The Democrats aren’t the ones falling apart, the Republicans are. The Democrats can see daylight ahead. For all their fractious fighting, they’re finally resolving their central drama. Hillary Clinton will leave, and Barack Obama will deliver a stirring acceptance speech. Then hand-to-hand in the general, where they see their guy triumphing. You see it when you talk to them: They’re busy being born.
The Republicans? Busy dying. The brightest of them see no immediate light. They’re frozen, not like a deer in the headlights but a deer in the darkness, his ears stiff at the sound. Crunch. Twig. Hunting party.
That’s Peggy Noonan. In the Wall Street Journal, for chissakes. Mourning the death of her party.
At least one Republican isn’t in denial.
Mr. Bush has squandered the hard-built paternity of 40 years. But so has the party, and so have its leaders. If they had pushed away for serious reasons, they could have separated the party’s fortunes from the president’s. This would have left a painfully broken party, but they wouldn’t be left with a ruined “brand,” as they all say, speaking the language of marketing. And they speak that language because they are marketers, not thinkers. Not serious about policy. Not serious about ideas. And not serious about leadership, only followership.
This is and will be the great challenge for John McCain: The Democratic argument, now being market tested by Obama Inc., that a McCain victory will yield nothing more or less than George Bush’s third term.
That is going to be powerful, and it is going to get out the vote. And not for Republicans.
It’s not too late for them to impeach the fucker. That’s the only thing that would give them even a whisper of a chance.
Haven’t had a chance to read all the threads yet. But THIS was too funny! Posting whole story, because it seems like they switch them out.
More ‘change’ for the House GOP
From CNN Congressional Producer Deirdre Walsh
WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Republicans have changed their new slogan about change.
After losing a hotly-contested Mississippi congressional seat this week, their third straight special election defeat in a row, House GOP leaders planned a public relations offensive, including a rollout of a new agenda pegged to the slogan, “The Change You Deserve.”
It turns out the phrase matched a tagline for the anti-depressant drug Effexor. As word of the similarity got out, Democrats had a field day ridiculing Republicans.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, told reporters Wednesday, “Democrats, not drugs, is what the American people need.”
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel, D-Illinois, released a list of what he called the side effects of “Republican rule,” including “nausea because what they did to the economy makes people sick to their stomach.”
Asked Thursday morning if he was planning to change the slogan, House Republican Leader John Boehner said “No. I think it’s working just fine.”
It’s almost worth 8 years of Chimp, if it leads to the political destruction of the right wing and 50 years of Democratic hegemony, inaugurated with comprehensive health care reform.
WOW and this from a lady you used to suck Ronnie Raygun’s dick! This is one partisan cunt and if SHE’s being this honest, then there has indeed been a total and complete collapse of the GOP! This is great news. And despite the fact that the inbred right wing turds on this board live in some fantasy land where they’re winning seats in an alternate universe, in the good old here and now, they’re getting the living shit kicked out of them and I for one am enjoying watching the traitors get what’s coming to em!
1 rd
Nothing will give them a whisper of a chance.
Noonan is wrong. It isn’t bad marketing that has killed Karl Rove’s dream of a perpetual GOP majority, it is the dumb ass neoconservative GOP policies on “pre-emptive war,” the environment, science, energy, civil rights and taxation. All the things Noonan likes.
George W. Bush’s perpetual foot in mouth hasn’t helped much. Bush’s spendthrift ways with the former GOP Congress did destroy any claim that the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility. Sky high gas prices and a mortgage foreclosure crisis on Bush’s watch will deliver appropriate accountability.
GW Bush is without question about the worst President in history – because of his policies, not because of his serious inability to speak.
McCain may have a few no-brainer policy difference with Bush. But McCain’s war policies, his tax policies, his gun policies and his economic policies are pure GW Bush. McCain’s tactics are pure Karl Rove. That’s all that really matters now.
McCain could contribute to “straight talk” by communicating the similarities in his choice of Vice President. McCain should be honest and just pick Jeb Bush. McCain-Bush in 08. Then he might carry Florida.
That one humoungous sentence by PN is worth remembering. Or printing which I’m doing.
It’d be nice to see the Republicans rebuild from such a clear initial critique. Mono party rule will fail for Demoncrats just as it has for the GOP. A viable opposition is important to a democratic government. If they can do so it’ll be a step in the right direction.
heh. Indeed..
Here’s a good one on the Chimp “legacy”:
Bush has blackened the gop name worse than Hoover. Cripes, he didn’t even have the Great Depression to blame it on either.
Hwo the fuck does Ted The Swimmer rate going right to the head of the line at Mass General? Shouldn’t have have to wait out in the hall until all the fucking illegal aliens are done popping out chirrens for The Producers to pay for? If he dies waiting…. oh well….
He should have to experience what he wants for everybody else.
Even better, next week when The Smartest Woman In The World officially admits she’s irrelevent and fades into the shitcan of history, even her fading will be overshadowed by Ted The Swimmer’s descent into vegetabledom.
Nobody will even notice her big fat ass as she heads back to the senate where most senators have gone on record against her.
” … a lady you used to suck Ronnie Raygun’s dick!”
Moving right along without getting slimed by BBG’s slime: Noonan was explicit in her book about the Revolution that there was much about Reagan and the Revolution she did not like.
Very far from a dick sucker, she was no dick-tation taker, even from Dan Rather, for whom she worked before bailing from the dark side and going to the White House.
Four years ago she wrote, weeks after I wrote about it first, that 2004 was a pivot. Like 1920, 1932, 1952, and 1980, it was a year when the old regime was so discredited and brain dead that we needed a change to snap the downward spiral.
Nooner, who has swung and missed so many times, finally hit a solid grounder to second.
Very good, @10. Our brand’s terminally trashed, but so’s the magical mystical mystery Clinton brand that brought Goldycrats back from the dead. That’s almost two decades of Democrat certitude & platitude down the drain.
The death of Clinton & Clinton & Flynt is at least as big as the death of the Reagan coalition, so why isn’t HA holding a double funeral? Erectile Bob Dole asked ‘Where’s the outrage?’ about your boy Bill. We’re asking ‘Where’s the eulogy?’
(Lucky for the Donkeys they had a messianic superstar waiting in the wings to divert our attention, but surely Policy Wonkette Goldstein could spare a few solemn words and tears for the passing of the Pantsuit Clinton era of stench & corruption.)
MTR @9,
You are a heartless, sick fuck, with zero empathy. I don’t know what’s more disturbing, the thought that you might be a fabricated, online persona… or that this is who you really are in real life.
Goldy – He has spent his entire political career pushing for socialized medicine. We’ve seen how horrible it is in countries where it has been tried. The system collapses and people die waiting for treatment. That’s not a political opinion; it’s a fucking fact.
I’m just sayin’ he oughta get a little of his own medicine before he goes to face judgement for murder…
I suppose the Dems will win the White House in ’08 (assuming Obama is the nominee). Every now and then we need a catharsis, and having a moonbeam neo-socialist is the price we have to pay for 8 years of cronyism and getting involved in religious wars that are none of our business.
We can ride it out.
Any of you wonks & donks read The Blair Years?
Diaries of Alastair Campbell, midwife of the Dodgy Dossier. Boots-on-the-ground view of a train wreck.
To repeat: we were able to crawl out of Vietnam without looking back and without thinking twice. No such luck with Iraq.
@16: Let us hope. & let us pray.
13 dead
Because Democrats are about to win the presidency without a white Southerner, and score potentially historic gains in Congressional seats. Nothing much, really.
“swung and missed so many times”
Bull. Shit.
@ 15
Here’s another “fucking fact” for you.
So this is exactly what I expected from the inbred right on this thread. First, most of them had the common sense to ignore it (run from it that is) because it blows up everything they believe in and it’s done by one of their own. Second, the best they can do to defend themselves is 1) change the subject or 2) come back with the tired old YOUR GUY SUCKS TOO! As if that was a metric any sane person would strive for. GOP=PITIFUL!
Am awed by your new man, Dad, who’s on the big ride to the top. Am unsure about the magnitude of the impending Congressional catastrophe. Am very sure that bad things happen when one side gets it all.
2 1/2 cheers for gridlock & divided government.
Pay no attention to the pathogen posting @3 and @22.
He/she/it … sheeeeeit … is unworthy of your consideration and beneath your contempt.
More Clarke here.
@15 “We’ve seen how horrible it is in countries where it has been tried.”
Yeah — everyone has health care, and can get sick without losing their home and life savings! From a money-grubbing Republican’s perspective that’s horrible, alright.
Dear MTR,
When I think of all the men and women who died so that you can regurgitate the shit you leave here I get sick to my stomach. They had qualities that are completely foreign to you. Honor, integrity, empathy, compassion, love of country and bravery.
For years now you have demonstrated the following traits: You have no honor (witness your failure to pay your gambling debt ala Chuck Barkley), zero integrity (same witness) not an ounce of empathy (witness your attitude toward those of lesser means and ability), you are devoid of any compassion (witness the post above concerning the health of Mr. Kennedy), zero patriotism (witness your total devotion to self) and last but not least, you are a coward of the worst kind (witness the bomb lobbing from behind your keyboard). You are nothing but a keyboard terrorist. An instigator. A sad little man who must put others down in order to stand tall. Never realizing just how small and meaningless you really are.
@22 “come back with the tired old YOUR GUY SUCKS TOO!”
The thing is, they’re lying when they claim our bad guys suck as much as theirs. Not even close! Our crooks steal $100,000; their crooks literally try to lift the whole Social Security Trust Fund! Sen. Kennedy accidentally killed a woman in a DUI episode; Bush murdered dozens of innocent Iraqis and Aghans in his torture chambers, and slaughtered tens of thousands of noncombatant civilians with bombs, artillery, and bullets. About every 30 years or so, a Democrat gets arrested for a consensual adult sex crime; almost every day another Republican congressman or conservative megachurch pastor gets busted for child pornography or soliciting kids online. Democrats are merely human, with the usual human flaws, whereas the overpowering stench emanating from the GOP dung heap dwarfs that of the Des Moines stockyards’ shit pile.
@24 You were looking in a mirror when you wrote that, right?
Hey trolls! Are you gonna write your congressmen asking them to vote for a pay raise and G.I. bill benefits for our soldiers? Or do you, along with the rest of the hypocritical lying rotten cheap-labor GOP establishment, only “support” our troops with your big mouths?
@27 Not to mention irrelevant.
@23: Bad things mostly happen when the GOP control both the congress and the Presidency.
However, this may be the death knell for the GOP – maybe the libertarians will take their place as the opposition party. The GOP is out of ideas, out of money and only about 20% of the people seriously believe their kool-aid anymore.
Luckily, about half the troll on here are serious bush kool-aid drinkers – so we get to see the obvious insanity they promulgate.
@23 “Am very sure that bad things happen when one side gets it all.”
Is this your argument for not running the GOP warmongers, torturers, felons, perverts, crooks, and liars out of D.C. on a rail? Good luck selling it! No, on second thought, I wish all of you unpatriotic, fascist, Republican traitors nothing but bad luck — for America’s sake.
“Bad things mostly happen when the GOP control both the congress and the Presidency.”
Take out the weasel word “mostly” and then review the years 1953 – 1955. Republicans ended a Democrat war in which c. 50,000 Americans died for a Democrat mistake.
Didn’t again have a GOP lock until 2001 – January 2007. Six years that prove my point.
@23, “Am very sure that bad things happen when one side gets it all.”
Not with “us” watching the hen house.
The problem is more than just the Republiconvicts. It is the ruling elite, and big business having government work for them, instead of the rest of us. “Us” is organizing, and we will be heard. For once. Even if the press is working for “them”!
Most Americans haven’t even got a clue as to why “they” hate us. These (un)Americans don’t really care, as long as they can fill up their gas guzzler, watch American Idol, and shove 3500 calories a day into their gullet they are content. Especially with the endless stream of propaganda coming from the TV.
A new day is dawning, but the sun will need a little help. From “Us” this time.
“Is this your argument …”
My argument is that it could have been worse. Could have been a bunch of Donkocrat Diptards like you.
@34 “Didn’t again have a GOP lock until 2001 – January 2007. Six years that prove my point.”
What is it they were saying. It only took the GOP 10 years to become as corrupt as the Dems became in 50 years…..
I just can’t wait till we have a Justice Department interested in something other than voter suppression.
“Us.” “They.” “Them.”
What does it all mean? Where are the antecedents when “us” needs “them”?
“It only took the GOP 10 years to become as corrupt as the Dems became in 50 years…..”
A point made elsewhere.
Divided government worked well: 1981-1993; 1995-January 2001.
Giving Democrats the whole game (LBJ years, Carter years, Clinton 1993-1995) was disaster, mostly for Democrats.
” … a Justice Department interested in something other than voter suppression.”
Like, huh? Like a return to the glorious golden Reno years in which DOJ terminally suppressed Davidian children and returned a refugee to Fidel’s warm embrace? Those were the days.
And dispassionate analysis of 1961-1963 provides further evidence for the utility of divided government.
Dear My Left Foot
When I think of all the men and women who died so that you can regurgitate the shit you leave here I get sick to my stomach. They had qualities that are completely foreign to you. Courage, hard work, intelligence, personal responsibility, bravery, excellence, and professionalism.
For years now you have demonstrated the following traits: a marxist freeloader who wants others to pay his bills. A socialist who fails to recognize the inherent fairness of free markets. An envious bastard who hates successful people, and an idiot who has no clue how to become well off. And a gullible fool who believes in junk science.
You are nothing but a keyboard terrorist. An instigator. A sad little man who must put others down in order to stand tall. Never realizing just how small and meaningless you really are.
Mark at 42:
Still not an original thought. I served this country, honorably, for 20+ years. I can think for myself, yet another quality that escapes you. I believe in hard work, I believe in the promise of America. The promise that is written at the foot of the Statue Of Liberty.
I have no interest in inciting the masses here, something that you seem to live for. I did not put you down, I spoke the truth. You on the other hand have made up from whole cloth cloth an argument that must have had you delightedly masturbating as you hit send.
As for being well off, we have plenty. Teresa and I have built a wonderful life full of children, a first grandchild and extended family. I promise you that, while our net worth is not really important to either of us, but seems to hold some special value to you, our net worth far exceeds yours. Why that is important to you I have not the faintest idea. So if you are keeping score, and you know you are, I am now leading 4 to nil.
One last thought….I did not volunteer to serve with the idea of getting rich. I volunteered after college with the idea being TO serve. To honor my father’s legacy. To show my appreciation for the freedoms you take so cavalierly. So you see Sparky, I did something with my life. I have left a legacy of service and honor and family, just as my father did. Nothing else matters.
You remain a mindless prick, MTR. No substance. No purpose. No life. Must suck to be a wannabe as badly as you do. I suggest you stop trying and start doing.
@42, Mark our markets are anything but free. Sorry to bust your bubble.
How inherently fair were the free markets before environmental regulations forced industry to clean up? Was it better when we had flammable rivers?
Just askin’
Back to the garden.
k, I also love the drug companies charging us 5 to 10 times the going rate, and of course opec…. I wonder where we would be if the oil companies paid their share of the cost of having the military protect their oil cargoes, drilling, and the rest. How about having all our manufacturing outsourced to China, with slave labor, no workers rights, little environmental protections, and backwards tariffs.
Free Market = My Ass
re 42: “When I think of all the men and women who died so that you can regurgitate the shit you leave here I get sick to my stomach. They had qualities that are completely foreign to you. Courage, hard work, intelligence, personal responsibility, bravery, excellence, and professionalism.”
You are so full of shit, you use Q-tips for toilet paper.
But cheer up! I’m sure Newt Gingrich is mixing up a new batch of snake-oil with guys like you just in mind.
$9.95 a bottle. Step right up!
Since you painted me with the same brush as you do all liberals, let me return the favor to you as neo-con.
Tell me MTR, how do you live with yourself knowing that you cheat on your wife, father bastard children, molest boys, have sex with underage girls and troll for sex in public bathrooms? How do you justify this behavior all the while preaching family values? How do you, as a sexual deviant, with a tortured conscience (assuming you have one, all evidence to the contrary), still delude yourself that you are indeed a Christian? What mental gymnastic do you perform to enable you to continue living this lie?
Golly MLF, now you talk like bybygoober…
I was just askin’.
When Teddy reaches the Pearly Gates, he will be met by Mary Jo Koepechne who will firect him to the pit of hell.
Teddy’s life has been one huge lie.
He was a coward and allowed an innocent girl to die.