Folks down in Lewis County were already struggling to cope with the aftermath of last week’s devastating floods, when President Bush added insult to injury yesterday by signing an emergency declaration making renters, homeowners and businesses eligible for up to $28,800 in cash grants… this in a county whose residents reliably approve anti-tax/anti-government ballot measures by 20-plus-percent margins. Can’t we just git gov’ment off our backs?
God knows the flood victims could use the help, if only to find temporary shelter and give them the breathing space they need to get their lives back on track, but it’s hard to imagine folks who just voted 63.2% in favor of I-960’s government crippling provisions looking kindly on any sort of government handout. After all, these are the kind of upstanding citizens who voted 61.4% in favor of I-912’s fuel tax repeal, 68.7% and 72.9% respectively in favor of I-776 and I-695’s $30 car tab provisions, 73.6% in favor of I-747’s one-percent cap on growth in regular local levies, and a whopping 79.1% against R-51’s transportation improvement package… so it seems unlikely that they would ever accept the food stamps and emergency unemployment compensation the disaster declaration makes available. I mean, this is a county that voted 60.5% in favor of I-933 at the same time the “takings” initiative went down to defeat by a healthy 17-point margin statewide, so one would think that voters so adamantly opposed to government regulations that might, say, prevent a land owner from building a Walmart in a flood plain, would also be adamantly willing to take full personal responsibility for the inevitable consequences of doing so. I’m just sayin’.
(Whenever I hear righties bitch about gov’ment it reminds me of that old Catskill’s joke about the woman, who after complaining about the terrible food at a resort, adds “and such small portions.”)
The rest of the headlines are filled with equally horrid tales of government intrusion. A burning ban is now in effect for King, Pierce and Snohomish counties, and on Hanukkah, no less; advocates want to take away our constitutional right to discriminate against gay people; and in perhaps the ultimate indignancy, the EPA is nosing around in our bathrooms, urging us to switch to a new generation of 1.3 gallons per flush toilets:
All of the WaterSense toilets flush at least 250 grams, or about 10 ounces of matter. In the industry, that’s considered the average weight of adult human solid waste.
Yeah… well… I eat a lot of fiber, so I’m not so sure. Besides, the one thing I’m not flush with right now is money, so unless the EPA or SPU wants to give me the same free toilet they’ve been giving apartment complexes and businesses, I’m sticking with the old guzzler that came with my house.
Damn gov’ment.
Well, if they don’t like the guv’mint so much, perhaps Lewis County should secede from the Union. That’ll work for about a minute.
So you lefties finally admit you have more dung than the average person. Finally some truths.
At least Pelletizer (TM) can install these new toilets in his “burrow” without worrying about it plugging. He leave most of his pellets here.
If you paid attention to the whack-job lefties, they told people not to burn all of their menorah candles too long.
” In a campaign that has spread like wildfire across the Internet, a group of Israeli environmentalists is encouraging Jews around the world to light at least one less candle this Hanukka to help the environment.
The founders of the Green Hanukkia campaign found that every candle that burns completely produces 15 grams of carbon dioxide. If an estimated one million Israeli households light for eight days, they said, it would do significant damage to the atmosphere.”
I suggest using biodiesel or veggie oil. To make it CO2 was absorbed so it’s carbon “neutral”!
Why do lefties hate helping their fellow man when they are down and out?
Why are lefties ignoring Northwest Response just because they are “down there”?
Why do lefties have to place a political spin on everything under the sun?
Why do lefties talk a good game but are some of the cheapest people on planet earth?
Why do lefties hate organizations like the Salvation Army?
Travel to Westgate Center and watch how many lefties pass the little red can next to the Salvation Army bell ringer without depositing money into the can.
“terrible food and such small portions”
Damn, there aint no justice sometimes.
At least we can appreciate the fact that the (lower) percentage of Lewis County voters who polled correctly on these tax measures well benefit from the gumnint.
Or am I a polyanna?
So you lefties finally admit you have more dung than the average person.
Only in our comment threads.
I am a lefty and I never donate in the little red can. You know why? I don’t donate to any charity that has a religious foundation. That’s just my principals as an atheist. That doesn’t mean I hate them. I do however hate ignorant right wingers who have done so much destruction to this country in the last seven years.
#5 Puddybud says:
Because that is the job of the government.
Political bias
To rid the world of the evil republicans.
They think charity begins and ends with uncle sam.
Because lefties hate when the private sector helps, it’s the job of the government.
I too am selectivity about giving to the “little red can”. But the issue here is govmut taxes in Lewis County. Even the nay-saying ignorant right zingers there will benefit from the tax they voted again(st).
Damn and heck!
Goldy said “Besides, the one thing I’m not flush with right now is money”
Goldy you and you pocketbook will appreciate the limits that are being placed on the government to restrict their free-spending habits.
Marvin and PudWax™ are stressfull to be around.
PudWax™ is a black guy who parrots conservative talking points. He’s a ‘different’ sort of stereotypical type.
And, PudWax™, if it offends you that I just lay out the truth for you without pussyfooting around, well, that’s life in the Big City.
Heh. Goldy has a new nickname: Big Dump.
Btw, WSDOT has its very own page on Flickr. Chock full O’ flood damage pics it is.
Do liberals Flush More?
This seems to be a quantifiable issue.
Certainly conservatives are wealthier so they are more likely to own new toilets. That might mean they flush less.
Also, liberals read more and do so on the toilet. Reading more means more frequent flushes, again .. advantage is to the conservatives.
Conservatives buy name brand soft and soluble t-paper, easy to flush. Liberasl buy recycled new print, hard to flush that stuff.
liberals eat lotsa vegetarian, ethnic food. This smells bad! Flush more.
Seems likley that Liberals are the bad guys when it comes to flushed.
Conservatives eat more red meat and stinky cheese. They poo solidly and less frequently, but the residual odiferous effect leaves a lingering scent of beer, cheese, and beef.
A heady and lingering aura indeed!
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
#16 headless lucy says:
Headless lucy, the conservative’s scatologist. Makes one wonder how headless lucy the wanna be guitar player learned so much about the “pooing” habits of conservatives.
A recent scientific meta analysis proves that Conservatives use less flush water.
re Marvin the Martiasn:
‘I Heard It Through The Grapevine’, by Norman Whitfield & Barrett Strong
“Say, believe half of what you see.
Oh, ho, and none of what you hear….”
If you want to know what is in my mind, ask me, don’t tell me. PudWax(tm) is a sterotype in that he resembles Clarence Thomas and Armstrong Williams in their self-hating and perverse championing of a philosophy that puts them on the back of the bus, metaphorically speaking. In televised interviews, both of these men appear to be pschologically disturbed.
How can a self respecting black person join a political party (Republican) that wins elections by using coded racism in what they euphemistically call their ‘Southern Strategy’?
As far as my ‘wanting’ to be a guitar player, I would say that I am the best guitar player sitting in this chair. I would like to be a BETTER guitar player. As far as the song I quoted above (‘I Heard It Through The Grapevine’), I’ve seen both GLADYS KNIGHT AND THE PIPS and JOHN FOGERTY do the song live. My version is closer to Fogerty’s.
Gladys Knight’s band, in 1969, which is when I saw them — kicked bootie!
Lewis County is the most conservative county in western Washington. I am stunned that its inhabitants would even consider government aid. Do those folks have no principles? Do they not see the connection between their anti-regulatory, pro-growth land use policies and their susceptibility to flooding? Is my respect for the ideological consistency of conservatives misplaced?
Good post, Goldy. Keep slamming the hypocrites.
ivan says: Good post, Goldy. Keep slamming the hypocrites.
Goldy said “Besides, the one thing I’m not flush with right now is money”
Time to beg for that yearly Florida trip already?
I love the way you fall so perfectly into the cheap bastard jew stereotype.
I love even more that the fuckers who swallow your koolaid are too stupid and hateful to give to legitimate charities who actually perform good services for the truly needy but willingly throw pennies at you.
Yes Ivan, let’s keep slamming the hypocrites.
It is always amazing when the folks who cry loudest about welfare are the first in line.
And Mr. Puddy is dingbattin’ a thousand, as usual, but thanks for letting us know you’re still alive.
I notice that Goldy’s original post spent most of the time showing the bankruptcy of the neo-conservative’s anti-tax rants, with a short aside at the end about the low-flush toilets.
But the response posts from the wingnuts (up to this point) instead spend more time focusing on the toilet issue, with some irrelevent and completely unfounded accusations about liberals not giving to charity.
So, it appears to me that the wingnuts posting here have their heads in the toilet so far they couldn’t recognize real charitable giving when they saw it.
[Before the accusations begin: I give 10% (tithes) to my church, another 5% to my church for various specific offerings I deem meritable, and another 5% (on average)in general giving to other charities. This doesn’t count helping out individuals from time-to-time. So stick your “liberal’s don’t give to charity” drivel in your ear.
Lewis County is the most conservative county in western Washington. I am stunned that its inhabitants would even consider government aid. Do those folks have no principles? Do they not see the connection between their anti-regulatory, pro-growth land use policies and their susceptibility to flooding? Is my respect for the ideological consistency of conservatives misplaced?
The Demise of Democracy
The following was written by Professor Alexander Fraser Tytler shortly before our original 13 colonies gained their independence from Great Britain.
He was speaking of the Athenian Republic some 2000 years before.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (generous benefits) from the public treasury.”
“From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”
Talk about hypocrisy…the last ones in the world who should criticize the inhabitants of Lewis Country are the people on the Left.
Most leftists are parasites of the greater society…surviving only because others…like those in Lewis county, in general WILL usually refrain from voting upon themselves the largesse the Left thinks is their due.
Perhap Tytler is indeed right, and the people of Lewis County will gradually take on more of the characteristics of the Left, and the US economy will come tumbling down just as happened in the USSR when eventually the leeches won, and the economy could no longer sustain itself.
I’m not happy about how Lewis County often votes, but I’m sending money their way anyway. I’ll grant that their county leadership dropped the ball on this one, and I’ll grant that it’s most likely because they didn’t see how they could get the locals to buy into infrastructure:
And I’ll grant that bad to nonexistent development planning made things worse:
But we’re supposed to be the good guys, period.
So let the Puddybuds of the world continue to act like twelve year olds with an anal fixation. I’m acting like an adult, because that’s how I’m supposed to act when disaster strikes.
(And I was raised by a Republican father, so charity and compassion ain’t no political thing.)
So now we know: George Hanshaw is opposed to democracy. Probably admires Mussolini, or Franco. Right, George? Kept those liberals in line, they did.
Uhh, now that we know you are a bigot and an idiot, maybe the other rabid right wing trolls who love to post here will be embarassed by how you share their opinions.
Republicans who claim to care about people – just ask anyone from New Orleans.
Faith-based initiatives: all hot air – no real effects.
The Salvation Army:
Having talked to actual homeless people and helped to feed them (unlike most republicans) – many of them prefer to get food and shelter without being preached at. Give to the downtown emergency center instead of the Salvation Army – people who are down and out (and most of them are addicted to drugs or mentally ill) don’t need lectures on how to believe in god the right way (ie – the way the people with the food believe) before they are fed.
If someone wants to feed the hungry because of religous conviction – I am all in favor of that. But to try and convert them to a particular religous brand before you give them the food – that is manipulation.
Note to HA Libs.
I bet that the money and services received by those affected by this latest storm from NGO and religious charities dwarfs whatever emergency funds are directed by the Fed/State/Local governments.
@10, what tax are they benefiting from now that “they” voted against?
Shouldn’t those who set up and live their lives with the least Gov. assistance, yet pay their tax bill like everyone else, be the first to receive aid in a catastrophe, than those who live set up their lives to be attatched to the Gov. aid wagon? Those who ask the least yet pay the same shouldn’t receive aid in a catastrophe?
@12 A true Robert Byrd Democrat. Racist to the core.
re 26: Athens had a population of 25,000 — 5,000 of whom were actual citizens. The rest were the slaves — you know, the people who do the work and actually create the wealth.
The citizens of Athens who granted themselves the ‘largesse’ were the same sort of citizens who are granting themselves the tax breaks in our current society: the social and economic elite.
History is not nearly as simple as you are , George Hanshaw.
Give to both, they both do good works.
re 30: Eastern WA is largely agricultural. There isn’t a single thing they engage in that isn’t the result of government largesse.
From the New Deal to this very day, they are the biggest welfare bitches in the country.
re 30: Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond — Racist to the core.
Richard Nixon — Racist to the core.
re 30:
Bennett, who held prominent posts in the administrations of former presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, told a caller to his syndicated radio talk show Wednesday: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.
Republican Senator says racist remark just “a joke”
“Bob Bennet, Republican Senator from Utah, is being called on by American Indian leaders to apologize for a racist remark he made on the Senate floor. Bennet was discussing drought in the Western U.S..
The subject of the remark was Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), a member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana and the only American Indian in the Senate.
“Aside from doing a rain dance and making it rain, we’ll assign that to Senator Campbell, I’m not sure what you can do,” Bennett told a Bush administration official.”
Monday morning headline, comin’ down. Coming down North 45th, that is. Across the street from the excellent proletarian Ace Hardware in Wallingford is a rad dyke bookstore that’s probably run by pasty pallid white boys. Displayed in the window is a silk-screen T-shirt with a facsimile of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn/Campbells Soup set.
Instead of Marilyn, tho, the images on the shirt are of Condi Rice. The caption: WarHo.
Let’s get The Reverend Al and The Reverend Jesse and the rest of the rad Religious Left into Wallingford to do a little Freddy’s action. You know, like they did at the Jewish store in Harlem when they threatened to burn it down.
We let Mike Webb get away with calling Rice “Jemima” in early 2001. We let Oliphant get away with drawing her as a big-lipped parrot. Now it’s time to take a stand. No justice for Ms. Rice? No peace.
Since Katrina victims’ applications are still being processed, they’ll have to wait in line. Oh, and one more thing … Congress approved compensation for ill uranium workers several years ago, but last I heard, of more than 200,000 applications only 1 had been approved. It takes the Bushevik administration 30 to 100 years to approve an application for government benefits. Wonder if they’ve got a bee up their ass about government benefits?
Agree… what they said was racist, congratulations, you are one of them….
Democrat,Republican,Martian who cares. Racist is Racist and you are that…..
Lucky for the blacks they didn’t have to wait for this particular Republican to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, or they’d still be waiting.
Wonder what percentage of the flooded areas were vehemently opposed to help to Katrina victims as a government bailout, now want a bailout?
Reminds me of a question my political friend told me, to ask my conservative friends. “So you are in favor of smaller government? Ok then, what government programs that you personally benefit from, are you willing to cut?”
Mostly they only want to cut those programs that benefit OTHER people.
the real reason ther is so much flooding (100-year floods every other year):
Look at the two major factors cited by Goldy:
1. Clearcutting the forest and steep inclines so they don’t hold water. This reduces the salmon return vy setroying spawning grounds and habitat. It also leads to increased runoff downstream
2. Cementing over the flood plain – so more water collects downstream and it can’t seep in and therefore runs off more.
All of the pro-growth, anti-environmental crowd need to think about the “costs” (read millions of dollars in damage) due to unrestricted private ownership. We have to pay for their stupidity and greed and I resent it.
The free market will repair the flood damage.
Don’t put up with governmental interferance in this flood clean-up. Let the free market take care of it.
re 39: Right Stuff — You are the racist. When you point the finger of racism at others , three fingers are pointing at yourself, and your thumb is somewhere in the middle.
Seems a lot of gleeful commenters here are confusing “less government” with “no government”.
HA liberal montra
” If only Democrats had been in charge, there would not have been a flood”
“Only liberals deserve government services”
“The Democrats who have been in control of the State for decades are not at fault, no, it’s the Republicans”
And my personal favorite..
” It is the fault of the Bush administration that the rain fell.” or to break it down for the racist Headless Lucy,
“It’s Bush’s fault it rains”
Cite one reference where I have made any type of racist statement.
There are none because I’m not. My life, my politics are color blind.
The fact is, you have, cite post 12.
Try to deflect, try to rationalize it by pointing out Republican examples as if it makes your racism acceptable…
It doesn’t.
Why not just say your sorry to PB and be done with it?
Put a couple of bricks in the tank and call it good.
Who said you need to buy a new pot to reduce your flush print?
palamedes@27: What are you spewing here? I have an anal fixation? No I don’t believe in driving up the hershey highway. Et tu?
It’s a known fact conservatives are way more charitable than liberals. I post the study done by two newspapers watching people’s giving habits.
Smoking crack again or is it the stupid gene this time?
rhp6033 says: “I give 10% (tithes) to my church, another 5% to my church for various specific offerings I deem meritable, and another 5% (on average)in general giving to other charities. This doesn’t count helping out individuals from time-to-time.
As I said many months before when we had a talk rhp6033, you are one of the few, the proud, the giving liberals! I already stated my position on giving.
If more of your kind would help, people like palamedes would go nuts!
Correctnotright: Maybe you should ask the liberal Shaw Group what happened to some of those funds not making it to Katrina.
Or maybe you should ask what’s happened to $103 Billion earmarked for LA?
Once again spewing like Pelletizer (TM) without the facts at his fingertips.
@11 “the limits that are being placed on the government to restrict their free-spending habits”
What limits? When? The Bush Burn Rate hasn’t slowed a bit.
Maybe you should remember who was in charge – “heckuva job” brownie who claimed that New Orelans was fine after the media reported the dikes breaking.
for someone supposedly concerned with the facts, you conveniently ignore the biggest and most important ones.
as far as the funds – what republicans were in charge of the spending for trailers that are unfit to live.
Face it, the incompetence and corruption of the republicans is the problem.
If you want more evidence of republican incompetence and corruption, look up Paul Bremer and the republican political hacks that let Iraq slide into violence. they brought in inexperienced people whose only qualifications were they that they were republican idealogues and they were bringing the “free market” to Iraq.
Of course they created lots of overpaid jobs for americans, encouraged and ignored the insurrection, provided little if any jobs for Iraqis and created the mess that is there today.
Oh – and they still haven’t fixed the water and electricity. but blackwater and haliburton got rich on no-bid sweetheart contracts.
Republicans: corrupt and inept
Right wing Extremists can always be depended upon to have their own supplicating, wiggling fingers outstretched for government dollars.
They talk out of both sides of their mouths. Cheney’s been doing it so long, his face is permanently gnarled from it.
Right Stuff’s Calvinist-racist mantra is that the black victims of Katrina DESERVED what happened to them, because God financially favors hard workers.
The victims were hard workers, but not financially favored. Right Stuff hates black people.
Ok, I give up. I kept hoping that the discourse here would improve but clearly the comments here mostly show an unwillingness to actually have a conversation about issues. Talking about toilets and name calling doesn’t cut it for me so I’m gonna not bother to read thru these on this site again. Collectively this is a pathetic waste of time and energy on display here…
Cite post……?
You can’t, you’re morally bankrupt.
give up..
Dismissed with authority!!!
Right Stuff:
Leadlice Loosie (TM) would have to think. He can’t process facts, hatred of Republicans and minorities are his modus operandi!
I’ve been waiting for Goldy to block the morally bankrupt Leadlice Loosie ™. His lack of action makes him an enabler. It’s a good thing I won’t old my breath.
Ok, Goldy, fine. If they aren’t entitled to any federal help, then neither you nor the tax-loving lefties here who are your fans should receive the tax cuts you received but did not support.
Speaking from my own experience, that I will continue to ‘experience’ for months to come, $28,800 ain’t but a drop in the bucket when it comes to water damage and ensuing mold issues. And I’ve only been dealing with two rooms mold compromised, able to still live in my house albeit washing dishes in the bathtub. Heaven help those poor flooded people with their entire house messed up! Mortgage payments don’t stop, just because you can’t live in the ruins.
While it may seem like good fun taking potshots at people when they’re down, just seems like immature bully talk. Get a grip Goldy!
Holy Cow FricknFrack: I totally agree with your post #63.
For Goldy to get a grip he’d need to “find” himself…
Odyssey: I have stated many times here on HosASS (yes I spelled it that way for the link: Morning Headlines: Sluts, Hos and Bitches) that the liberals need to send in all their tax underpayments to the government and give back their undeserved tax cuts.
I am glad to see someone else articulate this point.
If the conservatives would just unclinch a little bit they’d shit just as much as we do on the left.
Then again, if some moral majority types were to unpucker, the gerbil might get out.
You know this , punish the victims concept , sounds like how ” Uncle Joe ” wiped out the Ukranians . Wasn’t their only crime , being on the wrong side of a political issue , and the sentence death by starvation ?
Whose picture on the wall do you see behind the desk as these residents of one of Wash. states’ poorest economic regions struggle to regain their communities or come begging for a well deserved bowl of porridge ?
re 59: And as for your judgments about me, you should do the same. Blathering the same nonsense over and over that, in your opinion, something that I said was racist, is nonsense.
Kiss my ass, you prejudiced asshole.
prove it cupcake….
Here’s your words in your face..
“PudWax™ is a black guy who parrots conservative talking points. He’s a ‘different’ sort of stereotypical type.
And, PudWax™, if it offends you that I just lay out the truth for you without pussyfooting around, well, that’s life in the Big City.”
Please clarify… Here is a shovel….. The hole is only getting deeper.
Right Stuff: You are wasting your time with that human biomass carcass known as Leadlice Loosie (TM). He is a thorough racist and Goldy is his enabler.