Yesterday was a busy day, as Daily Kos and a number of other national blogs picked up my story on FEMA director Mike Brown, whose prior disaster experience was being one. Slight bump in traffic.
Today, the story is starting to make it into the MSM, and the real journalists are both corroborating and expanding on what I reported. First to the virtual newsstand is the Boston Herald:
The federal official in charge of the bungled New Orleans rescue was fired from his last private-sector job overseeing horse shows.
And before joining the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a deputy director in 2001, GOP activist Mike Brown had no significant experience that would have qualified him for the position.
Before joining the Bush administration in 2001, Brown spent 11 years as the commissioner of judges and stewards for the International Arabian Horse Association, a breeders’ and horse-show organization based in Colorado.“We do disciplinary actions, certification of (show trial) judges. We hold classes to train people to become judges and stewards. And we keep records,” explained a spokeswoman for the IAHA commissioner’s office. “This was his full-time job . . . for 11 years,” she added.
Brown was forced out of the position after a spate of lawsuits over alleged supervision failures.
“He was asked to resign,” Bill Pennington, president of the IAHA at the time, confirmed last night.
So how do you get a job like this with absolutely no qualifications? The Herald reports that soon after his resignation, Brown was brought into the administration by his old college roommate, Joseph Allbaugh, who was heading up FEMA at the time. When Allbaugh quit in 2003 to work for the president’s reelection campaign, Bush appointed Brown to replace him.
And how did his job at the IAHA qualify Brown to coordinate disaster relief? Well, I asked several former IAHA members, and this was the typical response:
“I personally can not think of any way that being the IAHA Judges and Stewards Commissioner prepared him to be the FEMA Director.”
There you have it, straight from the horse’s… um… mouth.
The people that Bush nominates for office are just not qualified….Rice, Gonzales, Rumsfailed, the list goes on and on…
And then there’s BOLTON – and this idiot!
and to add insult to injury: Red Cross Banned From Bringing Food and Supplies to Nola,......html#4524
from the Red Cross’ own website, they are not allowed into New Orleans
Your politics suck and your ideas of “tax fairness” would qualify you for a job as a deputy of Comrade Zinoveyev, maybe Vladimir Illich himself. “From each acording to his ability to ach according his need,” indeed.
However, your side by no means owns the monopoly on bad ideas, criminal conduct and incompetence. Kudos to you for exposing the top arsehole at FEMA and illuminating how he got his job.
and the Mayor was a cable guy….
as for BlanKo, not sure what she was, dept of licensing clerk?
Whomever submitted info on Mike Brown doesn’t have a clue as to the facts. Goldy, you have printed a pack of lies!!!! I know Mike Brown, personally, worked with him on the Judges’ and Stewards’ Education Evaluation Commission and was also involved in one of the trials against an Arabian trainer who cheated! Mike did a great job. He did an outstanding job for IAHA during his entire tenure as the IAHA Judges’ and Stewards’ Commissioner. Mike did “not” oversee Horse Shows. His responsibility was totally to seeing that horse-show “judges” were educated and evaluated but mainly to see that they stayed ethical and didn’t play politics or cheat in their responsibility to the Arabian horse breed.
Whomever is your source is totally unreliable and extremely prejudice……IMHO…..a blatent liar!
If I were Mike, I would start sueing a few people up the gazoo for blatant slander.
…and Bush was a failed businessman who was bailed out in mid-life by his rich and influential father’s buddies. Then he decided to become governor of Texas so he could execute prisoners ( his only really successful project to date). In Bush’s world, this is how things work. If you know people, you get appointed: competence is not an issue. Being competent is for the common folk— like PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON.
This country has sucked ever since that ‘TARD FROM TEXAS hijacked the office of THE president. This BUNGHOLE BUSH is not my president. He’s the Spreme Court’s and Chuck Hegel’s voting machines.
The mayor and the governor were elected. I don’t think they’re stupid, but then, you’re free to think so, since stupid people often do get elected, even to the Presidential office. However, APPOINTING stupidity defintely raises the bar in the stupid department. That’s just way too hard to compete with. My congratulations to the GOP, and to the George W. for yet another stellar achievement in the stupid category.
Since Bush listened to the reports of the approaching storm and declared a disaster area TWO DAYS before Katrina hit land , shouldn’t someone ask why the Governor and Mayor did nothing until two days AFTER?
Well, at least the Governor did go on national TV and cry. I guess that’s something.
shouldn’t someone ask why the Governor and Mayor did nothing until two days AFTER?
Well, you have. But you’re talking out of your ass.
Thanks for showing that the ‘blame everyone but Bush and his cronies’ memos are well and truly circulating.
Here’s an interesting tidbit — the mayor was a Rethuglican cable guy, until he switched his party registration days before filing presumably so he could improve his chances of winning in the heavily Democratic city.
What a lying sack of horse shit! Here is the description of Michael D. Brown from the FEMA website of his experience prior to joining FEMA:
Prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Brown practiced law in Colorado and Oklahoma, where he served as a bar examiner on ethics and professional responsibility for the Oklahoma Supreme Court and as a hearing examiner for the Colorado Supreme Court. He had been appointed as a special prosecutor in police disciplinary matters. While attending law school he was appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee of the Oklahoma Legislature as the Finance Committee Staff Director, where he oversaw state fiscal issues. His background in state and local government also includes serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight and as a city councilman.
Mr. Brown was also an adjunct professor of law for the Oklahoma City University.
A native of Oklahoma, Mr. Brown holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration/Political Science from Central State University, Oklahoma. He received his J.D. from Oklahoma City University’s School of Law.
REALLY! Over half of Brown’s work (11 years) after completing his education (a law degree) was his administrative position at the horse association. He did such a fucked up job at the IAHA that his official FEMA bio omits this detail entirely. I am besides myself on this one!
My last comment will take a while to be approved by Goldy, probably due to my choice of language. But if you look at the official FEMA bio of Michael D. Brown, it completely omits any mention of the 11 years that he worked full-time in the administrative position at the horse association.
And rightwing letter-to-the-editor writers are repeating a mantra, shocked that those irrational liberals are once again blaming their glorius commander, this time for not stopping the hurricane. Spin, damage control, lies, deceit and misinformation P-U of the church pew. ‘All hail king George’, sayeth minister ‘bloody hands’ Pat Robertson.
If you were a terrorist, and you wanted to inflict some damage on a Murkin city, wouldn’t now be the perfect time? FEMA and guard are maxed out now in Nawlins. Could we handle another disaster? Doesn’t look like we’d handle it very well. Plus it’s close to 9/11.
I wonder if this was a test. FEMA, Red Cross, DHS always say “be prepared to be on your own for 3 – 5 days”. Sure nuf, it took 4 days. Was it a test to see how people react and what kind of social disorder there could be? Was it a “message” to everyone to be ready and not to expect immediate help?
I see the liberal blame circle jerk is going strong this morning.
@6.. You are exactly right on target. However, you have to consider the source that you are dwealing with here.
This gaggle is too busy looking for ways to blame bush than figure out ways to help people.
Here are some things no-one seems to want to talk about.
1. New Orleans, lying below sea level has been aware of this danger for generations.
2. In the democratic stranhglehold of La., politicians have been stealing from the Levy funding for generations.
3. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, The presidents office gave adavance warnings and ignored by the city and state “The president’s emergency declaration authorizes the FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts and to provide appropriate assistance in a number of Louisiana parishes, or counties.
Authorities told residents of low-lying coastal communities to head for higher ground. The storm was expected to strengthen as it crosses the Gulf of Mexico and could become a Category 4 hurricane with wind of at least 131 mph.”
Ultimately the Superdome was used as an evacuation center after days of ignored evacuation warnings.
GeoCrackr @ 8
I don’t think that the WikiPedia article on Ray Nagin is correct. I grew up in New Orleans and keep track of the politics there from time to time. There was a lot of noise made in early 2002 during the mayor’s race about Ray Nagin having some inclinations in favor of Republicans. I don’t think he was ever registered as a Republican. And even if he had been, I seriously doubt that he would have been able to switch his party affiliation only a short time before filing for office. I am sure that he was a registered Democrat for many, many years before running for mayor — and maybe even for his entire adult life.
Richard, so what you are saying is that once again, some liberal is posting self serving hate on Goldy’s message board?
When I said “able”, I meant “politically able” — able to do it, get away with it, and still get elected in heavily Democratic New Orleans.
Certainly, it can be done legally. Just go to the Registrar of Voters office, fill out the paper to switch parties, then drive a mile or two to the Clerk of Criminal District Court and file for office using your new party affiliation.
How about the official City of New Orleans website?
New Orleans Hit Hard By Hurricane Katrina
New Orleans, LA
The brunt of Hurricane Katrina has passed, however, Mayor Nagin urges citizens who evacuated the metropolitan area not to return too early. Katrina’s impact has left New Orleans devasted and without power.
Yeah, libs may score political hits against bush, but look for corruption investigation. Or maybe Naglin was smiling after meeting bush, cuz bush told him to shut up or he’d send some FBI (public corruption unit) guys after him
Since Hurricane Katrina has become politicized, here are some legal realities of New Orleans politics.
There is an election on February 4, 2006 for Mayor, City Council, and other municipal officers for the City of New Orleans, with a run-off on March 4, 2006 in races where no one gets a majority. Interested candidates have to row their way to the Clerk of Criminal District Court (2700 Tulane Avenue — one of the flooded area) and file during the period of December 14-16, 2005.
18, ah now i get it..
Mayor is under the gun, has to salvage his reelection chances. Nothing better than trying to tag Bush..
I will preface my comments on the ongoing public example of a political movement and party so desperate, so completely devoid of ideas, solutions, plans or any other constructive suggestions that they rely upon an unprecedented human disaster with the feeble hope that somehow it furthers the possibility of a PR disaster that furthers their political agenda. Those of you who are critical of the federal response to this prolific natural disaster are so ignorant, uninformed, hateful and small minded, whining, useless and so completely pathetic that it’s sad how meaningless your lives must be as a result of your own choices and inaction.
After 25 years of “professional” disaster planning, consulting and responding to emergencies across this planet as well as 10 24 hour shifts a month with King Counties busiest medic unit, I unlike EVERYBODY who posts the their delusional, lunatic like opinions are the ones who in the event of a like disaster here in Seattle/King County would be completely and totally dependant upon others for your rescue, care and sufficiency even though for decade we’ve urged you to accept “some” personal responsibility by preparing for the ability to feed and water yourself for at least 72 hours. The reason for that is we know that substantial federal help will be 3-4 days away. Now one would hope that our mayor, county executive and governor would not be the complete and total failures that the local government in Louisiana have been. Luckily, we have developed massive contingency plans covering every aspect of a devastating local emergency that allows politicians who don’t have a clue, to simply open the “playbook” and follow the protocols, procedures, plans and activate the many assets and resources available from throughout the country. BUT IT ALL BEGINS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL! Washington DC does not call the shots, nor has it ever.
You who would without a shred of factual information (or in some cases sanity) stoop to level of pure political hatred and sub-human rhetoric while active rescues and saving of lives, not to mention the massive undertaking to just manage this horrible situation, ARE LOWLIFE, SCUMBAGS without an ounce of decency in your empty “open” minds. You are as pathetic as your party of choice has become and unfortunately, is what I expected. Luckily for us..You are a tiny, little faction who like Cindy Sheehan, about 20% of America agrees with any of your fictitious, delusional and absurd behavior and opinions.
I wish you nothing but your worst nightmare come 2008 (but you are bringing that upon yourselves as usual) and rest assured that people like me will be there eventually to take care of you when the next disaster strikes because your not capable of even the simplest form of personal responsibility.
The Bush is a diety crowd get real old real fast. You also would be really bad at debate.
1. Whether the mayor or governor screwed up (and it does seem like the governor especially dropped the ball). Is irrelevant to the criticims of the federal governement’s slow response. And even more irrelevant to criticisms of the prior cuts in funding of FEMA and levee programs.
2. The disgusting tactic of blaming poor and old people without cars or the means to buy gas, let alone to pay for lodging in another town is tired and old. Get it through your heads, some people COULD NOT evacuate. Now, if you want to argue that some government body should have stepped up efforts to get them out, do so.
Meanwhile in the Seattle times, a letter writer actually gets it….
Higher incentive
In disgusting letter after letter Thursday, readers seemingly blamed President Bush for the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina [“Tempest tossed,” Times, Northwest Voices, Sept. 1]. The numerous crackpot accusations, allegations and arguments (I simply don’t have the space to address them all) leave me nothing short of infuriated.
How dare you use the tragedy to promote your partisan agenda? It smacks of cheap, shameless and cowardly opportunism in a time of great need.
This type of insanity is on par with the snipers who take potshots at the rescuers; it makes no sense, serves no purpose and is of absolutely no help to anyone in the stricken region. Period! We can argue and discuss this later. Much later.
In the meantime, you really want to do some good? You really want to help your fellow Americans? Then, please, shut up and put your money where your mouth is.
25…PRR…..The key to being a Democrat is to bitch, complain, but ALWAYS demand other people’s money. NEVER yur own!! Do you see the Kennedys “sharing”? The NAACP? Jesse Jackson? NEVER!! Bitch, complain, and steal. Today’s “progressives”.
That was one of the best post to have ever been posted on this site
“This country wasn’t built by men who sought handouts. In its brilliant youth, this country showed the rest of the world what greatness was possible to Man and what happiness is possible on Earth. Then it began apologizing for its greatness and began giving away its wealth, feeling guilty for having produced more than its neighbors.”
~~ John Galt
I assume you guys are then asking our ass host Goldy, to quiet down his rhetoric, or is he innocent despite about 3 new threads on the political side…?
True enough, the FEMA Director is a worthless political hack.
However, this doesn’t excuse the lack of planning and basic human decency by the worthless political hacks in New Orleans and Louisiana.
How could they let the entire public bus fleet — hundreds and hundreds of public school buses and public transit buses — get incapacitated by parking them in a low-lying area of the city?
Keep in mind that 20% of New Orleans is ABOVE sea level, and they could have parked these buses so they would be kept high and dry. And put the keys to these buses in a secure accessible location (although hot-wiring can be very effective too).
“…readers seemingly blamed President Bush for the destruction caused by Hurrican Katrina…”
why Pshaw! Ah shucks. I bet Bush is secretly thrilled that he’s being given credit for such destruction. What a manly cbarge! what power! Here’s his big chance to “leave no one behind.” If thre’s a way he can take credit for the desturction of the hurrican, I’m sure hell’ find it. I can’t figure out why a Bush worshipper such as yourself isn’t equally thrilled at this example of his wonder.
As for putting my money where my mouth if…I’ve done that, and done that, and done that, and I’m still doing that. Are you?
Where does Goldy stand one this?
I would say that Goldy is the equivalent of the paparazzi chasing celebrities and causing harm (causing the death of princess Dianna) while announcing their rights, AKA, the lowest form of scum.
The little cronies continuing to support his rants, Donnagedeom Another TJ, Roger Rabbit, Heath, etc… Would just be the tabloid readers supporting this piece of shit
@ 29 – Bullshit. Will the buck EVER stop at the FUCKING WHITE HOUSE? Spin, Spin, Spin…
Lori @5,
I welcome you to present a different view of Mike Brown’s job at the IAHA; I just read your commentary on I’ve started to hear from a number of IAHA/AHA members, and it seems that there is some disagreement over how much he was to blame for the troubled state in which he left the organization. However, as I see it, there are several issues.
Was he forced to resign?
According to the Boston Herald:
This was corroborated to me by several sources, including a former board member, although it is not exactly clear as to why he was asked to resign. It has been suggested that the final straw was the legal defense fund he was raising for himself, despite the fact that the IAHA was responsible for all his legal costs.
Was the White House press release honest in claiming that the IAHA was a “subsidiary” of the governing organization of the US Olympic Committee?
Apparently not. This has been refuted repeatedly, even by one of Mr. Brown’s defenders. As was explained in the comment thread on Kos:
The Olympic claim was a clear attempt to gussy up his resume.
Did Mr. Brown perform his job well at the IAHA?
I cannot possibly answer that. I’ve heard from about a dozen people now, and the opinions range from yours to that in the original email I posted… though most were in between. Apparently there was a great deal of politics and infighting going on. Some describe him as well-meaning, but a tool for rich, powerful breeders. In any case, at least by the end of his tenure, the politics had gotten the better of him.
Did Mr. Brown’s job at the IAHA prepare him to manage emergency services for our nation’s greatest natural disaster?
That of course is the main issue here. Did he get the job based on qualifications and experience, or through cronyism?
I understand that Mike Brown is your friend, and I would hope that my friends would as vigorously and faithfully defend me as you have defended yours. But there would be no way the could defend my appointment to head FEMA.
Goldy @ 33,
The main issue here is that at a point in our history when we should be banding together to help people you are slandering people who have dedictaed their lives trying to improve what to do in an awful situation.
You are a lying sack of shit and at the very least should be sued. I think a public beating would be better served though.
Translation: it’s Bill Clinton’s fault.
If we have people like you doing disaster planning, yep, we certainly are in a heap of trouble.
And by the way, fuck you, we have a right to speak our minds. In our opinion, FEMA is run by a hack. The Corp of Engineers should not have had their funds cut over the years and in an extraordinary emergency like this one, the feds could have been a little more responsive.
I’m sure the mayor and the governor were following your precious playbook, guess what, it didn’t work, so they called in for reinforcements and surprise they were slow in coming.
But our dear leader had appointments to keep.
Fuck you, prr. We’ve given as much as we can and we still have the right to speak our minds. Goldy got a tip from an insider and ran with it just like any wingnut blogger would do and he didn’t neglect to do a little homework. So fuck you, creep.
I know all you wingtards are desparately trying to shift the blame to the former-Republican mayor (Pope, I’m sure you’ll understand if I’ll take documentation over your protestations and suspicions, particularly since Nagin donated $1k to AWOL but none to Gore or Kerry) and corrupt Louisiana politics, but your problem is you’re only half-right.
Sure, local politicians and leadership failed the poor (literally, as in “destitute”) citizens of NOLA for both of the natural distasters — the hurricane, and the subsequent flooding. But you’re not distracting anyone away from the fact that FEMA’s — you know, the federal agency whose job it is to manage emergencies when local resources are overwhelmed — planning, preparations, and actions were not only inadequate, they were non-existent! Nor are you distracting anyone away from the fact that the National Guard, which has historically been called by governors to provide assistance in such emergencies, have their necessary personnel and equipment tied up half-way around the world in AWOL’s quagmire.
So while you continue to play your little “blame the victim” game, real Americans have been seeing news footage of their fellow Americans dying while federal authorities failed to act when local authorities had clearly been overwhelmed, as AWOL pretended to play his guitar.
I apologize for my poor grammer in the earlier post. I worked all night and am running on 2 hours sleep in the last 24. However, after reading fireone’s “cerebral giant” comments and a few others, including Goldy’s, I’m re-posting.
I will preface my comments on the ongoing public example of a political movement and party so desperate, so completely void of ideas, solutions, plans or any other constructive suggestions that they rely upon an unprecedented human disaster with the feeble hope that somehow it furthers the possibility of a PR disaster that furthers their political agenda.
Those of you who are critical of the federal response to this prolific natural disaster are so ignorant, uninformed, hateful, small minded, useless to modern society and so completely pathetic that it’s sad how meaningless your lives must be as a result of your own continuos poor personal choices and inaction.
After 25 years of professional disaster planning, consulting, training, education and responding to emergencies resulting in mass casualties across this planet as well as ten 24 hour shifts a month with King Counties busiest medic unit, I unlike EVERYBODY who posts the their delusional, psychotic like opinions here am in a position to comment objectively.
YOU are the ones who in the event of a like disaster here in Seattle/King County who would be completely and totally dependant upon others for your rescue, care and sufficiency even though for a decade we’ve urged you to accept some small personal responsibility by preparing for the ability to feed and water yourself for at least 72 hours. We also implore you to heed the warnings of any type and follow directions or face the consequences. The reason for that is we KNOW that substantial federal help will be 3-4 days away. However, even with that delay, we are the best on earth and capable of many “miracles” but not magic as so may of you leftist’s seem to think.
Now one would hope that our mayor, county executive and governor would not be the complete and total prolific failures that the local and regional (Democratic) government in Louisiana have been. Luckily, we in Seattle, King County and the State of Washington have developed massive contingency plans over the years covering every known and anticipated aspect of a devastating local emergency that allows politicians who don’t have a clue, to simply open the “playbook” and follow the protocols, procedures, plans and activate the many assets and resources available from throughout the country. BUT IT ALL BEGINS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL! Washington DC does not call the shots, nor has it ever. It also takes knowledgeable, calm and professional local leadership. Unfortunately for the citizens of the City of New Orleans, the mayor demonstrated nothing but complete and utter incompetence.
You who would without a shred of factual or knowledgeable information (or in some cases sanity) stoop to the level of pure political hatred and sub-human rhetoric while active rescues, the saving of lives and the undertaking to just manage this horrible situation is ongoing are LOWLIFE, SCUMBAGS! without an ounce of decency in your empty “open” minds. You are as pathetic and meaningless as your party of choice has become and unfortunately, is exactly what I expected. Luckily for those of us with even moderate critical thinking skills, you are a tiny, little faction of miserable, misguided people like Cindy Sheehan, who only about 20% of America agrees with on any of your fictitious, delusional and absurd behavior and opinions.
Fascist @3
I can’t believe I’m actually seeing a wingnut CRITICIZE
Fascist @3
I can’t believe I’m actually seeing a wingnut CRITICIZE the fucked-up wingnut regime — but you couldn’t resist playing the “commie” card, could you? Here, I’ll return the favor — fuck you, Nazi! And fuck the horse you rode in on, too!
If Bush declared a disaster two days BEFORE the storm, why did it take another week to get National Guard troops and relief supplies moving toward the disaster area? Fucking incompetent, that’s why!
Hey Richard, you’re a lawyer — maybe you can explain why Professor Brown took a horse job? Are there no legal jobs for lawyers with a resume like his? I don’t understand why such a highly qualified lawyer as Professor Brown ends up shoveling manure for a living? Got any ideas?
@39 -Ladies and Gentlemen, yet another shining example of psychotic, dellusional and educated debate from a washed up, worthless ex-paper pushing lawyer from the State of Washington’s most ineffective and dysfunctional agency, DSHS.
complete idiot @ 15
“This gaggle is too busy looking for ways to blame bush than figure out ways to help people.”
Excuuuuse me, but that’s his job … hellooooo … that’s what we pay him for ….
Hey IDGAF, careful now, don’t give yourself an aneurysm.
“cheap, shameless and cowardly opportunism”
Hmmm, what have Republicans done lately that DOESN’T smack of cheap, shameless, and cowardly opportunism? I can’t think of anything ….
As a 30 year and highly respected Member of the IAHA /AHA, I am, both, insulted by and compelled to respond to your distorted blog. The resignation of Michael Brown (from IAHA) was little more than the action and result of the simplist form of politics of a nonprofit membership controlled organization and a MAN who desired to MOVE ON..
To suggest that his 10 years at the IAHA would NOT have contributed to his abilities as FEMA Director, simply, has little importance. The fact is WE were very fortunate to have had the service of an extremely OVER-QUALIFIED professional.
The Office of the Judges & Stewards Commissioner was the primary entity formed after our 1991 Convention passed and adopted Resolution 5-90.
The Commissioner’s Office was designed to be void of ALL outside influences; a position to enforce the “rule of law” as prescribed by our governing body.
Resolution 5-90 was a well written document with much authoritative power. What it allowed for was a free hand to “FIX” the political & ethical problems that can affect ALL large nonprofit organizations whose Executive Committee and Board of Directors are elected for 2 year terms. The Commissioner’s Office WAS designed to be a fixture of stable, nonpartisan regulatory authority. With Michael Brown… it, ABSOLUTELY, was!
Michael Brown experienced the simple “bipolarity” of the International Arabian Horse Association’s diverse Membership. As is, with any discretionary organization, that covers the entire area of the U.S. & Canada, a wide spectrum of society is involved; each with their own agenda. The IAHA was and is no different.
The Arabian Horse IS the MOST aesthetically beautiful and athletically diverse equine in OUR World. It transcends ALL ethnics & politics like NOTHING else. It IS the foundation of ALL the “light” breeds, AND, has the versatility to perform in the broadest variety of specific disciplines, INCLUDING the Olympics. AND… they do it VERY well! To adjudicate in the United States Equestrian Federation’s Arabian Division means you MUST possess a broad expanse of knowledge and technical skill. MUCH… of our QUALITY is because of the programs that Mike Brown developed.
The legal actions, that are referenced, were more of a failure of the IAHA Leadership’s POOR judgment than ANYTHING Mike Brown did or did not do.
The fact is: MOST… of US would like to have him back.
The USEF (formerly the AHSA) has a close association with the US Olympic Organization. The IAHA was the largest populated affiliate of the AHSA. Mr. Brown sat on important AHSA Committees. The fact is, the USEF would have a difficult time providing it’s services, without the Arabian Horse Association’s affiliation.
Mike Brown was highly respected by many AND hated by a few with power. Their positions were tied to THEIR personal agendas.
Michael Brown put education and a strong educational structure into the development of what could be considered the most elite and expertly trained Judges cadre in the ENTIRE equine community.
Whomever your original contributor is… I would suggest that she/he has an old and DULL “axe to grind”.
Richard J. Adams
USEF / Arabian Division Judge
Looks to me like wingy trolls are doing most of the bitching in this thread. LOL!
Hey prr, you’re pISSINGON rOGER rABBIT again! That’s okay, I’m here to be pissed on by low-life, lying, deranged retards like you. It’s about taking responsibility, pal. Something no Republican ever does. So we’re imposing a bit of accountability.
For you wingnut yahoos who are too retarded to figure it out, here’s a primer:
1. The situation in New Orleans is fucked up,
2. You guys are in charge of all 3 branches of government,
3. Therefore, the screwups are YOUR fault.
Now, what part of that don’t you understand?
“I think a public beating would be better served though.”
Why do Republicans always think the solution to every problem is violence? Liberals had better arm themselves. Remember what Coulter said, she wants to put liberals in “concentration camps” and “execute us.” These people on the right — including you, prr — are fucking nuts.
Hey prr, why don’t you try picking me up by the ears and see what happens to you? I’ll rip you a brand new belly button. You’ll see your intestines hanging out ….
Examples of liberals’ “fictitious, delusional and absurd behavior and opinions”:
1. We think war is a last resort, not a first resort, for dealing with other countries;
2. We think torture (especially of innocent people) is degenerate and morally wrong;
3. We letting your fellow Americans die in the streets for want of food and water is morally wrong;
4. We think wrapping yourselves in the flag to cover up your lies and immorality debases the flag, not glorifies it.
I could think of more, but that’s a start.
The only thing I don’t understand Roger is how a pathetic loser such as yourself with the single most delussional viewpoint on this thread is able to actually operate and hide behind a computer. Oh yeah, I forgot..A long and fruitful career ar DSHS doing NOTHING but sucking the public’s tit for your miserable existance. You and others of your dimwitted, insane opinions are dirt underneath the feet of common, decent, hardworking and sane individuals everywhere. How’s it feel moron to be part of the Cindy Sheehan 20% in this country who are looked upon as useful idiots? You should be their “poster child”
Republicans are immoral and evil liars, warmongers, torturers, and killers.
Ahhhh, there there Roger, time for your medication. Take your lithium, haldol and inapsine and be a good little bunny out there in your fantasy world.
prr @ 33
“You are a lying sack of shit and at the very least should be sued. I think a public beating would be better served though.”
Here is an idea… go fuck yourself, you moron. If you don’t like the stuff posted by Goldy, haul your ignorant ass over to
Do NOT pick up Roger Rabbit by the ears unless you want a new belly button …
FYI, Goldy:
Josh Marshall at TPM linked to your Daily Kos post, so you can expect the traffic bump to continue.
Yours in croniness,
Goldy @ 33,
Much of what you say is corroborated in this separation agreement between Brown and the IAHA:
IDGAF: Here’s a little Faux News for you!
The adults are obviously in charge now!
I forget to mention that Republicans are thieves.
Oh Roger! Was that a vieled threat of violence from a coward, p***y, pacifist such as yourself?. By God there may be hope for you yet! However, you would end up cooked faster than your “relative” in Fatal Attraction….
Sign the petition
All names will remain confidential.
Regular readers of HorsesAss are well aware that Stefan Sharansky, who runs a blog called Sucky Politics and can’t spell his own name right, and also posts his home address on his blog, recently “outed” Roger Rabbit.
Steffie announced that Roger Rabbit is Dean Logan, blogging on a King County government computer.
Like always, Stefan is full of shit; but as he’s never one to bother with actual facts, I guess if he wants to think RR is Dean Logan — he can go right ahead!
Since Stefan is now a poll worker and I’m now Dean Logan, it’s my job to supervise him.
Checking Stefan’s blog, it seems he DID receive the copy of Donald Sims’ absentee ballot envelope that he requested from KCRE. Not long ago, Stefan accused Logan of “violating” RCW 42.17.320 because Stefan hadn’t received a response to this request within 4 days even though that statute says,
” … Within FIVE BUSINESS DAYS of receiving a public record request, an agency … must respond by either (1) providing the record; (2) acknowledging that the agency … has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the agency … will require to respond to the request; or (3) denying the public record request. …” (Emphasis added)
Yeah whatever Stefan. We can’t expect a guy who can’t spell his own name to know how to count to five, either — even though God gave him 10 fingers so he’d have backup in case something happened to his first 5 fingers. But I digress. The main point is that Stefan RECEIVED the copy of the envelope he requested. There goes his lawsuit against King County! But don’t let that discourage you wingy trolls from donating to Stefan’s beer … legal fund. I’m sure he appreciates your contributions, even though he can’t count them.
No, I never threaten anything except justifiable self-defense.
Where the fuck did you get the idea that I’m a pacifist?
I’m in favor of scratching SUVs that run over sweet, innocent, defenseless bunnies whose only crime was trying to cross Aurora Avenue. The claws on my hind feet can really do a number on an SUV’s paint job! That’s what God gave me claws for. Death to bunny-killer SUVs! Is that pacifist enough for you?
For the last 20 years the group tasked to maintain and improve Louisiana levees has blown all their money on casinos, planes, hotels, etc, and little if any has been spent on preserving the safety of its citizens.
They did this on their own. Much of this devastation is ROI (Return On Investment) for the people who elected them.
Texas justice!
‘All names will remain confidential.’
Are they going to show the petition, i.e. the list of names to anyone?
Nice find authored by a NOLA expat living in Fargo, ND.
Scroll down to “A People Apart”.
He ate cake and played guitar while NOLA drowned. Our Dear Leader.
roger rabbit
Dems in charge of every branch of gov’t for New Orleans, except the federal. So I’d say abou 8/9 branches are controlled by the dims
OK, let’s try this a few ways
1. The local government plans for certain levels of disasters. FOr instance here we handled the 6.4 earthquake without too much assistance. Plans are in place for 7+ quakes. If a 9+ hits, local capabilities will be overwhelmed. This was an event which exceeded their capabilities. The Feds are expected to assist when local resources are tapped out.
2. Let’s acknowledge local mistakes were made. It happens in all events. Let’s hold open that they may have failed significantly. The Fed’s are the backstop. Where were they?
3. And finally, I did not get a vote for city and state electeds there. This is MY (and your) federal government. I have family in three corners of this country. I expect a certain level of professionalism and competence from FEMA. Can you honestly assert they have done a good job so far? Is this good enouigh for you?
IDGAF @ 36
”ll preface my comments on the ongoing public example of a political movement and party so desperate, so completely void of ideas, solutions, plans or any other constructive suggestions that they rely upon an unprecedented human disaster with the feeble hope that somehow it furthers the possibility of a PR disaster that furthers their political agenda.”
You are incorrect. There is widespread criticism from the left and the right, from Democrats, Republicans, and independents on the Feds handling of this emergency. Some of the critics are politicians who understand much better than you do the political side of this story. Some are the lay public who are horrified by the sights and stories they hear on the media. And, there are those directly involved in the disaster relief efforts who are screaming about the substandard Federal response—including a rare semi-admission by Bush that the Federal response was unacceptable.
”Those of you who are critical of the federal response to this prolific natural disaster are so ignorant, uninformed, hateful, small minded, useless to modern society and so completely pathetic that it’s sad how meaningless your lives must be as a result of your own continuos poor personal choices and inaction.”
What the fuck? You sound angry, IDGAF, very angry, and you seem to be one of those people who rant when you get angry.
”After 25 years of professional disaster planning, consulting, training, education and responding to emergencies resulting in mass casualties across this planet as well as ten 24 hour shifts a month with King Counties busiest medic unit, I unlike EVERYBODY who posts the their delusional, psychotic like opinions here am in a position to comment objectively.”
Sorry, chump. I formerly taught disaster management courses for UNHCR. I have also been a communications first-responder in numerous emergencies (through ARES). But, both of us are sitting in front of our computers in the Pacific Northwest, so by you logic, we are not qualified to comment. I say bullshit—people have a right to express their opinions and their outrage. In my opinion, much of the outrage is justified. You disagree. Big fucking deal.
Oh, and cut the bullshit about being objective—you are not fooling anyone with your angry partisan rant.
”YOU are the ones who in the event of a like disaster here in Seattle/King County who would be completely and totally dependant upon others for your rescue, care and sufficiency even though for a decade we’ve urged you to accept some small personal responsibility by preparing for the ability to feed and water yourself for at least 72 hours.”
And I am sure those preparations were an enormous help to the 20% in N.O. who stayed behind, and many others in Louisiana and Mississippi who were not in evacuation areas. One can never be too over-prepared for a disaster, but the reality on the ground is that there were people who stayed behind or were in areas that were never evacuated. These people needed swift action by all levels of government—people were trapped in attics (many whose access to their own emergency supplies of food, water, and first aid was likely cut off), there were public health hazards (rotting bodies of pets and people, noxious chemicals in the water, glass and other sharps everywhere), possibility of looting and other public disorder hazards, there were people with recurrent medical needs in dire straights, people with no shelter and no way to get out, and there was a food shortage.
This was a regional disaster; the problems go beyond New Orleans. Even in the areas under mandatory evacuation, some people didn’t or couldn’t leave: “Screw-‘em” is your solution?
”We also implore you to heed the warnings of any type and follow directions or face the consequences. The reason for that is we KNOW that substantial federal help will be 3-4 days away. However, even with that delay, we are the best on earth and capable of many “miracles” but not magic as so may of you leftist’s seem to think.”
The 3-4 day federal response is a reasonable worse-case scenario for an unanticipated emergency (e.g. earthquake), not for a disaster with two days of advertising on The Weather Channel. Holy shit, third-world countries can launch a far more effective response. I’ve been in a third-world country (and “in the field,” not at The American Club) while a flooding disaster happened. The government’s response in human rescue, feeding, and providing make-shift shelters puts FEMA to shame for their response to Katrina.
”Now one would hope that our mayor, county executive and governor would not be the complete and total prolific failures that the local and regional (Democratic) government in Louisiana have been.”
Oh? Is this your “objective” opinion? And perhaps you can cite specifically what they should have done differently? I mean, I, too, wish the City launched their own fleet of Chinook helicopters to stop the flooding, and, in between drops, pick up people and haul them out of the area….
As you well know, on a disaster of this scale, state and local infrastructure gets destroyed or disabled, and the magnitude of the work (rescue, road clearing, medical needs, etc.) can (and did) greatly exceed the local and state capabilities.
”Luckily, we in Seattle, King County and the State of Washington have developed massive contingency plans over the years covering every known and anticipated aspect of a devastating local emergency that allows politicians who don’t have a clue, to simply open the “playbook” and follow the protocols, procedures, plans and activate the many assets and resources available from throughout the country.”
Luckily, indeed. And you can bet that Louisiana and Mississippi had equally effective plans and resources (in part, because this type of planning is coordinated and funded through FEMA grants).
”BUT IT ALL BEGINS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL! Washington DC does not call the shots, nor has it ever. It also takes knowledgeable, calm and professional local leadership. Unfortunately for the citizens of the City of New Orleans, the mayor dem1onstrated nothing but complete and utter incompetence.”
Oh? It seems that Bush woke up immediately after the mayor started getting a little nasty. Perhaps he should have been nasty from day 1? In fact, some might think what he did was quite savvy in creating a response.
”You who would without a shred of factual or knowledgeable information (or in some cases sanity) stoop to the level of pure political hatred and sub-human rhetoric while active rescues, the saving of lives and the undertaking to just manage this horrible situation is ongoing are LOWLIFE, SCUMBAGS! without an ounce of decency in your empty “open” minds. “
Look in a mirror, then, you fucking LOWLIFE, SCUMBAG. You are doing the same thing in criticizing the local and state governments. Fucking hypocrite! Without doubt, there will be blame to go around to politicians at all levels (city, county, state, federal). But you have, in effect, accused local officials (those who were slammed hardest by the hurricane and flooding disaster) of doing a bad job with no factual information whatsoever. I don’t know the details of what the local governments did, how effective they were, and what mistakes were made, but I suspect the mayor went through the playbook, and many of the plays were not particularly helpful in the absence of a working communications infrastructure, sanitary facilities, power, impassible roads, eventually levee breeches (which the city doesn’t have the equipment to handle anyway).
By the way, I have not heard anybody around here or in the media claim that the state and local efforts were flawless (or even well done). But, errors made by those hit hardest are no justification for a shoddy Federal response.
”You are as pathetic and meaningless as your party of choice has become and unfortunately, is exactly what I expected. Luckily for those of us with even moderate critical thinking skills, you are a tiny, little faction of miserable, misguided people like Cindy Sheehan, who only about 20% of America agrees with on any of your fictitious, delusional and absurd behavior and opinions.”
More of your “objective analysis” of the handling of the disaster, IDGAF? I sincerely thank you for your services as an emergency responder/professional; but, fuck you for pulling out your “expert” card and then spewing nothing but a partisan rant.
Yeah, what do you lefties really know about anything? From my subscription.
Puddybud @ 66,
Thanks for pointing to the Washington Post editorial. I am not sure why this suggests lefties don’t know what they are talking about. The article dovetails nicely with some of the criticism given here.
Comments above defending Mike Brown were written by someone who herself is controversial in the world of Arabian horses. I was involved in a case brought before International Arabian Horse Association and found Mike Brown to be clueless, arrogant, and someone who withheld information that should have been given to the appropriate committees and individuals in IAHA. He played the good ol’ boy system to the hilt. Most of us were stunned to find he had been appointed to head FEMA.
Rabbit @ 50
Hey prr, why don’t you try picking me up by the ears and see what happens to you? I’ll rip you a brand new belly button. You’ll see your intestines hanging out ….
You mean like all those women and little kids you killed back in ‘Nam tough guy?
How do you stand up when someone is your size and you don’t creep up on them in the middle of the night?
prr @ 78
“You mean like all those women and little kids you killed back in ‘Nam tough guy?”
Wow, prr, there is a post for you to be proud of. Spitting on the Vietnam vets now, are you?
Fucking asshole!
re 11 and 12: RP. I voted for you in the primary because I think you are a fair and reasonable person. Good luck!
It seems so funny with all of you ‘HA Trolls’ and your story lines. LOL. All you idiots do is complain about this blog and all you idiots do is LIVE here 24/7. To boring at your talking points blogs? To quiet at Sharansky’s cess pool? All he can talk about is the past elections and his modus operandi is ‘chasing windmills’. Get a life prr, jch, proudASS, cynical etc. Atleast Chardonnay got the picture..and evaporated
Inbred Delisional Gadfly And Failure @54 So funny how you neonuts always seem to come up with more names of the ‘liberals’ supposed medications…could it be that you were on them the same time as Flushed Flimbaugh? Get a life dweeb
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so horrifying to see the braindead wingnuts continueing to defend the indefensible GWB and his Neo-Con fascists.
It has been 4 years since 911. We have “Homeland Security” for the same amount of time. Behind the scenes Bush lays waste to the local funds to actually deal with ANY disaster, and appoints a completely unqualified moron as his FEMA director. He takes NO ACTION to prepare for this disaster (and it IS the federal government that calls the shots regarding disaster preparedness for events this large, despite the hateful ill informed LIES of prriss and others who hsve their heads up their hateful asses).
None of us are safe while these maniacs are in power. How many times do you have to be clubbed over the head, have your life and livelyhood stolen before you fuckheads wise up?
My guess… never. You will continue to ignore reality aznd support the destruction and death going on around you.
Fuck every one of you Neo-Con shitferbrains. You are the true terrorists against America and every good thing it has ever stood for.
CNN just announced that Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died.
Maybe Mike Brown should be nominated to replace him. At least Mike Brown is a lawyer. That is more qualifications for the U.S. Supreme Court than he had to be the Director of FEMA.
Check this out lefty asseshorses:
Yes, the mayor screwed the pooch BIG TIME!!!
Richard Pope @84,
See… it’s comments like that, that screw up everything… and make me like you.
PuddyBud : Terrorist against America.
“lefty asseshorses”
PuddyBud : So drunk on the Neo-Con KoolAid he cannot even make a coherent comment.
Don*****Don, no ya jerk, pictures say more than a 1000 words. And you are an asseshorse. A righty thinking horsesass looks at a picture and asks what caused that. A lefty thinking asseshorse ignores the picture and says Bush caused it. You hate the President so much that when confronted with factual information through aerial photography you lose it again. Keep on trucking don*****don. Please catch the next truck to Free Brainsville. You need an immediate cranial transfusion.
A Citizen’s Plea to President George W. Bush
Dear Mr. President,
I am hereby asking you to take a giant step toward stopping the nasty, vendictive and very childish political agenda of destroying people’s reputations, almost always based on untruth, spin and the deplorable journalism of very biased reporters that has taken over Washington, D.C., since the Clinton Administration’s “War Room” began this last, low-level, political-party-oriented operating procedure. This approach has prevailed over Washington, D.C., since the Clinton Administration’s “War Room” began this last, low-level, political-party-oriented operating procedure.
This latest attack on Michael D. Brown, Director of FEMA, has prompted me to shout to the world that I, as a voting citizen of this wonderful U.S.A. for the past 50 years, implore you, Mr. President, to stop this destruction to our government. Having watched Nancy Pelosi on the floor of the House of Representatives and her viscious attack on Mr. Brown (as a Californian I am deeply ashamed of her), plus all the rest of the Democrats jumping on board reinforced my original suspicion that this attack is just politically motivated to use Mr. Brown as a stepping stone to discredit you and your Administration. In short……calling for you to dismiss Mr. Brown IS POLITICAL BLACKMAIL AT ITS MOST BLATENT!
I have watched this tactic used for several years now. I am hereby strongly urging you to stand by your appointee, Mr. Brown, and refuse to yield to blackmail. This has to stop. You can stop it here. You have refused to yield to the blackmail tactics of terrorists. This is no less destructive to our country, even though it is not life-threatening as are terriorists tactics of blackmail. Over the long run, if this continues, our government will be “gutted” of good people, since people of the quality and ability to properly serve our country will no longer subject themselves to this kind of abuse.
I know Mr. Brown personally, have worked with him through the Arabian horse organization where his did an outstanding job and know his tremendous abilities. Mr. Brown took on a job that no one had ever done before. He showed courage in pursuing an element that had entrenched itself in our Arabian horse world for many years which “no one” would touch for fear of repercussions! He had no qualms and he went after this element and he was successful! He is an asset to the people of the United States. As far as I’m concerned after having experienced working with Mike, his ability and integrity are without question. We cannot continue to destroy our best people in the name of political blackmail to advance an agenda of trying to “regain” control which was lost due to the desires of the citizens of this country. WE NEED PEOPLE OF INTELLIGENCE, INTEGRITY AND WHO TAKE ON RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT FEAR OF “WHO AM I GOING TO UPSET” IN OUR GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. You have one in Michael D. Brown.
I have seen you stand behind your people before; i.e., Vice President Cheney and Donald Rumsfield, for example. Mr. Brown is no less important in your Administration. Please stand behind him. Do not let any political agenda influence a dismissal of Mr Brown. Stop this unacceptable blackmail approach the Democrats have taken to destroy him to get to you. Anyone who follows and understands the constitution, government processes and the procedures that have to be followed by all levels of government know that FEMA has performed to the absolute best of their ability. Thank you, Michael D. Brown!
A Very Concerned Citizen
Lorry Wagner
Inyokern, California 93527