions of dollars across the country to spruce up aging roads and bridges. But there’s not a dime specifically dedicated to fixing leftover damage from Hurricane Katrina.
And there’s no outrage about it.
No outrage about it.
Democrats will win in this state. Get used to it.
Overrated. Not my words, the words of a liberal magazine.
Of course kos had to reply. He profits off the people on his blog.
37 MS
Aw, Marve. Now it’s close to 30 days into Obama’s administration, and he still somehow hasn’t completely righted what GW had FOUR YEARS to do something about. How can that be?
It must prove that Obama is a failure. What does it say about your hero GW?
39 MS
Overrated. Not my words, the words of a liberal magazine
Wow. Irony rolls right off of you.
Their track record of prognostication is at best, questionable. Get it yet, fuckhead? IOW, your source is crap.
@ 33 And there is an example of a rich Republican swindling his sheepish looser listeners out of their money!!!
It don’t get better than that!!
Republican sheep are fit for slaughter by their Leaders!
Some things never change.
37 MS
Yet, if the stimulus package had the $200 billion that it would take to fix GW Bush’s failures in NOLA, you’d be bitching about that. Sad.
I think someone should ask Patty Murray how does she feel about…
7,655,896 American children have been aborted since the start of the Iraq War.
It’s a continuing pattern. Republican lies to their sheep.
The sheep believe the republican lies.
The sheep get sheered
Repeat the cycle.
@ 44 Really that many fetuses were aborted during the Bush administration? There has to be a very strong connection!
oh, and keep dancing Pubbydub! The more you dance the funnier you look while you get your ass handed to you, you powerless looser!
Funny how the Republicans held the executive, legislative and the judicial branch and MILLIONS of abortions take place.
Those murderous thugs!!! It is an outrage!
Rob McKenna is definitely NOT a lightweight. He just disposed of a very formidable Democratic challenger in 2008 by a considerably greater margin than Christine Gregoire won her last race for re-election for Attorney General in 2000 against some fellow who didn’t even bother to campaign. A feat that is even more impressive given that 2000 was a Democratic year and 2008 was an even more Democratic year.
All that being said, voters in this state would be rather unlikely to back McKenna for U.S. Senate against Patty Murray. Voters in this state has shown a decided dislike for the Republican platform at the national level for the last several election cycles, and 2010 probably won’t be any different.
On the other hand, McKenna would be a formidable candidate for Governor in 2012, especially if Gregoire does not seek a third term. Dino Rossi didn’t exactly lose by a landslide this year, and 2004 was very close. McKenna would definitely be a stronger candidate than Rossi, and maybe voters might be willing to give a Republican a chance in Olympia after 28 years.
surreal amerikkkan, 65% of those abortion happen in Democratic areas. Look it up on guvmint sites. And… California doesn’t report their abortion numbers to the US guvmint.
I thought we’d see change Jan 20th 2009, but we see mo da same.
surreal amerikkkan what years did they hold these positions moron?
Millions of murdered fetuses! All during the Republican’s fiendish watch! and Pubbydub plays demographic games!
I guess abortions are OK if they get murdered during a Republican administration!
Shame on you Pubbydub! Shame!
One would almost think that the Republican’s just play lip service to the religious rights agenda, in exchange for their votes. But in the end they couldn’t give a damn about what the religious right wants.
Just so long as they can fool the sheep long enough to get their votes, and then.. sheering time again!
Republican’s are too busy giving blowjobs at airport restrooms and hiring hookers to spank them while they wear diapers to worry about what the sheep want.
The article made no such claim, you dope, and only reported the administration’s plan to change direction. The administration had insisted all along they would listen to the study group recommendations. Don’t confuse that with following them.
“But the White House won’t wait for the Baker-Hamilton road show to signal that it is changing course. A White House official told TIME over the weekend that the new path the President will outline in coming weeks is ‘significantly different than what we’ve been doing. When the President says we’re going to get the job done, that doesn’t suggest it is an open-ended commitment forever.’ The inevitability of serious change, it emerges, had become clear even to one so dug in as Rumsfeld. The New York Times reported last week that two days before he was ousted, the Defense Secretary submitted a memo to the White House saying the Iraq strategy was failing and calling for ‘major adjustment,’ including possible troop pullbacks.”
In another thread you asked if Daddy Love had mettle.
I think you know the answer… Drinks the kook-aid too.
Once again surreal amerikkkan gets it wrong on abortion of real American children. The vast majority of abortions happen in blue states. The 7,655,896 American children aborted since the start of the Iraq War doesn’t include California, a blue Democratic.
HAs clueless village idiot says Democratic don’t listen to us. surreal amerikkkan never contradicts HAs clueless village idiot. HAs clueless village idiot must be saying sumtin surreal amerikkkan agrees with. Maybe surreal amerikkkan doesn’t agree with HAs clueless village idiot but surreal amerikkkan is to dense to figger it out unless he is continually reminded of HAs clueless village idiot words. So nuthin Bush said would have stopped blue state abortions. It’s so easy to have surreal amerikkkan dance to his own stupidity. Maybe that’s why he impolitely asks a black man to show him how to dance to facts.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
surreal amerikkkan@53,
It’s a known fact Democratic pay lip service to the inner city black person to git dere votes. That’s why the inner city has crumbing infrastructure, cockroaches, rat infested tenements, poorly equipped skuuls, drug infested neighborhoods, high felony crime rates, and poverty enclaves.
The rich democratic who left the city for the burbs charge high rents for tenements and don’t fix the problems unless they are ankle braceleted and force to live in the squalor.
The sheep herders, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson obey dere massas. You know about this living with blacks 24×7.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
surreal amerikkkan, since Democratic have held Congress the most # of years since 1945, Atty Gen’l Eric Holder is calling you and your HA ilk race cowards. So what will Patty Murray do about this in her next run 2010? I bet nuthin. She’ll stay a race coward.
Now we understand your 24×7 cowardly positions because you don’t like blacks. But what about the rest of HAs leftist pinheads? Since Eric Holder is a well-connected WA DC insider, he must have seen cowardly acts when he was in da Clinton Admin as a Clintonoid. He speaks about the “unfinished business on the uncomfortable subject of race”, at his Justice Department.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
Gotta love the freaking right wing nuts. There is a huge economic crisis and all these idiots can do is to keep changing the subject to abortion. I guess it really is the most important issue to some of them to the exclusion of all others.
I think a majority of people regardless of their feelings are sick and tired of arguing over abortion or at the very least have somewhat more immediate problems that concern them.
And puddy you sound like Louis Farrakhan with your insinuation that being pro-choice is part of some nefarious eugenics program targeting people of color.
You know being pro-choice might have more to do with the radical notion that women are people too and have a right to sovereignty over their own bodies.
60 – That’s totally lost on lunatics like the trolls we have here.
Funny how the KLOWNS feel that just because someone is a Businessman from Texas, that he must be a Republican. The KLOWNS are the QUEENS of ass/u/me.
Stanford was big-time buddies with Pelosi and Clinton KLOWNS.
Look before you leap!
Chris Stefan…
Go back and see who supported eugenics and which race it was directed at.
Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
But you Chris are one of these: People [Chris] always seemed to know half of history, and to get it confused with the other half.
Chris if you have a daughter would you want her to kill your illegitimate grandchild through abortion?
Yes []
No []
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
As everyone can see HAs clueless village idiot is the biggest sycophant here.
Anything Democratic – yes boss, I agree.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
Now back to the thread topic…
Didn’t some libtard HA village idiots make the point that Bush was inhibiting independent government inspectors? Sure y’all did. Dr NotRight, leadless douchy, rhp6033, and others…
Well I guess you must be comforted by this crap in the Porkulus bill.
I guess Senator Patty Murray supports this crapola. Why doesn’t someone ask her if she read the bill first before voting for it? Naaah, HA village idiots don’t care if she read it let alone comprehended it.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
Hey Patty Sneakers,
Arizona high school students question Obama’s Porkulus plan. If you determine WA students feel the same will you admit your mistake voting for Porkulus?
Hey Sneakers Patty,
Since Obama was coronated the DJIA has tanked more than Sept-Oct 2008.
Yessiree… The Plan is working us out of our savings.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.e.c.i.m.a.t.i.o.n
I know my history quite well, thank you very much. That doesn’t change my views on abortion one whit nor is it likely to make me a republican unless there is a major change in the party.
I’m well aware of the shameful history of eugenics. I’m also well aware that Margaret Sanger was an advocate of eugenics. Though to be fair her take was somewhat different than some of the other eugenics advocates.
And before you go off claiming this somehow proves your point, remember that Lincoln would be considered a racist by today’s standards.
As to your question, I’d want my daughter to make the choice she felt was best for her. If that choice was to get an abortion I would support her in her decision.
I want to know if Sneakers Patty has an opinion on John Deutsch breacher of top secret materials.
yep,ya just gotta love murray.I thought tying the h1b visa program to the funding for troops was brilliant.too bad she withdrew it.we can all use more cheap labor at microsoft.and it was masterfull the way she bucked her own party in the wenatchee hospital debacle to keep doctors from fraudulent practices of directing patients to their own clinics for uncalled for procedures.
oh well,one man’s trash is another man’s gold.
I’m not sure which party is filled with the more fools.As far as I can tell neither party is worth a shit
That’s right, spew all of the hate and spread all of the rumors you want about Sen. Patty Murray. She’s one tough lady, she can take it.
No matter what you do it isn’t likely to change her popularity in this state or the minuscule chance any potential opponent has of defeating her.
Chris Stefan–
If Murray is so smart, why did she vote for the PORKULOUS Package?
If she is so smart, why didn’t she dive in and cut out the pork??
Empty sneakers….that’s why.
She voted for it because she didn’t want the recession to turn into a depression. She voted for it because unlike you and your ilk who are still pulling the wings off butterflies and setting fires she doesn’t take a juvenile delinquents delight in watching the world burn.
As for pork, please define what exactly you mean. None of this picayune crap of pointing to some thing or another that amounts to less than 0.01% of the bill either. Then again I suppose anything that wasn’t a tax cut for corporations or the top 1% was “pork” to you lot.
Do you even understand the concept of government stimulus? Do you realize that to be effective it generally has to be spread broadly across the country and the economy?
Though I suppose we could have just thrown the whole wad at Wall Street and hoped for the best.
Oh, and nice try. Stimulus bill or not she’ll walk to another term as Washington’s senior senator.
Yeah, Senator Murray sure polls strong against no contender….
This poll is meaningless.
Yeah right. Patty “dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks” Murray couldn’t even kick her own ass, let alone another’s. A cloud of mindless delusions has fallen over Goldy’s house and all the rest of you ignorant, fanatical, kool-aid drinkers. BTW, how many regular spewers here are actually employed with a real job/profession? Just curious.
I know Rodent and YLB aren’t for starters….and Goldy….have a good weekend all. :)
@76 “Murray couldn’t even kick her own ass, let alone another’s.”
In your dreams. She kicked butt on every Republican to run against her.
“BTW, how many regular spewers here are actually employed with a real job/profession?”
Of course, in your delusional state of mind it is only whack wing-nuts who have a real job or profession. Are you bat-shit crazy or something? Oh wait, you’re a Republican. Of course you’re bat-shit crazy.
Damn… (from the link)
Why do so many democrats steal classified documents, what do they have to hide.
Must be nice for the democrats to have the liberal media hide the truth from Americans. How much further would obama drop in the polls if this became public knowledge.
Not this time either.
How do you define real job?
I’m in the music business.
Speaking of the business… when the oscars are on this sunday, check out the orchestra. Ask yourself, why don’t the hollywood limousine liberals put black musicians in the orchestra.
@75 & @76
Nice try, but it will just be a waste of time and money to run against her.
Say what you will, but Sen. Murray is very popular with the voters and has handily defeated all of her Republican challengers. If you have any doubts just ask Rod Chandler, Linda Smith, or George Nethercutt.