According to new census figures, 730,000 Washingtonians lived in poverty in 2008, 11.3 percent of the population. And those are 2008 numbers; no doubt the poverty rate will rise along with the unemployment rate in 2009.
Of course, the poverty rate is much higher in rural counties — you know, Republican country — which I guess should be alarming to those on the right who insist that poverty comes from laziness and making bad moral choices.
Goldy you KLOWN–
Poverty is higher in the County’s primarily because of the LEFTIST GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT!
It basically prohibits….almost everything…in Rural Counties and forces it into the UGA’s.
Cause & Effect.
Dear poorly eduucated Klynical:
The rural county boards run their own GMA, perhaps you did not rread the GMA…..
Counties is plural NOT County’s – that is possessive.
Of course, if you had graduated third grade you would have known all of that and have been able to read.
Sorry Cyn, rural poverty predates the GMA buy a bit.
@1 Cripes, Klown, some of the red counties aren’t even under the GMA. Really, you’d serve yourself better by looking up salient details like that before spouting off and making a fool of yourself.
Well, the red-county hick voters who religiously fill in ovals for the “GOP Party” certainly are too lazy to investigate facts, and they’ve sure as hell made bad moral choices by voting Republican. (Can you say “war,” “torture,” “lying and stealing,” “adultery and sodomy,” “horse fucking,” etc.?)
2. correctnotright spews:
Have you actually read various decisions by local County Board’s that were APPEALED to the State Growth Management Hearings Board??
Get yourself educated cnr.
You just made a fool of yourself again.
Many of the appeals were funded by Seattle Trustfunders.
Please, read the actual cases.
The State is in Charge.
Trustfunders outside the County are funding and instigating incredibly costly lawsuits & appeals…legal feeing small Counties to death.
The Federal Poverty Level for a family of four is $22,050. That income goes a lot farther in Yakima County than in King County. So without some norming of these numbers to cost of living, these statistics are quite misleading.
This group’s stated goal is ” To create a just and prosperous Washington, we develop progressive solutions based on sound research and work with community partners to shape the debate on budget and tax reform.”. (my emphasis) I would expect them to try and paint the bleakest picture in order to further their cause.
I think we all agree that the major cause of poverty is a poor education. It is really sad that people who live in poverty often remain uninformed, and get all their news from TV.
Then vote for the political party that doesn’t want to spend funds on social needs, but would rather spend money on war.
The GMA was worked on by all sorts of people from all over the state for a couple of years before it was passed. It’s not like the GMA was snuck in in the middle of the night. Counties draw up their own plans, but yes the appeals board that has the final say is a state board. But again, how the GMA is structured is the product of a couple of year of debate and work and it’s what citizens decided they wanted.
What’s so awful about local communities having a say about how they develop?
Gee how many of those poor Washingtonians believe that the next Timmy LIE-man piece of crap will lift them out of their circumstances?
I hope not too many.
Are you ignorant..or just plain stupid??
Voters Rejected GMA
Legislature backdoored it anyway.
Comp Plans are pre-designed by Leftist Planners and other outsiders.
There are all kinds of stories about lack of notice and other things about poor public process.
Once adopted, appeals AND lawsuits follow.
It has been a disaster for rural counties.
One size fits all planning doesn’t work.
This is living proof.
Michael spews how it’s supposed to work.
I can assure you that ain’t the way it really works.
Bad try Michael==No Sale!
Looks like 1 in 10 need to get off their lazy fucking ass. I’m so sick of every fucking day hearing about this charity and that charity and habitat for charity and these poor folk and ring the bell at Christmas. How about somebody fill the fucking fuel tank on my boat? How about pay for my hotel rooms and green fees in Palm Springs this winter. FUCK, I need some help.
How about somebody fill the fucking fuel tank on my boat?
Hey, you had 8 years to suck from the federal teat along with all of Bush’s rich buddies. Musta been elbowed out by the really big hogs, huh?
Yer, funny. Leftist planners and other outsiders… Keep up the good work, Cyn. More like horse farmers from Graham and 7 mile (7 mile’s just outside Spokane btw.).
Ah, yes us leftist pinheads and our “outsiders” making rules for everyone to follow have fucked up the state so bad that our per capita personal income has been higher than the national average every year since 1990 and hasn’t been below the national average since before 1980.
Yeah Cyn, we’ve really made a muddle of things.
Per capita personal income for Skagit County:
1980: less than 20K
1990: 20-22999K
2000: 23K and above
Yeah, that GMA really screwed the pooch for Skagit County
A nice map below showing true Democrat party leadership as it relates to poverty in Blue states Vs. Red states and its whether it’s progressing (negatively) or regressing under Dem control states. Note all the “F” in blue country?
Pretty sure doing a glance over that the overall poverty rates are on the decline in red staters v. blue statists….especially looking at those states that have a history of nearly exclusive Democrat party leadership. Reality bites when you’re a leftist.
According to your map New Hampshire, which had THE LOWEST rate of poverty (by household income) (5.6%) of any state in 2007, gets an F. Arkansas which clocks in @36th with a poverty rate of 15.9% gets an A.
Gotta love that rightie math!
@ 19 ~
Perhaps you’re confused as to what “reduction in poverty” rate means. Can’t help you there, buddy.
I know what reduction in poverty rate means. But, who’s doing better on poverty the state with a rate of 5.6% or the one with 15.9%?
Good luck trying to convince anyone that AR does a better job on poverty issues than NH does.
Right up on the top of the page on the Goldwater site it says:
And then it goes on to tell us that states like arkansas with that 15.9% poverty rate are doing better on poverty than NH with its 5.6% rate.
Down is the new up!
@ 22
Apparently not if you followed with…
I’m sure wages, cost of living etc. would need to factored in rather than one income figure used across the board nationwide. That’s just plain ignorant to use that theorem. Besides, Goldy points to a blog that cite anything to back up their assumptions.
Poverty rate for the 48 contiguous states is:
3 person family- $18,310
In Yakima, that’s poverty according to the US census bureau. But that same person moving to Seattle would make over 10K more in Seattle according to the cost of living calculator and would be well above poverty unless that family doubled in size to 6 persons.
Needless to say, Goldy is full of shit yet again…and as usual, facts are inconvenient things.
14 If you knew how stupid you were you would kill yourself from sheer embarrassment. What union are you with? How big are your earrings?
I’m funny aren’t I.
ESO@24, Using the 4 person poverty level of $22,050
A better comparison would be Spokane to Seattle as that’s what Michael was spewing above…
A better comparison would be Graham to Seattle as that’s what Michael was spewing above…
A better comparison would be Little Rock AK vs Nashua, NH as that’s what Michael was spewing above…
Puddy couldn’t find a reference to “7 Mile”
@27 Puddybud, Indeed. Those are good comparisons to tear apart the simpletons using such an arbitrary number that constitutes the federal poverty rate while not taking into account any number of factors.
Apples and Oranges comparison Goldy is making.
Still trying to determine what the arschloch@11 was spewing… So germane to the poverty topic.
@27: Once again, Puddy demonstrates he knows nothing about arguments or statistics:
Trying to compare two cities in a state versus comparing the entire state is meaningless Puddy.
Michael has thoroughly debunked Klynical: the local Boards run the GMA – and appeals are what % of the process Klynical fool?
Once again, you show your stupidity Klynical and cite no statistics or sources to back your ignorant right wing BS.
How many times do we have to show how dumb you are?
And Empty head: Michael just pointed out that the stupid statistics on “improving” the poverty rate that you cited are meaningless – anyone who thinks that New Hampshire (at 5.6%) is doing much worse than Arkansas (at 15.9%) is a complete fool.
Yes, Arkansas is improving more…so what? they started off so much worse that any improvement would be seen as better. New Hamphire is already low.
This is another example of an idiot (Empty head) who cannnot understand the meaning of statistics.
The Trolls in this thread seem impressed that there is a “cause” for poverty. Really? So they think government policies can reverse poverty???
OK, SJ claims to be rational and pragmatic. So …
To Trolldom: tell us your proposal to cut poverty. Wait, the proposal would be better if you also show some evidence of where this has idea has worked.
A quick through my intranet (the part of tghe internet between my ears) leaves me perplexed by your claim. Poverty has been addressed in some places do any of these fit your model?
a. China
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Brazil
d. WW II
e. Israel
Once again we laugh at correctnotright for not paying attention to the thread. Those cities were chosen by Michael correctnotright, not Puddy. Michael delivered those cities to make them his central argument theme. Maybe you are stuck in some parking lot driving around in circles again looking cross-eyed at your cell phone interface? Regarding Arkansas vs New Hampshire what was correctnotright reading? Michael’s numbers? Did correctnotright look at the PDF file.
Grading the States in Reduction or Increase of General Poverty, 1990-2000
Arkansas -17.3 A New Hampshire +1.6 F+
Data from U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics Tables and Figures, 2002, Table 20, “Household Income and Poverty Rates, by State: 1990 and 1999-2001,”
Childhood Poverty Rates of Reduction or Increase, 1990-2000
Arkansas -15.4 A New Hampshire +5.2 F+
So once again we laugh at correctnotright and his statistical prowess! One value is a drop and the other was an increase.
Data from: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics Tables and Figures, 2002, Table 20, “Household Income and Poverty Rates, by State: 1990 and 1999-2001,”
So comparing Little Rock to Nashua is germane since one has a reduction and the other has an increase!!!!!!
We belly laugh at you correctnotright. We chuckle at Michael.
Um, hey stupes. I just showed above that the arbitrary number without taking into account other variables makes the equation invalid. We dismantled the argument that the poverty rate can be applied across the board and showed that areas where there are a “Poverty rate”, red states were improving while Blue states were not. Two kicks for the price of one today, kiddies.
I think the arsschloch was venting his irrational hatred for Tim Eyman, but then, with the mentally deficients like he and neithercorrectnorright, you never can tell.
The more money you have, the closer you are to God. The more money you have, the more God looks down on you and smiles.
If you don’t have lots of money, then obviously, you are out of favor with God.
This is a perfect example of the way conservatives take ‘personal responsibility’.
Big city liberals need to take personal responsibility for the poverty of rural Republicans.
Funny thing is, they probably will.
I wish you conservatives would look at what I said and take it to heart. Your small minded bitching and finger pointing just makes more Democrats every day — you whining bitches.
You guys are a hoot ‘n a half.
Since it’s the rural Republicans who run the farms to feed the big city liberals you may be right headless@35. Farming doesn’t pay great wages, but you are your own boss and every day you accomplish something new being on God’s land.
The retarded right marching in the streets with their retarded wrongheaded approach to the issues just provides political cover for politicians both Democrat and Republican to do the bidding of their corporate masters.
What have you accomplished?
re 36: Farming was a dicey proposition in eastern WA until big city liberals built roads and dams to make it viable.
Did those dirt scratching farmers do it all on their own? No way.
re 36: “…every day you accomplish something new being on God’s land.”
Cynical’s original argument was that rural poverty is because big city liberals won’t let the earnest and God fearin’ peasantry subdivide ‘God’s land’.
There. Changed that to reflect reality and not some sanitarium induced tirade on your part.
We’ve dismanted Goldy’s flawed statistical argument altogether and anyone that has an IQ over their shoe size can see that.
Maybe Goldstain’s calling is in the fertilizer sales arena since that appears to be a particular commodity he enjoys spreading here on this blog.
@ 36. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
God’s land? Is farming more Godly than fishing? When a whore sells her vagina is that not God’s too? Is it still God’s land when the water comes from a dam built by democrats?
Once again you are violating the eleventh commandment …
and the Lord said, “All of these commandments are equally true, thou shalt follow them and in doing so be consistent. “**
So now you are in violation of the first and eleventh commandment. Good thing you are not Jewish, God passed judgment Monday*** and you might not nhave gotten a good grade!
** From the original English, as revealed recently by God to SJ. The Deity patiently explained that she does not need to be consitent since he is all powerful.
*** Yom Kippur .. the day of atonement for Jews and Beckistas.
One assumes Jesus fasted too, but God tols Paul not to worry about it.
Damn, SJ, you back on those Vagina Chronicles again. Didn’t Eve Ensler give you a call last week.
Fishing? Puddy likes fishing. Have my two poles in the garage with my tackle.
Funniest line so far…
Very interesting SJ…
34. Blue John spews:
Totally False Blue John.
Money has nothing to do with God’s Grace.
Why are you so envious of those who are successful?
If you put your energy into postive, revenue-generating activities rather than chronic whining, life would be much more enjoyable.
Nothing wrong with money or wealth.
It’s important what you do with it.
It’s important to be a productive, contributing member of Society and help your neighbor.
HOWEVER< we need to do this as individuals…not the lazy, selfish way thru Big Government.
Conservatives put their money where their mouths are.
LEFTIST PINHEADS sit on their asses, bitchin' and moanin' wanting someone else or BIG GOVERNMENT to do things for them.
You KLOWNS are gutless and lazy.
Get a job.
Give a lot!!
Stop wasting time & energy bemoaning the success of others.
Oh and take a shower too!
Hell it’s only natural that people should luuuuurrvvve a guy who lines his pockets by mining gullible people’s inchoate fears and resentments, i.e. a hustler.
You can have him. I don’t need him.
Hay Pudster ..
I notice that you only rise to the bait when the lure is dumb and dead. Hmmm.
So riddle me these…
If farming is God’s work because God created wheat and corn, howsit that humans .. geneticists actually speciated these grasses?
Or is it only Godly if we eat God’s grass? Are horses more Godly than meat eating Christians?
Ooops, did you fast on YK .. or is that something only Jesus would do?
BTW, in my revelation, God also told me that Glenn Beck is the devil and went to say, “All those who follow the devil will be denied entrance to Heaven.” Careful.
But then you, like God, claim some sort of exception to the 11th commandment, no?
I picked states not cities. Something like a major employer coming or going or someone from Little Rock becoming president and flooding the town with federal dollars could really jack a city’s stats around.
I’m getting a 404 error on the link you posted.
Puddy on Vaginas
To be fully honest. SJ never did read the “Vagina Monologues.”
Not being female, seemed like a boring subject.
Tell me about it?
cyn’s reflexive response that regulations are the cause of all problems doesn’t give us any insight to the problems.
What is the cause of the poverty in those counties with the most, vs the counties with the least?
The areas with low poverty have thriving manufacturing and services that extend out into the local area. The areas with high poverty do not.
So, is it “regulations” that keep thriving business out of the rural counties, or it it lack of infrastructure, an educated employee pool and geography?
Why are entrepreneurs not flocking to the poverty areas to take advantage of a low wage populace?
My point wasn’t that the left is great on poverty issues and the right sucks, they both suck. Arkansas had Clinton as a governor from 1983-1992 and then he became president, flooded the state with cash, and they still sucked on poverty.
My point was that the right was once again using juked stats.
Michael’s formula for quality public policy:
good data + good process = good public policy.
It has little to nothing to do with red and blue, except that the right insists on using junk data and horrid process.
47. Blue John spews:
I never said that Blue John.
We are talking about the Growth Management Act process and consequences. It is highly flawed and intrusive on Individual Property rights…a basic tenant of our freedom.
Zoning and rules have impacted the cost of housing in Seattle by $200,000/unit per a Study done at the University of Washington. A lot of the cost is UNNECESSARY DELAYS
in permitting and approvals. It was ridiculous. Talk with Builders who have been unfairly whipsawed by career Bureaucrats who couldn’t build a doghouse!
Basic zoning is fine. I have no problem. It’s the micro-management beyond that which is just plain wrong.
It should have ZERO to do with what Bureaucrats or Neighbors personally like. It has to do with a reasonable building code and timely approvals.
Without small-minded bitching and finger-pointing, 95% of the posts on this site wouldn’t exist…
That study has been debunked six ways to Sunday. The GMA isn’t perfect, but we can’t fix the problems with it when we have people shouting lies and trying to throw the whole thing out.
LOL… Good point!
@49 “Talk with Builders who have been unfairly whipsawed by career Bureaucrats who couldn’t build a doghouse!”
“It has to do with a reasonable building code and timely approvals.”
I’ve been involved in the design of billions of dollars worth of construction projects in this region as well as all the western states and I can say that Klynical’s such an obvious simpleton KLOWN and hasn’t the slightest fucking clue as to what he’s talking about.
So tell us, Klynical, what don’t you like about the IBC? What state or city amendments pain you so much as to cause you to spew hate? heh- As if you could utter an intelligent word on the subject.
51. Michael spews:
Give me a cite where it was “debunked”—
“Give me a cite where it was “debunked”—”
You tell us specifically just how it is that $200,000 is added to a single-family residential project. Link to a site, if you must. We’ll debunk your lunatic ravings right here and now.
re 40: Guess which defunct Republican Senator from PA brought home his stillborn child so he could introduce the corpse to his small children so that they could have a memory of their ‘brother’?
Oh, and changing someone’s words without their permission instead of refuting them with facts is a page right out of Chairman Rove’s Little Red Book.
Dismantle an argument? You couldn’t even unzip your fly to take a pee without an instructional video, much less dismantle Goldy’s argument.
SJ de Dr sez
That’s your “opinion”. And we know what about opinions? Everyone has one like ylb is fully all arschloch! :-)
Now about
God gave man the ability to create. He will judge man on each person’s creativeness like the parable of the rich man and his three servants with the talents.
Remember Nebuchanezzar (Nebucharezzar) ate grass for a whole year when he was cursed by God for his braggadocio on his kingdom.
Ummm no Puddy didn’t fast. And no pork crossed my lips either. Puddy had Mrs Puddy’s great multi-bean soup. She outdoes herself every time she makes it.
Glad someone is “talking” to you and for once you are “listening”. But how do you really know it’s “God”?
How does the Growth Management Act keep entrepreneurs from going to rural areas and setting up shop?
Until I see numbers otherwise, I’m going to assume it’s because they cannot make a living in rural areas. There is not a customer base for retail and not enough support infrastructure for manufacturing and you need to tax either the companies or the general public to maintain and make a support infrastructure. Somebody has to pay for it.
So local elected officials are using the GMA to keep companies from coming to their county and creating jobs and employing their voters?
That doesn’t make sense.
You’ve used vaginas in your response twice in 9 days. All Puddy is remind you of how you “use” it. Regarding Eve Ensler… Puddy hasn’t listened to it because… well… (Puddy laughing now about one talking back at you)
Michael@45, those are the links from the PDF file, where the NH poverty rate actually “WENT UP” while the Arkansas rate “WENT DOWN”. Something missed in an attack by the laughable one on Puddy.
BTW in Post 15 you suggested Graham and 7 Mile outside Spokane. Later you ragged on Skagit County. So much for choosing “states”.
59. Blue John spews:
I agree, it doesn’t make sense.
But look at the GMA History of jefferson County and you will raise an eyebrow for sure.
Here is the link to the Times Article
I believe there is a link to the detailed study. Have at it.
Please back up your debunking with facts and references…not just your uneducated opinions.
poverty data and stats are totally screwed and skewed. however, comma, isn’t it unusual that liberal democrat goldstein would credulously cite a poverty epidemic in a state that’s a wholly owned subsidiary of the liberal democrat party?
You go, tiger @ 55.
@63 There’s no link, just a poorly written article. Tell us, Klynical, since you mention “building code”, just what IBC code provision or state/local amendment jacks up the price of a house and that you think we should get rid of?
#62. Jefferson county is not listed as a high or low poverty county. So you have some other axe to grind by citing the GMA as a reason.
The GMA keeps a land owner from developing 3000 .01 acre McHouses in the middle of the virgin forest. I can see how that hurts builders. HOWEVER, how does the GMA keep out other employers?
You keep harping on home builders, but our economy needs all sorts of businesses and nothing you are citing as barriers addresses them.
Why don’t entrepreneurs and small to big business want to set up shop in poverty stricken counties? I think it’s the conservative obsession to not pay taxes keeps the area from developing the infrastructure to support business and geographically, they are just not good places for business.
You’re not making sense again. Not even going to bother.
I should have provided a link. Here’s one for starters
I’ve pointed out that the GMA isn’t without its faults, but how can we fix those faults when there’s people like like you screaming bloody murder, using garbage numbers and calling to junk the whole thing?
Right on!
Klynical doesn’t seem to understand that there’s a difference between the state-adopted IBC and the GMA. So when he starts spewing on the subject, he just comes off as an idiot.
And one in ten Goldycrats is certifiable. And one in five American children goes to bed hungry. Teddy Kennedy told us so. All the rest are morbidly obese.
Michael says
Is it because Puddy is referring to your original posts above.
YES Teacher. Michael forgets what he posts. The link you can’t get to is from the 50 state URL ESO provided. There is a PDF file which Puddy sees you didn’t read, hence you screwed up the percentages.
Too bad facts exploded your head.
If you follow conservative hated of regulations and how it’s the cause of poverty to it’s conclusion
Places with little goverment regulations should have no poverty, like Somlia, Haiti, Mexico or Louisina.
Yet they still have poverty and rather a lot of it, so it’s not automtically regulations that is the problem.
I would assume the answer to your last question is obvious to you.
Back at yom kippur .. I actually meant that. Knowing that Jesus fasted, why wouldn’t you? .. or do you not accept the 11th?
BTW .. where did you get this stuff about Nebuchadnezzar?? Did God tell you this? You sure you weren’t reading a novel?