Shoppers, start your computers! It’s Cyber Monday, the day when Christmas hordes supposedly rush to the office to log on and snap up all those bargain gifts they were too crazed, lazy or calculating to buy on Black Friday. At least, that was the original impetus back in the day, when the vast majority of home connections were dial-up and office offered faster broadband.
Today, of course, the disparity no longer exists. So I’m thinking Cyber Monday is on shaky ground too. I’m thinking bargain hunting is much more iterative, you know, do the search, grab the killer deal, put other stuff on the wish list. Monday really has nothing to do with it any more. Besides, with the network cops monitoring your PC ever so much more closely, is it really a smart idea to spend the day surf-shopping?
Anyway, we’ll see what the data says. My experience was always this: Big Prediction, Day-After Declared Success, Unexpected Falloff and finally, when all the actual stats get analyzed and nobody’s paying attention, online shopping not such a big deal after all.
In addition to killer deals, here’s the deal on killers. This just in from Perugia: the boyfriend did it, according to the German guy’s lawyer, who has the almost Coenesque name of Walter Biscotti (thereby ruining my afternoon tea accompaniment). But the big news is yet another homicide, a 20-year-old Eastern Washington lad dragged to death behind a pickup for four miles in an apparent case of miscommunication.
Normally I’m not so drawn to the ugly side of life. It must have something to do with all the holiday cheer of this, the merriest of seasons.
In normal news, the P–I notes the upcoming legislative session by asking whether “tax fatigue” really exists (best wild guess: it doesn’t, but voters are frightened by incompetence and the economy). I dunno, HA readers: What do YOU think?????!!!!!
I did get one early Christmas gift today: Racist hypocrite (but otherwise good ol’ boy) Trent Lott is resigning. Having my own but not wanting to spoil the fray, I look forward to postings on various theories why. And finally, a clip from
yesterday’s last week’s Seahawks game has climbed way up on the DIGG and YouTube ratings, certain to outrank even the thrilling conclusion (the other QB fumbled on the 2-foot line!) to yesterday’s fiercely contested gridiron clash in the fabled 2007-8 season annals of ‘Hawks replays. Herewith:
Great tackle, for a kicker, but that clip wasn’t from yesterday’s game; it was from the previous week’s game.
Perhaps Lott wants to spend more time with the kids, or maybe….
Hey wingnuts,
escalationsurge is working!!!Only it’s the wrong one.
Redeployment anyone?
Last week’s, this week’s…after a while, bland mediocrity runs together, and you can’t sort one week from the other.
At least it’s not the Huskies…
But in both cases, to paraphrase Casey Stengal when he managed the Mets, “Can’t anybody here coach this game?”
The Piper
2 – It’s got to be McConnell. Inhofe would be cool as well.
@5: Yes. Mitch has that hint of mint.
People are spending it while it’s still worth something!
re: bubba (according to the Bothell Times, that was his nickname) dragged behind the pickup. Once again we are reminded why we should kick meth stoked Ferry County out of WA and make them part of Idaho.
News Item:
Strapped GOP Enlists Rich Candidates
Posted: 2007-11-26 09:55:47
Filed Under: Elections News, Politics News
WASHINGTON (Nov. 25) — Confronting an enormous fund-raising gap with Democrats, Republican Party officials are aggressively recruiting wealthy candidates who can spend large sums of their own money to finance their Congressional races, party officials say.
At this point, strategists for the National Republican Congressional Committee have enlisted wealthy candidates to run in at least a dozen competitive Congressional districts nationwide, particularly those where Democrats are finishing their first term and are thus considered most vulnerable. They say more are on the way.
These wealthy Republicans have each already invested $100,000 to $1 million of their own money to finance their campaigns, according to campaign finance disclosure reports and interviews with party strategists. Experts say that is a large amount for this early in the cycle….
I guess that is one way to skirt the federal election financing laws – instead of limiting the fat cats to a (relatively small) donation to a viable candidate, they allow them to make a much larger donation of their own money to the campaign. Maybe they plan on repeating the Mike McGavick scenario nationwide – have corporations pay the already-millionaire candidates additional millions of dollars in bonuses, which they then funnel right back into the campaign, despite the ban on corporate donations? Or maybe it just goes to show how shallow the Republican Party has become – the only ones they have left are the fat cats who depend upon a Republican-led government to keep the flow of cash from consumers and the federal government directly into their pockets?
I would guess that the head of Blackwater would have been at the top of their list, until a couple of months ago….
As to attorney Walter Biscotti, would that be Biscotti di Prato (with almonds), Biscotti Falconara Marittima (with raisins and almonds), Biscotti di Greve (orange & almonds) or Biscotti del Lagaccio (aniseeed)? Since he is an attorney it would probably be the last one, the licorice flavored one.
Trent Lott is just a simple farmer, and thus I am sure the the looming tight restrictions on lobbying going into effect next month have nothing to do with his resignation.
I’ll Bet These Nimrods Are Republicans
“An Eastern Washington University student … was killed Saturday when he was dragged … behind a pickup, reportedly after threatening people at a hunting campsite. A 45-year-old man … has been arrested for investigation of second-degree murder.
“The Pend Oreille County sheriff’s office says 20-year-old Jerid Sturman-Camyn … was killed about 11:30 p.m. Saturday. Sturman-Camyn was among eight people, some of whom were drinking heavily, at the … hunting campsite, according to sheriff’s deputies. Sturman-Camyn became angry and threatened others … with an ax, witnesses told the deputies.
The 45-year-old man … told a 17-year-old boy to get into the pickup ‘start it and be ready to leave if things got bad,’ Sheriff’s Sgt. Alan Botzheim said in a news release. The man then tied a rope to the trailer hitch … and placed the other end of the rope around Sturman-Camyn … then yelled to the teenager to drive away ….
“A MySpace page linked to [Sturman-Camyn’s] name listed ‘Bubba’ as a nickname and showed a photo of three young men in the back of a pickup holding a buck by the antlers.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....th26m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not a fan of people who hunt cute furry animals to begin with, but man, this is just sick, sick, sick.
Hunters, alcohol, and Republicans are a bad combination.
@9 Republicans have always considered the size of a person’s personal bank account their most important qualification for public office.
Don’t forget that Trent Lott sang bass in the Singing Senators along with John Ashcroft, baritone; Jim Jeffords, tenor; and Larry Craig, the Idaho Mens Room Stallion, lead.
Take Katherine Harris, for example. The woman has no smarts and even less ethics, but inherited a shitload of money (her grandfather was a cattle and citrus tycoon; her father owned a bank), and that was good enough for the GOP.
Republicans think it’s very important to be represented by pampered scions who never had to work in order to maintain a proper perspective toward the workforce.
12 RR
I don’t know if they’re Republicans, but they sure sound like Cougs…
@8 Ferry County is in the center of the state. This incident occurred in Pend O’Reilles County, which borders Idaho.
@18 They gotta be. Over there, everybody is Republican. Besides, how many Democrats get drunk, run around in the woods with guns, and tie people to pickup trucks?
@19 RR
Mia Culpa. Is there any difference. Let Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille counties all go to Idaho. And if we are going to get nit picky Roger, this is the correct spelling of Pend Oreille County.
Yes, Something completely skipped over by the liberal MSM:
The United States, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden take the lead in the rankings of the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness index
The United States tops the overall ranking in The Global Competitiveness Report 2007-2008, released today by the World Economic Forum.
But to Moonbat!s the economy sucks!
22 bud
How could anyone have missed that when there is almost no other economic news!
Other than, well…
This (
And this (
Or maybe this (
Daddy Love: That’s why we don’t have any bank stocks in our portfolio.