I just finished answering a rather lengthy opinion poll conducted by McGuire Research out of their Las Vegas office, and while the woman on the other end was awfully nice, I couldn’t stop chuckling at the some of the questions, as well as the fact that she continually referred to Sen. Patty Murphy. It was also rather amusing when she got to the section reading back statements of what some of Dino Rossi’s critics had said of him, and two of them could have been lifted directly from my blog.
But the best part was when I not only answered questions on health care reform, but went on to elaborate when the pollster expressed surprise. For example, she didn’t know that HCR eliminated pre-existing conditions, or that it didn’t cover 100% of all Americans, or that it didn’t reduce Medicare benefits. Now she does.
Anyway, needless to say, Sen. Murray came out on top with at least one respondent.
What do you expect from someone that’s probably earning minimum wage? Hey, at least be thankful that the person on the other end of the line didn’t have her job outsourced to India.
Did she know it will make my kids poor since they’ll have to pay for healthcare for everyone, including the obese, the smokers, the daredevils.
did she know the only way they’ll ever trim costs is by rationing care
did she say she likes waiting in line at all the other government agencies
did she ask about Viagra for Sex criminals?
Obviously a $10-an-hour part-time worker, and therefore young and cute. You should have asked her for a date, suggested sendingher an airplane ticket to Seattle, and offered to tell her more about HCR at your place.
We’re already paying for that in the current system.
Under the current (past?) system I get my health insurance through where I work. Under HCR I’ll get my health insurance though work.
@2 “Did she know it will make my kids poor since they’ll have to pay for healthcare for everyone, including the obese, the smokers, the daredevils.”
You are such a stupid ass! You’re already paying for the obese, smokers, and daredevils. Rep. Inslee stated at his health care townhall last summer that the uninsured cost the rest of us $1,300 a year in higher premiums. The uninsured are getting health care; they’re simply not paying for it. How does making them get their own insurance instead of freeloading off the paying customers raise your health care costs? Unless you’re one of those freeloaders …
@4 You can’t reason with these fact-impervious retards. That’s why we had to pass HCR without their participation.
Hey our household got one of those McGuire research surveys!
We chimed in heavy AGAINST the right wing.
It’s Official: Tea Party Is About Armed Insurrection
“OKLAHOMA CITY -Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.
“Tea party movement leaders say they’ve discussed the idea with several supportive lawmakers and hope to get legislation next year to recognize a new volunteer force. …
“‘Is it scary? It sure is,’ said tea party leader Al Gerhart of Oklahoma City, who heads an umbrella group of tea party factions called the Oklahoma Constitutional Alliance. ‘But when do the states stop rolling over for the federal government?'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, it’s going to get a lot scarier when these modern-day Confederates find out what it’s like to go to war against the federal government.
Nah, deleted it.
Yeah, that’s going on up in Alaska too. The stuff out of AK was full of the same old, tired, militia crap about the local sheriff being able tell the federal government to take a flying leap.
Are you sure it’s not Paddy Murphy?
Look like there’s at least one Republican in OK that doesn’t have his head up his ass.
roger, wow, quoting Jay Inslee as a source; what’s next, Patty Murray?
geez, how about CBO? trillions in the hole
no thanks; go read gary beckers good piece on how if we all spent slightly more out of our own pockets, we’d reap some market economic beneifts; that is, make us all pay about 30% (rather than current 12%) and the end costs would go down
Right, ’cause paying 30% of x is somehow lower than paying 12% of x…
What a maroon – what an Eskimo pie head!
@13 Yes, Inslee, Murray, and CBO are all better sources than who you’re listening to. Your head is full of bullshit. Or maybe you’re just a robot.
Hmmmm. It just might be that righton @13 has tipped his (her?) hat at being a parody troll.
Well, lesson learned. It is impossible to parody the far-right. Their normal state is so over-the-top that how can one not laugh?
@16 Should we remind him the vote has already been taken on HCR and the Goopers lost? Naaaah … he might have a nervous breakdown.
@17 I think ol’ ritalin might be holding out for the ‘repeal and replace’ mantra that the righties are trying like crazy (oh, did I say crazy?) to float as something more than the dead-air of a campaign slogan past its pull date.
They’re crazy, but I enjoy the show. The downside of it is like rubberneckers at a car crash, it slows down progress.
So, I’m not a statistics guy, but wouldn’t the use of Murphy skew results?
I’m guessing that skewing would occur. But, hey, who cares? Polls should drive public policy, not elections, even if the polls are less than scientific. Elections are just polls on one day and have no other consequences, correct? You’re with me on this, Cynical, aren’t you?
Umm, keep in mind folks: at ERs the uninsured don’t get Health Care, they get Illness Care, and there’s a big difference. People wait until they are really sick, their conditions get really worse, before they seek help.
If we create a system with Health Care for all, as HCR does or tries to do, there should be less Illness Care and less overall cost in the system.
Just watch the Midterms, BB Dumbocraps
This tells it all
Go to http://www.bing.com
And search for
And what is the first website that appears……
Wow, you guys are dense. Becker has thoughtful article noting how the most successfull national health plans (e.g. the swiss) pay about 20% or so out of personal pockets, thus making them consume less and be more thoughtful in opting for procedures. He notes we are at 11 or 12% and wishes it would be higher. You morons confused this point by thinking when I have to pay a higher %, say 30%, i also end up having healthcare overall that is more expensive; wrong….by me paying more of my own bill, i change my behaviour and cost the country less
what will be cheaper; a near free good, or something you have to think about twice before using?
Read the Nobel winner’s (becker) blog post at …gasp…ny times
not good on the embedded link, here’s manual link to gary becker http://freakonomics.blogs.nyti.....care-bill/
Swiss Healthcare…
Controls costs? No. “The costs have increased in the last 10 years by 50 to 60 percent,” says Roland Brunner, a banker from Baden.
Copay and deductibles just like the USA? Yes.
If only the rightwing would learn about the intertubes, we might not have to waste so much time listening to their nonsense.
thanks Uptown.
I will bet you any amount of money that our Health costs will increase by more than 5% per annum (50% over 10 years in simple % is only 5/yr)
@29 More than 5%? My, wouldn’t that’d be an improvement! Our company’s increase this year was held to 17% by our increasing the deducible another $500. Why don’t teabaggers ever talk about stuff like that? Because they don’t, they just come off as corporate stooges having their buttons pushed.
By the way, Righton, at a 17% clip, that comes to over 60% in three years. If you have insurance, it’s happening to you too. Why doesn’t that bother you? Are you content with skyrocketing health care costs as long as the money’s going to the golden parachute of the CEO? Do imaginary government death panels bother you whereas the very real corporate death panels we have today do not?
@29 Costs…
They only look good because our system sucks the most.
Our group premium went up 28% this year. No, of course nothing should be done to rein in health insurance premiums . . .
I take it that the teabagger position is that it’s OK if your health insurance goes up 28% as long as CEO’s reap the profits. It’s also the teabagger position that death panels are OK as long as they’re corporate death panels. In other words, teabaggers are the corporatist’s lackeys and haven’t a fucking clue as to what’s going on. Their buttons are easy to push and corporations are glad to push them. Teabaggers are such fools!
It’s funny that Righton is asking for a more heavily government regulated system like the Swiss’. I wish our new laws went that far. They –
set pharmaceutical prices;
subsidize insurance costs for nearly a 1/3 of the population;
set what is covered in the basic healthcare plan;
and insurance companies are non-profit (they were before reform passed).
Of course there are only 7.5 million folks in Switzerland, smaller than Massachusetts.
Back to healthcare; i used Switz as example; WSJ did nice story, and yes, arguably i’d prefer a more market oriented healthcare system. I fear most of you lack an understanding of market forces; when the user has some skin in the game, things work better. Our forthcoming system does nothing to control total spend save for rationing. I would rather drive down the cost of say Ibuprofen by having me shop for it at Bartells, than instead to have the gov’t set its price (as they do at the liquor store). What would you rather have; Fedex service and prices (and no deficit on our kids) or USPS slow service, big deficit, kids get socked w/ future bills.
WTF? Skin in the game?? Access to affordable healthcare is at stake. Isn’t that skin enough for you?
“What would you rather have; Fedex service and prices (and no deficit on our kids) or USPS slow service, big deficit, kids get socked w/ future bills.”
Which would you rather have, fictitious government death panels or the very real corporate death panels?
Nobody is hurting my quality of medical care. I thought we were a free country; what stops the slippery slope from having the socialist next provide free cars for all, or free vacations for all..
..or socialist funded police, or firefighters, or public libraries, public parks, public roads, public schools.
Horrors, what a terrible world that would be!!!
uh, sparky, the reason we all pay for certain things is those goods/services would not exist without a gov’t run program; fire, police,roads. Schools and libraries we could debate; i’m for public funding them, as having a literate society is good. big difference when you want to pull down the entirety of society to accomplish your socialist goals